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Question for Sunny1, Adam, Scooter, MedChat Frank etc.

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I have noticed lately that there seems to be a concerted effort to downplay the Dinar investment. My question is this: Are you aware of any government or major financial institutions downplaying this investment by design? Example... here in the Carolinas, one can go into a Fifth Third Bank and order Dinars. When a friend went into a Fifth Third bank in Chicago, they were told they didn't sell Dinars and to be careful because it's more or less a scam. The one that rocked me though was a person I met a few years ago who is very high up in a major international bank... in fact he is from Arab decent. He travels all over the world and when I asked him about it... he acted as if he wasn't even aware of it. I found that hard to believe because his bank has offices in the Middle East and they offer currency hedging to financial institutions... this guy is very smart.

So... is there an effort to keep this quiet or am I paranoid? :lol: Anyone else experiencing this from people in the financial world?

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My personal banker in Mississippi has also stated that this is a scam and refuses to buy dinar. However, my sister is an officer at a small bank and her husband is still in the Air Force and she has purchased dinar. Just depend on who you ask and what day.

My theory was to invest what I would blow one weekend on a golf/gambling/hunting/fishing or whatever trip and "IF" it RV's, then I will be set for life doing all of the above when I want too.

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My personal banker in Mississippi has also stated that this is a scam and refuses to buy dinar. However, my sister is an officer at a small bank and her husband is still in the Air Force and she has purchased dinar. Just depend on who you ask and what day.

My theory was to invest what I would blow one weekend on a golf/gambling/hunting/fishing or whatever trip and "IF" it RV's, then I will be set for life doing all of the above when I want too.


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IMO all the so called "Smart people" won't even look into this because they think it is a scam. (They are just not properly informed / educated)

Is this logical? Yes

Is it potentially very profitable? Yes

Is it educational? Yes

Is it guaranteed? No

Nothing in life is guaranteed, other than we pay taxes and will one day die.

In the meantime rest well knowing, that hopefully very soon, they will be coming to you for advise!

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I have noticed lately that there seems to be a concerted effort to downplay the Dinar investment. My question is this: Are you aware of any government or major financial institutions downplaying this investment by design? Example... here in the Carolinas, one can go into a Fifth Third Bank and order Dinars. When a friend went into a Fifth Third bank in Chicago, they were told they didn't sell Dinars and to be careful because it's more or less a scam. The one that rocked me though was a person I met a few years ago who is very high up in a major international bank... in fact he is from Arab decent. He travels all over the world and when I asked him about it... he acted as if he wasn't even aware of it. I found that hard to believe because his bank has offices in the Middle East and they offer currency hedging to financial institutions... this guy is very smart.

So... is there an effort to keep this quiet or am I paranoid? :lol: Anyone else experiencing this from people in the financial world?

Funny,driving home last night and listening to financial reports on XM the same thing popped into my head. I would think more people from financial world would be all over this. But to this day only a couple of segments have been used to discuss the Iraq Dinar as possible investment,both good mine you. Seems odd thats all,just an observation cus I'm a big believer. GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a sidenote to my previous post-I never heard anything in the media in regards to the Kuwait Rv either.

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I bought dinar 6 years ago. I told some working friends about it and all laughed and made fun of how stupid it was. The other day one of them told me that he thought I was retired and was surprised to see me working, again, making fun of the investment. I smiled and replied NOT YET, BUT SOON. One of those guys later confessed to me that he bought some, just in case, he didn't want people to make fun of him but didn't want to be left out either if it happened.

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If this is a scam there are going to be some pretty peed off countries who have a lot of money invested. The facts are there. The country is rich with oil and look at Kuait's currency at 3+. I believe I'm willing to take a chance on this elaborate scam. I'm not going to bet the farm on it but I'm definately going to take some odds on it. This will happen folks and I'll be in line to cash in. God Bless Semper Fi

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[so... is there an effort to keep this quiet or am I paranoid? :lol: Anyone else experiencing this from people in the financial world?

A number of people on this site have said they are using Wells Fargo or Wachovia, being a long time Wachovia customer I went to the local manager, and got the "'s a scam and we are NOT having anything to do with it..." story I walked across the street to TD where I am a relatively new customer and they acted as if they knew nothing about it, BUT they called someone higher up and then told me how they would handle it...however the story gets stranger....a relative who works for Wells Fargo gave me a "corporate" 800 # for their Foreign Currency Exchange Dept....and the answer from their office was....

"'s an unstable country, we are not involved with their currency....people selling it are "pumpers ...and scam artists "

there is IMHO opinion a REAL effeort to keep people OUT of this loop....

that's they way I see it anyway

Eagle Eye

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I have noticed lately that there seems to be a concerted effort to downplay the Dinar investment. My question is this: Are you aware of any government or major financial institutions downplaying this investment by design? Example... here in the Carolinas, one can go into a Fifth Third Bank and order Dinars. When a friend went into a Fifth Third bank in Chicago, they were told they didn't sell Dinars and to be careful because it's more or less a scam. The one that rocked me though was a person I met a few years ago who is very high up in a major international bank... in fact he is from Arab decent. He travels all over the world and when I asked him about it... he acted as if he wasn't even aware of it. I found that hard to believe because his bank has offices in the Middle East and they offer currency hedging to financial institutions... this guy is very smart.

So... is there an effort to keep this quiet or am I paranoid? :lol: Anyone else experiencing this from people in the financial world?

Do you really think that if this was a scam that ANY bank at all would touch it? Yet there are plenty of banks that you can walk right in and purchase it from......these arent just local small banks either....some of them are national chains of banks.....if they are buying and selling it then this currency s some have said alot of the negativity you are hearing is just for the fact that most people cant fathom Iraq actually pulling themselves together and running themselves without there being some kind of civil war and them blowing eachother back into the stone ages....I think alot of it is just a matter of opinion....instead of having faith in them, its just so much easier to downplay and throw negativity in their face, and thats true with alot of things in life....its easier for people to think bad or negatively in life then to think good or positive and alot of that just has to do with the things that we see day to day....not to mention these currency dealers we are purchasing from are registered with the US treasury and have to follow rules and regulations put in place by them to sell these foreign much as you want to think badly of our govt I highly doubt if this was a huge international scam that the US treasury of all people would play a part in this?? You know the liability they have in something like this? Selling a fake currency or a huge scam of worthless currency would have dramatic reprocussions on them as a dept of the US.....Just keep the faith....this has been in the works for YEARS to come and nothing will stop it from happening.....the US took on a huge responsibility invading Iraq and taking over the country....we have to prove to the world that what we did was right, and that we went in there to better the lives of the Iraqi people....if they fail, we fail...and it would show we had no right to go in there and change the way of living for all those people cause it would prove they were better off with Saddam in control and the UN and other world leaders would highly disapprove of the US and anything we are trying to accomplish in the world....Have faith....this will happen......but in baby steps....thats why it has taken this long to begin with....let them get situated and we will all see what we have been hoping for.....the Iraqis will prove the world wrong and will be able once again to flourish in the ME as a economically stable country....

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Share on other sites you no-nonsense approach and posts, thanks...have been told by some that I told that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't, however, every once in a while a speculative investment pays worse than buying into an IPO, you never know what you are going to get, and sometimes those penny stocks pay off...again, great posts...

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Hello carolinabroker,

Your questions are valid and the replies are spot on. Uncle Mike is really spot on. I don't believe there is a coordinated effort by any people or organization to discourage this investment..not really. I think there is resistance to the idea of this being legitimate. It will always be that way and you can rest assured that that resistance will only grow. If you look at the history of this country or any country you can find examples of resistance to virtually any idea you can think of. Any idea.

There was a time in human history when people could have never dreamed that man would fly. But we do now. There will come a time when people will read about those who invested in the Iraqi Dinar and made a fortune. It is human nature to disapprove what one cannot perceive. If I can't do it you shouldn't do it either. However much that happens and it happens everyday we all just have to trudge along. In the end we will either be successful or we won't......It will matter to us if we aren't but it won't matter a Tinker's damned to anybody else. If we become successful then you will be part of history. You will be scrutinized like you wouldn't or couldn't believe because again if you look to history events like this are rare and not only will it be true...It will take on a life of it's own and become legend. The discussion of all who invested and became fabulously wealthy for a mere pittance will go absolutely crazy. Listen to Uncle Mike. People will come out of the woodwork.....They will want to hear all about it on Oprah!!!

There are going to be people who will be amazed and excited and happy and then there are going to be those who are mad and bitter and the various reactions will be from one extreme to the other and the knowledge of our good fortune is going to spread like wildfire.

My advice is like keep a low low low profile...We have folks here who are going to go out and spend spend spend and they will have the money to do it and I wish them well. Actually I'd love to do that too but I just have this nagging feeling I might be painting a HUGE target on my back that says I am a multi millionaire and that will just bring me misery. I just have this feeling that everybody will want to help me with that money one way or the other. Personally I don't need their help. I can handle it quite nicely thank you. Plus I really would love to go to Burger King without worrying about getting kidnapped or robbed as I would think that could be a real problem...might not be a problem but how the hell would I know!!! I have never been a millionaire. I need to learn that too. How to be a millionaire 101.

I was on a chat one night and I was listening to several young guys and they were talking buying their dream cars...Lambos Ferraris all the exotic ones and they were having a great time. Heck I was having a great time just listening to these guys dream the dream. Kinda like listening to your kids talk Santa Claus. But eventually the conversation got to me as I knew some of the guys and when I wouldn't identify my dream car the conversation came to an abrupt halt. Why not tell us? I said ok...I want a new Ford pick-up or even a used one with 12 to 20 thousand miles on it and I want it to be air-conditioned too. They went nuts laughing and cutting up and being good natured about giving me a hard time and one of those guys said "no really why a pick up?" "why not a lambo or jag?" My response was only rich people or people up to their butts in debt drive those. My friend said but you are gonna be rich. I said yep actually very very rich and I don't want anybody to know about it. I might have well just thrown a bucket of cold water on a couple necking at the drive-in for all the good of that statement did.

You would have thought that I had just emptied a machine gun on Santa Claus and killed the Easter Bunny as well. They just could not see why I was going to be cautious with showing people I was rich.....It didn't matter the reason they thought and still do think that I should live large and be a free spirit and just "Wind it up!! and "Let it go!!"

I once met a man who lived in a neighborhood that quite frankly was very scary with all the crime and drug dealing and BS that went on around there and he lived in a house that he inherited from his parents and had lived there most of his life and it was his home where he was comfortable. The outside was an absolute wreck. I had to work at the house and I was like "oh Lord why me?" But when I walked into that house you have thought it was the Taj Mahal. I even stepped back outside and looked once more in disbelief that the outside was so bad and then stepped in and wondered that the inside was so very very nice. The man just laughed at my reaction and before I could even ask why he said. "In this neighborhood it don't pay to advertise." I gave it a long thought for many a year and I finally got it. He was right. In that neighborhood you better not advertise or they will be robbing you left and right. That lesson has never been lost on me. I knew that guy for years and he never once was robbed or had any problems living in that neighborhood. He kept to himself as all those he had once known either moved or died and he was just as happy as he could be and he had many friends but they didn't live that neighborhood and his friends didn't visit. Nobody ever knew,(except me) that he was a very rich man and believe me he was.....very rich. He wasn't a tightwad either......He just didn't advertise he was wealthy. He could careless about power or position or for any of the trappings of being wealthy. He just wanted to live his way and keep it low and go about like any and everybody else. He knew poor and rich people. He was a happy guy....The only person who ever bugged him about money was his ex-wife and well he wasn't getting out of that one. LOL.

I know this is long and probably boring but I hope you'll allow me to make the point that this is going to change the world if we all hit the big numbers we hope for. You will go from average to extraordinary in the blink of an eye. You will be wealthy and that presents a set of problems all on it's own. Plus you will be a babe in the woods becoming an instant millionaire. You have to learn how to live with the money and if you don't all you have hoped and dreamed about will become poison if you do not handle it right. You will be a Target. Friends and relatives will become your worst nightmare and there is no changing will happen. Times are hard right now with the economy and people are struggling and if you don't think they aren't gonna want some of that money you are mistaken. It only takes one desperate person to make your life a nightmare when it comes to all your ......Free money.....My only intention with this post is to offer up thoughts for you to think about when it does happen and I personally believe it will and hopefully sooner than we think!!

You asked if there was an effort to play down this investment and I think there isn't. Even if it wasn't a direct invitation to me the President of the United States made it possible to invest in Dinars and I have. That is not an effort to play it down IMO. It's also no guarantee either but it is a chance to change my world and if my world changes I intend to control my world as I see fit and I will not let the bad guys take it from me even if I have to move away and where people don't know me. I may be a multi millionaire but all they will ever see is a nice upper middle income guy who works from home and occasionally travels for months at a time doing his work........After all while I'm in Europe or Costa Rica or Fiji or Vegas or New York shopping I want somebody to take care of my dog.....not kidnap him for a ransom..... ;):lol:

Good Luck....but just think about it. We all need to think it through.

Excellent advice and good post. My wife and I have had several discussions about the potential windfall and I agree. Keeping a low profile is critical. In fact... we would continue to live in our same home and not do anything that would bring attention to us. We're more excited about how we can affect people's lives and set up endowments that will give well past our lifetimes. I think the only extravagant thing we would do is buy our retirement home a little early in Hawaii and travel.

Good luck to all...

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If this is a scam there are going to be some pretty peed off countries who have a lot of money invested.

Yeah that may be true but with the US and the UN protecting Iraq what are these so called peed off countries going to do? Nothing. Or what start a war in Iraq? No I don't think so and they will get over it if they do. The dinar we have all purchased has never even been declared the official currency to start with no matter what we want and believe me I want this too. I simply look at the realities of this situation since it is real.

Fifth thirds in Chicago to the original question do sell the dinar if you call the main Fifth third bank and ask, they did tell me that there are a few that do not! You have to go to the right ones. Just over half I am told do though.

Really people though the truth of the matter is this is a gamble on our parts that we all hope to pay off and not one prediction or Intel has come to fruition to date. The wise money will play though on the chance of the return. For this reason I play this game. I have been on this site only a few weeks but been on another one for years and in this since 2004 and seen all of this up and down since then.

Just like taxes and all of that other talk, if you had 3 million in dinars and get dollar for dollar you do not need to hide it or any of this other stuff, put it in an IRA or CD or some investment of your choosing and live on the interest for the depreciation period of your new corporate investment. Simple. 5 percent on 3 mill is a cool 150 thou a year.

To say that any country or any group or anything else for that matter will be upset if Iraq does not or never does the RV is frivolous though because no one will do anything about it anyway. Look at everything going on in the world much worse than that would be and no one is doing much about it other than gripe. Just the facts.

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I am personal friends with my banker. I am personal friends with directors of my bank. I am personal friends with my CPA. We party trogether, go out together with our wives. Go on fishing trips together. I have not told any of them about my investment, because I know that would change their opinion of me.... They think I'm a good business man and fairly intelligent about my money. I do not want this to change, I may need a loan from my bank president without him thinking I'm some kind of deranged idiot...for buying into something as stupid as currency from an unstable place as Iraq. When I first got into this investment 6 or 7 years ago, I was excited. I told a few people and some of my family, and tried to get them to buy some, so they could get rich also. All of them thought I hit my head when I fell out of the turnip truck or that I lost my mind... If I were you, I would not tell anyone about this, because most will not get into it anyway. If and when it does hit they will be the first ones to ask for money. They will feel like it cost you nothing, and you should help them out, because it was almost free money. If you are like me the ones you told about it didn't get in, but the first thing out of there mouth was... naw.. but when it hits, you can help your old buddy out with some of that free money..The only people that will know I was so stupid to buy Iraqi dinar will be my new financial advisor and my new bank president...... Think About That... Stupid Me......

Agreed 100%! ! ! ! My sentiments exactly!!! Well stated and much appreciated!

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Rogue your statement was...... "The dinar we have all purchased has never even been declared the official currency to start with no matter what we want and believe me I want this too. I simply look at the realities of this situation since it is real."

Where have you been before you came here? Is this the kind of stuff you have been taught?? :lol: The Iraqi Dinar has been their official currency for can look it up....

Edited by keepmwlknfny
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Great post and answers you all, please just don't die and leave it in the bank for the goverment to get later, or will it to a dog like some stupid lady did that was one the news. Nothing agains the dog but lets get real......Lets have a little fun and not make money our God! Go RV!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have noticed lately that there seems to be a concerted effort to downplay the Dinar investment. My question is this: Are you aware of any government or major financial institutions downplaying this investment by design? Example... here in the Carolinas, one can go into a Fifth Third Bank and order Dinars. When a friend went into a Fifth Third bank in Chicago, they were told they didn't sell Dinars and to be careful because it's more or less a scam. The one that rocked me though was a person I met a few years ago who is very high up in a major international bank... in fact he is from Arab decent. He travels all over the world and when I asked him about it... he acted as if he wasn't even aware of it. I found that hard to believe because his bank has offices in the Middle East and they offer currency hedging to financial institutions... this guy is very smart.

So... is there an effort to keep this quiet or am I paranoid? :lol: Anyone else experiencing this from people in the financial world?

No Bigger scam than our Stock market, or our government and we invest in these. One willingly, one role the dice as with any investment, but with this one an entire nation is dependent on it happening, so that is the big draw for me that it is imminent!

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Rogue your statement was...... "The dinar we have all purchased has never even been declared the official currency to start with no matter what we want and believe me I want this too. I simply look at the realities of this situation since it is real."

Where have you been before you came here? Is this the kind of stuff you have been taught?? :lol: The Iraqi Dinar has been their official currency for can look it up....

You just showed you don't know what you are talking about, the dinar yes....this particular dinar? No Look it up

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You just showed you don't know what you are talking about, the dinar yes....this particular dinar? No Look it up

Hahaha the Iraqi Dinar HAS BEEN their currency for decades....there is no "this particular dinar" its still the Iraqi Dinar....just a different face....which doesnt change the fact that it is STILL the IRAQI DINAR....... :lol: thats like telling me that the new american dollar bills that are coming out arent officially our currency just because the face and design might have changed a little.....guess what? its still the american dollar bills no matter how you slice it my friend......and its still our official currency.....last time i checked we werent using the mexican peso, or the canadian dollar....just the AMERICAN DOLLAR..... hey whadda you know?

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Hahaha the Iraqi Dinar HAS BEEN their currency for decades....there is no "this particular dinar" its still the Iraqi Dinar....just a different face....which doesnt change the fact that it is STILL the IRAQI DINAR....... :lol: thats like telling me that the new american dollar bills that are coming out arent officially our currency just because the face and design might have changed a little.....guess what? its still the american dollar bills no matter how you slice it my friend......and its still our official currency.....last time i checked we werent using the mexican peso, or the canadian dollar....just the AMERICAN DOLLAR..... hey whadda you know? And if you wanna cry about it being the swiss dinar you have no sympathy here.....cause it was still Iraqs dinar.....dinar dinar dinar dinar.....and who was it used by? IRAQ!!! plus it wasent even "referred" to as the swiss dinar until they stopped using their printing or what have you....but it was still the DINAR.....its still the DINAR today....just a different face thats all.....thats the only thing that has changed....besides the value of course....but its ALWAYS been used in IRAQ.....not argentina, not russia, not what we have today is still what??? Ill let you answer the question.......

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