Bandit795 Posted May 26, 2015 Report Share Posted May 26, 2015 (edited) Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff WriterWaking Times “The State is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies; and this lie slips from its mouth: I, the state, am the people.” –Friedrich Nietzsche Truth: the pill everyone wants, but just can’t seem to swallow. The truth behind the vicious lies of statism and its cultish tendencies happens to be one of those jagged little pills that people can’t seem to swallow. Statism has become the most all-pervasive ism of them all. It is the predominant world religion. Almost every country practices it. It is, in fact, the worst form of religion: a deadly cult. It meets every single one of the characteristics associated with cultic groups according to Janja Lalich, Ph.D. & Michael D. Langone, Ph.D. Influence and control lie at the center of the state. More than likely we were all born into such a state, complete with all its commandments (laws), deities (founding fathers), common prayer (pledge of allegiance), sacred symbols and texts (flags and constitutions), and places of indoctrination (schools). Like Voltaire said, “Religion began when the first conman met the first fool.” And so it is with the cult of the state. But there are other options besides being a conman or a fool. At any rate, here are seven signs you may be a victim of the cult of statism. 1.) You believe you need to be ruled: “I was not designed to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest.” –Thoreau You believe that other people have the right to rule over you. You cling to your slavery like it was your liberation. You falsely believe that you have an obligation to follow rules and laws made by men who created those rules and laws without your permission. Your leaders are not held accountable for their actions (NDAA). You allow these leaders to have rights that you don’t have. You illogically believe that men should be ruled by other men, even though you know that most men can barely even rule over themselves, let alone others. As such, you have given them the authority to dictate to you right from wrong, instead of taking responsibility for figuring it out for yourself. 2.) You display excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to the state: “What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.” –Adolf Hitler You are an obedient law-abiding citizen, groveling under the false superiority of the state. You only think within the box allowed by the state. You let your government do your thinking for you (representation). You blindly accept the conditions of the state: paying taxes (legalized extortion), obeying laws (mere threats). You don’t question the system because, like a fish, you don’t question the water that you live in. But you are not a fish. You are a human being. And what makes you a human being is the ability to question and to imagine better ways of doing things. But there are other options, like this one from the words of Robert A. Heinlein: “I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.” 3.) You never question, doubt, or practice dissent for fear of punishment: “The supreme mystery of despotism, its prop and stay, is to keep men in a state of deception, and cloak the fear by which they must be held in check, so that they will fight for their servitude as if for salvation.” –Baruch Spinoza You believe whatever authority tells you to believe. You have fallen hook-line-and-sinker for the great lie of the state: that it is there to serve you. You obey, usually blindly, due to programming and indoctrination. Your fear has paralyzed you into an obedient citizen. You worship the state with all your heart and soul because you are afraid of the consequences of falling out of line. You don’t question the bizarre rituals of the state, believing they are necessary to keep things in “order,” forgetting the fact that order forced upon others is tyranny unless that order is forced by nature. You loyally bow to the false deity of government, believing that the worst sin is disobeying (breaking the law.) You’ve been victimized your entire life by mind-altering practices (such as psychological political propaganda and biased advertisements) used in excess and served to suppress any doubts you might have about the “goodness” of the state. But there is a healthier way, and it can be summed up in one simple word: disobey! 4.) You’ve been conditioned to believe that the ends justify militaristic means: "He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.” –Albert Einstein You proudly support the troops when they kill whoever the misguided plutocrats in DC tell them to kill, even though you know the troops are participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining. You have been tricked into thinking that obedience is a virtue and violence is necessary. You’ve been conditioned into thinking that war is okay because the state says it is okay to use violence to attain liberty, when really it’s just empty window dressing for the use of rampant tyranny. You have learned how to turn a blind eye to the blatant atrocities committed by the state and to praise it for its veil of democracy and peace, which is nothing more than smoke and mirrors to disguise its tyranny. But there are other options, like this one from Alexander Berkman: “The man who can face vilification and disgrace, who can stand up against the popular current, even against his friends and his country when he knows he is right, who can defy those in authority over him, who can take punishment and prison and remain steadfast—that is a man of courage. But do you need much courage just to obey orders, to do as you are told and to fall in line with thousands of others to the tune of general approval and the Star Spangled Banner?” – Alexander Berkman 5.) You are inflicted with feelings of shame or guilt used as methods of control: “Once you have enslaved one generation, most parents will almost inevitable resist the freedom of the next generation, out of guilt and shame about their own surrender.” –Stefan Molyneux You have given into the false virtue of doing what you’re told. This is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion, usually by greedy power-tripping frauds convincing you that they should be emulated, but who are actually just attempting to deprive you of your free will. They dare to guilt you into becoming a controlled pawn. They dare to use shame to keep you in line. And still you glorify them as “lawmakers” and “job creators” and “masters.” And then you have the audacity to shame people who seek freedom and liberation for themselves, attempting to make them feel guilty for their salvation. You even think they deserve to be crushed beneath the tyrannical boot of authority. Out of one side of your mouth you preach freedom and responsibility, while out of the other side of your mouth you preach obedience and security, all while freedom is being destroyed and responsibility is being ignored. The state is your cozy little prison, and shame and guilt are your prison bars. But there is a way to escape. Ask yourself, as Rumi did, “Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?” 6.) Your cultish state is preoccupied with making money: “It is no coincidence that a century of total war coincided with a century of central banking.” – Ron Paul You have been brainwashed into believing that money makes the world go around. There is nothing wrong with making money, but there is something wrong with being preoccupied with making money. As it stands, you are conditioned into being preoccupied with making money. It has been hammered into you since you were a kid: make more money than the next guy, do whatever it takes, take no prisoners, one-upmanship trumps cooperation. More money! More money! More money! It’s a cult in itself when not used in healthy and moderate ways. There is something wrong when money goes from being a tool we use to attain better experiences, to becoming our lord and master dictating to us our happiness, or lack thereof. Besides flags, money is the most powerful religious symbol of the cult of the state. We have become slaves to money in the form of debt, and the state is the one holding all the whips. Like John Adams said, “There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.” But there are ways to counter slavery. One way is to defy it and create something new. 7.) You have given into the elitism of the state: “The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret in tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.” –Maximilien Robespierre You believe there is no life outside the state. Your blind patriotism and myopic nationalism has left you in a cloudy dream world where you believe that your state has some kind of exalted status simply because you were lucky enough to have been born there. You believe there is no other way to be, and you fear reprisal if you decide to leave, or even consider leaving. And why would you want to leave anyway? You’re “safe” in your police state. You’re “secure” in your surveillance state. Big Brother has your best interest at heart. And the state, your almighty god, loves you and is the greatest thing. So what a part of you knows the irrationality behind your logic. So what other people in other states think the same thing. Yours is still the greatest state, the greatest nation, the greatest country, the greatest religion, the greatest cult. Isn’t it? And even if it isn’t, you wouldn’t dare question its greatness. That’s too scary. Better to stay in the comfort zone created by your leaders. Better to remain a good little citizen. Better not to rock the boat. Better to be kissed with lies than slapped with the truth. Better the bliss that comes from ignorance than the pain that comes from knowledge. Better to be a comfortable slave than uncomfortably free. Edited May 26, 2015 by Bandit795 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim1cor13 Posted May 26, 2015 Report Share Posted May 26, 2015 (edited) Thanks Bandit...such a clever twisted maze we all are boxed in, too willingly I might add. Truth is, we are supposed to be good little consumers and obedient tax payers, this is how the masses are seen, and directed, blind obedience to the god of the appears to work quite well as the box continues to get smaller. Edited May 26, 2015 by Jim1cor13 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DinarMillionaire Posted May 27, 2015 Report Share Posted May 27, 2015 I'll be the one to say it...This describes DEMOCRATS to a tee. Poor ignorant F'ers. They need someone to lead them by the nose. The proof of their stupidity and ignorance...Hillarious Clinton. All that have any idea or inclination of voting for that criminal tramp, are so lost they should just give up on life, cash in their chips and call it a day. Dumb brainwashed idiots. Why can't they find someone with integrity? They have none of their own. Duh...Stupid is as Stupid does. Hillarious is the biggest loser, yet the idiots that follow her are the dumbest of ALL of us. No Republican with her pedigree would make it as far as she has. 1 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thaiexpat Posted May 27, 2015 Report Share Posted May 27, 2015 NO DM it describes ANYONE who believes in the State and the Party they throw to enslave your mind. This has nothing to do with this party or that. Nothing at all to do with which government party is control of the House or Senate. It is about your slavery and how best to keep the game going. Excellent post here lately and good replies from those not blinded by the system that enslaves you. I was just speaking with a patient from the States. Funny, under a military dictatorship, she feels more "at ease" then with a so-called Constitutional Republic. How is that possible? How is it that people there are under more stress, repression, regulation then an EFFING dictatorship? My god, what has happened? The points listed exactly express the argument of what people think today. Again, the very basic question that needs to be answered is, "What FACTUAL evidence does the State have to prove the Constitution, code, statues or regulations apply to ME?" Where is the contract between the State and me? Show me the contract/agreement. There is NONE. I do not consent to this slavery. I do not consent to follow those rules (which are political policy only) which I didnt agree to. Before you squawk about "citizen", you need to actually look-up the meaning of that word. By definition, it is a 2-way street of MUTUAL obligation. You, as an individual, have NO AUTHORITY over me. This all people can accept. However, by MAGIC, you gain authority over me if a group of people "elect" you to some political position? Explain that one to me. Where is this magic potion called "election"? I need some so I can boss born-free, independent folks around too! Gimme a double, bartender. Permission to do what was given by God, by our merely being born alive? When did that happen? All you 2nd Amendment, so-called supporters: why do you need a license to protect yourself? Why would you even tolerate anyone telling you that a permit is needed for this NATURAL-RIGHT activity? Why not go with a license for free-speech or religion? Arent they the same basic rights? Sorry, DM, stop believing in a difference between the parties. BOTH are STATE-APPROVED vomit. The choice is: chunks or bile..Wow, neither sound yummy to me. Dunno, just saying......Great post Bandit. I wish I could give you more pluses. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
umbertino Posted May 27, 2015 Report Share Posted May 27, 2015 Grazie for sharing, Bandit 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bandit795 Posted May 27, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 27, 2015 I'll be the one to say it...This describes DEMOCRATS to a tee. Poor ignorant F'ers. They need someone to lead them by the nose. The proof of their stupidity and ignorance...Hillarious Clinton. All that have any idea or inclination of voting for that criminal tramp, are so lost they should just give up on life, cash in their chips and call it a day. Dumb brainwashed idiots. Why can't they find someone with integrity? They have none of their own. Duh...Stupid is as Stupid does. Hillarious is the biggest loser, yet the idiots that follow her are the dumbest of ALL of us. No Republican with her pedigree would make it as far as she has. Are you for real??? It doesn't take a genius to see that this also describes republicans.... NO DM it describes ANYONE who believes in the State and the Party they throw to enslave your mind. This has nothing to do with this party or that. Nothing at all to do with which government party is control of the House or Senate. It is about your slavery and how best to keep the game going. Excellent post here lately and good replies from those not blinded by the system that enslaves you. I was just speaking with a patient from the States. Funny, under a military dictatorship, she feels more "at ease" then with a so-called Constitutional Republic. How is that possible? How is it that people there are under more stress, repression, regulation then an EFFING dictatorship? My god, what has happened? The points listed exactly express the argument of what people think today. Again, the very basic question that needs to be answered is, "What FACTUAL evidence does the State have to prove the Constitution, code, statues or regulations apply to ME?" Where is the contract between the State and me? Show me the contract/agreement. There is NONE. I do not consent to this slavery. I do not consent to follow those rules (which are political policy only) which I didnt agree to. Before you squawk about "citizen", you need to actually look-up the meaning of that word. By definition, it is a 2-way street of MUTUAL obligation. You, as an individual, have NO AUTHORITY over me. This all people can accept. However, by MAGIC, you gain authority over me if a group of people "elect" you to some political position? Explain that one to me. Where is this magic potion called "election"? I need some so I can boss born-free, independent folks around too! Gimme a double, bartender. Permission to do what was given by God, by our merely being born alive? When did that happen? All you 2nd Amendment, so-called supporters: why do you need a license to protect yourself? Why would you even tolerate anyone telling you that a permit is needed for this NATURAL-RIGHT activity? Why not go with a license for free-speech or religion? Arent they the same basic rights? Sorry, DM, stop believing in a difference between the parties. BOTH are STATE-APPROVED vomit. The choice is: chunks or bile..Wow, neither sound yummy to me. Dunno, just saying......Great post Bandit. I wish I could give you more pluses. I gave you a plus here. Grazie for sharing, Bandit You're welcome, Umbertino. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thaiexpat Posted May 28, 2015 Report Share Posted May 28, 2015 Keep up the good work Bandit. If you read some other topics in this forum, you can still see so many are absolutely blinded to the truth. It is so sad to see adults believing in the utter non-sense espoused by the State-swallow it all-hook-line-and-sinker. Other openly support the State and its revenue-collectors, overseas hit men in uniform, etc. Others cheer the murder/mayhem that happens in their name, but, in fact, it is for the empire. So sad, indeed. Cheers 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim1cor13 Posted May 28, 2015 Report Share Posted May 28, 2015 (edited) Keep up the good work Bandit. If you read some other topics in this forum, you can still see so many are absolutely blinded to the truth. It is so sad to see adults believing in the utter non-sense espoused by the State-swallow it all-hook-line-and-sinker. Other openly support the State and its revenue-collectors, overseas hit men in uniform, etc. Others cheer the murder/mayhem that happens in their name, but, in fact, it is for the empire. So sad, indeed. Cheers Thank you Doc. It took me years until I understood how these matters work. I am learning daily, because when I realized we are lied to, I HAD to pursue what was real and not fabricated. That has been a real education, and it is no longer "conspiracy" as some smile and think it is. The facts are staggering, and yet, we know so little of how this 'state of mind' was programmed into all of us. Media, certainly, is the priniciple player in keeping the masses sedated, and it produces a tunnel vision in regards to ones world view, many must accept the media and gov. lies, because it is the easiest way not to have to think. I hope this changes, but I can only speak for myself, over the years I have been amazed at the almost 'hypnotic' state that we have all existed in for too many years, and coming out of that state can be painful for some, but in reality, it is liberating beyond words. I think we all have far to go until we understand the techniques used to program, ever so gently, and over the years through a gradual process, it can be deadly to ones ability to think clearly. I see the effect on people daily, and I still see the effect on myself when I do not take time to question so many matters that have been twisted and presented to us as "fact", when they are often more propaganda and mental programming that goes undetected by most. Even when we DO detect it, the trail can rarely be understood unless we are willing to pursue it, and that takes time and effort, but it is truly worth it. What we do with that information is important, and we should use what we learn to help each other. Instead, too often, people get angry, because they begin to realize once the door is opened, they must question everything. To some this is great, to others, I have found it causes much distress, and I understand that feeling, but truth is liberating and at least when we begin to 'see', we can also act against the 'propaganda machine'. Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Also, thank you Bandit for your efforts! Edited May 28, 2015 by Jim1cor13 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maggie123 Posted May 28, 2015 Report Share Posted May 28, 2015 Great Post Bandit!!! Loved Both The Article And The Video!!! Really Appreciate What You Bring In No...thank goodness...I don't have any of these signs...but it's a battle to keep them away at times. Jim and Thaiexpat...You two are wonderful for adding your excellent responses. I usually gain something new to think about and grow a little more each time...Thank You Guys. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RVWITHME Posted May 28, 2015 Report Share Posted May 28, 2015 Without our consent, "they" posess nothing. Especially if we posess informed non-consent as one of our primary defense positions. Nancy Reagan had it right way back in the 80's.... Just Say NO! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thaiexpat Posted May 28, 2015 Report Share Posted May 28, 2015 Yep, JimCor, it is down to a science now. The controllers know what to do to a T. We're the rats in the experiment, so far, the experiment is working-out wonderfully. Just cruise about in this forum and see the ignorance abound. How some people think is really amazing considering the condition the country is in. Others are dye-in-the-wool empire-supporters. The sickness of State-worship must be stopped. I am a Jew, so I have never been in a Christian church, but friends tell me the pastor/leaders enforce this worship to the State and military and uniformed scum (oh, sorry, I meant police), etc often. So even outside of the propaganda thru usual channels (media, education systems), many people are fed the lies in their religious meetings/gatherings. How to counter that force? Like trying to stop a tsunami! Well, all we can hope for are more and more people step out of State-worship, realize their FAMILY is the most important obligation they have and try to live free. Cheers and to everyone's freedom 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dog53 Posted May 28, 2015 Report Share Posted May 28, 2015 Yeah Ive been preaching it for years. Dems/ Republicans party They can both go to hell. Same agenda . Control the masses So Now you know what you gonna do about it? Hahahahahaha yep nothing. Everybody wants to go to heaven But nobody wants to go now. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thaiexpat Posted May 28, 2015 Report Share Posted May 28, 2015 Yeah Ive been preaching it for years. Dems/ Republicans party They can both go to hell. Same agenda . Control the masses So Now you know what you gonna do about it? Hahahahahaha yep nothing. Everybody wants to go to heaven But nobody wants to go now. For starters, Dog, I removed my consent. The Preamble to the Constitution states "thru the consent of the governed.." Well, seems the answer is right there. Remove your consent and jurisdiction fails. Without that, what power does anyone have over you? Can someone tell you what to do if they possess NO factual evidence they have power over you? Again, only the facts. I have never seen this fact outside of my contract I signed when I joined the Marines or was an LEO. Outside of that, when did I agree to anything? Or, we can all do NOTHING and wish for our liberties to be restored. I'm OK with that, but at least I will try. Cheers.... 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dog53 Posted May 28, 2015 Report Share Posted May 28, 2015 (edited) You still living over seas doc. Thailand Vietnam or something like that? It's easy to say what your saying when your living across the pond. All I'm saying is that nothing will change without real honest to God rebellion . Telling them let me see the contract that allows you to control me. Naa don't think that's gonna pan out doc Edited May 28, 2015 by dog53 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maggie123 Posted May 28, 2015 Report Share Posted May 28, 2015 You still living over seas doc. Thailand Vietnam or something like that? It's easy to say what your saying when your living across the pond. All I'm saying is that nothing will change without real honest to God rebellion . Telling them let me see the contract that allows you to control me. Naa don't think that's gonna pan out doc There ARE things we could do without firing a shot. Dog if people would simply come together, recognize the truth that our guberment has been hi-jacked... Dems and Repubs on BOTH sides of the imaginary aisle have sold us out, They Do Not Represent Us!!! We can have a revolution by saying "No...Not In MY Name!!!"..."You Do NOT Represent Me." 1) No More Illegal Fed Reserve...2) No More Illegal IRS...3) No More Illegal Elections!!! Solutions??? 1) Take back control of our currency...'The Iceland Solution'...jail the criminal banksters and guberment officials. 2) Ending the Fed Reserve's control over OUR money would also end the IRS that THEY implemented. BOTH ARE PRIVATE ENTITIES...NOT GOVERNMENT RUN...wish people recognized that! 3) Take big money out of the elections, yes that means 'Citizens (Corporations) United', stop gerrymandering boundaries, use PAPER BALLOTS,...unfortunately we won't get ANY good candidates unless and until WE all get over the stupidity of being loyal to OUR/MY party...otherwise a good INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE doesn't stand a chance, they won't get enough support even if they are the very best and have truly have all of our interest at heart.... WHY?....BECAUSE....the corporate run media told us they can't win...'they don't have the corporate polling stats'. "So keep loyal to YOUR the OTHER party doesn't win". See how the game is played? This upcoming election is a joke...a total JOKE for anyone thinking there is ONE good candidate running so far.. I don't see even one worth his/her salt!!! So Yes...there are some really important things we CAN do...without firing a shot...just takes an agreement that 'we are mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore'. Thing is folks won't come together as long as the 'party line rope pullers' want to impose their views onto others during the revolution...that would not bring any kind of 'Freedom" in the end. We simply need to come together as the folks in Iceland did and agree to end the most important issues that are taking this country down. Overhaul the Federal guberment...get it back to the limited role of what it was supposed to do FOR US. Give power to determine the outcomes that effect our communities BACK TO THE COMMUNITIES. Then we can choose to live where ever we the communities that reflect our values. My ideas may differ from yours...FINE...just don't try to choke yours down my throat!!! That isn't 'FREEDOM' in my book. PS.You know what Dog? After I typed all of this...I am thinking I may as well move to Thailand... their are too many brainwashed boneheads for anything to happen in my lifetime... It's going to take a real serious hurt-lock on the whole country for folks to actually CARE ENOUGH to actually come together and DO something. DANG!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thaiexpat Posted May 28, 2015 Report Share Posted May 28, 2015 I understand what you are saying, Dog. Yep, the system got you coming and going. However, where I live is immaterial to Da Man. He believes he has control over me no matter where I am. All thru this idea of "citizenship" does he claim his jurisdiction. However, since there are no facts to support the idea that the Constitution apply to me. how did I become a 14th Amendment citizen? How did your people live before Da Man stole your land, your culture, everything? People lived within their communities/tribes and looked after themselves. Now, I am not saying we should go back to the 1700's-that would be foolish. However, I am saying that we can volunteer to join or not this great scam called Federalism/Centralism/Communism/whatever.....Why cant I have a choice in my life and why does Da Man think he can tell me what to do? All I am asking for is proof of authority. My father (God rest his soul) and mama have authority over me. As does my older brother/sister and those elders in my family. Where did no-name policy enforcer get power over me? Location? citizenship? Just being born? How? What? Where? When? If we all can accept this idea that no one can tell another person what to do without their consent, perhaps then the system will change. No more "war on drugs" which is a war on freedoms. No more endless regulations that limit businesses and progress. No more victimless crimes with their bloated enforcers. Volunteerism would prevail. I worked overseas for years VOLUNTERRING my medical skills to help the poorest of the poor. I didht have government steal my earnings and use them in their "helping programs" for the poor. I did it hands-on: Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Kenya.....I knew best how to spend my money/efforts and made a direct effort to help others thru my consent. I wanted to. I loved it. Nope, volunteerism can work, but the system gets you to believe it wont. I spent my entire live savings helping the poor. I had to stop to find new work and new money and, you know, I never felt better in my life. "Thru the consent of the governed.." I refuse to give my consent is all I am saying.....Cheers and yata hey! (spelling) 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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