UNEEK Posted September 26, 2014 Report Share Posted September 26, 2014 This post was very challenging in the formatting - I hope I was able to locate and fix all the glitches - links are posted though for your verification and further reading - I almost gave up on posting it - any misplaced text is not my intentional doing lol - sorry about the extra lines -- You can bypass the scripture / Bible references if you choose to - that can be a little over whelming if you dont' believe in Bible Prophesy for one & are not well versed and knowledgeable in Bible History - Please do not pass on the reading of the other info -- It is real and in the NOW -- I don't know how to advise on being financially prepared for what seems to be a strong possibility of something very serious happening - but I do have plenty of food lol - I welcome any feedback and serious financial suggestions pre & post RV -- Best of Luck to us all - If you have not watched this video -- Do so NOW: Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Harvey Organ of HarveyOrgan.blogspot.com.http://usawatchdog.com/manipulation-o... Harvey Organ- By December Whole Thing Going to Collapse Preview by Yahoo SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 Here is some good information, to help you know what to expect when the switch is made to our new and governmental systems. -LW Sep 24, 2014I have written for many years that the “kings of the east” in Revelation 16:12 prophesy of China and Russia overthrowing Mystery Babylon today. John says it would take “seven bowls” of judgment-wine poured out over Babylon the city’s overthrow. Revelation 16:12 describes the sixth bowl of wine directed at Babylon, and John’s description shows us that these “kings” are comparable to the Medes and Persians, who overthrew Babylon in 537 B.C. The Medes and Persians dried up the Euphrates River in order to walk into Babylon on dry (shallow) ground. This was in Isaiah 44:27. King Belshazzar of Babylon was killed, Darius the Mede established himself as the new king. Shortly afterward, when Cyrus the Persian came to town, he issued a directive that allowed the people of Judah to return to their old land. In other words, the coming of the “kings of the east” is not a bad thing, but is the way in which God is setting His people free. Unfortunately, most modern eschatological teaching sees these “kings” as enemies of God. They speak of a 200-million man army coming from China to invade the land of Israel, instead of seeing it as an army that overthrows Babylon and sets the people free. I’m not a military man, but even I can see that if such an army began marching west from China heading toward Israel, it would take only one or two nukes to destroy them all. The advent of the nuclear age after World War II made large-scale invasions nearly impossible, because concentrated armies or fleets are so vulnerable today. A simple look at history and the prophecies of Isaiah 44, 45 show the fallacy of the belief that the kings of the east are the bad guys. King Cyrus of Persia is called a “messiah” in Isaiah 45:1, the one that God anointed to overthrow Babylon. King Darius, his chief ally from Medea, was not mentioned directly by Isaiah, but he organized the new kingdom into 120 provinces and installed Daniel as the chief of three governors. This was a type of the being organized, having an outpouring of the Spirit (120) and being ruled by the saints of the Most High (Daniel 7:22). So Revelation 16:12 speaks of the seventh bowl of divine judgment being poured out upon Babylon, and “the kings of the east” are said to do this. It is a latter-day prophecy taken directly from the of Cyrus and Darius, who overthrew Babylon. The modern nations fulfilling these roles are China and Russia. These are the nations that God has anointed to bring down Babylon in our time. They are not the bad guys. The bad guys are the ones who control the Western media, attempting to demonize Russia and China. It is a propaganda war to gain the support of as many people as possible and to justify their plans to destroy much of the world. The ten principles on the Georgia Guide Stones sets forth their agenda. The first principle is: “Maintain Humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” http://www.thegeorgiaguidestones.com/message.htm They conveniently neglect telling us how this will be accomplished. It is clear from their actions and statements that they plan to kill about 7 billion people in the name of saving the environment. They are already doing this by creating conflict and war, aborting the unborn children, and creating ill health by disease, toxic substances, and unhealthy food. This is the Babylonian agenda. Since China has the most to lose insofar as population is concerned, they are not going along with this plan of destruction. And Russia has sided with them, as have all the BRICS nations. This rising coalition is the natural enemy of Mystery Babylon. The Glaziev Directive Sergei Glaziev (or Glazyev) is one of Russian President Putin’s advisors. On June 10, 2014 he issued a statement that was of historic importance. This was reported later in an article entitled The Lost Interview, by Jeff Yastine, who is the head of the Financial Intelligence Report. (I used to watch Jeff on Nightly Business Report.) The Lost Interview is where Jeff Yastine interviewed Jim Rickards, a former CIA analyst who wrote a book entitled The Death of Money. The full interview can be read here: https://w3.newsmax.com/LP/Finance/FIR/FIR-Collapse?dkt_nbr=qeo9ocnz In this long interview, Jim Rickards tells us that after the Twin Towers demolition, the CIA noticed that the unnamed “terrorist” had placed bets that the airline stock prices would go down. Whoever did this made a lot of money when it happened. In other words, someone with a lot of money knew about the Twin Towers disaster before it happened, and they positioned themselves to make money on it. Rickards does not even give a hint to tell us who had done this, although it seems to me that all such financial transactions are recorded somewhere, and the CIA should have no problem finding out who did this. If the Twin Towers had been destroyed by the media’s scapegoats, no doubt he would have told us, for he would have no reason to hide it. Keeping it a secret, however, reveals the truth with the sounds of silence. No matter. The point is that the CIA and Pentagon began tracking financial anomalies as indicators of soon-coming “terrorist” events. Rickards said, The main purpose of the attack on 911, he says, was to kill people, but the more damaging effect was to collapse the economy. Are we to believe, then, that al-Quaeda terrorists not only planned the attacks but also bought millions of dollars worth of options on the stock market in order to profit from the collapse of airline stocks?? “The agency believed that terrorists were trading in airline stocks before the run up to the terrorist attack… “We found clear evidence that someone knew the attacks were about to happen. Without getting too technical, the terrorists were using the options markets to make big bets that airline stocks would tank.” Collapsing America By discovering the large purchase of options against the airline stocks, He says that the CIA came to understand the absolute vulnerability of Europe and America. They had “irrefutable evidence that that shows this collapse is imminent and could happen at any time.” “In fact, when the Pentagon got wind of the shocking discoveries he made while working on a top-secret project for the CIA, they quickly militarized his findings in preparation for the financial chaos to come.” He explains how America has seen three economic collapses in the past century: 1914, 1939, and 1971. Those crises came before the banks and economies of the world were tied together. He uses the metaphor of ships at sea. If one goes down in a storm, the others may survive. But if they are all tied together, and one goes down, they all go down. In other words, the next great financial crisis in any sizable nation will take down the rest of the world with it. The BRICS Alliance Turning to a more recent group of nations that is taking steps to bring down the Western banking system, He shows how the BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) is positioning itself outside of the Western system and is setting up its own counterpart to the IMF in order to survive the coming collapse in finances and in trade. Rickards describes the plan as coming in TWO STEPS. “Their first step was outlined on June 10, under the Glaziev Directive. A directive that spells out the first punch that will knock the U.S. economy to the mat. And while this first hit will shake the foundation of our financial system to the core, it’s the second punch that will deal a deathblow to American wealth and everything you hold dear.” He continues later, saying, “Pen was finally put to paper on June 10, when Vladimir Putin’s economic advisor, Sergey Glaziev, published a bold directive where he outlined the rationale behind an international alliance of countries [the BRICS] that were ready to get rid of the dollar for international trade and also to stop using it as their reserve currency. “And taking it one step further, Elvira Nabiullina, the governor of the Russian central bank, recently stated that Russia is in discussions with China and their BRICS partners regarding the establishment of a new system for multilateral trade. “It will allow the transfer of resources from one country to another, as needed, so each member can start directing their currency reserves away from the dollar and to the new system.” In other words, the BRICS nations will trade among themselves using their own currencies, instead of using the US dollar to pay each other when goods are traded. This shift began after 911 and is a direct consequence of 911. He forgets to mention that the BRICS nations have every right to set up their own system, especially since the past system put an economic strangle hold on everyone else while refusing to exercise proper fiscal responsibility. In other words, the old system was broken and needed replacement. The Consequences of 911 In the 1920’s and 1930’s they (and many nations) sent gold to the Federal Reserve Bank for safe-keeping, knowing that there was soon coming a war with Japan. These gold shipments were not gifts, but loans, and so they received interest-bearing receipts for them. These bonds for the gold-loans came due at various times, but perhaps the most important were the 60-year loans in 1938 that came due in 1998. When the Fed bankers balked at paying back the loans, the Dragon families sued them in the World Court, winning their case. The Federal Reserve Bank was given a deadline to pay their debt by September 12, 2001. The day before the debt was to be paid, all the records were lost in the Twin Towers demolition. The records were held in the offices of the Cantor Fitzgerald law firm, which one of the planes hit directly, killing their entire staff and destroying all their records. The gold under the Tower was secretly stolen and shipped away to a more secure, secret location, probably in Paraguay. There is little doubt that the same people who had purchased the “put options” against the airline stocks were the same ones who had refused to pay their debts to the Dragon family. The Dragon family then experienced a “reality check,” seeing clearly that these bankers had no respect for the law. They were ruthless and were willing to kill thousands of their own people (Americans) and even to start a world war rather than pay their debt or give up power.A new approach was needed, one that was slower. The BRICS Alliance The foreign ministers began meeting in 2006, and a full-scale diplomatic meeting was held in Russia in 2008. It started out with just four nations (BRIC), but when South Africa joined them in 2010, it became the BRICS alliance. On July 15, 2014 they set up the BRICS Development Bank as an alternative to the IMF. This came 70 years after the US Dollar had been crowned king at the Bretton Woods Convention in July 1944. The Glaziev Directive on June 10 stated the official policy for the BRICS nations. Rickards says this Directive reveals a two-step policy to success in establishing the alternate economic system. Its success, of course, will have a side effect of destroying the old system. Rickards of this, “This is step one in a coordinated effort to unseat the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. But what’s even worse is step two. Through my market intelligence sources, we now see that the major governments, including the United States, the Eurozone, and China are allowing a covert redistribution of gold so the entire system can be reset—a preplanned, global reset of the value of money… “It’s conspiratorial in that the governments involved don’t want others to know what they’re doing. In truth, it’s just a pragmatic way to stabilize the monetary system globally, and prepare the major parties for a global reset of the value of money. A reset that will save the system, but unfortunately, as I mentioned earlier, millions of people are going to have everything they own virtually wiped out overnight.” Rickards seems to admit here that this new BRICS plan is designed to “save the system,” not that it will save the old Bretton Woods plan, but that it will set forth a new plan that will save the world from the collapse of fiat currencies and world trade in general. We see, then, that the second step will be the actual Global Currency Reset, which I have written about for some years now. China’s accumulation of gold has been a very poorly kept secret. I am not sure why Rickards thinks it is a secret. His point is that those who are holding paper currency and paper contracts when this Reset hits are going to find that their money has lost most of its value. Only those who are holding tangible assets (such as gold or silver) will benefit by this Reset. Those who have the most to lose are those with retirement funds or money in the bank or currency under the mattress. Such currency used to be “as good as gold,” until 1971 when President Nixon made it “as good as the faith and credit of the United States.” However, since that time, with the astronomical amounts of new money being created out of nothing, that “faith and credit” has been severely eroded, and many nations are now very nervous about holding US dollars. All it will take is for one nation to scream “Fire!” for the whole world to start bolting toward the door to get out of US dollars. That will be the end of Babylonian world history. The power of Babylon is bound up in the value and quantity of its money. Rickards’ Perspective In reading this interview, it is clear that Jim Rickards is coming from the perspective that US hegemony (dominance) in the world is the preferred world order. In his view, what the BRICS alliance is doing is “bad.” He has been working against the BRICS alliance in the CIA, hoping to slow down the demise of the US dollar. But in a broader view, every country ought to be as “sovereign” as they claim to be in public. Nations should not be forced (or bribed) into any policy that is detrimental to its own well-being. However, we have to live in “the real world,” where national sovereignty is a myth for most nations. Hegemony is the reality. Wars are really just turf wars fought by gangs of nations seeking more power and dominance. The people (and individual soldiers) are the greatest victims. After World War II, much of the world lay devastated, while the US came out relatively unscathed. That is why the US dollar was crowned king in 1944. That is how US hegemony became entrenched. But the world has now rebuilt itself, and new nations are emerging with strong economies and militaries. US hegemony is being challenged. The BRICS alliance has banded together to challenge that hegemony and to form a new economic alliance without being tethered to its former master—the US dollar. Those nations have every right to buy as much gold as they wish. And here is where it appears as if the US and China have a common goal. In order for the US to maintain the value of its dollar, it must manipulate the value of gold lower and lower, because all value is relative. A low gold price means a high value for the dollar. At the same time, China is buying gold at those low, low bargain prices, because the new system that is coming will see money that is backed by real assets such as gold. In other words, the manipulation going on in the West by the price-fixing banks is playing into the hands of the BRICS nations, especially to China and India. The longer this goes on, the more gold they will accumulate, and the better off they will be when the Reset occurs. Conversely, the US will be caught without any gold at all. Few people in the know believe that the US government really holds 8,000 tons of gold, as it claims to have. It cannot even find enough gold in its coffers to give back what they have been storing for Germany when that nation recently demanded its 300 tons of gold. Again, in the 1990’s when China bought gold from the West, it discovered that the gold was really just gold-plated tungsten. They traced it to Fort Knox, where the gold was counterfeited. The story hit the internet news in 2009. Jim Rickards does not speak from a biblical perspective. He is trying to save the old way of life in America for as long as possible. I can appreciate that, of course, but to me it is more important to find out what God is doing in the History of the Kingdom. Just because we have a high standard of living in our Babylonian captivity does not mean that it will last forever. At some point Babylon’s foundations will erode and collapse. The Judahites in Babylon did not want to leave either. After 70 years, most of them were well entrenched in Babylonian life and business, and did not want to endure the trials of recolonizing their old land. That is why so few returned with Zerubbabel. A similar situation exists today. Babylon has made America wealthy, largely due to the world trade tax that is imposed upon every nation that does international trade. Because the US dollar is used for making payments in world trade, the wire transfers have to be made in US dollars through the SWIFT system of money transfers. All such payments go through the Federal Reserve Bank, which takes a percentage of the transaction as a fee. This is, in effect, a tax on all world trade. The BRICS nations are setting up a new system of payments through their own bank which bypasses the SWIFT system and the Federal Reserve. Payments are being done in each country’s own currency for the present, but soon will create its own world reserve currency made up of a basket of currencies. In other words, world trade going through the BRICS bank will be settled in about four specific currencies, rather than the single US dollar. Jim Rickards concedes that because of this the US dollar is doomed. So when can we expect this global reset to happen? Rickards does not give a date, but he says essentially that it will happen when China feels it has accumulated enough gold to secure its yuan (currency) as part of the “basket of currencies” that will replace the US dollar. He says, Jeff: And when you think about it, it’s almost as if there’s no way out of this…. Jim: You’re right. And it is just more fuel for the fire as global players look to distance themselves from using the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. And while America is loath to lose its position as the world’s reserve currency, our astronomical money printing to cover our debt makes it impossible to sustain. Basically, we’ve overstepped our monetary bounds for good, and there is no turning back… I’ve had private conversations with former Federal Reserve board members, and other central bankers around the globe, on what’s going on behind the scenes—what’s not getting reported in the mainstream media—and frankly, everything I’m hearing is that this global reset is about to hit. In fact, we already know what it looks like, and when you can expect it to happen. So when can we expect this global reset to happen? Rickards does not give a date, but he says essentially that it will happen when China feels it has accumulated enough gold to secure its yuan (currency) as part of the “basket of currencies” that will replace the US dollar. He says, “And while countries publicly claim that they no longer tie their currency to the value of gold, what they are doing privately is a different story. . And China is the biggest actor in covert gold acquisition…. And since it knows the ‘dollar’ system is coming to an end,it has to increase its gold holdings before it can trigger a global reset of the world’s [new] reserve currency.” But since China’s official figures do not match their actual holdings, we are on our own in figuring out how much they really have, and how much they need to have before the reset. Jim says, Jim: China’s last official announcement was over five years ago on April 25, 2009. At that time, it claimed to have 1,054 tonnes. That’s a 76% increase from the 600 tonnes it had in 2003. Right now, Shanghai Daily has reported that China has quietly amassed about 2,710 tonnes of gold. Jeff: That’s an unofficial number. Jim: Yes, that’s an unofficial number. But you and I both know that China controls its media. So it is letting it be known that it is accumulating more gold, but it is not letting the public know exactly how much. But from what I have gathered from trusted sources, the Chinese actually have amassed around 4,000 to 4,500 tonnes of gold already. Jeff: Wow, that’s a massive difference. Jim: It is. And when Chinese gold hits around $5,000 an ounce, all bets are off. It will be the second punch that will deal a deathblow to the dollar. And set off the wholesale destruction of American wealth. The bottom line is that China is being allowed to acquire gold without spooking the markets and driving up the price. This way, it will be “on the train” when it leaves the station. The only problem is that when the train leaves the station and the global reset triggers a new reserve currency, nearly all American wealth will be wiped out, except for those who have prepared themselves in advance… One last thing, Jeff. Our viewers should know that China could announce its holdings at any time. So they shouldn’t wait to get their financial house in order. The time to act is now. Before it’s too late…. Jeff: From what you’ve seen today, we are beyond the point of no return, as China prepares to announce its official gold holdings at any time. And when it does, there will be no time left to prepare yourself for the devastation ahead. And to think our government is helping China do it. By suppressing the price of gold, under the guise of weakening its function as a reserve currency, China is able to covertly acquire as much gold as it will need to trigger the death of money as you know it. So the bottom line here—as they see it—is that China is holding about 4,500 tons (tonnes) of gold right now. They suggest that their goal is to accumulate about 5,000 tons before announcing the global currency reset. When they make this announcement, investors will realize that the current price is totally unrealistic in view of all the secret purchases going on in the past few years. This will make it impossible to rig the price of gold any longer, and it will shoot up almost immediately to at least $5,000 per ounce. At that price, it will be able to back the new basket of currencies that the BRICS nations are putting together to replace the US dollar as the world currency for the next century or longer. Meanwhile, the US has no defense against what is coming, unless it is able to start World War III and destroy the BRICS nations (beginning with Russia). The price-riggers have no choice but to keep the price of gold and silver low, because that is the only way the dollar can retain its value. But rigging the market to keep the price of gold low allows China and India to buy gold cheaply with all the dollars they hold in their reserves. When things change, those nations holding gold and silver will emerge as the strongest in the world. The others will suffer loss. For us, it is important to see that China is playing the role of modern Cyrus, while Russia is playing the “front man” role of Darius. Hence, Russia taking all the heat, while China remains quiet while backing Russia to the hilt from behind the scenes. As believers who understand Bible prophecy, we have no reason to fear either Russia or China. God has raised them up to overthrow Babylon and to set us free. Jim Rikards is sounding the alarm in order to sell more books, of course, but we can look at the facts without fear. The fact is, the Dragon families of China are emerging as the real power brokers in China and the BRICS alliance. They were overthrown in 1910 when the last dynasty was overthrown and the Republic of China was established, and have been in hiding since 1949, when the Communists took power. These Dragon families have made it known that they intend to minimize the chaos as much as possible on account of the global reset. The destruction and chaos could be greatly minimized if the Babylonian oligarchs of the West would simply capitulate and give up power. For example, if the US congress would agree to ratify the new IMF reforms—as the rest of the world has already done—this transfer of power could be more amicable. But the Western oligarchs have chosen to foment war and to sponsor terrorism in order to cause chaos in hopes of extending their dominance for a little while longer. This is the primary reason the transition will cause pain to so many people. We can hardly expect anything else from these people, and for this reason we should prepare ourselves to the best of our ability. As for the Dragon families, they intend to use their enormous wealth for the benefit of mankind to rebuild the world under Divine Order—as they understand it. In my view, I suspect that they will need further divine counsel through a study of God’s law in order to perfect what they are setting up. Their main concern now is in the economic and financial realm. Once this is established, they will see the need to change the judicial systems of the world. They will need instructors to teach the laws set forth by Moses, the applications of law by the prophets, and Jesus’ New Covenant understanding of the law seen in the gospels. Source. Source: http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2014/09/25/recommended-the-soon-coming-global-reset/ 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UNEEK Posted September 27, 2014 Author Report Share Posted September 27, 2014 The 25-Year Great Depression http://moneymorningtv.com/rickards/ocho.php?pub_id=454975&s1=gdnmmp3 The Money Morning Exclusive Interview With Jim Rickards The CIA’s Financial Threat & Asymmetric Warfare Advisor Many Inside the US Intelligence Community Fear A Single Flashpoint Could Soon Sink America Into…… The 25-Year Great Depression Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
new york kevin Posted September 27, 2014 Report Share Posted September 27, 2014 IMHO, I don't think so. If the BRICS did go forward and manipulate a lower valued USD they each would be shooting themselves in the assets, and torpedoing their own currency and economy; especially China. China as an example holds the single largest portion of our US debt, followed by Japan. Plus they each hold a very large amount of US currency in their "reserves". If our dollar slid in value they would disproportionately devalue their own currency/economy based on the amount of USD they had in reserves proping up their money/economy. China would get doublely hit cuz the US would then simply repay a portion or all our debt with cheaply valued USD, thanks to them. Then we would also be in a better position to attract back all those companies that left the US for the lower taxes and labor costs. nite nite 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leanonme Posted September 27, 2014 Report Share Posted September 27, 2014 Another thing that would hit China hard would be if our economy crashed we would not be importing many, many products from China. That would hit them very hard in the pockets. I think if we go, they all will fall right along with us. It will be a global crash. Maybe it would be that the rebuild would go better for the brics than the US. Hopefully for us we could get the private feds coils unwrapped from us and start over without being controlled by the bankers from that point on after everybody realizes the carnage was because of their greed for power. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UNEEK Posted September 27, 2014 Author Report Share Posted September 27, 2014 Good Morning -- NYKevin & Leanonme -- appreciate your thoughts -- I can't really debate them -y ou know what you know -- and I Don't know lol -- meaning I don't dare predict what is going to happen -- My gut feeling tells me to be prepared for some hard times - that might be easier for me than some as I have pretty much lived most of my life "in hard times" lol - Wishing everyone better times better days ahead -- Knowledge is power -- Do something today to prepare for tomorrow -- 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leanonme Posted September 27, 2014 Report Share Posted September 27, 2014 Indeed . I like that. Do something today to prepare for tomorrow. +1 from me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Machine Posted September 27, 2014 Report Share Posted September 27, 2014 Interesting read Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UNEEK Posted September 27, 2014 Author Report Share Posted September 27, 2014 Good Morning Mr Machine - I was wondering if you would visit - I am still working on all of your recent posts - wow - its going to take me a while to get through all of those but I am thirsty for the knowledge and hopefully I will gain enough to make some important decisions pre & post RV -- I am still on a learning curve with understanding all of the jargon / terminology in economics - stock market etc -- thanks for what you bring to the site for us to feast on Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim1cor13 Posted September 27, 2014 Report Share Posted September 27, 2014 (edited) Thank you UNEEK for this post. It is true that the 'kings of the east' are not the 'bad guys', because they are able to understand and see what the west has done and how this will affect the global economy many years down the road. They know it is not in their best interest to purposely crash western economies, the west is doing the job to crash themselves. The issue is the BRICS DO understand the long term effect, and certainly have every right to construct their own financial structure outside of the USdollar, it is not to destroy their trading partners, it is to assist them in surviving what they view as too much US hegemony, and many countries agree with them. For sure the BRICS are not foolish to be attempting to destroy those they need for trading...but they are actually brilliant to take the steps they have taken and will take to preserve their respective economies from the damaging actions of the west and they do not care what anyone thinks. Only religious bias has made them out to be the bad guys, when in fact, what they are accomplishing is a good thing. It is counter productive for any of them to try and 'crash' their customers...it is extremely prudent for them to be taking steps to preserve their futures outside of the US policies and arrogance that has finally weakened the US to the point that these countries can actually undertake such a massive step, and they are not afraid to do this, even though history shows us that every country in the past has been wrecked when they refused to 'play the US dollar game' and accept payments, etc., outside of the dollar. We have no one to blame for US economic weakness but ourselves, and corrupt institutions that have brought us to this point. So the 'kings of the east' are doing what they must to stay strong, because they see the US is in serious trouble LONG term. Who can blame them for making the effort to protect themselves against one of the main characters who is responsible for so much global market corruption? Indeed, it was the US and the banking criminals who polluted global markets with junk bonds and their steady stream of junk mortgage backed securities that finally assisted in harming so many global markets. Don't get me wrong, many other countries also went insane over real estate and housing fraud, and reaped their own problems, but there is no doubt the US and US markets flooded the global markets with garbage...and it was bought up by those who "trusted" the US paper. The sad part is, those selling the securities KNEW they were JUNK. So the BRICS certainly know this, and although they have had their own problems as any country does, they KNOW what they must do in order to protect themselves, and their steps as outlined the last several years will prove to have been very PRUDENT for them LONG term. The US has since been manipulating behind the scenes, think Ukraine, etc., in order to go after Russia, but Russia and China KNOW the game, and do not roll over when the US employs their silly sanction games. Yes, the BRICS are doing the right thing and yes, they will play a role in the future in regards to a faltering US economy due to the policies and criminal motives of those responsible and encouraged by corrupt governments, and their banking arm. Thanks again for the post UNEEK Jim Edited September 27, 2014 by Jim1cor13 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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