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why has the CBI kept the exchange rate at 1166 to 1


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There all in country exchanges the central bank is in country

There's always currency dealers waiting to exchange your currency

It's what they do

Rafidain bank is a state bank

They won't have any problems buying or selling their dinar in London

Or any where else they set up shop

The next thing we need to see is if the article is true

You know how that goes

How many lop articles have we seen

The dam dinar would of lopped 10 times over the last 5 years if the articles we read were true

So we need to be able to find their address email and phone number

That should verify a bank is open

They said they were opening one somewhere else in Europe earlier this year

I forgot where

Ya know they will open in India too

Hopfully north and South America

I don't know why they need branch banks any more

They got internet

Me personally I think they have more than one internet too

I think they have different satellites of internet they will never reveal

One for those who control the world and one for us clay pigeons

I'm sure the us govt broadcasts at least one more exclusive www.

If you can have one internet why not two

One that can look right into the other like a one way mirror unrestricted

Their watching you

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So a guy in the U.K. heads down to the Iraqi bank in London after the RV, walks up to a teller, and says "I've got  5 million dinar here, would you please give me $15 million dollars...oh, and I've got a few hundred friends that will be here shortly." What's a little bank in the U.K. to do? Do they call up Turki and say, "Ummm, could you send me a billion U.S. to cover these exchanges?"


The devil seems to be in the details. Where the heck does all of this USD come from? I mean, I doubt they have many Euros in the vault, either.

Edited by RVPleaseToday
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Oh look who's back

So a guy in the U.K. heads down to the Iraqi bank in London after the RV, walks up to a teller, and says "I've got  5 million dinar here, would you please give me $15 million dollars...oh, and I've got a few hundred friends that will be here shortly." What's a little bank in the U.K. to do? Do they call up Turki and say, "Ummm, could you send me a billion U.S. to cover these exchanges?"


The devil seems to be in the details. Where the heck does all of this USD come from? I mean, I doubt they have many Euros in the vault, either.

The cbi does currency auctions every day buying back dinar

RVPleaseToday is still in okie mode 3 dollar rv huh RVPleaseToday ok okie


They keep coming with questions

No answers

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You boys are missing one important point.  The 2003 new dinar was exchanged for the old Saddam dinar IN-COUNTRY ONLY.  There's your proof DB.  Secondly, you must think about the reason a country requires an in-country exchange.  It is to reduce the amount of currency that will be exchanged before it gets demonitized.  The new iraqi dinar is unique in the world's history of speculation.  Due to the internet and social services, the dinar became a hyped up craze for over-night riches.  All over the world people heard about this scam and wanted in.  Hence the rise of on-line dinar dealers which did not exist before 2003.  The CBI KNOWS the speculators out of iraq hold TRILLIONS of physical dinar.  The CBI Laws state that an in-country exchange is LEGAL.  If you think the CBI wouldn't do this because they would be worried about adverse world reactions, you are NAIVE to the extreme.  The iraqis would have no qualms about scrapping you speculators off their hide in one swipe.  They already have your money, and they are not about to give it back.   Sorry lemmings.  That's business.

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You boys are missing one important point.  The 2003 new dinar was exchanged for the old Saddam dinar IN-COUNTRY ONLY.  There's your proof DB.  Secondly, you must think about the reason a country requires an in-country exchange.  It is to reduce the amount of currency that will be exchanged before it gets demonitized.  The new iraqi dinar is unique in the world's history of speculation.  Due to the internet and social services, the dinar became a hyped up craze for over-night riches.  All over the world people heard about this scam and wanted in.  Hence the rise of on-line dinar dealers which did not exist before 2003.  The CBI KNOWS the speculators out of iraq hold TRILLIONS of physical dinar.  The CBI Laws state that an in-country exchange is LEGAL.  If you think the CBI wouldn't do this because they would be worried about adverse world reactions, you are NAIVE to the extreme.  The iraqis would have no qualms about scrapping you speculators off their hide in one swipe.  They already have your money, and they are not about to give it back.   Sorry lemmings.  That's business.

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Your goofy Ewing

That currency was during a war even before they captured saddam

Saddams people left the country and any one holding large quantities of dinar they wanted them to come fourth and try to exchange them

You act like this is how currency exchanges are done " in country"

Your mental midget mentality is showing

The borders of Iraq were closed for a reason long before and after the exchange there was a war going on

After the exchange all financial instruments were converted to the NID

So that would include holdings of all dinar debts thru bank transactions

I believe all those neighboring countries that held the Swiss dinar were exchanged whether they brought them in from Kuwait and Jordan and who ever else how ever they did it , those Swiss dinars were re- instated for a reason not just for the Kurds

But the billions of Swiss dinar that were demonetized 10 years earlier

Billions and billions held mostly in Kuwait and jordan

The exchange are was around 18 Swiss dinar to the dollar in 1993 and in 2003 after it was reinstated

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For a lobster team member you sure are finding it hard to give up on the scam.  Even if there is a 50/50 chance of the CBI demanding an in-country exchange, it makes holding physical dinar an extremely poor choice for investment.  If a REDENOMINATION were to occur in the future, dinarians would either lose money through exchange commissions out of country, if allowed, or lose ALL their money if the CBI requires in-country exchange.  NONE of these contingincies are ever discussed in the dinar forums.  That's why so many people bought into this scam.  They didn't do their Homework before running off to a dinar dealer to get their precious currency.  Now you are STUCK!  Unless you get out before the CBI makes the RD announcement. 

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No one is talking about what you claim they are ewingm

People are allowed to talk whether you like it or not

This is a free country

And were not going to be taking orders from the likes of you so get used to it

If your hear to shut down people's conversations by falsely accusing them of saying things that they are NOT saying

Maybe you should be tossed to the kurb

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I won't banter words with a monkey.  IF  you sold out then you had to have had a reason.  That reason certainly could not have changed in light of the mess iraq has gotten into.  If anything, it should reinforce your wise decision.  Yet you still want to argue against my overwhelming evidentuary points of debate.  Could it be the lingering effects of koolaide?

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Did you know if Iraq passes a oil law they can have trillions of dollars worth if dinar to spend but Maliki didn't want to?

But now it's almost done !!

So finances won't matter any more

They can run trade deficits way bigger than saddam ran soon

And were all gonna be rich

Did ya know that ?




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Reading your responses reminds me of a drunk driver weaving back and forth across two lanes.  One minute you're putting down the lying gurus(that's good), and then you're back to seemingly defend the big RV (that's bad).  You know it can't happen dontlop.  As much as you've researched this thing, you KNOW it can't happen the way the koolaide krew is dreaming for.  And yet, you want to defend that nonsense.  I can't figure you out cow/monkey stomper.  I think you may be a GURU in disguise.  The old Trojan Horse gimmick.

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Trade deficit is a mirror of the external debt

The external debt to GDP is what controls inflation which controls the exchange rate

Would you accept Iraqi dinar from your employer ?

Aw come on I'll pay you dinar for your carpenter skills

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Nobody's gonna give the iraqis anything, except maybe some air strikes.  Unless obummer can get up a coalition of nations willing to help fight ISIS, he will just let the mess get worse. The obummer doesn't care two hoots whether iraq lives or dies.  If it dies, he'll just blame it on Bush for us getting in over there.  The dinar is stabilized at 1166 to 1, and has been for close to seven years.  There's no great RV out there waiting in the wings.  With 83 TRILLION dinar in M2, what's waiting out there is the big REDENOMINATION.  Anyone not drinking koolaide can see it clear as day.  How do you reduce the M2?  You do what every other nation has done when faced with the same dilemma.  You LOP THE ZEROS THROUGH A REDENOMINATION. 

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We know they don't have a manufacturing base to support trillions of dollars being spent inside Iraq

China is running around the clock to make 3 or 4 trillion a year off their exports

I don't think the Iraqis could just jump into the game spending like money gurus or something

The USA economy thrives on wars

The more bombs they blow up the higher the GDP numbers for America

The higher the GDP numbers

The better our debt to GDP numbers look the more credit we get so we can borrow more so Obama can look good on Election Day because he just gave everybody a raise on welfare and unemployment

The moe Ron's don't care if they run our country broke from welefare

They just want their checks

Who cares about those who had to work for their money

The rich take their share and the poor take their share and the worker gets screwed

We need a worker party in America

We have a hundred million work force in the USA we could win every election

That hundred million would grow to 150 million as soon as those collecting welefare get a pay cut in half

Disability is one thing

But having babies to collect a check isn't

The rich do something to help

But the bums just take

I just bought some more

I couldn't help it

I just couldn't talk myself out of it

When it rvs I'll pay my mom back the money I just borrowed to buy them

It's gonna rv real soon to

I think I'll go pump it up

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