sandstorm Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 (edited) In a similar manner I'm here to announce that the RV scam is still clinging to life. January 2014 has come and gone with no RV, no GCR, no float, no full membership in the WTO, no internationally traded dinar .... etc. And yet the hype continues. Hopefully soon somebody will pull the plug on this thing and millions of people can get on with their lives.Gurus were pumping away in January proclaiming that the RV will be revealed in the new budget, and that the issuance of bonds will bring us our blessing. All nonsense of course, but it seems to work.On the other hand, Marcus Curtis from XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX has re-emerged with his insights from years of research as both an investor and a former investor. His post "That's a Fact Jack - 40 Facts" shook a few people up by debunking many commonly held beliefs of dinar investors. This came on the heels of a few other excellent posts on his blog. Stryker went semi-postal in his "rebuttal", calling Marcus "Bozo". Marcus has now issued a clarification to his post. Good to see Marcus back in action.Over the past few months a site called XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX has also joined in the fun, sharing some of my thoughts and exposing a bit of douchebaggery themselves. On Dec. 31 they did a post revealing that "Breitling" was trying to pull a fast one on his followers by sending them to this great dinar news blog owned by some guys he knows, when in fact his Google advertising ID comes up in the source code. (Coincidentally he started pumping the site shortly after I wrote about the success of the rumour sites D G and D.R.) The bottom line is Breitling is getting ad revenues produced by the traffic he generates by sending his followers to that site. This is essentially the same thing he did with the ISX Report produced by some guys he knows but for some strange reason Breitling's company's name came up on the PayPal page when you ordered the report. Breitling is pretty easy to see through. He's claiming to be an investment expert so that he can make money off of the people who don't know any better than to listen to him. Unfortunately a few of us are watching him and making that more difficult with each new scheme. Like the LDHL penny stock he pumped, which some poor shmuck apparently bought at $1.50 before it tanked back to below $1 and is now in a trading range between 40 and 50 cents. (LDHL, LDHL II) Then there was REIC, a real estate MLM scheme he promoted whose founder was reportedly fined $75,000 for defrauding investors. And both of these followed years of hyping the RV of the dinar (whose value has remained remarkably stable for five years now) and the Vietnamese dong (which has steadily lost value). Great track record, huh? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAlso at Baghdad Invest a guy named Zahlid shook some folks up when he mentioned that the redenomination would take place prior to the election in late April, and that there will be no exchanges outside of Iraq. This is the worst case scenario for dinar investors, and I have discussed the possibility several times in this blog. While it's impossible to say at this point whether or not Zahlid is the real deal, the risk of illiquidity has been there along along. John Jagerson discussed this in his videos from 2009. Several of my readers have also shared their views on how this will play out. While many dinar investors have stated that Iraq could never get away with screwing over investors like that, the fact of the matter is Iraq has stated all along that the dinar was for use IN COUNTRY, and they have been up front about their intentions to replace the IQD with a new currency. If this scenario occurs, the screwing over will have been done by the scammers, not the Iraqis.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAnd back in Iraq, the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah were reportedly taken over by Al Queda. The death toll for January topped 900 as the wave of violence continues. But not to worry, everything's just hunky dory for our "investment". Just keep listening to updates from TNT Tony so you'll know when it's your turn to cash in. (That was sarcasm, by the way.)And finally, our own Brian Simpson (well, we don't own him but I consider him family) did an incredible post on the GCR (Global Currency Reset) scam at B.I. You won't find this at D.R, but with his permission I'd like to include it here...... the GCR as it is being pumped is total nonsense. Even most “GCR” proponents can’t explain what they’re trying to pump beyond throwing round a few buzzwords like “fiat” and “fractional reserve banking” (and then laughably attributing them only to the USA). There’s about a dozen different variants depending on which conspiracy forums you read. They mumble something along the lines of “Some will rise, some will fall, it will be based around resources, look beyond the fiat!” then go very quiet when you ask them to put up actual facts (and not just feel-good soundbites or “shared hope”) and spell out the exact mechanism on which currencies are supposed to be “reset” by, what “resources” and what “pegged rates”, which centrally planned global organism will determine these “rates” instead of the market, how they’re going to cope with countries lying about ‘discovered’ resources, why on earth would you count “all oil reserves” when most extracted oil gets either internally consumed or exported for someone else’s consumption, who’s going to accept 50/60/75/100 year IOU’s from the bank for the oil & minerals that wont be extracted / mined until 2065/2075/2090/2114AD and are actually in a usable form that people can actually exchange with the currency it’s supposed to be backing (otherwise it’s nothing more than another paper commodities futures contract), etc.Years ago someone proposed a “one world currency reset” by redenominating all currencies to the same value (as happened with the Euro countries with the introduction of the Euro). Of course, it didn’t take long before the “RV” guru’s & pumpers (and tin-foil-hat brigade) jumped on it and rewrote it as some “mega global RV” which has done nothing but confuse a lot of people. In reality, all there is, is some rather desperate people trying to convince themselves that “If Iraq won’t RV itself then everyone on the planet will be RV’d, yes that’s it, that must be the ‘explanation’ for my ‘windfall’!”. LOL. It’s total gibberish because the Iraqi Dinar simply isn’t undervalued even with all Iraq’s “resources”, and Iraq’s annual $100bn oil exports wouldn’t even back 0.11% of a $85,000bn “$1 rate RV/GCR”! The problem is not what “backs” it ($ vs oil vs gold) it’s that there are 85,000bn IQD in circulation vs only 31bn KWD – the one thing RV / GCR guru’s repeatedly run away from as it instantly debunks the entire “the Dinar is undervalued and is just waiting for…” false premise.Iraq only has $1.2bn worth of gold. If you tried to “back 85tn Dinar” solely with that, you’d end up with an equivalent $ rate of 70833:1 (60x LESS)! Even if it “doubled overnight” Jim-Willie-style it would still only be worth $3bn (and Iraq would still have 85,000bn paper money).Basing a currency’s value on vague unspecified “resources” simply laying in the ground as Jan claims, is total nonsense. As for “backing the Dinar with oil”, Iraq may have 140bn barrels of oil (which at $100 oil price = $14tn assets) – BUT that $14tn worth of oil is going to be spread over the next 127 years in the form of 3.0m barrels per day actual production. If Iraq increases exports to 4m barrels, that $14tn of oil will still be spread over the next 96 years. Some highly deluded people genuinely think all that 140bn barrels will all be magically teleported out of the ground in 2014 and donated to the CBI, and stuck in some giant warehouse for “backing the Dinar” tomorrow without a single drop being sold or used ever again…No country is going to “squeeze in” every single year’s economies from 2014-2141AD’s all into 2014 currency’s valuation (the absurd GCR in a nutshell). You could make the same argument with the USA and claim the US Dollar “is going to skyrocket” if you “count” 127 year’s worth of future US exports which = $194tn or 13.8x Iraq’s worth of oil reserves. LOL. Iraq has 85tn Dinar and 140bn barrels of oil or basically, enough to “back” 607 Dinar with 1 barrel worth $100. Except they don’t because Iraq will consume around 1/5 to 1/4 of it themselves and export virtually all of the rest to non-Iraqi’s – in both cases all that oil is no longer available to “back” the Dinar!Same with minerals, if you have 1m tons of aluminum “resources”, you dig it up and use 300k tons to build stuff and you sell 700k to other countries, how much do you have left as “currency backing” just sitting there in a pile doing nothing? None. People dig up oil & metals to use or export, and once it gets used or exported it’s not available for “backing” anything. This is why simply quoting a nation’s “reserves” and assigning an arbitrary “GCR exchange rate” to the currency based on that is absurd.It’s also comically inconsistent. Apparently “Canada’s going to fall and Iraq’s going to rise due to Iraq’s oil”. Which is hilarious given that Canada (175bn barrels) has 25% more oil than Iraq (140bn barrels) and a whole lot more other natural resources. China will also LOSE out due to being a net IMPORTER of virtually every raw resource going from oil & LNG to iron, copper & aluminum, titanium, uranium, etc, to coal, timber, rubber, etc. Why do people think they’re running around Africa & South America buttering up the locals? Because they don’t have enough resources to sustain even what they consume (let alone surplus leftover to “back” 110tn Yuan at some wonder high rate)! Yet more proof that the people shovelling this GCR conspiracy haven’t even bothered to research any of the countries they’re pumping.And using non-recyclable resources (like oil) as a “currency backing” as an inflation hedge is also totally backwards & contradictory. As each year goes by, oil gets burnt up or sold to someone else to burn up and is no longer available. Iraq can’t keep it in a vault for all eternity, they have to constantly sell it (to fund central govt in place of taxes) / or burn it internally (transportation, oil power stations, construction, etc) out of necessity. Every time Iraq burns or exports a barrel of oil that oil will no longer be inside Iraq “backing the Dinar” – making whatever “GCR resource peg” more and more OVER-valued as each year goes by.If Iraq has 140bn barrels of oil and sells oil at 1.1bn barrels per year (and consumes more internally on top), then as each year goes by, its “resources” backing its currency increasingly dwindle and they’ll need to LOWER the value of their currency peg vs oil with an endless stream of annual DOWNWARD RV’s because if they lose currency-backing-resources each year, then their resource-backed-currency will lose value each year too! And all the while their population is growing they still have to print more money for liquidity purposes, amplifying the effect. What “Genius” came up with that? Avoiding “inflation” by using a constantly dwindling resource that’s naturally permanently inflationary? LOL. If you want a hedge against inflation, you don’t peg your currency to an asset which shrinks each year (oil) as that’s exactly the same long-term effect as “printing too much fiat money and not having the resources t back it”There’s just as many “GCR guru’s” spewing out junk economics as there are “RV” guru’s. Many people cling to this because they’re deathly afraid of admitting Iraq is going to redenominate and are left trying to find some alternative “magic millionaire elixir” to “allow” Iraq to keep 85tn Dinar and “somehow” magically make it “more valuable” to avoid admitting the blatantly obvious “elephant in the room” - the Iraqi Dinar is 3,000x weaker than the Kuwaiti Dinar simply because Iraq have printed 3,000x more paper money than Kuwait… A vastly disproportionate people hanging round GCR conspiracy stuff are either “Doomsday gold bugs” predicting “imminent $5,000 gold prices” every month since 1999 or are Dinar holders who’ve realized the absurdity of a “100,000% RV” for Iraq, yet strangely see nothing wrong in extending the same contorted logic to the whole planet to try and keep “the dream” going…from XXX X XX *****ADMIN NOTE************* If you want to continue with your posting ability, DO NOT POST LINKS TO OTHER SITES. One more violation and you will be banned again! Edited February 11, 2014 by Bumper64 removed links to other site - AGAINST FORUM RULES 3 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dinarbeleiver Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 Thanks truthful1 2 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandstorm Posted February 11, 2014 Author Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 (edited) Thanks truthful1i figured somebody might want to get a choice of the whole buffet. with all the "head in the cloud" rumors and made up guru talk, someone might want to see a differing viewpoint.dv- informed, engaged, and prepared Edited February 11, 2014 by sandstorm 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dontlop Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 Yep January 2014 has come and gone and still no lop Imagine that That lop talk is a scam Trying to get people to sell their dinars and lose money is a scam The lopsters can sell off their dinars anytime they want yet they hang on to them while they preach a loss and call people names and ridicule them for not selling their dinars What a scam 8 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
boosterbglee Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 No RV and No I'll just do this!! It's better than shoveling snow! It will happen one way or the other. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandstorm Posted February 11, 2014 Author Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 (edited) the links, i missed. but thanks, that why we have such great mods! why your enforcing the rules, we have some personal attackers on the next two threads in the section. youll want to ban them for their remarks. thank you so much im sure youll find those mean hateful personal attacks, to be much more severe than an accidently link i left Edited February 11, 2014 by sandstorm 3 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dontlop Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 Ya might as well post a guru story that has to come true if your going to post a zero deletion story that hasn't come true It's the same thing 3 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dinarbeleiver Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 the links, i missed. but thanks, that why we have such great mods! why your enforcing the rules, we have some personal attackers on the next two threads in the section. youll want to ban them for their remarks. thank you so much im sure youll find those mean hateful personal attacks, to be much more severe than an accidently link i left sorry about that truthful1 lol 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandstorm Posted February 11, 2014 Author Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 Ya might as well post a guru story that has to come true if your going to post a zero deletion story that hasn't come true It's the same thing cheer up buddy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FS4Enthusiast Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 Ya might as well post a guru story that has to come true if your going to post a zero deletion story that hasn't come true It's the same thing Except deleting zeros happens all the time, Iraq frequently discusses their plans to delete the zeros, and there are legitimate reasons to delete zeros. Can't say any of the same for massive RVs of 80 trillion M2s. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandstorm Posted February 11, 2014 Author Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 sorry about that truthful1 loloh no problem sweetheart. we all make mistakes. hope your having a great day! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dinarbeleiver Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 Truthful1 I will leave you to dig your own grave Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dontlop Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 It doesn't matter if zero story's happen all the time So do heart attacks Doesn't mean your going to have one Hey sandstorm when I bought my dinar in 2005 I was told it would rv in 2016 What were you told ? It must of been good enough for you to by them 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandstorm Posted February 11, 2014 Author Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 (edited) It doesn't matter if zero story's happen all the time So do heart attacks Doesn't mean your going to have one Hey sandstorm when I bought my dinar in 2005 I was told it would rv in 2016 What were you told ? It must of been good enough for you to by them you were told? by who, if you dont mind? Edited February 11, 2014 by sandstorm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dontlop Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 I don't know about you but I'm waiting till 2016 And yes I am absolutely aware of all the possibilities Most of us are Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fib1618 Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 It doesn't matter if zero story's happen all the time So do heart attacks Doesn't mean your going to have one Hey sandstorm when I bought my dinar in 2005 I was told it would rv in 2016 What were you told ? It must of been good enough for you to by them Which GURU told you it would rv in 2016? Dewey? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandstorm Posted February 11, 2014 Author Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 I don't know about you but I'm waiting till 2016 And yes I am absolutely aware of all the possibilities Most of us are cool Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FS4Enthusiast Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 I don't know about you but I'm waiting till 2016 And yes I am absolutely aware of all the possibilities Most of us are Some of the things you consider possibilities are not actual possibilities. That's the problem. you were told? by who, if you dont mind? George Bush's proctologist. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandstorm Posted February 11, 2014 Author Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 (edited) It doesn't matter if zero story's happen all the time So do heart attacks Doesn't mean your going to have one Hey sandstorm when I bought my dinar in 2005 I was told it would rv in 2016 What were you told ? It must of been good enough for you to by them you said you dont know anybody who has dinar, so did you get the rv intel off the internet? Edited February 11, 2014 by sandstorm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dontlop Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 There were no gurus in January 2005 That came later Clowns to the left jokers to the right 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandstorm Posted February 11, 2014 Author Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 There were no gurus in January 2005 That came later Clowns to the left jokers to the right well who told you rv in 2016.if there were nogurus around, and nobody you know had dinar, who told you about the rv in 2016 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dontlop Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 It doesn't matter at this point "who" I'm definatly not posting someone's name for someone like you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandstorm Posted February 11, 2014 Author Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 (edited) Truthful1 I will leave you to dig your own grave ok, thats a little creepy! peace with no graves It doesn't matter at this point "who" I'm definatly not posting someone's name for someone like you oh ok. i wouldnt joe plumber down your block anyway. if i were you, i wouldnt hang my hat on a random opinion. In a similar manner I'm here to announce that the RV scam is still clinging to life. January 2014 has come and gone with no RV, no GCR, no float, no full membership in the WTO, no internationally traded dinar .... etc. And yet the hype continues. Hopefully soon somebody will pull the plug on this thing and millions of people can get on with their lives. Gurus were pumping away in January proclaiming that the RV will be revealed in the new budget, and that the issuance of bonds will bring us our blessing. All nonsense of course, but it seems to work. Edited February 11, 2014 by Bumper64 removed the double posting of the article Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dontlop Posted February 11, 2014 Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 Hey sandstorm no one guarenteed me anything I didn't bet the farm If I lose every penny that I spent 9 years ago It will make zero bit of differance in how I live Absolutely zero 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandstorm Posted February 11, 2014 Author Report Share Posted February 11, 2014 (edited) sorry bout that. dang paste button Hey sandstorm no one guarenteed me anything I didn't bet the farm If I lose every penny that I spent 9 years ago It will make zero bit of differance in how I live Absolutely zero cool. looking for more debate on the substance. boy does sam really know the inside of the guru cartel Edited February 11, 2014 by sandstorm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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