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Dollars For Dinars - Greatest Article I've Ever Read


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Thanks Trinity, lately Iv'e been feeling kind of down about this whole thing. I believe in my heart we are where we stand today because of the ego's and corrupt power mongering of the men who run the Iraqi government. I believe that the Authors of the pan foresaw a Iraq at this time as being so much further ahead than they are now. I am not giving up hope though and thank you and Breitling for the great information. Keepin my chin up Buti. biggrin.gif

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The story of the currency plan is one of several that involved large sums of cash. For example, just before the war, Saddam stole $1 billion from the Iraqi central bank. American soldiers found that money in his palaces and shipped it to a base in Kuwait, where the U.S. Army’s 336th Finance Command kept it safe. To avoid any appearance of wrongdoing, American soldiers in Kuwait wore pocketless shorts and T-shirts whenever they counted the money.

Later, U.S. forces used the found cash to build schools and hospitals, and to repair roads and bridges. General David Petraeus has described these projects as more successful than the broader reconstruction effort.

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I'm confused, wouldn't this "found" money have been the old Saddam dinars that were destroyed or buried? Since he stole it before the war? How could this old money have been used to pay for anything? I'm not sure I'm reading this correctly. :blink:

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But that wasn’t the only source of dollars. Because the new Iraqi dinar was so popular, the central bank bought billions of U.S. dollars to keep the dinar from appreciating too much. As a result, billions in cash accumulated in the vaults of the central bank.

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if they bought billions of dollars .. did they buy them with dinars ?

if they bought billions of dollars from the us .. the us must have trillions of dinars in the us what do ya think ?

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But that wasn’t the only source of dollars. Because the new Iraqi dinar was so popular, the central bank bought billions of U.S. dollars to keep the dinar from appreciating too much. As a result, billions in cash accumulated in the vaults of the central bank.

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if they bought billions of dollars .. did they buy them with dinars ?

if they bought billions of dollars from the us .. the us must have trillions of dinars in the us what do ya think ?

If they did indeed buy billions of dollars wouldn't it have been an even exchange for dinar? Value in value out. This article doesn't sit right with me. Something is wrong here.

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If they did indeed buy billions of dollars wouldn't it have been an even exchange for dinar? Value in value out. This article doesn't sit right with me. Something is wrong here.


nah if they bought those dollars with dinars to hold down the dinars value ..they sold those dinars for 2000 dinars for a dollar ..or what ever the rate was at the time they bought them .. so one billion dollars would cost 2 trillion dinars ..or what ever the rate was ..

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nah if they bought those dollars with dinars to hold down the dinars value ..they sold those dinars for 2000 dinars for a dollar ..or what ever the rate was at the time they bought them .. so one billion dollars would cost 2 trillion dinars ..or what ever the rate was ..

Exactly, whatever the rate was at that time. An even exchange at the going rate at that time right? The lowest exchange rate I remember ever reading about was 1400 (14??) per dollar. Or are you saying Shabibi sold his dinar at a discount in order to get USD?

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[this says it all. these controls (dirty float of the currency) has been maintained as a matter of monetary policy.]

C'mon Shabbi ! Enough With All This Dirty Talk And Just Do The Dirty Deed ! :o

:D :D :D

Thx For The Great Post + The Analysis T-eX ! ;)


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If they did indeed buy billions of dollars wouldn't it have been an even exchange for dinar? Value in value out. This article doesn't sit right with me. Something is wrong here.

I think you are right here Workerbee, but the USD was already in use and somewhat trusted by the people. ( It was working ) . I think what he's saying is as they put dollars into circulation the dinar rate was manipulated down. Lots of articles out about counterfeit currency causing less demand for IQD and could be manipulating the rate down. I believe more trust in a money ( gold ) would have accomplished this same goal.

And now the CBI will sell gold.

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But that wasn’t the only source of dollars. Because the new Iraqi dinar was so popular, the central bank bought billions of U.S. dollars to keep the dinar from appreciating too much. As a result, billions in cash accumulated in the vaults of the central bank.

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if they bought billions of dollars .. did they buy them with dinars ?

if they bought billions of dollars from the us .. the us must have trillions of dinars in the us what do ya think ?

They took US dollars into Iraq and paid people with them. Then when they issued the IQD they bought some of those dollars back from Iraqis so that the IQD wouldn't appreciate too much.

In the first stage, the United States would pay Iraqi government employees and pensioners in American dollars. These were obtained from Saddam Hussein’s accounts in American banks, which were frozen after he attacked Kuwait in 1990 and amounted to about $1.7 billion. Because the dollar is a strong and reliable currency, bringing in dollars would create financial stability until a new Iraqi governing body could be established and design a new currency. The second stage of the plan was to print a new Iraqi currency for which Iraqis could exchange their old dinars.
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They took US dollars into Iraq and paid people with them. Then when they issued the IQD they bought some of those dollars back from Iraqis so that the IQD wouldn't appreciate too much.

Not only that, they also paid the Warlords on a regular basis to keep them from blowing things up and killing the citizens.

When you are dealing with mercs, the USD is king; for everything else, there is Dinar..

The Dinar was weakened by Saddam over printing and declaring an unrealistic value.

By the time these Billions hit the ground, the Dinar had sunk to a low of around 4000:1, and was finally on the upswing.

When you have that low of a country's monetary value, it must be controlled as things improve to prevent too fast a rise which would just offset the work being done to reduce hyperinflation.

The currency auctions still perform a similar duty.

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Really good article, it speaks to actual facts, as opposed to the usual Guru BS and misinformation out of Iraq. THANKS Brietling, thanks indeed is one of the best informative articles my humble opinion it certainly helps solidify the reason to be in this investment!!

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I'm going to take your post home and read it, analyze it, digest it, and puke it out on a piece of paper. Then I'm going to draw a bunch of lines around, to, through, and by each point. I hope it comes out as a pretty picture...rolleyes.gif


....and if you see a DATE and RATE in all that scrawl.......please give yourself an awesome GURU NAME and post that info immediately!!! Inquiring minds want to know.


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