This is mainly for folks who maybe haven't been in this as long as some of us. I have been here since 2011 but had lurked for about 18 months before joining.
Now it is easy to get caught up in the hype and the it is done ! The rate is xxx. I look in on YouTube everyday. I watch a lot of stuff on there not all about the dinar. But if you go look right now... the rumours are that it will be done by December 1st. .... what was it last month? ... Nov. 1st.... Now many of these pages are from young men in Iraq. Probably poorly educated , have discovered the hype about the currency of Iraq AND have jumped on the bandwagon of the frank, marks and others in dinar land. If you actually listen to what they say you will soon realise they know NOTHING! They basically repeat what we read in the rumours section of this site.
So, I would encourage any newer people to go read older things on this site. Educate your self and try to understand what iraq is doing and the huge potential ot has. When somebody calls out a rumour in here it is usually 1 of us who has been here a while. By all means ask questions but think about what you want to ask. Anybody want to add to this please do