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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/july-24-2023 July 24, 2023 Engage and Win It Today’s post was written by my brother, Tim Sheets. Here’s what he says: “I awakened recently, burdened by the Holy Spirit to pray for our nation. He told me that the months of June, July, and August would lead to a time of shaking in September and beyond, which would lead us into a reset. He then reminded me of a prophetic dream I had in June of 2022 that I believe is now in its moment. “In the dream, which I will share momentarily, I had gone to pray in Washington, D.C. on July 4th and was in Lafayette Park, which is across the street from the White House. I have actually prayed there before in real life. In the dream, I felt led to go to a spot where I had actually prayed with Dutch and Ken Malone, 7 years ago (2016). On that literal prayer journey in 2016, Chuck Pierce had given us a golden vav, a stake, and prophesied, ‘Use this as a symbol. Go to Washington, D.C., drive it into the ground, and decree that we are re-staking claim to America. God will show you where to place it.’” “We had been praying for over an hour about where to place the stake and had backed up into the park, about 50 yards or so from the front fence of the White House, when we saw a guy coming towards us. As he got closer, I said, ‘Guys, that’s an angel! “He kept coming but didn't make eye contact. He simply walked in front of us, 2 or 3 feet away, and said six times: ‘Mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy.’ And kept walking. “Dutch said, ‘We gotta talk to him!’ We looked for him, but he was gone. Well, it didn’t take a genius to know what we were gonna pray. We started asking God for His mercy!” “So, back to the June 2022 dream. In the dream, I’m thinking, I’m going to stand where that angel spoke to us. And I went to that spot. As I stood there praying (again, in the dream), looking at the White House, I saw a guy, maybe 100 yards or so away. He was carrying a tree trunk about a foot and a half in diameter and around 12 feet long! And I'm thinking in the dream, He’s carrying a tree trunk! There's no way a human can carry a 12 foot long tree trunk. That can't be…he can’t be a human! This has to be an angel. “As he came closer and closer to me, I could see that it was, indeed, an angel. He was a very, very big angel with muscles rippling all over, and he carried the log under one arm as he approached. Stopping directly in front of me, he stood still, staring at me. “In the dream, I finally asked the obvious, ‘Why are you carrying that tree trunk?’ “And he answered me in the language and demeanor of a soldier, which was very telling. ‘Sir, it’s not a tree trunk. It’s a battering ram.’ “‘Well,’ I said, ‘What are you going to do with it, soldier?’ I knew to call him ‘soldier’ because of the way he spoke. “He responded, ‘There are four of us surrounding the White House. We’re here to break down Lucifer's barriers that protect Baal’s roots.’ “I said to him, ‘Well, why did you…why did you come and reveal that to me?’ “Then he said, ‘Sir, permission to proceed?’ I responded, ‘Soldier, proceed.’” (End of dream.) “Since this dream, the seraphim order of angels has been revealed to me. Seraphim are the most powerful angels, and recently I realized that the angel carrying the battering ram was a seraph. These angels are being led by Holy Spirit, fueled by millions of prayers, decrees and proclamations of God’s Word, and are now hearkening to bring these prayers and decrees to pass. In this dream, I was representing the body of Christ, the Ekklesia. It is time for the Ekklesia to declare, ‘proceed.’ “After some time spent praying into this, Holy Spirit reminded me of the following prophecy which I also believe is in its moment: “The Lord says, ‘I am releasing my Mighty ones to break up entrenched evils. They will strike the forever loser and his protections of diabolical root systems in America’s capital and in the state capitals. Michael will release, in sufficient numbers, war angels to unlock this nation and break barrier walls. Cover-ups will be uncovered. Taunting giants who oppose God will fall. Strongholds of darkness will be battered and their influence shattered. My angels are merging with My people to break the forces of evil in Washington, D.C. My unshakable Kingdom will rise in waves of ‘power strategies’ that will bring My covenant roots into alignment. Hear the sound of My Kingdom battering rams resounding against wicked strategies of Baal’s systems. The abominations will not stand,’ says the Lord. ‘For overwhelming might will come to bear upon covenant-breakers seeking to destroy My purpose for the land. “‘A war season, very fierce, will soon begin. Engage and win it with My power, released through prayer, decrees of faith, and worship warfare. Know that an agitated spirit realm will stir violence in the natural realm. But I will send fresh power from heaven to resource My remnant, and fresh fire will be seen in the King’s glorious presence upon their altars. My glory will hover over them, manifesting My support. In this war season, the functioning Ekklesia, My glorious church, will rise to operate in higher levels of authority. Its advance will be rapid. Rapid strikes will be released against hindering spirits, government tyranny, and cultural systemic evils. “‘The world will see the deployment of heaven’s Kingdom Ekklesias and heaven’s angel armies. This will suddenly and aggressively be revealed. The world will see the fierceness of hell’s battle against My Kingdom, superseded by the fierceness of My wrath against their allegiance to Baal. My fierce deployment of 5-fold ministries and the saints - My church - will now engage. My intercessors will deploy on strike missions against hell’s dominion in ways and numbers not seen before. Angels of glory will deploy on their strike missions. Yes, the striking power of My Kingdom will activate in My war season. Do not fear the war season, anticipate the victories! Iniquitous roots will wither under this deployment as power and authority elevates in the King’s remnant and justice is ministered righteously. The withering of hell’s kingdom will be seen in indisputable ways, for the heirs of Kingdom authority are being seated in their places of influence, and their angels are aligning with their assignments. “‘For the Lord of hosts makes this immutable promise, I will answer hell’s challenge. I will answer the world’s mocking. A new breed of eager champions are hearing the sound of marching. The battle will be engaged and great victories will be wrought. ‘For know,’ says the Lord of Hosts, ‘in this war season, the influence of My Kingdom is amping up. I will amplify My voice on the earth. I will amplify the voice of My church and My heirs. My gospel and truth will be amplified. My angels are working to amplify the efforts of My Kingdom. I have issued the order, “Amp it up.”’ “In the next month and a half leading up to September, at which time a great shaking will lead to a reset, be strong and declare your confidence in God’s guaranteed promises. A move of God is now in process and it will not be stopped.” Pray with me: Lord, we declare our confidence in You and we stand strong upon Your promises. Open the door of heaven for angels to ascend and descend, mobilize Your angels across the land. Let the corruption that is hidden in government be exposed. Let it be battered, shattered, and scattered by the Kingdom of Almighty God. Accelerate confusion into the camp of the adversary. We declare a boldness will rise upon us to say what You say without fear or intimidation. We declare the will of the Lord will be done. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. Our decree: Angels, proceed! In the name of Jesus, tear down satan‘s strongholds over Washington, D.C. ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at TimSheets.org
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5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/august-1-2022 August 1, 2022 The Wind is Blowing Our friend, Gina Gholston, sent me a dream regarding the coming revival and awakening. She saw how Holy Spirit would link the two, bringing not only salvation to the lost, but also the transformation/reformation that comes with a great awakening. It is insightful and encouraging. Gina says: *************** “I dreamed that I was walking down a hallway in Pastor John Kilpatrick’s church. Pastor John led the great Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, FL, from 1995-2000, which saw over 300,000 people saved. I had sat down for a moment in the foyer. Through the passing crowd of people, I could see a door opened to the sound booth. Inside, I could see Pastor Kilpatrick seated, talking with the sound technician. At that moment, he saw me and motioned for me to come into the room. I went into the sound booth, and he said to me, ‘I know you, don’t I?’ “I said, ‘Yes,’ and reminded him that we had ministered together in a church a few years prior to this. “He said, ‘Yes, I remember you. I thought I recognized you.’ “Then the dream changed, and we were in the sanctuary. The meeting had started; it was very crowded. Then I heard Pastor Kilpatrick’s voice through the P.A. sound saying, ‘Where’s that girl from Tennessee? Come up here!’ “Reluctantly, I went up onto the stage. Pastor Kilpatrick stood to my left and handed me the microphone. I was very nervous, but lifted the microphone and began to speak. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit encompassed me, and calmly I spoke these four words: ‘The wind is blowing.’ As those words left my mouth, the Spirit of God moved upon Pastor Kilpatrick, and he fell to the floor under the power of God. “I then began to prophesy, ‘What was will be again, but it will be different this time. It will not be multitudes of people going to one place to find Me. This time there will be “bundles” of people, saturated with My Spirit, going to multiple places where My fire is present. They will be touched by the fire, ignited with My glory and will carry the fire with them as they leave. They will then come in contact with other “bundles” of people, who have also been saturated with the oil of My Spirit and, they, too, will catch fire. They will in turn, spread it to other “bundles.” This is what awakening will look like. This is how My Glory will spread to the nation and the nations.’ And that was the end of the dream. “When I awoke, the Lord immediately said to me, ‘Revival has remembered and recognized you, [as Pastor John had done in the dream], and it is giving you a platform to release My wind. This wind will fan into flames My fire, that will then ignite My saturated ones. Those who are saturated with the oil of My Spirit will quickly ignite and carry the fire. Revival fire will spread across this nation and into the nations of the world like wildfire on dry grass!’ “I don’t feel that this dream was about Pastor Kilpatrick and me, but who/what we represent. John Kilpatrick represents revival. This was an announcement that the time had come for the unfolding of the prophesied awakening, which will be built on the platform of revival. And this move of God will be greater and more far-reaching than we can even imagine.The ‘platform’ is not referring to a physical structure or stage, but is symbolic. It is the standard, the message, the proclamation upon which God will build. And this spiritual platform will set the tone for the movement. Revival is the message, and as leaders and ministers begin to proclaim this message, an expectation will be ignited within the Body of Christ. “The platforms of ministry will no longer be our gifts and abilities. Church will no longer be about coming together for a ritualistic gathering that may, at best, create a momentary emotional touch but not an atmosphere in which people can experience a life-changing encounter with God. As in the dream, the wind of the Spirit is blowing to once again stoke the flames of revival in those who are ignitable. As we devote ourselves to God in prayer and obedience, believing His Word, believing the true prophets, and praying in the Holy Ghost, we, like those in the dream, are being saturated with the oil of His presence, becoming fuel for the flame of God! “Revival will not be defined by a few consecutive nights when we gather in a building for some preplanned meetings. Revival is and will be glory revealed. Revival is the restoration of life. It is undeniable power, demonstrated to bring undeniable change. Revival is an awakening alarm to those who have been lulled to sleep by the deceiving tones of a godless culture. The message is Christ in us, working through us to demonstrate His transforming power. This type of revival will be the ‘platform.’ “ This revival will not be in only one geographical location, a move of God where everyone goes to receive a touch from God. This will be more than that! I do believe there will be specific places ignited to burn with the fire of God’s demonstrated presence, but this will be much broader than that. And all that occurs will be about His Glory and His fame being made known to and through His Body. If we embrace this truth, surrender our lives, and surrender our platforms for the proclamation of His platform, we will be used for the unfolding of His plan. “We are the generation of those who seek God (Psalm 24:6), and we will see that for which we have believed. We will not resist the move of God, we will step into it. And we will rise as the ignited ones, experiencing and carrying the fire of His manifested Glory as He works through us to transform the world.” *********** Pray with me: Father, take us to deeper places in You, beyond just the surface. Expose and deliver us from all the things we’ve substituted for You. Produce fresh fire in us. We must experience this fire to be part of the company advancing forward with You in this time! Take us below the surface, beyond the manageable form that has appeased our comfort levels. Take us past the forms that produce just enough to say You are near but do not provoke the full surrender that occurs when You are fully present! May we all be touched by the fire of Your glory, and may it provoke us to pursue Your depths, losing ourselves in Your Glory as You consume us with Your fire! May we be transformed from coldness or lukewarmness into those burning with Your power and manifested presence. We put on Christ. We put on the righteous robes of glory/fire so that we are hidden in Him and He can be seen, not us. We live, but it is no longer we who are living, but it is Christ living in and through us (Galatians 2:20)! Show us Your glory, and mark us with Your fire! Amen! Our decree: We are the generation of those who will seek the Lord, and we will experience that for which we have believed. We will rise as ignited ones, carrying the fire of His glory as He works through us to transform the world. *************** Portions of today’s post were contributed by Gina Gholston and taken from her book, Dreams of Awakening. You can find out more about Gina here. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/december-9-2021 December 9, 2021 God’s Verdict Over America I want to prepare you now for Monday’s post (12/12/21). I have been asked to teach some and lead in communion as we join the ministries of Lou Engle (TheBriefing.us) and Matt Lockett (JHOPDC.com) in prayer and communion regarding the current Supreme Court case. So, on Monday, have your bread and wine (or juice) ready when you read (or listen to) that day’s post. ________________________ Our friend Gina Gholston has felt the need to re-release a prophetic word she gave in 2018. I, too, feel it is a timely word for NOW. Gina shares: “Looking at the happenings in our world through the lens of natural understanding, we would undoubtedly conclude that a spiritual awakening is impossible. However, as the body of Christ, our worldview is not obstructed by the delusion, chaos, fog of fear and confusion hell has initiated. We see through the lens of God’s Word and His prophetic promises. “In 2018, I had a very significant dream that revealed God’s heart and intentions for the United States. Its message gave the Ekklesia hope and strategy for the future into which we were being ushered. I know that Dutch has shared this dream a few times, but with the events that have been unfolding in our nation, I felt the unction of Holy Spirit to revisit this revelation. “In the dream, I, along with two fellow intercessors and my mom and dad, was walking down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC. I knew the Turnaround Conference at the Trump Hotel was just ending at that very moment. (This was an actual conference held at the Trump Hotel a couple of weeks after I had this dream. It was a gathering of national and international intercessors who had come to Washington, D.C. for the sole purpose of meeting with God and making an appeal to Him on behalf of the United States of America.) “In the dream, as we were on Pennsylvania Avenue, we turned and saw a courier angel coming outside through the doors of the Trump Hotel where the conference was just ending. This angel was carrying a fairly large scroll. His face was set toward the United States Capitol Building, and he was heading immediately in that direction. We decided to follow him and continued, even as he went into the Capitol. We then entered into the House Chamber, and the scene was exactly as it had been at the State of the Union address given by President Donald Trump just a few nights prior to this dream. All of the lawmakers were there in their seats, and there were many people in the gallery. It was a packed house. “The courier angel with the scroll was standing at double doors leading into the House Chamber, and he loudly announced with authority and confidence, ‘ALL RISE!’ And just as had happened at the previous State of the Union Address, some people stood, while others disrespectfully and very snidely stayed seated. “The angel then opened the scroll and said very loudly and adamantly, ‘The verdict has been determined: AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!’ “Immediately a cloud, the glory of God, came from behind the angel and began filling the room. Those who had stood at his entrance were now crumpled to their knees, wailing, overcome by the reality of God’s presence. Two or three who had been seated before, were now on their knees, screaming out very loudly, ‘I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!’ while others remained seated. “I knew in that moment, judgment was beginning and God’s ruling authority was being set in place. Transformation and reformation to accomplish America’s new reality was set in motion: She shall be saved! “That was the end of the dream. “Though sometimes, of course, we pray during emergencies and crises, effectual, fervent prayer is not just a last-minute attempt to get God involved in our situations. It is prayer that flows from a heart of unwavering faith established by abiding in the Lord’s presence. As we draw near to Him in the place of His presence, we hear His Word, His will, and are provoked to speak and align ourselves in agreement with Him for that will to take place. “I think of Moses, as he was leading the people of Israel to possess the land God had promised. The promise was real and certain, yet obedience in following and trusting God was demanded as He led them into its fulfillment. While they journeyed, at times Moses would pitch a tent outside the camp. He called it ‘the tent of meeting.’ He would go there to seek the Lord, and God would meet with Him in the tent. “The Bible says God spoke to Moses ‘face to face, as one speaks to a friend’ (Exodus 33:11 NIV). Moses sought the Lord, and by doing so heard the strategies of Heaven, enabling him to lead the people. It was in one of those ‘meetings’ that God assured Moses His presence would go with them and He would give them rest. God sealed this assurance with a promise, saying: ‘I will do this thing . . . for you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name’ (Exodus 33:17 NKJV). “For those few days in February of 2018 in Washington, D.C., the Trump Hotel served as a “tent of meeting,” as thousands of people, both in person and via the Internet, encountered God as they made fervent appeals to Heaven on behalf of the United States of America. The dream given to me revealed that those prayers set things into motion. God heard the faith-filled agreement that flowed from the sincere hearts of those intercessors, and His response to their appeal was a verdict that still rings true for our nation today: “America shall be saved!” This is not a cute catchphrase; this is a verdict rendered by God Himself, and it is a promise that will be fulfilled by the God Who made it! God has spoken, and He has sealed it with the promise, ‘I will do this thing!’ “History provides multiple examples of God shaking nations that seemed unshakable and changed world events that seemed unchangeable. God has always had a people who believe Him. And as they humbled themselves and walked with Him in cooperation with His Spirit, God has time and again shown Himself strong through them, in spite of hell’s attempts to stop or hinder His plan. The Lord recently said to me, ‘I have remembered My promises, and that which I have spoken will now begin to bring forth the harvest of My intentions.’ “God has not forgotten His verdict! He speaks with intent to perform. Regardless of how things appear, the truth remains: ‘America will be saved!’ Do not doubt it! Keep standing with unshaken confidence. God is with us, His Spirit will lead us triumphantly, and through us, He will fulfill His determined intentions.” Pray with me: Father, we set ourselves in agreement with Your determined verdict. We rise with an unshaken resolve to move with You and for You to see Your will happen in our nation! We declare the downfall and annihilation of every scheme and plot of hell to change laws and times throwing this nation off its God-ordained course and destiny! (see Daniel 4:25) You have determined and declared that America shall be saved, and we declare that verdict with undaunted faith and expectation. You will watch over Your Word to perform the doing of it! (Jeremiah 1:12) And as we pray in agreement with Your word, Lord, regarding the saving of America, we remember to pray for the babies. We stand in agreement that Roe will be overturned and that satan will not steal this decision. We ask You, Holy Spirit, to continually hover over the Supreme Court, guarding the hearts and minds of the conservative Justices. And we ask that Justice Roberts either be pulled toward reversing Roe v. Wade or that his counsel to sustain it will be unsuccessful. We ask these things in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: God’s verdict has been determined and set into motion; hell cannot stop what He has started! America shall be saved! ************************************** Portions of this post were taken from Gina’s new book, Dreams of Awakening, which was just released this week. The book is available on her website ginagholstonministries.org (or click here). Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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