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12 min read or 28 min video https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-7-2022 October 7, 2022 The Angels Are Now Positioned Hello and thank you so much for joining me today for Give Him 15. We have a really special post planned for today. I have two of my comrades that run with me and work with me - my brother, Tim Sheets, who's just doing amazing things for our nation right now, hearing from God in so many ways and becoming a real trumpet here, and around the world for the Lord during this season. And then, Chuck Pierce, my friend and prophet from Texas who is truly a prophet to the nations. It's a joy to have them on today. We've never tried this before - we're going to go back and forth with our interview - if there's a slight delay don't worry about it, we'll figure this out and we'll get it done. We probably won't stick to the 15-minute time frame, but we won't go terribly long. So without taking any more time from these gentlemen, let me just hand it to Chuck and ask, “Chuck what's on your heart to talk about today?” Chuck Pierce begins to share: “Well first of all, it's an honor being with you two and, Dutch, I want to say that yesterday Destiny Image promoted our book, The Prophetic Destiny of a Nation. All of you who do not have that book, I want to encourage you to get it because it's just as important today as it was when we [Dutch and Chuck] wrote it. “Now, one thing I want to do, especially since Tim is here with us, is go back to something that occurred at his church in December 2017. That was the month God visited me (I've tried to make a couple of slides to show you). I woke up and standing in the place where I seek the Lord was this incredible angelic being. I asked him who he was and he said that he was the angel of war for the harvest. He then showed me the world and timed the harvest ahead. Certain nations and certain states in America would all of a sudden have these incredible harvest sheaths of wheat rise up. Therefore, I could see where harvest was going to take place. Yet it was a war angel for harvest. “The first time I shared this was at Tim's church, because he is so adept in his understanding of angels. The angel and I had a conversation, which I was in fear and trembling, regarding how the Lord of the harvest would begin to train us for these next five years that we are in [2017-2022]. That brings me to this year that we're soon entering into. This upcoming year is a year of divine recovery and the opening up of new supply lines. What a divine recovery means, is that we return to a state of authority where we are in the place of rulership, that we should be in, and especially all of us Kingdom people. We need to understand that. “Something happened when Dutch and I were in South Carolina at one of the very most important, sovereignly gathered meetings that we have been in, within the past year. We were at the Citadel (Charleston, SC) and it was the first time they had a Christian meeting come in from the outside. It was so important for our nation, for the [spiritual] war ahead. While we were there, Dutch was speaking and the Lord caught me up and showed me something happening in and around America. Now let me show you that [on the screen]. He showed me these four key war angels that had surrounded America. If you'll notice, the one that aligns with Alaska and on the other side of Hawaii - these four angels were ruling angels from North, South, East, and West. “Then something happened: all of a sudden, 51 angels surrounded America. The Lord began speaking to me and said, ‘I am getting ready to commission change.’ The angels all had their swords in their sheaths, so they were not ready to be sent for war yet. And yet, I knew they had surrounded America. Now I want to encourage each one of you: America is now surrounded by a supernatural angelic force. Then He showed me that in April, things would start changing rapidly. Each one of these angels would be sent to a state and that state would come under a divine choice for the future. If that state didn't choose, it would be harvest - one way or the other - because you're harvested based upon what you've sown. All of a sudden that angel was going to start harvesting that state based upon what had been sown in the past season and what it had been aligned with. “So I want to encourage you, I know, Dutch, that you and Tim are so focused on America where I have remained focused more on China and Russia and many other nations. But I know when God calls me to America - and he usually calls me to be with you because I need that Apostolic covering. With that, I want to say to all of us: beginning in April, there will start to be great changes in harvesting America. That means, God will begin to make it very clear concerning what is happening in each state regarding how we have sown. Therefore, the prayers that you have been sending up - they have caused America to be surrounded by these angels. Now we are headed into a whole new season where we will be very aware, beginning in April of next year [2023].” Dutch responds: “That’s awesome, Chuck, and very encouraging - very encouraging. Tim, I'm going to put you on the spot here. I don't think you've heard this - we didn't talk about what Chuck was going to say or do today, but you have a great revelation regarding angels and you have great insights regarding the nation. Jump in and tell us what you're seeing.” Tim Sheets shares: “I'll take us back to when you and I as well as others were in Tucson, Arizona. I don't remember what we called that tour, but it was four to five years ago, during the 2017 time frame. While in Tucson, I remember that after I preached, we were getting ready to make decrees. We were in a large sanctuary, it was like a box store they had made into a church, and I saw 51 angels, Chuck. I have talked about this so many times. They were all governmental angels. When they appear to me, they are wearing a purple sash - a ruling and reigning sash - so I can always identify them. “After I was done preaching, we were getting ready to make decrees in this big conference, and I saw them line up along the left side, the back wall, and along the right side. I said, ‘Holy Spirit, I've never seen this many governmental angels!’ I've seen them, but one or two, perhaps even three or four, but not 50. And He said to me, ‘There are 51, if you want to count.’ Well I didn't dare count; I'm going to take His word for it! But I leaned over and said to Dutch, ‘The governmental angels are here.’ I asked Holy Spirit, ‘Why are they here?’ He responded, ‘They're here to get their assignment. There are 51, one for each state plus Washington, DC.’ We began to make decrees over the states and as we listed each state (this must have been a two-hour session of prayers and decrees that afternoon), making the decrees over each one, that particular state-angel would leave, until I finally saw them all depart except for Washington, DC. We then concentrated on that region, decreeing the governmental authority of King Jesus into the government there; then that angel left. “Chuck, you're saying - 51 angels are surrounding the United States. I believe they are probably the governmental angels that are fueled by the decrees of the King's Ekklesia, His warring saints - His remnant. The angels take that decree as an assignment. If you think about all the assignment decrees the Ekklesias have made just in that the past five years, or the prayers, or even the prophetic words that are now synergizing together under Holy Spirit leadership - the governmental angels are assisting in each state. “I believe there is a governmental angel assigned to each Ekklesia in each state. We're coming to the point where I believe we can say in all 50 states, there is a functioning Ekklesia. It's not conceptual anymore. In other words, we're not just teaching what the Ekklesia is. I believe a governmental angel is assigned to each of these Ekklesias - maybe even several - so that the intention, calling, and purpose of the Lord for that particular region or state, that the Ekklesia is taking on that identity and cause, and the government angels are beginning to assist in those decrees. All of us together are also focusing our decrees and prayers on Washington DC, which again, these angels can stir and answer. “Then, there's another level to this, because at the beginning of summer, I began to sense a different level or order of angels that I've never experienced before. I've experienced seeing the governmental angels for 15 years, and also seeing other divisions of angels. But I’ve never experienced this particular order of angels. “During the beginning of the summer, I began to share regarding this, but I also began to experience the presence of a very powerful angel that I've never seen before. I received a prophetic word about this angel. Long story short, I came to know that it was a seraphim. This is the highest order of angels. They're the most powerful order of angels. Most theologians believe that Michael and Gabriel, although they are archangels and have additional powers and authority, are also in this order. The seraphim are those angels that minister in the throne room and carry the presence of the Lord. The Lord can commission them from the throne room to go and be part of what He's doing in the earth realm, helping the Ekklesias. “Gabriel is all over the Scriptures and we also see this mentioned in the book of Daniel. The angels were fighting to get the message through as well as the decrees that were made by Daniel. He was praying and decreeing that the prophecy would come to pass. God, from the throne room of heaven, commissioned a seraphim who was in the Throne Room - Gabriel - to go and bring the promise to pass. Gabriel battled, what I believe, is a fallen seraphim, the Prince of Persia. I believe Lucifer promotes the fallen seraphim to positions of rule or thrones in regions. So Gabriel comes and the battle is intense, but stalemated. Father then speaks to another seraphim (Michael) to go and take care of this. Michael and his angels did - similar to what God did when Lucifer fell with one-third of the Angels and some of the seraphim that went with him. God didn't get involved in that. He didn’t, Holy Spirit didn't, Jesus didn't. It wasn't as if they were overly concerned. They turned to the seraphim, Michael, and said, ‘Michael, you and your angels - take care of this.’ “Regarding the governmental angels that have been assisting us for five or six years now, I feel that there is coming another level of high-ranking angels who are coming to assist them. Now regarding the functioning decrees of an Ekklesia, to some of these governing Ekklesias, I believe God's going to release seraphim to help them as needed, and I believe DC is part of that target. I sense that the governmental angels and the seraphim are going to begin to take out the principalities over that city. I feel that's the goal. “So I'm just saying, about that same time, we saw the 51 governmental angels (as Chuck mentioned), and God is saying, ‘Now I'm going to put the highest ranking angels I have and commission them on assignments with my governmental angels and other angels, as well as with my Ekklesia. I believe we are going to win some awesome victories, preparing the way for an awesome harvest.” Dutch responds: “Chuck, do you want to jump back in?” Chuck replies: “I just want to say a couple of things. First of all, I've got that ‘Holy Spirit shake thing’ going on in me. What we're doing right here is so important for all to hear because it's something that is confirmed by the mouth of two witnesses. Tim saw the angels being sent. I saw them positioned around America, and they're carrying the decrees of the saints. They're coming to war over the harvest of America. If you're listening from another nation, you will begin to see the same thing I saw in December 2017 where I saw that the nations would actually start shifting into their harvest realm. This is one of the most amazing things I've seen. “I want to end by saying, ‘Tim, I’ve been reading in Isaiah right now, and I think of Isaiah's visitation with the seraphim. It said, ‘In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord’ because the seraphim caught him up and showed him a dimension of what would happen. There's another passage in Isaiah 6 where it talks about how the stump would come alive. One of the Hebrew meanings of this year, is the stump begins to come alive again. So what these angels are going to do is find the stump in each place [state] so they can start attempting to bring life from it. If life will not come forth, then I think everybody in that state will recognize there's something greatly wrong in their state. Dutch I want to encourage you and say that Jerusalem, our America, is being surrounded now, and we are in a time of great change. It's just like what Isaiah said and you can interpret this yourself. ‘In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord.’ So get ready - there's going to be visible reckoning that we will fully recognize, and there will not be confusion over it.” Dutch shares: “Let me just jump in for a minute and and then I'll ask both of you to pray and release anything prophetically you might have. But in this season, I keep coming back to the dream about the baseball game - World Seers Series - that showed us the four quarters of 2022. Of course, the last quarter is when the Lord revealed the enemy who was pitching for the team as Baal-zephon. In the dream, we eliminated the voice of that spirit and his ability to rule America. Of course, there's been a 15-year a battle by the praying Church - repentance, decrees, prayer assignments, and of course, the ending of Roe versus Wade - to disempower that spirit over America. But in the dream, what is significant to me that relates to this conversation is the umpires were aligned with the adversary. They were cheating in order to help the powers of darkness defeat the church. At a certain point in this last quarter, the umpire was expelled from the game. The home plate umpire and Michael the Archangel replaced him. I feel this is all saying - it's all similar in the sense that God is saying we're moving into a season now where He's releasing these high-level angelic beings - probably led by Michael - to war on our behalf and enter the game - to call the game, to release justice and help turn the nation. That was the end goal and result of the series. I believe these two encounters, what God's been saying to you both, is encouraging us that we are on schedule and our prayers and decrees are working. God is listening and they are being used to release this angelic activity. As Chuck says, it's not just for America. It's about the nations of the earth. “I was very impacted by your statement, Chuck, about divine recovery, this being a time of divine recovery. Maybe we should pray into that, maybe we should just ask the Lord for that. Feel free to share before we pray regarding what that might mean, or prophesy into it. When he's finished, Tim, if you would, also jump in.” Chuck begins to share, then prays: “I think I'll just prophesy, because regarding 51, that means there's going to be a testimony of the grace that has been developing. This will create a staking of the claim for each state and territory. That's what that number means. I decree right now that we are in agreement with what we saw, and some of you are wondering, what will become of me? I'll tell you what will happen: you will see angelic movement, because they are now positioned. Tim saw them. I had no idea about that, but knew that all of a sudden, that word burned as a word of knowledge. There were 51 of the angels that would be sent and now I believe there's seraphim, based upon what you said, and they will be timed like you said - in quarters starting in April. We need to watch how our nation focuses beginning in April. We'll have four quarters that will lead us back to the greatest change we have ever known. “So Lord, we come into agreement. Father, I know that when You reveal, You also conceal, and You also establish. Father, You have revealed this by the mouth of two witnesses, and we say, ‘Let it begin!” Time it as You have shown us through the baseball game dream. Now, Father, we loose this into motion and come into agreement with You.” Tim prays: “Amen. Our hearts and faith cry out and we say, ‘Welcome Lord Sabaoth, the Lord of angel armies, to orchestrate the plans of heaven on the earth, energizing the Ekklesias and adding the assistance of Your armies - government angels, seraphim the the mighty fiery ones that strike with power. And even as a seraphim in years gone by, took out the voice of Zechariah for a time, we declare that the angels are taking out the communication systems of the adversary, and that system will be replaced by a system of truth declared into this world by the functioning Ekklesia led by Lord Sabaoth. Holy Spirit, in the greatest outpouring that we've ever seen, is leading us into the greatest harvest we have ever seen. So we, the Ekklesia, say, ‘Welcome Lord Sabaoth, welcome, angel armies. Welcome from the Throne Room, commissioned one, assisting us in great victory. We declare this in Jesus’ name, amen.” Dutch prays: “Amen. And Lord, I agree, we all agree - all of those joining us on this post today agree this shall be so. We've moved into this new season. We release it now by faith, all around this nation and the nations of the earth. In the powerful name of Jesus, amen. “Anything else, Chuck? You want to jump in?” Chuck: “I'm just amazed. I think that would be the word.” Dutch: “Thank you both. What a great post. I know we rushed through these things quickly but that's okay. “Friends, thank all of you for joining us. It's a joy to have you with us every day and we look forward to seeing you again.” ********************* Click on the link below to watch the video:
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/may-16-2022 May 16, 2022 DSM has been blessed with a wonderful, hard-working, and loyal team. Ceci and I are going to do a staff retreat with them, then she and I will take a much-needed vacation. I have asked some of my close friends and associates - many being regular contributors to the Give Him 15 posts - to fill in during this time. You will recognize most of the names; and I’ve thrown in one or two whom perhaps you haven’t heard from. You’re going to love the insights from all of them - this will be a wonderful smorgasbord! Enjoy! ____________________________________________________________________________ Unlocking the More in a Double Portion Year - Jane Hamon Vision of Keys Back in January of 2022, I had a vision of Jesus presenting me with a key ring containing three keys: one gold, one silver, and one ancient-looking. He said, “Go use these to unlock the more.” As I waited, I heard Him say, “I want to unlock more IN you so I can unlock more FOR you then unlock more THROUGH you!” I knew these were keys that the Ekklesia would need to unlock greater authority for this new season. Certain things that have been locked up and inaccessible are being made accessible as the Ekklesia rightly uses their keys. Closed gates are being opened so the King of Glory can come in! The Significance of the Keeper of the Keys In ancient times, kings invested their power in a right-hand man known as the treasurer, steward, or the “keeper of the keys.” This individual served in a governmental capacity and exercised supreme control over the treasury, over who accessed the king in his throne room, and over all the affairs of the kingdom. He was not the king, yet represented the king in all things. This sheds light on one of the most significant passages of scripture regarding our Kingdom authority as the Ekklesia and the keys we use to perform the duties of our office. In Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus said, “On this rock I will build my church (ekklesia) and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” The New Living Translation says, “whatever you forbid will be forbidden, whatever you permit will be permitted.” So what are we forbidding and what are we permitting? It’s interesting that the word build, in the Greek also means “to embolden.” We are living in a time when Jesus wants to embolden and empower His Ekklesia with governmental authority to bind and loose, to forbid and permit what transpires on the earth. A Time of Reformation In Isaiah 22:22 (yes, this is significant for 2022), we find another important scripture regarding keys of authority: “The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder so he will open and no one will shut and he shall shut and no one shall open.” Isaiah 22 contains the story of reformation taking place in Judah, where King Hezekiah, a righteous reformer, turned a nation back to God. His name means Jehovah is my Strength and comes from the Hebrew word chazak which means: to be courageous, strong, obstinate, to prevail! God is releasing strength and stubborn persistence to His people, His reformers, who are committed to turning a nation back to God. He is giving us strength to hold the line and not give up, no matter what we face. The Strongman of Shebna is Coming Down In Isaiah 22:15-19, Isaiah rebukes Shebna, the steward or treasurer of King Hezekiah’s house. He was using his office to promote himself and undermined Hezekiah’s vision for reformation. God judged him to be unrighteous, full of pride, and illegitimate as an official. In Isaiah 22:17 he is called a mighty man, but the Amplified translates this as “strongman.” I believe Shebna represents a spiritual strongman over nations that is undermining God’s agenda of freedom, hope, and life, ruling through illegitimate control, fear, and tyranny. This spirit, and those affected by it are wielding power through the political and religious spirits, by controlling the narrative through media and shutting down contrary voices. God basically declared through Isaiah, “enough is enough” and Shebna was stripped of his royal robes, his keys were taken from him, and all his authority and responsibility were given to another named Eliakim. Eliakim means “the one whom God raises up or sets up.” The day has come in which God will deal with Shebna leaders, both in government, society, and the church, unseating them from their places of authority and giving positions instead to the ones He is raising up. Eliakims are Arising! We are in a tipping point moment on the earth. Eliakims are arising who will rule righteously and justly. God is looking for those whom He will promote an increase in authority, and whose voices will be unlocked for reformation. God is putting the keys of the Kingdom upon the shoulder of His Ekklesia to open and shut: to open some things up and shut some things down. God is giving us unrestricted power and unlimited access to both His throne of grace as well as to His treasury, for all we will need to advance the Kingdom. Just as Eliakim was raised up to hold the key of the house of David, which was not just keys to a palace but authority over a nation, so God is raising up His Eliakims to hold the keys to cities and nations, and to unseat principalities and powers, both natural and spiritual. Scales are coming off the eyes of believers to see their spiritual walk differently, not just about salvation or blessing but about the governmental responsibility in the Kingdom to affect and change your world. A Small Key Can Open Great Doors! Jesus, our King, holds the keys, but He is also placing them in our hands! Remember, small keys can open great doors! God is giving us a gold key of favor, which is a master key that opens new opportunities and blessings, but also new responsibilities in the Kingdom. This key of favor will unlock the voices of Eliakims to bring a shift in the earth. The symbol of the silver key in scripture is tied to purity in the prophetic. Psalms 12:6 declares, “The words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in the furnace of earth, purified seven times.” God has been putting the words of the prophets through the fire so they come forth without human agenda or opinion. I heard the Lord say this silver key of prophetic purity and wisdom would bring “Solutions for Resolutions.” God is giving us divine insight, prophetic strategies, and solutions that will bring resolution to some long-standing issues, overturning corruption, ungodly laws, and establishing righteousness. The ancient key was tied to Isaiah 45:3(AMPC version) where God says, “And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, Who calls you by your name.” In my book, Declarations for Breakthrough, I write about this passage which has some interesting insight for the days we are living in. The “treasures of darkness” refers to a storehouse or cellar where an armory of weapons and a treasure room of wealth are kept. In this season God is unlocking wealth and opportunity but also releasing a new cache of spiritual weapons to be utilized in this time of intensified spiritual warfare. Our words will be both a key and a weapon. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for giving us the keys of the kingdom so we can rightly represent you on the earth. We come into agreement with Your Word that You are bringing down the Shebnas who are in positions of influence who do not rightly represent You or Your Kingdom cause of turning nations back to You. We pray for America and other nations that You will cause Eliakims to arise in great authority to see reformation, revival, and awakening come. We thank You for the Kingdom keys that will unlock greater authority, favor, prophetic wisdom, strategies, and insights as well as supernatural provision for the days ahead. We receive this in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. A DECREE TO RECEIVE OUR KEYS..!!!! Today I receive the Keys of the Kingdom from the hand of the Lord so I can unlock the more this year. I will use these keys to function in my role as a member of the Ekklesia, to bring God’s Kingdom purposes to pass on the earth. I receive authority and governmental anointing to rule and reign in my sphere of influence. I receive the gold key of favor, the silver key of purity, wisdom, and revelation, and the ancient key to unlock wealth and spiritual weapons to prevail in times of battle. My small keys will open big doors! God will unlock more IN me, so He can unlock more FOR me and then unlock more THROUGH me. I decree these things through the authority of the name of Jesus, the ultimate Keeper of the Keys! ******************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. Today’s post was contributed by Jane Hamon and taken from her book Declarations for Breakthrough. You can find out more about Jane and also find her other resources here.
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6 min read May 2, 2022 Passing Over Into a New Portion (As you know, from time to time I use insights, prophetic revelation, and dreams from others on the Give Him 15 posts. I thought it would be good to have Chuck Pierce personally share the following word. It is timely and will encourage you.) We all have a portion! This is very important for each one of us to understand. You need to know that God made you and has given you a portion, not only in eternity, but here in the earth realm. Psalm 16:5 says, “The Lord is the portion of my inheritance, my cup. He is all I need. You support my lot.” Inheritance means “my portion.” When you start looking at the inheritance that God has given you, you realize you are moving into a new portion and that you have a portion to establish and steward. We have just completed Passover 2022, or 5782 on the Hebraic calendar. In Hebrew, the number 80 begins with the letter “Pey,” which is also the first letter in Pesach, or Passover -- so the whole decade we're living in now is an era of Passover. An era is a particular historic timeframe. We're living in a new era and the history for our future is being recreated. God's not in time, but we're in a time and need to understand that He made us in His image. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and we, too, have a timeframe for yesterday, today, and the future. Most people never look at the future or where they are going, so they just live and get caught in the timeframe and the trauma of their past, or in the present with all of the conflict that's around them. This causes them to lose sight of their future. But in this Passover era, if you'll remember that you are passing over, crossing over, and moving from one dimension to another dimension, you will always keep the right perspective of where you're going. Passover is a Time to Cross Over! There were several Passovers in the Word of God, beginning with the original Passover of Redemption. There comes a time when we must embrace coming out of whatever Egypt we're living in. Redemption means you've been bought back. There's been a price paid for you to recover all that you have been given and you are now moving to do just that. There's also what is called the Passover of Promise which Joshua and the people celebrated after crossing over into the Land. I believe it is the Passover we are celebrating this year. Hebraically, the year 5782 is linked with building in the Pey era because the numeral 2 is represented by the Hebrew letter “bet,” which is associated with “house” or “building.” The letter Pey can mean “mouth,” so the decade is linked with the voice that's coming out of you. How are you speaking about what you're building in the future? What we build is so key for us to understand. The word ‘build’ also carries the idea of sons and daughters being added. At this time, the framework is developing over how you will secure your dwelling. This year, we are actually crossing over into our promise. You can have the Passover of Redemption just like the Hebrews had coming out of Egypt, but that whole generation never entered into their promise. It is possible to pass over from Egypt, but still not pass over into promise. That's an important concept for you to think about. In 2 Chronicles we find another example of crossing over … the Passover of Double Portion. You need to know there comes a time when your portion can increase, and God empowers you into a new portion for a new season. There's a Passover of Returning. Jacob had to pass over and return to all that he had left. He had run. He had been in hard labor for 20 years. He left his promise and he returned to his promise. There's a timeframe that we go through many times in our life where we must return to the ultimate plan that God had for us. Yeshua led us into the Passover of Fulfillment. The Lamb sacrificed on the cross created a fulfillment of all things for us. Fulfillment is a time word meaning everything is summed up and you fulfill your future. There's a Passover of Advancement. In Acts 12, we find that the Passover season was when the Church really began to advance. Peter was in prison and the angel led him out. You should always be conscious of the angelic at Passover that will cause you to advance. There's also a Passover of Threshing. All Passovers are linked to harvest, and we are in a harvest era. Recently, the Lord caught me up and showed me how Heaven is moving -- changing what is on the earth. The earth is going through much transition right now. I see the next three years as a great threshing time. That means wheat and chaff are being separated so that a greater harvest can come forth. This means the wind is blowing. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is blowing from heaven and creating incredible threshing in the earth. Many nations are in the valley of decision and how they're making decisions now is how they will have vision for their future. How they're allowing themselves to be threshed and separated out to realign (or not align) with God's ultimate purpose is how the judgment will come in days ahead. Passing Over into Your Promise! I want to impart to you the Passover of Promise, the Passover of a new portion … a double portion. There was a totally different crossing when Joshua and the people crossed the Jordan River than when Moses led the people through the Red Sea. God was saying, “If you'll meditate on all that I've said to you in the past 40 years, you'll have success as you pass over and occupy the portion I promised over 400 years ago.” Remember, when they entered promised land everything changed. The way that the presence of God manifested in fire and cloud changed. Previously, provision had been coming to them from Heaven and all they had to do was pick it up. But now they were eating the produce of the land and the manna stopped. In the Passover of Promise, we go into a portion where we are causing an increase, just like in the Garden. We were meant to watch after the Garden, cultivate and increase it. The Passover of Promise is linked with watching after, cultivating, and increasing. Review the portion that you have right now. Review the promise that God has spoken to you and see what has never manifested that is necessary for you to come into that promise -- because that's where your war is ahead. War is intensifying because the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is blowing from Heaven and the dragon is rising up and blowing fire, trying to stop the new birth. This year of 2022 is important. Twenty-two is always linked with receiving the keys of revelation that are necessary for us to unlock the kingdom around us. Then once we unlock the kingdom, as the Lord prophesied in Matthew 16, we build the church for the future. You Have a New Portion! Let me close by talking to you about your new portion. Elijah had one portion that had been allotted to him by the Lord – to overthrow Jezebel. This was meant to change a whole nation. But Elijah fell to fear and ran before securing his portion. God had grace, and told him, ‘You're now going to have to anoint three people to complete what I promised you.’ That's a very incredible key in this Passover of Promise. There will be different anointings for different people. One of the people he anointed was Elisha. He dropped his mantle on him, but that mantle didn't become a reality for seven years. Elisha had to choose to follow and learn from Elijah for seven straight years. Then, when the time came, Elijah struck the Jordan River with the mantle, crossed over, and was caught up. He had told Elisha, “What is it you want from me?” Elisha said, “I want a double portion of what you have.” Elijah said, “If you'll follow me to the end, you'll receive it.” Elisha did see Elijah go up. Elijah’s mantle fell, and finally, it was Elisha’s mantle with the new double portion. He then had to cross back over the river into his mission and his promise. Know that we are a Kingdom people who are crossing over! I release over you the grace and vision to gain a new portion of anointing to cross over and secure the inheritance and the promise that has not yet been fully secured. I decree you will embrace your new mantle and new portion in this year of the Passover of Promise. ********************************** Today’s post was contributed by Chuck Pierce. Chuck is the founder and pastor of Glory of Zion church in Corinth, TX. You can find out more about Chuck here. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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6 min read March 14, 2022 (givehim15.com) March 14, 2022 In December of last year, Jane Hamon was a guest on Give Him 15. She is an amazing teacher, colleague, and a dear friend of Ceci and me. I feel it is important for you to hear this powerful message once again. The Battle Is Over the Voice We are living in a history-making hour on the earth. It is a time of great contending and yet a time of birthing revival, awakening, and reformation! I heard the Lord say He is taking His church out of Survival into Revival! Isaiah 60:1-3 promises us that in times of great darkness in the earth God will cause His glory to shine upon His people, initiating the greatest harvest the earth has ever seen. Revival is at hand! Yet, in Isaiah 37:3 Hezekiah declared, “for the children are come to birth and there is no strength to bring forth.” This prophecy was given to King Hezekiah, a righteous king who was a reformer of a nation, turning Judah back to God. He was faithful to the Lord, yet his city, Jerusalem, had become besieged by the King of Assyria, Sennacherib, and was faced with certain destruction if God didn’t intervene. (Much as we face in America today.) Sennacherib was one of the cruelest conquerors in history, leaving terror in his wake of destruction. It is about him that Isaiah wrote, as a prophetic word of encouragement, “no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that rises up against you in judgment you shall condemn” (Isaiah 54:17). The Rabshakeh Assignment In my book, “Declarations for Breakthrough” I relate a dream I had in which a spiritual assignment was sent against a godly leader and reformer. The enemy’s name was Rabshakeh and he was coming to spread poison on the back of the leader and then take a rod and beat his back, driving the poison in until this reformer broke. The back represents the place of a man’s strength. The back was where Jesus was beaten so that we can receive our healing. In the dream, the enemy wanted to beat him down, afflict him with poison and destroy him. But before Rabshakeh could complete his mission of destruction, we alerted the authorities who captured him. They then led us out and put the enemy’s rod in our hands to beat his back instead! What does this dream have to do with the story of the besiegement of Jerusalem? It turns out that Rabshakeh was also the name of the emissary of Sennacherib, his mouthpiece, sent to demoralize God’s people with his words, trying to get them to give up, lay down their weapons and surrender the city. He tried to convince Hezekiah and his leaders that God had forsaken them and would not save them. Rabshakeh’s name means “chief prince,” and represents a demonic assignment against believers, leaders, and even nations today. He was the voice of Sennacherib, or if you will, the voice of the devil. He sought to get into the minds of God’s people, tried to define the narrative, beating them down by relentlessly filling the atmosphere with lies. Rabshakeh’s voice filled the air with accusations against who God is, against the leaders, and about the impossibility of their situation. He was spreading poison through the sound of his voice and trying to get in their heads so that they would be worn down and give up. Don’t let the enemy get in your head! There is a relentless demonic voice that is trying to talk believers out of their divine assignments. The voice of the enemy will try to convince you that all your prayers and decrees have been for nothing and that in the end, God will not do what He said. The voice of the enemy will try to wear you down with accusations, intimidations & frustrations so that all your strength to birth revival and fulfill your calling is exhausted. Rather than being a nation changer, you seek only to survive. Is it possible to be pregnant with revival and not have the strength to bring it forth? Is it possible to be pregnant with your miracle answer and it be aborted or stillborn because you give up or get so distracted with problems that you lose your focus or your faith in God? Is it possible to no longer have strength to stand for the destiny of your nation because of the mental exhaustion of contending? The Decade of Peh You see, we are living in the Hebraic year 5782. 80 is the Hebrew word “Peh” which means “mouth, speech or sound.” It represents the voice. During this decade the battle is over which voice is controlling the narrative, so it is imperative we listen for the voice of God. Psalms 29:4 declares, “the voice of the Lord is powerful.” His voice always brings victory! We must also be aware of what our own voices are saying. Are our words aligning with God’s voice? Likewise, we need to be alert to the enemy’s voice and his bombarding negativity, hopelessness, and fear. Every day we are assaulted by an antichrist barrage of words. The goal of cancel culture is to get believers, prayer warriors, and reformers to back down, break down and surrender. The battle over the voice is fueling the battle for our nation. In this tipping point moment in history, God’s ekklesia must unite to stand against this demonic attack to see righteousness and justice once again established in our land by releasing our voice and God’s decree against all the lies of the enemy. Going From Besiegement to Breakthrough! But rather than let Rabshakeh and his poisonous words rob them of their land, Hezekiah set himself to seek the Lord and to pray. He encouraged his people with these faith-filled words: “Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him: With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles” (2 Chronicles 32:7-8). The church would do well to allow these words to encourage us during these challenging times. Hezekiah laid the accusations of the enemy on the altar and lifted his voice to God in prayer. He also sent for Isaiah the prophet, to get a Word from God for the nation. This is the synergy that comes when godly government, prayer, and the prophetic anointing create a dynamic for breakthrough. Isaiah told Hezekiah the Lord had heard his prayers; He would defend the city and save their nation! He then released a prophetic word of breakthrough that sounded impossible, declaring God would fight for them. That night God sent one angel who wiped out 185,000 Assyrians! Rabshakeh and Sennacherib both returned to their own country, only to be killed by their own people. God fought for Judah! Dedicated prayer, powerful prophecy, and anointed decrees shifted the battle and brought heavenly intervention! Victory was manifested as God mobilized the angel armies to overthrow the enemy. As we position ourselves just as Hezekiah did, setting ourselves to seek the Lord, hear His voice, and put our trust in Him to fight for us, we will see every voice of the accuser struck down, every besiegement destroyed and everything stolen returned in abundance. Hezekiah’s name means “Jehovah is my strength.” In this time of contending, God will restore our strength physically, emotionally, and spiritually so we can fulfill our divine assignment. The Voice of the Lord Shatters the Enemy! If you recall at the end of my dream, the rod of punishment that the enemy, Rabshakeh sought to use against the leader was instead used on his own back! The Lord turned the evil the enemy meant against the reformer back on his own head! Isaiah also prophesied about this. His word is part of God’s battle strategy for us today in order to break out of the survival of besiegement, into revival for a new day: “The Voice of the Lord will shatter the Assyrian (your enemy), with His scepter He will strike him down. Every stroke the Lord lays on the back of the enemy with His punishing rod will be to the music of tambourines and harps as he fights him in battle with the blows of His arm!” (Isaiah 30:3; NIV) So rise up reformers! Be strong, people of God! Seek the Lord and hear His voice. Shake off every chain of discouragement and fear, resist Rabshakeh’s voice from getting in your head, and the voice of the Lord will shatter your enemy! ********************** Pray with me: Lord, let Your voice be louder than the voice of the enemy, for Your words are life to me. I submit myself to You, I resist the enemy and he must flee. I evict every lie and draw upon Your supernatural strength to sustain me and give me victory in every battle. In Jesus’ name. Our decree: The voice of the Lord will shatter the enemy. I will think what God thinks and say what God says, and will see the victory. ****************************** (Portions of today’s post were taken from Jane’s book, Declarations for Breakthrough. You can find this book at janehamon.com, by clicking here, or anywhere Christian books are sold.) Click on the link below to watch the full video. 240 likes. Post marked as liked
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/january-21-2022 January 21, 2022 For a Time Such as This Today, the March For Life will take place in Washington D.C. Every year on or near the anniversary of Roe versus Wade, thousands of people gather in our nation’s Capital to pray and make a stand for life. I am mentioning this in today’s post, not only to support the March, but also as a reminder to keep praying for the Supreme Court Justices as they prepare to vote regarding the abortion case before them. Even though the case was heard in December, they can change their votes up until the time the decision is announced. We are well able to carry this prayer assignment through to completion. God does not put assignments in front of us that He has not prepared us to accomplish. The following insights and vision from Gina Gholston are wonderful reminders of this: ************************ “I have always loved the story of Esther. I’m amazed by how calculated every move was that positioned her to be in the right place at the right time, enabling her to step into her destiny. This destiny not only changed Esther’s life, but was instrumental in saving her people from the wicked plots of Haman. As I was reading this account of Esther’s life a while back, God said to me, ‘It’s time to BE what you’ve been becoming!’ He continued, ‘The story of Esther is often preached from the perspective of the preparation process she went through. It was the process that positioned her, but there came a time when Esther had to step into the destiny for which I had prepared her.’ “We all go through a process to prepare us for things God intends to accomplish in and through our lives. This process takes place as we live life and walk with the Lord. However, our lives are not meant to be a perpetual preparation process. When we cross over into the timing of God—our ‘such a time as this’ moment—there is a thrust from Him that accelerates us into position. Then the revealing and release of the purposes of God through us can occur. We never come to the place where we stop growing and learning, but we do eventually come to those moments, as did Esther, which launch us into the position of BEING! “Recently, the Lord spoke to me from Luke, chapter five, when Jesus boarded Peter’s boat and instructed him: ‘Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch,’ (verse 4). “Peter was a professional fisherman. At that time, he was counting his losses from an overnight fishing expedition that had failed miserably. So, when Jesus said this, Peter’s response reveals that Christ’s suggestion seemed quite senseless. ‘Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing,’ (verse 5). However, at this moment Peter allowed his honor for the Lord to overcome his professional opinion. ‘Nevertheless, at Your word, I will let down the net,’ (verse 5). He unfurled the nets, dropped them deeper, and caught so many fish that his nets were breaking; Peter had to call others to help bring in the haul. “That act of obedience on Peter’s part positioned him to be launched into his destiny and life’s calling: to be a fisher of men. “These defining moments changed everything for Esther and for Peter. The timing of God unlocked a revelation of each one’s destiny and revealed that they possessed what was necessary to participate in what He was doing at that moment. “God has placed in us what we need in order to partner with His current purposes. And when that which we carry becomes necessary in His plan, He moves us into a defining moment. Defining moments are critical points - strategically placed along our path by God - to propel us into His plans and our destiny. He then uses us to accomplish His will and intentions for that time in history. I believe, for many within the Church, we have entered one of those defining moments. The destiny of God in us has met the timing of God for us. Now, we must be willing to obey His leading, trusting that, by His Spirit, He has equipped us with all we need to effectively advance His purposes. “I once had a powerful vision that made this truth very clear to me. In the vision, I saw myself standing in front of a wall with only a window in it. I was looking out the window, when the Lord spoke to me, ‘You’re standing in front of a window of opportunity right now.’ As I continued looking out, a hand came through the window and placed a key in mine. The Lord then said, ‘But the window of opportunity is about to become a door of access, and I have given you the key to open it.’ “Suddenly, the window turned into a door. In the vision, I used the key I had been given, and began opening the door. Immediately, however, a very strong wind blew in! I grabbed the door, trying to hold on with all my strength. The wind was so strong! I cried out, ‘Jesus, help me!’ “The Lord responded, ‘This wind is My Spirit; you must learn how to BE in it and how to walk in it.’ “The wind was taking my breath out of me. I said, ‘Jesus, I can’t even breathe!’ “He replied, ‘You must also learn how to breathe in My Spirit.’ “I said, ‘But, Lord, I can’t even move. How do I learn to walk in it when I can’t even let go of the door?’ “At that point in the vision, four angels came—one on each side of me, one behind me, and another in front. The Lord said, ‘You have to learn how to BE in My Spirit. “In this vision, I suddenly realized that before I even went through the door, God had already transformed me into all I needed to BE, and had equipped me with all I needed to possess in order to walk in the Wind. Now, I needed to focus on Him—not on myself—and confidently utilize all He had made available to me. “For many within the Body of Christ, the process is now giving way to the purpose. Our window of opportunity is about to become a door of access, and God has given us the key to open that door! What is the key? Faith in God! He has gone before us to provide everything we need to walk in the fullness of His purposes. So, move into this defining moment with confidence and courageous faith in God. “It’s time for us to BE what we’ve been becoming. Take your place, step into the Wind and watch God launch you into the destiny He has been seeing for you all along.” ********************** Pray with me: Father, we recognize this is a “for such a time as this” moment. Your destiny in us has met Your timing for us, and we can access the door of this defining moment, yielding ourselves completely to You. At Your word, we will advance. We take our place in Your plan. We will trust Your leading, walk in Your Spirit, and BE what we have been becoming. We know that our obedience to You at this moment is not just about us, and it is not just about here and now. What You do in and through us now will impact others and even the future that is yet to unfold. So, we take our focus off ourselves, and we confidently utilize all that You have made available to us by Your Spirit. We say “Yes” to You. Launch us! Lead us, and we will follow as You accelerate us into position for the revealing and the release of Your purposes through us! We stand against the spirit of death in our nation. We bind the actions of the spirit of Baal who is demanding blood sacrifices from our children through abortion. We ask You, Father, to turn the hearts of enough Justices to reverse the evil law enacted through Roe versus Wade. Turn this evil and heal our land. And we ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen! Our decree: The process is giving way to purpose, and at His Word, we will boldly take our place in God’s plan. We will move into this defining moment with confidence and courageous faith in God, and we will see His Kingdom come and His will being done in us and through us. *************************** Portions of this post were taken from Gina Gholston’s book “Dreams of Awakening.” You can find out more about Gina here. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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5 min read January 18, 2022 The Ekklesia is Pregnant…and Beginning to Show Yesterday I talked about the need to steward and birth God-given dreams, promises and prophetic words. My brother, Tim, sent me a very timely word that beautifully and powerfully confirms this. He speaks of “embryonic sermons,” a phrase associated with prophecy and the birth of Christ. It will encourage and instruct you. **************** “Matthew 1:18-23 tells us of the supernatural conception of Jesus. These verses explain that Mary’s pregnancy was Spirit conceived. Holy Spirit’s overshadowing presence surrounded Mary causing her to conceive - from the spirit realm - that which could now be birthed in the natural realm. This passage clearly shows us how spiritual conception from Holy Spirit occurs in people. The new birth, of course, pictures this, as does revelation which starts as a spiritual seed and grows into full understanding. “Holy Spirit’s glorious presence around and within us can cause a spiritual conception in our spirits. When we spend time in Holy Spirit’s empowering presence, His purposes and revelation, from the spirit realm, can be conceived within us; a dream of the Godhead can be planted in our hearts. This can even occur corporately when our worship brings the hovering presence of God over our gatherings. In this atmosphere, ‘callings’ from King Jesus, destiny-opportunities, visions, strategies, goals, and revelations are often conceived in us. “But, like Mary, we must steward and bring to birth what is conceived in us by Holy Spirit. When given to us, it is in an embryonic state. What she had been given, she stewarded to full term, feeding, protecting, and caring for the child until His birth. We, too, must steward and carry to full term the promises Holy Spirit plants within us, feeding them with God’s Word, protecting them with intercession, and decreeing them in faith. In the Message Translation, the angel actually refers to Isaiah’s prophecy of the birth of Christ as an ‘embryonic sermon.’ He said in Matthew 1:22 (MSG), regarding Mary’s conception, ‘This will bring Isaiah the prophet’s embryonic sermon to full term.’ What an intriguing statement! “Matthew actually called prophecy an ‘embryonic sermon,’ comparing it to a pregnancy, like a child in its embryonic state. As such, it must be cared for, fed, brought to full term, and then delivered/birthed into the earth realm! “The Ekklesia has been in a season where prophecy after prophecy has been released causing God‘s plan to be conceived. However, like a woman who is pregnant but not yet ‘showing,’ the promises have not yet been seen. Does that mean the prophecies are not alive? No, it means they are still embryonic, embryonic sermons declaring what can be birthed - if we steward them. “Too often prophetic words are abandoned and neglected - forgotten about. To the contrary, we must keep the words and promises watered by faith and decrees which cause them to grow and show. I believe we are now in a season of ‘showing.’ Ekklesia hubs and the body of Christ are beginning to ‘show’ that they are pregnant. Embryonic sermons are growing as Holy Spirit hovers, incubates and matures them to become the future they declared. “Most of us want full grown prophecies and promises - instantly. If this doesn’t occur, we begin to doubt and waver. But we must understand the responsibility of growing these ‘embryonic sermons’ to full term. Just as there is a span of time between an embryo and a child or a child and an adult, the same is true in spirit-conceived promises and prophecies. Our faith must remain strong through those times. “Psalm 103:20 tells us that angels listen to what we decree, and the Ekklesia has been declaring consistently, ‘No more delay.’ Because of this, supernatural things are beginning to happen. Four years ago, the Lord told me there would now come a new Pentecost, and everything in His kingdom would begin to accelerate. It is amazing how delays have been dealt with since that word was given. “I believe that in the past several years there has been more angelic activity on earth than ever before. Our prayers have enabled Holy Spirit and His angels to overturn delays. Many spirit-conceived dreams, visions, revelations, and prophecies are now reaching full term. Everything in Christ’s kingdom is accelerating, just as He said they would. Supernatural shifts are occurring. A megamove of God’s Holy Spirit is now at full term. “The greatest push ever in the kingdom of God is now being resourced by Holy Spirit. Prodigals are coming home. We are pregnant with miracles. We’ve carried them; now we are ‘showing.’ They are being birthed into the earth realm. We’re pregnant with healings and outpourings of Holy Spirit. We are carrying the river of living water. We are carrying governmental authority to disciple nations and power from heaven to pull down demonic strongholds. Demon princes will lose their thrones, captives will be delivered. “Hear the word of the Lord for this year: ‘There are embryos we have fed and watered which have now grown. These embryos are at full term. What we have conceived, believed and fought for is now mature, ready for harvesting. Reap! What you have conceived by Holy Spirit’s hovering presence, will now be seen in the earth realm. We have stepped into accelerated times of birthing what we’ve been carrying. No more delay!’ “Refuse to give up on what God said. Keep standing, believing and decreeing His promises.” Pray with me: “Lord, we agree with this word. We thank You for those who have faithfully carried what You conceived inside of them. We believe this is the birthing year, the year when it accelerates. Dreams and visions in the hearts of individual heirs are now showing. Nothing is impossible for You, Lord. We know You can do all we have asked. You have not only caused us to conceive, but You have empowered us. We decree that it is now calving season. “Thank You, Lord, for the faithfulness of those who have tenaciously stood for what You told them. ‘Embryonic sermons’ are coming to full term. To You be all the glory, all the honor. Activate this word across the United States and in other nations. We decree that Holy Spirit has shifted the times and seasons; this is a year of acceleration. What we’ve been carrying, both individually and corporately, will now manifest into the earth realm. In Jesus’ name we pray this, amen!” Our Decree: “We decree that we will now birth into the natural realm what we have been carrying in the spirit. No more delay!” ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim Sheets. You can learn more about Tim here.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/december-29-2021 December 29, 2021 Welcome to Give Him 15. Ceci and I are trying to slow down a little this last week of the year. To help with this, I’ve asked some of the prophetic voices I draw from occasionally on the posts to fill in. If you listen regularly you’ll know the names, even if you haven’t seen their faces before, and you’ll be very blessed by these posts. Enjoy! And I’ll see you next week. The Tide is Rising As many of you are familiar with the daily Give Him 15, I am sure you have heard Dutch mention the dream I had that was set on the grounds of the Red River Meeting House. (Here is the GH15 post where the dream was shared from 2/9/2021.) At the end of that dream, I saw lines that formed the shape of a spear being drawn on a map. These lines were connecting the locations of four major moves of God that took place in the past - at the Red River Meeting House, Cane Ridge, Azusa Street, and Wales. Several months later, I had another dream in which I saw that same spear, but in this dream the spear was on fire, and it was spinning counterclockwise as it was being lifted up and then thrust into the center of the United States of America. This burning spear was releasing waves and waves of what appeared to be water that was on fire. As I looked closer in the dream, I realized these were not actually waves of water. They were waves of people who had been ignited with the glory of God that would be revealed at a specific time. I believe God was showing us through these dreams that it is now time for the fires of all those past moves of His Spirit to culminate in a combustible force of manifested glory, to be released in and through the Body of Christ. One morning in prayer, I heard the Lord say to me, “My power is twirling. It is an unstoppable spin, breaking the surface to relieve the pressure of the swell of My manifested glory.” I knew He was using the word “swell” in the sense of a collection of waves that form one long, massive, continuous wave! He continued, “Reformation is pushing forth! The die has been cast! It cannot be stopped! The geyser is ready to be released, and what has been concealed will now be revealed! Watch it gush forth and release the pressure of the swell and reveal the fiery wave of My prevailing glory!” This move we are in now will not be a reenactment of what God has already done - it will be a combination of all the mighty works He did in those moves, and even greater. What a revelation! This fiery swell of God’s unstoppable glory will now be manifested in this nation and in our world through the Church that Jesus built—His Ekklesia. God will move with the demonstration of His might through those who have surrendered their hearts and their all to Him. He will show Himself strong in and through those who are anchored on the foundation of the Word of God and who have become living, breathing Arks of His presence (see 1 Corinthians 6:19), containers of His transforming glory, and carriers of His all-consuming fire! Recently, God spoke prophetically through Dutch, emphatically ensuring us, “I CAN do this!” The thrusting of the fiery spear into the center of this nation was clearly revealing that this awakening has begun. Holy Spirit is now releasing an unstoppable movement of a wave of glory that will spread across the nation and around the world. It is the glory of the presence of the Lord as He flows through His glorious Church. No power from hell can stop the move of God that is now set into motion. This is a defining moment that has the power to change everything! The Lord has given me a revelation that has enlightened me with understanding for our times. He showed me that the movement we are now in is a movement of Spirit and truth. It is wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ that produces through us the exceeding greatness of His might—not just with words, but with power and demonstration, revealing the reality of Jesus to the world around us. There seems to be a very real and practical demonstration in the lives of true believers becoming light to the world, as darkness has taken its toll on our nation and our world. All we have learned in the Word, by the Spirit, and through our experiences with God along our journey, is now launching us into the place of true effectiveness in our society. No more hiding behind church walls, seeking emotional gratification and inspiration, with all that identifies us to the world being the fact that we are church-goers! Now is when the true Church is rising up with a revelation of who we are in Christ, marked and known by the demonstration of the reality of a life lived in Kingdom covenant. I believe the spark ignited by such a life and such living, will be so powerful that it will burst out in a move of God that will revolutionize this nation, and even our world. This is what history calls an awakening. When the Church awakens to the reality of Who God really is, who we really are in Him, and to the power of all that He has made available to us; and when we begin making it our priority to be all He has anointed us to be, we will then be a holy, set-apart people. We will be easily recognizable in our society—in all of our spheres of influence—not by our appearance and church attendance, but by the glory of God’s presence being demonstrated in our lives and living! I see a tide rising! It’s a fiery, blazing tide of uncompromised, bold, anointed warriors whose focus is on the Lord! Their ears hear His voice. Their feet march to the rhythm of His sound! Not everyone will hear this sound and move with Him, for many are deafened by the noise of the propagated chaos and blinded by the deception that is operating by a spirit of fear. But there is a company rising—a remnant within the remnant—who are not moved by the chaos, and they are not driven by fear; they are being ignited by the spear of God’s prophesied awakening. And now, we step into our defining moment with ears that hear God’s voice and eyes that recognize His movements. The swell of God’s manifested glory is ready to be released to implement a holy, unstoppable pushback! Not against flesh and blood; that’s not our fight! This is a pushing back of darkness, and I can feel the rumble as the twirling of Yahweh’s power is now releasing the pressure of the swell, to reveal the fiery wave of His prevailing glory that has been waiting for this precise moment in time. “The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken” (Isaiah 40:5 NKJV). Pray with me: Father, the fiery swell of Your transforming glory is beginning to manifest in this nation and in our world through Your remnant people. Awakening has begun. It cannot be stopped! We are returning to You with an unquenchable passion that will not allow us to accept an environment that is void of Your presence. We are ignited with the flames of awakening, and we will be unstoppable initiators of revival. We will be the wave that carries the fire of Your demonstrated glory to the earth! You are our only focus. We surrender our all to You. Consume us, Lord! May Christ be formed in us, and may it be Christ Who lives through us! We will go for You! We will burn for You! We will shine for You, not because we want to be seen or known, but because we have been consumed by You and we desire to make You known! Your Word is like fire shut up in our bones, and we will not hold it back. We cannot hold it back! Let wave after wave of Your glory flow into us and out through us to make Christ known! We will be Your voice that echoes the desires and intentions of Your heart! Make us Your fuel, flame of God, and release us as a wave, filled with the manifestation of Your fiery presence, covering the earth with the revelation of the glory as the waters cover the sea! In the name and authority of Jesus, we pray. Amen! Our decree: The Ekklesia now arises in the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ; and through us, He reveals the exceeding greatness of His might—not just with words, but with power and undeniable demonstration. ********************************** Today’s post was contributed by Gina Gholston and portions were taken from her book, Awakening the Church to Awaken a Nation. To order the book or to find more information about Gina, click here or visit her website at: ginagholstonministries.org. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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7 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/december-28-2021 December 28, 2021 Welcome to Give Him 15. Ceci and I are trying to slow down a little this last week of the year. To help with this, I’ve asked some of the prophetic voices I draw from occasionally on the posts to fill in. If you listen regularly you’ll know the names, even if you haven’t seen their faces before, and you’ll be very blessed by these posts. Enjoy! And I’ll see you next week. Contending for Victory Over the Real Pandemic I believe we have entered into a season of Great Contending on the earth today. Contending for lives, lands, and our very future! As we entered into this season of the pandemic, the Lord reminded me of the story in Matthew 8 where He commanded His disciples to get in the boat and cross over to the other side. If you remember, in this story it says that in the middle of this journey, in the middle of the lake, a furious storm arose. I’m sure the disciples could’ve wondered, where in Jesus’ word to us did He speak about such a terrible storm? He never mentioned it, He just commanded that it was time to cross over! However, the storm was so bad that these seasoned fishermen ran to Jesus who was in the boat asleep, woke Him and cried out, “Don’t you see, don’t you care that we are going to die!?” Jesus did care, it’s just that He also knew what He had already decreed! Jesus was unfazed, He awoke, arose and rebuked the winds and waves as if He were speaking to a person - because this was not any ordinary storm, this was a demonic storm! You see, Jesus was getting ready to deal with a territorial, controlling spirit in the land of the Gadarenes on the other side of the lake. I think that spirit understood the threat and stirred up a demonic storm to try and intimidate the disciples, to cause them to turn and retreat. However, Jesus spoke with authority and dealt with the storm. But at the same time, He was not happy with His disciples; He rebuked them saying, ‘Why are you afraid and where is your faith?’ In other words, Jesus was saying, I commanded you to cross over and I didn’t leave you or change My mind. You didn’t need to wake Me up; you needed to wake yourself up to our mission and your authority to fulfill it. I believe that is where we are today. God is speaking to his Ekklesia and saying, “I’ve called you to cross over, now use your authority to deal with every demonic storm and subdue every territorial, controlling spirit you encounter! Don’t be intimidated by this demonic storm. No, cross over, break the grip of the enemy, loose the people and set the land free as you’ve been called to do! In 2020, as the whole world was drafted into this battle with a virus we have come to know as Covid 19, I heard the Lord saying, “This is not just a natural foe but a demonic storm!” And its strategy could be summed up in 3 crucial attacks: …FEAR, FATIGUE & FATALISM. Fear The assignment of fear, panic, pandemonium, chaos, and intimidation in this season is real and is more than just the effect of the circumstances we are facing. Fear is a spiritual assignment formed by the enemy to try and get the church to withdraw and retreat from the battlefield. The purpose of the attack of fear is always control. Fear is also very contagious, like an epidemic. But do you know what is even more contagious? Faith. So stop listening to fear. It’s time to get around some people of faith! The enemy’s plan behind this pandemic, both naturally and spiritually, is a full-on assault of the antichrist spirit to bring to pass an antichrist agenda. The enemy’s efforts have been focused on trying to get the church to back up, when we are called to advance. We do not fight with natural weapons, but we do fight! When we use them purposely and rightfully we are destined to win! In praying about the word for the New Year of 2021, I felt led to do something I’d never done before. I felt the Lord ask me to look at the Strong’s Concordance numbers in Hebrew and Greek corresponding to the number “2021.” What I found was compelling. The Hebrew word corresponding to the Strong’s number 2021 is the word, hotsen, and its meaning is “to be sharp and strong, as a weapon of war; like a chariot advancing.” And Strong’s number 2021 in Greek is the word, epicheireo, which means “to take in hand, to undertake, or put the hand to.” I believe God is speaking to the church that this is a time we must be strong and sharp and fearlessly put the spiritual weapons of war in our hands! Fatigue The assignment of fatigue is sent to wear us down and wear us out so the enemy can take us out! The book of Hebrews tells us that when we are running, we can’t afford to let our hands or our heads hang down, or allow our legs to be weak! It’s time to catch your breath and get ready to run some more! Get ready to run to the battle! We can’t afford to be passive or fatigued in the battle. Scripture is clear that the joy of the Lord is our strength and implores us to be strong and courageous and not afraid or dismayed. Joshua was instructed 4 times in the beginning of the book of Joshua, only be strong and courageous. God’s promise was that he would bring them into their land and they would possess it. They would fight, and God would fight for them! The Lord of Hosts would bring them victory as the Captain of the Angel Armies! They would possess their promised land! The word for possess in Hebrew is yaresh, and it means to possess by dispossessing or driving out the previous inhabitants. In other words, receive your inheritance of promise by being a contender that drives out every pretender! It’s not a time to be discouraged (robbed of courage) or disheartened (robbed of heart for the battle) or to be weary in doing what is right or required. Keep praising, keep praying, keep fasting, keep prophesying, keep giving, keep living right! Fatalism The ploy of fatalism is to try to get us to accept the inevitability of the enemy’s triumph; to release a wave of hopelessness against us. However, the truth is that our God revels in impossibilities and impossible odds! Don’t give in or give up in the face of overwhelming forces! Remember Moses with Pharaoh’s army hot on his trail as he stood in front of the Red Sea! Remember David facing Goliath! Remember Gideon’s victory! Remember Elisha’s decree, “More are they with us than they that are with them!” And remember, in Esther’s day, it looked like it was too late and that the schemes of the enemy had been enacted and codified into law. But she made an appeal to the king and said “If I perish, I perish; I believe I have come to the kingdom for such a time as this.” And because of her faith, a major, divine reversal took place for the people of God; Haman and his 10 sons were hung on the very gallows they prepared for Mordecai and Esther. It’s time for the Esther church to arise and make an appeal to heaven! Fatalism wants to convince you that it’s over before you get started. It whispers, even in a prophetic sense, saying “don’t you know that it’s the end times? It’s too late, the antichrist will arise, this has been prophesied and there is nothing you can do about it.” However, that has never been God’s word to his people. He said He will have a glorious church without spot or wrinkle before He returns, and that we are called to occupy till He comes. He said if his people will pray and turn, then He will hear from Heaven and heal the land! The Ekklesia is always the determining factor! Jesus said that He will build His Ekklesia and they would be given the keys to the Kingdom; they would have the power to prevail against the gates of hell and open up the gates of heaven. Daniel declared that there would be a time when it felt like the enemy was prevailing or winning; but then a decree would come from the Ancient of Days that would loose favor on the Saints of the Most High so they could take the kingdom. This is not a time to shrink back, kick back, or give up, but to advance God’s kingdom in the earth. Let’s contend for God’s purposes in the earth as overcomers filled with faith, power, and passion to welcome the King of Glory, the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord strong in battle, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords! Don’t run away. It’s time to cross over and defeat fear, fatigue, and fatalism. Run to the battle! Pray with me: Lord, we pray that we will not shrink back or be controlled because of fear or intimidation! We ask for strength to battle at the gates to see the victory. And for hope to cause us to engage and understand our role as the Ekklesia - to see the battle shift and healing come to our land. Our decree: We decree that the Ekklesia will be bold and courageous, ready to run to the battle! We speak strength into every weary warrior and joy in the battle! We decree that our God will fight for us and the God of peace will soon crush satan underneath our feet! We will cross over! We will speak to every demonic storm, ‘Peace, Be Still!’ And we will take authority over every demonic, controlling spirit the Lord has sent us to conquer! ******************************* Today’s post was contributed by Pastor Tom Hamon. Find out more about Tom here or at tomandjanehamon.com. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/december-27-2021 December 27, 2021 Welcome to Give Him 15. Ceci and I are trying to slow down a little this last week of the year. To help with this, I’ve asked some of the prophetic voices I draw from occasionally on the posts to fill in. If you listen regularly you’ll know the names, even if you haven’t seen their faces before, and you’ll be very blessed by these posts. Enjoy! And I’ll see you next week. The Battle Is Over the Voice We are living in a history-making hour in the earth. It is a time of great contending and yet a time of birthing revival, awakening, and reformation! I heard the Lord say He is taking His church out of Survival into Revival! Isaiah 60:1-3 promises us that in times of great darkness in the earth God will cause His glory to shine upon His people, initiating the greatest harvest the earth has ever seen. Revival is at hand! Yet, in Isaiah 37:3 Hezekiah declared, “for the children are come to birth and there is no strength to bring forth.” This prophecy was given to King Hezekiah, a righteous king who was a reformer of a nation, turning Judah back to God. He was faithful to the Lord, yet his city, Jerusalem, had become besieged by the King of Assyria, Sennacherib, and was faced with certain destruction if God didn’t intervene. (Much as we face in America today.) Sennacherib was one of the cruelest conquerors in history, leaving terror in his wake of destruction. It is about him that Isaiah wrote, as a prophetic word of encouragement, “no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that rises up against you in judgment you shall condemn” (Isaiah 54:17). The Rabshakeh Assignment In my book, “Declarations for Breakthrough” I relate a dream I had in which a spiritual assignment was sent against a godly leader and reformer. The enemy’s name was Rabshakeh and he was coming to spread poison on the back of the leader and then take a rod and beat his back, driving the poison in until this reformer broke. The back represents the place of a man’s strength. The back was where Jesus was beaten so that we can receive our healing. In the dream, the enemy wanted to beat him down, afflict him with poison and destroy him. But before Rabshakeh could complete his mission of destruction, we alerted the authorities who captured him. They then led us out and put the enemy’s rod in our hands to beat his back instead! What does this dream have to do with the story of the besiegement of Jerusalem? It turns out that Rabshakeh was also the name of the emissary of Sennacherib, his mouthpiece, sent to demoralize God’s people with his words, trying to get them to give up, lay down their weapons and surrender the city. He tried to convince Hezekiah and his leaders that God had forsaken them and would not save them. Rabshakeh’s name means “chief prince,” and represents a demonic assignment against believers, leaders, and even nations today. He was the voice of Sennacherib, or if you will, the voice of the devil. He sought to get into the minds of God’s people, tried to define the narrative, beating them down by relentlessly filling the atmosphere with lies. Rabshakeh’s voice filled the air with accusations against who God is, against the leaders and about the impossibility of their situation. He was spreading poison through the sound of his voice and trying to get in their heads so that they would be worn down and give up. Don’t let the enemy get in your head! There is a relentless demonic voice that is trying to talk believers out of their divine assignments. The voice of the enemy will try to convince you that all your prayers and decrees have been for nothing and that in the end, God will not do what He said. The voice of the enemy will try to wear you down with accusations, intimidations & frustrations so that all your strength to birth revival and fulfill your calling is exhausted. Rather than being a nation changer, you seek only to survive. Is it possible to be pregnant with revival and not have strength to bring it forth? Is it possible to be pregnant with your miracle answer and it be aborted or stillborn because you give up or get so distracted with problems that you lose your focus or your faith in God? Is it possible to no longer have strength to stand for the destiny of your nation because of the mental exhaustion of contending? The Decade of Peh You see, we are living in the Hebraic year 5782... 80 is the Hebrew word “Peh” which means “mouth, speech or sound.” It represents the voice. During this decade the battle is over which voice is controlling the narrative, so it is imperative we listen for the voice of God. Psalms 29:4 declares, “the voice of the Lord is powerful.” His voice always brings victory! We must also be aware of what our own voices are saying. Are our words aligning with God’s voice? Likewise, we need to be alert to the enemy’s voice and his bombarding negativity, hopelessness, and fear. Every day we are assaulted by an antichrist barrage of words. The goal of cancel culture is to get believers, prayer warriors, and reformers to back down, break down and surrender. The battle over the voice is fueling the battle for our nation. In this tipping point moment in history, God’s ekklesia must unite to stand against this demonic attack to see righteousness and justice once again established in our land by releasing our voice and God’s decree against all the lies of the enemy. Going From Besiegement to Breakthrough! But rather than let Rabshakeh and his poisonous words rob them of their land, Hezekiah set himself to seek the Lord and to pray. He encouraged his people with these faith filled words: Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him: With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles (2 Chronicles 32:7-8). The church would do well to allow these words to encourage us during these challenging times. Hezekiah laid the accusations of the enemy on the altar and lifted his voice to God in prayer. He also sent for Isaiah the prophet, to get a Word from God for the nation. This is the synergy that comes when godly government, prayer, and the prophetic anointing create a dynamic for breakthrough. Isaiah told Hezekiah the Lord had heard his prayers; He would defend the city and save their nation! He then released a prophetic word of breakthrough that sounded impossible, declaring God would fight for them. That night God sent one angel who wiped out 185,000 Assyrians! Rabshakeh and Sennacherib both returned to their own country, only to be killed by their own people. God fought for Judah! Dedicated prayer, powerful prophecy, and anointed decrees shifted the battle and brought heavenly intervention! Victory was manifested as God mobilized the angel armies to overthrow the enemy. As we position ourselves just as Hezekiah did, setting ourselves to seek the Lord, hear His voice, and put our trust in Him to fight for us, we will see every voice of the accuser struck down, every besiegement destroyed and everything stolen returned in abundance. Hezekiah’s name means “Jehovah is my strength.” In this time of contending, God will restore our strength physically, emotionally, and spiritually so we can fulfill our divine assignment. The Voice of the Lord Shatters the Enemy! If you recall at the end of my dream, the rod of punishment which the enemy, Rabshakeh sought to use against the leader was instead used on his own back! The Lord turned the evil the enemy meant against the reformer back on his own head! Isaiah also prophesied about this. His word is part of God’s battle strategy for us today in order to break out of the survival of besiegement, into revival for a new day: “The Voice of the Lord will shatter the Assyrian (your enemy), with His scepter He will strike him down. Every stroke the Lord lays on the back of the enemy with His punishing rod will be to the music of tambourines and harps as he fights him in battle with the blows of His arm!” (Isaiah 30:3; NIV) So rise up Reformers! Be strong, people of God! Seek the Lord and hear His voice. Shake off every chain of discouragement and fear, resist Rabshakeh’s voice from getting in your head, and the voice of the Lord will shatter your enemy! Pray with me: Lord, let Your voice be louder than the voice of the enemy, for Your words are life to me. I submit myself to You, I resist the enemy and he must flee. I evict every lie and draw upon Your supernatural strength to sustain me and give me victory in every battle. In Jesus’ name. Our decree: The voice of the Lord will shatter the enemy. I will think what God thinks and say what God says; and will see the victory. *************************************** (Portions of today’s post were taken from Jane’s book, Declarations for Breakthrough. You can find this book at janehamon.com, by clicking here, or anywhere Christian books are sold.) Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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7 (or 13 min) read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-10-2021 November 10, 2021 The Hidden Treasures (Day 3 of 3) On Monday of this week (11/8/2021), I began sharing a dream given to my friend Dr. Greg Hood. It is the third dream given to him regarding Tennent’s Well. Rather than taking time and space here to summarize the first two dreams, you can read the entire dream at the end of this post. If you have not heard or seen Monday’s and Tuesday’s, please do so before listening to or reading today’s post; they build on each other. Dutch's comments are in Italics..! “We arrived back to the Valley of the Streams. Those who had been reenlisted unloaded and made their way to the equipment they were familiar with, then went to work. “The 3 leaders who had stayed at the work site approached us and said, ‘We have dredged deeper than ever before. We’ve gotten enough of the muck out of the streams to where they won’t pollute each other.’” The meaning is clear and amazing! Holy Spirit is stating that human nature defiles His movements with “muck” and “pollution.” This happens because we are human, not because we’re evil. Who among us is arrogant enough to contend that our personal preferences, traditions, beliefs, and “new cart” ideas do not leech their way into our movements, denominations, and ministries? Whose stream has no man-made ideals and structures? Whose movement has no religious defilement - methods without power and form without intimacy (2 Timothy 3:5; Revelation 3:1)? This dream implies that all the streams in the body of Christ need some dredging. “One of the leaders said to us, ‘We got set up and started working. Our pumps have removed the sand from the bottom of the streams and we've found rock. Solid rock! The water is clearer than it has ever been.’” This is also clear (pun intended). Our unbiblical ways and methods settle into our streams and denominations to the degree that they cover the Rock - Christ Jesus. Some “shallowness” in our movements is created from the build-up of unbiblical sedimentation. The channel is still deep, it just needs the sand to be pumped out. Legalism, hyper-grace, religion, lukewarmness, innovation over anointing, fun and fellowship over the fire of Holy Spirit, cultural relativity over power - these and more equate to building on sand. Some of these things aren’t bad in and of themselves - fun and fellowship, for example - but when they replace Holy Spirit and the Word of God, they become sand and lessen the depth of the water. Holy Spirit is coming to pump them out. “Another leader said, ‘Dutch, you guys will have to navigate your excavations from the water, not the land. I have the Pentecost Platforms ready. Actually, I had to rewrite the entire manual of operation because it was so cluttered with religion. The platforms will carry your excavators as you and your team remove the land between the streams to create the river. The Pentecost Platforms are ready to board and can handle the weight of your excavators.’” We had to excavate from the water (a symbol of Holy Spirit), not land. Only He knows what should stay and what must go from each stream. No person has all understanding and insight. NO ONE is completely right about everything they believe - NO ONE. We must have Holy Spirit’s Pentecost Platforms! Only His power and guidance can sustain us in what is coming. He IS our platform! The coming weight of glory will collapse our man-made platforms; only He can sustain us. And notice that the platforms were moving! Ezekiel’s deep, strong river is coming (Ezekiel 47) and anything that has become immovable will be destroyed, swept away by the strength of this river. Greg continues, “Dutch then began to address the work crews that were on the excavators. We could see that each of them had on work shirts like those bearing company names and the workers’ names on them. The company name on these shirts was ‘Mamlakah,’ a Hebrew word meaning ‘kingdom’ (which Greg did not know), and the name of all the workers was the same on every shirt: ‘Hidden Treasure.’ The coming awakening is not intended to grow a few local churches. God is not pleased with efforts that focus on one congregation without considering His entire Kingdom. Every pastor should ask themself not just, “How will my plans affect this congregation?” They should also ask, “How will my plans affect the kingdom of God in this city? Region?” No “part” is more important than the “whole.” In scripture, God typically addressed the church of a city, not one expression of it. Does that mean we cannot possess distinctives based on our unique gifts and assignments? Of course not. Does it mean we can’t have specific aspects of a vision that differ from the plans of other members in the body of Christ? Of course not. It does mean, however, that I must not implement my vision or grow my congregation at the expense of other congregations. It means that my competition is with the kingdom of darkness, not my brother or sister down the street. It means that I should desire their success as much as my own, for we are on the same team. It means, in fact, that my success is measured, in part, by theirs. We should be asking ourselves, “How is the church of my city doing? Are the lost being won? Is crime coming down? Is the divorce rate going down? Is the quality of life increasing? Is the kingdom of God advancing in my city?” These are significant signs that darkness is being pushed back and Holy Spirit is moving through His people to make a difference. And everyone’s name, “Hidden Treasure,” speaks for itself. Some of tomorrow’s prophets are currently living underneath bridges. Future evangelists are shooting up heroin. Pastors and shepherds of many are still looking for their own way back, just like the Prodigal Son. Who knows, perhaps one of the world’s great songwriters is trafficking in slavery. Amazing grace is still amazing. In your search for human treasure, don’t forget much of it is still hidden. “Dutch and I climbed aboard the first excavator and loaded it on the first Pentecost Platform. The workers, along with other leaders, also boarded excavators and drove them up on Pentecost Platforms. Another leader and a team of workers monitored the Pentecost Platforms. We began to remove the land between the streams. Once we started this portion of the work, it took twelve months to complete it, after which a great river burst forth that had never before been seen in the history of humankind. By the Spirit, I knew that the work was completed in the month of September. End of Dream.” This dream is so incredible! As the body of Christ became one river, the strength and power of it was unlike anything seen before in history. We are better together. Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor; for if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up! Furthermore, if two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NASB) We need each other, including those whom many have thought were disqualified. God loves it when His kids get along. Even more when they work together. He decrees a blessing when that occurs (Psalm 133). The New Testament word usually translated “working together” is sunergos, from which we get our English word “synergy.” Synergy is the multiplying - not adding - of power that occurs when two or more people work together on the same task. God likes this level of cooperation so much that He decided He would multiply power when He could find it - and He created an inexplicable and undeniable law of science to back it up! It’s the only time one plus one doesn’t equal two. I am not suggesting that we will all have to agree on everything; this obviously will not occur. Nor will we lose our distinctives. In the dream, each leader and worker had unique abilities and gifts, which is what Ephesians 4 teaches. Nonetheless, we worked together and honored one another. I don’t know how much of this needs to occur by next September, nor do I know what it will look like when Holy Spirit is finished, but some level of this merging of the streams and working together must take place by then. We must pray for this to occur. Pray with me: Thank You, Father, for this amazing dream. We ask You to give us humble hearts that can admit we all in some ways pollute and dilute Your pure river. Help us to get the muck dredged from it, the sand removed. We want to build on You, our Rock, and release a pure flow of Your life. Open Tennent’s Well. Give us kingdom hearts that love and honor one another, as well as each other’s efforts. Remove from the church the spirit of competition. Make us one. Help us find the hidden treasures in the earth today. Give us Your heart for the broken, the lost, the confused, the hurting, and the addicted. Indeed, we see dry bones, You see an army. We thank You for the powerful outpouring of Your Spirit that is coming. We pray this in Christ’s name, amen. Our decree: We decree that the church is becoming the glorious body that Christ promised to have on the earth. ************************ You can learn more about Dr. Greg Hood here. ___________________________________________ Operation Hidden Treasures September 27, 2021 (A dream given to Dr. Greg Hood) “The dream began with Dutch and I standing in front of a building in which we were to hold a meeting. It was a large, well-known church building. Things seemed odd as we stood there. There were no people and the sign was not lit. I ran up the steps of the church to check the doors and shouted back to Dutch, ‘They are locked. The doors are locked.’ “As I made my way back down the steps to where Dutch was, an angel approached us. He handed Dutch a folded note and said, ‘Go to the Anabaino Cafe. I have written the address on the note.’ We looked at the paper and the address was ‘4 Ephesians Street, Suite 4-7.’ “It was more of a truck stop than a cafe. We went inside and sat at a round table surrounded by five chairs. I can recall in the dream looking out the window and seeing many large flatbed trucks with heavy equipment loaded on them. Dutch commented to me, ‘Isn't that different, not one box truck in the yard. Every truck is carrying heavy equipment. There is going to be a lot of earth moving going on around here.’ “We were served breakfast and as we ate a man walked up to the table and said, ‘I see there are three more that will be joining you. I will go ahead and bring their meal out for them.’ “Dutch said to me, ‘Hood, who are we expecting to join us?’ “I replied, ‘It’s [Greg gave me the names of a Charismatic Baptist leader, a Word of Faith leader, and a prophetic teacher influential in marketplace ministry. I do not have their permission, so I won't share their names.] They are on their way, having received the same instructions we did.’ “The waiter arrived back at the table with our food, along with utensils for all, wrapped in an odd-looking napkin. “Looking up, we could see the other three men coming through the door of the Anabaino Truck Stop/Cafe. They came to the table, sat down and Dutch said, ‘Good to see you guys. Glad you made it. So, you got the same note we did!’ “One of them said, ‘We did and we are here! The time is here! All I have been prophesying for 50 plus years is upon us. I am as excited and full of fire as I have ever been. Let’s eat! We've got a lot of work before us.’ “The gentleman who brought the food to our table approached again and said, ‘I am glad you all are here. Unwrap your utensils.’ As we did, we could see that the utensils were wrapped in a scroll. Each scroll had words written on it, which I could read. “Every scroll had written across the top, ‘Operation Hidden Treasures/Convergence of the Streams.’ In addition to this: On one scroll was written, ‘Dredging Deeper.’ Another held the words, ‘Pentecost Hovering Platforms.’ A third read, ‘Sand to Rock.’ Dutch’s Scroll had written on it, ‘Excavate To the Foundations and Enlist Men.’ And the scroll I held read, ‘Navigate the Water.’ “We then realized that the man serving us at the table was the same angel who had given us the note at the steps of the large church building. He began instructing us regarding this assignment: ‘Each of you has a truck outside in the parking lot. Each truck has equipment on it. Take your truck and equipment and go to the Valley Of the Streams. Dutch, you and Greg will share a truck.’ “I could see that one truck had large pumps on it, another had platforms that hovered and a third had a dredging machine. The one I was in, with Dutch driving, had a large excavator on the trailer. Each of us went to our trucks and left for the streams.” “We drove onto a very large lot in the Valley of the Streams, which was filled with more dredging machines, large pumps and other kinds of equipment. We were met there by many workers who began complaining about working conditions, having to work overtime and the stressful environment in which they had to work. One of the leaders stepped out from his 18-wheel rig and said to them, ‘You're all fired! We’ve had enough of whining laborers. This job requires backbone. Now, grow one or leave!’ “They all left! “We looked at him and thought, ‘What are we going to do now? There are no laborers to complete this mission.’ “Dutch said, ‘We have the scroll that says “Enlist Men.” Hang tight, we will be back soon!’ “The charismatic Baptist leader spoke up and said, ‘We will have all the equipment in place by the time you return. We will not miss this outpouring.’ “There was an old bus sitting on the lot we were on which looked like it hadn't been driven in years. Written on the side of the bus, in faded paint was, ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom and on the back of the bus was a bumper sticker that read, ‘Honk if you love Jesus!’ “We boarded the old bus and Dutch said, ‘Which way, Hood?’ “I said, ‘We are going toward Hebron.’ As we made our way down the road we passed many church buildings that were abandoned and/or dilapidated, then came to a city limit sign that read, ‘Hebron: Population Undetermined.’ “Just past the sign I said to Dutch, ‘turn right!’ He made a sharp, quick right turn down a narrow dirt road, which led us to a wooden building. The building’s sign read, Tennent’s Tavern & Well! Dutch and I walked into the building. We could see many men and women sitting at tables in this dimly lit room. All of them had empty cups in front of them. “Dutch shouted, ‘I NEED YOUR ATTENTION! We are here to enlist people for a new dredging and excavating project. It is the merging of the steams! It’s the Third Great Awakening and it is the opportunity of your lifetime!’ “A man spoke up from the back and said, ‘How can we work if our cups are empty? How can we be enlisted if we have been forsaken?’ “Dutch did not address this man's question. He stepped back and opened the door to let more light into the room, then decreed with a forceful voice, ‘I ACTIVATE THE MANTLE OF TENNENTS’ WELL! I DECREE YOUR CUPS ARE FULL! DRINK THIS NEW WINE AND MEET ME OUTSIDE!’ Dutch went on to say, ‘Bring your work gloves because this is going to be like nothing you have ever worked on in your entire life.’ Their cups filled. They drank. “Dutch and I walked outside. “While inside the building, we had not been able to clearly see who these people were. We actually did not know who we had just enlisted. As the people began to emerge from the building, we could see them more clearly and knew they were 5-fold ministers who had fallen or been rejected in their ministry. They were outcasts, driven away from the church for one reason or another. We recognized many of them who once had nationally known ministries. Others had served locally in their communities. “I said to Dutch, ‘Look at their gloves. Those are not work gloves; they’re boxing gloves.’ As we looked closely we could see that their gloves, like they themselves, were tattered, torn, dry, and cracked from age and weathering. Dutch and I began weeping. Then we saw that each pair of gloves had written on them: ‘evergreen’ and ‘everlast.’ There were hundreds of former leaders standing before us with smiles on their faces and fire in their eyes from the new wine they had just ingested. “Dutch said to them, ‘LOAD UP, WE ARE GOING TO WORK!’ “We arrived back to the Valley of the Streams. Those who had been reenlisted unloaded and made their way to the equipment they were familiar with, then went to work. “The 3 leaders who had stayed at the work site approached us and said, ‘We have dredged deeper than ever before. We’ve gotten enough of the muck out of the streams to where they won’t pollute each other.’ “One of the leaders said to us, ‘We got set up and started working. Our pumps have removed the sand from the bottom of the streams and we've found rock. Solid rock! The water is clearer than it has ever been.’ “Another leader said, ‘Dutch, you guys will have to navigate your excavations from the water, not the land. I have the Pentecost Platforms ready. Actually, I had to rewrite the entire manual of operation because it was so cluttered with religion. The platforms will carry your excavators as you and your team remove the land between the streams to create the river. The Pentecost Platforms are ready to board and can handle the weight of your excavators.’ “Dutch then began to address the work crews that were on the excavators. We could see that each of them had on work shirts like those bearing company names and the workers’ names on them. The company name on these shirts was ‘Mamlakah,’ a Hebrew word meaning ‘kingdom’ (which Greg did not know), and the name of all the workers was the same on every shirt: ‘Hidden Treasure.’ “Dutch and I climbed aboard the first excavator and loaded it on the first Pentecost Platform. The workers, along with other leaders, also boarded excavators and drove them up on Pentecost Platforms. Another leader and a team of workers monitored the Pentecost Platforms. We began to remove the land between the streams. Once we started this portion of the work, it took twelve months to complete it, after which a great river burst forth that had never before been seen in the history of humankind. By the Spirit, I knew that the work was completed in the month of September.” End of Dream. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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7 (or13 ) min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-9-2021 November 9, 2021 How Can We Work If Our Cups Are Empty (Day 2 of 3) Yesterday, I began sharing a dream given to Greg Hood. It is the third dream given to him regarding Tennent’s Well. Rather than taking time and space here to summarize the first two, you can simply reference yesterday‘s post (11/8/2021-www.givehim15.com). If you have not heard or seen that post, please do so before listening to or reading today’s. Dutch's comments are in Italics..! THE DREAM CONTINUED “We then realized that the man serving us at the table was the same angel who had given us the note at the steps of the large church building. He began instructing us regarding this assignment: ‘Each of you has a truck outside in the parking lot. Each truck has equipment on it. Take your truck and equipment and go to the Valley Of the Streams. Dutch, you and Greg will share a truck.’” The Valley of the Streams obviously represents different streams/movements/tribes of the body of Christ. This is such an interesting name! Could it be a play on words? Are these streams also “dry bones?” “I could see that one truck had large pumps on it, another had platforms that hovered and a third had a dredging machine. The one I was in, with Dutch driving, had a large excavator on the trailer. Each of us went to our trucks and left for the streams.” “We drove onto a very large lot in the Valley of the Streams, which was filled with more dredging machines, large pumps and other kinds of equipment. We were met there many workers who began complaining about working conditions, having to work overtime and the stressful environment in which they had to work. One of the leaders stepped out from his 18-wheel rig and said to them, ‘You're all fired! We’ve had enough of whining laborers. This job requires backbone. Now, grow one or leave!’ “They all left! “We looked at him and thought, ‘What are we going to do now? There are no laborers to complete this mission.’ “Dutch said, ‘We have the scroll that says “Enlist Men.” Hang tight, we will be back soon!’” This is a critical point in the dream. Knowing the identity of the man who fired the “whiners,” I can almost hear him saying this, though he is in no way mean-spirited. He simply has a tenacity and righteous stubbornness about him that makes him a warrior. The body of Christ needs this type of backbone now. The antichrist forces in America have declared war on the church...and it’s “winner take all.” Those serving in ministry today must demonstrate a spirit of boldness and a committed warrior heart. In some arenas and for some causes, easy DOESN’T do it. But the cause of Christ is worth our all! We are writing history - let’s write something we can be proud of. Greg and I left to enlist laborers. As you will see, we found surprising candidates in a surprising place. “The charismatic Baptist leader spoke up and said, ‘We will have all the equipment in place by the time you return. We will not miss this outpouring.’ “There was an old bus sitting on the lot we were on which looked like it hadn't been driven in years. Written on the side of the bus, in faded paint was, ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom and on the back of the bus was a bumper sticker that read, ‘Honk if you love Jesus!’” The reference to the gospel of the kingdom is clear: we were on a Kingdom mission. We were not representing one church or denomination, but rather the entire Kingdom of God. The humorous bumper sticker has to be a reference to the last great worldwide outpouring of Holy Spirit, the Charismatic Movement, when that bumper sticker became famous. Perhaps this is indicating that the bus had not been used since then, or it could be saying that we are about to build and ride on the strength of what took place then. “We boarded the old bus and Dutch said, ‘Which way, Hood?’ “I said, ‘We are going toward Hebron.’ As we made our way down the road we passed many church buildings that were abandoned and/or dilapidated, then came to a city limit sign that read, ‘Hebron: Population Undetermined.’” This, too, is very enlightening. The meaning of the name Hebron can be summarized as covenantal friendship. Many of the early patriarchs, including Abraham, the friend of God, are buried there. Hebron, however, was later captured and ruled by Arba, the greatest of all the giants. He renamed the city after himself, calling it Kiriath-arba, which means “the city of Arba” (Joshua 14:15). Caleb eventually conquered Kiriath-arba and renamed it Hebron. In this dream, Hebron represents a place that has been taken over by spiritual giants. Churches were dilapidated and abandoned (weak and unfruitful), and as we shall see, the inhabitants had all been defeated by the enemy. God, however, does not cast away His kids as easily as many in the church do. I am a firm believer in high standards of integrity for leaders. Scripture affirms this. To believe, however, that those who are overcome by the enemy are forever disqualified from working for the Lord is to contradict the love and grace of the Father. One need look only at the father of the prodigal son in Scripture who pictures Father God, to see His redeeming and restoring heart. The wayward son was not only restored to the family, but also to his authority, signified by the new robe and ring. Repentance? Yes, Accountability? Absolutely. But to believe God cannot restore a fallen leader to service is simply not biblical. And in the coming harvest, they will be needed! “Just past the sign I said to Dutch, ‘turn right!’ He made a sharp, quick right turn down a narrow dirt road, which led us to a wooden building. The building’s sign read, Tennent’s Tavern & Well! Dutch and I walked into the building. We could see many men and women sitting at tables in this dimly lit room. All of them had empty cups in front of them. “Dutch shouted, ‘I NEED YOUR ATTENTION! We are here to enlist people for a new dredging and excavating project. It is the merging of the steams! It’s the Third Great Awakening and it is the opportunity of your lifetime!’ “A man spoke up from the back and said, ‘How can we work if our cups are empty? How can we be enlisted if we have been forsaken?’ “Dutch did not address this man's question. He stepped back and opened the door to let more light into the room, then decreed with a forceful voice, ‘I ACTIVATE THE MANTLE OF TENNENTS’ WELL! I DECREE YOUR CUPS ARE FULL! DRINK THIS NEW WINE AND MEET ME OUTSIDE!’ Dutch went on to say, ‘Bring your work gloves because this is going to be like nothing you have ever worked on in your entire life.’ Their cups filled. They drank. “Dutch and I walked outside. “While inside the building, we had not been able to clearly see who these people were. We actually did not know who we had just enlisted. As the people began to emerge from the building, we could see them more clearly and knew they were 5-fold ministers who had fallen or been rejected in their ministry. They were outcasts, driven away from the church for one reason or another. We recognized many of them who once had nationally known ministries. Others had served locally in their communities.” Those congregating in this “dimly lit” tavern picture former ministers, who had been overcome by spiritual darkness. Their cups were empty and they held no hope for the future. The name of the bar, Tennent’s Tavern and Well is amazing! This is obviously saying to us that God‘s fire and redemption is about to visit many who believe they are worthless castaways from His kingdom. Their tavern of despair is about to become a well of restoration! I opened the door to let in light, which overcame the darkness, then announced that we wanted to reenlist them for the Third Great Awakening and the merging of the streams. In response to their hopeless reply, I decreed, “I ACTIVATE THE MANTLE OF TENNENTS’ WELL! I DECREE YOUR CUPS ARE FULL! DRINK THIS NEW WINE AND MEET ME OUTSIDE! And bring your work gloves.” WOW..!!! That should excite you! Greg and I are at the location of Tennent’s well today. We are going to decree this to America. And I believe prodigal leaders will begin to reenlist. “I said to Dutch, ‘Look at their gloves. Those are not work gloves; they’re boxing gloves.’ As we looked closely we could see that their gloves, like they themselves, were tattered, torn, dry, and cracked from age and weathering. Dutch and I began weeping. Then we saw that each pair of gloves had written on them: ‘evergreen’ and ‘everlast.’ There were hundreds of former leaders standing before us with smiles on their faces and fire in their eyes from the new wine they had just ingested.” This is so incredible! Everlast and evergreen were the words written on boxing gloves in a dream God gave a friend about me in 2007. In the dream, I boxed and knocked out 5 giants. I then said to the person having the dream, “If you want to take out the giants in this season, you are going to have to wear these two gloves.” Everlast refers to God’s name, Olam. In Abraham‘s life, it referred to the God who was bigger than his past failures, and who was well able to secure his future. Evergreen refers to an eternal covenant. It represents our God who keeps covenant and mercy to a thousand generations (Deuteronomy 7:9), as well as our covenant faithfulness to Him. This is what is on the Appeal To Heaven flag. (The entire ATH revelation can be read in its fullness in my book An Appeal To Heaven.) By placing this in the dream, Holy Spirit is saying that these former castaways will be part of God’s saving of America and of reaping the coming great harvest. “Dutch said to them, ‘LOAD UP, WE ARE GOING TO WORK!’” Pray with me: Father, thank You for the incredible service we had last night near Tennent’s Well of revival. Thank You for a fresh release of the fire it carried. We believe You are filling the dry cups of many laborers in Your Kingdom, and we thank You. Fill them once again with Your Spirit! We also ask for an increase of Holy Spirit’s outpouring in the earth. Turn up the fires of revival. We thank You for this and we are excited about participating. Bring signs, wonders, miracles, deliverance, and a billion salvations. We ask for this in Christ’s name, amen. Our decree: We decree that Tennent’s Well is now open and erupting! _______________________________________________________________________________ Operation Hidden Treasures (Full Dream) September 27, 2021 (A dream given to Dr. Greg Hood) “The dream began with Dutch and I standing in front of a building in which we were to hold a meeting. It was a large, well-known church building. Things seemed odd as we stood there. There were no people and the sign was not lit. I ran up the steps of the church to check the doors and shouted back to Dutch, ‘They are locked. The doors are locked.’ “As I made my way back down the steps to where Dutch was, an angel approached us. He handed Dutch a folded note and said, ‘Go to the Anabaino Cafe. I have written the address on the note.’ We looked at the paper and the address was ‘4 Ephesians Street, Suite 4-7.’ “It was more of a truck stop than a cafe. We went inside and sat at a round table surrounded by five chairs. I can recall in the dream looking out the window and seeing many large flatbed trucks with heavy equipment loaded on them. Dutch commented to me, ‘Isn't that different, not one box truck in the yard. Every truck is carrying heavy equipment. There is going to be a lot of earth moving going on around here.’ “We were served breakfast and as we ate a man walked up to the table and said, ‘I see there are three more that will be joining you. I will go ahead and bring their meal out for them.’ “Dutch said to me, ‘Hood, who are we expecting to join us?’ “I replied, ‘It’s [Greg gave me the names of a Charismatic Baptist leader, a Word of Faith leader, and a prophetic teacher influential in marketplace ministry. I do not have their permission, so I won't share their names.] They are on their way, having received the same instructions we did.’ “The waiter arrived back at the table with our food, along with utensils for all, wrapped in an odd-looking napkin. “Looking up, we could see the other three men coming through the door of the Anabaino Truck Stop/Cafe. They came to the table, sat down and Dutch said, ‘Good to see you guys. Glad you made it. So, you got the same note we did!’ “One of them said, ‘We did and we are here! The time is here! All I have been prophesying for 50 plus years is upon us. I am as excited and full of fire as I have ever been. Let’s eat! We've got a lot of work before us.’ “The gentleman who brought the food to our table approached again and said, ‘I am glad you all are here. Unwrap your utensils.’ As we did, we could see that the utensils were wrapped in a scroll. Each scroll had words written on it, which I could read. “Every scroll had written across the top, ‘Operation Hidden Treasures/Convergence of the Streams.’ In addition to this: On one scroll was written, ‘Dredging Deeper.’ Another held the words, ‘Pentecost Hovering Platforms.’ A third read, ‘Sand to Rock.’ Dutch’s Scroll had written on it, ‘Excavate To the Foundations and Enlist Men.’ And the scroll I held read, ‘Navigate the Water.’ “We then realized that the man serving us at the table was the same angel who had given us the note at the steps of the large church building. He began instructing us regarding this assignment: ‘Each of you has a truck outside in the parking lot. Each truck has equipment on it. Take your truck and equipment and go to the Valley Of the Streams. Dutch, you and Greg will share a truck.’ “I could see that one truck had large pumps on it, another had platforms that hovered and a third had a dredging machine. The one I was in, with Dutch driving, had a large excavator on the trailer. Each of us went to our trucks and left for the streams.” “We drove onto a very large lot in the Valley of the Streams, which was filled with more dredging machines, large pumps and other kinds of equipment. We were met there by many workers who began complaining about working conditions, having to work overtime and the stressful environment in which they had to work. One of the leaders stepped out from his 18-wheel rig and said to them, ‘You're all fired! We’ve had enough of whining laborers. This job requires backbone. Now, grow one or leave!’ “They all left! “We looked at him and thought, ‘What are we going to do now? There are no laborers to complete this mission.’ “Dutch said, ‘We have the scroll that says “Enlist Men.” Hang tight, we will be back soon!’ “The charismatic Baptist leader spoke up and said, ‘We will have all the equipment in place by the time you return. We will not miss this outpouring.’ “There was an old bus sitting on the lot we were on which looked like it hadn't been driven in years. Written on the side of the bus, in faded paint was, ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom and on the back of the bus was a bumper sticker that read, ‘Honk if you love Jesus!’ “We boarded the old bus and Dutch said, ‘Which way, Hood?’ “I said, ‘We are going toward Hebron.’ As we made our way down the road we passed many church buildings that were abandoned and/or dilapidated, then came to a city limit sign that read, ‘Hebron: Population Undetermined.’ “Just past the sign I said to Dutch, ‘turn right!’ He made a sharp, quick right turn down a narrow dirt road, which led us to a wooden building. The building’s sign read, Tennent’s Tavern & Well! Dutch and I walked into the building. We could see many men and women sitting at tables in this dimly lit room. All of them had empty cups in front of them. “Dutch shouted, ‘I NEED YOUR ATTENTION! We are here to enlist people for a new dredging and excavating project. It is the merging of the steams! It’s the Third Great Awakening and it is the opportunity of your lifetime!’ “A man spoke up from the back and said, ‘How can we work if our cups are empty? How can we be enlisted if we have been forsaken?’ “Dutch did not address this man's question. He stepped back and opened the door to let more light into the room, then decreed with a forceful voice, ‘I ACTIVATE THE MANTLE OF TENNENTS’ WELL! I DECREE YOUR CUPS ARE FULL! DRINK THIS NEW WINE AND MEET ME OUTSIDE!’ Dutch went on to say, ‘Bring your work gloves because this is going to be like nothing you have ever worked on in your entire life.’ Their cups filled. They drank. “Dutch and I walked outside. “While inside the building, we had not been able to clearly see who these people were. We actually did not know who we had just enlisted. As the people began to emerge from the building, we could see them more clearly and knew they were 5-fold ministers who had fallen or been rejected in their ministry. They were outcasts, driven away from the church for one reason or another. We recognized many of them who once had nationally known ministries. Others had served locally in their communities. “I said to Dutch, ‘Look at their gloves. Those are not work gloves; they’re boxing gloves.’ As we looked closely we could see that their gloves, like they themselves, were tattered, torn, dry, and cracked from age and weathering. Dutch and I began weeping. Then we saw that each pair of gloves had written on them: ‘evergreen’ and ‘everlast.’ There were hundreds of former leaders standing before us with smiles on their faces and fire in their eyes from the new wine they had just ingested. “Dutch said to them, ‘LOAD UP, WE ARE GOING TO WORK!’ “We arrived back to the Valley of the Streams. Those who had been reenlisted unloaded and made their way to the equipment they were familiar with, then went to work. “The 3 leaders who had stayed at the work site approached us and said, ‘We have dredged deeper than ever before. We’ve gotten enough of the muck out of the streams to where they won’t pollute each other.’ “One of the leaders said to us, ‘We got set up and started working. Our pumps have removed the sand from the bottom of the streams and we've found rock. Solid rock! The water is clearer than it has ever been.’ “Another leader said, ‘Dutch, you guys will have to navigate your excavations from the water, not the land. I have the Pentecost Platforms ready. Actually, I had to rewrite the entire manual of operation because it was so cluttered with religion. The platforms will carry your excavators as you and your team remove the land between the streams to create the river. The Pentecost Platforms are ready to board and can handle the weight of your excavators.’ “Dutch then began to address the work crews that were on the excavators. We could see that each of them had on work shirts like those bearing company names and the workers’ names on them. The company name on these shirts was ‘Mamlakah,’ a Hebrew word meaning ‘kingdom’ (which Greg did not know), and the name of all the workers was the same on every shirt: ‘Hidden Treasure.’ “Dutch and I climbed aboard the first excavator and loaded it on the first Pentecost Platform. The workers, along with other leaders, also boarded excavators and drove them up on Pentecost Platforms. Another leader and a team of workers monitored the Pentecost Platforms. We began to remove the land between the streams. Once we started this portion of the work, it took twelve months to complete it, after which a great river burst forth that had never before been seen in the history of humankind. By the Spirit, I knew that the work was completed in the month of September.” End of Dream. __________________________ You can learn more about Dr. Greg Hood here. Click on the link below to watch the full video. 294 likes. Post not marked as liked294
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6 (or 12) min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-8-2021 November 8, 2021 Excavate to the Foundation (Day 1) My friend, Greg Hood, has now had 3 dreams involving Tennent’s Well of revival. The first one explained Tennent’s role in the First Great Awakening, which was bringing fresh fire/revival to the clergy of that day (you can read it here). The second one was about fresh fire coming to the church in Nashville (you can read it here). This latest dream (from September 27, 2021) is regarding fresh fire coming to restore ministers who have fallen into sin and feel disqualified. It also has to do with the different streams in the body of Christ being cleansed, becoming one river and working together. This is a lengthy dream, filled with important insights, so I will take 3 days to discuss and pray into it with you. I will not get to the portion that includes Tennent today, but am mentioning it because this evening and tomorrow I will actually be at the place where Rev. Tennent ministered. I am going because of these dreams, to pray and decree what Holy Spirit is saying to us, from the place where the well was dug. At times, I feel it is important to actually honor what Holy Spirit did by going to that very place. I will share insights as we go through the dream, rather than sharing all of it and then looking back at portions. My comments are in italics. (The dream in its entirety is at the end of today’s post. You can find it on our Give Him 15 website: www.givehim15.com) EXCAVATE TO THE FOUNDATION “The dream began with Dutch and I standing in front of a building in which we were to hold a meeting. It was a large, well-known church building. Things seemed odd as we stood there. There were no people and the sign was not lit. I ran up the steps of the church to check the doors and shouted back to Dutch, ‘They are locked. The doors are locked.’” Obviously, the dream begins by saying things are not right with the church (not just this one but the church at large). It is empty, dark, and the doors are locked, signifying inactivity and/or a lack of productivity. Arguably, the church in America has had little impact on the nation the past 3 or 4 decades. I’ve heard it said that we’ve become a subculture, not a counterculture, and I would agree. Yet, God is not finished with us. He has been working in the church and revival is coming to her. “As I made my way back down the steps to where Dutch was, an angel approached us. He handed Dutch a folded note and said, ‘Go to the Anabaino Cafe. I have written the address on the note.’ We looked at the paper and the address was ‘4 Ephesians Street, Suite 4-7.’” This address is obviously referring to Ephesians 4:4-7. This passage is where we would find our instructions. The passage says: “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you also were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” The following verse, 8, says Christ gave “gifts” to us “when He ascended” to Heaven. Because of this, these gifts are sometimes called the “ascension gifts.” They are listed in verse 11: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. These are giftings or anointings of Christ, whose name means “anointed one.” He apportioned His anointing into 5 gifts and gave them to the church. They are NOT positions or titles; they are functions. Greg did not know it, but the name of the cafe, Anabaino, is actually the Greek word for “ascended.” It was the Ascension Cafe, with the Ephesians 4 address! Obviously, the dream is saying that unity - honoring one another - and the full release/function of these five ascension gifts will unlock what the church needs and turn the lights on. Also, with Ascension being the name of a cafe, it seems Holy Spirit is telling us we must be “fed” by these ascension gifts. “It was more of a truck stop than a cafe. We went inside and sat at a round table surrounded by five chairs. I can recall in the dream looking out the window and seeing many large flatbed trucks with heavy equipment loaded on them. Dutch commented to me, ‘Isn't that different, not one box truck in the yard. Every truck is carrying heavy equipment. There is going to be a lot of earth moving going on around here.’ “We were served breakfast and as we ate a man walked up to the table and said, ‘I see there are three more that will be joining you. I will go ahead and bring their meal out for them.’ “Dutch said to me, ‘Hood, who are we expecting to join us?’ “I replied, ‘It’s [Greg gave me the names of a Charismatic Baptist leader, a Word of Faith leader, and a prophetic teacher influential in marketplace ministry. I do not have their permission, so I won't share their names.] They are on their way, having received the same instructions we did.’ “The waiter arrived back at the table with our food, along with utensils for all, wrapped in an odd-looking napkin. “Looking up, we could see the other three men coming through the door of the Anabaino Truck Stop/Cafe. They came to the table, sat down and Dutch said, ‘Good to see you guys. Glad you made it. So, you got the same note we did!’ “One of them said, ‘We did and we are here! The time is here! All I have been prophesying for 50 plus years is upon us. I am as excited and full of fire as I have ever been. Let’s eat! We've got a lot of work before us.’” All of the 5-Fold Ascension gifts of Christ are embodied in these 5 men. They also represent several different movements of Holy Spirit over the past 50 years: healing, Charismatic Movement, Jesus People Movement, teaching, faith, evangelism, prayer, apostolic, prophetic, 7 mountains of culture/society, and more. “The gentleman who brought the food to our table approached again and said, ‘I am glad you all are here. Unwrap your utensils.’ As we did, we could see that the utensils were wrapped in a scroll. Each scroll had words written on it, which I could read. “Every scroll had written across the top, ‘Operation Hidden Treasures/Convergence of the Streams.’ In addition to this: On one scroll was written, ‘Dredging Deeper.’ Another held the words, ‘Pentecost Hovering Platforms.’ A third read, ‘Sand to Rock.’ Dutch’s Scroll had written on it, ‘Excavate To the Foundations and Enlist Men.’ And the scroll I held read, ‘Navigate the Water.’” The headings are interesting, to say the least. I won’t go too deeply into them here, but will summarize them. We would obviously be going “deeper” in the Word and operations of Holy Spirit than we ever had before. There would be a hovering and outpouring of the Holy Spirit - a “Pentecost” - which would sustain and increase our ability to influence others (“platform”). We were going to be doers of the word (those who built on the rock - Matthew 7:24-27), not hearers only (those who built on the sand). The “foundations” of the church would be emphasized: Christ (and His Word) is the Chief Cornerstone; apostles and prophets are also a part of the foundation (Ephesians 2:20). We would obviously be “enlisting” more leaders/workers into the effort of the church. And we would have to be able to “navigate” the waters of the Spirit. Wow..! We will understand more of this in tomorrow’s post. But let’s pray into this now. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for Your gifts to us. You have equipped us for the assignment You have given us. We embrace the anointing of our King, Jesus. We honor Him as our Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. We receive from His anointing and through it, minister His salvation into the earth. We thank You for our family - Your family, Your kids. Please forgive us for the division and disunity we have allowed to plague us. Some of it is born of pride, some of religion, all of it is from satan, the accuser of the brethren. Deliver us from all that divides us. We ask You to take us deeper. We ask for a fresh Pentecost. We ask You to foundation us once again on the “rock” of doing what You say in Your Word. And we ask You to give us increased sensitivity to navigate deeper waters from Holy Spirit. We ask this in Christ’s name, amen. Our decree: We decree that the church will go from disunity and competition to the spirit of brotherly love and harmony. _______________________________________________________________________________ Here is the dream in its entirety: Operation Hidden Treasures September 27, 2021 (A dream given to Dr. Greg Hood) “The dream began with Dutch and I standing in front of a building in which we were to hold a meeting. It was a large, well-known church building. Things seemed odd as we stood there. There were no people and the sign was not lit. I ran up the steps of the church to check the doors and shouted back to Dutch, ‘They are locked. The doors are locked.’ “As I made my way back down the steps to where Dutch was, an angel approached us. He handed Dutch a folded note and said, ‘Go to the Anabaino Cafe. I have written the address on the note.’ We looked at the paper and the address was ‘4 Ephesians Street, Suite 4-7.’ “It was more of a truck stop than a cafe. We went inside and sat at a round table surrounded by five chairs. I can recall in the dream looking out the window and seeing many large flatbed trucks with heavy equipment loaded on them. Dutch commented to me, ‘Isn't that different, not one box truck in the yard. Every truck is carrying heavy equipment. There is going to be a lot of earth moving going on around here.’ “We were served breakfast and as we ate a man walked up to the table and said, ‘I see there are three more that will be joining you. I will go ahead and bring their meal out for them.’ “Dutch said to me, ‘Hood, who are we expecting to join us?’ “I replied, ‘It’s [Greg gave me the names of a Charismatic Baptist leader, a Word of Faith leader, and a prophetic teacher influential in marketplace ministry. I do not have their permission, so I won't share their names.] They are on their way, having received the same instructions we did.’ “The waiter arrived back at the table with our food, along with utensils for all, wrapped in an odd-looking napkin. “Looking up, we could see the other three men coming through the door of the Anabaino Truck Stop/Cafe. They came to the table, sat down and Dutch said, ‘Good to see you guys. Glad you made it. So, you got the same note we did!’ “One of them said, ‘We did and we are here! The time is here! All I have been prophesying for 50 plus years is upon us. I am as excited and full of fire as I have ever been. Let’s eat! We've got a lot of work before us.’ “The gentleman who brought the food to our table approached again and said, ‘I am glad you all are here. Unwrap your utensils.’ As we did, we could see that the utensils were wrapped in a scroll. Each scroll had words written on it, which I could read. “Every scroll had written across the top, ‘Operation Hidden Treasures/Convergence of the Streams.’ In addition to this: On one scroll was written, ‘Dredging Deeper.’ Another held the words, ‘Pentecost Hovering Platforms.’ A third read, ‘Sand to Rock.’ Dutch’s Scroll had written on it, ‘Excavate To the Foundations and Enlist Men.’ And the scroll I held read, ‘Navigate the Water.’ “We then realized that the man serving us at the table was the same angel who had given us the note at the steps of the large church building. He began instructing us regarding this assignment: ‘Each of you has a truck outside in the parking lot. Each truck has equipment on it. Take your truck and equipment and go to the Valley Of the Streams. Dutch, you and Greg will share a truck.’ “I could see that one truck had large pumps on it, another had platforms that hovered and a third had a dredging machine. The one I was in, with Dutch driving, had a large excavator on the trailer. Each of us went to our trucks and left for the streams.” “We drove onto a very large lot in the Valley of the Streams, which was filled with more dredging machines, large pumps and other kinds of equipment. We were met there by many workers who began complaining about working conditions, having to work overtime and the stressful environment in which they had to work. One of the leaders stepped out from his 18-wheel rig and said to them, ‘You're all fired! We’ve had enough of whining laborers. This job requires backbone. Now, grow one or leave!’ “They all left! “We looked at him and thought, ‘What are we going to do now? There are no laborers to complete this mission.’ “Dutch said, ‘We have the scroll that says “Enlist Men.” Hang tight, we will be back soon!’ “The charismatic Baptist leader spoke up and said, ‘We will have all the equipment in place by the time you return. We will not miss this outpouring.’ “There was an old bus sitting on the lot we were on which looked like it hadn't been driven in years. Written on the side of the bus, in faded paint was, ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom and on the back of the bus was a bumper sticker that read, ‘Honk if you love Jesus!’ “We boarded the old bus and Dutch said, ‘Which way, Hood?’ “I said, ‘We are going toward Hebron.’ As we made our way down the road we passed many church buildings that were abandoned and/or dilapidated, then came to a city limit sign that read, ‘Hebron: Population Undetermined.’ “Just past the sign I said to Dutch, ‘turn right!’ He made a sharp, quick right turn down a narrow dirt road, which led us to a wooden building. The building’s sign read, Tennent’s Tavern & Well! Dutch and I walked into the building. We could see many men and women sitting at tables in this dimly lit room. All of them had empty cups in front of them. “Dutch shouted, ‘I NEED YOUR ATTENTION! We are here to enlist people for a new dredging and excavating project. It is the merging of the steams! It’s the Third Great Awakening and it is the opportunity of your lifetime!’ “A man spoke up from the back and said, ‘How can we work if our cups are empty? How can we be enlisted if we have been forsaken?’ “Dutch did not address this man's question. He stepped back and opened the door to let more light into the room, then decreed with a forceful voice, ‘I ACTIVATE THE MANTLE OF TENNENTS’ WELL! I DECREE YOUR CUPS ARE FULL! DRINK THIS NEW WINE AND MEET ME OUTSIDE!’ Dutch went on to say, ‘Bring your work gloves because this is going to be like nothing you have ever worked on in your entire life.’ Their cups filled. They drank. “Dutch and I walked outside. “While inside the building, we had not been able to clearly see who these people were. We actually did not know who we had just enlisted. As the people began to emerge from the building, we could see them more clearly and knew they were 5-fold ministers who had fallen or been rejected in their ministry. They were outcasts, driven away from the church for one reason or another. We recognized many of them who once had nationally known ministries. Others had served locally in their communities. “I said to Dutch, ‘Look at their gloves. Those are not work gloves; they’re boxing gloves.’ As we looked closely we could see that their gloves, like they themselves, were tattered, torn, dry, and cracked from age and weathering. Dutch and I began weeping. Then we saw that each pair of gloves had written on them: ‘evergreen’ and ‘everlast.’ There were hundreds of former leaders standing before us with smiles on their faces and fire in their eyes from the new wine they had just ingested. “Dutch said to them, ‘LOAD UP, WE ARE GOING TO WORK!’ “We arrived back to the Valley of the Streams. Those who had been reenlisted unloaded and made their way to the equipment they were familiar with, then went to work. “The 3 leaders who had stayed at the work site approached us and said, ‘We have dredged deeper than ever before. We’ve gotten enough of the muck out of the streams to where they won’t pollute each other.’ “One of the leaders said to us, ‘We got set up and started working. Our pumps have removed the sand from the bottom of the streams and we've found rock. Solid rock! The water is clearer than it has ever been.’ “Another leader said, ‘Dutch, you guys will have to navigate your excavations from the water, not the land. I have the Pentecost Platforms ready. Actually, I had to rewrite the entire manual of operation because it was so cluttered with religion. The platforms will carry your excavators as you and your team remove the land between the streams to create the river. The Pentecost Platforms are ready to board and can handle the weight of your excavators.’ “Dutch then began to address the work crews that were on the excavators. We could see that each of them had on work shirts like those bearing company names and the workers’ names on them. The company name on these shirts was ‘Mamlakah,’ a Hebrew word meaning ‘kingdom’ (which Greg did not know), and the name of all the workers was the same on every shirt: ‘Hidden Treasure.’ “Dutch and I climbed aboard the first excavator and loaded it on the first Pentecost Platform. The workers, along with other leaders, also boarded excavators and drove them up on Pentecost Platforms. Another leader and a team of workers monitored the Pentecost Platforms. We began to remove the land between the streams. Once we started this portion of the work, it took twelve months to complete it, after which a great river burst forth that had never before been seen in the history of humankind. By the Spirit, I knew that the work was completed in the month of September.” End of Dream. __________________________ You can learn more about Dr. Greg Hood here. Click on the link below to watch the full video. 183 likes. Post marked as liked
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5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-5-2021 November 5, 2021 A Harvest Dream In the great revival that has begun, all of the earth will be impacted. An incredible harvest of people from the Muslim world will be reaped for Christ. He loves them very much. We must not allow our love for Israel to blind us to God‘s love for the other people of that region. Ishmael was not rejected by God as a person; he was simply not the chosen lineage from which Messiah would come. Some would say this harvest among the Muslim world has already begun. I was recently told by a credible source that more conversions to Christ were occurring in Iran than anywhere else in the world. Afghanistan, they said, was number two. It is little wonder that the turmoil occurred in Afghanistan recently, as satan‘s wrath manifested toward what is happening. Supernatural events are occurring to produce this harvest. Miracles, dreams, and visions are common. It was reported to me by the same person that when many people in that part of the world hear about Jesus and the gospel, their response is, “Oh, I know who He is. He comes to me often in my dreams.” I was recently sent a dream (November 3) given to worship and prayer leader, Tami Flick, from Kalamazoo, MI, which I believe is referring to this great harvest. The dream is regarding a field of bones in Aram, which would be modern-day Syria, southeastern Turkey, and parts of Lebanon and Iraq. Aram was a descendant of Shem, a son of Noah (Genesis 10:22). The Aramean people descended from him, and the Aramaic language takes its name from Aram. In the dream, the resurrection power of Christ comes to these bones, just as it did to the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37. “I was with Dutch Sheets and many others in the body of Christ. We were gathered in a field called ‘The Field of Aram.’ Dutch had somehow discerned from the Lord that we were to pray for resurrection life over this field. Though we didn’t know it originally, it was a field of bones, from back in Biblical times. “You couldn’t tell it was filled with bones - it simply looked like a field of neglected farmland. However, we somehow discovered they were there. In the dream, I was given a vision in which I glimpsed the people from whom these bones had originated. They were mainly women and children/youth from Biblical times, wearing robes and loose-fitting clothing. “Dutch felt strongly that we were to pray and declare resurrection life over the field. I was overwhelmed by the thought. What kind of power might that be, God coming to resurrect a field of bones? I had been in the field, but wondering what it would look and feel like when the breath of God was released to raise up the bones, I moved to the edge of the field. “I must not have been the only person thinking that, for soon, many people were around me on the outside of the field, along a path/road. Even Dutch did so, and was next to me at one point. In awe, I told him, ‘Sir, the Lord Himself is about to walk among us during this time of prayer and declaration.’ I was already beginning to experience the fear of the Lord as this revelation increased in me. I knew we would all feel Him before we saw Him. “Dutch began to move a little away from me, as did others, to get into position. I knew he had heard me but had not yet grasped the full weight of what was coming. I heard him respond as he walked away, ‘I don’t usually “feel” things spiritually. What number would you give the manifestation of His presence you sense coming?’ “I knelt on the ground and replied, ‘10 out of 10.’ “Suddenly, everyone knew He was coming! They all stopped moving and knelt, with their faces to the ground. Then, I felt Him, from behind and to my left. His presence was terrifying as it grew closer. I barely had time to comprehend what I was experiencing when suddenly I was swept up into a whirlwind. “I remember desperately trying to grasp the ground, anything, to try and keep myself down. But it was impossible. The top portion of the ground separated like a thin layer, detaching from the bedrock below as if I was grasping a blanket. “His whirlwind surrounded me and I could no longer hold myself down. Instinctively, I began screaming, ‘Lord, God Almighty!!!’ “He was upon us. He was among us. End of dream.” Tami then said, “I awoke at that moment, with my scream still ringing in my ears. Such a strong presence of God and the fear of the Lord was in my room. It took me a while to even want to move. This was not comfortable. Isaiah 6 comes to mind: ‘In the year of King Uzziah’s death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple. And one [seraphim] called out to another and said, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of armies. The whole earth is full of His glory.” Then I said, “Woe to me, for I am ruined! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I live among a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of armies.’“ (Isaiah 6:1,3,5 NASB) Tami concludes by saying, “He came first TO us, His people, then THROUGH us in route to the field of bones. His presence was so powerful. Even while on my knees, face down on the ground, I was not ready for the strength of what I felt. I’m not sure anyone COULD be. He is THAT holy. His glory…” We live in an incredible time on earth. We must continually remember this. The harvest of the ages is now beginning. Ask for this, and do everything you can to participate. Sow into ministries that are working the fields. Pray for the laborers and the harvest itself. Let’s do that now. Pray with me: Father, we know You love the descendants of Ishmael. His name means “God listens” or “God hears.” Indeed, You hear the cry of Ishmael. We know You are about to rescue millions of his descendants from the stronghold and oppression of darkness. The women and children are especially oppressed and we know this moves Your heart. So, we are boldly asking You for this revival. We ask You for dreams to be given them, visions to occur, and many, many miracles to take place. Open their eyes to Yeshua. Embrace that part of the world with Your saving grace and love. We bind the powers of darkness that would try and stop this. We take the keys of the kingdom, which You gave to us (Matthew 16:18-19), and enforce the victory of Calvary. And as Christ taught us to pray, we ask for Your kingdom to come (Matthew 6:10) to Aram, and other parts of the Muslim world. We also ask for laborers to be sent into this great harvest field (Matthew 9:38). And we ask for the whirlwind of Your Spirit to blow and resurrect the people spiritually (Ezekiel 37:9-10). We ask all of this in Jesus’ name, which guarantees its acceptance and answer. Our decree: We decree that the resurrection wind of Holy Spirit is coming to the Muslim regions of the world! ****************************************** Portions of today’s post were contributed by Tami Flick. You can find out more about Tami here. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-2-2021 November 2, 2021 We Must Have Unity The Charismatic Movement was a move of Holy Spirit which resulted in tens of millions of conversions around the world. There have been other outpourings of the Spirit in the last 60 years - some called them revivals - which touched individual nations. Then, of course, there have been movements of Holy Spirit which were primarily to restore truth to the church, rather than being evangelism-centered, such as the healing revival (of 1947-1958), the prayer movement, prophetic movement, apostolic movement, etc. I have been blessed to observe and be part of all these activities of Holy Spirit. Having been raised in church - in a ministry family, then in ministry myself - I have had a front row seat, allowing the observation of restorations, revivals, trends and movements. While observing all of this, I have never seen a group of people discover fresh truth, shift in theology, implement new ideas, raise up new ministries, and do so perfectly. There is ALWAYS a learning curve, as knowledge grows and methods change. Those who began moving in the gifts of the Spirit (see 1 Corinthians 12), including gifts of healing and the workings of miracles, made mistakes as they launched out in faith. Yet, much good was accomplished with many people being healed. Those of us who began teaching new understandings of prayer made some errors, but incredible progress has been made. Deliverance ministries experienced some extremes, yet many people were set free. The Word of Faith movement experienced a few imbalances and extremes, yet through this movement, many people began to understand the importance of faith, our authority as believers and that God really does want to free people from poverty. Groups that emphasized discipleship struggled with control issues, yet an important truth was restored to the church’s understanding. As prophets and prophecy began to re-emerge in the church, mistakes, of course, were made. But one of the most important gifts of Christ to the church has been restored, bringing immeasurable fruit. As apostles and apostolic ministry was restored, extremes came and errors were made. However, an incredibly important function of Christ in the church re-emerged. It is somewhat ridiculous to think that as principles and understandings - which were previously unknown or had been lost - are gained/regained, this will begin with full maturity. Knowledge grows. Truth unfolds. These things will always be a process. When change regarding spiritual restorations and growth is occuring, over time Holy Spirit brings things into balance and maturity. What is disheartening is the criticism, strife and division generated by believers who don’t understand this process. Forerunners, pathfinders and pioneers do not always find the right path on the first attempt. That’s why the process is called “finding.” Forerunners prepare the way because the way doesn’t yet exist. Does anyone really think this occurs without some messes, false starts, backing up and adjusting course? What is wrong with us that we allow a critical spirit to attack and divide us when this process is happening? What is it that motivates us to judge and slander fellow believers who attempt to move us forward in our thinking, yet make some mistakes along the way? This is none other than a pharisaical spirit. And it is a spirit that God does not like. Proverbs 6:16-19 lists 7 things He hates. Many things that normally make the list of detestable things for the average believer aren’t on the list. Pride, however, which is certainly involved in believing one has the right to critique another’s performance, and “one who sows discord among brethren” are on the list. To be sure, it is appropriate to confront heresy or error, but it is possible to do so in love and with a spirit of humility. Our good friend, Barbara Yoder, shares some insightful thoughts regarding this problem. Please read and/or listen prayerfully. *********************************** “First of all, I want to say I know many leaders. Why am I saying that? Because from my direct experience with them, I believe most leaders have pure hearts toward God. They are seeking to do and be the right thing. “The church is already entering into a time of revival and awakening. It has started, but we are only ankle-deep at this time. There’s coming a time shortly when we will dive into full revival, the deep end, over our heads (see Ezekiel 47). “However, if we enter this time without becoming of one heart, one mind, one spirit, we will be blown apart. What is needed right now is a massive cleansing of each of our hearts, mine included, of anything that would cause this move of God to be hindered or possibly aborted. “I believe we are in a season where one of the main things God is dealing with is a spirit of accusation which causes division. In recent years, the spirit of Jezebel has overtaken the nation and the church, which among other things, discredits people and ministries through wrong accusations. Jezebel and Ahab wanted land that was owned by a man named Naboth (see 1 Kings 21). Therefore, she raised up false accusers to discredit Naboth in order to steal his inheritance (vineyard). And she was successful. “To express anything to others that discredits another person, without ever going to the person directly, is operating in a spirit of accusation and division. It is prevalent in the body of Christ and has brought great hurt and wounding. God is beginning to deal with this spirit. “Everything in God‘s kingdom is grounded in sound, healthy relationships. To allow a spirit of accusation and division to proliferate is totally antithetical to biblical truth. “A worthless person, a wicked man, is the one who walks with a perverse mouth, who winks with his eyes, who signals with his feet, who points with his fingers; who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, who spreads strife/discord” (Proverbs 6:12-14). “To sow discord is to say and do things that cause distrust among people which results in arguments and fights. It’s time to turn from anything that would divide the body of Christ. We need genuine, authentic, healthy relationships built on truthfulness and trust. Acts 3:19-21 says before revival/refreshing can come, repentance must occur. Let us turn fully back to God with our whole hearts.” ******************************* I’m grateful for Barbara’s words and challenge to us all. It’s time for us to have a heart check. Let’s ask Holy Spirit to help us walk before God with pure hearts. “Who, then, is allowed to ascend the mountain of Yahweh? And who has the privilege of entering into God’s Holy Place? Those who are clean—whose works and ways are pure, whose hearts are true and sealed by the truth, those who never deceive, whose words are sure. They will receive Yahweh’s blessing and righteousness given by the Savior-God. They will stand before God, for they seek the pleasure of God’s face” (Psalm 24: 3-5 TPT). Pray with me: Father, we are grateful that You are faithful to check our hearts. We do not want to give place to the enemy, allowing discord or offense to occur. Lord, we ask that You shine Your spotlight of conviction to any unswept corners of our hearts. We desire to have clean hands and pure hearts, being tools of unity and truth. We want to walk in the light - so shine Your light upon us, exposing our hearts and motives. Help us to always be willing to admit when we are wrong, allowing You to bring hope, harmony, and restoration to Your body. Show us our hearts Lord, and help us to always be instruments of Your healing and love. We especially ask Your forgiveness for inappropriately speaking against other streams and movements in the church. Teach us to express our differences, even bring correction, without embracing a critical spirit. May we always remember that of all the characteristics of Your kingdom we are to walk in, the greatest will always be love. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen. Our decree: We decree that we will be instruments of love and peace, not giving place to the enemy and his evil tactics. ******************************** Barbara Yoder is the senior leader of Shekinah Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan. You can find out more about Barbara here. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-28-2021 October 28, 2021 What If... “Remember the word which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, saying, ‘The Lord your God is giving you rest, and will give you this land.’ Your wives, your little ones, and your livestock shall remain in the land which Moses gave you beyond the Jordan, but you shall cross ahead of your brothers in battle formation, all your valiant warriors, and shall help them, until the Lord gives your brothers rest, as He is giving you, and they also possess the land which the Lord your God is giving them. Then you may return to your own land, and take possession of that which Moses the servant of the Lord gave you beyond the Jordan toward the sunrise. “They answered Joshua, saying, ‘All that you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Just as we obeyed Moses in all things, so we will obey you; only may the Lord your God be with you as He was with Moses. Anyone who rebels against your command and does not obey your words in all that you command him, shall be put to death; only be strong and courageous.’” (Joshua 1:13-18 NASB) In this first chapter of Joshua, God is giving incredibly important instructions to Joshua regarding the fulfillment of His covenantal promise to Abraham. This agreement with Abraham was not about a favored people whom God loved more than other humans. It was a covenant He initiated in order to use Abraham and his offspring to help Him save the world. The Messiah would come through them. The book of Joshua is another step in that process. It is not just about a special people receiving their extraordinary inheritance; it’s about a calling, an assignment, an inheritance needed to help save the world. That’s big stuff! And it makes the instructions God gave Joshua regarding this important next step very significant. As He lays out the important commands and encouragements, God mentions one that may seem a bit unusual. In the above verses, He reminds 3 of Israel’s 12 tribes of a promise they made Moses 40 years ago. Shortly after leaving Egypt, they came to a land that suited their ranching lifestyle, whereupon they asked Moses if that could be their inheritance, rather than a portion of land in Canaan, on the other side of the Jordan. It was agreed to, as long as the men promised to temporarily leave their homes and ranches to assist the remaining tribes possess their inheritance, when the time came. They wouldn’t be allowed to sit comfortably and enjoy their inheritance while their brothers and sisters warred for theirs. Though the promise had been made 40 years earlier, reminding them of it and insisting it be honored ranked toward the top of Joshua’s instructions. Though the book of Joshua can be read in a couple of hours, the conquest of Canaan took 7 years. The commitment these tribes had to keep was no simple task; it wasn’t just a couple of months or a few weekends here and there. It was 7 years! I’m not sure how they did this while protecting their families and possessions back home. Perhaps they alternated - a month on, a month off. Certainly, the women and kids had to pick up the slack and take over some of the responsibilities of caring for the livestock and land - for 7 years! Whatever the plan, it was a significant commitment. This was very important to God. Failing to fulfill the commitment was punishable by death. Since what occurred with Israel was written for our instruction (1 Corinthians 10:11), we can assume it is important for us, also. What if, rather than the demonic and disgusting competitive spirit existing in today’s American church, we took seriously the command to help one another? What if, rather than making great efforts to transfer sheep from another pasture (local church) to ours, we worked together to grow everyone’s congregation? What if, instead of attending Church Growth conferences (Sheep Transferring conferences), we attended “How Can I Help My Fellow Believer Take His/Her Inheritance” conferences? What if pastors and ministry leaders who have successful ministries, large facilities, good salaries, etc., decided to help their fellow “countrymen” possess their inheritance? I’m not talking about a pat on the back, or a hundred bucks once in a while. I’m talking about commitment, Joshua 1 stuff - fighting for them, sharing resources, building buildings, etc. What would it look like if every larger church in America paid the salary of a pastor pioneering a church - a church that isn’t in their network or carrying their name, by the way? What if they supplied them with a worship team? A children’s pastor? What would happen? Well fortunately, we don’t have to wonder. Jesus told us in John 17:21: “That they may all be one; just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.” He also told us in Psalm 133: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity! It is like the precious oil on the head, running down upon the beard, as on Aaron’s beard, the oil which ran down upon the edge of his robes. It is like the dew of Hermon coming down upon the mountains of Zion; for the Lord commanded the blessing there— life forever.” Interestingly, the word “good,” describing unity, is the exact same Hebrew word as the “precious” anointing oil of Aaron’s priesthood. God places unity on the same level as His anointing. And this unity included working together, by the way, not just well-wishing. The passage makes it clear that blessings were being exchanged - Mt Herman was watering Mt Zion. Maybe if we did more helping one another we’d see more anointing. Holy Spirit said in this passage He would be able to command more eternal life to be released. And according to Christ, the world would believe. Satan is not our biggest problem. We are. Pray with me: Father, please forgive us for our arrogance in thinking that what You want to do through us is more important than what You do through others. Forgive us for our divisive activities and ways of thinking. Forgive us for the place in our hearts that allows competition with our brothers and sisters to occur. We ask You to replace these attitudes, this sin, with hearts that are willing to prefer one another in love (Romans 12:10). Give us hearts that are willing to serve our brothers and sisters and war for their inheritance. Tear down every wall that has been built by religion and pride. Give us the heart of Jesus, who made of Himself no reputation, laying everything down for others. Bring the greatest revival of unity and love the church has ever experienced. May we take joy and rain down blessings on mountains/ministries which belong to others. Please tear down every man-made kingdom, until only Yours stands. As we move forward into this great awakening, may it be marked by a generation of believers that gloried in warring for others’ success and inheritance. We ask this in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we will allow the unselfish heart of Jesus to rule and reign in ours! *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-29-2021 October 29, 2021 The Demonic Long-Game to Take Down America Former member of the Idaho House of Representatives and movie producer Curtis Bowers was interviewed by Jim Garlow Sunday night on the World Prayer Network. Curtis was sharing on the subject of the seemingly rapid Marxist takeover of America. He let the listeners know this is not a recent plan. We are living through the next step, and a significant one, of a plan in the works for 90 years. “The challenge for those desiring to shift America to a socialist nation,” he said, “has been its Christian roots. America’s moral structure as a result of its Judeo-Christian foundation has made it very challenging to shift. Lovers of God know we have freedom in Christ as we live to please Him. Living morally for Him has led to a very blessed nation—and the whole world has known it.” He explained the patient strategy of Marxism as being a gradual takeover of various systems of society, such as education and media. The end-game is to use those systems to change America from within by shifting its morality from God-centered to man-centered. Then, it becomes easy for the government to give people what they want. You can watch the interview here. Larry Tomczak is a board member for Intercessors for America, a best-selling author, and a public policy advisor with Liberty Counsel. He wrote an excellent article on this subject for IFAPray.org recently, expounding on this topic. His warning for America is chilling. He writes: “Do You Know You’re Being Set Up “When Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness he tried to seduce Him with tantalizing bait. He showed Him all the kingdoms of the world offering, I will give you all this…if You… (Luke 4:5-7). Satan was trying to set Him up. “Have you ever seen one of those late night commercials on TV with the grainy footage and well preserved singers of yesteryear hawking the classic hits of the past? Aligning with the voiceover announcer they nostalgically reference the era and reminisce to set you up for the sale. “‘These are all the original hits not available in stores, all digitally remastered…what a time of peaceful vibes and love. You’ll relive what was such a wonderful time of carefree living and peace. Let all the memories from those years of love and peace be experienced again as you’re ‘“'going to San Francisco with flowers in your hair.’”’ “For those of us who lived through those tumultuous times, some of us find ourselves talking to the TV set and wanting to smack them upside the head. ‘Hey buddy, that time was not all groovy, lovey, peaceful, flowing-haired girls in granny dresses twirling in the park amidst syrupy-faced guys with tambourines and flutes!’ “Using street smarts, we know they’re trying to set us up. It’s what Obama did when telling us, ‘If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor,’ setting us up for Obamacare socialized medicine. PolitiFact gave him the ‘Lie of the Year’ award! “Are we using the same discernment facing the power of the Progressives using sleight of hand to sell us a socialist bill of goods that will destroy our families and future in America? The bottom line with their nonstop ‘goody bags’ is they are trying to buy us off with our own hard-earned tax dollars. “‘It’ll Cost You Nothing!’ “The radicalized, leftist Democratic party is making offers (like the above quote from [Obama]) to hold us hostage to their socialist agenda. Exploiting Covid and climate fears to manipulate the masses, they’re trying to ‘get while the gettin’s good’ with a befuddled president and bowed down media. They know the clock is ticking and will soon run out as people are wising up for next year’s midterms to throw them out. “Like sideshow barkers, they’re pushing a wealth redistribution agenda through their misleading 2200 page $3.5 Trillion ‘Infrastructure’ bill of giveaways that they say will be paid for by those ‘evil corporations and billionaires.’ This impacts your livelihood and your children whose future is being sacrificed for political expediency. “Here’s their agenda: Forgiveness of college debts. ‘Free’ money ($25,000) for all lower-income, first-time home buyers (they never have to pay it back even though you may have saved a decade for such a purchase). ‘Free’ government checks, child subsidies, universal childcare, pre-K coverage, college tuition, complete medical care, rent subsidies, basic guaranteed income, expanded Medicare (dental, vision and hearing), taxpayer funded abortions, increased food stamp provisions, amnesty for 12-15 million illegal immigrants with full entitlements and open borders for asylum-seekers (2-3 million this year alone) with full medical care. “Our Biblically Based Heritage “Our Founding Fathers and patriotic Americans throughout our history have demonstrated compassionate care for deserving needy individuals as a temporary ‘hand up,’ not a permanent ‘hand out’. We’ve traditionally honored the biblical directive: We command you that if any will not work, neither shall he eat. (1 Thessalonians 3:10) “Big government has no right to take our money and savings earned over a lifetime and give it away for the sake of what they label ‘equity’ and ‘reparations.’ We must stand up to this attempted communist-style thievery and transfer of wealth establishing a culture of dependency in America. The Bible teaches that we have a responsibility to work, plan, and care for ourselves, our spouse, and children (1 Timothy 5:8; James 1:27; 2 Corinthians 12:14); and we will one day give an account before God for this stewardship. “Ben Franklin stated, ‘I am for doing good to the poor but I think the best way to do good to the poor is not making them easy in poverty, but leading them or driving them out of it. I observed the more public provisions were made for the poor the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less that was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer!’ “We must be informed regarding this deceptive Democrat set up. The radical progressives have schemes up their sleeves! “How Do You Kill 11 Million People? “New York Times best-selling author Andy Andrews wrote a book with this title. The figure represents the actual number of people killed by Adolf Hitler, not including ordinary civilians and military war dead. “In the book, he gave a simple answer to the inquiry: You lie to the people and set them up to be led like naive sheep to the slaughter. It’s happening today. “When Hitler wrote ‘Mein Kampf’, he stated, ‘The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small one.’ “His henchman, Adolph Eichmann, revealed in sworn statements during the Nuremberg trials their deception with the Jewish people. Here’s how they set them up. “‘All Jews listen up! At last it can be reported to you that the Russians are advancing on our eastern front. I apologize for the hasty way we brought you into our protection. Unfortunately, there was little time to explain. You have nothing to worry about. We want only the best for you. You will leave here shortly and be sent to very fine places indeed. You will work there, your wives will stay at home, and your children will go to school. You will have wonderful lives. We will all be terribly crowded on the trains, but the journey is short. Men, please keep families together and board the rail cars in an orderly manner. Quickly now, my friends, we must hurry!’ “Sound familiar? They were set up by the Democratic Socialist regime. We must speak up before it’s too late. “Here’s the deal: ‘Live not by lies’ was the warning given us by Russian defector Alexander Solzhenitsyn concerning the dawning post-Christian, pre-totalitarian society he saw emerging in America. Jesus told us to watch (stay alert) and pray (Luke 21:36). Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. (Ephesians 5:11 NIV) “To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Don’t take the bait when they make you an offer they think you can’t refuse.” Remember, the Bible tells us, “My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19; NASB) Trust in Him and don’t take the bait leading to the loss of our freedom and ultimately to the loss of our country. Pray with me: Father, we know that the enemy is sly, thinking he has set the perfect trap for America. He and his earthly puppets have been working for decades to undermine the foundations You set for our nation. But he has been found out and You are exposing his plan. Just as he has done time and again throughout the ages, he has overplayed his hand and the plan has become obvious. America is a nation blessed by You. We don’t want a trap which will overwhelm us economically and force our dependence on the government. Keep us from fearing man and what can be done to us. Let us hope completely in You and continue to stand strong for righteousness, truth, biblical justice, and opportunity for all. Thank You, Lord. Amen. Today’s decree: We choose today to worship the Lord and look to Him alone as our Provider. ************************* You can learn more about Intercessors for America here and Larry Tomczak here. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-27-2021 October 27, 2021 Grab the Baton God keeps His word. Joshua 1:6 states: “Be strong and courageous, for you shall give this people possession of the land which I swore to their fathers to give them” (italics mine). Holy Spirit reminded Joshua of the promise He had made to Abraham and other forefathers. When we go through times of transition, it is imperative that we remember what God has spoken in the past. This will give us comfort, direction, and promises to which we can anchor. Paul told Timothy to wage a good warfare through the prophecies (plural) that had been spoken over him: “This command I entrust to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you fight the good fight” (1 Timothy 1:18 NASB). During the difficult time Timothy was experiencing, Paul told him to recall what had been spoken over him prophetically, using those words as a weapon with which to fight discouragement and demonic attacks. God’s words contain power and life. Not just the Scriptures, but any word spoken by Holy Spirit. Of course, prophecy must be judged in the light of Scripture and with seasoned leaders’ discernment (1 Corinthians 14:29), but when it is deemed as truly originating from Holy Spirit, it can and should be used for strategy, encouragement and as a sword of the Spirit. Paul told Timothy to use the prophecies over him as weapons. He also reminded Timothy of the spiritual gifts given to him through prophetic ministry. “Use them!” he commanded (1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6). When we face opposition to the cause of Christ, and to the assignments He gives us, it is critical that we listen to Holy Spirit. This is why I pay attention to dreams, visions and prophecies once I have judged them as originating from Him. This brings encouragement and success (Ezra 5:2: 6:14; 2 Chronicles 20:20). I also honor what He has said to others in past generations. Some of what Holy Spirit does through us is because of promises He made to them (Hebrews 11:39-40). We in America today, are warring for what Holy Spirit began centuries ago. God told Joshua the same thing: what I’m about to give you is the fulfillment of a promise I made generations ago. This served to bring Joshua an important perspective: What was about to occur wasn’t only about them; it was also about Abraham and other people before them. When God blesses us with favor or success, we often think it is simply to bless us or reward our faithfulness. Much of the time, however, it is because of others’ faithfulness. And though not mentioned in this passage, the land they were about to possess was about future generations also. As outlandish as it may sound, it was even about us today! God was not only rewarding Joshua’s generation, He was also furthering the redemptive purposes of history. If you read my posts daily, you will recall that I have recently mentioned four ladies, ranging in age from 69 to 94, who are warring with a prophetic dream, as Paul instructed Joshua and Timothy to do. They are traveling I-40 from the east coast of our nation to the west coast, just as the dream stated. This journey was made in the dream - and now by them - to honor and build on what previous generations accomplished for Christ. In the dream, Holy Spirit said He was going to reopen the well of revival fire released in the Azusa Street revival, under the leadership of William Seymour. I have shared some of their reports; here is another report from these ladies: ************************************ “Friday, October 22, 2021, we arrived at Bonnie Brae House in Los Angeles, CA, at 10:00 A.M. (PST). God had a parking space reserved for us right in front of the house. “Two gentlemen aided us in parking and then gave us the history of the house. One man took our picture in front of the ‘Bonnie Brae House’ sign. “The other man said, in Spanish, that many people come from around the world to pray there--some even pray all day and all night. “Jean was able to talk to the men in Spanish. The house is kept in very good condition. “We prayed at the gate leading up to the steps and on the front porch of the house. We thanked God for those who had gone before us with hearts hungry for more of God. “God answered their prayers for more of Himself, and that answer was the catalyst for the great Azusa Street revival. “May our hearts burn with the same fire to know God in a deeper, higher, more intimate way. May all who go there be touched by the anointing and presence of God. “We then drove the short distance to Azusa Street in Los Angeles, CA, and arrived at 10:30 A.M. (PST). “Once again, God had a parking spot reserved for us. We put money in the parking meter and walked across the street to the historical site. “At the entrance to an alley, situated between buildings, is a marker on a pole which states: ‘Site of the Azusa St. Revival from 1906 to 1931. Cradle of the Worldwide Pentecostal Movement’ “Although now it only appears to be a graffiti-scarred alley, the presence of God is still there. May the anointing of God touch the hearts of all who seek Him. “We declared that the Azusa Street well of revival is, indeed, re-opened and gushing fire and water upon all who will receive it...that God is getting ready to pour out His Spirit in a measure never before seen. “Lord, saturate us anew! Let the fire of God and the water of Holy Spirit flow out from us, igniting fires wherever we go! “God truly went before us, providing for every need of our mission across America on I-40 and to Azusa Street.” ************************************ It pleases God’s heart when we honor those who have gone before us. He is proud of His kids, past and present. When those of us alive and running redemption’s race today acknowledge that the baton was given to us by faithful brothers and sisters, Abba beams. He demands humility, and He rewards honor by releasing the synergy of the ages. I was mocked a few years ago by ignorant believers for praying at the grave of Charles Finney. I believe the name they used to describe me (and others) was “grave sucker,” their description of what they thought I was attempting: pull up and receive some of Finney’s anointing. Though I did ask God to give us many more evangelists with successful exploits like Finney’s, I did not ask for his mantle or anointing. Nor did I try to converse with him. I did honor his memory, however, just as I do at the graves of family members on occasion. I thanked God for leaders like Finney and Father Nash, his intercessor. I thanked Him for what they accomplished, for the Second Great Awakening they helped fuel, and asked God to do it again. I’ve done the same at the graves of other leaders, and no doubt will again. Honor...it’s a big deal. Someone - not just Christ - paid a huge price for the blessings you enjoy. Be grateful, grab the baton, and run. Pray with me: Thank You, Father, for our brothers and sisters who have gone before us. Thank You for the price they paid, the blood they shed and sacrifices they made. Thank You for the privilege of continuing their great legacy. Thank You for the blessing of being used to fulfill promises You made to them. What a great family You have, Abba! And we thank You for the prophecies, dreams and promises You have given to us. We war with them, just as You instructed Timothy to do. We war with Your promise that You will one day return to lead a glorious church, not a weak and tarnished one (Ephesians 5:27). We war with the promise that this church will be one the gates of hell cannot prevail against (Matthew 16). We war with Your promise that the leaders of earth who take counsel together against Christ and His authority will fail (Psalm 2). We thank You for an engaged prayer army today on the earth. They are conducting many assignments, some similar to these four ladies. Prayer journeys are taking place everywhere: people are walking and praying; driving and praying; old wells of revival are being visited. Honor is being given and faith is being released for another outpouring of the same revival fire. We thank You for this. Continue to stir us, Holy Spirit - You are such a great leader! We pray all of this in Christ’s name, amen. Our decree: We decree that the destiny God spoke to the forefathers of this nation will be accomplished! ************************************ Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-26-2021 October 26, 2021 The Key to Success Yesterday we talked about God recircuiting us, as Chuck Pierce said in the word he gave 2 weeks ago. We looked at the importance of guarding what we allow into our minds. When Joshua was about to lead his generation of Israelites into their fullness, God spoke with him about this. Joshua 1:7, 8 (NASB) states: “Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go. This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will succeed.” God was bringing to Joshua’s attention the vital importance of His Words. “Don’t neglect My words, Joshua. Keep them before you. Say them, meditate on them. Then you will be successful.” When going through strategic times, we must remember to stay focused on the Word...spending time with the Lord...not neglecting prayer. We must do the basics! During Christ’s great temptation in the wilderness, He focused on the Scriptures. For us, too, as simple as it may seem, it is indeed the basics that keep us safe and insure success during strategic times. We will prosper and have success if we remember to do this. On day six of the ill-fated mission of Apollo 13, the astronauts needed to make a critical course correction. If they failed, they might never return to earth. To conserve power, they shut down the onboard computer that steered the craft. Yet, the astronauts needed to conduct a 39-second burn of the main engines. How to steer during this critical time? Astronaut Jim Lovell determined that if they could keep a fixed point in view through their tiny window, they could steer the craft manually. That focal point turned out to be their destination - earth. As shown in the 1995 hit movie Apollo 13, for 29 agonizing seconds Lovell focused on keeping the earth in view. By not losing sight of that reference point, the three astronauts avoided disaster. (1) The basics are our reference points! We must not lose sight of them! As we are moving into the new era of revival and harvest, it will be our connection with Christ, Abba, and Holy Spirit that ensures success. Demons will try to hinder us, the left will employ strategy after strategy to stop us, giants will abound. But God is all-powerful and very faithful - He will give us success if we stay focussed on Him. Joshua 1:9 states: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go,” (italics mine). The word “dismayed” comes from the Hebrew word chathath, which means to crack or break. Zodhiates uses the phrase “cracking under stress”(2) to define it. God was saying to Joshua, “This transition into your kairos stage and toward breakthrough will offer many opportunities for stress. There will be unexpected challenges, difficulties, and warfare. While under the pressure of leading, Joshua, you are going to have to make sure you walk in peace. Don’t crack under the stress.” Colossians 3:15 states: “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.” Notice the word “let.” We must allow the peace of God to rule. We have a choice. We can stress out by focusing on giants, the way things look around us, problems, or we can take the time to quiet ourselves before the Lord, listening to what He says, and keeping our faith strong. Consider this great story: A Queens, New York woman leaned out of her eighth-floor tenement window and screamed for help. She was trapped in her bathroom. The inside knob had fallen off when her youngest child, age two, had closed the door from the other side. Two of her other children, ages four and five, were in the kitchen, alone, as supper cooked on the stove. The woman alternated between trying to break down the door herself and shouting to be heard. Both courses seemed futile and she was beginning to give up hope. Meanwhile, a young man who lived twenty miles away happened to be visiting the neighborhood that day. From the street below, he heard the woman’s pleas. He waved his hand to catch her attention and then screamed out, “I’m coming up to help you!” A short time later, she heard his voice from outside the bathroom door. “Listen closely,” the young man instructed. “Put your fingers in the hole where the knob should be, pull it up, lift the door slightly, and then quickly pull it open.” The woman followed the stranger’s instructions, and within moments the door was open. Once freed from her temporary prison, she ran to check on the children. In response to their mother’s screams, they had become upset and needed some comfort to soothe their cries. When all three children were safe within her view, the woman turned to the young man and asked in amazement, “How could you possibly have known how to get into my apartment, and how did you know how that door opens?” “I know very well,” he answered with a smile crossing his face. “I was born here. I lived in this apartment for fifteen years. I know how to get in the front door without a key. And the bathroom knob? It would always fall off, and we learned to open the door just the way I showed you! (3) As we move forward into God-given destinies, including the transforming of our nation, it is reassuring to know that God has already been there. He has seen every chronos, kairos, and fullness season before. Our shifts, the new places, are only new to us. God understands full well how to open the doors of breakthrough, victory and fruitfulness because He has been there before. And as the eternal God, outside of time, He sees the end from the beginning! (Isaiah 46:10) He isn’t trying to figure out the door - He made the door! And therefore, He knows how to open it. I was recently asked to comment on how to stay informed - watch the news, read articles, etc. - without growing discouraged. How can we keep our faith strong and keep from cracking under the stress, while seeing the mess, corruption, and chaos? The answer is to do what God instructed Joshua: listen to Him. Focus on God’s Word, first through Scriptures, of course. But also through His prophets - what are they saying? We are told in Scripture to believe them and prosper (2 Chronicles 20:20). Believing them involves thinking about what they have said. Keep their words before you, and say them. Focusing on God’s words is one way the re-circuiting will occur! Pray with me: Thank You, Father, for always instructing us in the way we should go. We never have to wonder what to do. Even when Your strategy has not yet been released we can abide in Your presence and feed on Your word. You told Joshua to carefully obey everything You said - this would guarantee success. We resist worry. We refuse to yield to stress and anxiety. Your peace is strong in us as we keep our focus on You. We choose to do this. We know You have been into the future and know everything we need to do. We will not stress out. We decree our faith in Your words. You have said America shall be saved - so it shall! You have said revival is here and coming, therefore it is. You have said a great harvest is beginning - thus, it is! You have said prodigals are coming home, therefore, they are. You have said You were going to expose evil in our nation and pull the plug on it, so that will be done. And You have said You are re-circuiting us and this nation. So be it. We decree these things in the name of Christ. Amen. Our decree: We decree that God‘s peace, His words of life and His instruction sustain us and guarantee success. ************************* Portions of today’s post were taken from my book God’s Timing for Your Life. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ______________________________ Edward K. Rowell, Fresh Illustrations for Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids, MI: Christianity Today, 1997), p. 73. Spiros Zodhiates, Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, New American Standard, rev.ed. (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1990). Yitta Halberstam and Judity Leventhal, Small Miracles (Holbrook, MA: Adams Media Corporation, 1997), pp. 122, 123.
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4 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-25-2021 October 25, 2021 Guard Your Heart I’ve been thinking somewhat about Chuck Pierce’s word that Holy Spirit is going to re-circuit the minds of individuals and nations. This is truly an amazing word (you can read it in this previous post). Let’s look today at how important this is. “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life” (Proverbs 4:23, emphasis added). “Watch” is translated from natsar, also a Hebrew word for “watchman.” Yes, as important as it is to be watchmen for others, we are also told to be watchmen for our own hearts, guarding what we allow to enter. The word “heart” in this verse is the Hebrew word leb. Although this could mean the physical heart, it is used “figuratively for the feelings, the will and even the intellect.”(1) This would include the soul - the mind, will, and emotions. As doorkeepers of our own souls, we must determine what is allowed in, for what we allow in determines who we become. Proverbs 23:7 gives tremendous insight to the concept of guarding or watching over what we allow into our hearts: “For as [a person] thinks within himself, so he is.” “Thinks” (shaar) is a very important and interesting word. In fact, it is truly a watchman word. It does not actually mean “think;” that was a derived, figurative meaning. It actually means “to split or open; to act as a gatekeeper.”(2) The verse is actually saying, “Whatever a person lets into his soul, so he or she will be.” In other words, we are who we are because of what is allowed into our minds, causing a particular way of thinking. Each of us is the product of what we allow to access our minds and hearts. The context of the verse, in keeping with this reasoning, tells us to be careful with whom we associate. We are, indeed watchmen for our own souls - our minds and emotions. It is critical that we act as gatekeepers or doorkeepers of our hearts. We, as human beings, are not controlled by that which is true. We are controlled by what we believe to be true, whether it is or not. Deceptions, lies, and distorted perceptions can control us, even though untrue. These are what the Bible calls strongholds - prisons in the mind (see 2 Corinthians 10:4) built by distortions and deceptions. Even latent beliefs, buried deep in our subconscious control us, whether true or not. An article in Reader’s Digest stated: “When people who fear snakes are shown a picture of a snake, sensors on their skin will detect sweat, a sign of anxiety, even though the people say they do not feel fear. The sweat shows up even when a picture is presented so rapidly that the subject has no conscious awareness of seeing it.”(3) Once a concept or philosophy has embedded itself into the deepest recesses of one’s mind and memory, the belief center, the mind considers it to be true and functions accordingly. Again, what is believed to be true there WILL control the person, whether it is true or not. Thus Proverbs says, “So he [or she] is” (Proverbs 23:7). This is why Proverbs 4:23 says we must guard our souls, carefully controlling what is allowed to enter. And though we cannot control everything placed there, we can do much to watch over what does and does not have access. Then there is the information that came into our souls before we came to know Christ. Most people have allowed much unbiblical information into their before becoming Christians. Some have allowed great amounts of perversion and unclean thinking to be embedded into them. Still others have experienced great trauma, rejection, or other emotional wounds. All of these things can be used to shape our thinking, causing certain thought patterns and actions. A person isn’t born again long before discovering that the new birth did not erase all that had been previously programmed into the mind and emotions. We can certainly guard what comes into our souls in the future, but what of the strongholds, wrong ways of thinking, fears, and other destructive patterns already there? We must attack them with what God says - His Word. As mentioned previously, “watch” in Proverbs 4:23 is natsar, one of the Old Testament words for a watchman. But the word also means “to lay siege.” The concept is that when laying siege to a city, they were “watching” it to make sure no supplies were able to enter. By the power of Holy Spirit, we can lay siege to our minds. “The weapons we fight with...have divine power to demolish strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4 NIV). Ask Holy Spirit to re-circuit your mind, causing it to become synchronized to God’s Word. Ask Him to pull out or pull down everything placed there that is not consistent with God’s will and plans. He is going to re-circuit us! Pray with me: Father, You told us You are re-circuiting the minds and hearts of people at this point in time. You are doing this with individuals, but also with groups of people. You said the church would begin to think the way You think. We ask for this. We ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to be given to us, in order that we might be re-circuited with Your circuitry. For many, this will begin with deliverance from wounds caused by unpleasant experiences; others will be freed from strongholds caused by words spoken to them; and still others will be re-circuited regarding untrue things they have been taught. Do this, please. Do as You showed Chuck Pierce: pull out the old circuit and put in a new one. Then cause us to think Your thoughts. We want to think the way You think and say what You say. We want to be Your voice in the earth, Your mouthpiece. We want to speak words of healing and faith. We want our mouths to release the sword of the Spirit, pulling down strongholds and everything that exalts itself against You. Do this in us, we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that when the re-circuiting is complete, the church will be more in sync with the thinking of Holy Spirit than ever before in history. ********************************* Portions of today’s post were taken from my book Watchman Prayer. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ________________________________ Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, s.v. 3820. Ibid., s.v. 8176. Daniel Goleman, “What’s Your Emotional IQ?” Reader’s Digest, January 1996, p. 50.
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5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-21-2021 October 21, 2021 Strike the Target While speaking in Indiana a few weeks ago, I was interrupted by a strong presence of the Lord. This was not a sweet presence of the Lord, it was a weighty presence, representing His warrior heart and nature. A fear of the Lord came into the room. I then had a vision of Him staring intensely in another direction. As I looked, I saw a principality that I knew was ruling a significant portion of the earth. Then I heard Christ say, “I am now going to deal with this spirit.” I wrote about this in a previous post. A week and a half ago I was with Chuck Pierce in Tennessee. He, too, had a vision, which I also shared in one of my previous posts. Here is a portion of his word: “All of a sudden I was able to see into the spirit realm and saw a word of knowledge blazed across the heavenly realms over us. It was the word ‘circuit.’ Suddenly, I saw the Lord reach down inside each of us and pull out a circuit. Then, with His hand He began to re-circuit individuals, followed by re-circuiting this region, and finally, re-circuiting our nation. “Through Chuck, the Lord said, ‘I’m going to make My people so in line with My purposes, so thinking the way I’m thinking, they will have no choice but to start walking in a new way…’ For this nation, when He was re-circuiting it, I saw a date come in on that circuit. All of a sudden the computer - which had been turned off when he pulled the circuit out - came back up on October the 18th. Beginning October the 18th, get ready. “The Lord said, ‘You will know, beginning October the 18th, in this nation, that things have come full circle. You will also know that I have pulled the plug on things you’ve been asking me to pull the plug on…’” (Link to that GH15 is here.) October 18, of course, was Monday of this week. I believe God initiated something on that day that will radically shift our nation. He is answering our prayers. On that same day, our friend Gina Gholston had the following dream: “I dreamed I was inside a bowling alley, standing just behind the bowling ball return machine, watching a large ball making its way down the lane toward the pins. The ball carried weight, and I could feel the floor trembling beneath me as it rolled down the lane. “About halfway down the lane, a force came from the left side, trying to push the ball into the gutter on the right. Almost simultaneously, another force came from the right side to keep the ball on track. These two forces were fiercely operating, one trying to push the ball off its course, and the other seeking to keep it on the course. Finally, the ball hit the pins, and made a strike! “There was a large screen over the lanes, spanning the entire width of the building. When the ball hit the pins, I saw a small white light moving on the screen. The light was growing as it moved forward, then burst into many lights spelling the word “STRIKE!” with lights flashing all around it. “Then the word “STRIKE!” went away, and this phrase popped up on the screen: ‘The King-pin has fallen!’ and little bursts of light began falling all around these words, resembling fireworks after they have burst in the sky and begin to fall and fade. “At that time, I noticed two men standing in front of me. There was a strong presence about them, and I remember thinking, ‘these are warring angels.’ They were having a conversation, and I overheard one say to the other, very emphatically, ‘A strike will be made, and the kingpin will fall. It’s time!’ “At that moment on the big screen, the phrase began flashing: ‘America Shall Be Saved.’ Then the words burst into a fireworks display that formed into the American flag.” WOW..!!! Here are a few interpretations: The “weighty” bowling ball represents the glory of God. The Hebrew word for glory means heavy or weighty. The concept includes authority. The forces from the left and right represent the powers of darkness trying to stop God’s glory and authority from accomplishing what He wants them to accomplish in our nation, and the prayers of the church attempting to keep things on target. The strike represents successful intercession. The Hebrew word for intercession, paga, among other things means “to strike the target.” It is used this way in Job 36:32: “He covers His hands with the lightning, And commands it to strike the target.” Our intercession is causing the authority and glory of God to move toward the target. It will strike exactly where He intends for it to hit. This is going to cause a kingpin of satan to fall in this nation. I do not know if this is the principality ruling our nation, or a person satan is using, or both. I do know that God has made it clear recently that giants are about to fall. This is that. The statement “America Shall Be Saved” is self-explanatory! I believe these visions and dreams are all referring to the same thing. We have reached a point of breakthrough. God is about to act. This is incredibly encouraging but also instructional. Holy Spirit tells us these things not just so we can rejoice or be encouraged, but also to show us how to pray. We must issue our prayers and decrees, allowing them to “strike the target.” I am sitting in my backyard while writing this post. At the exact moment I was writing the previous sentence, halfway through it, two bald eagles flew directly over me! Not one. TWO! Just now! You may not believe in signs, but I do. Bald eagles are the national emblem of America. I believe Holy Spirit was confirming, even as I write this post, that this is the word of the Lord! I am also reminded of the dream about Red River Meeting House. This dream was about God re-opening wells of revival from that place, Cane Ridge, Azuza street, and Wales. In the dream, 100 bald eagles flew from there to all parts of the nation releasing arrows that released the fire of God. Holy Spirit said in the dream, “My seers are on the move.” There is just no doubt in my mind: these eagles today, when I was writing this, are another confirmation. Principalities are coming down. The plug is being pulled on evil in our nation - we are being re-circuited. The kingpin is being taken out. And America shall be saved! Pray with me: Thank You, Father, for these encouraging words. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for the confirmations. We believe your verdict has been rendered: America shall be saved. The kingpin is being taken out. You are re-circuiting, resetting, and restoring our nation. We also understand that these dreams and visions are not just for encouragement. They are showing us how to pray. So, we pray now that Your weight of glory and authority will strike the mark. We ask You to pull the plug on evil in our land. We ask You to re-circuit our nation, the church, individuals. We ask that principalities ruling America be brought down. Cause them to experience Your wrath. Strike them with Your glory and lightning, just as You did when You expelled them from heaven (Luke 10:18). And as You do this, we ask for a great unveiling to occur in our land, the spirit of revelation being released. Open the eyes of millions, freeing them from deception and darkness. Lord, do this also in the nations of the earth. Cause the light of the gospel to be seen clearly and enlighten the nations of the earth. We ask for this in the name of Christ. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the eagles are on the move, the glory of the Lord will strike the target, and the kingpin has fallen. *********************** Click on the link below watch the full video.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-20-2021 October 20, 2021 We Have a Part To Play The first chapter of Joshua marked a new season in Israel. A divine shift was about to occur; God was changing the time and season (Daniel 2:20-21), just as He is in America. And the chapter holds several insights for us. A short review of some things we’ve said recently would be beneficial. Scripture speaks of general time/s and seasons (chronos). Spiritually speaking (and often naturally, as well), these are the routine, mundane times of plowing ground, sowing and tending seeds, waiting, etc. They would include extended seasons of prayer, standing in faith and persevering. The season could be days, weeks, months, or years, depending on the subject. When faithfully managed and navigated, chronos seasons will eventually result in strategic, opportune times (kairos) of reaping. At this point, we have an opportunity to reap the fruit of our labors. God has changed the time and season. An example of this would be when He told Joshua that in 3 days, after 40 years of waiting, they were crossing into Canaan to possess the land. The fruit isn’t guaranteed at this stage, but the opportunity to reap has arrived. If we persevere in faith and implement the necessary principles, we will arrive at the fullness of time (pleroo). This speaks of a finished process. The money is in the bank, the harvest is in the barn. For Joshua and Israel, the land had been possessed. For our generation, it will mean we’re in full scale revival. We have a part to play in each phase if we are to get to the next. As we said, in the first chapter of Joshua, God changed the season to a kairos. Israel now had the opportunity to possess. In preparation, God gave Joshua several key principles to guide him through this kairos season. In yesterday’s post we talked about Him showing Joshua this would require faith. Another principle God made clear early on was that Israel would have to fight - their inheritance would not just fall in their lap. This would not be like leaving Eqypt. God will always faithfully do what only He can do; however, there will always be actions He requires of us. As we said on a recent post, don’t make the mistake of overemphasizing the sovereignty of God. It is deception to believe God will make certain that we reap, regardless of our involvement. The generation of Israelites who perished in the wilderness is proof that receiving the fulfillment of what God offers is not guaranteed. Joshua 1:2 states: “Moses My servant is dead; now therefore arise, cross this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them, to the sons of Israel.” Moses had gone away by himself, and God took him to heaven without anyone being there to witness it. Yahweh was indeed informing Joshua of this but was also announcing to him, “It’s your time now, Joshua. You can no longer look to the man who mentored you and led the nation. You have been trained and equipped; now you’re the one. Accept the responsibility! Rise up into your place of leadership and lead these people into their inheritance.” Not only was Joshua facing new responsibilities, however, but all of Israel was also. The word “giving” in the above verse is translated from the Hebrew word nathan, which means more than giving in the sense of bestowing something upon another. Nathan also means to give in the sense of an assignment. This is the word used in Psalm115:16: “The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men.” In this Psalm, God wasn’t saying He gave ownership of the earth to Adam and Eve, He did not. He was saying He had blessed them with the bounty of earth, but also that He had assigned to them responsibility and authority to manage it. God’s gifts are often His assignments. He was gifting the land to Israel, yes, but He was also assigning them the responsibility of possessing and managing it. Another picture of this can be found in the word “possess.” God told Joshua in verse 11 He was giving them the land to “possess.” This Hebrew word means “legally an heir” but also “military invasion for the purpose of conquering and settling in the land.” “This is your inheritance,” He was saying. “Now go take it.” Still another word in this chapter confirmed this. The word “tread” in verse three - “every place on which the sole of your foot treads I will give to you” - is a warfare word. It means “to march forth; to tread a winepress.” It also means to “bend a bow,” from the concept of treading on it to bend it. From this concept it came to mean “archers” or as one lexicon said, “bow-benders.” It is still the word today in Israel for loading a gun. When the commander is ready to lead his troops into battle he says, “Darak.” God was telling Joshua, “If you are willing to take your weapons and fight, I will give you victory.” These lessons are all true for us today. God has given us this nation to reap and enjoy its amazing bounty. But with that comes an assignment to manage, govern, and protect it. We are responsible to guard it against those who would try and overrule God’s purposes. We must not allow this rebelion to succeed. America is our inheritance - we must yaresh it. We must be willing to use the spiritual weapons of our warfare and take back what God has entrusted to us. The church must not yield to those who would try and abort God’s purposes. He has brought us to an incredible opportunity to repossess this land. God has changed the times and seasons and has brought us to the brink of incredible revival and breakthrough. We must now seize this. This will require darak. Load your weapons, spiritual bow-benders. Fight the good fight of faith. Take the sword of the spirit and the weapon of prayer. God has promised us victory, IF we are willing to fight. Of course, we are talking about spiritual warfare, not hurting people. We love people, but we do not love the spiritual powers of darkness that have invaded this nation, nor do we love what many people are trying to do. There is no contradiction between loving them and not accepting their actions. We are not to be spiritual pacifists. This is a deception satan uses frequently, convincing Christians that “loving” their enemies, or those who oppose the plans of God, is to sit back and allow them to do whatever they want, that God will deal with their plans and actions when He chooses. This is NOT biblical. We are to hate evil (Proverbs 8:13, Psalm 97:10; Romans 12:9; Revelation 2:6); at times we are to announce judgment (Acts 8:20, 13:11; 1 Corinthians 5:5; 2 Timothy 4:14). And we are most certainly to resist the spiritual powers motivating and empowering evil doers. If these things were a contradiction of love, God would be violating His own nature - love - at times! Church, this can be our finest hour. This is our generation’s time to cross over into Canaan and drive out giants. Let’s do this. Pray with me: Father, You are giving us an opportunity to repossess our inheritance. You have changed the time and season, telling us, “It’s time!” We will now do as Joshua and Israel did: go into the land and remove spiritual giants. As your Ekklesia, we will bind and loose, pull down strongholds and free people from the clutches of the enemy. We, Your people in America, will be what You called us to be: a light to the nations, a voice of the gospel of the kingdom to all nations. Teach us what it means to love Your way, loving unbelievers while not accepting their actions. Give us Your hatred of evil AND Your love for the sinner. Your love is unconditional, yet Your judgments are true and righteous altogether (Psalm 19:9). Awaken the church. Give us a backbone of steel and hearts of love. Put Your warrior heart in us, causing us to fight for justice and truth. Give us Caleb hearts that look at a stronghold and say, “Give me my mountain!” Break off of us complacency, apathy, lukewarmness, selfishness, and fear. Free us from distractions and activities that cause us to miss opportunities and/or feel we are too busy to get involved. We ask You in Jesus’ name to do these things. Our decree: Let God arise and his enemies be scattered! ___________________________________________________ Portions of today’s post were taken from my book God’s Timing for Your Life. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-19-2021 October 19, 2021 Our Faith Will Prevail Hebrews 6:12 tells us it is through faith and patience that we inherit the promises. Maintaining faith for this nation has not always been easy. I’ve watched it drift farther and farther from God. There have been times of great sadness and mourning as I’ve watched God rejected, morality decline, babies killed, our roots deteriorate, and the overall church of America weaken. Obviously, it has looked, at times, like satan and those aligned with him are winning the war. Their arrogance and mockery sometimes makes it more challenging. On my journey the last 20 years, I have traveled millions of miles to thousands of meetings in hundreds of cities - all to pray and encourage others to do the same. I have fought discouragement and the frustration of wondering why more believers - especially leaders - don’t take seriously the need to pray for America. I have listened to naysayers’ unbelief, eschatological explanations as to why I am wasting my time, and ill-informed rebukes about being an American nationalist and/or controlled by a political spirit (even though my passion for America is centered around our calling to serve and evangelize other nations, and I’m not registered with either party.) Emotions are sometimes challenging to deal with. I have experienced anger over Never-Trumper’s who prefer killing babies over mean tweets, and pompous pastors who preach that God forgives sinners and doesn’t remember their sins, while continuously bringing up President Trump‘s past. I watched with shock while spiritual leaders refuse to pray and take a stand against cheating, then congratulated a staunch pro-abortionist (and who has since become the most pro-abortion president in history). I was disgusted as some of them castigated well-meaning prophetic believers whom they felt “missed it.” (A few did, most didn’t. Their decrees were declarations of faith or words stating God’s desire, not His guarantee.) God never said faith journeys would be easy. In spite of the ups and downs, by God’s grace and help I can say I have never doubted His word to me that a Third Great Awakening is coming to America; nor that this awakening will turn our nation back to Hiim and our righteous roots. We will be restored to our God-given destiny. America shall be saved! When needing to make a stand of faith, we must reach a point where what God says is the only determining factor for what we believe. That alone is biblical faith. Faith cannot be based on what we see around us, what others say, or how long it has been since the promise was given. When God was about to bring Israel into their fullness of time, giving them the promised land of Canaan, he made it clear to Joshua that faith would be required to possess the land. In Joshua 1:2 God said to Joshua, “Cross this Jordan,” (italics mine). He was pointing out that it was not the Jordan of several months earlier, nor the Jordan of a few months from then. It was this one - which was in flood stage! (see Joshua 3:15) At this time, the Jordan River was probably a mile wide, very deep, and, as far as these Israelites were concerned, impassible. Yet, God told Joshua that the nation - men, women, children, animals, possessions - would have to cross this Jordan in 3 days. One would imagine Joshua was tempted to think: we’ve waited 40 years! A few more months won’t hurt. Gimme a break! If he did, he didn’t say it. On the contrary, he started packing! What incredible faith it took to receive this word from the Lord! We, too, will face impossible situations and insurmountable odds at times when we are in the process of turning a nation. It will require much faith. We are there now in America. We will have to believe God is going to do His part - the impossible - to get us to where we need to be. As much faith is needed in the possessing stage as in the long waiting period. Chronos seasons of waiting obviously require faith and patience. But when God says it’s time to reap, faith will also be required then. We must be willing to respond and move in faith, regardless of the odds or adversity. I love the following story: “As the drought continued for what seemed an eternity, a small community of Midwest farmers was in a quandary as to what to do. The rain was important not only in order to keep the crops healthy, but to sustain the townspeople’s very way of living. As the problem became more urgent, the local church felt it was time to get involved and planned a prayer meeting in order to ask for rain. “The pastor watched as his congregation filed in. He slowly circulated from group to group as he made his way to the front in order to officially begin the meeting. Everyone he encountered was visiting across the aisles, enjoying the chance to socialize with their close friends. As the pastor finally secured his place in front of his flock, his thoughts were on the importance of quieting the crowd and starting the meeting. “Just as he began asking for quiet, he noticed an 11-year-old girl sitting on the front row. She was angelically beaming with excitement; and lying next to her was her bright red umbrella, poised for use. The beauty and innocence of this sight touched the pastor’s heart. He realized this young girl possessed faith that the other people in the room seemed to have forgotten. The rest of the people had just come to pray for rain...she had come to see God answer.”(1) If we are going to see America turn, we better bring our umbrellas! God did something else to let Joshua know this reaping season was going to require faith. He made sure they crossed the Jordan near Jericho (Joshua 3:16), perhaps the most fortified and impregnable city in Canaan. As Joshua was staring at this stronghold, God made one of His periodic, outlandish statements, “See, I have handed Jericho over to you, with its king and the valiant warriors,” (Joshua 6:2). My very human response would probably have been something like, “See what? All I see is one of the most fortified cities in all of Canaan. And, by the way, couldn’t we start with one of the smaller, vulnerable towns? Until we get a little experience and momentum. I mean, we were nomads a couple of days ago, our army hasn’t fought a battle…” God, however, was making a point through the flooded Jordan and impregnable Jericho: “The success of this endeavor doesn’t depend on the size or experience of your army. It doesn’t hinge on when or where you cross the Jordan. And the size or strength of the adversary means nothing. Success will be decided ONLY and TOTALLY by My ability and your willingness to obey and partner with Me. Got it, Josh?” Got it, praying church in America? Let’s pray. Pray with me: Father, Your cause is great and noble. You are determined to offer this entire planet the privilege of knowing You, entering Your family. You love the entire world with immeasurable love. Christ is the proof. A showdown is coming. Demonic rulers over Jericho’s are fearful, sensing that You are coming. They are correct. A shift is in process. The times and seasons are changing. We are going to cross the Jordan. Yes, it is flooded, impassable. No matter! We’re going across. We’re taking Jericho. Jubilee trumpets, marching feet and a shout of triumph will bring Your victory. We pray for the faith of our brothers and sisters, Father, as Christ did for Peter. He prayed that Peter’s faith wouldn’t fail, and it didn’t. It looked like it had, but, no, You sustained him. And we believe You will do so with today’s warriors, also. Sustain them, we pray! May they look at America and other Jericho nations of the earth with eyes of faith and hear You say, “See, I have given you the city.” Our decree: We decree that we will do what is necessary and stand by faith! _________________________________________________________________ Portions of today’s post were taken from my book God’s Timing for Your Life. Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________ Alice Gray, Stories for the Heart (Sisters, OR: Multnomah Publishers, 1996), p. 104.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-15-2021 October 15, 2021 It’s Time to Think Differently I have been speaking much recently on changing the way we think. I’ve probably mentioned it 8-10 times in messages over the past few months. Obviously, different seasons require different ways of thinking. Not conforming to this principle can be costly. In a cold season, one dresses differently than in a warm season. On vacation, hopefully, one thinks differently than while at work. In harvest season one thinks differently than in the planting season. Seasons change, and so must we. John the Baptist was called a forerunner, because he “ran before” Christ, preparing the way for His coming (Isaiah 40:1-5; Luke 3:1-6). One of the ways in which he prepared the people for Christ’s entrance was by telling them to change their thinking. The actual meaning of the word “repent,” one of John’s main commands, is “to think differently” (metanoeo). It does not actually mean “to go a different direction” as most people think. Going a different direction (epistrepho) is the end result of repentance. When we receive a revelation or enlightenment - a new way of thinking - from Holy Spirit, we can turn and go His way. We can do what He says to do, and we can do it in the way He says to do it. Sure enough, when Jesus appeared on the scene He started doing things differently. He taught differently. He corrected wrong doctrine and theology. He denounced the evolved religious traditions in Judaism that were not in line with scripture or God‘s heart. He worked miracles of healing. He overrode the laws of nature with His faith, authority, and power. He cast out demons. Those who followed Him had to think differently. No revival in past history has looked like the previous revival. This is due to several factors: Holy Spirit is building on what He did in the previous revival; therefore, He is obviously doing different things; He is doing it in a different time, therefore a different culture; and more. This is why He tells us to keep ourselves flexible, comparing us to a wineskin. What might He do differently in the coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit? We will see the full expression of Christ’s five ministry-gift anointings: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. We will see how He intended for them to work together, multiplying power and effectiveness. We will see how this mixes with the new level of worship Holy Spirit has produced in the body of Christ in the last 20 to 30 years. We will see the dramatic impact of 21st century technology on revival. We will see how all of this enables the church to disciple individuals and nations more effectively. This brings me to my final statement regarding what we might see: we will not only see Christ’s commission of Mark 16:15-18 fulfilled, we will also see that of Matthew 28:18-20 fulfilled. The Mark 16 passage is about revival or awakening. It speaks of preaching the gospel and getting people saved, baptized, filled with the spirit, delivered, and healed. The Matthew 28 passage is about reformation. It speaks of discipling or reforming nations, teaching them God’s ways, principles, and commandments. It is teaching people - entire nations - to live by the principles of the Kingdom of Heaven. Seeing these two activities of the Kingdom working in tandem will be something to behold. Much of the fruit produced by the charismatic movement and Jesus people movement of the late 60s, 70s, and early 80s was lost over the next decade or two. This is because the movement was about Mark 16 only - getting people saved - but neglected the discipling of nations, Matthew 28. While the church did Mark 16, humanists, secularists and atheists did Matthew 28, discipling our nation to their “doctrines” and beliefs. They did so through government, education, media, entertainment, and other systems - all while the church was content to leave those areas alone and practice our religion. This flawed paradigm of the church is how you have one of the greatest outpourings of Holy Spirit in history and yet, when that era of history is over, have lost ground. This will not happen in the coming move of Holy Spirit. We will think differently and do both commissions. This will be a game changer. I was with my friend, Chuck Pierce, in Tennessee last weekend. During the worship he had a vision about God re-circuiting the church and nation, which would obviously involve thinking differently. Here are a few definitions of circuit before sharing the vision: “a circular journey; the complete path of an electric current; a means of transmitting communication signals or messages.” Chuck said, “All of a sudden, I saw a word of knowledge blazed across the heavenly realms over us. It was the word “circuit.” Suddenly, I saw the Lord reach down inside of us and pull out a circuit. Then, with His hand He began to re-circuit individuals, followed by re-circuiting this region and, finally, re-circuiting our nation.” Chuck continued, “You know what happens when you really ‘kill’ a computer - that’s the easiest way to say it. You see, a computer stores all sorts of trash within it, and just turning it off and back on doesn’t get rid of the trash and garbage that has been stored in various parts of it. You have to go in and ‘kill’ that circuit, then bring it back up again” He then prophesied, “The Lord says, ‘I’m going to make My people so in line with My purposes, so thinking the way I’m thinking, they will have no choice but to start walking in a new way.’” Elaborating, he said, “In this vision the word ‘circuit,’ I believe, means a line, a message, a current that’s gone out. It went out, then it came full circle back in. For this nation, as He was re-circuiting it, I saw a date that came in on His circuit, and all of a sudden the computer popped back up on October the 18th. Beginning October the 18th, get ready. “The Lord said, ‘You will know, beginning October the 18th, in this nation, that things have come full circle. You will also know that I have pulled the plug on [‘killing’] things you’ve been asking me to pull the plug on. “‘I say, when I pull these plugs - I’ll do it one by one - the messages that have gone out in the past, will not be the same messages I allow to go out in the future. “‘Know this, My circuit is going out from the heavens and as My voice goes out on that circuit, I say to you, it will NOT return void. What begins tonight, in Tennessee, will cause a nation to be circuited again with My message.’” Chuck told me later that what he felt Holy Spirit was saying about “pulling the plug” and re-circuiting the nation was in reference to what has been happening in our nation since late 2019, that a confrontation is coming. Just as we are now seeing resistance, such as walkouts, etc. when inappropriate things are said and done in our nation, these things will continue to be confronted one by one. The layers of lies and confusion that have covered us in our nation are going to come off, one by one. This means the church will think differently...and the nation will begin to think differently. Get ready for this shift! Pray with me: Father, thank You for this encouraging word. You are re-circuiting the church and this nation. We are saying “yes” to this. We want to be in sync with You, both in our actions and our thoughts. We repent - we change our thinking and will move with You! We are moving from the forerunning stage to fulfillment, from preparation to performance. Re-circuit us and re-circuit our nation. Pull the plug on evil circuitry. Pull the plug on lies, deception, evil strategies and plans, and on everything that has been launched by people to destroy Your plan for America. Bring every plan down violently - kill it. We are well aware that in this coming revival, some who now oppose You will fall in love with You. THEY will be re-circuited. Do it! We will rejoice over their salvation. And whatever You have planned for October 18, do it! We’re all in! Our decree: We decree that each of us, and our nation, ARE being re-circuited! _____________________________ Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-13-2021 October 13, 2021 Boots On the Ground Holy Spirit has been taking me back to the book of Joshua. In this book God changed the time and season, telling Joshua, “The wilderness season is over, now you are going in to possess the land.” This is where we are in America. It is time to possess the land spiritually, through revival - a Third Great Awakening (Mark 16:15-18). This will enable us to change things in the natural sense: laws, morality, government, education, the courts, etc., which is reformation (Matthew 28:18-20). We will never have the strength and momentum needed to reform without a genuine revival or awakening. God is clearly speaking to His people about praying, which is always the initial step, as well as releasing other strategies. It is important when we hear words, dreams, and messages that we act on them. They are not simply to encourage us; they are to give us direction and strategy. I certainly receive them as strategy and as I feel instructed by Holy Spirit, do what they show me to do. Others are doing the same. I prayed for a group of ladies a couple of months back who were going on a prayer journey to Red River Meeting House and, if my memory serves me correctly, on to Cane Ridge. They were doing so in response to Gina Gholston’s dream of the Red River Meeting House. They designed the t-shirt I’m wearing today and gave me one. These teams are serious! Some of the most life-changing experiences I’ve had with God have come on prayer journeys. I’ve been on many, sometimes alone, other times part of a team. We can always pray wherever we are - just as we do daily on this post - but at times, God needs boots on the ground, decrees released directly into the atmosphere, or a prophetic act of obedience onsite. In yesterday‘s post, I mentioned four ladies who are traveling along I-40 and other key places on a prayer tour, based on a series of dreams regarding this interstate. In the dreams, I-40 symbolizes Isaiah 40, yet it is clear that some of the details are to be taken literally. Praying along this interstate - from the east coast of our nation all the way to the west coast - is intended to be a prophetic act that releases the power and fire of God into America. It is incredibly inspiring to hear what these ladies, 94, 84, 71, and 69 years of age, are doing. Yesterday, I shared a short report from them. Today, I want to share a longer account of their prayers the past couple of days: ---------------------------------------------------------- “We left Nashville, TN, and drove to Morganton, NC. Along the way, declarations and decrees were made at the leading of Holy Spirit. “As we left Nashville, TN, we decreed that fire is falling across this nation, that the wells of revival are overflowing; and that the breath of God and the anointing of Holy Spirit are flowing all across the land, bringing in a huge harvest as men realize their need for God. “From Nashville, TN, to Knoxville, TN, we decreed and declared the altars of Baal - drug addiction, pornography, sex trafficking, and child abuse are brought down. “Between Knoxville, TN, and Ashville, NC, we decreed that businesses are delivered from illogical mandates and restrictions. We bound the spirit of fear and declared people once again will desire to work. “We declared over North Carolina that awakening is now, pornography is broken, and churches are standing up for the righteousness of God. We decreed that pastors and church leaders are awakened and on fire to feed their sheep God's truth; that pastors who refuse to do this are removed. We declared that the ekklesia is rising up and taking authority, that racism is broken and that God is pouring out His Spirit over this region. God is cleansing this territory from its old ways to resurrection life in Jesus. “God's power is falling in Ashville, NC, pulpits as they are filled with fresh anointing and fire. We declared, ‘Dry bones, come alive… old wineskins are left behind as new wineskins replace them…and that God's Word accomplishes His purposes as He watches over His Word to perform it.’ “We are so tired of this junk that is going on; we want to help God do His work. And because we want God to succeed, we will do exactly what we hear Him speak. Like Dutch was saying the other night, ‘see and say.’ We see with our hearts and say what He tells us to say. I guess we want to imitate our Father.” ------------------------------------------------------------- Incredible..! This is what it means to put feet to our prayers. I wish we had 100 teams doing this. And even though some of you cannot do so because of jobs or family, you can pray as you drive through your cities. You can pray on the way to work, in route to the grocery store, when dropping your kids off at school. Let’s be doers of the words He gives us. Again, I know many of you ARE doing this. And I want you to know, “It still works!” Every Spirit-led prayer and decree will bring forth fruit. They will not return to Him void, but will accomplish what He intends (Isaiah 55:11). The literal, most accurate translation of Luke 1:37 is: “For no word spoken by God is without power.” When He gives you a prayer or decree to release it is filled with his power. Let’s persevere and take back this land for Him! Pray with me: Thank You, Holy Spirit for the dreams and strategies You are bringing forth. It is our joy to partner with You. In Isaiah 40, You prophesied of John’s forerunning ministry, preparing the way for Messiah to come. You have used this passage once again to say to us today, “Prepare the way, through your prayers and decrees, for Messiah-King Jesus to come to your nation again. We are doing this. Thousands of us are agreeing in prayer today for Your guidance and protection to Jean, Francis, Violet, Mary, and all the others carrying out assignments such as this. Whether they are praying while walking across our nation, driving across, walking their neighborhood, or driving across town, we undergird them with prayer. We ask You to strengthen them and make their prayers a mighty sword in the spirit. We all decree now, “Strongholds in America, come down! Demonic influence, be removed! Fire of God, fall! Church, be awakened! Unbelievers, be saved! Evil in government and education, be exposed and removed! Young generation, receive the greatest revival planet earth has ever experienced! Prodigals, come back to Father! In Christ’s name, so be it! Our decree: We decree that all of these requests and prayers are authorized by King Jesus, empowered by Holy Spirit, and enforced by angels. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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6 min read Link: https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-12-2021 October 12, 2021 We Are Being Re-circuited I was in Clarksville, TN, at Riverside Church with my friends Randy and April Lopshire this past weekend. Several prophets were there for the conference, including my good friend, Chuck Pierce. We began the weekend by visiting the Red River Meeting House just across the state line in Kentucky. The presence of Holy Spirit is still very strong there. For those who may not know, the Red River Meeting House was the place of a great revival at the end of the 1700s. The revival spread to Cane Ridge, KY, which became one of the greatest revivals in history and sparked the Second Great Awakening. This revival saved America, and I do not just mean spiritually. Several dreams have been received about past revival wells reopening, including Red River Meeting House. We posted a couple of them here on Give Him 15 that Holy Spirit gave Gina Gholston, who was also with us at Red River this past weekend. Here is the GH15 post where the dream was shared (from 2/9/2021). We were warmly received by those in charge at the property. I wasn’t aware they were conducting a reenactment that weekend, with several people/families camping, some of them dressed in period attire. It was very interesting. I was informed by leaders that visitors to Red River Meeting House have increased greatly since we spoke of it on Give Him 15. Those in charge were so appreciative and thankful. I, too, am grateful that we have listeners and partners who take these words and dreams seriously, and honor what God did in the past through those who came before us. It was meaningful and very moving to pray, prophesy and decree elements of Gina’s dream: the geyser (“It’s time!”), the seers, the eagles with their arrows and scrolls, the rapid response teams, and more as we stood at the Appeal to Heaven flag hanging behind the pulpit. The same weighty presence followed us to the service that night. Chuck Pierce spoke first, I followed. He shared a vision Holy Spirit gave him earlier in the service of the word “re-circuited.” The message he gave regarding this word was profound. As an example of what it meant, Chuck talked about the work Holy Spirit has done in him over the last year. Then he prophesied that God was changing the circuitry of our hearts and minds, enabling us to move into revival unencumbered with the past and in sync with Him. He felt that the prayer time at Red River Meeting House, the decreeing of the dream, along with what Holy Spirit did in this service was confirmation that we have crossed fully into the revival we’ve been working and praying toward. Again, it was a profound word, and certainly a historical day. The same incredible strength of anointing continued Saturday and Sunday. I can only say to you that if there had been any question in my mind as to whether or not we are in the beginning of this Third Great Awakening, it would have been answered this weekend. We’re in it. Another interesting occurrence was the attendance of four “young” ladies - 94, 84, 71, and 69 years of age - representing four decades. They are on an I-40 prayer tour, traveling the route Holy Spirit gave in one of several dreams about I-40 over the last six months (4 decades [40 years] on I-40). They’re visiting various places along the way, praying as Holy Spirit leads and decreeing “Fire” over the nation, just as the dream stated. The fire of Holy Spirit is being released in America. They will finish at Azusa Street in California. What a precious and strong team. The initiator, 84 years old, was listening to me on YouTube last October talk about a prayer assignment I had been given. She said she told the Lord, “I wish I had an assignment.” Later, when she heard the dream Holy Spirit said, “Here’s your assignment.” And they’re doing it! When listening to them talk about it, one is left with no doubt that they will finish and accomplish the mission. The Ekklesia is arising! The words being released by Holy Spirit are to be acted upon. And not just by those in occupational ministry; they’re to be accomplished by the Ekklesia. The ladies sent this short report from Sunday afternoon and Monday: We drove to Belmont Church and the Koinonia Coffeehouse Memorial Marker in Nashville, TN, where the "Jesus Music" movement took place in the ‘70s. Here musicians shared their faith through music. We decreed fresh fire and anointing over a whole new generation of musicians rising up to spread the Gospel in song and setting captives free through the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Nashville will once again be known as the place of "Jesus Music." We then went to Regeneration Nashville Church where Kent Christmas delivered a prophetic message stating the importance of our standing up with God against evil. He is raising up a glorious Church bringing justice back to this nation. Hearts were stirred as faith and hope rose up fresh within us. (The I-40 Prayer Team: Jean, Francis, Violet, and Mary) The last thing that stood out to me about this amazing weekend was Holy Spirit continually saying, “It’s time!” He said to us, “When it is time to shift into breakthrough, revival, initiate a new season, etc, I CAN do it. My timing and ability are NEVER determined by My enemies. Never.” God waited 40 years for an unbelieving generation in Israel to die so the next generation could possess the promised land. When the old generation was gone, Holy Spirit said to Joshua, “Here we go!” He led them across the flooded Jordan and planted them on the Canaan side. Then, just to emphasize for us that He can do what He needs to do when the time is right, He said in Scripture, “While the sons of Israel camped at Gilgal they celebrated the Passover on the evening of the fourteenth day of the month on the desert plains of Jericho. Then on the day after the Passover, on that very day, they ate some of the produce of the land, unleavened cakes and roasted grain.” (Joshua 5:10-11) Notice the phrase “on that very day.” Holy Spirit didn’t want us to miss the significance of the timing. One can almost hear him tell the angels, “I will wait until the faithless generation dies, which will be in 40 years, then I’ll take the next generation into the promised land. And I’ll do so in time for them to celebrate Passover in the land, on the anniversary of when I brought them out of Egypt. And I’ll have them at exactly the place where I want them to cross over. Then they will eat the fruit of their inheritance the very next day after their anniversary.” Tens of thousands of people, ranging in age from their 40’s to their 80’s, all dying over a 40 year span - not 41 or 39 yrs - by a specific day of the 40th year, shortly before Passover; getting the entire nation to the right spot on the right day, just after the last death; moving them across a flooded river on the exact day needed to celebrate Passover and eat the produce of the land the next day. Are you kidding me? No problem - not for God. He can do what He says He can do. When it was time for Isaac, He did it. When it was time for Joseph to leave prison and become a ruler, He did it. When it was time for Israel to leave Egypt, He did it. When it was time to judge Pharaoh, He did it. When it was time for Messiah, He did it. When it was time for the Cross, He did it. When it was time for the resurrection, He did it. When it was time for Pentecost, He did it. He knows what He’s doing! Do not think He cannot save this nation. Do not think He cannot send revival to the nations. He can, He is, and He will! Pray with me: Father, Your faithfulness to us is amazing. It reaches the clouds. We run from You, reject You, insult You and curse You. Yet You bring a wave of revival to restore us and rescue our children. Your love knows no bounds, Your mercies are forever. We thank You. We thank You also for our brothers and sisters before us who have carried the Kingdom baton faithfully, laying down their lives, giving their blood for the cause. We honor them, knowing we are building on what they have done. We are part of a great family. We boldly state our confidence that You can do what You said You could do. And You can do it when the time is right to do so. No enemy of Yours has ever dictated to You when You could do something. Never. You have said through Your prophets it is time for the wells of revival to spring forth in America and around the world. And yet, You also said when it is time to ask You for it (Zechariah 10:1). We do so now. Let it rain! Our decree: We decree that the wells of revival are now open in America. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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