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  1. 9 min read June 18, 2024 INTRODUCTION The world is surely moving into more shaking and great revival. As we do, many people are wondering how to pray. IFA (Intercessors for America) has released the following outstanding article to help us do so. As always, this cutting-edge ministry is giving us biblical, practical, and prophetic (discerning the times) insights. It is our privilege to share it with you today. The article gives 6 principles/heart conditions necessary for revival, followed by specific prayer points. I will read the 6 principles, and the prayer points are here for you in the written version of the post, and on the link to IFA’s article. __________________________________________________________ Prayer Points for Revival Revivals are concentrated periods of intense and often widespread ministry by the Holy Spirit. They have occurred throughout history, perhaps dating back to the days when Israel was in Egypt. Revivals come in many forms and for various reasons, but they always fall into two categories: 1. Movements of spiritual renewal and reformation among God’s people; 2. An outpouring of conviction among unbelievers, leading to repentance from sin and the conversions of many. Intercessors play a vital role in the ignition and spread of any revival. Part “special-ops” teams and part “watchmen on the wall,” intercessors pray for revival to come and that it would be protected from distractions and distortions once it does come. During the revival of 1949 on the Hebrides islands, evangelist Duncan Campbell observed that intercessors were engaged in “travailing prayer,” which is described as prayer “in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you!” (Galatians 4:19). This kind of praying is burdened, focused, pressing, and agonized, to a depth common among revivals but unfamiliar to today’s comfort-and-entertainment-obsessed church culture. God seeks intercessors who are willing to travail in prayer. Is He calling you? We are at a crucial point this year. Outpourings of spiritual renewal have come to Asbury University and have spread from there to numerous other colleges and universities, Christian and secular. How can we, God’s appointed intercessors, fan the flames of revival so that they sweep across America and the world? God has the power to stir up spiritual fervor in people’s hearts (see Ezra 1:1,5). So the key is to pray that God would stir up in people the heart conditions for revival that He has laid out in the Bible. When Solomon dedicated the temple he had built and God’s glory filled it, the Lord spoke directly to him in a dream at night. His words to the king describe the heart conditions to which He responds with revival. “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:13–15) 1. Desperation God’s shutting up the heavens or commanding locusts to devour the land are examples of the shakings He allows when His people forsake Him, neglect Him, or rebel against Him. As Mario Murillo says: “Before a great awakening, there must be a rude awakening.” Adversity greater than human self-sufficiency can handle will bring us to the end of ourselves and make us realize our need for God. It is the first step toward people’s getting right with Him. Despair brings about the other heart conditions to which God responds. Prayer Points: Pray Psalm 139:23–24: Before you pray for holy desperation in others, ask the Lord to reveal any trace of being too comfortable, self-sufficient, and independent in your own heart. Pray according to Proverbs 9:1, that America’s moral slide, both inside and outside the Church, will fill God’s people with holy fear and a burning desire to seek Him. Pray through James 5:4–6 and Revelation 3:15–20 for the Holy Spirit to open our eyes and burden our hearts against any worldliness and lukewarm condition in the Church. Pray through the prophecy and promise of Zechariah 14:13–16 for the growing instability in the U.S. to bring about a godly fear in our nation that will direct hearts to return to God and worship Him. 2. Humility The realization that we are very limited and have sinned against God by trying to go it alone and by doing what is right in our own eyes leads us to humble ourselves. Humility is a precursor to seeking His forgiveness and restoration. It implies an admission of guilt and a confession of sin in holy fear of the chastisement we deserve. Humility also means intentional dependence on God and obedience to His precepts and purposes for us. It is the heart condition necessary to pray and seek His face with a pure heart and the right motive. Prayer Points: Consider the contrast of heart conditions in Jeremiah 17:7–10 and ask the Lord to reveal any trace of pride, rebellion, and disobedience in your heart. Pray through John 16:8 for the Holy Spirit to visit His Church and our nation with conviction of sin. Pray in the spirit of James 4:6 for that conviction to bring us to humility before God and to the realization that we have offended Him, that we need Him, and that we must embrace and submit to His design for our lives. Pray that, according to 2 Corinthians 10:5, the barriers of pride and self-sufficiency and the false notions of success would be destroyed. 3. Prayerfulness A heart that is humble before God expresses itself to Him in prayer. Prayerlessness is one of the biggest diseases plaguing the Church today. Prayerless hearts beget prayerless homes, and prayerless homes produce prayerless churches. On the other hand, a prayerful heart is attuned to God and eager to commune with Him nonstop. God’s desire for us is simple: Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16–18). Prayerfulness must be central in our lives and in His Church, and seeking the Lord in prayer is key to a nation that pledges to be “one nation under God.” After all, He created people for worship. He wants sinful people to return to worshipping Him, and He has made a way for them to do so. A prayerful heart desires to worship God and to commune with Him. Prayer Points: Pray through 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and Romans 8:26–27 for your own prayer life first — that the Holy Spirit would invigorate it and help you listen to what He wants you to pray. Pray through Colossians 4:2 for a new and deeper devotion to prayer in the Church that seeks and welcomes spiritual renewal and revival. Pray that this prayer movement will reflect Acts 1:14 and unite us with a shared desire to see God move in our midst. Pray through 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18 and Philippians 4:6 for believers to desire and pursue a life of unceasing prayer rooted in worship and thanksgiving. Pray through Psalm 145:18 for prayer to return to public life in America in the conviction that it is God’s will for people to pray, and that He is near to all who call upon Him in truth. 4. Hunger for God A desire, hunger, or thirst for God leads to us seeking His face. And seeking God’s face implies two things: urgency and awe. When we seek, we leave no stone unturned to find what we desperately want. And what we want fills us with awe, because it is the face of God — the mightiest, most glorious, and holiest Being in the universe. God desires that we seek His face more than His hand. When we seek His hand, we are after what He can do for us. It’s like a friend you only hear from when he needs something. But when we seek God’s face, we make it clear that we want the delight of His presence. We want to know His character. We seek Him because we love Him for Who He is. As it turns out, when you seek only His hand, you miss out on His face. But when you seek first His face, you get His hand also. According to Acts 17:26-28, a desire for His presence and a delight in Who He is are conditions of heart that are precious to God. Prayer Points: Pray the Psalmist’s prayer in Psalm 119:36 that God would ignite a stronger hunger for Him. Pray through Revelation 2:4,5a that a hunger for God and a passion for His glory would return to the Church. Pray that, according to Jeremiah 24:7, the masses seeking reassurance and joy elsewhere will hunger for God and seek Him. Pray that, like the first New Testament revival in Acts 2:42–47, the expressions of hunger and thirst for the presence of God in these current student revivals will be lasting and contagious and lead people inside and outside the Church to seek His face. Pray for the Church to embody 2 Timothy 2:2, ready to help seekers find the face of God and come into a strong daily relationship with Him. 5. Repentance Humility, prayer, and seeking God lead to repentance: a deliberate 180-degree turn away from the life we were living and toward the life that God desires for us. Repentance is the precursor to salvation for an unbeliever. God forgives a repentant heart. Repentance leads to a more ardent pursuit of holiness within a believer. Repentance is a heart condition that motivates and empowers us to fight sin daily and to desire holiness as a way of life (see Philippians 2:13). Prayer Points: Do you desire holiness? Pray through 2 Corinthians 7:1 that God would shine His light on you and intensify your pursuit of holiness and purity. Pray in the words of Hebrews 12:14 for a renewed and sustained desire in the Church to pursue unity and holiness. Pray according to 2 Corinthians 7:10 for conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit to lead to genuine repentance. Pray for the Church to embrace Colossians 4:4–6 and Romans 6:11–12, boldly but lovingly speaking to unbelievers about sin and its consequences, and teaching people to reckon themselves dead to sin and alive to Christ. Pray through Philippians 2:15–16 for holiness in God’s people to attract unbelievers to Christ. 6. Joy Humility, prayer, seeking God, and repentance are the conditions God places on accepting prayer and bringing forgiveness and healing to hearts, lives, and lands. Revivals are often marked by intense grief over sin and guilt, followed by immense relief and joy at the assurance of forgiveness and restoration. God’s desire is for people to be brought into intimacy with Him so they can experience true joy, which comes from knowing Him (see Psalm 126:5). Prayer Points: Search your heart to see if you have lost faith in God’s promise of forgiveness and healing, and pray through Psalm 51:10–12 for that faith to be restored and strengthened. Pray for the realization in His people of Isaiah 51:10, that real joy for the redeemed comes from knowing and walking with Jesus. Pray for unbelievers’ hearts to be opened to God’s call in Isaiah 55:1–3 to find joy in knowing God, and to pursue that through humility, prayer, seeking His face, and earnest repentance. Pray according to Galatians 5:13–15 that joy will supplant judgment, criticism, and negativity in the Church. The Intercessors God Seeks Revival is welcomed into the Church and in the land by intercessors who are seized by the plain and often ugly facts behind our need for God. Our IFA headlines remind us daily of those plain facts. Intercessors, a travailing prayer for God to move in revival is not something we can manufacture. It is brought about in us by the Holy Spirit, Who prays in us and through us. We must be willing and available, we must face battles against the Enemy and our flesh, and we must seek God’s help to travail, persevere, and prevail in prayer. Seek Him today and ask Him if He is calling you to continue in urgent and desperate prayer until revival sweeps our land. Will you fan the flames of revival? Pray with me: Father, we come to You today, partnering with and agreeing with IFA and millions of people throughout the world for Your present help in a time of trouble. We are, as the teaching states, desperate for this help. We humble ourselves before You, asking for Your grace, cleansing, and healing. We do repent for the prayerlessness of the church, but we are also grateful for the millions of people around the world who are praying. A great symphony of prayer goes up daily around the world, moving Your heart and releasing Your power. Angels are being sent to work with the church and breakthroughs have and will continue to occur. We continue to cry out: Send revival!!! We know we are asking these things, not just for ourselves, but for You; You desire to do them, but have determined to work through humans on earth. When we partner with You, asking in faith according to Your will, You hear and answer those prayers. We do so today in Jesus’ name: send revival to the earth! Our decree: We decree that a willing church is rising up to partner with God on the earth. ****************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------- Today’s post was taken from Intercessors For America ( and used with permission.
  2. 6 min read November 15, 2023 Happy Birthday today to my favorite brother, Tim Sheets..! Paga, Extraordinaire On Monday, we began sharing somewhat on how to pray for protection. We will continue with this theme today. One of the meanings of the Hebrew word for "intercession," paga, is "boundary" or "border,” the point at which two territories meet or connect, the extent to which a boundary reaches. In Joshua 19, paga is used repeatedly in this way. When used in the context of intercessory prayer, paga is the establishing of boundaries or walls of protection, the marking of territory as one’s own.(1) Through prayer, we can set boundaries and build walls of protection around individuals. Isaiah 26:1 and 60:18 speak of God's protection as “walls”: "In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: 'We have a strong city; He sets up walls and ramparts for security." "Violence will not be heard again in your land, nor devastation or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise." We said in yesterday‘s post that as we learn to pick up on the promptings of Holy Spirit, He will alert us to strategic times (kairos) we need to pray prayers of protection. In her book Listen, God Is Speaking to You, Quin Sherrer tells of a friend who heard the warning of the Lord for her home and prayed during a kairos(2) time: I was rooming with Ruthie at a Christian conference when she told me how God had protected her property. One night during the church service, she heard a voice: "Your house is being robbed." She tried to dismiss the thought. She'd lived in that house for thirty years, and there had been no burglaries in her neighborhood. But the more she thought about it, the more it seemed to her that the inner voice she had heard was the Holy Spirit warning her. "Lord, if our house is being robbed, please send an angel— no, Lord, send a warring angel—to frighten the burglar off." Then she began to quote Scriptures, praying for protection: "No evil will come near our dwelling place.... No weapon formed against us shall prosper." (Isaiah 54:17) Sure enough, when she and her husband arrived home, their back patio door was smashed in, and everything inside was in disarray – drawers open and stuff scattered everywhere. The next day, when the police officer came to get a list of the things they knew were missing, all they had to report was one pillowcase. He told them that's what a burglar usually takes to stash the valuables. "As far as we can tell, nothing is missing—not even my good gold jewelry," Ruthie told him. He looked around at her china, silver, and gold vases. "With all these beautiful things, I don't understand why you weren't robbed blind. Something obviously frightened away the intruder. He left in a hurry," the policeman said. Two other houses in her neighborhood were robbed that night. Ruthie is sure God sent a warring angel of protection, as she had prayed and asked Him to do. ****** That is paga! Protective intercession. Building boundaries of protection through prayer. You, too, can be used by the Lord in this way. One of the keys is learning to be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Ruthie’s story reminds me of Psalm 27:1-4 from The Message: “Light, space, zest - that's God! So, with Him on my side, I'm fearless, afraid of no one and nothing. When vandal hordes ride down, ready to eat me alive, those bullies and toughs fall flat on their faces. When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool.” The early church apostle Paul was a firm believer in receiving protective and deliverance prayers from others, in strategic as well as in general times of need. He frequently requested prayer from those with whom he was in a relationship. Romans 15:30-31 states: “Now I urge you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God for me, that I may be delivered from those who are disobedient in Judea, and that my service for Jerusalem may prove acceptable to the saints.” Again, in Philippians 1:19, Paul states his confidence in "deliverance through your prayers." Also, in Philemon 1:22, he says, "I hope that through your prayers I shall be given to you." Paul was frequently persecuted and imprisoned for his preaching of the gospel. He placed his hope of deliverance from some of this in the prayers of his friends. He believed in the power of intercession not just for the furthering of the gospel, but also for protection. The apostle Peter was protected through prayer from certain death in Acts 12. Herod had arrested James, one of the 12 disciples of Christ, and had him killed. When he saw how much this pleased the Jews, he arrested Peter also and planned to execute him, as well. This prompted fervent prayer by the church for Peter's release (see Acts 12:5). The answer to their prayers for Peter's protection is one of the most amazing stories in the Bible. Angels visited Peter in his cell, caused his chains to fall off, somehow blinded the guards from seeing him, led him out of the jail, supernaturally opened the iron gate to the city, and then departed from him. The entire ordeal was so supernatural that Peter at first thought it was only a vision. That is paga extraordinaire! In my book, Intercessory Prayer, I relate the following story of protection through prayer: Perhaps the most amazing example of kairos-timed intercession in my life happened on one of my journeys to Guatemala. I was one of 40 to 45 individuals traveling to a remote village on the Passión River in the Petén Jungle. Our mission was to build a combination clinic and outreach station on the river, construct two buildings, as well as preach in nearby villages. Prior to leaving for the jungle, we spent our first night (Friday) in Guatemala City, the capital of Guatemala. Months earlier, we had arranged for the Guatemalan airlines to fly us into the jungle the following day. Then, we were to travel to our destination by dug-out canoes. On our arrival at the airport Saturday afternoon, we were informed they had changed their plans and would fly us to our destination, not that day, but the next. Feeling an urgency to go as scheduled due to the limited amount of time to accomplish our mission, our leaders pressed the airlines for THREE HOURS to honor their original agreement. “No,” the manager said in his broken English, “we take you tomorrow.” “But you agreed months ago to take us today,” we argued. “We have no pilot available,” they countered. “Find one,” we pleaded. “‘What is your hurry? Enjoy the city,” they encouraged us. And so it went for THREE HOURS - in and out of offices, meeting with one official, then another. Finally, in exasperation, one of them threw up his hands and said, “Okay, we take you now!” That night, while we were 250 miles away, an earthquake hit Guatemala City, where we had been, and killed 30,000 people in 34 seconds! Had we stayed in the city another night—as the airlines wanted us to—some of our team would have been killed and others injured. We know this for certain because, upon our return to the city, we saw the building where we had stayed the night before the earthquake—and would have been staying in again had we not left on Saturday—with huge beams lying across the beds. Later, we discovered that an intercessor from our home church in Ohio had received a strong urge to pray for us. For THREE HOURS, she was in intense intercession - the three hours that our leaders were negotiating with the airline officials. We didn’t know that our lives would have been in jeopardy had we stayed another night in Guatemala City, but God did. This intercessor didn’t know it either. She only knew that, for some unknown reason, she had a strong burden to pray for us. She was alert, as Ephesians 6:18 instructs, perceived the kairos time, and her prayers created the protection and intervention we experienced.(3) Pray with me: Father, thank You for Your protection over us. And thank You for faithful intercessors. Your name is a strong tower; we are safe within (Proverbs 18:10). We will not allow our lives to be ruled by chance, and we certainly will not allow demonic forces or demonized individuals to rule over us. We will abide under Your shadow and wings. We ask You for increased sensitivity to Holy Spirit, who is faithful to alert us when to pray, surrounding ourselves and loved ones with protective boundaries. You are our Shepherd; we hear Your voice, and we will follow Your leading. Just as You alerted the intercessor to pray for the team of missionaries in Guatemala, You will alert us when we need to pray. In Christ’s name and authority, we ask and declare these things. Amen. Our decree: For today’s decree, I ask that you spend a moment or two and pray for your family, and/or anyone Holy Spirit brings to mind, decreeing God’s protection over them. ************************ Click on the link below to watch the full video. Today’s post was taken from my books, The Essential Guide to Prayer and Intercessory Prayer. Both are published by Baker Books. --------------------------------------------------------- You can find out more about Quin Sherrer and see more of the wonderful books she has written at --------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 6293. Ibid., ref no. 2540. Dutch Sheets, Intercessory Prayer (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1996), p. 102-104.
  3. 6 min read September 6, 2022 Ceci and I are taking a day off, and have asked Cheryl Sacks to write and deliver today’s post. Cheryl is not only a respected author and prayer leader, but also a dear friend. In this post, she does a tremendous job of highlighting the importance of praying for leaders. And though we did not ask her to do so, Cheryl asks you to pray for Ceci and me, we appreciate her doing so. Pray for the spiritual leaders in your life! Here’s Cheryl. Raising Up a Prayer Shield for Leaders Today’s post is an urgent call to prayer for Christian leaders who are out on the spiritual front lines, day in and day out, and who are under great stress. The warfare to take back territory from the enemy is intense! I’m sure you know many such leaders (and may even be one yourself). Specifically, though, this post is to issue a call to pray for the leaders of this ministry, Dutch and Ceci Sheets. They would likely not issue such a call for themselves. But since they’ve asked me to fill in today while they take a much-needed day off, I will take my liberty to do that. I don’t have to tell you that Dutch and Ceci’s influence is massive. Dutch’s messages and books have transformed the prayer lives of millions of people around the world. Since the launching of Give Him 15, Dutch’s influence has exploded. To get right to the point, satan hates what leaders who are advancing the Kingdom are doing. Add to this the day-to-day demands of the ministry. Dutch and Ceci rarely mention these trials. They stand valiantly. They are determined to move forward. Yet satan is doing everything in his power to hinder Christian leaders right now, including Dutch and Ceci. Quite honestly, they need our prayers for healing, wisdom, and satan-defeating strategies. I’m reminded of the late Dr. C. Peter Wagner’s book, Prayer Shield, in which Dr. Wagner talks about what happens in the spirit realm when a leader becomes an increasing threat to satan. Dr. Wagner says: “The higher one goes in Christian leadership, the higher one goes on satan’s hit list.”[1] In Acts 12, we find that King Herod put two leaders on his hit list, Peter and James. He succeeded in killing one of them, but not the other. What made the difference? We don't know all the reasons. But Scripture does say something about Peter that it does not say about James. When Peter was in prison, the Word says "…the church made intercession for Peter without ceasing" (v. 5). Prayer made all the difference. Every leader needs a prayer shield, and the more people a leader influences, the more prayer he or she needs. Ceci shared with me recently that their office hears from hundreds daily who say that Give Him 15 is a lifeline for them. Many of these testimonies come from influential people (leaders themselves) from a wide range of backgrounds: politicians, authors, newscasters, doctors, attorneys, and university professors. During the height of the elections, Give Him 15 had 175,000 to 250,000 YouTube and Rumble daily viewers, with an additional 75,000 reading the post on the Give Him 15 Facebook pages, website, and app. Even as things have calmed down in that respect, Give Him 15 currently has 170,000 people joining in each day (via written post plus video). This wide reach has produced an opportunity not only to increase prayer but also to shape the next era of prayer in America—the Ekklesia era. The Lord is using the Give Him 15 posts to help shape a remnant movement. This comes with a weighty responsibility. I know many of you already pray for Dutch and Ceci and their spiritual assignment. But my husband, Hal, and I hear the Lord saying that we, their friends and partners, need to raise up a stronger intercessory prayer shield for them in this season. The idea of personal intercessory prayer teams for Christian leaders is not new. Moses, Aaron, and Hur served as an intercessory prayer team for Joshua in the battle with Amalek (see Exodus 17). In this passage, Israel was in a battle with the Amalekites. Joshua, the ministry leader, was down in the valley in the heat of combat while Moses, Aaron, and Hur were interceding on the hilltop overlooking the battlefield. Scripture tells us that as long as Moses’ arms and hands were up, touching God in intercession, Israel was winning the battle. However, when his arms were down, Israel was losing the battle. So Aaron and Hur came alongside Moses and held up his arms until the sun set. History records that Joshua defeated Amalek with the sword. An intercessory prayer team made the difference between victory and defeat for Joshua and for the nation of Israel.[2] Many other scriptures reference the power of intercessory prayer for leaders. We find in the New Testament that Jesus prayed for Simon Peter. Jesus said, “Simon, Simon, satan has desired to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail” (Luke 22:31-32, emphasis added). Today satan still desires to sift Christian leaders like wheat. As Jesus did, we must pray for our leaders, and I might add that we have a special responsibility to pray for those who minister to us personally. Satan knows if he can strike a leader and slow him down (or stop him altogether), exponential damage is done to the kingdom of God. As Marine Lt. Col. Tom Hemingway, who served in Vietnam, pointed out, “The front lines (officers, corporals, and sergeants) make up 18% of the total army but suffer 54% of the casualties.” He said that the enemy is told, “If you see a man giving directions, take aim, and shoot him.” Our enemy—satan—is out to destroy the one who is giving needed directions and instructions: THE GOD-ORDAINED SPIRITUAL LEADER. Because of this, it is vitally important to saturate in prayer every area of a leader’s life, including: Personal and family protection: spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and financially Wisdom and discernment in making decisions For their ministry or area of influence to be God-honoring and to thrive unhindered The ability to recognize spiritual attacks and an understanding of how to confront the powers of darkness An intercessory prayer team to hold up the arms of the leader so spiritual battles can be won. When we pray this way for Christian leaders like Dutch and Ceci, we raise up a shield that protects them from the attacks of the enemy. Our warfare prayers can quench the devil’s fiery darts before they reach their intended targets. We can call upon the Lord to open the heavens over them so they can hear and receive direction and strategy. In the power of Jesus’ name, we can release spiritual and physical health, vitality, and power to accomplish the assignment the Lord has given them. Pray with me: Heavenly Father, we lift up to You today our pastors and Christian leaders, especially those like Dutch and Ceci Sheets who pour into our lives daily. Thank You for Dutch and Ceci’s powerful impact in our lives and on the body of Christ. We thank You that You take hold of them with Your mighty righteous right hand—a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation. Give them a spirit of wisdom, revelation, and discernment in every decision they make. Send Your Word and heal them and give them victory in every place where the enemy is resisting or attacking them. Fill them anew with Your Spirit. Refresh them. Strengthen them with Your incomparably great power according to Your glorious might, so they will have great endurance and patience, bearing fruit in every good work and joyfully giving thanks to You. Our decree: We declare that no weapon formed against Dutch and Ceci Sheets (their health, their family, or their ministry) will prosper. In the authority of Jesus’ name, we bind every scheme and attack of the enemy sent against them. We decree, according to Your Word, that Dutch and Ceci walk in health, healing, and victory. Lord, thank You that You loose Your warrior angels to surround them right now and encircle them with a wall of fire as in Zechariah 2:5. We bless them with Your peace that passes understanding, and an overwhelming sense of Your love, strength, and presence. ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. Cheryl Sacks is the best-selling author of The Prayer Saturated book series: The Prayer Saturated Church, Prayer-Saturated Kids, and The Prayer Saturated Family—How to Change the Atmosphere in Your Home through Prayer. Her newest book, Reclaim a Generation, 21 Days of Prayer for Schools, will be available soon at You can learn more about Cheryl and her husband Hal’s work at and [1] C. Peter Wagner, Prayer Shield (Ventura, Calif.: Regal, 1992), pp. 66-73. [2] Cheryl Sacks, The Prayer Saturated Church (Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress, 2004) p 126.
  4. 6 min read June 8, 2022 God’s Call to Men My good friend Ken Malone recently sent me a dream. The dream is regarding a fresh call by Holy Spirit to men. There have been powerful moves of God involving men in America’s past such as Full Gospel Business Men’s Association in the 1970s and Promise Keepers in the 1990s. Both of these movements were powerfully used by the Lord. It is time for another. Just as in dreams you have heard me mention in past GH15 posts, I am in Ken’s dream. God is not saying I am to lead the movement spoken of in the dream. As a leader in the prayer movement, I represent calling men to prayer. Ken shares: ********************** “On August 24, 2021, the Lord gave me a dream. I believe it is for now as we birth a third great awakening in America. “In the dream, my wife, Cheryl, and I are attending a service where Dutch Sheets will be speaking. We enter the building, and I quickly discern that the spiritual atmosphere does not feel conducive to a move of God or revival. Something isn’t right. As we move further into the facility, we see that Dutch is sitting in the middle of the right hand section of the room. This is unusual since speakers are typically seated on the front row. Cheryl and I then find a seat next to Dutch and begin a conversation with him. Two retired pastors are leading worship as the service begins. It is music from an older type of worship, very much an old wineskin. The spiritual climate moves from bad to worse. The service is lifeless and needs to shift! “The time comes for Dutch to speak. As he approaches to receive the microphone, one of the worship leaders refuses to hand it over. What is typically a smooth transition has now become a ‘tug of war.’ That which is retired and lifeless - the old - tries to hold onto control. The former does not want to give way to the new. Finally, Dutch wrestles the mic from the worship leader’s hand. The battle is both physical and spiritual! As he takes the microphone, the spiritual atmosphere begins to change. “Dutch lifts the hand-held mic and before he can even speak, Holy Spirit manifests in a powerful way. In the service, there are one hundred men - two from each state. As the Spirit of the Lord manifests, every man in the house falls to the floor, laying prostrate before God. They begin weeping and travailing in birthing prayer for their state and also for the nation. The cry of each man is deep, and the groans and travail are intense like one might hear when a woman gives birth. This groaning, however, was truly born of the Spirit. Holy Spirit was calling men to give birth to the greatest move of God in America’s history. “Dutch then begins to identify each man and their state. He comes to me and says, ‘I know this man; he is Ken Malone from Florida.’ The travail continues as each man remains on the floor, unable to move. Prayers are being released that will shift the nation. I realize in the dream that Yahweh’s approval is on each of them as they have abandoned their desires and embraced His. Each man’s wife was standing beside her husband as he prayed. I knew these women were watching over their spouses to make sure nothing interfered with their intercession. “I then heard the Lord say, ‘I’m calling MEN to birth revival in this nation through prayer. This is the game-changer.’ “Several scriptures came to me: ‘A voice of uproar from the city, a voice from the temple, the voice of the Lord who is rendering recompense to His enemies. Before she travailed, she brought forth; Before her pain came, she gave birth to a boy. Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forth all at once? As soon as Zion travailed, she also brought forth her sons.’ (Isaiah 66:6-8 NASB) “From Jeremiah 30:6 (NASB): ‘Ask now, and see if a male can give birth. Why do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in childbirth? And why have all faces turned pale?’ “And Psalm 42:7 (NASB): ‘Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls; All Your breakers and Your waves have rolled over me.’” The dream ends. Ken continues to share: “I awoke weeping for America. I fell asleep again, and the dream continued. I was travailing again for my state and for America. When I awoke the second time, my body was shaking as I wept deeply for our nation. The second dream ended. “I am grateful for the men and women who have led the current prayer movement across America. However, over the years, most of our prayer gatherings have consisted primarily of faithful women who have answered the call of intercession. I’m so thankful for them, and for the few men who have joined them. We are where we are because of the faithful crying out to Yahweh on behalf of our great nation. “However, there is a call from heaven today to the hearts of men, a call for male prayer warriors to also arise. It is a cry for men to become raw and passionate before the Lord in their dedication and commitment to Him. Holy Spirit desires for men to groan and travail in prayer for America. Nations can shift and turn to our Lord through the birthing prayer of not only women, but also men. “As I have shared this dream, many men have answered the call to prayer. I have found that men do want to pray and intercede. There is a deep desire within their hearts to help birth a third great awakening in this nation that will surpass both the first and second great awakenings. “I have also seen that men are waiting to be led; they must be led by other strong men. Iron sharpens iron (see Psalm 27:17). Many men are yet untrained in prayer but are passionate warriors. These men have become fed up with the current state of America and want to do their part to see change. When trained and properly led, their intercession becomes fervent, without the filters of religion. They must be taught and empowered, then encouraged to do this work of intercession. We need to encourage men to become unrestrained prayer warriors! Religion and demonic powers have worked hard to keep MEN out of the seats of authority assigned to them by our Heavenly Father, but many are ready to go to battle for their families, cities, states, and nation. “In the dream, religion wanted to restrain and hold back God’s power. Second Timothy 3:5 tells us that many pretend to have a respect for God but want nothing to do with his power. This must change. “In the dream, each wife was watching (being a watchman) over her husband. They refused to allow anything to interfere with their husbands hearing and fulfilling the call Holy Spirit was bringing them. Not only were they guarding their husbands, but they were in complete agreement with this travailing prayer, and with them becoming spiritual leaders for their household and nation. “I am calling on men to appeal to heaven in prayer, travail, and intercession for this nation. I believe that through them, Yahweh can bring great change to America!” ******************************* Pray with me: Father, as men, we boldly come face to face with You. We turn our hearts toward Your desire for America to return to You. We commit today that we will answer this call of intercession. Connect us with other men who have no agenda except to make Jesus king over their lives. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen. Our decree: As men, we determine to fight through prayer. We will not be bogged down by the restraints of religion. Father, we decree that we will answer the call in this era. We will fight in prayer. We declare that America will not die! We declare that You, Father, will remember Your covenant with our country and will have mercy on us! We decree that hearts will be turned to You and You will save America! We decree today that Your Kingdom is coming and Your will is being done! ****************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. Today’s post was contributed by Ken Malone. You can find out more about Ken here.
  5. 6 min read April 7, 2022 Strength to Stand There is no activity in the kingdom of God more important than that of intercession. And it is not without good reason that intercessors are sometimes called “prayer warriors.” They are truly front-line warriors of what God does on the earth. As such, they face much opposition. It is important for the intercessor to stay closely connected to our Heavenly Father, allowing Him to daily refresh and strengthen them. He is always to be our strength. I feel that the following word from Gina Gholston is important for us, especially the intercessors. I believe it will encourage you. Without question, this word should also be received and activated by everyone, not just intercessors, but it was given to her in that context. Gina says: **************** “Recently, Holy Spirit has been leading me to pray for the intercessors. I don’t mean just casual ‘touch them, Lord’ type prayers. They have been deep, intense, and urgent prayers for wisdom, strength, protection, and health (both physically and mentally). I’ve also been asking for increased spiritual awareness and insight to manifest in the lives of those who have been called as watchmen on the wall of this nation! “It may seem odd to consider praying for those who pray, but we absolutely must pray for each other. Hell is terrified of wise, bold, and spiritually informed intercessors. Someone once said, ‘The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but he trembles when we pray.’ Demonic forces regularly target the intercessors in an attempt to blind their eyes and silence their voices. Therefore, we must establish a prayer shield over these watchmen warriors so they can stand undistracted and work with Holy Spirit in the place of intercession. “Last year I received an encouraging vision and word from the Lord. In the vision, I saw people I knew were intercessors, and they were spinning around very swiftly like a top when it has been released from the string. Off to the side, I could see the enemy watching them, laughing and mocking. Suddenly, I saw the finger of God placed on the heads of these intercessors, and the spinning stopped. And in that moment, they began to glow with a brilliant light! “Immediately, I heard the Lord say, ‘The nauseating dizziness and all of the confusion from the unexpected attacks launched against you have come to an end!’ “Then Holy Spirit said, ‘The attacks have not created a weakness! In spite of what the enemy tried to do, I have strengthened your spirit man, and what I have developed in you will now begin to radiate through you with a fervency that cannot be extinguished or avoided! Healing and strength are your portion! You are stepping out of a dark, spinning season into the light of My ‘now’ moment, and as you walk with Me I will shine through you with power and the manifestation of My might! The spinning is now becoming a ‘turning of events’...a turning in your favor!’ “Over the past few years, there has been an undeniable onslaught of spiritual resistance experienced by the praying church. BUT, Holy Spirit has put us in remembrance of this unchangeable truth: Greater is He that is in us, than any force of hell that comes against us (1 John 4:4)! Though the battle has been intense, our assurance is that hell cannot defeat us (Matthew 16: 18-19), and no amount of resistance will stop us as God works through us to fulfill His intentions for this nation! Now, the spinning is ending, and things are turning as the Ancient of Days rises on our behalf. “Intercessor, your labor in the Lord has not been in vain! Your prayers and obedience have mattered, and now God is turning things. He has put His finger on us, and we will now rise with a greater intensity and radiance of His manifested Glory! “I feel the Lord is saying to the intercessors: ‘Your relentless and persistent pursuit has captured the attention of Heaven. My eyes have run to and fro to find hearts that are turned toward Me. I have found such hearts in you, My intercessors, and now I will begin to show Myself strong on your behalf. This is a divine moment. Stay the course. Don’t get entrapped by your emotions. Don’t relax your stand on what I have said! My Word stands! Do not allow weariness to rob you of your due season! Don’t lose hope, and don’t discard your courage! I Am re-adjusting your vision and stabilizing your resolve. You will run and not grow weary! Shake off the dizziness. Reorganize for renewed activity. Be re-energized to mobilize! “Onward” is your command!’ “I sense there is an ‘increase’ coming on the intercessors—an increase of strength, vision, spiritual perception, wisdom, and strategy. God is taking us to another level of seeing and hearing in and by the Spirit. He is increasing our awareness of the authority we have in our speaking and praying. Our confidence in Him is increasing. Our boldness is increasing. We will remain steadfast at our post, and watch as Holy Spirit works through our prayers and declarations to set things in motion. The Word of the Lord will be activated to accomplish the purposes and intentions of God. “I hear a clarion call echoing from the throne room of God to the heart of the watchmen: ‘Shake off distractions. Shake off disappointment. Rise! Take your place. Set your face like a flint toward Me. Stand! Do not be moved by what you see happening around you! It’s temporary. It will not last. There is a turning in the works. I have told you ahead of time, and now is the time! Believe My promises. Remember My Word! DO NOT DOUBT IT!’ “God has risen on behalf of the watchmen. He is putting His finger on us. The spinning is becoming a turning of events. Things are turning in our favor, and with a renewed ability to focus, we will continue to work with Holy Spirit as we stand watch on the walls of this nation.” **************** Pray with me: Father, thank You for bringing the spin to an end, and for turning things in our favor. You have broken the snare, and we have escaped from hell’s attempt to stop us. We refuse to allow evil agendas to talk us into surrendering our post. We shake off the dizziness of the last season, and we take our steadfast stand as Your watchmen on the wall. Thank You for healing us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so that with renewed focus and strength we can rise to finish what You have started in and through us! We trust You, and we will not be afraid. You are our strength and our defense, and You are our Salvation. Your favor is upon us, and You will establish the work of our hands. We breathe in Your awakening breath, and we shout with steadfast resolve, “Weariness will not rob us of our due season!” You, O, Lord, will satisfy us with Your mercy, and we will rejoice and be glad, for we shall see the performance of those things You have said and shown to us in prayer! We stand on Your unfailing Word and promises. We stand on the prophetic words You have given us that America will be saved, and the entire earth will receive a powerful outpouring of Your Spirit. We stand on the promise that our children and prodigals are coming home. We stand on the truth that everything Jesus did for us is available to us now, and we receive it all by faith. We boldly declare the promise that no weapon formed against us will prosper. Strengthen Your intercessors. Strengthen the body of Christ. Remind us not to grow weary in doing what is right, that as we stand we will prevail through You. We call in the great harvest. We call in the release of miracles. We call in provision. We release refreshing by the power of Holy Spirit. And we do these things in the wonderful and all-powerful name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We are stepping out of a dark, spinning season into the Light of God’s “now” moment. The nauseating dizziness and all of the confusion have come to an end. We are getting our focus back, and we will now rise with greater intensity and radiance of God’s manifested Glory! ********************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. Today’s post was contributed by Gina Gholston. Portions were taken from her book Awakening the Church to Awaken a Nation. You can learn more about Gina here.
  6. 4 min read January 19, 2022 Pregnant with the Heart of the King In yesterday’s post (1/18/2022), my brother Tim Sheets shared from Matthew 1:22, which speaks of “embryonic” prophecy (The Message Translation). The word of the Lord - given by Isaiah about the Messiah - came in seed form, just like a baby. God’s words are actually called “seeds” in Scripture, translated from a Greek word that can refer to spores, seeds, and even sperm. The meaning could not be clearer: though God’s words have reproductive power, they come to us in seed form. The story is told of a traveler from a large city passing through a small, seemingly insignificant village who intended to poke fun at one of the residents. “Have any famous people been born here?” he asked an old-timer sitting outside the country store. “Nope,” replied the old man, “only babies.” Indeed. There are great creations - miracles, breakthroughs, salvations, even transformed nations - in God’s words. They all have one thing in common: they begin as seeds. They must then be received into healthy soil, wombs, hearts. There, they must be nurtured until becoming what they were destined to be. Jesus said our responsibility is to tend the seed; satan’s plan is to destroy it (Matthew 13:2-9; Mark 4:1-9; Luke 8:4-15). Those who experience the seed’s miraculous ability “are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance,” (Luke 8:15). Tim said he believes the words and promises from Holy Spirit about America’s revival and turnaround are coming to full term. In his words, like a pregnant woman several weeks into her pregnancy, we are beginning to “show.” I agree. And this is a time to, as Jesus tells us in Luke’s account, “hold fast” and “persevere.” The African cheetah must run down its prey to eat. It is well suited for the task, however, since it can run at speeds of 70 mph! This magnificent animal has one slight problem, however; it has a disproportionately small heart, which causes it to tire quickly. If the cheetah doesn’t catch its prey quickly, it must end the chase.(1) Sadly, many Christians have a similar approach when it comes to prayer. Speeding into their prayer closet with great energy, they demonstrate great fervency and determination. These believers run to a prayer meeting or a prayer conference, or climb on a jet airplane and speed to Washington D.C. to pray. But lacking the heart for a sustained effort, they often falter before reaching their fullness of time. Many don’t make it to full-term. On the next prayer assignment, they may even pray harder and faster, only to fall short once again. What most of them need is not more explosive power, but more staying power - stamina that comes from a bigger prayer heart. Holy Spirit is looking for those in this hour who will finish well - those who have decided they will stand, pray, declare and decree…until. The baby is kicking - she/he wants out. The body is preparing to deliver this child. Contractions have begun, the water will soon break, and birthing labor will begin. We must not abort the process now. “For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal, and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay,” (Habakkuk 2:3). How tragic it was when the Israelites made it out of Egypt, across the Red Sea where they saw the armies of Egypt destroyed by the amazing power of God - only to waver, standing on the edge of their inheritance. Do not let giants of fear, intimidation, corruption in our government, principalities, or any other giant cause you to turn back. Persevere in your faith and intercession. Pray with this ministry and others daily. Decree over your city and nation daily. Decree over your prodigals daily. This is all part of protecting and nurturing the baby until he/she is born. John Killinger tells of an interesting method used in the past to break a wild steed by harnessing it to a burro. The powerful steed would take off across the range, twisting and bucking, causing the burro to be tossed about wildly. What a sight! The steed would run away, pulling the burro alongside, and they would drop out of sight - sometimes for days. Then they would return, with the proud little burro in charge. The steed had worn himself out, fighting the presence of the burro. When he became too tired to fight anymore, the burro assumed the position of leader.(2) And that’s the way it is many times with prayer. Victory goes to the persistent, not to the angry; to the dedicated, not to those who can provide great demonstrations of emotion and energy. We need committed, determined, systematic prayer, not once-in-a-while fireworks. Pray with me: Thank You, Father, for the faithful remnant of intercessors here in this nation and around the world who have learned to persevere. They have matured into believers with big prayer hearts. Strengthen them in this hour. They are pregnant with the harvest of the ages. They are pregnant with the heart of the King and His kingdom. They have another generation in their loins, transformed nations are in the wombs of their spirits. Just as the prophet Elisha instructed the king in scripture, we continue to strike the ground. Just like Caleb, who waited 45 years for his inheritance, we are shouting, “Give us our mountain!” And just like our apostolic brother, Paul, we declare that “we have not yet attained, but we press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of Christ Jesus.” We will not stop. We will not quit. We will never give up. We will run the race and finish the course. And we will see our Isaac born. Our decree: We decree that we are pregnant with revival, and the transformation of this nation and other nations. We will carry the baby to full-term and deliver a healthy child. ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. __________________________________ Craig Brian Larson, Illustrations for Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1993), p.245, adapted. Larson, Illustrations for Preaching and Teaching, p 177, adapted.
  7. 7 min read January 5, 2022 Hello, I am Dutch and Ceci‘s daughter Sarah. Dad has asked me to do the intro for today’s post. He says: Ceci and I traveled to Dallas this past weekend to speak for our dear friend, Chuck Pierce. While here Ceci came under a very severe vertigo attack, making it impossible for her to be mobile. I was not even able to leave her to speak at the conference. This also meant we were not able to return home on Sunday. We are still in Dallas until she is released to travel. Thankfully, I had yesterday‘s post already prepared. And thankfully, I had already asked Chuck Pierce, and my brother, Tim sheets, to record posts sharing recent revelations the Lord had given them - insights I felt were important for all of us as we start the new year. I had intended to release them later this week or early next week, but due to the circumstances, I’m releasing them today and tomorrow. You will greatly appreciate what they have to say. The Mourner’s Bench About six months ago, I began to feel a different kind of anointing soaking deep into my spirit. It was very bold and aggressive. I had been praying for apostolic boldness like the apostles prayed in Acts 4:29 (paraphrased), “Grant that great boldness would be upon me to preach Your Word and give signs, wonders, and miracles in the name of Jesus.” I was taken into the spirit realm and I began to see and hear things more clearly than ever before. I entered a different realm, a higher level. I began to pray into this anointing, asking Holy Spirit, “What are you saying to the church?” I heard Him say, “I’m anointing my apostles, prophets, and Kingdom ekklesias to win both old and new battles.” New was emphasized. I began to understand that while old battles must be dealt with, new battles and new ways to engage were coming. I then began to hear the sounds of revival. It’s hard to explain but revival has a different sound to it. When I was a boy, 7 or 8 years old, I was often in revivals as my dad was an evangelist and I often heard these revival sounds. They have a different ring to them. There’s a heavenly frequency in them like vibration waves that resonate like the sound of many waters or the wind. As radio waves woven in to the atmosphere of a building, you cannot see them but you can tune into them. These are frequencies of heaven that can be heard during times of revival. Angels are also very sensitive to these frequencies. One of the songs I heard during this vision was the song of the Welsh revival with Evan Roberts. This is a revival I have studied for years and been inspired by. I began to hear the song of the Welsh miners who sang it under ground to the degree that people would gather lawn chairs around the air shafts to hear it echoing up from the ground. “Here is love, vast as the ocean, Loving-kindness as the flood, When the Prince of Life, our Ransom, Shed for us His precious blood. Who His love will not remember? Who can cease to sing His praise? He can never be forgotten Throughout heav'n's eternal days.”(1) People were drawn to Jesus as this song was sung repeatedly. I also could hear clearly the song George Beverly Shea sang hundreds of times for Billy Graham’s crusades, piercing the hearts of those who were bound by sin: “O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed. Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art, How great Thou art.” (2) I also heard this song of the Brownsville revival: “He has fire in His eyes And a sword in His hand And He's riding a white horse All across this land And He's calling out to you and me Will you ride with me?” (3) And everybody would answer, “Yes, yes, Lord, we will ride with You!” I then began to hear the cries of revival and remembered as a young boy how we would gather at the altar on Wednesday and Sunday nights and the saints would pray for souls. In those days, they called the altar the mourner’s bench. This is where you came to lay and kneel and mourn over the lost. You pleaded and cried for them. I remembered hearing saints calling out for their unsaved loved ones to come to Jesus. One that I’ll never forget… a mother came to the altar and she was crying as hard as I have ever seen anyone cry, sobbing. Tears were dripping down off of her chin and for 10 minutes, she knelt at the mourner’s bench with her head laid on it and all she said was, “God, don’t let Jimmy go to hell. Jimmy can’t go to hell, God. Stop Jimmy. Do something, God. Jimmy cannot go to hell.” She said it so many times and the memory has remained with me through the years. She was so burdened for her unsaved son. I began to think about the conviction that was so present during the altar calls back in those revivals. You could sense and feel the intensity of conviction drawing people to Jesus. Conviction is a knowing that you are guilty and an atmosphere would come into the room. I know I’m guilty, I know I need Jesus, and sorrow would begin to grip those without Christ in the room as they sang other revival songs like, “Oh why not tonight? Come to Jesus, come to Jesus.” There is a story I remember vividly my grandparents shared with me. Dutch and I used to go and stay with them during deer season when we were hunting. On one occasion I was staying with them and for some reason, maybe because I was older and so were they, I began to ask them questions about their lives. I wanted to know more about them. Sitting beside my grandfather in his recliner one evening, I said, “Grandpa, how did you become a Christian?” My grandmother spoke up and said, “Tell him the whole story, Bill.” And he did. My grandmother had been asking him to go to revival service with her for many days. He finally agreed to go with her and off they went, sitting toward the back of the church. Conviction came upon him. He didn’t come to Christ that night but conviction began to grip his heart and she invited him to go the next night. He tried to get out of it but finally he relented and went and again, he heard the Gospel. On the third night, grandma said, “Go with me to revival,” and he replied, “No, I have to take care of the garden,” but she begged him and he finally relented. They went and again sat toward the back on the aisle. As altar call time began, my grandpa said that conviction of sin overwhelmed him and he scooted out of his pew into the aisle, and then he crawled all the way up the aisle to the altar and stopped three feet short of it, laying on his face, and gave his heart to Jesus. I asked him, “Why did you crawl all the way up there and then stop before actually reaching it?” He said, “I wasn’t worthy to walk up to that altar in the presence of God after all I had done so I just felt like I should crawl.” Grandpa gave his heart to the Lord that night and for the rest of his life served Jesus, even becoming an Elder in that church. Conviction is a loving presence of God that reaches out - yes, bringing remorse for sin but bringing hope for a new life. I heard these sounds and I knew that awesome revival was beginning to stir up in our nation again and great conviction would be coming into our services, drawing men and women to Christ Jesus. New songs of revival are coming and the great harvest that we have desired is going to be reaped. Revival and awakening are not going to be stopped. Hell doesn’t stand a chance! The billion soul harvest that has been prophesied is coming. Let me encourage you today to allow revival sounds to fill your spirit. Let a revival song fill your heart and let the cries for the lost begin to fill you. Cry out for your sons, your daughters, and grandchildren. Let’s see great harvest! Pray with me: Lord Jesus, we thank You for what You are doing on the earth. We thank You for the promise of revival, reformation, and the greatest awakening in all of church history. We’re praying, Lord, for this to accelerate. We pray for a billion soul harvest to be reaped. We pray for prodigals to come home. We pray, God, that the awesome sounds of revival would be heard all over this planet. Let the power and ministry of Jesus Christ and the glorious Gospel of His Kingdom be seen in a new level in the name of King Jesus. Our decrees: These decrees are taken from my first Angel Armies book (4). Decree them with me and come into alignment: The greatest days in church history are not in our past; they are in our present and in our future. Angel Armies are ascending and descending. We are under an open heaven. Angels are ministering fresh fire from heaven’s altar and power from heaven is flowing to us and through us. Holy Spirit is breathing life into our King’s revival campaign. Today’s post was contributed by Tim Sheets. You can learn more about Tim Sheets at **************************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. 1. "Here Is Love Lyrics." STANDS4 LLC, 2021. Web. 26 Oct. 2021. <>. 2. "How Great Thou Art Lyrics." STANDS4 LLC, 2021. Web. 26 Oct. 2021. <>. 3. “We Will Ride Lyrics.: SongLyrics, 2021. Web. 26 Oct. 2021. <>. 4. Tim Sheets, Angel Armies (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2016), p. 190-191.
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