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  1. 6 min read December 14, 2021 Two Women At Christmas As we approach Christmas let’s consider the story of two women who were significant in the birth of our Savior, the promised Messiah: Mary and Elizabeth. The younger one seeking out the older. Lives touching. Mentoring occurring. A divine encounter, a God-set up. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is unique in history. Yet she had a humble beginning. Pastor Jack Hayford says we may wonder about her, “Was Mary possibly only a plain girl with simple faith, raised in an ordinary home, scheduled for an arranged marriage, and headed for an uneventful future married to the town carpenter? The suggestion that she was ordinary comes from the words Mary sings: ‘For He has regarded the lowly state of His handmaiden. He has exalted the lowly’” (Luke 1:48). Hayford adds: “God clothes Himself in the ordinary so He can come to ordinary people—you and me.” 1 Mary and Elizabeth. Both were having miracle babies who would affect history. Both women could have been labeled “disgraced” by their Hebrew peers - Elizabeth for being barren, Mary for being pregnant before marriage. Both knew God intimately, were worshipers, and were acquainted with Scripture. The Christmas story began not in Bethlehem but in Nazareth, where Mary received the message from Gabriel. He disclosed God’s plan for her life. “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!...Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.” (Luke 1: 28-32 NKJV) When Mary questioned Gabriel how this could happen, since she was a virgin, he explained: “Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; for that reason also the holy Child will be called the Son of God… and His kingdom will have no end.” (Luke 1:30-35). Mary, in bold obedience replied, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word” (verse 38). And the angel departed from her. “We can hardly fathom the bewildering moment Mary experienced,” Freda Lindsay reminds us. “That she was a privileged vessel, chosen to bear God's Son, is wonder enough, for she is a participant in the miracle of the Incarnation at a level no other human being can comprehend. It is clear she did not claim to understand it herself, yet she was obedient,”2 At first, Mary was troubled, pondering the situation. But the angel had told her some great news: “And behold your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age, and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month. For nothing will be impossible with God” (verses 36-37). Mary may have wondered just why the angel told her Elizabeth is pregnant. But she got up and hurried to see Elizabeth in the village of En Karem in the Judean hill country, about 65 miles away. How did she get there? Did she go in a caravan of camels or donkeys? Did she have morning sickness? Was Joseph, to whom she was engaged, okay with her going? We don’t know the answers. However, she is quickly getting herself to the house of her relative Elizabeth, who’s married to the priest, Zechariah. When Mary entered their home the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leapt with joy (Luke 1:41). But get this: Elizabeth not only praised God in a loud voice, but she was also filled with Holy Spirit (verse 41). (I wonder if she would have had this experience with Holy Spirit’s infilling if Mary had not come). Mary did not even have to explain to her that she was pregnant, for God had revealed it to Elizabeth. She said to Mary, almost as a prophecy, “Blessed are you among women. Blessed is the child you shall bear. Why am I so favored that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:41-43). Think about this: Elizabeth was six months pregnant, five of those hidden in seclusion. Her husband, Zechariah - a priest, could not talk to her. He had been struck mute when he questioned the angel who came to him after he had burned incense in the temple (Luke 1:20). The angel told him that his wife, who was barren and advanced in age, would bear a son. They were to name him John and he would be great in the sight of the Lord. (He was later known as John the Baptist). While she was expecting her baby boy, Elizabeth’s husband could only communicate with her by writing on a wax tablet or with hand motions. Did her seclusion also mean she did not fetch water at the well when other women were there or even intermingle with them in the marketplace? A Jewish wife in those days prepared the meals, cared for the children, made and washed the clothes, went to the market, tended the lamps. She was expected to be a good housekeeper and an affectionate mother who set the “love level” in the home. Sons usually went to study Torah at an early age and learned a trade from their father. Girls did not receive the formal training as sons did, but evidence shows both Mary and Elizabeth knew the Scriptures. Since Elizabeth was the wife of a priest and daughter of a family of priests from the house of Aaron, she probably heard much godly talk from guests in her home. Mary’s song of exaltation - Magnificat - contains references from Hannah’s prayer nearly a thousand years earlier as she praised God for her baby Samuel. Mary was possibly still a teenager. The advice and wisdom of an older woman would be valuable as she pondered many things in her heart. But didn’t Elizabeth also need her company? Mary stayed three months with her (Luke 1:56). Observing, confiding in her, no doubt receiving mentoring and love and spiritual insights. Elizabeth may have talked to Mary about how to be a good wife and she was surely a great encourager and influencer, giving her a blessing and honor. They obviously spent time together worshipping the Lord. Mary provided Elizabeth companionship, conversation and most certainly helped her with household chores. They each had something of worth to share in this short-term but significant relationship. Just think, Elizabeth was the first human to acknowledge Jesus as the Lord--while he was yet unborn. Let’s not fail to recognize Holy Spirit’s part in this first Christmas drama concerning these two women. As we have already mentioned, first Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary (Luke 1:35). Then He filled Elizabeth and the baby in her womb with Himself also. Finally, even Zachariah. On the eighth day after their baby’s birth when they took him to be circumcised and to announce John’s name, Zechariah was filled with Holy Spirit (Luke 1:67). His tongue was loosed and he was able to speak again. So he, a priest, began to prophesy about both the coming Messiah and about his son, John, who would be a forerunner for Him. This Christmas season as we reflect on the various people involved in the birth of Jesus, let’s draw lessons from their examples. Are there younger people in our lives we could encourage? Mentor? Are there those we can pray for to receive Jesus as Savior? Or to receive Holy Spirit’s touch? God is looking for ordinary people-- like you and me to help make a difference for Him in the lives of those with whom we interact. Divine connections. He has given us a story to tell. Jesus is the reason for the season! Let’s go share this great news. Pray with me: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us to be bold to share this good news, especially during this Christmas season, and bring others to Him for their salvation. Thank You that just as the angel told Mary nothing is or ever shall be impossible for God, so may we believe for the miracles we need also. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen. Our decree: I will never doubt God - for He who promised is faithful - even sending us a Savior, the very Son of God. ***************************************** Today’s post was written by our dear friend and author Quin Sherrer. You can find out more about Quin here or at Click on the link below to watch the full video. __________________________________ Jack W. Hayford, The Christmas Miracle, Chosen Books, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1999) pp 39, 41. Freda Lindsay, Luke 1:26-56 comments. Spirit Filled Life Bible, 3rd edition NKJV, (Jack Hayford, Executive Editor, Thomas Nelson, Nashville, TN. 2017) p 1450.
  2. 4 min read December 13, 2021 The Victory Meal I have been asked if I would be willing to lead in a time of Communion on a Give Him15 post, as we join Matt Lockett and Lou Engle in prayer and Communion regarding the Dobbs abortion case. I felt this was a great idea. There are many places in scripture we could look to as a jumping-off point to talk about “the Lord’s Table,” as some call Communion. I want to use Genesis 14:17-24. This is a very significant, amazing, and important passage, filled with prophetic pictures of our redemption. I will move slowly as I read the post, in order to make sure you track with me. Though I provide several references, I won’t read them. Let’s begin by reading four of the verses, 17-20: “Then after his return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him, the king of Sodom went out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh (that is, the King’s Valley). And Melchizedek the king of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was a priest of God Most High. And he blessed him and said, ‘Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; And blessed be God Most High, Who has handed over your enemies to you.’ And he gave him a tenth of everything” (NASV). This is the first mention of “bread and wine” spoken of together in Scripture, and they wouldn’t be mentioned again until the night before the Cross. As such, it is an obvious prophetic picture of Christ’s last supper with His disciples. How else do we know this? Follow me carefully. Melchizedek was a type or picture of Christ (Psalm 110; Hebrews 5:6,10; 6:20; 7:1-10); we are represented by Abraham, our father of faith (Romans 3:27-4:25). Melchizedek was a Canaanite, a race of people under a curse (Genesis 9:25 - “Cursed be Canaan”). As king over a cursed race of people, bestowing a blessing on Abraham, Melchizedek pictures Christ “having become a curse for us” (Galatians 3:13)…that “the blessing of Abraham might come to” us (verse 14). As mentioned, to show that this occurrence with Melchizedek and Abraham did indeed picture our redemption while at the Last Supper, Christ departed from the traditional meal - and for the first time since Genesis 14 - gave the disciples “bread and wine.” Also, it is imperative to note that the bread and wine meal in Genesis 14 was a celebration of victory following Abraham’s defeat of unrighteous leaders attempting to steal his family and inheritance. This was a victory meal! But it represented so much more than just Abraham’s victory that day. In the passage and for the first time in Scripture, God refers to Himself as the “Most High God” 4 times, and “possessor of heaven and earth” twice. This was a declaration that satan, who had tried to become the “most high” through his rebellion in heaven (see Isaiah 14:14), had not only failed in taking over heaven, but he would not become the possessor of earth, either. God was declaring, “satan couldn’t have heaven, he can’t have the human race and he won’t have earth! I will redeem the earth and My family!” Amazing..! When Christ gave the disciples the bread and wine at the Last Supper telling them these elements represented His body and blood, He was celebrating victory in advance. He knew, of course, the price He was about to pay; but He also knew He would win. And when we partake of communion, yes, we should remember the horrible price Jesus paid to redeem us; but we should also remember that it represents the greatest victory in the history of creation. Satan was defeated, the curse was broken, and we were restored into blessing - redeemed back into the family of God. Christ’s blood on the mercy seat of heaven is still the guarantee of this new covenant. Because of His blood, we can ask for mercy. We can ask that America be delivered from the curse associated with the shedding of innocent blood, and appeal to heaven for deliverance from this disgraceful evil. We can ask that through His mercy, God moves strongly over the Supreme Court of America, speaking in whatever way necessary to at least five Justices, motivating them to reverse Roe v. Wade. And we can ask for the cleansing and healing of our land. COMMUNION: Father, as we take the bread together in a moment, we remember the broken body of Jesus, sacrificed for our healing and restoration. We thank You, Jesus, for becoming one of us, the Son of Man, to bring us back into Your family. You are the Bread of Life and as we partake of this bread today, it reminds us that we are to partake continually of Your life. Eat the bread. (Feel free to pause the video for a moment or two if you would like, and spend time in personal prayer and Communion with Him.) And now, as we drink the wine, we honor and place our faith fully in the shed blood of Jesus for the remission of our sins. We also remember that His blood does more than cleanse us of sin; it also makes us new creations in Christ Jesus. We are born again. We celebrate this great victory over sin and the curse. We receive health, wholeness, and salvation as we do this today. And we decree that through the blood of Christ, satan is forever defeated. Drink the juice. (Again, feel free to pause and take any amount of time you would like, to spend personal time with Him.) And now, Father, we ask for victory in this recent Supreme Court case. We ask You to break the curse of Roe v. Wade off of America. Let this decision be the beginning of the end of abortion in America. We thank You for this, again, doing all in the name of Christ. Amen. We decree that the power of Christ’s redemption is greater than the power of sin and death. *************************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  3. 6 min read December 10, 2021 A Radical Obedience to An Extreme Assignment I want to prepare you now for Monday’s post (12/13/21). I have been asked to teach some and lead in communion as we join the ministries of Lou Engle ( and Matt Lockett ( in prayer and communion regarding the current Supreme Court case. So, on Monday, have your bread and wine (or juice) ready when you read (or listen to) that day’s post. ________________________ God sometimes leads individuals to do extraordinary things as spiritual signs and intercessory acts. Moses stretched his rod over the Red Sea, causing it to roll back; Elisha struck the Jordan River with Elijah’s mantle, causing it to likewise roll back. And tomorrow, John Halversen completes his fourth walk across America! His wife, Sandy, shares some of John’s amazing story: “On December 11th in Seattle, Pastor John Halvorsen completes his 4th Prayer Walk across America, He began prayer walking early in his Christian life because he found himself dozing off while praying in a cozy chair. Soon the Lord began challenging him to expand the areas he walked through, until he was walking across entire nations and continents as ‘prophetic acts’, proclaiming that ‘GOD WANTS HIS WORLD BACK!’ “Prayer Walk America #1 was birthed in 1996, while we were missionaries in Ireland. The power of God came so strongly upon John while out for coffee, that the physical shaking he was experiencing sent him into the men’s room where he cried out to God, ‘Send me back to America!’ Back in Minnesota, while walking and praying through the ‘Mall of America’, Genesis 13:17 became a literal word from the Lord for John: ‘Arise, walk through the land, the length and breadth of it, for I will give it to you.’ As with all unusual divine guidance, John submitted it to his trusted mentor, friends and family, received the green light, and to this day has not been told to stop! “John’s first walk began on the first day of the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah, September 21, 1998, with a strong prophetic unction to proclaim that a ‘Season of Trouble’ was coming to America. He walked from the Canadian border in Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, along US-61, the Great River Road, following the course of the Mississippi River. His message was broadcast through secular and Christian media all across America, ‘Tumultuous times are coming, we must repent and pray as never before.’ As the Mississippi River was first named ‘Rio De Espiritu Santo’, the ‘River of the Holy Spirit’, and was fiercely contended over during the American Civil War, the intense prayer battle accompanying that walk was over the ‘Free flow of the Holy Spirit’ through the Church. The second American prayer walk was soon birthed. The Lord simply said, ‘You know you aren’t done.’ John knew that a west to east route, the reverse of the routes of exploration, was God’s plan, so on Easter Day of 1999, he began walking in Newport, Oregon, and finished in November at ‘Rehoboth’ Beach, Delaware. Although the Clinton era of ‘Peace and Prosperity’ was in full sway, John continued to proclaim the need for renewed prayer and repentance and that ‘Tumultuous times’ were coming. Also, the prayer focus was on the re-opening of past wells of revival as in Genesis 26:18-22, which ended in victory at the well of Rehoboth. “‘Tumultuous Times’ came to America indeed, on September 11, 2001. We experienced the 9/11 attacks and America’s ‘Season of Trouble’ had begun. “While flying over Europe early in 2008 and gazing down at the Pyrenees Mountains, John knew he must walk again, this time the ancient ‘Crusader’ and ‘Silk Road’ routes, from Portugal to China. Organizing all the details for the two-year walk happened quickly and by November ‘08 we were on our way to Cabo da Roca, Portugal to begin the long prayer journey, which ended 6,000 miles later in Almaty, Kazakhstan, near the Chinese border. Many stories can be told of the challenges and spiritual warfare encountered on the trek through Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and then the train journey through China to Shanghai. John’s prophetic sense was that the Lord of Glory is going to burst through the rusted, bolted gates of these post-Christian, Communist, and Muslim cultures, bringing an ‘End of ancient hostility’ to the Gospel, in unprecedented Revival! “In 2015 the Lord told John to “take the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag to the North Pole and then get to the South Pole as soon as possible.” He discovered that joining an expedition to each pole was the only way to get there, that the North Pole would require $35,000 and the South Pole a jaw-dropping $50,000! Miraculously, for each trip the money came in at the last minute, as is often God’s way, through ‘appealing to heaven,’ not ‘appealing to man’. God pays for what He orders! “A Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker took a week to crunch through the polar ice to arrive at the North Pole in June 2016. Then in November, 2017 a Russian transport plane got him to Antarctica, and a small prop plane to the actual South Pole. In both cases, he unfurled the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag and proclaimed the Gospel, as a witness that the Good News has reached the extreme ‘Ends of the Earth’, and to appeal to heaven for global awakening. “In early 2018 the Lord spoke, ‘Are you willing to walk America again?’ “Why Lord? I’ve already done it twice!” “Because America needs a third awakening!” came the answer. John knew this time he would walk a diagonal along Route 66 and the Lincoln Highway, from LA to NYC, beginning on Halloween 2018. Why? To reverse the curse in our nation. He sensed that although America deserves judgment, he was pulling a cord of mercy and that God would grant mercy if His people would enter into deep repentance and prayer. “While visiting Israel after this third prophetic walk across the nation, a van drove past, emblazoned with the words, ‘Johnny Walker, Keep on Walking.’ It was the slogan the Lord had often used to let John know he had a new assignment. ‘Do I walk Israel next?’ he wondered. But it soon became clear that Miami to Seattle was what the Lord had in mind, another diagonal route that completed an X over the nation. So on February 5, 2021, this current walk began in Miami and will finish on December 11 [tomorrow] in Seattle. John has battled extreme spiritual warfare on this walk as he contends for awakening for America, and senses again that he is pulling a cord of mercy. But this time, he believes that at the walk’s end, the cord will be plugged into a power outlet and God’s awakening power will flow. “John feels that all these prophetic walks are connected. The ‘free flow of the Holy Spirit’ through the church...the opening of past wells of revival...overcoming hostility to the Gospel...reversing the curse...the release of God’s mercy and His power cord plugged in. John believes we are about to see the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit ever witnessed throughout the world and to the extreme ends of the earth! “His next prayer walk? John is asking the Lord about Israel. “GOD WANTS HIS WORLD BACK, and WE PROCLAIM HE WILL RECEIVE IT..! IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME..!!” Pray with me: Father, we thank You for servants like John and Sandy Halversen, people who are willing to lay their lives down as intercessors and warriors. You have many who unselfishly do so, some walking their neighborhoods, others driving across the country, still others faithful in their prayer closets and on the jobs they work. Thank You for this army You’re raising up. We pray for John and Sandy as they finish the walk tomorrow. But, as I know they would desire, our greatest prayer is an agreement with them that You will send revival to America and the world. Open past wells of revival, break curses off our land and off other nations. We know that in America 12 cities set records for homicides this year. We appeal to You for the greatest revival EVER, and one that touches the ends of the earth. And as we shall continue to do, we ask for Your hovering presence over the Supreme Court and every Justice, to bring forth Your counsel and will in the recent abortion case. Help us reverse Roe, we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the prayer army around the world is strong and growing, and that life will win over death. ************************************ You can find out more about John and Sandy Halvorsen and their walks across America here or at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  4. 7 min read December 8, 2021 A Warning Dream Regarding the Abortion Case My good friend, Matt Lockett, leader of the Justice House of Prayer in DC, released a powerful dream and appeal to continue in prayer for the recent Dobbs abortion case heard by the Supreme Court. I have had to shorten it a little, but you can see the entire article plus a video of Matt and Lou Engle discussing it by using these links. Matt shares: A Child Is Born “On Thursday, December 2, one day after the oral arguments in the Dobbs abortion case at the Supreme Court, a team member of the Justice House of Prayer in DC had the following dream: “‘In the dream, I had a one-day-old baby, and it seemed as if it was my daughter, Megan. A witch was trying to poison her. The witch was far away, standing in a wooded area, pouring poison into a stream. I knew this was an attempt to poison my baby. Then, as my baby was drinking from a bowl of water, I felt sudden alarm as I realized the witch had attempted to poison that, also. The witch made several other efforts to poison water, in order to poison my baby. I did not know whether she had been successful. “‘Then the witch stole my baby. “‘In distress, I began desperately searching for her. The place I was searching was like a medical clinic, with many small rooms. The hallways were a maze, small and oddly shaped, some of which I had to squeeze through. It was very difficult to get from one room to another in order to search for her. “‘The scene changed and I was climbing a mountain on a gravel road. Several others whom I didn’t know accompanied me. I thought we were climbing to the top, but after a short climb, barely above the base of the mountain, I saw a shack to my right. It was the only structure in a vast, wooded, mountainous area. The shack was a carpenter’s shop. “‘I knew I needed to purchase a white board at the carpenter shop. When I entered, I saw a long, painted white board leaning on the counter, ready for me. And to my great surprise, my baby was also there on the counter! Alive! I was deeply relieved to have found her. “‘The carpenter was standing a few feet behind the counter but said nothing. I stared at him, trying to discern his intent regarding the baby, to figure out which side he was on. Had he rescued my baby? Or, was he part of the scheme to steal the baby? Should I trust him to help me, or grab the baby and run down the mountain? “‘And I woke from the dream.’” Matt continues, “We feel strongly that this dream about the one-day-old baby is pertaining to the one-day-old court case - about rescuing the babies and the overturning of Roe v. Wade [remember, the dream was given one day after the hearing]. Interestingly, the baby’s name, Megan, is derived from the Greek word megas, meaning mega ‘great.’ This case is of mega importance! “The oral arguments were held on 12/1. Revelation 12:1 and the subsequent verses say, ‘A megas or mega sign appeared in heaven: a woman… She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: a megas, mega red dragon… The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born.’ “In verse 5 of Revelation 12, there was war in the heavens. We are in a spiritual war right now against witchcraft and forces of darkness seeking to ‘poison’ the minds of judges determining this case. We know the Lord’s desire is to grant us victory, but the battle isn’t over. “[Last Friday (12/3)] the Justices cast their preliminary votes on the case and now the opinions will be written. It is very important that we not let victory be stolen [we believe that quite likely we have won this case] or the language of the opinions be poisoned in any way. We want to enforce the verdict of Heaven, which is that Roe v. Wade is overturned. “In 1992, Roe could have been struck down in the courts, but Justice Kennedy was swayed to change his vote at the last moment. This reveals that we must war over the 9 Justices and against the witchcraft at work to influence them. Also, we must continue to ask the Lord to unite the 5 conservative justices together in a coalition of conscience for the ending of Roe. Pray for Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett to hold fast to their God-inspired convictions. “We also received a dream recently concerning Chief Justice John Roberts. In the dream, Roberts was seen weeping at the foot of his blank tombstone. Next to him was another tombstone upon which was engraved the purposes God had intended for him to fulfill in his position of influence. Written there, among other purposes, was the overturning of Roe v. Wade. However, Roberts had failed to agree with God’s plans for his life. Let’s pray for him, in light of this dream, that he would not miss his greatest moment to partner with God in the ending of abortion. “Meanwhile, if the warfare depicted in the ‘Megan dream’ is true, and we believe it is, then it reveals a current and crucial element of witchcraft we must contend against. There is clearly more than just a political or legal battle regarding abortion. We are dealing with a mega spiritual battle concerning the very altar of death in our nation. This is why, as intercessors, we believe we are being called into a divine assignment. To miss this moment could be to miss everything. “During the oral arguments on Wednesday, there was much discussion surrounding so-called medical facts regarding the viability of a fetus. In the dream, however, the baby could not be found or rescued in the ‘medical maze.’ We must look elsewhere. The dream shows there is a mountain that must be climbed to find and rescue the baby. We believe it is the mountain of the Lord. “When the mother begins to climb the mountain, she encounters a carpenter’s shack. We believe the carpenter on the mountain symbolizes Jesus. When the mother goes inside, Jesus has the baby, yet she doesn’t know this and is wondering whose side He’s on. This part of the dream reminds us of Joshua when he encountered the angel of the Lord outside of Jericho. “Joshua was about to face giants. It’s our conviction that this court case is facing the greatest demonic giant in our nation. When Jesus, the Captain of the Hosts of Heaven, appeared to him, Joshua questioned which side the Warrior was on. The Lord answered, basically, ‘Wrong question. Whose side are YOU on?’ America must side with Jesus, careful to align with His desire to end Roe v. Wade. “We believe that ‘ascending’ the mountain of the Lord is ascending in our spiritual authority. “Therefore, we invite you into 21 days of prayer and communion from now until Christmas [December 5-25]. We understand that our greatest weapon against the forces of witchcraft is the blood of Jesus. “In addition to this call to prayer and communion, there is an aspect of the dream we believe is a call to prayer in the night watches. The white board that needed to be purchased at the carpenter shop may seem like a random detail, but our team immediately associated it with a dream I had in 2004. “In that dream, I saw Lou Engle praying with a room full of young people in an all-night prayer meeting. There was a large blackboard full of abortion statistics. He watched as each person who prayed would then strike a chalk eraser against the board. Every strike released a cloud of white chalk dust, which gradually covered the blackboard. By morning, the blackboard was entirely white and the abortion statistics were no longer visible. Perhaps the way to ‘purchase the white board’ at this time is to engage in nighttime prayer, countering the prayers of witches and warlocks whose activity is heightened during those hours. “In addition to Jesus, the carpenter may also represent Joseph, who was warned by a dream in the night. His swift obedience to escape with Mary and the baby in the cover of darkness, is what saved the child from Herod’s sword. “Therefore, we also invite those who feel led, to join us over the next 21 days, from December 5-25, in forming an ongoing chain of prayer between the hours of 10PM and 6AM. You can sign up here to let us know when you are taking your place on the wall of intercession in your time zone. “Let’s preside together over these judges in prayer, restrain the powers of darkness, and partner with the Captain of the Hosts in tearing down the altar of abortion.” Pray with me: Father, we are well aware of the spiritual battle for the babies. Throughout history, demons have required blood sacrifices from their worshipers. We also know this empowers them, opening doors for curses and death. We here in America are no doubt experiencing many of these curses, having literally covenanted with death. As we partner with You in rescuing the babies, we bind the witchcraft and demonic attempts to influence the Justices in this case (see Matthew 16:18-19). We refuse to allow them or the babies to be poisoned. The babies will not be stolen. We do this in the name of Jesus. We ask You to raise up and motivate many to join this prayer assignment. May we not falter during this time of opportunity and crisis. Please awaken many in the church to pray, even during the night watches. Awaken pastors, motivating them to call their churches to pray. Please do something to break any complacency off of pastors, leaders, and churches. May they realize that there simply cannot be business as usual in this season. Amen. Our decree: We decree, in the name of Christ, that the babies will be saved. *************************************** Today’s post was taken from The Briefing (link here) and written by Matt Lockett, director of JHOP (the Justice House of Prayer) in Washington, D.C. You can find out more about JHOP-DC here. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  5. 5 min read December 6, 2021 A Lesson from Cuba We all become too inwardly focused at times. Life has a way of distracting us from important “basics.” One of those is a care and concern for others not of our household or tribe. Larry Tomczak encourages us to pause today from our busy routine to ponder the plight of friends and fellow Christians still enslaved in the socialist state of Cuba. We are instructed by Holy Spirit to: “Regard prisoners as if you were in prison with them. Look on the victims of abuse as if what happened to them had happened to you” (Hebrews13:3 MET). Larry shares: “Anyone listening to Bernie Sanders, A.O.C. and other progressive Democrats promoting a socialist utopia for America, should consider the brutal realities of what life is like in a country just 90 miles away. Bottom line: it's heartbreaking. Ask folks in Venezuela, as well. People Are Suffering and Scared “Four months ago thousands of Cubans, repressed for over 70 years, took to the streets to protest in one of the largest demonstrations there in decades. Then on November 15, a second peaceful protest entitled ‘Civic March for Change’ called for in 10 cities, sadly fizzled as Cuba’s totalitarian Marxist government employed their strong-arm ‘cancel culture’ tactics to frighten the people and stifle the rallies. “Hundreds of dissidents who dared to demonstrate peacefully at the July rallies remain in jail, and a cooperative media makes sure the other people are reminded of their fate. Uniformed police and plain-clothed enforcers intimidate people, along with state security officers who stake out homes of pro-democracy leaders. “A young female dissident (who would love an opportunity to educate millennials in America who are being seduced by socialism) stated it simply, ‘People are scared.’ Representatives of the leftist regime make sure people understand that they will not tolerate those who are a ‘part of the destabilization campaign initiated by the United States.’(1) Biden Administration Response “U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken condemned ‘intimidation tactics’ by Cuba’s government and vowed that Washington would ‘seek accountability’ for the crackdown. What that means is anybody’s guess, especially in light of Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the abandonment of Americans and our allies who’ve been trapped behind enemy lines for almost 100 days. “July's dissident march in Cuba gained global attention but has faded from most people’s memory, while multitudes there and in Afghanistan face continual repression, horrible penalties, suffering, and persecution. In our nation, as malcontents and Marxists try to tear down our country, it is Christian compassion to ponder their plight and pray for divine intervention. The Brutal Realities “After 70 years of totalitarian rule in Cuba and the barbaric treatment of dissidents daring to question the socialist state, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in July. The Cuban people, just like citizens in Venezuela, are suffering under another economic crisis with severe food shortages, high prices, and pandemic sickness and death. “Communications remain cut off so the world can't see the military's brutal shooting and beating of the protestors. “Today in Cuba, Castro’s ‘revolutionaries’ masterfully manipulate the masses. Here in America, radical rabble-rousers present ‘history’ that does not reflect reality, but romanticizes ‘heroes’ like the Castros and Che Guevara (murderers and criminals), while working aggressively to dismantle our nation's founders and foundations. It's happening in the U.S. through CRT (Critical Race Theory) and the 1619 Project, whose creator praised Cuba as the ‘Most Equal country in the Western Hemisphere - a model for the U.S.’ Helpful History Lesson “In 1959 Fidel Castro assured the world that he was not a Communist. Taking office he admitted he was a ‘Marxist’ (like BLM leaders), leading gullible citizens on a pathway to ‘peace and prosperity.’ “Castro called himself a ‘freedom fighter,’ yet he eventually curtailed any ownership of private property and private enterprise. He told the people, ‘universities are tuition free’ but that was only to those embracing his revolutionary beliefs. He took control of media communications and implemented ‘cancel culture’ long before radical leftists launched it here. “People trying to flee Cuba were tortured and executed. Castro killed over 3500 people by firing squad. In 1994 he was caught as he ordered a tugboat of women and children sunk while they were fleeing the repressive socialist state. “Castro’s government took control of elections with the goal of a one-party state (sound familiar?). He called Cuba a ‘People’s Paradise,’ yet what was once a beautiful vacation destination became a prison where people lost liberty, human rights, and religion. “Castro demolished scores of church buildings and mandated children be indoctrinated with new curriculums. He propagandized the people into believing Cuba’s old order was systemically evil and needed to be replaced with the new order of caring for needs from cradle to grave. ‘Free healthcare! Free education! Free childcare!’ Sound familiar? “Pre-Castro Cuba in 1958 led Latin America in low infant mortality, literacy rates, passenger cars per capita, food consumption per capita, along with TVs, radios, and telephones. Cuba’s Gross Domestic Product was ahead of Italy, Spain, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, and most of Africa, Asia, and Latin America! Millennials and Manipulation “Today Cuba is an impoverished nation with minimal and archaic healthcare, contrary to Michael Moore's documentary ‘Sicko,’ which was replete with propaganda. Higher education? It's possible for the elite who meet the ‘state's’ rigid standards. “The average wage in Cuba is now about $20 per month with people living in deteriorating shacks. Its harbor is almost empty of boats so people cannot flee. The few people that own cars have 1950s models. On an island with a population of 11 million, 1.5 million have managed to escape. “Today in America half of Millennials say they choose socialism over capitalism. Time to wake up! [Our children are being fed lies; arm them with these facts.] Past Progressive Plans “When Fidel Castro died in 2016, Obama eulogized him: ‘History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people in the world around him.’(2) Biden sided with him in numerous ‘pro-Cuba’ initiatives. “Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Leadership Council says, ‘They served as a de facto endorsement of one of the most oppressive regimes in recent history.’(3) “When he was president, Donald Trump repeatedly expressed his empathy for the Cuban people and a firm commitment to foster freedom. His policies raised salaries of their counterparts in America (38% of Hispanics voted for him in 2020), as he demonstrated strong leadership regarding his opposition to communism by employing a strategy to strangle their economy and engender discontent on the island to stir the Cuban people to seek change. “After seven decades of communist tyranny, may we pray for our suffering friends facing ongoing brutal crackdowns. CiberCuba recently captured a woman’s husband, shot and beaten in front of the family, then taken away. While enjoying lavish meals, lifestyles, and many freedoms, let's not forget our friends 90 miles away as we again remember God's directive: ‘Regard prisoners as if you were in prison with them. Look on victims of abuse as if what happened to them had happened to you’ (Heb. 13:3 MET). “Please pass this along to educate others as we declare, "Viva la Cuba por Jesus Cristo..!’” Pray with me: Father, we pray for our brothers, sisters, and also those who don’t know You, suffering in Cuba and elsewhere. Break off of America all selfish mindsets that say we should ignore suffering elsewhere, as long as it doesn’t impact us. Send the coming revival to Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Afghanistan, and other impoverished nations. Liberate them from evil leaders, and may the power of the gospel and the Spirit of truth liberate their spirits. Liberate Cuba! Liberate Venezuela! Liberate Afghanistan from the Taliban. Liberate Haiti from their dark traditions and evil leaders. Visit all the earth with Christ’s salvation and love. We pray against the deception and lies being propagated in America. Break the influence of socialists and communists; silence their voices and frustrate their evil plans. Awaken those who have been deceived. Save them, Lord. We pray these things in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that truth will win in America and around the world. Lord, send revival! ***************************************** Today’s post was contributed by our friend Larry Tomczak. You can find out more about Larry here. Click on the link below to watch the full video. _______________________________
  6. 5 min read December 1, 2021 The Most Important Supreme Court Case in Decades Flying the American flag upside down - when done for the right reasons - is an officially recognized signal of danger and distress; it is not a sign of disrespect. America is now in one of the most alarming seasons of her history, with decisions being made that have and could continue to undo two and a half centuries of blessing. Our moral decline, antichrist laws, humanistic culture and godless leaders have brought us to the point where we need to be resurrected, not just resuscitated. Much of the destruction began in the 1960s and originated in the American judiciary branch, including the Supreme Court. Interestingly, this was “prophesied” by Thomas Jefferson, whose greatest fear regarding America’s future was the authority taken by the courts, which he declared that the Constitution—which he helped draft!—had not given them. In 1821 he declared, “The germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the federal judiciary. An irresponsible body, working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief over the field of jurisdiction until all shall be usurped from the states.”(1) Incredibly strong language. One is reminded of Paul’s words in Galatians 5:9: “a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” The founders of our government never intended for the Supreme Court to be the supreme branch of our government. Nowhere does our Constitution give them authority over the Executive and Legislative branches. In fact, they did not even have their own building until 1935; they met in the Capitol. Nine unelected men and women ruling our nation in the way the Supreme Court now does has resulted in “a despotic branch”(2) in whose hands the Constitution has become a “thing of wax,”(3) as warned by Jefferson 200 years ago. One of their own, the late Justice Antonin Scalia, called his colleagues “black-robed masters,” going on to say that “the Court has essentially liberated itself from the text of the Constitution…and from the traditions of the American people.” Scalia went on to state clearly that the Constitution “is not a living organism” as the liberals like to state when twisting its meaning into what they want it to say.(4) One of today’s liberal Federal Judges, Richard Posner, no longer sees the need to twist the Constitution’s meaning in order to make his warped rulings. He simply admits that to him, and many other judges and attorneys today, the Constitution is irrelevant. “I see absolutely no value to a judge of spending decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds studying the Constitution, the history of its enactment, its amendments, and its implementation…the original Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the post-Civil War amendments (including the 14th), do not speak to today.” (After much criticism, Posner later backed off from this ridiculous comment.)(5) If you’re wondering where in the Constitution judges found the removing of prayer from schools, abortion rights, the redefining of marriage and other liberal positions, the answer is simple: they didn’t. They simply legislated from the bench, according to their own desires and ideals. Today, the Supreme Court is hearing a case that could overturn Roe versus Wade, the evil ruling that has resulted in more than 60 million babies being killed in their mother’s womb. It is America’s greatest failure and shame. As Jefferson warned, the “noiseless step” has advanced until we now kill babies that survive abortions, after which we sell their body parts. The left rabidly defends all of this. If the Court rules once again for death, let it not be because we did not do our part to pray. Cry out on behalf of the babies! Ask Holy Spirit to put heavenly pressure on the Justices to vote for life. Re-read yesterday‘s post and, using its suggestions, pray for the attorneys and Justices. Listen to Holy Spirit and pray as He leads you. I leave you with a quote from the Supreme Court affirming that America is a Christian nation. Pray that this mindset one day returns to the Court. “In 1892, in the case of Church of the Holy Trinity v. The United States, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that: ‘Our laws and institutions must necessarily be based upon the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent, our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian...This is historically true. From the discovery of this continent to the present hour, there is a single voice making this affirmation...that this is a Christian nation. We are founded to legislate, propagate, and secure Christianity.’ (6) “Again in 1947, the Court said ‘we are a religious people and our laws presuppose’ the existence of God. The Court upheld our national motto as constitutional in 1979 (In God We Trust), as well as having paid chaplains in the Legislative branch of government in 1983.”(7) Don’t give up on America! Pray with me: Father, we ask You to move on the hearts of five or more Justices as they think and deliberate, bending their will toward You and the babies. Shift thinking where it is necessary, silence voices that need to be silenced, give favor to those that need favor. Speak to them in any way necessary to turn their hearts and minds to the appropriate ruling. Obviously, they hold a live hearing, but much of their information will be taken from the written Briefs. Speak through these writings. We ask You to anoint the words of the pro-life Briefs with fire from Holy Spirit. We ask that the pro-death attorneys’ words be as the prophets of Baal, that their words will have no power. We pray for the verbal arguments of the pro-life attorneys in this case. We ask You to give them brilliance, wisdom, and excellent choices of wording. We ask that confusion, errors, and disjointed language come to the pro-abortion attorneys. We ask for a very literal anointing of the Holy Spirit to be present in the courtroom when this case is heard, that Your presence be in the room, Holy Spirit. Please give us a reversal of the insidious ruling, Roe vs Wade, and break its hold off of this nation. Our decree: We decree that the covenant of death is broken off of America! ******************************** “For you have said, ‘We have made a covenant with death and a pact with the underworld, so when the overwhelming scourge sweeps over us, it will not harm us. For we have made lies our refuge and find our shelter in falsehood.’ Here’s what the Lord God says: ‘Behold, I set in place in Zion a Foundation Stone, fully tested and proven to be faithful and secure. And written upon this precious cornerstone is this: “Those who trust in Him will not act in haste.” I will set justice as the true measurement and integrity, its plumb line. My hailstorm will sweep away your refuge of lies, and My floodwaters will overwhelm your hiding place. Then your covenant with death will be annulled and your pact with the underworld will not stand. And when the overwhelming scourge sweeps over you, it will sweep you away!’” (Isaiah 28-15-18, TPT) Click on the link below to watch the full video. _________________________________ Ibid. The Rebirth of America, Arthur S. DeMoss Foundation, 1986, p 21. Mark A. Beliles and Stephen K. McDowell, America’s Providential History (Charlottesville, VA: The Providence Foundation, 1991, p. 178.
  7. 5 min read November 30, 2021 A Critical Day in America I will arrive in D.C. today. I have several meetings at undisclosed locations this afternoon and evening. Many others will also arrive today, some to appeal to heaven for the protection of the unborn, others to demand the right to kill them. Ultimately, 9 Supreme Court Justices will decide. Actually, it only takes a simple majority - 5. Five people will decide whether life or death wins. If it is a 5-4 vote, really only one swing vote will have decided the case. Amazing how thin a margin it takes to save or destroy millions of innocent lives. In 1973, seven liberal Justices found the right to abort babies in the word “privacy:” Blackmun, Burger, Douglas, Brennan, Stewart, Marshall, Powell. In Planned Parenthood vs Casey (1992), five Justices kept the abortion law intact: O'Connor, Kennedy, Souter, Blackmun, and Stevens. One vote for the right to “privacy” cost 40 million more babies their lives, more than Hitler’s Holocaust. Planned Parenthood, who won the case, now sells the babies’ body parts. In total, since 1973, over 60 million babies have been killed in the womb. Unimaginable. Could there be anything more asinine and stupefying than saying privacy gives one a right to kill babies? Did these Justices actually believe those who penned our Constitution intended this? Of course not - they were ideologues, legislating from the bench. I list their names because they do NOT have the right to privacy regarding their votes. They are responsible for the most heinous U.S. law in our almost 250-year history. Can they be forgiven? Of course. As the slave trader, John Newton, stated, God’s grace is amazing. If they have repented and asked for cleansing, the blood of Christ has washed them clean. If not, the blood of millions remains on their hands. Those who have had or participated in abortions can also experience COMPLETE forgiveness and cleansing. If you have confessed this sin and asked for cleansing through the blood of Jesus, it is no longer on your record. You have not simply been pardoned, the slate has been wiped clean; the sin no longer exists. I recorded a podcast a while back to help those struggling to forgive themselves over having had abortions. It has helped many. You can watch the YouTube podcast from February 26, 2021, entitled Broken No More here. Tomorrow (12/1/2021), 9 women and men will hear the current abortion case: Roberts, Thomas, Breyer, Alito, Sotomayor, Kagan, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. They will then deliberate until Friday morning, at which time they will vote. This is why many who come to pray will stay through Friday morning. It may surprise you that we will not hear the results for several months, likely not until mid or late summer. I urge you to pray with us today, tomorrow, and Friday. Millions of prayers should be offered up. Ask God to forgive and cleanse America from the shedding of innocent blood (Numbers 35:33). Ask Him to give the attorneys arguing for life supernatural wisdom and language. Ask Him to confuse the thoughts of those arguing for death, to make their logic seem foolish, their arguments illogical and disconnected. Ask Holy Spirit to hover over the courtroom, controlling the atmosphere. Bind evil spirits from the room (Matthew 16:19). Pray for the Justices. Ask Holy Spirit to speak to them - clearly. Ask for angelic messages, dreams, even visions. Ask for them to be delivered from misguided and deceived beliefs. Ask Holy Spirit to give them courage to ignore precedence, stare decisis, as it is called. There is tremendous pressure not to overturn a previous ruling of the Court, and they rarely do so. Pray that this does not play a role in their thinking. Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan are staunchly pro-abortion. It is highly unlikely they will turn. Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch are strong in their support of life. That makes Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett the unknowns. If there are no surprises among the first six, these 3 will decide the case. Of them: Roberts has drifted to the left the last several years. However, there have been strong words and dreams encouraging prayer to shift him back. Kavanaugh usually votes on the conservative side of issues and was considered pro-life by many when appointed. But nothing is guaranteed when it comes to votes on the Court. Barrett, too, has a conservative pre-Court record and is believed to be strong in her pro-life views. But, again, her record is just forming on the High Court and she has disappointed conservatives in one or two of her votes thus far. Nothing is guaranteed. Pray especially for these three. We will need at least 2 of them to vote for life. Ask Holy Spirit to strongly anoint the words of Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch when they speak in the hearing and in deliberations. Ask for their words to carry weight, authority, and anointing. Pray that these 3 “swing” Justices hear Holy Spirit, that their minds become one with His during this hearing and deliberation. Ask for Isaiah 50:4-5 to occur: “The Lord God has given me the tongue of disciples, so that I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word. He awakens me morning by morning, He awakens my ear to listen as a disciple. The Lord God has opened my ear, and I was not disobedient, nor did I turn back” (NASV). Ask for their ears to be opened and, if necessary, for their hearts to turn. Pray with me: (I am going to write and lead in a prayer, but only to allow for the great power of agreement to occur. It is important that you continue to pray these things on your own, and even more as Holy Spirit leads you.) Father, we pray that You will bring a heavy presence of Holy Spirit into the Supreme Court tomorrow. Release weighty glory from Your throne room into their courtroom. Combine this glory with Your authority. We, the Ekklesia have asked, bound, and loosed. (Matthew 16:18-19) We have released Your kingdom authority over this case. And now we ask for the fulfillment of the remainder of the passage: what we have bound on earth will be bound in heaven, and what we have loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven. We ask for great wisdom and powerful words to be spoken by those fighting for life. We ask for confusion to plague the pro-death attorneys. And we ask for Holy Spirit‘s strong, hovering presence to invade the thinking of all the Justices, but especially that of Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. Scream in their ears, whisper in their hearts, think through their minds, speak in their dreams. Let there be no doubt in their consciences, hearts, and minds that they must vote for life. Our decree: We decree that the power of death is broken over America, and that life will once again be honored. ************************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  8. 7 min read November 25, 2021 Thanksgiving Day Proclamations For today’s post, I have included the Thanksgiving proclamations of Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. I will only read a few sentences from each. Though the verbiage is somewhat different than ours today and a little cumbersome to read, consider doing so anyway. In order to have a more easily read proclamation, one understood by all ages, I have written a proclamation, as well. You might consider reading it to the family today as you gather, perhaps even around the dinner table: ****************************************** Gracious Father, we in this blessed nation give You thanks today. America was Your idea. You had in Your heart to form a nation of nations - numerous Native American nations, Asians, Europeans, Africans, Latinos and more. Though the journey and process has at times been painful, even evil, due to our selfishness and rebellion, Your sovereign power overrode our flaws and formed the United States of America. And we thank You. We are well aware that forming America was not just for our benefit but, like Abraham of old, was a covenantal partnership for the purpose of redeeming the world from sin and it’s curse. We are honored beyond words to be part of this plan and agree with the words of Robert Hunt at Cape Henry in 1607: the gospel of the kingdom will go forth from these shores, not only to this land, but to all the nations of the earth. We thank You for preserving us in times of war, disease, sin, and chaos. In the war of our birth, we were saved through an appeal to Heaven; in the horrible Civil War, You preserved us through incredible bitterness and the loss of over half a million soldiers - sons, husbands, fathers, brothers; in two world wars, You preserved us from evil, demonized despots intent on ruling the world. Through all the trials and all the years, You have been faithful. We thank You for the incredible prosperity we have enjoyed due to our partnership with You. Though some try to convince our people You had nothing to do with this, that America does not need Your gracious hand of blessing, we know this is untrue. Unless You build the house, the laborers work in vain; unless You protect the city, the watchman wakes in vain. You have blessed this nation - of You, through You, and to You are all things. Thank You, gracious and beneficent God! And we thank You today for our Savior, the Messiah, Christ Jesus. Son of God/Son of Man, thank You for Your sacrifice in becoming a member of the human race. Thank You for discovering what hunger feels like, for experiencing the pain of a loved one’s death, of rejection and betrayal. Thank You for walking dusty roads to heal diseased bodies, taking detours to redeem thirsty hearts, spending sleepless nights praying over Your assignment. Thank you for exposing the futility of religion, the evil of pride and the power of love. Thank You for revealing the Father to us again, and making a way for us to find and reconnect with Him as our Abba. Thank You for paying such a high price for this: the beatings and lashing, Gethsemane, the mocking, the crown of thorns, the wrath of Hell, the hideous cross. Thank You. And gracious Father, wonderful Savior, and blessed Holy Spirit, though we as a nation have dishonored You, rejected You and mocked You, Your love endures. Though we have worshiped idols, embraced false religions, shed innocent blood, defiled Your marriage covenant and expelled You from our schools, causing our children to reject You, Your mercies endure. Though our government, in pride, deception, and rebellion, has risen up against You, rewritten Your laws, legislated murder and immorality, and has determined that You are no longer welcome in their functions and procedures - You have demonstrated amazing patience. And though the church should be Your instrument of preservation from these ills, she has grown lukewarm, complacent, and ineffective. Yet, in spite of these and many more evils, You have said You are coming to save us again. You have promised to renew our purpose and destiny, healing our brokenness and returning our hearts to You and one another. Our prodigals are coming home, a lost generation is being found by You, the fire of passion is returning to the church, millions will be saved, and America will be reformed. We will once again become a powerful voice of the gospel of the kingdom throughout the earth, partnering with You through the power of Holy Spirit. For this we give You thanks, Yahweh. President George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation: “Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor-- and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public Thanksgiving and Prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness. “Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be - That we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks--for His kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation--for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of His Providence which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war--for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed - for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted - for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which He hath been pleased to confer upon us. “And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions - to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually - to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed - to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shown kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord - To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us - and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best. “Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.” (George Washington)(1) President Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation: “The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defense, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle, or the ship; the axe has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. The population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege, and the battlefield; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom. No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity, and union. “In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed. “Done at the City of Washington, this Third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States the Eighty-eighth. By the President: Abraham Lincoln.”(2) ________________***************************_______________ Click the link to watch the full video:
  9. 5 min read November 24, 2021 Mercy is Our New Currency My friend, Clay Nash, has had 2 more significant dreams about America within the last week. They are long and very detailed. He and I are still “unpacking” them, but there is one portion that is clear to me: “…Dutch Sheets brought in a gold plum bob with its line made of silver. [In scripture, silver symbolizes redemption.] The plumb bob was hollow and had 5 sides which each had glass-like windows. It was filled with a red liquid. Dutch let it swing above the map [of the US] and as he did so the red thick liquid began to flow very finely from the point of the plumb bob. Dutch stated, ‘This is blood from the Mercy Seat.’ (There is then more that occurs in the dream, then…) “While all of this had been taking place the plumb bob was spreading blood from the Mercy Seat across the map. Ceci walked in, saw it, and said, ‘Look at this.’ We all turned our attention to the map and a gasp was released from all. The swinging plumb bob had painted an eagle with three arrows in one talon and a scroll in the other.” This is the fourth dream received from prophets I know which have eagles holding 3 arrows. In one of them, they release the arrows all over America, which ignite fires of revival. The third dream states that God is releasing them earlier than originally planned. This dream shows the eagles and arrows once again, drawn on a map of America with the blood of Christ, from the Mercy Seat in heaven. The blood was flowing from a plumb bob suspended over a map of America. Plumb bobs are used to ensure that constructions are “plumb” or vertical. They are also used for surveying, to mark an exact point for a boundary marker. As God holds His plumb bob over America, He no doubt sees us as out of alignment, crooked. We, of course, deserve judgment. To use another analogy, we most certainly have been “weighed in the balances” and found “wanting” (Daniel 5:27). But the plumb bob was filled with the blood of Christ from the Mercy Seat of heaven. Without doubt, this is telling us it is God’s mercy, brought to us through Christ’s blood sacrifice, that is going to save America. All of the dreams have said unequivocally that it is time for this, and one said it is actually coming earlier than previously planned. The subject of God‘s mercy took on added significance for me in February 2016. Days apart, I received two prophetic words that I was to go to DC and spend time praying. One was from Ceci, the other from Chuck Pierce. Chuck’s word added that while there I was to re-stake claim to America. My friend, Ken Malone, and brother, Tim Sheets’, accompanied me. It was a prayer journey that took on profound significance. While praying at the White House, we had an angelic visitation. In response to our prayers and decrees, the angel walked up to us and simply said, “Mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy.” Six times. A few weeks later, an intercessor shared a dream she had received from the Lord that included me. “In the dream,” she related, “you kept declaring, ‘I have tapped into a root of mercy.’” Then, two weeks before the 2016 presidential election, a trusted pastor and friend, Kingsley Walker, had a vision while watching our Appeal to Heaven conference online. As we prayed, crying out for mercy, he began to see coins raining down all around me. Eventually, I was ankle-deep in silver coins. When he looked at them closely, they all had the word “MERCY” over their various pictures. One coin, in particular, had George Washington on the front, with the word ‘MERCY” over him; the other side had the American flag pictured with the words “New Glory” over it. As you know, a nickname for our flag is “Old Glory.” There is “new glory” coming to “old glory.” Then Kingsley heard the words, “Mercy is our new currency.” Mercy is undeserved kindness. In scripture, it is linked to covenant - God’s covenantal faithfulness and kindness. We are told that His mercies are new each morning (Lamentations 3:22-23), and they also triumph over judgment (James 2:13). God’s mercy revival is coming to America. “New glory” is coming to “Old Glory,” our nation. All for which we are asking can only be procured by the mercy of God. Our good works can’t buy His blessings. Our faithfulness to Him certainly hasn’t been adequate to purchase America’s new birth. When asked why I believe America will receive a great awakening, I have but one answer, “The mercy seat of Heaven, covered with the blood of Jesus, is the only currency of exchange God will honor. The arrows of revival fire will be released because of God’s mercy, and because we have humbly asked. Mercy will save America and bring a billion soul revival around the world in this era. Mercy has reopened the well at Fulton Street, Red River Meeting House, Cane Ridge, Azusa St, Topeka, Wales, Hebrides, Scotland, and more. Mercy is reopening Tennent’s Well, the Haystack Revival Well, the Voice of Healing Well, the Charismatic/Jesus People Well, Brownsville, and more. Mercy has released the eagles! Mercy has released the arrows! Mercy is releasing fire! Spend the mercy. Trade it in for souls, miracles, transformations. Buy the opportunity. The phrase “redeeming the time” (Ephesians 5:16) could be more literally translated, “buy the opportune time.” We must use our “mercy currency” and buy this opportune time for revival. The word reformation in scripture (diorthosis) means to straighten thoroughly (see Hebrews 9:10). You can easily see the word ortho, as in orthopedics - the medical speciality which deals with skeletal issues, such as broken or misshappened limbs. God has measured America and no doubt found us crooked, broken, out of alignment. But in His mercy, through the precious blood of Christ, He is coming to straighten us. He is coming to us as our great Reformer! This Thanksgiving, ask for mercy...and give Him thanks! America shall be saved! Revival is coming to the planet..! Mercy. Mercy. Mercy. Mercy. Mercy. Mercy. Pray with me: Father, thank You for Your mercy. You keep covenant AND MERCY to a thousand generations. (Deuteronomy 7:9) Jesus, thank You for Your blood on the Mercy Seat. We thank You that it is still speaking, that it is the surety of a new and better covenant. (Hebrews 12.24) Thank You for the arrows which You said in one of the dreams, carry “Fire Power.” Thank You for the “early inheritance.” In another of the dreams, You said, twice, “Do NOT doubt this!” We do not doubt it. We decree Your words, “America shall be saved!” We agree with Your angel, “Mercy!” You are never late and appealing to heaven still works! We release revival fire into the earth! Our decree: We decree that we are buying revival with the blood of the Mercy Seat. The Reformer is coming to America. ******************************* Click on the link to watch the full video:
  10. 5 min read November 23, 2021 The Value of the Secret Place “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). The secret place is a dwelling place. Go there daily and you can “abide” in Yahweh’s protective shadow. The secret to a victorious life is an abiding life. Don’t settle for religion - enjoy spending time with Abba. My niece, Rachel Shafer, shares a powerful word and fitting pre-Thanksgiving testimony regarding the importance and benefit of living in the secret place. ******************************* Rachel says: “Recently, Holy Spirit whispered to me, ‘Don’t forsake the value of the secret place.’ I was instantly gripped in my heart and began pondering the statement. “One of the meanings of value is ‘the regard, importance, worth, or usefulness of something.’ It also means ‘to consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; to have a high opinion of.’ (1) “The word forsake means ‘to abandon, renounce or give up.’ (2) “Holy Spirit was urging me to remember the importance and benefits of the secret place, to value its worth in my life. What an awesome reminder for us as we continue navigating these challenging times. “In the New Testament, Jesus instructs us to go to a quiet place, a secret place, a room with the door shut when we pray (Matthew 6:6). He set an example for this by often going away from His followers to spend time alone with God. In Matthew 14, Jesus received the terrible news that King Herod had ordered the beheading of John the Baptist. Upon hearing this, verse 13 in The Message version says ‘He slipped away by boat to an out-of-the-way place by Himself.’ “Faced with tragic, heartbreaking news, Jesus knew He needed to get away to be alone with His Father. If we want to be infused with strength, grace, peace, hope - we need a secret place.” I (Dutch) cannot begin to recount the many “secret place” encounters I’ve had with my Father, with Christ and with Holy Spirit. The infusion of strength and confidence that comes from it is indescribable. Philippians 4:13 (AMP) says: “I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]” Rachel continues, “The secret place causes us to become more aware of God’s presence. And in His presence we stop focusing on our problems, and begin seeing His answers; we gain His perspective. We see as He sees and can begin to say what He says. In other words, the secret place enables us to approach our situation with wisdom from above. “Several years ago, I walked through one of the darkest moments of my life. Our youngest son, Jaidin, was having a surgery related to his cleft palate. The days after the surgery were a whirlwind of one thing after another going wrong. Jaidin couldn’t breathe on his own and had to be intubated. He could no longer walk, or even sit up on his own. He couldn’t swallow and was being fed through a feeding tube. “No one knew why. Doctors could not figure out why this was happening. It was heartbreaking. Jaidin was sad, mad and frustrated. And we were too. Finally, on the 11th day I woke up with words ringing in my heart, ‘Jesus’ blood never fails me.’ Later that day we received MRI results. The first words out of the neurologist’s mouth were, ‘This is not the news I had hoped to share with you today.’ The MRI showed that Jaidin had a lesion on his brain where the nerves were located that control swallowing and affect strength and balance. This gave us answers, but definitely not the answers we were expecting or wanted! “The doctors continued talking, telling us Jaidin might never regain his swallow or the complete function of his left side. They showed us pictures and explained different scenarios. At one point, I was feeling completely overwhelmed - it was information overload. I put my hand up and said, ‘I need you all to stop.’ “I ran out of the room down the hallway sobbing. I had to gather my thoughts and emotions. I knew that I needed secret place time with Jesus. I needed a higher perspective. I sat on a small couch in Jaidin’s hospital room, crying and praying. “It was in those moments I remembered I had awakened that morning with the words, ‘Jesus’ blood never fails me.’ His blood always speaks a better word (see Hebrews 12:24). Was I to think differently now that we had the MRI results? “No! The hope I have in Jesus is an anchor to my soul. I allowed Jesus to minister to my heart and Holy Spirit was able to encourage and comfort me - from the secret place. I had taken a few moments to get into His presence right there in that little hospital room. Jesus’ blood didn’t fail me and Jaidin recovered FULLY! “I value the secret place experience I had during that time. My prayer for each of you is that you will build a history of secret place experiences, encounters that will teach, change, shape, and empower you with God-breathed words you can speak into situations and times of testing. Also, that you would value the secret place reward of His presence.” Pray with me: Father, we honor You today, setting our hearts, souls and gaze upon You. We value our time with You, Lord. We know You desire to speak to us every day—guiding us in spirit and in truth. As we listen to You and obey Your Word, we can enjoy an abundant life. You invited us to come boldly to Your throne of grace to find help any time we have a need. We cherish those times with You. It is then that we recognize You as Abba, Papa. We know that our Abba is also the all-powerful, living God. We decree Your power into our situations and circumstances. Break into lives. Transform and restore broken hearts, souls and minds. Heal bodies, homes, and nations. We put our circumstances and times into Your hands, knowing that You hold the power to turn them all for our good. We will pursue you, Abba. We’re after Your heart. May Your will be done in our lives, our regions and all across this land. America shall be saved; revival is coming to the earth! Amen. Our Decree: We will not forsake the value of the secret place. We are a people pursuing the presence of the King. ********************************************* Today’s post was contributed by Rachel Shafer. You can learn more about Rachel and her story here. __________________________________ Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  11. 5 min read November 22, 2021 Moving Into a Season of Multiplication My friend, Chuck Pierce, along with others on his team, gave a word last week I want to share with you today. Even though it references what God wanted to do last week in the lives of those present in the meeting, it certainly would apply to the future, as well. In fact, this Thanksgiving week would be a great week to apply this word to your life. ************************************ Chuck prophesied: “This is a month of coming full circle and entering into second chances! The Lord is shifting our thought processes, removing distractions that keep us from unlocking our future! Do not narrow the boundaries He has for you, but receive the revelation that will enable you to possess your boundaries. “As Robert Heidler shared (during our most recent Celebration Service), Kislev is a month of dreams and visions. The Lord wants us to get in touch with our ability to hear His voice at night and capture what He is speaking to us. The Spirit of revelation and wisdom can cause you to see clearly from your dreams. You don’t have to be distracted when you lie down but can rest and sleep in wholeness and peace. In this month of Kislev, I send you forth into revelation as you give the Lord access to visit you at night! “The Lord says: ‘You are going to see beyond a place that you are now seeing. This week, I have begun to establish you new and fresh for your future. Do not see through the past, but stand and peer from the place that I am calling you to. You will see into dimensions you have never seen before. You will look beyond past limitations and say, “This is what was meant to be all along!” See, hear, and look into the place that I’m calling you to! “‘This is a season in which you’re going to enter the realm of spiritual multiplication. You’re going to multiply My fire, multiply My glory, multiply My grace, multiply My favor, and multiply My love! You’re going to multiply every resource that I send to you! Multiply under My anointing of multiplication! “‘Watch this week for I will remind you of how I have brought you out in order to bring you in. Watch, for My reminder will explode within you. You will see how I have walked with you through floods and fires, and brought you to this moment. This will be a week of Me reminding you how I am with you, to lead and guide you into the days ahead. “‘Awake, awake, awake, O sleeper! (Ephesians 5:14)Now is the time to awake! When you awake this week you will hear a freshness, a newness - a word that will carry you forth. I am calling you to awake. Awake, O sleeper! Rise up! Rise up! This is a time to arise, for the sleepers to awake. As you awake, let your ear be attuned to what I am speaking to you. “‘I am shaking, I am roaring and I am taking distractions off your mind that have kept you from being able to worship Me. Some things have come in a form that look religious and good, but actually are distractions that keep you from worshipping or even knowing Me. Anything that keeps you from wanting to know Me is a distraction. Break every distraction that comes with a form of godliness but denies the power thereof. Worship Me in Spirit and in truth. “‘This week you will hear your reminder not to be distracted by little things, petty things, little foxes that come to unsettle the spirit of man. Distractions will not keep you from seeing your moment.’” Life is constantly barraging us with distractions. The past 2 years have been even worse. In Luke 10:40 Jesus said Martha was distracted from listening to Him by her activities. The King James Translation uses the word “cumbered.” The Greek word is perispao, and means literally “to drag in circles.” Its derived meanings include, “to drag all around; to be distracted; to be driven mentally; to be over-occupied.” Life has a way of piling too much on us, causing us to not hear Him. In this prophecy, Holy Spirit says if we will slow down and listen, He will remove distractions and bring revelation of our future. The Lord specifically says He will speak to us through dreams and visions. Some of you have never experienced this. Why don’t you ask Holy Spirit to bring this word to pass for you. Ask Him to speak to you with dreams and visions. Don’t think of visions in the sense of a trance-like encounter, though they can come in this way, but think of them as Holy Spirit bringing a picture or impression to your mind. He says that as He removes the distractions and speaks to us it will move us into a season of multiplication. What a great promise. Holy Spirit wants to take us from glory to glory, strength to strength, and faith to faith. For some, He will multiply your finances and meet the financial needs you have. Others will have healing multiplied in their emotions and bodies. Others will receive multiplied insights and understanding. One thing is certain, God is a God of multiplication. Ask and believe for this! Psalm 46:7-10 from The Passion Translation tells us: “Here He comes! The Commander! The Mighty Lord of Angel Armies is on our side! The God of Jacob fights for us! Pause in His presence. Everyone look! Come and see the breathtaking wonders of our God. For He brings both ruin and revival. He’s the one who makes conflicts end throughout the earth, breaking and burning every weapon of war. Surrender your anxiety. Be still and realize that I am God. I am God above all the nations, and I am exalted throughout the whole earth. Here He stands! The Commander! The mighty Lord of Angel Armies is on our side! The God of Jacob fights for us! Pause in His presence.” ******************************* Now, slow down and allow that to go deep in your heart. It will invigorate you. Pray with me: Father, thank You for this word of encouragement. We choose to lay down that which we have been dragging around unnecessarily. As this Psalm says, we surrender our anxiety. We say “no” to the distractions that weary our souls. We ask for Your help in doing this, and are confident that You will do so. You are our helper, Holy Spirit. As we do this, we fully expect You to speak to us. We believe You will talk to us about our future and awaken us to Your plans and purposes for our lives. Give us dreams and visions. Open us to supernatural communication with You. Do this in order for us to be a blessing to others, as well as causing us to prosper personally. We ask for this week to be a significant week of refreshing and recovery. As we give You thanks for Your many blessings, we ask for renewed vision and strength. And as this great Psalm also says, we remember that You are God above all the nations. You stand as commander among the nations and will be exalted throughout the whole earth. And You, the Lord of Angel Armies, are on our side! You will fight for us. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we will obey Psalm 46: we pause in God’s presence and take in His majesty. ********************************** Click on the link below to watch the full the video. Chuck Pierce is the senior leader of Glory of Zion and Global Spheres in Corinth, Texas. You can find out more about GOZ and Chuck here. The prophetic word in today’s post from Chuck Pierce was taken from The Elijah List [November 17, 2021]. You can read the entire post here. Enjoy this and other prophetic articles at the Elijah List or Elijah Streams.
  12. 6 min read November 19, 2021 Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead Holy Spirit is stirring intercessors to pray regarding the December 1st abortion case coming before the Supreme Court. This is an incredibly important case that could reverse Roe vs Wade. My friend Ken Malone contacted me a week ago, saying: “The Spirit moved on me very strongly this morning (November 11th) to pray for Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. I experienced an intense, travailing, birthing prayer. As it occurred, I remembered the dream I had last year [which we will share]. I believe that with concerted prayer, Holy Spirit can shift his views. I feel something huge is about to be birthed out of the court. We have to continue praying, making sure this case is decided correctly.” Here is the dream Ken mentioned: “I awakened from a dream on 7/22/20, around 3:00 A.M., to the sound of a thunderstorm just offshore in the Atlantic Ocean. “In the dream, one of my spiritual daughters was working in the U.S. Supreme Court cafeteria. Chief Justice John Roberts came to her and said, ‘Tell Ken Malone our positions are being overrun, I need his help.’ “My spiritual daughter then relayed his message to me. “I replied ‘Damn the Torpedoes. Tell him we’re coming.’” End of Dream. Ken and I believe the dream has renewed significance. “Damn the torpedoes” was a phrase used by David Farragut, a Rear Admiral aboard a Union ship during the battle of Mobile Bay, August 5, 1864. [The actual quote Farragut used is, "Damn the torpedoes! Four bells. Captain Drayton, go ahead! Jouett, full speed!"(1)] The ensuing important Union victory, together with the capture of Atlanta, was extensively covered by Union newspapers and, 3 months later, was a significant boost for Abraham Lincoln's bid for re-election. In response to the dream, Ken, I, and several other intercessors, immediately planned a prayer journey to D.C. We decided to go on August 4-5, 2020, the anniversary of Farragut’s declaration. Holy Spirit gave us more important insights leading up to the prayer times: While I was en route to D.C., one of my spiritual sons sent me a text, saying, “It is no coincidence that you are arriving in D.C. the same day as hurricane Isaias. The name means, ‘Yahweh is our salvation.’ You will release Yahweh’s salvation in D.C.” Just before my plane departed for D.C., the arrival time into D.C. was adjusted back, from 2:29 p.m. to 2:22 p.m. God has used the number “22” for twenty-five years, hundreds of times, to remind me of Isaiah 22:22. It often happens when I’m on a strategic assignment. This verse speaks of possessing spiritual keys, which symbolize governmental authority with which to permanently open and close doors. I was already confident God had instructed us to go on this prayer journey, but after these two occurrences, I began to feel the significance increase in my heart. Holy Spirit wasn’t finished preparing us, however. As I entered my hotel room a trusted prophetic friend - whom I hadn’t spoken to in several months and who did not know I was in D.C. - phoned me. He, too, referenced the hurricane’s name as significant (“Yahweh is salvation”) and then connected the name to Isaiah 22:22! God had already used the arrival time as a reminder of this verse, now He was using the hurricane’s name to do so. My friend said, “You must decree Yahweh’s salvation (Isaias) over America, the Supreme Court and White House, opening and closing doors as Holy Spirit leads” (see Isaiah 22:22). The following morning, August 5, the anniversary of Farragut’s decree, we went to the Supreme Court to pray. While sitting on the steps, my friend, Matt Lockett, leader of the Justice House of Prayer, approached us. He had no idea we were even there! Matt’s calling for over a decade has been to lead daily prayer for the Supreme Court, and because of his obedience and thousands of hours of prayer, Matt walks in great spiritual authority regarding the Court. We prayed much for God’s strong hand to shift the ideology of the Court—both by replacing left-leaning Justices, and/or by changing the legal philosophies and paradigms of the members. Holy Spirit then revealed a double meaning associated with Farragut’s phrase, “Damn the torpedoes.” As we were praying, someone said, “Maybe God wants to literally damn ‘torpedoes’ [‘hidden weapons, under the surface’], which have been employed by satanic forces against the Court.” We looked up the meaning of the Greek word translated “damn” in Scripture, (for example, “he that believeth not shall be damned” - Mark 16:16), and found that it is a legal, judicial term meaning “to judge, condemn or sentence!” Is this why Holy Spirit used it in the dream? Because the biblical concept is judicial?! We felt it was. With this understanding and with our prayers, we damned - “judged and condemned” - the “torpedoing” of the Supreme Court, binding the plans, schemes, and influences of satan. As we prayed, Holy Spirit then reminded us of my arrival time into D.C. being rolled back to 2:22 p.m. We began to feel this was more than simply another reminder of our Isaiah 22:22 authority. We believed it was also a prophetic picture stating that Holy Spirit intended to “roll back” wrong decisions made by the Court - “rolling back time,” as it were. We felt that He was saying we would now see unrighteous, unbiblical, and unconstitutional decisions by the Court reversed through Isaiah 22:22 prayers and authority. Now to today. In this upcoming case, America is poised to receive one of her greatest judicial breakthroughs ever. Far left, activist judges have controlled the Supreme Court for 60 years. And, as I said yesterday, no entity has opened the door to more devastation and destruction in America than the Supreme Court: sixty million aborted babies (let that sink in - 60 million!); the removal of God from government and schools; the redefining of God’s most sacred institution, marriage; transgenderism - girls now share showers with males at school; and so much more. If the insanity isn’t stopped soon, polygamy will be next, followed by people marrying animals. The violence, crime, poverty, disease, family decay, addiction, and other wages we have reaped from the Court’s rulings are devastating beyond belief. However, no issue surpasses the hideous aspects of abortion. One governor recently announced that it’s ok to kill babies that survive abortions - after making them comfortable, of course. Yours and my tax dollars still fund an organization that sells murdered babies’ body parts! Members of Congress defend, laud and support these heinous behaviors. Much of America has gone mad! The Supreme Court opened the door to this hellish behavior. We have finally reached a point where the Court can be turned and reversals begin! Holy Spirit spoke to us very clearly while in D.C. that day in 2020 that this is the season when we can “roll back time,” reversing gains and “damning torpedoes” fired by satan. I am appealing to you, please pray faithfully, fervently, and boldly regarding this case, and for the continued shifting of the Supreme Court. Pray with me: Father, thank You for reminding us of this dream. Millions of people have prayed and repented over the last 50 years for the reversing of this evil decree. We know it has grieved Your heart tremendously. Once again, we ask for Your mercy. Forgive us and heal our land. We ask You to move on the members of the court, guiding their thought processes as they deliberate regarding this case. Prick their consciences. Break their hearts. Awaken them to the evil of this law. And give us a ruling that honors life. We pray especially for Justice Roberts. He has drifted to the left, but we believe You can turn him back. Please do this. And we ask You to turn the hearts of those in America who favor this evil called abortion. We know this will take a great revival, one that changes the hearts of people. Only when You write Your laws and nature on our hearts can we think as You do. Please give us this revival and awaken us once again. We ask this in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that Roe versus Wade will be overturned, and babies in the womb will once again be protected in America. _______________________________ Click on the link below to watch the full episode. 138 likes. Post marked as liked
  13. 5 min read November 18, 2021 We Must Not Miss This Opportunity I appreciate Intercessors For America. Their long and fruitful track record of praying for America is unsurpassed. In the following report, Dave Kubal shares from an interview with former Governor of Mississippi, Phil Bryant, regarding the upcoming (December 1, 2021) Supreme Court abortion case. “As Mississippi Governor from 2012 to 2020, Phil Bryant attacked key social ills. Rates for unemployment, high school dropouts, and teen pregnancies hit record lows during his tenure. But what he really wanted to stop was abortion. “In an interview with IFA’s Dave Kubal, Bryant shared: ‘The number one issue— the first thing we all do as governors or anyone in public life— is public safety. To protect the lives of our citizens. These (pre-born children) are citizens. And they deserve due process. They deserve the constitutional rights of every citizen of the United States. They are children of God and we must lay down our lives, if necessary, to protect them.’ “Hope for doing this came with the heartbeat bill and the science of the sonogram. ‘At about fifteen weeks, you can detect…that heartbeat, the brain is beginning to mature. Life clearly exists,’ Bryant said. ‘So it was a viability question. Is that child viable? Is it a human life? And if it is a human life, does the state of Mississippi have a right to protect it? We said it does and we are going to fight it all the way to the Supreme Court.’ “This case—Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health—aims directly at Roe v. Wade. Bryant said, ‘Our 10th amendment said all of those laws that are not prohibited—powers that are not specifically given to the federal government—are those of the states. We believe this is a state’s’ rights issue.’ “Bryant is no stranger to the court system. He was sued over the state flag, religious freedoms, even the state budget. ‘And all of the cases went to the same judge. Remarkably the same Obama-appointed judge got every case in which I was sued,’ Bryant said. “But things went differently with the lawsuit over the heartbeat bill. ‘It went to the Fifth Circuit and the Fifth Circuit said, “We’re trying to deliberate as to whether or not we will hear it,’” Bryant said. ‘And the United States Supreme Court said, “We are going to hear it.” We’re going to pull that out and bring it before the United States Supreme Court. Remarkable that this is happening at this time.’ “Bryant isn’t shy about his goal: ‘[These judicial activists] thought it was a big deal, “Oh we got him to admit that he wants to [end abortion in Mississippi].” Praise God I do! You got me! If you want me to say I want to end abortion, you got me. I’ll write it down and testify to it.’ “His testimony is fueled from heaven. ‘I was just looking this morning at my devotional Jesus Calling. It says “Do not let any set of circumstances intimidate you. The more challenging your day, the more of My power I place at your disposal. Amen,’” Bryant said. ‘That is for today. He is placing His power at our disposal for this purpose and we can’t let any set of circumstances intimidate us.’” The battle for life in America has been long, indeed. Winston Churchill once said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” As usual, the great Churchill’s wisdom was profound. There have been many failures in this battle, but I believe the courage and tenacity to continue will, indeed, prevail. Charles Spurgeon once said, “Through perseverance, the snail reached the ark.”(1) While preparing to visit the Supreme Court for my first time in the early 90’s, Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Now I’m going to show you where the strongman over America lives.” (See Matthew 12.29) No person or persons has opened the door to more evil in America in the last 60 years than the Supreme Court. There have been some great and righteous Justices over that span, as there currently are, but nonetheless, the Court’s legislation and approval of evil have been unsurpassed. Their decisions have not only made a mockery of the Constitution, but they have shaken their fists in God’s face, epitomizing Psalm 2:1-3 (TPT): “How dare the nations plan a rebellion. Their foolish plots are futile! Look at how the power brokers of the world rise up to hold their summit as the rulers scheme and confer together against Yahweh and His Anointed King, saying: ‘Let’s come together and break away from the Creator. Once and for all let’s cast off these controlling chains of God and His Christ!’” Interestingly, as I write this my friend Matt Lockett just texted me. Matt leads the Justice House of Prayer in DC, the prayer group which has prayed daily at the Court (with the red “LIFE” tape) for over a decade. He told me: “It’s interesting that Ken Malone’s dream, ‘Damn the Torpedoes’ was on 7-22. This year, the Mississippi brief arrived at SCOTUS on 7-22. Leading up to that a prophet said to me that we needed to be prophesying Daniel 7:22 over the state’s brief. We did, and they changed their legal strategy to openly calling for the overturning of Roe vs Wade.” I will share Ken’s dream in tomorrow’s post. The verse Matt referenced, Daniel 7:22, tells us: “Until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom” (NASV). I and others have prayed this verse over America for years. We must pray it now as never before. It is time for this evil and despicable law to be overturned. We must also pray that the evil hold of this principality over the Court be broken once and for all. Its power base there has been long and strong. Many will go there to march and cry out for death from now leading up to the case. Others of us will go to cry out for life. Join us in praying Daniel 7:22 and in binding the evil hold over the Supreme Court. Pray with me: Father, we have asked You many times to cleanse us for the shedding of innocent blood in our nation. Millions of prayers of repentance have been offered regarding this. The evil principality, Baal, has been empowered to control our nation through these blood sacrifices for over 5 decades. 60 million babies have been sacrificed to this spirit. Yet, in Your mercy, You have kept us free and preserved our destiny as a nation. We have received grace upon grace. Now, we have come to an opportunity for breakthrough. We ask You to release the power of Holy Spirit to influence the Supreme Court of America. We ask that they be moved upon to reverse this evil. Influence their thinking; ensure that they not be influenced by any wrong thinking, deception, or demonic pressure. May they boldly and courageously do what is right. And may it further the process of breaking this stronghold off of America. We thank You for saving America..! “Jesus, I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America.” [This is a 22-word prayer Lou Engle wrote to replace the 22-word prayer the Supreme Court ruled was unconstitutional - the Engle vs. Vitale case of 1962.] Amen. Our decree: We decree that the evil law, Roe versus Wade, will be overturned in America. ************************************ Today’s post includes an article from Intercessors for America (click here to see it). Please visit for this and many other great articles, as well as materials to aid us in prayer for America. ________________________________________ Click here to watch the video:
  14. 5 min read November 16, 2021 Fire Word Decrees Holy Spirit gave my brother, Tim Sheets, a strong word with a unique phrase: Fire Word Decrees. In the word, these are decrees made by the church, which Holy Spirit releases as fiery arrows. It seems clear from this word that Holy Spirit is shifting us into a season of great victory over His enemies: *********************************** Tim says, “Recently as I was praying over our nation I received a vision from the Holy Spirit. I believe this revelation and prophetic insight will give us discernment of our times and strategies to implement. “I saw a vast army of angel warriors. Each angel was carrying a bronze bow and the lines of angels stretched in all directions. They were moving away from a huge warehouse and I knew they had been inside the building. The sign on the warehouse read ‘Arsenal: Fire Word Decrees.’ I then saw the angels raise their bronze bows in unison and release flaming arrows. Each tip of the arrow was ablaze and the angels were firing them as quickly as possible. The sky was filled with these arrows; they were targeted at enemy positions the Lord allowed me to see. When the arrows hit the target they exploded into greater flames like fire balls. I was then given an aerial view and saw that the barrage of arrows were devastating the positions of our enemies. I heard Holy Spirit shout, ‘Behold the “fire words” of the King’s ekklesia! Empty the arsenals, shoot at the strongholds and hell’s princes will fall.’ I then saw the front gate of a stronghold beginning to fall forward. As it fell I could read the sign over it, which read: ‘Camp Evil.’ “After praying about this, Holy Spirit revealed to me it is time for a move of God that will destroy strongholds in this nation. Angelic warriors are going to empty arsenals filled with the ‘fire word decrees’ of the ekklesia. Holy Spirit has stored these decrees up for an appointed time, just as Revelation 5:8 describes, stating that the prayers and decrees of the saints are stored in golden bowls. These ‘word seeds’ have now grown and matured, and angels are assisting in bringing them to pass. “As the voice of God thunders across America through the mouths of His sons and daughters, demonic princes that have ruled territories with their dark agenda will be dethroned. Holy Spirit and His armies are now beginning to tip the bowls, emptying the prayer and decree arsenals of King Jesus. America is going to be saved and camps of evil, along with its leaders, are going to fall. “This revelation from the Holy Spirit reminded me of a previous prophetic word the Lord gave me: You are moving into the explosive era of Holy Spirit. My dunamis will activate prayer decrees causing explosive energy to come forth. I will now reintroduce Holy Spirit to the world. He will be revealed in new ways to and through My people, and will be seen as the Mighty One of heaven who fills My heirs with power. You are now entering a glorious season of a Holy Spirit planned campaign. It will be seen and felt, invading the earth with My prevailing might. You have seen natural incendiaries; now watch incendiaries in the spirit realm. I am bringing fire and activating dunamis. You are entering a time of My Kingdom fireworks. “You have seen the fireworks of your adversary, now you will see the Holy Spirit’s fireworks. You will also see the firepower of the ekklesia. It will not be fireworks of grandeur in the sky, streaking and falling to the earth in a show. It will be fireworks of explosive spiritual power, decreed by My ekklesia, raining upon thrones of iniquity. My fireworks will explode against demonic princes, preparing the way for My Kingdom to invade the earth. My power will explode against rulers of darkness. They can run and scatter but they can’t hide. My warriors will find them. I am coming to explode against and destroy the works of hell. This has been decided by the determinant council of the Godhead. I will not relent. “Take courage, says the Lord of Hosts. I have now released weapons of war reserved for your time, new weapons in the spirit realm. Hear the sound of angel armies prepared for battle. I will activate the armories, energize the ‘word missiles,’ fuel and empower the ‘word bombs’ of My ekklesia. I will fuel the ‘decrees’ of the King’s ekklesia with explosive power to demolish demonic blockades. For as surely as fire rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah, I will rain My fire on entrenched iniquity that has raised itself against Me. The combatants aligned with the forever loser will feel the explosive power of My might. For this day I am releasing angels of war who will raid and confuse the camps of My enemies. Watch, says the Lord of hosts, as the enemies of My Kingdom begin to fight one another. Friendly fire will come into the camps of My enemy. I will divide their language and they will tear down their own towers. “I will not be mocked. For I have heard the decrees of My faithful remnant who have released what I say. My Holy Spirit has filled their mouths with decrees of faith, which will now explode against the strongholds and schemes of evil, the hidden enemies of My Kingdom. The prevailing nature of Jesus is now filling the hearts and mouths of My heirs. Bold determination is filling them. The warriors of My Kingdom will now march and activate, through Holy Spirit power, ‘word bombs’ from My glory realm. ‘Verbal missiles,’ launched under Holy Spirit command, will hit the mark. Verbal, prophetic missiles, targeting Holy Spirit-planned attack points will destroy demonic strongholds. My ‘word bombs’ will explode, for a season of Holy Spirit power, released through the King’s ekklesia, has begun. A season when angel armies join forces with Father’s heirs and their ‘fire word decrees,’ has come. Power that brought a mud ball [earth] to order will now be seen on the planet again. Angels of fire and glory will be commissioned to help finish the plans of heaven. They will assist a flourishing finish. “The Lord’s present word to us is that He will use the ‘fire word decrees,’ stored in Kingdom arsenals, to set off kingdom fireworks. Tim concludes by saying, “We have planted millions of these seeds across this planet; massive crops of them are growing everywhere. The greatest harvest in all of history is now due. Hell doesn’t stand a chance.” ********************************** Pray with me: Lord, we align our voices with Yours in order to take down the powers of darkness. We decree that Your voice will be heard through Your ekklesia as our voices align with Your Words. Activate Your voice onto this planet. Activate the “fire words” of the King’s ekklesia across this earth. Come, God, and reshape America. Reshape the nations. Let the brightness of Your glory reveal the darkness in this world. Loose the warriors of heaven and the arsenals filled with the “fire word decrees” of the ekklesia. Loose angel warriors to empty the arsenals, releasing flaming arrows that devastate the positions of our enemy. Release your angels of fire and glory. We thank you for the promise of Holy Spirit that “word seeds” are being activated to produce after their kind. We pray that this entire planet would receive these fire arrows, along with the prayers that have been stored up for this appointed time. Loose Your voice through Your heirs, throughout America and across this world. Thank You, God, for the release of angelic assistance and the power of the Holy Spirit now being released. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Our Decree: Our voices are aligning with heaven’s plans, to help produce the greatest harvest of the ages. ******************************************** Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim Sheets. You can learn more about Tim here. Click on the link below to watch the full video. 160 likes. Post marked as liked
  15. 6 min read November 15, 2021 Bringing the Nation into an Early Inheritance I was sent a very interesting and encouraging dream a few days ago by my friend, Clay Nash. Before I share the dream I need to review a couple of details from one of Gina Gholston‘s dreams, and the entirety of a subsequent dream given to her. My (Dutch) comments are in bold italics. Red River Eagles In the first dream, Gina was at the Red River Meeting House. One hundred eagles were there. After a geyser erupted, symbolizing the reopening of this well of revival, the eagles departed, flying through the water and becoming drenched with it. They then flew to different parts of America with the “revival water” falling off of them onto different regions. Each eagle had a scroll in one claw, 3 arrows in the other. There is much more to the dream, which you can read about in a previous post here. The Eagles Release Their Arrows In the second dream, Gina saw the eagles once again. Here is that dream: “I dreamed I was standing with someone on a deck-like structure in a very lofty place in the heavens. From this place, we were looking down, observing the United States of America. I did not know who the man was standing next to me, but I could feel a strong anointing from him, causing me to have an indescribable hope for the nation! “As we were looking down, we saw what first appeared to be warplanes flying over the U.S. The gentleman next to me said, ‘Oh my, I wonder what is happening in America? What do all of these warplanes mean?’ He said this, not with concern, but almost as though he was wanting me to see something that wasn’t obvious. He looked at me as if I should know the right answer to his questions. “I said, ‘Those are not warplanes, those are eagles! I have seen them before in a dream. There are 100 of them. They’re carrying water from the reopened well of revival at the Red River Meeting House. It has been unlocked and is now gushing forth into the nation.’ “Then I could clearly see that the eagles, just as in the previous dream, were carrying arrows in one of their talons and a rolled-up piece of paper in the other. Also, they were still drenched and releasing water from the geyser erupting on the grounds of the Red River Meeting House. “As the eagles were flying (in all directions) across America, suddenly they all began diving toward the ground. When near the ground they leveled off, and they began dropping their arrows into the land. I knew there were 100 eagles, and each carried three arrows, so 300 were released throughout the land. When each arrow hit the ground it ignited as though it had hit a gas pocket and a spiraling plume of fire shot up. Then we watched as the water the eagles were carrying and releasing was also being ignited by the fire. The water from the Red River Meeting House was extremely flammable and instantly caught fire. It seemed that all of America was on fire. “In the dream, I became VERY aware of the power and presence of God, fell to my knees, and began to sob uncontrollably! The gentleman with me then began speaking under an incredibly heavy anointing. (It was then that I noticed he had a very strong accent.) He said: ‘You have seen correctly! This is how America will be saved! Do NOT doubt it! There is coming a sweeping move of the Spirit of God that will ignite America with the fire of His presence. This will bring a swift, undeniable awareness of God and an awakening. What seems to be one thing is about to be revealed as another. Some are in fear because of how things appear, but others SEE with holy awe and expectation! “‘The eagles are on assignment. They carry “Fire Power”; they carry glory. And at the precise moment, their arrows will be released, hit their targets, and the move of God will ignite and spread very quickly!’ Then he said again, ‘Do NOT doubt it!’ “Still on my knees, I looked up at the man, and I somehow knew he was Duncan Campbell, one of the ministers from the great Hebrides revival.” ***************************** Clay Nash Dream “I dreamed the morning of Nov. 4th that the Lord told me to tell Dutch Sheets that He, God, was about to bring the nation into an early inheritance. “The dream shifted immediately to Dutch and I standing in front of an arcade machine. It had a toy bulldozer inside that was surrounded by Morgan Silver Dollars. The machine would move the dozer forward, then backward.” My remarks (Dutch): I believe the Morgan silver dollar was chosen in this dream for a couple of reasons. First, until this year it had been 100 years, back to 1921, since this coin had been minted. One hundred (100) is the biblical number of “fullness.” Abraham received the fulfillment of Isaac’s promised birth when he was 100 years old. A 100-fold return in scripture is a full return. We use the number 100 to speak of completeness or fullness of any item - 100%. The dream actually mentions the phrase ‘fullness of time’ at the end. So, most likely, the dream is using the Morgan Silver Dollar to picture a fullness of time. I will mention another reason I believe it is used at the end. The phrase “early inheritance” has fascinated me - God was bringing the nation an “early inheritance.” I believe our prayers and actions can have a bearing on God‘s timing. For example, because of unbelief the Israelites experienced a 40-year delay in receiving their inheritance of the promised land. In 2 Peter 3:12, scripture seems to be saying we can “hasten” the day of Christ’s appearing. Given the fact that our prayers and actions are used by the Lord to accomplish things in the earth, it seems logical that in some situations this determines His timing. Could this phrase in the dream be saying to us that our prayers and actions have enabled the Lord to bring America’s revival and restoration sooner than what was originally possible? I believe it is, that He is saying to us, “It’s working; keep praying!” Clay continues, “Dutch spoke and said the nation’s inheritance would begin there. He then said that if he had a Morgan Silver Dollar (to drop into the machine), he felt it could initiate a tipping point for a release of the nation’s early inheritance. I told him I had one in my pocket that my grandfather had given me that I always carried. I offered it to Dutch, but he refused it. I insisted, saying, ‘If you believe the tipping point can begin here, then you must use my coin.’ “Dutch took the Morgan Silver Dollar cautiously and sought God on when and where to drop, place and position the dollar. He waited for the dozer to reach its furthest back position. In the millisecond of time the dozer stood still, he dropped the dollar. The Morgan Silver Dollar fell perfectly, placed perfectly and performed perfectly. The toy dozer began to shove every Morgain dollar into the chute and they slid into Dutch’s possession. “Dutch began looking for my coin in order that he could return it to me. The third coin he picked had a slim piece of paper attached. It almost looked like what would be found in a fortune cookie. The paper said, ‘Welcome to the fullness of time.’” End of dream. Obviously, this printed statement reinforces what I said initially: we have come to a fulness of time. However, I believe there is another reason the Morgan Silver Dollar was used. On the back of the coin is an eagle holding three arrows in one of its claws. I believe God is confirming to us that the “fullness of time” has come for the arrows in Gina’s dream to be released. In her dream, the arrows were carrying fire and glory. Everywhere they were released, the fires of revival sprang up. According to Clay’s dream, this release of revival fire will restore to us our inheritance. And it’s coming “early” - we’re speeding up time! I’m not sure of the place; Clay was not shown in the dream. I said, however, “The nation’s inheritance will begin there.” Clay had the sense that the place was significant. God will show us where, if the location was, indeed, significant. Pray with me: Father, thank You for continuing to encourage and lead us as we pray for the release of Your great Holy Spirit outpouring. We are confident this is beginning. In the dream You said, “Do NOT doubt this.” We are confident that the prophetic arrows of deliverance and fire are positioned for the great release. They possess “Fire Power,” revival water and glory. You also said, “This is how America shall be saved.” Revival will save America. We ask for the arrows to be released NOW! We ask for an “earlier than expected” release, an “early inheritance.” You who change the times and seasons, please shift it now. And we align our decree with Your promise: “Arrows of the Lord’s deliverance, be released now!” We command the release of Your Kingdom into America, just as You instructed us. [“Thy Kingdom come,” in what we call the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:10) is actually a command. We are not commanding God; we are commanding FOR God.] We command the release of life. We command the release of deliverance, of new beginnings, of healed minds and bodies. And we command the breaking of all opposition, the tearing down of strongholds. We do this in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we have reached a fullness of time, and the fire of revival is now being released. ********************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  16. 7 min read November 11, 2021 A Veterans Day Tribute From A Military Caregiver This is Veterans’ Day. I have asked Jennifer Ostan, a friend of ours and wife of a combat veteran, to share her perspective of this important day. Jennifer is married to Major (Ret.) Will Ostan, who served honorably in the U.S. Army for 12 years. She now serves as Will’s caregiver, which she will explain, and has found a community among other military/veteran caregivers through the Elizabeth Dole Foundation ( They have twin daughters who are also learning to share their stories as military caregiver kids. At the end of the post we’ve provided links to the organization the Ostans founded to serve our veterans, as well as other great groups who serve these heroes. Here is Jennifer’s story... ****************************************** “I was sitting in my home office when I felt a breeze blow through the open window. It filled the room and was powerful enough to blow a card off of the decorative bulletin board I have on my wall. That board holds memories, special moments, and art prints that say things like, ‘Take it Day by Day’ and ‘Courage, Dear Heart’ - all visual reminders for my weary soul. The card that was carried to the ground by the gust of wind had a simple, but powerful picture on it – two pairs of shoes. One pair of red high heels and, next to those, a pair of tan leather lace-up military combat boots. Someone hand-made it with little cutouts of shoes and tiny little shoelaces that dangle off the card, just like the memories attached to them – so easily caught up in a breeze that likewise stirred them up in my mind. I opened the card to refresh my memory as to why I had it hanging there in the first place. It reads: ‘I believe 11-11 will always be an Anniversary, of sorts, for us. Thank you for loving me during my darkest hour. The best is yet to come!’ “My husband penned those words, not only as a Veteran, but as a wounded warrior, whose darkest hour has included fighting a rare disease from toxic exposure in Afghanistan. His words still ring true today, and I imagine they ring true for the more than 18 million veterans whose families, friends, and communities have loved and honored them in their darkest hours, all clinging to the hope that the best is still yet to come! “I have never really thought of Veteran’s Day as an Anniversary – in the traditional sense - Like that of a wedding, a career, or a milestone we mark each year. Anniversaries prompt us to pause and reflect, to celebrate or mourn, and to take stock of years gone by and all they’ve held in both joy and sorrow. As I sit here, a few days away from Veterans Day 2021, I am gripped by the words in that card and the anniversary that approaches. I’m grateful that, as a Nation, we come together on one sacred day each November to honor the roughly 7% of our adult population who have fought our wars and sacrificed more than most could ever imagine. Many of those men and women are combat veterans who come back with wounds, both visible and invisible, and their families, friends, and loved ones have the sacred job of tending to them and bringing light into the inevitable dark days and moments ahead. As a nation, we all rally around the idea that not only is America worth fighting for, but her Veterans and wounded warriors are also worth fighting for and honoring upon their return. “In contrast, we must also recognize that this Veteran’s Day is not just another anniversary or year gone by…this year has been extra hard on our nation’s heroes, and the domino effect it has had on their families and caregivers has been unbearable at times. With the events that unfolded in Afghanistan, a war that our Veterans have been a part of for 20 long, remarkable years, came an entire range of emotions, experiences, and convictions that rose to the surface. This is not just another day to find a Veteran and say “thank you for your service,” although that is always appreciated. This Veterans Day is an opportunity to understand, enter into empathy, and come alongside the heroes we honor and celebrate, to convey ‘I see you, I see your sacrifice, and you are not alone.’ “It is an opportunity to slow down, quiet our personal thoughts and opinions, and listen to the brave men and women who laced up those boots and bravely wore them into war. For out of their hearts, minds, and mouths will come stories we need to hear - if we will take time to ask and listen. Stories of sacrifice and courage, victory and defeat. Stories of heart-wrenching grief or infuriating anger and agony over the injustices seen and lived. Stories of families and allies left behind, both home and abroad. Stories of courage in the face of overwhelming fear. Stories of dodged bullets, close calls, and unspeakable tragedy that struck without a moment’s notice. Not all of these stories will come from the battlefield, however. Some of these stories originate on the home-front – where spouses and children, mothers and fathers, friends and brothers are bravely holding down the fort, experiencing all manner of challenges on their own, all tied to the service of their Veteran. These too, are among the oft’ overlooked and invisible casualties of war. No, this year is not like anniversaries past, it requires intentionality from us all. “As I pinned that card back on my bulletin board, I was reminded of an eerily similar photo I have, taken the night my husband returned from Afghanistan. It captured my shoes, kicked off next to his tan Army boots and his military duffle bag at the front door. In that moment, when I took that photo – I had nothing but happiness and relief in my heart, believing that the worst was over. That surely I’d be celebrating each Veterans Day to come with nothing but pride and joy in my heart – for my young family had made it through another deployment with our soldier safely home. Little did I know, when I kicked off those bright red, polka dot shoes, I’d spend the next 8 years fighting alongside my Veteran, counting the many tangible costs of his sacrifice…our sacrifice. His physical body, ravaged by toxic exposure, reminds me daily of the vast, varying, and lasting effects of war - on him and countless others. Many of whom have been so brave to share their stories with those who will listen. “Now to you, fellow Americans, who enjoy the liberties bought and paid for by brave volunteers living among us, in our homes, in our neighborhoods, in our hearts…to you, fellow Christians, who live in a nation that values honor and anniversaries, I challenge you to pause a little longer this Veterans Day…look a little deeper and listen more intently. This November, I challenge you to show up, even when you don’t know where to start. Whether that’s mowing a lawn, bringing a meal, leaving a note, or loving on their kids. Start somewhere. For this is not only how we remember, this is how we heal. We create safe spaces in our relationships to bring into the light all that has been loved, lost, and sacrificed, and we honor those who have lived those stories - both at war and on the homefront. “We remember that this year came in like a gust of wind that knocked loose memories that had been pinned to the walls of war. We recognize that current events have jarred and jostled, tearing afresh the wounds – both visible and invisible. You and I have the sacred honor of tending to those wounds. This Veterans Day, would you ask the Lord, who sees all and feels all, to help you see and feel it too. It’s often the simplest gesture that speaks the loudest. For in our ‘slowing down’ and ‘standing alongside’ those who have selflessly served our nation, we speak into their hearts a burst of hope that says ‘you are not alone and the best is yet to come!’ **************************** Pray with me: “Heavenly Father – we slow down today and we take a moment to pause and reflect on this anniversary, of sorts. We ask that You give us eyes to see and ears to hear, as we honor the brave men and women who have selflessly volunteered to serve in our Nation’s military, both past, and present - over decades of war. We bring before You the wounds they bear, both visible and invisible, and we ask for Your healing balm to soothe and repair. We count with them, and their caregivers, the costs of their sacrifice and ask You to restore in abundance all that has been lost. We pray that You comfort our Veterans and their loved ones who have witnessed the events unfolding in Afghanistan and experienced inexplicable trauma, anger, confusion, and more, all over again. We ask for empathy and understanding when their responses to these tragedies do not make sense to us. God, give us tangible ways to come alongside them and shine a light on the path to healing. Help us to find ways to celebrate, with honor, the liberties, peace, and safety we enjoy here in America because of our Veterans. We ask, Lord, that our words and actions convey gratitude for their service and supply hope for the future. We pray over them and their families John 1:5, ‘For the light shines in the darkness, and darkness has not overcome it.’ “In Jesus’ name, Amen.” Our decree: “Lord, we decree that each and every sacrifice, seen and unseen, at war and on the homefront, made by our Nation’s Veterans and their families, is real and valued. We declare honor and peace over our nation’s heroes on this Anniversary of their service, and we say the best is yet to come!” ********************************** For more on the Ostan Family’s story, visit Jennifer Ostan serves as the Co-Founder, Arc of Justice: Advocates for Wounded Warriors. She is a Dole Caregiver Fellow, South Carolina 2020-2021 (See Bio for More) for the Elizabeth Dole Foundation. For Military/Veteran Caregiver Resources click Here For Caregiver Resource Directory click Here Click on the link below to watch the full video. 147 likes. Post marked as liked
  17. 7 min read November 12, 2021 A Combat Veteran’s Perspective on Afghanistan Thank you for all of your encouraging feedback regarding yesterday’s powerful post. We have passed on the praise to Jennifer. Today, we are going to hear from Jennifer‘s husband, William, and his thoughts regarding the recent Afghanistan withdrawal. Some of you are probably unaware that Will is the soldier who gave me my first Appeal To Heaven flag and explained the history of it to me. William bleeds red, white and blue. I’m wearing this shirt in your honor, Will. If you are moved in your heart to do so, you can donate to their outstanding nonprofit organization, Arc of Justice (you can donate to the general fund or if you prefer, you can designate it for their personal support). We have provided a link at the end of the post. ****************************** “One of the greatest honors in my life was to serve alongside Navy SEALs and Army Green Berets as part of a Special Operations Task Force based out of Kandahar, Afghanistan. We took the fight to the enemy for several months in 2012 and 2013. Some of my brothers and sisters were killed in action or severely injured. I also paid a personal price from this deployment by being exposed to an environmental toxin that led to a debilitating auto-immune illness which forced me into a premature and unjust medical separation process. “Because of the sacrifices I experienced first-hand, the unfolding events regarding the Afghanistan pull-out from the past several weeks have been gut wrenching to behold. As a combat veteran, watching the images of American citizens and our Afghan allies being callously left behind has been emotionally devastating and infuriating. After taking a few weeks to ponder and process the end of 20 years of combat operations, below are my thoughts. Before I share them in full, however, there are two brief prefaces which are important to provide context: “First, I hold no animus in my heart toward President Biden. While I do not agree with a vast majority of his policies and decisions, I never make ad hominem attacks against a President. I always seek to default toward honor due to his position of authority.[i] My aim is to posture my heart along the same lines as David did with King Saul. Also, whether I like a president’s policies or not, I’m commanded to pray for him according to the Apostle Paul’s instructions in 1 Timothy 2:1-4.[ii] “Secondly, we live in an age of exaggeration where the 24/7 news cycle bombards our brains with non-stop exclamations that our leaders’ respective actions were either the greatest or worst in history. Hyperbole is commonplace and desensitizes us to truly extraordinary moments. “With the above framework in mind, the following conclusory statement is not written from a place of misplaced anger or thoughtless misrepresentation: “I believe President Biden’s disordered withdrawal from Afghanistan will go down in history as one of the most tragic failures of leadership ever committed by an American President. “In my opinion, his pathetic and senseless decisions were criminal acts of gross negligence at best and manslaughter at worst. If the reports about giving the information about American citizens to the Taliban are true, which they seem to be, then treason was committed on his watch. Some may call this a harsh judgment, but I believe President Biden’s appeasement and acquiescence in the face of the enemy will constitute one of the greatest acts of treachery against the American citizenry in the history of our great nation. “This verdict will stand the test of time due to the following 4 reasons: 1) “President Biden dishonored the many sacrifices made by every combat veteran who set foot in Afghanistan. He completely disregarded the memory of those killed in action, who Lincoln said, ‘gave the last full measure of devotion.’ “I’ll never forget the memorial services at Kandahar Airfield. During a combat deployment, whenever a warrior is killed in action, a ‘ramp ceremony’ is held, no matter the time of day or night that the death occurs. When the call goes out across the base, everyone drops whatever they’re doing and attends the service, even if they haven’t slept in days and it is zero dark thirty.[iii] We celebrate that warrior’s life and salute the coffin as it’s conveyed up the ramp into the C-130 aircraft for the deceased’s final flight.[iv] It is an act of remembrance, full of honor. “President Biden’s single cowardly act dishonored each one of the 2,461 ramp ceremonies that have taken place in Afghanistan since 2001.[v] 2)“He violated the military’s longstanding promise to ‘never leave a fallen comrade.’ This is a very simple, but powerful tenet of the Army's Warrior Ethos.[vi] When American citizens are in harm’s way around the world, the military should be the last to leave, not the first. This is why the United States Marines bravely guard our International Embassies. After sending all civilians to safety, their boots are the last thing to touch the ground during a perilous evacuation. That’s not what happened here. The President left thousands of American citizens behind, all of them in imminent danger of being tortured or killed by enemy forces. 3) “He committed an unforgettable breach of faith with our NATO and Afghan allies. One Afghan Air Force Captain who piloted C-208 airplanes recently spoke to a New York Times reporter from a safehouse in Kabul and said, “I stood shoulder to shoulder with my American allies for five years – but now they have forgotten us.”[vii]The immediate consequence is a significant loss of trust in the international community. This will have inestimable negative repercussions for the wars to come. Potential future allies will not forget the abysmal end to a 20-year war. 4) President Biden’s decisions destabilized a dangerous geographic region and emboldened the enemies of freedom around the world. A worse attack than September 11th is now possible, if not probable. The Taliban became more powerful on 9-11-21 than they were on 9-11-01. Furthermore, a much greater threat is that China, Russia, and Iran are newly baptized with confidence. God forbid, if a World War III scenario ever unfolds, these countries now believe they can win. In their minds, America is weaker than ever before, as Ronald Reagan’s ‘peace through strength’ is no longer a guiding principle. So, where is hope to be found after this unmitigated disaster? This may sound strange, but I do find hope, in spite of President Biden’s failures. Nature teaches that it’s always darkest before the dawn. The end of the book of Daniel provides a blueprint for us by showing that amidst overwhelmingly difficult circumstances, “the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.”[1]Army Special Forces saying includes a directive that all Green Berets are charged to wade into uncertainty and prevail. My friends, this epitomizes our spiritual DNA. We are overcomers and were born for battle. Let us never quit until we have, like King David of old, “fulfilled the purposes of God in his generation.”[2] ***************************** Pray with me: Heavenly Father - You have seen every single sacrifice in war-torn Afghanistan. Every man. Every woman. Every child. Every casualty over the last 20 years. Not one moment in battle has escaped Your attention. Please comfort the families of those who lost loved ones, and heal the wounds of the warriors who experienced them. May we all resist bitterness toward those who have acted disgracefully. We leave the bringing of justice to You. Lord, please bring every American and ally home safely. We ask that You restore the fractured places in our military community, heal every broken heart, and bring restoration to the land of Afghanistan, as only You can. We know You are saving thousands of Afghans, revealing Christ to them. Please cause this to continue and intensify. Let Afghanistan become a land of revival! We ask for hundreds of millions of Muslims to be born again there and elsewhere. Pour Your love out on them. And we thank You for America’s revival and awakening. Restore us to Your purposes and the true greatness of servitude. Make us a loud and clear trumpet of the gospel of the Kingdom. Use us greatly for the harvest of the ages! We ask all of this in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the lives of our American warriors and Afghan allies were not lost in vain. There will be a renewal of honor in our military. ********************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ******************************** Bio: William J. Ostan is a retired Army Major and the recipient of two bronze stars. He is the founder and CEO of Arc of Justice, a nonprofit organization that advocates for wounded warriors. Will is the co-author of the Wounded Warrior Bill of Rights, which is bipartisan legislation being considered in Congress. You can find out more about his story and even donate to this non-profit at [1] Daniel 11:32 ESV [2] Acts 13:36 ESV [i] Millions of American citizens believe that Biden is not a true President because he gained the position fraudulently. However, in the context of this devotional, I’m not here to relitigate that point since Biden has been formally installed as the President and is making daily decisions with the full weight and authority of that office. [ii] 1 Timothy 2:1-4. I pray regularly for President Biden as I did for Trump, Obama, and Bush. Every American Christian should be doing the same. It is possible to criticize and advocate against a leader’s policies in the public square while still praying for the leader. This can be a difficult needle to thread, but it is what we are commanded by God’s Word to do. The Holy Spirit will empower us to obey this command with excellence like Daniel did in Babylon. [iii] This is the military colloquialism for 30 minutes past midnight. The special operations community say they “own the night” due to their superior night-vision technology and training. Most capture/kill missions occur after the sun goes down. [iv] The bodies of all deceased warriors go through a solemn intake process full of honor at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. [v] These numbers reflect the fallen from Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Freedom’s Sentinel as of 10 a.m. EST on November 8th, 2021. [vi] The United States Army’s Warrior Ethos states, “I will always place the mission first, I will never accept defeat, I will never quit, and I will never leave a fallen comrade.” The Army has worked to instill the Warrior Ethos in all its Soldiers by the way they train, live, and fight. To have the Commander-In-Chief violate one of the sacred tenets of this ethos is shocking. Technically no fallen Servicemembers were left behind, but he did abandon American citizens whom the military’s job is to protect so I think the Warrior Ethos is applicable since left behind civilians are in danger of torture and/or execution by the Taliban, ISIS, or other terrorist elements. [vii] Accessed on November 8th, 2021.
  18. 7 (or 13 min) read November 10, 2021 The Hidden Treasures (Day 3 of 3) On Monday of this week (11/8/2021), I began sharing a dream given to my friend Dr. Greg Hood. It is the third dream given to him regarding Tennent’s Well. Rather than taking time and space here to summarize the first two dreams, you can read the entire dream at the end of this post. If you have not heard or seen Monday’s and Tuesday’s, please do so before listening to or reading today’s post; they build on each other. Dutch's comments are in Italics..! “We arrived back to the Valley of the Streams. Those who had been reenlisted unloaded and made their way to the equipment they were familiar with, then went to work. “The 3 leaders who had stayed at the work site approached us and said, ‘We have dredged deeper than ever before. We’ve gotten enough of the muck out of the streams to where they won’t pollute each other.’” The meaning is clear and amazing! Holy Spirit is stating that human nature defiles His movements with “muck” and “pollution.” This happens because we are human, not because we’re evil. Who among us is arrogant enough to contend that our personal preferences, traditions, beliefs, and “new cart” ideas do not leech their way into our movements, denominations, and ministries? Whose stream has no man-made ideals and structures? Whose movement has no religious defilement - methods without power and form without intimacy (2 Timothy 3:5; Revelation 3:1)? This dream implies that all the streams in the body of Christ need some dredging. “One of the leaders said to us, ‘We got set up and started working. Our pumps have removed the sand from the bottom of the streams and we've found rock. Solid rock! The water is clearer than it has ever been.’” This is also clear (pun intended). Our unbiblical ways and methods settle into our streams and denominations to the degree that they cover the Rock - Christ Jesus. Some “shallowness” in our movements is created from the build-up of unbiblical sedimentation. The channel is still deep, it just needs the sand to be pumped out. Legalism, hyper-grace, religion, lukewarmness, innovation over anointing, fun and fellowship over the fire of Holy Spirit, cultural relativity over power - these and more equate to building on sand. Some of these things aren’t bad in and of themselves - fun and fellowship, for example - but when they replace Holy Spirit and the Word of God, they become sand and lessen the depth of the water. Holy Spirit is coming to pump them out. “Another leader said, ‘Dutch, you guys will have to navigate your excavations from the water, not the land. I have the Pentecost Platforms ready. Actually, I had to rewrite the entire manual of operation because it was so cluttered with religion. The platforms will carry your excavators as you and your team remove the land between the streams to create the river. The Pentecost Platforms are ready to board and can handle the weight of your excavators.’” We had to excavate from the water (a symbol of Holy Spirit), not land. Only He knows what should stay and what must go from each stream. No person has all understanding and insight. NO ONE is completely right about everything they believe - NO ONE. We must have Holy Spirit’s Pentecost Platforms! Only His power and guidance can sustain us in what is coming. He IS our platform! The coming weight of glory will collapse our man-made platforms; only He can sustain us. And notice that the platforms were moving! Ezekiel’s deep, strong river is coming (Ezekiel 47) and anything that has become immovable will be destroyed, swept away by the strength of this river. Greg continues, “Dutch then began to address the work crews that were on the excavators. We could see that each of them had on work shirts like those bearing company names and the workers’ names on them. The company name on these shirts was ‘Mamlakah,’ a Hebrew word meaning ‘kingdom’ (which Greg did not know), and the name of all the workers was the same on every shirt: ‘Hidden Treasure.’ The coming awakening is not intended to grow a few local churches. God is not pleased with efforts that focus on one congregation without considering His entire Kingdom. Every pastor should ask themself not just, “How will my plans affect this congregation?” They should also ask, “How will my plans affect the kingdom of God in this city? Region?” No “part” is more important than the “whole.” In scripture, God typically addressed the church of a city, not one expression of it. Does that mean we cannot possess distinctives based on our unique gifts and assignments? Of course not. Does it mean we can’t have specific aspects of a vision that differ from the plans of other members in the body of Christ? Of course not. It does mean, however, that I must not implement my vision or grow my congregation at the expense of other congregations. It means that my competition is with the kingdom of darkness, not my brother or sister down the street. It means that I should desire their success as much as my own, for we are on the same team. It means, in fact, that my success is measured, in part, by theirs. We should be asking ourselves, “How is the church of my city doing? Are the lost being won? Is crime coming down? Is the divorce rate going down? Is the quality of life increasing? Is the kingdom of God advancing in my city?” These are significant signs that darkness is being pushed back and Holy Spirit is moving through His people to make a difference. And everyone’s name, “Hidden Treasure,” speaks for itself. Some of tomorrow’s prophets are currently living underneath bridges. Future evangelists are shooting up heroin. Pastors and shepherds of many are still looking for their own way back, just like the Prodigal Son. Who knows, perhaps one of the world’s great songwriters is trafficking in slavery. Amazing grace is still amazing. In your search for human treasure, don’t forget much of it is still hidden. “Dutch and I climbed aboard the first excavator and loaded it on the first Pentecost Platform. The workers, along with other leaders, also boarded excavators and drove them up on Pentecost Platforms. Another leader and a team of workers monitored the Pentecost Platforms. We began to remove the land between the streams. Once we started this portion of the work, it took twelve months to complete it, after which a great river burst forth that had never before been seen in the history of humankind. By the Spirit, I knew that the work was completed in the month of September. End of Dream.” This dream is so incredible! As the body of Christ became one river, the strength and power of it was unlike anything seen before in history. We are better together. Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor; for if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up! Furthermore, if two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NASB) We need each other, including those whom many have thought were disqualified. God loves it when His kids get along. Even more when they work together. He decrees a blessing when that occurs (Psalm 133). The New Testament word usually translated “working together” is sunergos, from which we get our English word “synergy.” Synergy is the multiplying - not adding - of power that occurs when two or more people work together on the same task. God likes this level of cooperation so much that He decided He would multiply power when He could find it - and He created an inexplicable and undeniable law of science to back it up! It’s the only time one plus one doesn’t equal two. I am not suggesting that we will all have to agree on everything; this obviously will not occur. Nor will we lose our distinctives. In the dream, each leader and worker had unique abilities and gifts, which is what Ephesians 4 teaches. Nonetheless, we worked together and honored one another. I don’t know how much of this needs to occur by next September, nor do I know what it will look like when Holy Spirit is finished, but some level of this merging of the streams and working together must take place by then. We must pray for this to occur. Pray with me: Thank You, Father, for this amazing dream. We ask You to give us humble hearts that can admit we all in some ways pollute and dilute Your pure river. Help us to get the muck dredged from it, the sand removed. We want to build on You, our Rock, and release a pure flow of Your life. Open Tennent’s Well. Give us kingdom hearts that love and honor one another, as well as each other’s efforts. Remove from the church the spirit of competition. Make us one. Help us find the hidden treasures in the earth today. Give us Your heart for the broken, the lost, the confused, the hurting, and the addicted. Indeed, we see dry bones, You see an army. We thank You for the powerful outpouring of Your Spirit that is coming. We pray this in Christ’s name, amen. Our decree: We decree that the church is becoming the glorious body that Christ promised to have on the earth. ************************ You can learn more about Dr. Greg Hood here. ___________________________________________ Operation Hidden Treasures September 27, 2021 (A dream given to Dr. Greg Hood) “The dream began with Dutch and I standing in front of a building in which we were to hold a meeting. It was a large, well-known church building. Things seemed odd as we stood there. There were no people and the sign was not lit. I ran up the steps of the church to check the doors and shouted back to Dutch, ‘They are locked. The doors are locked.’ “As I made my way back down the steps to where Dutch was, an angel approached us. He handed Dutch a folded note and said, ‘Go to the Anabaino Cafe. I have written the address on the note.’ We looked at the paper and the address was ‘4 Ephesians Street, Suite 4-7.’ “It was more of a truck stop than a cafe. We went inside and sat at a round table surrounded by five chairs. I can recall in the dream looking out the window and seeing many large flatbed trucks with heavy equipment loaded on them. Dutch commented to me, ‘Isn't that different, not one box truck in the yard. Every truck is carrying heavy equipment. There is going to be a lot of earth moving going on around here.’ “We were served breakfast and as we ate a man walked up to the table and said, ‘I see there are three more that will be joining you. I will go ahead and bring their meal out for them.’ “Dutch said to me, ‘Hood, who are we expecting to join us?’ “I replied, ‘It’s [Greg gave me the names of a Charismatic Baptist leader, a Word of Faith leader, and a prophetic teacher influential in marketplace ministry. I do not have their permission, so I won't share their names.] They are on their way, having received the same instructions we did.’ “The waiter arrived back at the table with our food, along with utensils for all, wrapped in an odd-looking napkin. “Looking up, we could see the other three men coming through the door of the Anabaino Truck Stop/Cafe. They came to the table, sat down and Dutch said, ‘Good to see you guys. Glad you made it. So, you got the same note we did!’ “One of them said, ‘We did and we are here! The time is here! All I have been prophesying for 50 plus years is upon us. I am as excited and full of fire as I have ever been. Let’s eat! We've got a lot of work before us.’ “The gentleman who brought the food to our table approached again and said, ‘I am glad you all are here. Unwrap your utensils.’ As we did, we could see that the utensils were wrapped in a scroll. Each scroll had words written on it, which I could read. “Every scroll had written across the top, ‘Operation Hidden Treasures/Convergence of the Streams.’ In addition to this: On one scroll was written, ‘Dredging Deeper.’ Another held the words, ‘Pentecost Hovering Platforms.’ A third read, ‘Sand to Rock.’ Dutch’s Scroll had written on it, ‘Excavate To the Foundations and Enlist Men.’ And the scroll I held read, ‘Navigate the Water.’ “We then realized that the man serving us at the table was the same angel who had given us the note at the steps of the large church building. He began instructing us regarding this assignment: ‘Each of you has a truck outside in the parking lot. Each truck has equipment on it. Take your truck and equipment and go to the Valley Of the Streams. Dutch, you and Greg will share a truck.’ “I could see that one truck had large pumps on it, another had platforms that hovered and a third had a dredging machine. The one I was in, with Dutch driving, had a large excavator on the trailer. Each of us went to our trucks and left for the streams.” “We drove onto a very large lot in the Valley of the Streams, which was filled with more dredging machines, large pumps and other kinds of equipment. We were met there by many workers who began complaining about working conditions, having to work overtime and the stressful environment in which they had to work. One of the leaders stepped out from his 18-wheel rig and said to them, ‘You're all fired! We’ve had enough of whining laborers. This job requires backbone. Now, grow one or leave!’ “They all left! “We looked at him and thought, ‘What are we going to do now? There are no laborers to complete this mission.’ “Dutch said, ‘We have the scroll that says “Enlist Men.” Hang tight, we will be back soon!’ “The charismatic Baptist leader spoke up and said, ‘We will have all the equipment in place by the time you return. We will not miss this outpouring.’ “There was an old bus sitting on the lot we were on which looked like it hadn't been driven in years. Written on the side of the bus, in faded paint was, ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom and on the back of the bus was a bumper sticker that read, ‘Honk if you love Jesus!’ “We boarded the old bus and Dutch said, ‘Which way, Hood?’ “I said, ‘We are going toward Hebron.’ As we made our way down the road we passed many church buildings that were abandoned and/or dilapidated, then came to a city limit sign that read, ‘Hebron: Population Undetermined.’ “Just past the sign I said to Dutch, ‘turn right!’ He made a sharp, quick right turn down a narrow dirt road, which led us to a wooden building. The building’s sign read, Tennent’s Tavern & Well! Dutch and I walked into the building. We could see many men and women sitting at tables in this dimly lit room. All of them had empty cups in front of them. “Dutch shouted, ‘I NEED YOUR ATTENTION! We are here to enlist people for a new dredging and excavating project. It is the merging of the steams! It’s the Third Great Awakening and it is the opportunity of your lifetime!’ “A man spoke up from the back and said, ‘How can we work if our cups are empty? How can we be enlisted if we have been forsaken?’ “Dutch did not address this man's question. He stepped back and opened the door to let more light into the room, then decreed with a forceful voice, ‘I ACTIVATE THE MANTLE OF TENNENTS’ WELL! I DECREE YOUR CUPS ARE FULL! DRINK THIS NEW WINE AND MEET ME OUTSIDE!’ Dutch went on to say, ‘Bring your work gloves because this is going to be like nothing you have ever worked on in your entire life.’ Their cups filled. They drank. “Dutch and I walked outside. “While inside the building, we had not been able to clearly see who these people were. We actually did not know who we had just enlisted. As the people began to emerge from the building, we could see them more clearly and knew they were 5-fold ministers who had fallen or been rejected in their ministry. They were outcasts, driven away from the church for one reason or another. We recognized many of them who once had nationally known ministries. Others had served locally in their communities. “I said to Dutch, ‘Look at their gloves. Those are not work gloves; they’re boxing gloves.’ As we looked closely we could see that their gloves, like they themselves, were tattered, torn, dry, and cracked from age and weathering. Dutch and I began weeping. Then we saw that each pair of gloves had written on them: ‘evergreen’ and ‘everlast.’ There were hundreds of former leaders standing before us with smiles on their faces and fire in their eyes from the new wine they had just ingested. “Dutch said to them, ‘LOAD UP, WE ARE GOING TO WORK!’ “We arrived back to the Valley of the Streams. Those who had been reenlisted unloaded and made their way to the equipment they were familiar with, then went to work. “The 3 leaders who had stayed at the work site approached us and said, ‘We have dredged deeper than ever before. We’ve gotten enough of the muck out of the streams to where they won’t pollute each other.’ “One of the leaders said to us, ‘We got set up and started working. Our pumps have removed the sand from the bottom of the streams and we've found rock. Solid rock! The water is clearer than it has ever been.’ “Another leader said, ‘Dutch, you guys will have to navigate your excavations from the water, not the land. I have the Pentecost Platforms ready. Actually, I had to rewrite the entire manual of operation because it was so cluttered with religion. The platforms will carry your excavators as you and your team remove the land between the streams to create the river. The Pentecost Platforms are ready to board and can handle the weight of your excavators.’ “Dutch then began to address the work crews that were on the excavators. We could see that each of them had on work shirts like those bearing company names and the workers’ names on them. The company name on these shirts was ‘Mamlakah,’ a Hebrew word meaning ‘kingdom’ (which Greg did not know), and the name of all the workers was the same on every shirt: ‘Hidden Treasure.’ “Dutch and I climbed aboard the first excavator and loaded it on the first Pentecost Platform. The workers, along with other leaders, also boarded excavators and drove them up on Pentecost Platforms. Another leader and a team of workers monitored the Pentecost Platforms. We began to remove the land between the streams. Once we started this portion of the work, it took twelve months to complete it, after which a great river burst forth that had never before been seen in the history of humankind. By the Spirit, I knew that the work was completed in the month of September.” End of Dream. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  19. 7 (or13 ) min read November 9, 2021 How Can We Work If Our Cups Are Empty (Day 2 of 3) Yesterday, I began sharing a dream given to Greg Hood. It is the third dream given to him regarding Tennent’s Well. Rather than taking time and space here to summarize the first two, you can simply reference yesterday‘s post (11/8/ If you have not heard or seen that post, please do so before listening to or reading today’s. Dutch's comments are in Italics..! THE DREAM CONTINUED “We then realized that the man serving us at the table was the same angel who had given us the note at the steps of the large church building. He began instructing us regarding this assignment: ‘Each of you has a truck outside in the parking lot. Each truck has equipment on it. Take your truck and equipment and go to the Valley Of the Streams. Dutch, you and Greg will share a truck.’” The Valley of the Streams obviously represents different streams/movements/tribes of the body of Christ. This is such an interesting name! Could it be a play on words? Are these streams also “dry bones?” “I could see that one truck had large pumps on it, another had platforms that hovered and a third had a dredging machine. The one I was in, with Dutch driving, had a large excavator on the trailer. Each of us went to our trucks and left for the streams.” “We drove onto a very large lot in the Valley of the Streams, which was filled with more dredging machines, large pumps and other kinds of equipment. We were met there many workers who began complaining about working conditions, having to work overtime and the stressful environment in which they had to work. One of the leaders stepped out from his 18-wheel rig and said to them, ‘You're all fired! We’ve had enough of whining laborers. This job requires backbone. Now, grow one or leave!’ “They all left! “We looked at him and thought, ‘What are we going to do now? There are no laborers to complete this mission.’ “Dutch said, ‘We have the scroll that says “Enlist Men.” Hang tight, we will be back soon!’” This is a critical point in the dream. Knowing the identity of the man who fired the “whiners,” I can almost hear him saying this, though he is in no way mean-spirited. He simply has a tenacity and righteous stubbornness about him that makes him a warrior. The body of Christ needs this type of backbone now. The antichrist forces in America have declared war on the church...and it’s “winner take all.” Those serving in ministry today must demonstrate a spirit of boldness and a committed warrior heart. In some arenas and for some causes, easy DOESN’T do it. But the cause of Christ is worth our all! We are writing history - let’s write something we can be proud of. Greg and I left to enlist laborers. As you will see, we found surprising candidates in a surprising place. “The charismatic Baptist leader spoke up and said, ‘We will have all the equipment in place by the time you return. We will not miss this outpouring.’ “There was an old bus sitting on the lot we were on which looked like it hadn't been driven in years. Written on the side of the bus, in faded paint was, ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom and on the back of the bus was a bumper sticker that read, ‘Honk if you love Jesus!’” The reference to the gospel of the kingdom is clear: we were on a Kingdom mission. We were not representing one church or denomination, but rather the entire Kingdom of God. The humorous bumper sticker has to be a reference to the last great worldwide outpouring of Holy Spirit, the Charismatic Movement, when that bumper sticker became famous. Perhaps this is indicating that the bus had not been used since then, or it could be saying that we are about to build and ride on the strength of what took place then. “We boarded the old bus and Dutch said, ‘Which way, Hood?’ “I said, ‘We are going toward Hebron.’ As we made our way down the road we passed many church buildings that were abandoned and/or dilapidated, then came to a city limit sign that read, ‘Hebron: Population Undetermined.’” This, too, is very enlightening. The meaning of the name Hebron can be summarized as covenantal friendship. Many of the early patriarchs, including Abraham, the friend of God, are buried there. Hebron, however, was later captured and ruled by Arba, the greatest of all the giants. He renamed the city after himself, calling it Kiriath-arba, which means “the city of Arba” (Joshua 14:15). Caleb eventually conquered Kiriath-arba and renamed it Hebron. In this dream, Hebron represents a place that has been taken over by spiritual giants. Churches were dilapidated and abandoned (weak and unfruitful), and as we shall see, the inhabitants had all been defeated by the enemy. God, however, does not cast away His kids as easily as many in the church do. I am a firm believer in high standards of integrity for leaders. Scripture affirms this. To believe, however, that those who are overcome by the enemy are forever disqualified from working for the Lord is to contradict the love and grace of the Father. One need look only at the father of the prodigal son in Scripture who pictures Father God, to see His redeeming and restoring heart. The wayward son was not only restored to the family, but also to his authority, signified by the new robe and ring. Repentance? Yes, Accountability? Absolutely. But to believe God cannot restore a fallen leader to service is simply not biblical. And in the coming harvest, they will be needed! “Just past the sign I said to Dutch, ‘turn right!’ He made a sharp, quick right turn down a narrow dirt road, which led us to a wooden building. The building’s sign read, Tennent’s Tavern & Well! Dutch and I walked into the building. We could see many men and women sitting at tables in this dimly lit room. All of them had empty cups in front of them. “Dutch shouted, ‘I NEED YOUR ATTENTION! We are here to enlist people for a new dredging and excavating project. It is the merging of the steams! It’s the Third Great Awakening and it is the opportunity of your lifetime!’ “A man spoke up from the back and said, ‘How can we work if our cups are empty? How can we be enlisted if we have been forsaken?’ “Dutch did not address this man's question. He stepped back and opened the door to let more light into the room, then decreed with a forceful voice, ‘I ACTIVATE THE MANTLE OF TENNENTS’ WELL! I DECREE YOUR CUPS ARE FULL! DRINK THIS NEW WINE AND MEET ME OUTSIDE!’ Dutch went on to say, ‘Bring your work gloves because this is going to be like nothing you have ever worked on in your entire life.’ Their cups filled. They drank. “Dutch and I walked outside. “While inside the building, we had not been able to clearly see who these people were. We actually did not know who we had just enlisted. As the people began to emerge from the building, we could see them more clearly and knew they were 5-fold ministers who had fallen or been rejected in their ministry. They were outcasts, driven away from the church for one reason or another. We recognized many of them who once had nationally known ministries. Others had served locally in their communities.” Those congregating in this “dimly lit” tavern picture former ministers, who had been overcome by spiritual darkness. Their cups were empty and they held no hope for the future. The name of the bar, Tennent’s Tavern and Well is amazing! This is obviously saying to us that God‘s fire and redemption is about to visit many who believe they are worthless castaways from His kingdom. Their tavern of despair is about to become a well of restoration! I opened the door to let in light, which overcame the darkness, then announced that we wanted to reenlist them for the Third Great Awakening and the merging of the streams. In response to their hopeless reply, I decreed, “I ACTIVATE THE MANTLE OF TENNENTS’ WELL! I DECREE YOUR CUPS ARE FULL! DRINK THIS NEW WINE AND MEET ME OUTSIDE! And bring your work gloves.” WOW..!!! That should excite you! Greg and I are at the location of Tennent’s well today. We are going to decree this to America. And I believe prodigal leaders will begin to reenlist. “I said to Dutch, ‘Look at their gloves. Those are not work gloves; they’re boxing gloves.’ As we looked closely we could see that their gloves, like they themselves, were tattered, torn, dry, and cracked from age and weathering. Dutch and I began weeping. Then we saw that each pair of gloves had written on them: ‘evergreen’ and ‘everlast.’ There were hundreds of former leaders standing before us with smiles on their faces and fire in their eyes from the new wine they had just ingested.” This is so incredible! Everlast and evergreen were the words written on boxing gloves in a dream God gave a friend about me in 2007. In the dream, I boxed and knocked out 5 giants. I then said to the person having the dream, “If you want to take out the giants in this season, you are going to have to wear these two gloves.” Everlast refers to God’s name, Olam. In Abraham‘s life, it referred to the God who was bigger than his past failures, and who was well able to secure his future. Evergreen refers to an eternal covenant. It represents our God who keeps covenant and mercy to a thousand generations (Deuteronomy 7:9), as well as our covenant faithfulness to Him. This is what is on the Appeal To Heaven flag. (The entire ATH revelation can be read in its fullness in my book An Appeal To Heaven.) By placing this in the dream, Holy Spirit is saying that these former castaways will be part of God’s saving of America and of reaping the coming great harvest. “Dutch said to them, ‘LOAD UP, WE ARE GOING TO WORK!’” Pray with me: Father, thank You for the incredible service we had last night near Tennent’s Well of revival. Thank You for a fresh release of the fire it carried. We believe You are filling the dry cups of many laborers in Your Kingdom, and we thank You. Fill them once again with Your Spirit! We also ask for an increase of Holy Spirit’s outpouring in the earth. Turn up the fires of revival. We thank You for this and we are excited about participating. Bring signs, wonders, miracles, deliverance, and a billion salvations. We ask for this in Christ’s name, amen. Our decree: We decree that Tennent’s Well is now open and erupting! _______________________________________________________________________________ Operation Hidden Treasures (Full Dream) September 27, 2021 (A dream given to Dr. Greg Hood) “The dream began with Dutch and I standing in front of a building in which we were to hold a meeting. It was a large, well-known church building. Things seemed odd as we stood there. There were no people and the sign was not lit. I ran up the steps of the church to check the doors and shouted back to Dutch, ‘They are locked. The doors are locked.’ “As I made my way back down the steps to where Dutch was, an angel approached us. He handed Dutch a folded note and said, ‘Go to the Anabaino Cafe. I have written the address on the note.’ We looked at the paper and the address was ‘4 Ephesians Street, Suite 4-7.’ “It was more of a truck stop than a cafe. We went inside and sat at a round table surrounded by five chairs. I can recall in the dream looking out the window and seeing many large flatbed trucks with heavy equipment loaded on them. Dutch commented to me, ‘Isn't that different, not one box truck in the yard. Every truck is carrying heavy equipment. There is going to be a lot of earth moving going on around here.’ “We were served breakfast and as we ate a man walked up to the table and said, ‘I see there are three more that will be joining you. I will go ahead and bring their meal out for them.’ “Dutch said to me, ‘Hood, who are we expecting to join us?’ “I replied, ‘It’s [Greg gave me the names of a Charismatic Baptist leader, a Word of Faith leader, and a prophetic teacher influential in marketplace ministry. I do not have their permission, so I won't share their names.] They are on their way, having received the same instructions we did.’ “The waiter arrived back at the table with our food, along with utensils for all, wrapped in an odd-looking napkin. “Looking up, we could see the other three men coming through the door of the Anabaino Truck Stop/Cafe. They came to the table, sat down and Dutch said, ‘Good to see you guys. Glad you made it. So, you got the same note we did!’ “One of them said, ‘We did and we are here! The time is here! All I have been prophesying for 50 plus years is upon us. I am as excited and full of fire as I have ever been. Let’s eat! We've got a lot of work before us.’ “The gentleman who brought the food to our table approached again and said, ‘I am glad you all are here. Unwrap your utensils.’ As we did, we could see that the utensils were wrapped in a scroll. Each scroll had words written on it, which I could read. “Every scroll had written across the top, ‘Operation Hidden Treasures/Convergence of the Streams.’ In addition to this: On one scroll was written, ‘Dredging Deeper.’ Another held the words, ‘Pentecost Hovering Platforms.’ A third read, ‘Sand to Rock.’ Dutch’s Scroll had written on it, ‘Excavate To the Foundations and Enlist Men.’ And the scroll I held read, ‘Navigate the Water.’ “We then realized that the man serving us at the table was the same angel who had given us the note at the steps of the large church building. He began instructing us regarding this assignment: ‘Each of you has a truck outside in the parking lot. Each truck has equipment on it. Take your truck and equipment and go to the Valley Of the Streams. Dutch, you and Greg will share a truck.’ “I could see that one truck had large pumps on it, another had platforms that hovered and a third had a dredging machine. The one I was in, with Dutch driving, had a large excavator on the trailer. Each of us went to our trucks and left for the streams.” “We drove onto a very large lot in the Valley of the Streams, which was filled with more dredging machines, large pumps and other kinds of equipment. We were met there by many workers who began complaining about working conditions, having to work overtime and the stressful environment in which they had to work. One of the leaders stepped out from his 18-wheel rig and said to them, ‘You're all fired! We’ve had enough of whining laborers. This job requires backbone. Now, grow one or leave!’ “They all left! “We looked at him and thought, ‘What are we going to do now? There are no laborers to complete this mission.’ “Dutch said, ‘We have the scroll that says “Enlist Men.” Hang tight, we will be back soon!’ “The charismatic Baptist leader spoke up and said, ‘We will have all the equipment in place by the time you return. We will not miss this outpouring.’ “There was an old bus sitting on the lot we were on which looked like it hadn't been driven in years. Written on the side of the bus, in faded paint was, ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom and on the back of the bus was a bumper sticker that read, ‘Honk if you love Jesus!’ “We boarded the old bus and Dutch said, ‘Which way, Hood?’ “I said, ‘We are going toward Hebron.’ As we made our way down the road we passed many church buildings that were abandoned and/or dilapidated, then came to a city limit sign that read, ‘Hebron: Population Undetermined.’ “Just past the sign I said to Dutch, ‘turn right!’ He made a sharp, quick right turn down a narrow dirt road, which led us to a wooden building. The building’s sign read, Tennent’s Tavern & Well! Dutch and I walked into the building. We could see many men and women sitting at tables in this dimly lit room. All of them had empty cups in front of them. “Dutch shouted, ‘I NEED YOUR ATTENTION! We are here to enlist people for a new dredging and excavating project. It is the merging of the steams! It’s the Third Great Awakening and it is the opportunity of your lifetime!’ “A man spoke up from the back and said, ‘How can we work if our cups are empty? How can we be enlisted if we have been forsaken?’ “Dutch did not address this man's question. He stepped back and opened the door to let more light into the room, then decreed with a forceful voice, ‘I ACTIVATE THE MANTLE OF TENNENTS’ WELL! I DECREE YOUR CUPS ARE FULL! DRINK THIS NEW WINE AND MEET ME OUTSIDE!’ Dutch went on to say, ‘Bring your work gloves because this is going to be like nothing you have ever worked on in your entire life.’ Their cups filled. They drank. “Dutch and I walked outside. “While inside the building, we had not been able to clearly see who these people were. We actually did not know who we had just enlisted. As the people began to emerge from the building, we could see them more clearly and knew they were 5-fold ministers who had fallen or been rejected in their ministry. They were outcasts, driven away from the church for one reason or another. We recognized many of them who once had nationally known ministries. Others had served locally in their communities. “I said to Dutch, ‘Look at their gloves. Those are not work gloves; they’re boxing gloves.’ As we looked closely we could see that their gloves, like they themselves, were tattered, torn, dry, and cracked from age and weathering. Dutch and I began weeping. Then we saw that each pair of gloves had written on them: ‘evergreen’ and ‘everlast.’ There were hundreds of former leaders standing before us with smiles on their faces and fire in their eyes from the new wine they had just ingested. “Dutch said to them, ‘LOAD UP, WE ARE GOING TO WORK!’ “We arrived back to the Valley of the Streams. Those who had been reenlisted unloaded and made their way to the equipment they were familiar with, then went to work. “The 3 leaders who had stayed at the work site approached us and said, ‘We have dredged deeper than ever before. We’ve gotten enough of the muck out of the streams to where they won’t pollute each other.’ “One of the leaders said to us, ‘We got set up and started working. Our pumps have removed the sand from the bottom of the streams and we've found rock. Solid rock! The water is clearer than it has ever been.’ “Another leader said, ‘Dutch, you guys will have to navigate your excavations from the water, not the land. I have the Pentecost Platforms ready. Actually, I had to rewrite the entire manual of operation because it was so cluttered with religion. The platforms will carry your excavators as you and your team remove the land between the streams to create the river. The Pentecost Platforms are ready to board and can handle the weight of your excavators.’ “Dutch then began to address the work crews that were on the excavators. We could see that each of them had on work shirts like those bearing company names and the workers’ names on them. The company name on these shirts was ‘Mamlakah,’ a Hebrew word meaning ‘kingdom’ (which Greg did not know), and the name of all the workers was the same on every shirt: ‘Hidden Treasure.’ “Dutch and I climbed aboard the first excavator and loaded it on the first Pentecost Platform. The workers, along with other leaders, also boarded excavators and drove them up on Pentecost Platforms. Another leader and a team of workers monitored the Pentecost Platforms. We began to remove the land between the streams. Once we started this portion of the work, it took twelve months to complete it, after which a great river burst forth that had never before been seen in the history of humankind. By the Spirit, I knew that the work was completed in the month of September.” End of Dream. __________________________ You can learn more about Dr. Greg Hood here. Click on the link below to watch the full video. 294 likes. Post not marked as liked294
  20. 5 min read October 21, 2021 Strike the Target While speaking in Indiana a few weeks ago, I was interrupted by a strong presence of the Lord. This was not a sweet presence of the Lord, it was a weighty presence, representing His warrior heart and nature. A fear of the Lord came into the room. I then had a vision of Him staring intensely in another direction. As I looked, I saw a principality that I knew was ruling a significant portion of the earth. Then I heard Christ say, “I am now going to deal with this spirit.” I wrote about this in a previous post. A week and a half ago I was with Chuck Pierce in Tennessee. He, too, had a vision, which I also shared in one of my previous posts. Here is a portion of his word: “All of a sudden I was able to see into the spirit realm and saw a word of knowledge blazed across the heavenly realms over us. It was the word ‘circuit.’ Suddenly, I saw the Lord reach down inside each of us and pull out a circuit. Then, with His hand He began to re-circuit individuals, followed by re-circuiting this region, and finally, re-circuiting our nation. “Through Chuck, the Lord said, ‘I’m going to make My people so in line with My purposes, so thinking the way I’m thinking, they will have no choice but to start walking in a new way…’ For this nation, when He was re-circuiting it, I saw a date come in on that circuit. All of a sudden the computer - which had been turned off when he pulled the circuit out - came back up on October the 18th. Beginning October the 18th, get ready. “The Lord said, ‘You will know, beginning October the 18th, in this nation, that things have come full circle. You will also know that I have pulled the plug on things you’ve been asking me to pull the plug on…’” (Link to that GH15 is here.) October 18, of course, was Monday of this week. I believe God initiated something on that day that will radically shift our nation. He is answering our prayers. On that same day, our friend Gina Gholston had the following dream: “I dreamed I was inside a bowling alley, standing just behind the bowling ball return machine, watching a large ball making its way down the lane toward the pins. The ball carried weight, and I could feel the floor trembling beneath me as it rolled down the lane. “About halfway down the lane, a force came from the left side, trying to push the ball into the gutter on the right. Almost simultaneously, another force came from the right side to keep the ball on track. These two forces were fiercely operating, one trying to push the ball off its course, and the other seeking to keep it on the course. Finally, the ball hit the pins, and made a strike! “There was a large screen over the lanes, spanning the entire width of the building. When the ball hit the pins, I saw a small white light moving on the screen. The light was growing as it moved forward, then burst into many lights spelling the word “STRIKE!” with lights flashing all around it. “Then the word “STRIKE!” went away, and this phrase popped up on the screen: ‘The King-pin has fallen!’ and little bursts of light began falling all around these words, resembling fireworks after they have burst in the sky and begin to fall and fade. “At that time, I noticed two men standing in front of me. There was a strong presence about them, and I remember thinking, ‘these are warring angels.’ They were having a conversation, and I overheard one say to the other, very emphatically, ‘A strike will be made, and the kingpin will fall. It’s time!’ “At that moment on the big screen, the phrase began flashing: ‘America Shall Be Saved.’ Then the words burst into a fireworks display that formed into the American flag.” WOW..!!! Here are a few interpretations: The “weighty” bowling ball represents the glory of God. The Hebrew word for glory means heavy or weighty. The concept includes authority. The forces from the left and right represent the powers of darkness trying to stop God’s glory and authority from accomplishing what He wants them to accomplish in our nation, and the prayers of the church attempting to keep things on target. The strike represents successful intercession. The Hebrew word for intercession, paga, among other things means “to strike the target.” It is used this way in Job 36:32: “He covers His hands with the lightning, And commands it to strike the target.” Our intercession is causing the authority and glory of God to move toward the target. It will strike exactly where He intends for it to hit. This is going to cause a kingpin of satan to fall in this nation. I do not know if this is the principality ruling our nation, or a person satan is using, or both. I do know that God has made it clear recently that giants are about to fall. This is that. The statement “America Shall Be Saved” is self-explanatory! I believe these visions and dreams are all referring to the same thing. We have reached a point of breakthrough. God is about to act. This is incredibly encouraging but also instructional. Holy Spirit tells us these things not just so we can rejoice or be encouraged, but also to show us how to pray. We must issue our prayers and decrees, allowing them to “strike the target.” I am sitting in my backyard while writing this post. At the exact moment I was writing the previous sentence, halfway through it, two bald eagles flew directly over me! Not one. TWO! Just now! You may not believe in signs, but I do. Bald eagles are the national emblem of America. I believe Holy Spirit was confirming, even as I write this post, that this is the word of the Lord! I am also reminded of the dream about Red River Meeting House. This dream was about God re-opening wells of revival from that place, Cane Ridge, Azuza street, and Wales. In the dream, 100 bald eagles flew from there to all parts of the nation releasing arrows that released the fire of God. Holy Spirit said in the dream, “My seers are on the move.” There is just no doubt in my mind: these eagles today, when I was writing this, are another confirmation. Principalities are coming down. The plug is being pulled on evil in our nation - we are being re-circuited. The kingpin is being taken out. And America shall be saved! Pray with me: Thank You, Father, for these encouraging words. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for the confirmations. We believe your verdict has been rendered: America shall be saved. The kingpin is being taken out. You are re-circuiting, resetting, and restoring our nation. We also understand that these dreams and visions are not just for encouragement. They are showing us how to pray. So, we pray now that Your weight of glory and authority will strike the mark. We ask You to pull the plug on evil in our land. We ask You to re-circuit our nation, the church, individuals. We ask that principalities ruling America be brought down. Cause them to experience Your wrath. Strike them with Your glory and lightning, just as You did when You expelled them from heaven (Luke 10:18). And as You do this, we ask for a great unveiling to occur in our land, the spirit of revelation being released. Open the eyes of millions, freeing them from deception and darkness. Lord, do this also in the nations of the earth. Cause the light of the gospel to be seen clearly and enlighten the nations of the earth. We ask for this in the name of Christ. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the eagles are on the move, the glory of the Lord will strike the target, and the kingpin has fallen. *********************** Click on the link below watch the full video.
  21. 6 min read October 20, 2021 We Have a Part To Play The first chapter of Joshua marked a new season in Israel. A divine shift was about to occur; God was changing the time and season (Daniel 2:20-21), just as He is in America. And the chapter holds several insights for us. A short review of some things we’ve said recently would be beneficial. Scripture speaks of general time/s and seasons (chronos). Spiritually speaking (and often naturally, as well), these are the routine, mundane times of plowing ground, sowing and tending seeds, waiting, etc. They would include extended seasons of prayer, standing in faith and persevering. The season could be days, weeks, months, or years, depending on the subject. When faithfully managed and navigated, chronos seasons will eventually result in strategic, opportune times (kairos) of reaping. At this point, we have an opportunity to reap the fruit of our labors. God has changed the time and season. An example of this would be when He told Joshua that in 3 days, after 40 years of waiting, they were crossing into Canaan to possess the land. The fruit isn’t guaranteed at this stage, but the opportunity to reap has arrived. If we persevere in faith and implement the necessary principles, we will arrive at the fullness of time (pleroo). This speaks of a finished process. The money is in the bank, the harvest is in the barn. For Joshua and Israel, the land had been possessed. For our generation, it will mean we’re in full scale revival. We have a part to play in each phase if we are to get to the next. As we said, in the first chapter of Joshua, God changed the season to a kairos. Israel now had the opportunity to possess. In preparation, God gave Joshua several key principles to guide him through this kairos season. In yesterday’s post we talked about Him showing Joshua this would require faith. Another principle God made clear early on was that Israel would have to fight - their inheritance would not just fall in their lap. This would not be like leaving Eqypt. God will always faithfully do what only He can do; however, there will always be actions He requires of us. As we said on a recent post, don’t make the mistake of overemphasizing the sovereignty of God. It is deception to believe God will make certain that we reap, regardless of our involvement. The generation of Israelites who perished in the wilderness is proof that receiving the fulfillment of what God offers is not guaranteed. Joshua 1:2 states: “Moses My servant is dead; now therefore arise, cross this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them, to the sons of Israel.” Moses had gone away by himself, and God took him to heaven without anyone being there to witness it. Yahweh was indeed informing Joshua of this but was also announcing to him, “It’s your time now, Joshua. You can no longer look to the man who mentored you and led the nation. You have been trained and equipped; now you’re the one. Accept the responsibility! Rise up into your place of leadership and lead these people into their inheritance.” Not only was Joshua facing new responsibilities, however, but all of Israel was also. The word “giving” in the above verse is translated from the Hebrew word nathan, which means more than giving in the sense of bestowing something upon another. Nathan also means to give in the sense of an assignment. This is the word used in Psalm115:16: “The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men.” In this Psalm, God wasn’t saying He gave ownership of the earth to Adam and Eve, He did not. He was saying He had blessed them with the bounty of earth, but also that He had assigned to them responsibility and authority to manage it. God’s gifts are often His assignments. He was gifting the land to Israel, yes, but He was also assigning them the responsibility of possessing and managing it. Another picture of this can be found in the word “possess.” God told Joshua in verse 11 He was giving them the land to “possess.” This Hebrew word means “legally an heir” but also “military invasion for the purpose of conquering and settling in the land.” “This is your inheritance,” He was saying. “Now go take it.” Still another word in this chapter confirmed this. The word “tread” in verse three - “every place on which the sole of your foot treads I will give to you” - is a warfare word. It means “to march forth; to tread a winepress.” It also means to “bend a bow,” from the concept of treading on it to bend it. From this concept it came to mean “archers” or as one lexicon said, “bow-benders.” It is still the word today in Israel for loading a gun. When the commander is ready to lead his troops into battle he says, “Darak.” God was telling Joshua, “If you are willing to take your weapons and fight, I will give you victory.” These lessons are all true for us today. God has given us this nation to reap and enjoy its amazing bounty. But with that comes an assignment to manage, govern, and protect it. We are responsible to guard it against those who would try and overrule God’s purposes. We must not allow this rebelion to succeed. America is our inheritance - we must yaresh it. We must be willing to use the spiritual weapons of our warfare and take back what God has entrusted to us. The church must not yield to those who would try and abort God’s purposes. He has brought us to an incredible opportunity to repossess this land. God has changed the times and seasons and has brought us to the brink of incredible revival and breakthrough. We must now seize this. This will require darak. Load your weapons, spiritual bow-benders. Fight the good fight of faith. Take the sword of the spirit and the weapon of prayer. God has promised us victory, IF we are willing to fight. Of course, we are talking about spiritual warfare, not hurting people. We love people, but we do not love the spiritual powers of darkness that have invaded this nation, nor do we love what many people are trying to do. There is no contradiction between loving them and not accepting their actions. We are not to be spiritual pacifists. This is a deception satan uses frequently, convincing Christians that “loving” their enemies, or those who oppose the plans of God, is to sit back and allow them to do whatever they want, that God will deal with their plans and actions when He chooses. This is NOT biblical. We are to hate evil (Proverbs 8:13, Psalm 97:10; Romans 12:9; Revelation 2:6); at times we are to announce judgment (Acts 8:20, 13:11; 1 Corinthians 5:5; 2 Timothy 4:14). And we are most certainly to resist the spiritual powers motivating and empowering evil doers. If these things were a contradiction of love, God would be violating His own nature - love - at times! Church, this can be our finest hour. This is our generation’s time to cross over into Canaan and drive out giants. Let’s do this. Pray with me: Father, You are giving us an opportunity to repossess our inheritance. You have changed the time and season, telling us, “It’s time!” We will now do as Joshua and Israel did: go into the land and remove spiritual giants. As your Ekklesia, we will bind and loose, pull down strongholds and free people from the clutches of the enemy. We, Your people in America, will be what You called us to be: a light to the nations, a voice of the gospel of the kingdom to all nations. Teach us what it means to love Your way, loving unbelievers while not accepting their actions. Give us Your hatred of evil AND Your love for the sinner. Your love is unconditional, yet Your judgments are true and righteous altogether (Psalm 19:9). Awaken the church. Give us a backbone of steel and hearts of love. Put Your warrior heart in us, causing us to fight for justice and truth. Give us Caleb hearts that look at a stronghold and say, “Give me my mountain!” Break off of us complacency, apathy, lukewarmness, selfishness, and fear. Free us from distractions and activities that cause us to miss opportunities and/or feel we are too busy to get involved. We ask You in Jesus’ name to do these things. Our decree: Let God arise and his enemies be scattered! ___________________________________________________ Portions of today’s post were taken from my book God’s Timing for Your Life. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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