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  1. 6 min read May 6, 2024 A Poignant History Lesson Our friend Larry Tomczak, noted teacher, and long-time board member of Intercessors for America, gives a needed history lesson, equipping us to think and act appropriately regarding what is happening here and around the world. He also gives us a poignant reminder of Biden’s duplicity and spin nature. Larry shares: Amazing Story: Reagan Gifted Israel’s Iron Dome that Biden Blocked “Iran, the world’s leading terrorist nation (which previously held Americans hostage for 444 days until Reagan secured their release), recently rained down 120 ballistic missiles, 170 drones, and 30 cruise missiles on Israel. It was an unprecedented direct attack following their previous Hamas proxy attack on October 7, 2023, that killed 1163 people (including Americans). [The equivalent for America would have been 50,000 killed on 9/11.] “Joe Biden applauded the stunning success of the Jewish leaders employing their ‘Iron Dome’ technology, obliterating 99% of the weapons of destruction. He attempted to bask in the glow of the monumental achievement. Yet in a moment, I’ll share the backdrop story of Biden’s opposition to this advanced system when President Ronald Reagan presented the concept to America in the 80s. Heed History “British statesman Winston Churchill is honored as the primary leader who saved Western Civilization. When Britain’s Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, returned from a 1938 meeting with Hitler, foolishly declaring, ‘There is peace for our time!’(1) Churchill knew better, refusing to project weakness and gamble with appeasement to avoid conflict. He told the English citizens, ‘Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!’(2) “Churchill looked at the big picture, as did Kennedy in the Cuban missile crisis and Reagan in standing up to Marxism and Islamic terrorism. Today we face a similar situation where peaceniks, Jew-hating activists, and understandably cautious people don’t want to risk escalating Middle East tensions. They say we should tolerate the unfair demonizing of Israel; keep giving Iran billions (being used to develop a nuclear weapon and fund proxy terrorism attacks); avoid justified retaliation; try again for the failed two-state solution; call for a cease-fire; give Iran $6 billion in ransom for five hostages, and don’t be concerned about Iran’s growing alliance with China, Russia, and North Korea. “Iran’s leaders laugh all the way to the bank with the $100 billion (given them directly or indirectly) while we hope they’ll not continue developing a nuclear weapon that would dangerously change the entire Middle East region, bringing the world to the brink of an apocalyptic holocaust. “Iran’s fanatical leaders declare ‘Death to Israel and America - the Great Satan!’ They are the number one state sponsor of terrorism; they’re developing long-range ballistic missiles capable of hitting America; and can cut off oil passing through the Red Sea to bring about another disastrous energy crisis like 1979 (which I remember painfully well!). Facing Reality “Richard Goldberg, Senior Advisor at the Foundation of the Defense of Democracies, feels that Iran is at the one-yard line of their nuclear weapon capability and in April demonstrated their delivery capability with the multi-missile assault on Israel.(3) Former CIA Director David Petraeus states: ‘The U.S. and Israel will never let Iran have a nuclear weapon.’(4) But will this Administration do so? “America’s future, including that of our children and grandchildren, is at stake. We must return to Reagan’s ‘peace through strength!’(5) “The acceleration of Iran’s nuclear program was ignited when Biden took office. We’re inching towards a defining moment in dealing with this powder keg. Prudent or Patsies? “‘The prudent see danger and take refuge but the simple keep going and pay the penalty’ (Proverbs 27:12). 1983 “President Reagan unveiled in the Oval Office his vision for replacing Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) with a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) to protect America. Democrats mocked it, calling it a ‘Star Wars’ fantasy. “It is a matter of historical record that then-Senator Joe Biden and ‘all Democrats opposed it.’ For years, they worked to defund and kill it through amendments.(6) “‘Among the most vocal critics of the Reagan doctrine and a strong voice for removing it from the bargaining table was then-Senator Joe Biden who said, “The president’s adherence to SDI constitutes one of the most reckless and irresponsible acts in the history of modern statecraft. Reagan stood fast in the face of that pressure and refused to back off his missile defense initiative.’(7) 1986 “Reagan met with Soviet leader Gorbachev in Iceland for a summit on nuclear disarmament. Biden, the Democrats, and Gorbachev wanted Reagan to bargain away the SDI system, but he refused. He knew that in the Cold War, the Soviets did not have the technology nor the resources for such a system. He refused to be intimidated. “Reagan said Communism was an ‘evil empire’ that belonged ‘on the trash heap of history.’ He went to the Berlin Wall and called on Gorbachev in no uncertain terms to ‘tear down this wall!’(8) Then in 1990, the 30-year Berlin Wall came down, and in 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed! “In the face of ongoing opposition from Biden and the Democrat Party, Reagan met with Israeli leaders to share SDI technology and partner in developing it. Since 1986, the United States and Israel developed the ‘Star Wars’ technology that was used to stop and humiliate Iran in this recent Iranian attack. “Today, they continue working on an advanced system that will use lasers with pinpoint accuracy to literally shoot missiles and planes out of the sky. “The historic ‘Abraham Accords’ engineered by the Trump Administration to work with Israel and moderate Arab nations (who distrust and dislike the radical Iranian regime) has tragically been sabotaged, and its diplomatic success was blunted by the current administration. But the 2024 election brings renewed hope. Here’s the Deal “Reagan once gave a speech citing ‘Twilight’s Last Gleaming.’ He pointed out that our National Anthem concludes not with a declaration but a question, ‘Is our flag still there?’(9) “In this time of growing campus protests (organized and funded, not spontaneous) basically, ignorant students celebrate Hamas (who tortured, beheaded, raped, and killed 1163 adults, children, and babies and featured it in videos). We must learn the lessons of history, act courageous, and pray fervently while communicating the gospel and truth so our flag will still be there. “‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and passed on for them to do the same, or one day, we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our grandchildren what it was once like in the United States, where men were free.’” (“The Gipper” Ronald Reagan)(10) Pray with me: Father, we live in days of great evil and great grace. We know that Iran is the leading supporter of terrorism and that its leaders hate America and Israel. Yet we also know it is the nation where earth’s greatest spiritual harvest is occurring. Remind us to always in our hearts separate evil people from hungry people. You loved both Ishmael and Isaac, as did Abraham, and You love their offspring. We hate evil and despise the demonic powers at work in that part of the world, yet we, too, love the people. We boldly ask You for MILLIONS of salvations in that part of the world. The prince of Persia hates Israel, the giver of Messiah, and America, raised up to trumpet Messiah’s message of redemption throughout the world. But You defeated him at Calvary and You will manifest his defeat again as You have before in history. We ask for this. Rescue his victims! We bind his influence in that region and his attacks against America and Israel. Hang him on his gallows! And we ask for clarity to those in America who have been brainwashed regarding Hamas. Reverse the influence this spirit has gained in our nation by lifting the veil of deception and sending another Jesus People Movement, one much greater than that of the 60s and 70s. We see this beginning and declare that it will increase exponentially. Give our leaders wisdom as they deal with the unrest. Show them how to stop the evil actions taking place, doing so with wisdom. Raise up voices of wisdom to counteract the lies. We ask for this in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that truth will prevail in our day, and the power of the gospel will explode throughout the Earth. ************************** Today’s post was contributed by our friend Larry Tomczak. You can find out more about Larry at Click on the link below to watch the full video. -----------------------------------------------------------
  2. 5 min read May 3, 2024 Try Tears I believe it is abundantly clear where I stand on lawlessness and racism. The antisemitism occurring on American campuses (and elsewhere) is appalling. Before we are taken in by the leftist and globalist propagandists, however, there are a few points that also need to be considered. First, keep in mind that upwards of half the protesters are non-students.(1) Outside forces, backed and funded by billionaire globalists, Marxists, and leftist organizations, are fomenting strife and division in America. During a NewsNation interview on May 1, 2024, because so much of the protests are orchestrated, including paid professional agitators, House Speaker Mike Johnson speculated that billionaire philanthropist George Soros was behind the unrest at universities like Columbia in New York.(2) One flyer being distributed at the protests has as its title, “Organize the Intifada: A Communist Program For Escalating the Gaza Solidarity Movement.” It was produced by the Revolutionary Communists of America (RCA).(3) The leftists in our government are helping them. They want and need unrest in America. Don’t be taken in by their lies. The left wants a divided America. Race-baiting and identity politics are two of their basic tactics. Secondly, remember that most kids in America are not participating in violent protests. Though many are spiritually and ideologically confused, and only 2 percent of them now have biblical worldviews, at their core, most of them are caring human beings.(4) Thirdly, and I realize this might draw some ire, but please don’t despise the students who are involved in these protests. I am not saying we should excuse their actions or that there should be no consequences for those who break the law. There should be. But remember, these kids have been fed liberal and leftist propaganda by parents, teachers and administrators, the media, and lying politicians - many of them all of their lives. They are simply parroting what they have been taught. Can we, who turned our nation over to these leftists, exonerate ourselves from some of the blame? Many Christians don’t even vote; some who do vote support liberals; most pastors won’t speak up against evil or teach their congregants what the Scriptures state regarding moral issues, etc.; and many parents have abdicated their parental responsibilities to train their children according to biblical principles. We Baby Boomers and Gen X’ers turned America over to antichrist, unpatriotic, leftist leaders and educators. Do we then think we can blame our children for believing what they’ve been taught? Perhaps it’s time for a look in the mirror. Maybe we should begin by repenting and asking Holy Spirit to give us His heart for this brainwashed generation. We could then follow that with some intense intercession for their salvation. In his biography of Leonard Ravenhill, In Light of Eternity, Mack Tomlinson relates the following statement from Ravenhill: “In my twenties, during a period of pastoring, I loved to go past the Salvation Army building, which was the largest one outside of London. There’s a huge block of stone at the front. Chiseled in one stone it says, ‘William Booth of the Salvation Army opened this corps,’ and then it gives the date of 1910. In a second stone it says, ‘Kate and Mary Jackson, officers in this corp.’ “It was in this poor city, where they spin and weave cotton into cloth and the whole town was on the poverty level, that Kate and Mary Jackson labored for a couple of years and nothing happened. Those girls worked diligently and went to bed exhausted at night. “So they wrote William Booth: ‘Would you kindly move us to another station? We’re so tired and disheartened. We’ve tried everything that we’ve been taught to do. Please move us to another location.’ “Booth sent a telegram back with two words: ‘Try tears.’ They did, and they saw real revival come. Those girls went to travailing prayer, not just prayer, but travailing prayer, prayer with anguish in it. “The road to revival is often paved with tears and brokenness.”(5) It is possible to love and pray for these kids who are protesting on the campuses without excusing their actions. We can love them while shutting down unlawful protests and speaking out against all forms of racism. The same types of unrest and protests - by a misguided, young generation wanting to make a difference in a world gone haywire - occurred in the 1960s and 70s. Their efforts, too, were fueled by Marxists and leftists, and yes, many of their actions were wrong, unwise, ill-informed, and destructive. Buildings were burned and destroyed; people were hurt, some even killed. We don’t want to see this repeated. I can assure you that some of those fomenting the violence and hatred do not care about the lives of these young people. In fact, sacrificing a few of them as “martyrs” would help their cause. Those behind the activity are EVIL! Pray for their exposure and failure. God’s answer in the 1960s and 70s was a Jesus Revolution. Millions of those kids were saved; thousands are today’s pastors and leaders. Had we added a true reforming and nation-discipling movement to the revival, as instructed by Jesus in Matthew 28, today’s young generation would not be so deceived and lost. (See yesterday’s post for more on this.) I don’t like what I’m seeing any more than you do. It angers me. But my heart breaks for this young generation—the fruit of our generation’s actions. This may be a good time for some self-reflection, repentance, and intense intercession. Maybe it’s possible to curse the darkness—not the people, but the darkness—AND light a candle. Selah. Pray with me: Father, forgive us for being so quick to point the finger of accusation at others. All too often, we blame others for the fruit of our actions. Remind us today of the words of Jesus, who said He did not come for the healthy, but for those who are sick and in need of a physician (Luke 5:31). Give us Your heart for the confused, disillusioned, misinformed, immoral, and even the violent. Remind us that we were once lost and in need of a Savior, of why we love the song Amazing Grace. We repent for not discipling our nation according to Matthew 28:18-20, as You so clearly instructed us. Forgive us for wasting the spiritual momentum we had during the Charismatic Movement and Jesus People Revolution. Forgive us for our short-term theology, neglecting Earth while singing our songs about heaven. Forgive us for giving our government, education, media, and the rest of our culture to those who hate You and Your Son. In so doing, we ultimately gave America to demons. We are grateful beyond words that Your mercy is greater than our failures. We thank You that this mercy never ends and that it triumphs over judgment. We ask You to now “show it off.” Invade this young generation with Your passionate love and powerful salvation. Rip them from the hold of darkness. Be their answer! Come with an ocean of love, rivers of Holy Spirit activity, and the unstoppable power of the Cross. Save them! We believe this is Your agenda for our day. And we partner with You by declaring it in the name of this young generation’s Savior, Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We declare that we will give tears a try. *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------- George Barna, American Worldview Inventory 2020-21 (Glendale, AZ: Arizona Christian University Press, 2021), p. 15.
  3. 5 min read May 2, 2024 The National Day of Prayer Today is the National Day of Prayer in America. This year’s theme is “Lift Up the Word - Light Up the World.” Please take some time today to join with others in praying for America. You can visit the National Day of Prayer website for information on how and what to pray. Also, Intercessors For America is hosting a live prayer time at 12:15 ET; I strongly encourage joining them. Their website is Many cities and states will also be conducting gatherings for prayer, as will local churches. Join with others today and spend some quality time agreeing in prayer for America! I always encourage praying the suggested prayer points and subjects highlighted by the National Day of Prayer Committee and others on this day. Agreement is invaluable (Matthew 18:19). Therefore, in today’s post, I simply want to talk about praying for revival/awakening, in general. I am pleased to see the stirring among Americans to stand against evil; millions of people are now working to make a difference. We need involvement from godly people in every area and at all levels of American life, and this is occurring. People are engaging in local and national government, education, media, entertainment, as well as many other areas - and this must continue. However, as I regularly observe what is taking place in America, I am consistently reminded that without a true revival, a great awakening - call it what you will - these efforts won’t be enough. Evil and deception are now entrenched in America at such a thorough and deep level that human effort alone, regardless of how well it is done, won’t be enough to save and reform our nation. WE MUST HAVE REVIVAL. Why do I say this? When people are truly born again - not a perfunctory prayer to stay out of hell, but genuinely saved - several things occur: God writes His laws in their hearts; they have the mind of Christ (Romans 2:15; 1 Corinthians 2:16) Their spirit comes alive (Romans 6:13; 2 Corinthians 4:16) Holy Spirit takes up residence and speaks to them in their heart (1 Corinthians 3:16) Their conscience is activated and influenced by Holy Spirit (Romans 1:15, 9:1) They become children of light (versus walking in darkness) (Ephesians 5:8) These and other changes awaken intuition and common sense (Hebrews 5:14) Obviously, this is a simplified list; books could be written on all of these subjects. But I am pointing out that people begin to think differently when they are born again. They perceive things they could not previously see or understand, and their desires are transformed. These transformative changes will need to occur in millions of Americans in order to see the nation effectively transformed. A return of morality and other necessary changes cannot be forced; they must be desired. When speaking of America being saved, I am always quick to point out the difference between revival and reformation. Don’t become confused by differing terminology. By revival or awakening, I am referring to Mark 16:15-20 on steroids: millions being delivered and born again. By reformation, I am referring to Matthew 28:18-20 on a grand scale, resulting in the discipling of a nation. Revival changes the heart; reformation changes the mind. In the 60s and 70s America simultaneously experienced the Charismatic and Jesus People movements - true revivals. Millions came to Christ. Yet, we had no paradigm for discipling nations, according to Matthew 28. Frankly, the eschatology of most who were part of these movements would have prevented it even had the paradigm existed. There was such a preoccupation with Christ’s imminent return that most evangelicals didn’t see the need for impacting the cultural mountains of government, education, etc. The result? The church did Mark 16 - worked to get people saved; unbelievers did Matthew 28 - worked to disciple and reform the nation. Both succeeded. We experienced revival…and lost our nation. We prepared people for heaven; they took over Earth. We planned to leave; they planned to stay. We taught our kids for an hour in Sunday School; they took over our schools and indoctrinated them 5 days a week, all day long. In short, we gave them America. From their positions of leadership, the progressives, liberals, Marxists, secularists, and humanists have had 50-60 years to embed their ideals, morals, and philosophies into our nation. And they have been successful. God has been rejected, and with Him went morality, self-control, the family unit, patriotism, and soundness of mind. We are led by fools, taught by Marxists and globalists, and controlled by evil. In our day, as we become active in speaking out and becoming involved in attempting to reform America, let’s not make the opposite mistake of prioritizing that above revival. We must experience both. Revival precedes and empowers reformation; it is reformation’s forerunner, preparing the way for its fruit. Reformation codifies revival, multiplying and preserving its fruit. Americans now need radical heart transformation to make possible radical brain transformation! Our actions won’t change until our minds change; our minds won’t change until our beliefs change; and our beliefs won’t change until our hearts change. In Conclusion God’s promises are conditional offers. I believe America will be saved - not just because God has promised this - but because He is receiving what is required of us. A remnant of believers is praying, which allows Him to deliver what He promised. As you pray today, continue declaring that America will repent, awaken, and experience revival, a great Holy Spirit outpouring. Through this, she will be saved…and reformed. Pray with me: (Prayer released by the National Day of Prayer committee) “Jesus, we profess our faith in You. You are the Light of the world, and in You, there is no darkness. For You are our lamp, O LORD, and our God who lights our darkness. Forgive us for fearing and focusing on the darkness around us instead of being filled with faith and shining like the city on a hill You have called us to be. Forgive us for the times when we have been the absence of light, allowing darkness to dwell in America. Lead us forward to dispel the darkness and bring light throughout the Church, Family, Education, Business, Military, Government, and Arts, Entertainment, and Media. “We are saved by grace through faith, released from the darkness that once held us captive, and now free to walk in the newness of life in You. Light dispels darkness and exposes what is hidden and wicked, so we commit to rise and shine! For by You, Lord, we can take courage to run against the enemy, and by our God, we can fight the good fight and keep the faith as living lampstands in our communities and country. We fear no evil, for You are with us. “Lord, Your way is perfect; You lead us on paths of righteousness for Your name's sake. Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Your Word is Truth, instructing and inspiring us to live the abundant life You gave when You saved us from the death and destruction of the enemy. Fill us with Truth as we read, study, and live Your Word. “God, You are a shield for all those who take refuge in You. As we abide in You and Your Word abides in us, we take up our shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and run boldly into the darkness to Lift Up the Word and Light Up the World! “In the Mighty name of Jesus, we pray, amen!”(1) ********************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------- Written by NDP Task Force President Kathy Branzell,
  4. 5 min read May 1, 2024 We Are Anchored This is not a time to fear. Instead, it is a time to anchor yourself to God and His Word - who He is, what He says, and what He is doing. On Monday, I read a word Holy Spirit gave my brother, Tim, in which He said multiple times, “Stay focused.” The obvious meaning is to stay focused on Holy Spirit and what He says. As you do so with intentionality and regularity, adding to it consistent declarations of what He says, not only will you remain focused, but your faith will grow. I talked about this in yesterday’s post. The shaking and unrest that was predicted in America has begun and will get worse before it gets better. Radicals on our campuses, fueled and schooled by professional anarchists, are causing great damage and disruption. And the real terrorists now in our nation haven’t even started. The road ahead is rocky; before it is over, all of America will be impacted. God has given many opportunities for our nation to turn back to Him and experience His blessing, which has been rejected. Many of our leaders, like Pharoah, have hardened their hearts. They are like the Pharisees, of whom Jesus said, “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father; he…does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). In His mercy, God is going to allow some things that will create the necessary motivation for America to turn from wickedness and back to Him. Revival IS coming, the harvest WILL be reaped, and America WILL be saved. Unfortunately, strong discipline is now needed to turn us toward Him and His mercy. As things become more turbulent, God does not want us to fear. He wants us to be assured that He will provide for and protect us and that through the shaking, America will be restored. Hebrews 12 is an important passage for us in this process; it is the principal chapter in the New Testament that discusses discipline and shaking. Verses 11 and 13 tell us: “Now all discipline seems to be painful at the time, yet later it will produce a transformation of character, bringing a harvest of righteousness and peace to those who yield to it…for as you keep walking forward on God’s paths all your stumbling ways will be divinely healed!” (Hebrews 12: 11, 13; TPT‬‬) America is about to have “a transformation of character” and “a harvest of righteousness” (verse 11); her “stumbling ways” are about to be “divinely healed” (verse13). Holy Spirit wants us to look past the pain and see the gain. In verse 12, sandwiched between these two promises, Holy Spirit tells us to “Strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble” (NASB). This is a picture of fear. “Feeble” is actually a Greek word that can mean paralysis (paraluo).(1) Fear torments, yes, but it also paralyzes. We’ve all heard the phrase “frozen with fear.” This emotion robs of initiative and produces inaction. But God wants us to walk through this season filled with faith, listening to Holy Spirit, growing in our intimacy with Him, and maintaining peace. Peace, the opposite of fear, comes from the Hebrew word shalom/shalem,(2) meaning whole or complete. God doesn’t want our minds and emotions to be fractured, torn, divided between opinions. He wants us to experience wholeness - peace. Colossians 3:15 tells us to let the peace of God rule in our hearts. Rule is brabeuo,(3) and means arbitrate, govern, rule, umpire, decide, direct, determine, and control. Let God’s peace be the umpire, arbiter, or judge in your mind and emotions. These positions have the authority to decide issues, execute laws, and make rulings. In sports, an umpire can even eject a player. God is saying, “Allow my peace to eject fear, to overrule its torment and paralysis. Let my peace decide what you do and don’t do.” This is a fruit we have in our spirit (Galatians 5:22), and we can allow it to rule our minds and emotions. This begins with a choice. It is then empowered and carried out by anchoring to and staying focused on what God says in His Word. Philippians 4:7 states this another way, telling us God’s peace is so great it is “incomprehensible” to the human mind. Yet, this supernatural peace is available to us and will “guard” our hearts and minds as we allow it to reign. Guard is the Greek word phroureo,(4) meaning a sentinel or watchman; protect with a military guard to prevent hostile invasion. Set a guard around your heart and mind with God’s peace. The preceding verse says not to be anxious about anything, and the following verse tells us what we should think about: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things. As for the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:8-9 NASB) Finally, James 1:7 warns against double-mindedness. This Greek word (dipsuchos)(5) literally means “double-souled” or “two-souled.” It means to be undecided or to waffle back and forth in our minds. First, we lean in one direction, then another. James said this erodes faith and keeps us from receiving heaven’s provision. Don’t allow this! Stay focused on one perspective - God’s! “In Robert Louis Stevenson’s story of a storm, he described a ship caught off a rocky coast, threatening death to all on board. One of the terrified passengers made his way to the pilothouse, where the pilot was lashed to his post with his hands on the wheel, turning the ship little by little into the open sea. The pilot smiled at the man, who then rushed back to the deck below, shouting, ‘I have seen the face of the pilot, and he smiled. All is well.’”(6) Our pilot is not nervous or anxious. Do not fear. He will guide us through the troubled waters. Anchor yourself to Him and to His unfailing Word! Pray with me: Father, we are thankful for Your love and for disciplining those whom You love, rather than rejecting them. You are disciplining this nation in order to transform its character and produce a harvest of righteousness. You are turning America back to You and to her destiny. According to the prophecy from Robert Hunt at Cape Henry in 1607, America’s purpose is to be an “evangelist” to the world. We are reclaiming that purpose and privilege. We can endure any shaking that tears down evil systems opposing You and Your desires. You said that everything built on the rock of Your Word will survive any storm. In fact, according to Your Word, You will cause the shaking to work for our good. We will emerge on the other side in revival and ready to reform this nation. We are not afraid; we have seen the Pilot. Our decree: We declare that our hearts and minds are garrisoned with the peace of God! ******************** I have a gift I would like to give you. Some time ago, I shared a complete message on victory over fear. I believe this teaching will help equip you to walk through any challenges that may come your way. And not only will it help you, but it will also arm you to help others. You can click HERE for this free message (The Snare of Fear). Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. No. 3886. Ibid., ref. no. 7999. Ibid., ref. no. 1018. Ibid., ref. no. 5432. Ibid., ref. no. 1374. Spiros Zodhiates, Illustrations of Bible Truths (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1995), p. 267
  5. 6 min read April 30, 2024 Our Faith is Growing Some people take offense when I mention that Abraham and Sarah wavered in their faith off and on during their twenty-five-year wait for Isaac. Perhaps they assume I am contradicting Romans 4:17-21 and Hebrews 11:8-12. However, I am not contradicting these verses, and I will explain why. Here are the 2 passages. “As it is written, (‘A Father of many nations, have I made you’) in the presence of Him whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist. In hope against hope, he believed, so that he might become a father of many nations according to that which had been spoken, “So shall your descendants be.” Without becoming weak in faith, he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah’s womb; yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform.” (Romans 4:17-21 NASB) “By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith, he lived as an alien in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow heirs of the same promise, for he was looking for the city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God. By faith, even Sarah herself received the ability to conceive, even beyond the proper time of life, since she considered Him faithful, who had promised. Therefore, there was born even of one man, and him as good as dead at that, as many descendants as the stars of heaven in number, and innumerable as the sand which is by the seashore.” (Hebrews 11:8-12 NASB) It is obvious from these two passages that both Abraham and Sarah WERE walking in unwavering faith when Isaac was conceived. And we are not speaking of a temporary “gift of faith,” either; Abraham “grew strong” (Romans 4:20) in faith, which means this wasn’t the “gift of faith” operating. And yet, up until three months before Isaac’s conception, they were NOT walking in this unwavering faith, which is easily seen in the Old Testament. In Genesis 17 and 18, when they were 99 and 90 years old, the Lord appeared again, telling them that Isaac would be born. Here are their responses: “Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said in his heart, ‘Will a child be born to a man one hundred years old? And will Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?’ And Abraham said to God, ‘Oh, that Ishmael might live before You!’” (Genesis 17:17-18 NASB) “He said, ‘I will surely return to you at this time next year, and behold, Sarah, your wife will have a son.” And Sarah was listening at the tent door, which was behind him. Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in age; Sarah was past childbearing. Sarah laughed to herself, saying, ‘After I have become old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?’ And the Lord said to Abraham, ‘Why did Sarah laugh, saying, “Shall I indeed bear a child, when I am so old?” Is anything too difficult for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.’ Sarah denied it, however, saying, “I did not laugh,” for she was afraid. And He said, ‘No, but you did laugh.’” (Genesis 18:10-15 NASB) It is clear from these passages that Abraham and Sarah were NOT fully convinced and unwavering in their faith when the Lord spoke to them on these two occasions, twelve months before Isaac’s birth. Yet, according to the New Testament, they WERE walking in unwavering faith three months later when he was conceived. This means they were transformed from unbelief to an amazing, unwavering faith in a short, three-month period of time. That should encourage you. I want you to know that it doesn’t take years to develop a strong enough faith to receive a miracle from God. Yes, we do have to believe and not doubt (Mark 9:23; 11:23). But your faith can grow into an unwavering faith, just as Abraham and Sarah’s faith did, in a relatively short amount of time. Jesus compared faith to a mustard seed, a tiny seed that grows into a tree (Matthew 17:20). He did NOT say we only needed faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains, as some translations wrongly word the verse. He said “like” or “as” a mustard seed, which starts small but grows, just as the parable of the sower describes (Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8). In this parable, Jesus said God’s words are seeds that grow in us until they reach full fruition, or in other words, bring forth fruit. This is what Romans 10:17 means when it says, “Faith comes by hearing the word of God.” This does not happen simply by hearing or reading a Scripture once, just as a seed does not grow to fruitfulness simply from being planted. The point of Christ's parable was that the seed must be tended to: watered, weeds pulled, harmful bugs kept away, etc. He was teaching us that if we take care of the seed of His Word, it will grow into fullness and bring forth its intended harvest. One of the Old Testament words for this process of tending the seed is “meditate.” Joshua was told to meditate in/on God‘s Word (Joshua 1:8). The word means to think about, ponder, mutter, and speak to one’s self. Tending the seed of God’s word is more than simply planting it; it is thinking about it, pondering it, saying it - OVER AND OVER. Did Abraham and Sarah do this? Yes. God, in a manner of speaking, forced them to. When this three-month faith-growing process in them started, He introduced Himself to them by a new name: Almighty God (Genesis 17:1). He then gave them new names: Abram’s was changed to Abraham, Sarai’s to Sarah. What did these names mean? In Genesis 17:4, Abram was told by Almighty God - the God who is all-powerful, who can do anything - that he would be the “Father of a multitude of nations,” and his name was changed accordingly to Abraham. Sarai was told, “She shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her” (Verse 16, NASB). Her new name, Sarah, means “princess,” a title referring to her being a “mother of nations.” These words were “mediated” on - spoken, thought about, etc. - dozens and dozens of times as they spoke these two names. “Almighty God said You are a mother of nations, Sarah; I, Abraham, am a father of nations.” As they declared God’s power and their destiny - over and over - their faith grew, and their bodies changed. Finally, they were walking in complete faith, and God could release the miracle of Isaac. You can do this. What has God promised in His Word that you are currently in need of? What has He spoken in your heart and confirmed through His word and others? Healing? The saving of a prodigal? How about the saving of a nation? Whatever it is, become radical in thinking about and declaring God’s Word. Say what He says, the literal meaning of confession. Give His words the opportunity to do what they were meant to do - reproduce in you! Pray With Me: Father, Your words are timeless seeds. They have within them the ability to produce/reproduce what they say. Your words create, cleanse, deliver, heal, raise the dead, transform, instruct, mature us, and even generate new creations in Christ Jesus - we are born again of the incorruptible seed of your word. We must “eat” them; Jeremiah said, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them, and they were the joy and rejoicing of my heart” Jeremiah 15:16. Your words are embodied by Christ, the Living Word, the Bread of Life. I pray that You open the eyes of many with a revelation of how faith grows. Connect the dots. Show them how Your words produce powerful, mountain-moving faith. And show them that their faith can grow in a relatively short period of time for any area in which they have need. Our nature is that of invisible spirits, with the ability to operate in the realm of invisible faith, believing in what we cannot see. We can do what You said we can do: produce mountain-moving faith through “farming” Your Word. Bring this revelation. I pray this for them in Jesus' name. Our decree: We declare that our faith is growing and will bring forth 100-fold fruit. ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  6. 6 min read April 29, 2024 As he so often does, my brother, Tim, has released a powerful word of encouragement. He titled it: Arise and Preside Recently, I asked the Lord what His current word was to the church and nation. His answer was simple yet impactful: “Stay very focused.” The saying, “It’s darkest just before dawn,” certainly applies to our present times.(1) Darkness is presenting itself in ways that are very challenging and the body of Christ must live our lives persevering and staying focused. We cannot allow this present darkness to blind our thinking; rather, we must position ourselves to win one of the greatest battles our nation has ever been presented with. When I was a student at Christ for the Nations, a guest speaker said something I wrote on the inside cover of my Bible. That Bible is on the shelf behind my desk to this day. The statement was, “Never doubt in the dark what God has shown you in the light.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve practiced that statement. In moments when I couldn’t see my way forward, my faith would rise up, and I would trust the promise of what God had shown me in the light. In dark times, remembering what God has said will keep the darkness from causing disillusionment. I have found myself so grieved concerning the darkness rising in our nation. Wickedness and lies are being arrogantly promoted. I have awakened often in the night overcome with a burden of intercession. On one of those nights, I began remembering all the words and promises God had given us, and began encouraging my faith by rehearsing them one after the other. The very next morning, the importance of one of those words was amplified to me. As I was watching the news, the commentator said, “This is a very dark time in America’s history. Injustice is being championed in our courts.” As I watched and agreed with his statement regarding injustice, Holy Spirit reminded me of a prophetic word He had given me: “As My Ekklesia prays and declares its faith, I will prepare a moment, and I will lance the boil of injustice in America. For I am a God of justice; injustice will not hinder the reaping of My harvest. Their threats will not silence My words.” Could this be that moment? We are living in unprecedented times in America. The words of God have actually been labeled hate speech. I don’t pretend to know all God is doing right now, but I do know He will not allow injustice to stop His greatest harvest. I know He is still in charge and watching over His Word to perform it. He knows how to overwhelm darkness with His glorious light. Isaiah 60:1-2 (NKJV) says, “Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen on you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people, but the Lord shall arise on you, and His glory shall be seen on you.” “Darkness” is the Hebrew word choshek.(2) It means misery, destruction, or wickedness. It also means to be abundant with ignorance or falsehood. This certainly describes our present days. Our economy, laws, education, justice system, rights, and values are being destroyed. These are days of celebrated wickedness and extreme ignorance. Indeed, gross darkness is covering the people. “Gross darkness” is the Hebrew word araphel.(3) It means gloom, gloominess, thick dark clouds, thunder clouds (the kind that spin, producing tornados and twisters). Araphel metaphorically refers to people who frown, referencing days of foreboding clouds putting a frown on people. Who can deny that we are now living in such times? But…never doubt in the dark what God has shown you in the light. The promise of light is coming. The glory of the Lord will come upon you in times of gross darkness. Stay focused and remember what God has said. He knows how to bring supernatural, transformational reformation. We’re being called to stand in these challenging times with a confident faith that rests upon the brilliance and power of God. We are also being called to proclaim God’s Word, which brings hammering destruction to evil. Jeremiah 23:29 (AMP) says, “Is not my word like a fire [that consumes all that cannot endure the test]? says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks in pieces the rock [of most stubborn resistance]?” We are in a time when the true church, the Ekklesia, must stand in the face of darkness and stubborn resistance, declaring the fire-filled words of Almighty God. We are in times when we must swing the sledgehammer of God’s Word against evil and trust that His Word is going to bust evil to pieces. Just as Jeremiah was, we are to be a prophetic voice to the nation. Jeremiah 1:9-10 (NLT) says, “I have put my words in your mouth. And I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. Some you must uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow. Others you must build up and plant.” God has appointed and given us powerful authority. The wording gives the picture of one presiding over. Preside means to occupy the place of authority or control. We are called to preside in the name of our King and influence the nations. We are to preside over evil and evil kingdoms by declaring the words of God. The Lord of Hosts decrees: “I have commissioned Michael to release sufficient warriors from his army to assist my Ekklesia and unlock America. Stay focused. They will swing the battering rams of heaven, which are energized by your decrees of My Word. Stay focused. I will release explosive power against entrenched evil. No longer will its wicked conspiracy be swept under the rug. I am pulling the corrupt rug off of it. I will expose diabolical plans. They will be seen clearly. I say to evil, ‘Your rug will become your burial shroud. I will bury your plans. Your tombstone reads, “Vanquished.” My Ekklesia and My angel armies will explode on your strongholds and destroy them, sending shock waves around the earth.’ “I will release sweeping change across the nation. I will break the back of demon princes, and they will not stand. I will unravel hell’s plans, their cover-up, coup, conspiracy, diabolical dynasty, and fraud. For the Lord of Hosts decrees to His uncompromising Ekklesia, arise with confidence, for I have portals throughout the land, and what I open, no one can close. I am opening windows over the earth, and from these portals of glory, you will now experience power flows of My might that overwhelm satanic plans. “I am releasing spiritual hurricanes. A rushing mighty wind is blowing through the land propelled by Holy Spirit and His angel armies; it will blow away the plan of the forever loser. The plans of darkness will be overthrown. My wind will uproot iniquity and doctrines of demons, and it will blow the lid off deception. It will expose demonic dictators and blow the lid off Jezebel’s government. “Stay focused. My angels are riding the winds, pulling the ropes of change. I am turning the tide for My people: turning the battles, turning the war, turning the fortunes, and overturning injustice. I am overruling leviathan and the media giants. I am many moves ahead of hell’s kingdom. Again, I say, ‘Stay focused.’” ******* Arise and preside in the name of our King! Pray with me: Lord, we are determined to stay focused. We declare our confidence in You and we stand strong upon Your promises. We believe You are breaking the hold of evil and darkness in our nation as we release the hammer of Your Word. We believe Your light is rising on Earth, and Your glory on Your people. Darkness cannot defeat this light. We refuse to doubt in the dark time what You have shown us in the light. Your victory is certain. Release great revelation to Your Ekklesia of Your established victory and our authority to enforce it. Bring revelation of the dominion You have given us to preside over the darkness, ruling for You. Open the portals You spoke of, portals of glory and might. Release the winds! Blow the lid off deception, and off Jezebel’s government. Release the battering rams, pull the cover off evil plans. We ask all of this in the Almighty name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We declare that the Ekklesia will rise and preside in the Name of King Jesus. We decree that gross darkness is being broken over our nation, God’s glorious light is rising, and we will stay focused! ************************** Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------------- Thomas Fuller, Pisgah Sight (1650), Book II, ch. 2 James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 6205. Ibid., ref. no. 2822.
  7. 5 min read April 22, 2024 Introduction In this hinge year, we are moving ever closer to the greatest Kingdom advancement Earth has ever experienced. Yes, darkness is covering much of the earth. But God said that would be the time when His glory would rise upon us, drawing many people to the BRIGHTNESS of the light (Isaiah 60:1-3). Our friend Gina Gholston speaks of this in today’s post. The Heavyweight At the beginning of this year, the Lord told me that 2024 would be a year of His “revealed glory.” Revealed glory indicates that undeniable evidence of His nearness will be seen and experienced. It is more than just intellectual knowledge regarding the existence of God. Revealed glory is indicative of experiential knowledge that comes by way of demonstration of His undeniable power and manifested presence. Habakkuk 2:14 declares that the time is coming when “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” This scripture prophesies a time when the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will be so widespread that it will be unavoidable and undeniable. The incomparable magnificence of God will flood the atmosphere to such a degree that no one and nowhere will be devoid of the knowledge of His nearness and power. I believe we have entered that era. This prophetic promise is cause for rejoicing among the people of God, but it is also a call to attention. The Church is being called to operate in the highest level of her purpose, shining with the light of Christ’s glory and revealing Him (see Colossians 1:27). It is through us that God will show Himself strong and make Christ known. God is not in a panic, trying to come up with a response to the evil operating in our world. His plan has already been set into motion. From the book of Esther, we learn that God works ahead of time to position and set into motion things that must align for a set time. When the set time comes, regardless of how things may appear, God’s plan and intentions will push forward and prevail. Long before Haman plotted his evil scheme against God’s people, God already had Mordecai and Esther in position for His redemptive plan to be fulfilled. When the plot was announced, Haman rejoiced in only a short-lived victory because the revealed workings of God’s plan overturned his plan and changed everything. Long before the chaos in our nation began, God was already positioning and equipping His Ekklesia. Because of His work ahead of time, His redemptive plan for America will be set into motion and fulfilled in this set time! Though the wicked may rejoice for a moment, we can be confident that God’s plan will overturn the enemy’s schemes. He will work, and no one will reverse what He has done and will do. God’s Ekklesia will move with great triumph as the knowledge of His glory is revealed in undeniable ways. I recently heard the Lord say, “I am pulling out all the stops.” Hidden things used in past seasons to block God’s people are now being dislodged and dealt with. It doesn’t mean that all will be easy or that hell is just going to retreat. It means God has empowered us with Holy Spirit’s supernatural ability to work with Him, releasing His Kingdom and will. It is by Holy Spirit’s enabling power and leading that we can participate in the callings and purposes of God for our lives. Paul teaches us in 1 Corinthians 2, that Holy Spirit reveals to us the deep thoughts and wisdom of God. As He imparts that wisdom to us, we are enabled to know, perceive, and do things that we otherwise would not be able to achieve on our own. As we cooperate with Holy Spirit, the evidence of God’s power and presence are then made known to those around us. Daniel 11:32 says, “The people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits.” One definition of the word exploits is “to make full use of and derive benefit from a resource.” It indicates a supernatural ability to excel and perform mighty things as Holy Spirit operates in and through us. He is the resource from which we derive wisdom and ability from God, enabling us to advance supernaturally and see His prophesied intentions for our times come to pass. God’s glory will be revealed. He will save America and “make things right again!” Awakening is happening! As Dutch says, “It’s here, but it’s coming.” We are experiencing it now, but the reality of its fullness will intensify to even greater degrees as His glory continues to be revealed through His triumphant Church. And His glory changes everything! Earlier this year I had a dream that is very fitting for this post. May it enlighten and encourage us all! In the dream, I saw children playing on a playground, and a little girl was on the teeter-totter. A huge man came and sat on the other end making her side go up in the air. The man was laughing and said, “I bet you can’t get back down!” There were others standing around looking at her, also laughing. The little girl wasn’t even phased by the bullying. Suddenly, a massive rock came out of nowhere and was lowered into the space behind the little girl, making the balance shift suddenly and dramatically! The large man was flung completely off the teeter-totter, leaving him and the others in shock! The little girl then stepped off, dusted her dress a little, and was smiling as she walked away. Someone asked her, “What happened? How did it shift so suddenly?” The little girl said, “It was the rock. The rock made me heavier!” The enemy does not hold the advantage in influencing the future of our nation. The advantage is on the side of the Church. We are in a time when God’s glory will be revealed. The Hebrew word for glory is kabod; one of its meanings is “weighty or heavy.”(1) It’s indicative of the weighty presence of God. His glory is in us and will be revealed through us. We are NOT the underdogs! We are the “dwelling place in which God lives by His Spirit” (Ephesians 2:22). The “Heavyweight” is on our side! He is showing up, things will be tilted to advance His righteous intentions, and hell’s agenda will be toppled by the weight of His presence! ******* Pray with me: Father, Your great plan of the ages is advancing. It cannot be stopped. The prophetic promises You have spoken concerning our times have not failed, nor have they been forgotten by You. You have called and appointed Your Ekklesia to advance with Your purposes, and through us, Your glory will be revealed in this set time. We yield to You. We’re becoming more and more aware of and sensitive to the work of Holy Spirit. He is imparting divine wisdom and the ability to work with You to see Your Kingdom come and Your will established. Regardless of how things may appear in this moment, we do not surrender to despair or the taunting of hope deferred. We know You are on our side, and we are fully confident in You. You will save America. You will come and make things right again. Our decree: We decree that God is with us. Things are being shifted to advance His righteous intentions, and hell’s agenda is being toppled by the weight of His presence. *********************** Today’s post was shared by Gina Gholston and was taken from her book Awakening the Church to Awaken a Nation. You can find out more about Gina at Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3519.
  8. 5 min read April 19, 2024 Spirit-Wind People On Tuesday of this week, I shared a post on the power of speaking God’s words. I taught on the word dabar,(1) the most common word for “the word of the Lord,” stating that God’s words do more than inform us; they have power in them to perform or accomplish what they say. We can release God’s power by speaking His Word. Yesterday, I addressed one of the reasons many people struggle with making declarations and decrees, binding and loosing, etc. The entire human race experienced spiritual death at the Fall. Our spirits, the part of us created to relate to the spirit realm, house and connect with God - and which was dominant - lost this ability. The soul - the mind, emotions, and will - that part of us created to relate to the natural world around us, was exalted and became dominant. At that point, humans were no longer spirit-led, but soul-led. And 1 Corinthians 2:14 tells us a natural (psuchikos-soulish)(2) person cannot discern spiritual things, going so far as to say they are “foolish” (moria-moron-ish)(3) to him. When we are born again, God immediately begins working to transform us from being led by our souls to again being spirit-led people. As this transition occurs, we become more able to hear God’s voice, and BE His voice. SPIRITUAL PEOPLE Today, I want to address further what it means to operate by and from the spirit. Pneuma(4) is the Greek word for spirit. It also means wind or breath. The Holy Spirit could be called the “Holy Breath” or “Holy Wind” of God. The “breath” administered to humankind at creation was the Holy Spirit, as was the wind at Pentecost when He brought forth the “new creation” or “new birth.” Since pneuma is the Greek word for spirit, it isn’t surprising that a slight variation of it gives us the word for spiritual: pneumatikos.(5) It basically means relating or pertaining to the spirit. To be spiritual, by Biblical standards, simply means operating or functioning from our spirit. Since this is where the Holy Spirit of God resides in us, being spiritual also equates to functioning with Holy Spirit’s ability or influence. Perhaps you’ve heard of pneumatic tools, which are powered by air, not electricity. The dictionary says the word means “powered by wind or air.” It also uses this same definition for pneumatikos, the word for spiritual. So, to be spiritual is to be wind-powered, wind-driven. The Holy Spirit, in our spirit, empowering us. Let me break this down further: When we are born again, we are born of the Spirit, Wind, or Breath of God (John 3:6). Holy Spirit fills our spirit (Acts 2:4), and our spirits become one with Him (1 Corinthians 6:17). Let that sink in: your spirit and Holy Spirit become one spirit! When we’re born again, we are empowered by the Spirit, Breath, and Wind of God (Acts 1:8). This is why Peter could say to the lame man in Acts 3:6, just after being filled with the Spirit, “such as I have give I thee.” It is why Acts 4:33 says, “And with great power, the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all” (NASB). This was Holy Spirit power. Peter and the apostles were Wind-driven, Wind-powered. After we’re born again, we mature from being soul-led to spirit-led (Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18). The Galatians reference is the passage listing the fruit of the spirit. When we are led by the Holy Spirit in our spirit, the fruit of our spirit becomes the character of Holy Spirit. Being led by the Spirit also refers to directional and activity leadings (Acts 10:19; 16:9). Believers are to be Wind-filled, Wind-driven, Wind-powered, Wind-motivated, and Wind-led. Lastly, when we are born again, we speak by/from Holy Spirit in our spirit. That’s what it means to prophesy: hear the Spirit and say what He says (Ezekiel 37:4, 9; Acts 11:28; 21:11). Jesus said the words He spoke were “spirit” (pneuma) and “life” (John 6:63). My interpretation: Christ was saying what He heard Holy Spirit saying, and because of this, the words were releasing life. Wind-words release Wind-life. Jesus is building a Wind-driven church, a church that is filled with and powered by the Wind of heaven, the Spirit of God. He is building a church that knows the Spirit’s voice and releases the Spirit’s voice. “For the Spirit-Wind blows as it chooses. You can hear its sound, but you don’t know where it came from or where it’s going. So it is the same with those who are Spirit-born!”” (John‬ ‭3‬:‭8‬ ‭TPT‬‬). We are these Spirit-born people Jesus spoke of. We will be blown by the Spirit-Wind throughout the earth. Satan and his demons won’t know where we’re coming from but they will hear what is to them a terrifying sound: prison doors opening and prisoners going free. They won’t know where we’re going next until we are blown there by Spirit-Wind. Throughout the earth, we will leave a path of signs, wonders, miracles, deliverances and salvations. Get ready for the Wind-driven church! Pray with me: Father, as Spirit filled people we are pneumatic - powered by the breath of Holy Spirit. We are also to be led and borne by the wind, following the dictates of our great Helper, Holy Spirit. How little we understand and take advantage of this. We should be causing dead, dry, and scattered bones to come together, then commanding Your breath into them. We should be healing lame men at city gates, and setting captives free throughout the land. Teach us! We ask forgiveness of You for failing to cultivate a stronger relationship with Your Spirit, and for not learning to walk according to our spirits, rather than our souls. So often we are intellect driven, emotion driven, rather than Wind-driven. We so frequently let other voices drown out Yours, keeping us from being Spirit-led people. We ask for fresh wind and fresh fire. We ask for a refilling. We want to be those Jesus spoke of: Spirit-born people, blown throughout the earth by Spirit-Wind. Release this. Come from the four winds and blow through us on dry bones everywhere. Blow across this nation, saving America. Blow into our government, our schools, our inner cities and country sides. Blow into the Middle East and save millions. Blow into Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia and all of the Americas. Blow a scorching wind into the camp of the enemy, a saving wind to the people. We ask for these things in Jesus name. Amen. Our decree: We declare that we are the Spirit-born people Jesus spoke of, blown throughout the Earth by Spirit-Wind. ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------ James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 1697. Ibid., ref. no. 5591. Ibid., ref. no. 3472. Ibid., ref. no. 4151. Ibid., ref. no. 4152.
  9. 6 min read April 18, 2024 Releasing Holy Spirit’s Power In Tuesday’s post, I spoke about the power of God’s words and the power we can release by speaking them. I want to continue that theme today. It is difficult to convince many believers that we can and must release God’s power by speaking. They struggle with making spiritual decrees and declarations, and with releasing spiritual commands such as binding and loosing. Today, we will look at why people struggle with this. It is a fairly in-depth teaching from my book Becoming Who You Are and might be more easily processed when undistracted. “Study to show yourself approved…” (2 Timothy 2:15) is a good verse for us today! I’m going to address the subjects of soul and spirit. Though many people use these two words interchangeably, they are completely different. SPIRIT, SOUL, AND BODY God created humans as tri-part beings: spirit (pneuma),(1) soul (psuche),(2) and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Our soul (psuche)—the mind, will, and emotions—is the part of us God created to relate to the natural realm/world around us through our intellect, knowledge, wisdom, logic, feelings, our five senses, etc. Our psuche is our psyche. Our spirit (pneuma) was made to house God’s Spirit and life, and relate to the invisible, spiritual realm. This is where we discern, hear God‘s voice, and where faith resides. Before the Fall, this part of Adam and Eve was dominant; they were led and influenced first by their spirits, not the soul. THE REVERSAL When Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, spiritual death came to their spirits (pneuma), and dominance was transferred to their souls, their psuches. At that point, rather than being led and guided in life spiritually – by the influence of God in their spirits, they would now be led by their souls – by what they could see, hear, learn, and discover naturally. They would be led by themselves, not by the Spirit of God. When we are saved and our spirits come alive, once again receiving God’s Spirit and life, He begins teaching us how to again be led by and manifest the fruit of the spirit (pneuma). This is what it means to be “spiritual” (a pneumatikos)(3). And when we are saved or born again, our spirits are given life and transformed instantly (2 Corinthians 5:17). Our souls, however, are transformed progressively; they must be renewed and transformed (Romans 12:1-2; James 1:21). This means that after the new birth, we have the potential to become pneumatikos’s, spiritual people, led and motivated by our spirits; but for the most part we are still psuchikos’s, soulish people, motivated from our souls. An internal power struggle begins. The soul, again, created to connect with the natural realm and operate based on what it can see, understand, prove, etc., - not with the spiritual, invisible world - will continue to struggle with accepting what it cannot see or explain, such as faith, miracles, hearing God speak, the power of speaking God’s words, sowing and reaping, heaven, hell, needing to be born again, etc. This natural, soulish weakness must be overcome if we are to operate in the supernatural, spiritual realm and according to spiritual principles. There is a force of life in us we cannot see or explain. There is a power in us we cannot see or explain. There is a power in God‘s Word we cannot see or explain. There is an authority we have that we cannot see or explain. There are demons and angels operating in the world around us that we cannot see or explain. Do not allow your propensity to operate from your soul keep you from being led by your spirit. If you do allow it, you will always be limited to natural solutions - a natural life (being led by your soul) - and be excluded from the supernatural realm you were also intended to operate in (being led by the spirit). THE LAWS OF THE SPIRIT We must also learn the principles and laws governing various aspects of this spiritual realm, including authority, power, faith, and God’s Word. In Matthew 21 Jesus used a fig tree to teach his disciples. He cursed the tree, and it died immediately. When His amazed disciples asked Him about this, He said, “Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen. And whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive it all” (Matthew 21: 21-22 NASB). Jesus wasn’t teaching his disciples how to kill trees; He was using this act as an example of how to deal with mountains of adversity. They would need to have faith in their hearts, based on God’s Word, and they would have to release that faith by speaking. Most Christians’ psuches keep their faith locked up in their pneumas. Romans 10:8 says God’s “word of faith” is in our hearts AND our mouths. The passage then says that’s how we were born again, by believing God’s Word in our hearts and declaring it with our mouths. Second Corinthians 4:13 mentions “the spirit of faith” and describes it as “we believe, therefore we speak.” This is how faith operates. Jesus spoke not only to the fig tree, but also to a storm (Mark 4:39) and a dead body (John 11:43). After rebuking the storm in Mark 4, He challenged the disciples regarding their lack of faith and asked why they were timid/intimidated (deilia)(4) by the storm. In other words, they could have rebuked the storm. Like Him, they could have and should have released faith and authority by rebuking the storm themselves. On another occasion, Jesus was amazed at the faith of a Roman centurion. His servant was paralyzed and in great torment, and the soldier asked Jesus to heal him. Jesus said yes, He would go to the man’s house and heal his servant. The centurion responded by saying, “Lord, I am not worthy for You to come under my roof, but just say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I also am a man under authority, with soldiers under me; and I say to this one, ‘Go!’ and he goes, and to another, ‘Come!’ and he comes, and to my slave, ‘Do this!’ and he does it” (Matthew 8:8-9 NASB). Jesus was amazed at the centurion’s “great faith” (Verse 10). This man’s military training had enabled him to understand how the unseen spiritual principles of authority and faith were released: by verbal commands. “Just say the word, and my servant will be healed.” We must also understand this. The authority we’ve been given and the faith in our hearts are released in the spiritual realm from our mouths. Don’t allow your logic-focused psuche to shut down the faith in your pneuma. Release it! Pray with me: Father, if the Ekklesia is to become the full extension of Your Kingdom rule, we must understand the spiritual realm and how to operate in it. We must understand spiritual power, authority, faith, and how to release them. If we are going to successfully bind and loose demonic activity, open and close spiritual doors with Your keys of authority, we will do so from that which is in our spirits, not our souls; from our hearts, not our minds. Give us eyes to see what cannot be seen and ears to hear what cannot be heard. Jesus said the words He spoke were spirit and life (John 6:63). Teach us to release “spirit words,” words originating from our spirits and therefore carrying Your life. He prefaced this by saying the Spirit quickens or gives life, “the natural realm is of no help” (TPT). We want to walk in the life-giving realm, the spirit realm. We want to be spiritual! We want to move mountains, calm storms, and release life. Move us into this higher realm of revelation, we ask in Jesus’ name. Our decree: We declare that we will be spirit-led, not soul-led, and will therefore be Spirit-led. ******************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------- Once again, this teaching can be found in my book Becoming Who You Are. It is available in our bookstore at --------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4151. Ibid., ref. no. 5590. Ibid., ref. no. 4152. Ibid., ref. no. 1167.
  10. 6 min read April 17, 2024 My Thoughts Regarding Israel When I travel on weekends, I have to prepare one, sometimes two, or even three Give Him 15 posts in advance. Such was the case this past weekend. That is why I am just now commenting on the situation regarding Israel and Iran. Firstly, I want to say that I am praying for Israel’s protection and shalom, as we are instructed to do. I know Iran and its proxies are motivated by a principality the Bible calls “the Prince of Persia” (Daniel 10:13, 20). This spirit, of course, hates Israel because of its partnership with God in giving Messiah to the world, and it hates America, as well, because of our calling and partnership with God. Those under his influence refer to Israel as “the great satan,” and America as “the little satan;” they chant “Death to Israel” and “Death to America.” I am praying for his hold to end. I am also praying for salvation to the people of Iran, Gaza, Lebanon, and throughout the Middle East. And I’m praying for mercy and protection for the innocent people in that region, many of whom are our brothers and sisters. A couple of years back, I was informed that the church in Iran was one of the fastest-growing in the world—perhaps THE fastest-growing. Many are coming to Christ there and throughout the Middle East. This evil principality is losing its hold. Many are asking if this recent attack by Iran against Israel marks the end of the age and the Second Coming of Christ. Some Christian leaders are saying it is, especially with it coming on the heels of the eclipse, which many said was also a sign of the end. Like EVERYONE, regardless of their predictions, I don’t know when the Lord’s return will take place. But I do NOT believe this is the end, that it is Ezekiel 38. There is a great harvest coming, and that should be our focus. Preaching the gospel of the Kingdom (Mark 16) and discipling nations (Matthew 28) is our assignment. Stay focused on saving and discipling, not leaving. During the Charismatic and Jesus People Movements of the 60s and 70s, some opportunities were lost because people were so focused on Christ’s return…why plan for the future? We will not make the same mistake with this outpouring. Since I have deviated from the theme I began yesterday to comment on current events, I will take the remainder of the post to strengthen and encourage you. The state of affairs in America and the world are troubling. Also, life itself sends problems and challenges our way. Maintaining peace and faith is sometimes difficult. Jesus knew this would be the case. He told us, “Peace I leave you, My peace I give you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor fearful” (John 14:27 NASB). Notice that He used two words to describe the unsettledness that tries to overtake us: troubled and fearful. Troubled (tarasso)(1) is a word meaning “stirred up or agitated” like roiling water; it is, therefore, a word describing inward commotion, disquietness, or restlessness. Picture the agitator in a washing machine; this is what can occur in our minds and emotions. Jesus said not to allow this. Instead, we are to receive His shalom - peace and wholeness. Christ then said not to be fearful. This is the Greek word I referred to a few days back, deiliao.(2) He did not use the word phobos,(3) from which we get phobia, terror, etc. This would certainly be included in His admonition, but His choice of words is important. Deilia/deiliao is timidity, intimidation, or insecurity. Don’t let the turmoil and unrest intimidate you, He was saying. My peace is stronger. Be bold and refuse to allow what occurs around you to intimidate you. This is also the word Jesus used when speaking to the disciples on the storm-tossed boat (Mark 4:39). It is the word Paul used when challenging his spiritual son, Timothy (2 Timothy 1:7). The Lord wants us to face the storm; resisting all intimidation; stir up His power within, remember His love, operate with the discipline of a sound mind, and receive His peace. And finally, I want to exhort us to pray for one another. “Therefore, I, the prisoner of the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, being diligent to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1-3 NASV). The word “diligent” is spoudazo,(4) from a root word meaning “speed.” This form of the word means to “speedily and earnestly perform a task.” Thayer’s Lexicon uses the phrase “to exert one’s self” to describe this word. My amplification would be to “with great exertion and without delay work toward love and unity.” “Bearing with one another” is the Greek word, anechomai,(5) which doesn’t only mean to be patient or forbearing toward others. It also means “to hold oneself up against; to hold up or sustain,” much like a stake bears up a tomato plant. The point is to provide strength to one another, to “stake ourselves” to others, transferring our strength to them, thereby sustaining them. This is similar to the point being made in Psalm 133, which tells us the dew of Hermon rains on Zion (verse 3). As the day warms, the dew on Mt Hermon evaporates and forms clouds. The afternoon winds blow them to Mt Zion, where they produce rain. Mt Hermon literally waters Zion. God uses this as a beautiful picture of what we must do as His body: sow into, bless, strengthen, and encourage one another. And one way we do this is by staking ourselves to them in prayer. I ask you: who will remain standing today because of your prayers? Who will keep from falling because your prayer arms were wrapped around their heart or mind, or your literal arms around their shoulders? Speak rest today to someone’s “troubled” heart; break “intimidation” off of them; release God’s shalom. Be their strength. Let’s do so now. Pray with me: Father, we come alongside those who are struggling to stand under the weight of their circumstances or grief. We stake ourselves to brothers and sisters who may be struggling to believe, or to walk in Your peace. We wrap our arms of love around them, whether literally or figuratively, and declare over them, “You will not fall; you will stand. You will not give up; you will persevere. You will not die; you will live and declare the works of the Lord. You will accomplish your destiny.” We declare over prodigals, “You will come home to Father’s house. Your disillusionment with life and God will become disillusionment toward satan and his kingdom. Your confusion will become clarity of heart in mind. Your identity crisis will become security in who you are, in who God made you to be. You will come to your senses and return to your Father and your inheritance. You will know the Lord and be taught of Him. You will be radical lovers and worshipers of Jesus. You will feel at home and comfortable in Father’s house. You will change the world.” We decree over America, “You shall be saved. You will be delivered from the spirit of Baal and his control. Your dry bones will live. Your government will be purged and transformed. Your education system will be healed. Your justice system will be restored. Your churches will be on fire. The coming shaking will heal you, not destroy you.” We declare over people in the Middle East, “You will be delivered from the control of the prince of Persia. You will have the veil lifted from your eyes and be able to see Jesus for who He really is. Israel, you will receive your awakening and visitation; the veil will lift from you, as well. Messiah will be seen and glorified in the Middle East. Revival is coming to your part of the world.” And we declare over all the earth: “The glory of the Lord will cover you as the waters cover the sea. You will be touched by God’s power, transformed by His love, and filled with His life. You are owned by Jesus, your Creator and King. He loves you and is coming to rescue you from the control of darkness.” All of this, we declare in His mighty name, the name of Yeshua. Our decree: We decree that Christ is building the church He said He would build: glorious, without spot or wrinkle, and one over which the government of hell cannot prevail. ************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 5015. Ibid., ref. no. 1168. Ibid., ref. no. 5401. Ibid., ref. no. 4704. Ibid., ref. no. 430.
  11. 5 min read April 16, 2024 Because He Said So (Genesis 15:1-4 NASB) “After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, ‘Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; Your reward shall be very great.’ Abram said, ‘O Lord God, what will You give me, since I am childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?’ And Abram said, ‘Since You have given no offspring to me, one born in my house is my heir.’ Then behold, the word of the Lord came to him, saying, ‘This man will not be your heir; but one who will come forth from your own body, he shall be your heir.’” (Genesis 18:11-14 NASB) “Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in age; Sarah was past childbearing. Sarah laughed to herself, saying, ‘After I have become old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?’ And the Lord said to Abraham, ‘Why did Sarah laugh, saying, “Shall I indeed bear a child, when I am so old?” Is anything too difficult for the Lord? At the appointed time, I will return to you, at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.’” (Jeremiah 32:27 KJV) “Behold, I am the Lord the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?” (Luke 1:37 KJV) “For with God, nothing shall be impossible.” In the GH15 posts, I have written and spoken much about the importance of saying what God says, of speaking His words. Speaking is how God creates and how He releases His power (Genesis 1; John 1). As those made in His image and likeness, we are to operate in this way, also. There is power IN us that must be released FROM us, and the primary way we do so is with our words. I am speaking, of course, of speaking God’s words. The word for confession in the New Testament is homologia, which literally means “say the same;” in other words, “say the same thing God says.”(1) Saying what God says is how we, like Him, release the faith, the life, and the power that is in our spirits. Jesus told us to say to mountains, “Be removed,” using “mountains” figuratively to represent adversity (Mark 11.23-24). This is also how we are born again - believing in our hearts regarding Christ’s redeeming work and saying so with our mouths (Romans 10:9). This is what we are doing when decreeing or declaring in the context of prayer and/or spiritual warfare (Job 22:28; Matthew 16:18-19). And it is what is meant by using “The sword of the spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17) against satan’s kingdom. “Word” in this verse from Ephesians is rhema, which means spoken words.(2) Speaking God’s words is a powerful weapon. In this post’s opening verses of Scripture, an important Hebrew word dabar is used four times. Twice it is translated as “word” (as in “word of the Lord”); twice it is translated as “thing” (“Is any thing too hard for Me?”). Interestingly, dabar does mean both: a word, declaration, even a promise, and a thing. In Hebrew, the word or decree and the thing or matter it speaks of are the same word!(3) Skip Moen quotes Frederick Buechner as saying, “In Hebrew, the word dabar means both word and also deed. A dabar doesn’t merely say something; it does something. It brings something into being. It makes something happen.”(4) Wow! Joanne Panettieri says of this important word, “The Dabar of the Lord carries with it the ability to accomplish what it is sent out to do.(5) This is what took place at creation. God’s words - dabar - accomplished. Isaiah 55:11 says: “So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” Here’s what I want you to understand: God is not just saying He keeps His word. Obviously, He does so. But He wants us to know that His words DO! They accomplish, perform, and create that which He says. The archangel Gabriel was asked by Mary how she, a virgin, could have a child. He replied that: 1) Holy Spirit would overshadow her, placing within Mary a reproductive seed containing God himself! (Luke 1:35) Then he said, as translated by most versions of Scripture, 2) “For with God, nothing shall be impossible” (Verse 37). The word “nothing” is actually rhema, which, once again, means a spoken word. “Impossible” is the Greek word adunateo(6) (from the Greek prefix a, meaning without, and dunamis,(7) meaning power or ability), which literally means “without power.” A more literal translation of Gabriel’s explanation would be, “For no word spoken by God is without power.” Gabriel was essentially saying, “Mary, this will happen through the power of God’s words. It will occur because He said it!” Tomorrow, I will talk about the need for us to agree with God, including, of course, doing so with our words. He has chosen to work with and through us, giving us the choice to accept or reject His offer. Certainly, much of what God has said - regarding the future of the earth, the events in the Book of Revelation, etc. - will occur, whether you and I agree with it or not. However, what He says is available to us personally must be received and entered into by obedience and faith. We were saved at Calvary, but that salvation was not experienced until we believed in Christ’s work and confessed Him as our Savior. The same is true with promises to groups of people, including nations; the destiny and blessing God offers must be received by faith and by operating in obedience to His Word. Pray with me: Father, we come before You in humility and faith. In humility, we acknowledge that it is not our strength, goodness, or power that enables us to move mountains. And yet, in faith, we declare that we have been given the power of Holy Spirit and the authority of Christ with which to do so. In humility, we acknowledge that the blessing, mercy, provision and salvation we experience and release to others comes from the covenant we have with You through Christ, not any merits of our own. And yet, in faith we declare that we do indeed have these blessings, rights and privileges. Thank You for welcoming us into Your family and allowing us to partner with You. And we exalt You today as the great and awesome God, the Almighty, whose very words have within them the power and ability to accomplish what they say. No word spoken by You is without power! It always accomplishes what You assigned it to do. No promise You have made is too hard for You to fulfill. This week, open to us a greater revelation of Your ways. Teach us regarding both our need and our ability to operate as You do, releasing power through words. You told us death and life were in the power of the tongue. You said we could move mountains with our words. We join with Mary in saying, be it done to us according to Your Word. And we conclude by agreeing with You today regarding Your promise of salvation. We declare that America shall be saved. Our prodigals will come home to You. And the greatest harvest of souls in earth’s history shall take place in our generation. So be it. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we are coming into greater alignment with the Word and ways of God. ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3671. Ibid., ref. no. 4487. Ibid., ref. no. 1697. Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, ref. no.101. Ibid., ref. no. 1410.
  12. 6 min read April 12, 2024 What Do They All Have In Common? NOAH’S FLOOD In Genesis chapter 6, the story of Noah and the great flood begins. After Adam’s fall, people became so wicked that God knew He would have to destroy humankind and begin again (verse 5). He instructed Noah to build an ark for the preservation of his family, a project which probably took 50-75 years.(1) Then, when it was completed, He sent the flood. It rained for 40 days and nights (Genesis 7:17), flooded the earth, and Noah’s Ark floated for 150 days before coming to rest on Mt. Ararat. Genesis 8:1-4 tells us: “But God remembered Noah and all the animals and all the livestock that were with him in the ark; and God caused a wind to pass over the earth, and the water subsided. Also, the fountains of the deep and the floodgates of the sky were closed, and the rain from the sky was restrained; and the water receded steadily from the earth, and at the end of 150 days, the water decreased. Then in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat.” (NASB) THE RED SEA CROSSING After Israel’s incredible exodus from Egypt, during which God also demonstrated that the gods of Egypt were not truly gods but simply idols, Israel found themselves still in danger at the Red Sea. There was as yet one Egyptian god He had not exposed, Baal-zephon, their god of the seas. The first two verses of Exodus 14 inform us, “Now the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Tell the sons of Israel to turn back and camp in front of Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea; you shall camp in front of Baal-zephon, opposite it, by the sea’” (Exodus 14:1-2). Why the geography lesson? God wants us to know that HE chose the place for this encounter. To many of the Israelites, as well as to Pharaoh and his army, it looked as though Israel was confused, disoriented, and wandering aimlessly in the desert. And they were, in fact, now trapped by mountains, the sea, and Pharaoh’s army. God sometimes enjoys allowing satan to believe he has won; at times, He even orchestrates circumstances to accomplish this. Such was the case here. Scott Lancer, in an article for Associates for Biblical Research (Confronting Baal Zephon: The Spiritual Message of the Meeting of Israel and the Armies of Egypt) says, “Let us remember that God had been triumphing over not only Pharaoh and the Egyptians, but also the supposed power of their gods. The plagues were a drumbeat of victory as the gods of Egypt were, one by one, displayed to be impotent and powerless. And even more importantly, Yahweh wanted the Egyptians to know that He is the Lord” (14:4).(2) Pharaoh no doubt believed that this god was more powerful than Yahweh. He supposed that Baal-zephon had led Israel into a trap and was now going to cause them to be destroyed in front of the place named for him. Yahweh had other plans. His plan was to demonstrate that HE was the Lord of the sea. His authority, released through the extension of the rod He had given Moses, controlled the sea, not Zephon. Yahweh would lead his people THROUGH, not around, the sea that the Egyptians believed was under the control of Zephon. And instead of the Israelites being destroyed, it would be Pharaoh and the Egyptian army - in front of their supposed god! ISRAEL CROSSING INTO CANAAN In Genesis 12, God spoke to Abraham, promising him a family, a nation, ownership of the land of Canaan, and that He would use Abraham to bless the entire world. In Joshua 3, four and a half centuries later, this family now existed, had indeed become a nation, and under Joshua’s leadership, crossed into Canaan. Chapter 5 tells us: “While the sons of Israel camped at Gilgal, they celebrated the Passover on the evening of the fourteenth day of the month on the desert plains of Jericho. Then, on the day after the Passover, on that very day, they ate some of the produce of the land, unleavened cakes and roasted grain. And the manna ceased on the day after they had eaten some of the produce of the land, so that the sons of Israel no longer had manna, but they ate some of the yield of the land of Canaan during that year.” (Joshua 5:10-12 NASB) ISRAEL’S DELIVERANCE FROM HAMAN In the book of Esther, we find the great story of Israel’s deliverance from Haman’s plot to destroy them. This wicked man had convinced the king to sign a decree to destroy the Jews (Esther 3:1-12). God used Esther and Mordecai to reverse Haman’s seemingly fail-proof plan. Esther called for a 3-day fast to pray for God’s protection, then approached the king asking for mercy for her people. God intervened, and Haman was hung on the gallows he had built for Mordecai (Esther 7:10). The feast of Purim celebrates this great victory over Haman’s plot to destroy the Jews (Esther 9:26-32). THE COMMON DENOMINATOR Now, what do these events have in common? The date: Nisan 17. Noah’s Ark came to rest on Mount Ararat; Pharaoh and his army were destroyed, and Baal-zephon was exposed; after Joshua and Israel crossed into Canaan and ate the fruit of the land, the manna ceased; and Haman was hung on his own gallows - all on the 17th day of the Hebrew month Nisan. That is miraculous and amazing! One can only imagine the angels’ thoughts as they carried out their assignments. Take the Flood, for example: He’s going to start the rain, flood the earth, and cause enough of the water to dissipate so the ark touches Earth ON THAT VERY DAY? That’s impossible - but then again, we are talking about Yahweh! How about the crossing into Canaan, eating the fruit of the land, and the manna ceasing? He said what?! Over the next four and a half centuries, He’s going to enable an old, barren couple to have a kid, multiply him into a NATION, preserve them through centuries of slavery, deliver them on this special day He has chosen, navigate around a rebellious generation waiting for all of them to die, the next generation will begin eating the fruit of this promised land - and He is going to land all of this on this same special day of the flood receding and the deliverance of this nation from slavery? Four hundred-plus years in the future, on Nisan 17? Well, if He said it, He’ll do it! I suppose the angels were used to this stuff! But why this date? God hadn’t told anyone, not even the angels, why He was doing these things on this date because He couldn’t disclose the mystery of how He would redeem humankind. And part of the plan included Jesus being resurrected on Nisan 17! The new earth and humanity’s restart after the flood; the judging of the powers of darkness and Israel’s deliverance from slavery; the manna ceasing (a picture of Christ’s earthly body) and eating the fruit of Canaan; and Haman, a symbolizing satan, having the tables turned on him while God’s people are exalted, were all pictures of Christ’s resurrection and occurred… ON THE VERY SAME DAY! Get yourself a Hebrew calendar, and the next time satan tempts you to doubt God’s ability to fulfill one of His promises or His willingness to do so, pull it out and point to Nisan 17. He won’t hang around – he hates that day. Pray with me: Father, we are reminded today of Your words: “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26) You planned the day and time of the Resurrection from the foundation of the world. Sin and death don’t stand a chance against Your omnipotence and omniscience. You always know what to do and how to do it, and You possess the power to accomplish it. You decided Yeshua would be resurrected on Nisan 17, and He was. You said satan was defeated, and he is. You said we are delivered from his authority, and we are. You said we would be welcomed back into Your family through Christ, and we have been. You said He would delegate His authority to us, and He has. You said we can do all things through Him, and we can. You said we are more than conquerors through Him, and we are. You said we always triumph in Him, and we do. You said we are healed by His stripes, and we are. You said Your perfect love casts out all fear, and it does. You said You would send Your Spirit to indwell us, and You have. You said Christ would build an Ekklesia the forces of hell could not overcome, and He has. You told us to heal the sick in Christ’s name, and we can. You told us to disciple nations in His name, and we can. You said Christ is King over all the nations, and He is. You said America will be saved, and it will! You said our prodigals were coming home, and they are. You said You would reap Earth’s greatest spiritual harvest in our day, and You will. You said the church Christ returns to would be glorious, and she will be. Our decree: We decree that God’s word is forever settled in Heaven! ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. -----------------------------------------------------
  13. 5 min read April 11, 2024 The Sound That Draws Him Matthew 18:19 says, “Again, I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father which is in heaven.” Today, I feel Holy Spirit’s prompting to remind you of the power of agreement. The above verse is given to us in the context of the church, the Ekklesia, addressing issues from the place of unity. The subsequent verse (Matthew 18:20) is the well-known promise that when 2 or more members of the church gather, Christ joins us. Though God’s presence is always with a believer, He is saying His presence comes in a stronger way when we gather together. “We” are better than “me.” I don’t want to poke holes in anyone’s theological balloon, but as a sidebar, I must point out that there is no verse in the Bible stating the prayers of one can chase or put to flight a thousand, and two can chase ten thousand. (I can see the scowls on many faces.) This assertion comes from a misunderstanding of Deuteronomy 32:30, which says, “How could one chase a thousand, And two put ten thousand to flight, Unless their Rock had sold them, And the Lord had given them up?” This is actually part of a passage describing Israel’s enemies overwhelming them, and an explanation of why. Due to their sin, the Lord was no longer protecting them, and their enemies prevailed over them to this overwhelming degree. Don’t get too alarmed, however; though the numbers are somewhat different, there is a passage stating that Israel’s power multiplied when they fought as one: “Instead, you will chase your enemies, and they will fall before you by the sword; five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall before you by the sword.” (Leviticus 26:7-8 NASB) The context of this is physical warfare, not prayer, but it is fair to say God’s power was multiplied for Israel when they fought as a unified company. And my point in addressing this is not to become legalistic, but simply to help us become more accurate in our approach to prayer. We must base our prayers on biblical principles and truth, not tradition. And yes, I wholeheartedly believe God‘s power is multiplied when we pray and operate in agreement with one another. Greek scholar and teacher Rick Renner says, “The word ‘agree’ [in Matthew 18:19] is the Greek word sumphoneo, and it is a compound of sum and phoneo. The word sum means with, and the word phoneo means to make a sound. As you can imagine by simply looking at its two parts, this Greek word is where we get the word symphony. Thus, when we describe agreement in prayer, it is good to first think of a symphony, which is a musical piece made of different movements, instruments, and parts. The use of this word sumphoneo in the context of prayer is revealing, for it shows that when two or more believers get into agreement — each of them praying and adding their parts — it creates a supernatural movement that deeply touches the heart of the Father. This action is so powerful, in fact, that Jesus said it would result in the Father fulfilling any issue they addressed through prayer.”(1) Strongs Concordance says sumphoneo means to “be harmonious, in accord, or concur.”(2) The opposite of accord is discord, another term associated with music. Accord or harmony is pleasant; discord is unpleasant. A sour note played by one instrument in an orchestra can often be heard above all the others. God, who created music with all of its pleasantness and power, loves harmony and uses it to illustrate the pleasantness of agreement in the church, including prayer. It attracts Him: “I am there in their midst” (Matthew 18:20). It moves Him to action: “It shall be done for them by My Father, who is in heaven” (verse 19). Too often, the church sounds like a recital of 8-year-olds torturing parents and grandparents with their screeching strings and discordant horns. I question whether God actually shows up for some of it. His patience has its limits. “I’d like to hear some harmony” is probably what He thinks. But when we gather with like-minded people, harmonizing with God’s heart and desires (not necessarily theology), His ears prick up, and He is drawn to the sound. It is pleasant to Him. “How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1). At this place of unity, He commands a blessing! (Verse 3) My goal today is to point out that God appreciates it when millions of people agree together in prayer for His purposes to be established on Earth. It attracts His presence, moves His heart, and multiplies His power flowing from us. Do not forget this when you agree with the person in your circle of relationships, your prayer group, your congregation, and yes, with millions of people on this platform. The number one reason I do the daily Give Him 15 posts is not to provide you with your daily devotional, though I’m thrilled that it accomplishes this for many. It is primarily to generate agreement in prayer for the establishment of God‘s purposes on the Earth. And I know our prayers are effectual. Please do not just listen as I end the posts with prayer. Activate your faith, pick up your instrument, and release a sound into the heavens that moves God's heart. We are playing salvation songs, revival and reformation medleys, and Kingdom of Heaven overtures. As we do, He joins us, then carries the sound of our “music” throughout the atmosphere of Earth, creating change and releasing life. Let’s harmonize now. Pray with me: Father, the orchestra of Your kingdom does more than sing praises; it agrees in prayer. And when it does, You said it attracts You and multiplies Your power. We harmonize together this day, recalling various themes You have asked us to pray for: We break the power of darkness and deception over prodigals and call them home. We ask You for a billion soul harvest throughout the nations of the Earth: to Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, and every other group of people. We bind the Prince of Persia in the Middle East and all of its allies. We ask You for a great harvest of young people here in America and around the world - the largest ever. We ask for signs, wonders, and miracles to take place. We ask for great deliverance to come to those bound by demons, false ideologies, wounds, and any other tool of darkness. We ask You to heal the brokenhearted and set free those held captive. We ask for evil to be exposed in our nation, and a purifying of our government. We ask that life would be cherished and that death, including to the unborn, would be abhorred. We ask that the church be awakened from passivity and complacency and that Your fire would bring revival to believers throughout this nation and the world. We ask for the complete restoration of America to Your purpose and destiny. We ask for human trafficking to be exposed and ended. We ask that racial divisions be healed, and that love and compassion sweep throughout our land. We pray that those who divide us for selfish reasons be exposed. We ask all of this in the all-powerful name of Jesus. Our decree: We declare that heaven’s orchestra is becoming a more finely tuned and skillful body, releasing a sound that pleases the heart of God. *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4856.
  14. 5 min read April 10, 2024 “The Rebirth of America” Dream Chris Reed of Morningstar Ministries was given a dream on March 9, 2024, which seems significant to me. In his dream, the then-upcoming eclipse of April 8th marked the triggering of a “metaphorical conception” leading to an “awakening” and rebirth in America. Reed did not attempt to define the scope of the awakening, only that it was significant enough to be part of America’s rebirth. I want to highlight certain aspects of the dream and offer a few comments. ******** The “baby” was conceived in April 2024 and born in January 2025. Its name was “America,” and the infant was wrapped in the American flag, leading Reed to use the phrase “the rebirth of America” in summarizing the dream. It is inarguable to any Bible-believing, honest person that America has lost her way and needs a rebirth. The only debatable aspect of this now is regarding the cause. Like many, I tried for several years to give the benefit of the doubt to those being used to weaken America, considering their actions simply as incompetency. I can no longer do so. No one with any intelligence whatsoever could fail to foresee the devastating effects of the left’s decisions; the damage has to be intentional. Those on the left believe America - from its inception - is systematically evil, must be dismantled, and then rebuilt as the woke, globalist nation they envision. Those endeavoring to restructure America have made great progress in this dismantling process, so much so that the America birthed two and a half centuries ago and which subsequently grew into the greatest nation in history has been damaged beyond human ability to restore her. She must experience a supernatural rebirth, both spiritually and naturally. THE COMING TRAUMA The dream was related, in part, to the upcoming presidential election. As I stated, the conception of the “baby” occurred in April 2024; the birth took place in January 2025, the month of America’s presidential inauguration. In the dream, a trauma associated with the elections occurred in September or October, sending the nation into chaos and pandemonium. Reed said this was frightening and intensified the division in America. It also nearly caused “premature labor” endangering the “baby,” the rebirth of America. Because of a 1968 newspaper headline shown to him referencing the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, he felt an assassination, or an attempt to do so, could be the trigger for the chaos. Reed was appropriately cautious, not saying this would definitely occur, but stated what he saw in the dream and asked people to pray. Likewise, I have no prophetic clarity about an assassination or an attempt to do so. I do, however, feel confident that the chaos he spoke of is indeed coming. Who could be naive enough to believe the progressive leftists and globalists will not do whatever they deem necessary to keep Trump from winning the presidency in November? Is the rebirth of America dependent on him winning the White House in November? I don’t know. It is foolish to think that any person, persons, or political party can rebirth America. It is also foolish, however, to believe that it doesn’t matter who is in power. In Scripture, Israel was judged multiple times due to the actions of its leaders, as were other nations, and conversely, was blessed based on the decisions of its leaders. Trump is not a messiah, but he does oppose the demonic opposition to America’s destiny and success. And he is correct when he says the left is actually coming after us - the patriots, the lovers of freedom, and those who honor God; he is just “standing in the way.” The threat he presents to them - not to democracy - is cataclysmic. In 2016, fifty to sixty years of momentum for the left, beginning with the Supreme Court’s decision to expel God from public schools (Engle v. Vitale, June 15, 1962), was dramatically interrupted by the election of Trump. In response, they pulled out ALL stops in their attempts to hinder and remove him. Democrats, progressive Republicans, the Deep State, the Judicial system, mainstream media, social media, billionaires, Hollywood, and more have launched the single greatest attack on an individual in U.S. history. Trump’s survival is nothing short of miraculous. It is due to the American people waking up to the astounding levels of corruption in our nation and rallying behind him; many also believe it is because of God’s favor and protection. So I say again, the left will stop at NOTHING in their attempts to keep him from the White House. Buckle up; it’s gonna get turbulent! THE CONTENTION PROLONGED In the dream, the “baby” named America, wrapped in the American flag, had to be placed in an incubator after its birth in January. The danger to its survival had not ended, and it wasn’t until July that the chaos and pandemonium subsided. This could very well mean that a battle will rage over the U.S. Presidency until the summer of 2025. What can we do? Pray. God is the source of America’s recovery. Apart from His intervention, nothing that occurs in Washington D.C., will save America. Our faith is not in a political party or person. Yes, God uses people, but except He keeps the city, the watchman wakes in vain (Psalm 127:1). Pray against corruption and for exposure. Pray that every attempt to destroy America’s rebirth would fail. Pray that all deception will be broken and that America will see clearly what is truly occurring. And pray for protection over our leaders. Do not fear the shaking; it will intensify, but we must stay in faith. Like Esther in her day, we were born for this time. Our greatest days are ahead if we persevere in faith and obedience. Pray with me: Father, thank You for speaking to us through dreams. Give us insights and correct interpretations. We believe You are showing us the times and seasons, and that over the next 16 months, satan will initiate chaos, attempting to thwart America's rebirth. We ask now for this to fail. We bind it in Jesus’ name. We ask for a healthy “baby,” the rebirth of America. We ask for protection from any and every attack against this. Guide us through this time and help us serve Your purposes effectively. We ask for President Biden’s salvation, and that he be delivered from the unbiblical ideologies and strongholds that control him. May he find true repentance. We pray for Donald Trump. Purify him in whatever ways necessary. Deliver him from evil attacks, slander, and unjust prosecutions. Cause the man of Your choice to win the election. Help them restore America to morality, biblical ideals, and Your destiny for her. Lord, deliver us from evil in our government. And we conclude by declaring that Your Kingdom authority and principles will rule over America. Your desires will be accomplished. Your church will be awakened, filled with Holy Spirit, and burn with fresh fire. We declare that we will hear Your voice clearly, going only in the direction You lead us. We boldly declare that we will not fear any shaking, chaos, or work of darkness. We will operate only in faith. All of this we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that America is being saved and reborn, and the timing of the Lord will not be altered. *************************** Chris Reed’s account of the dream and his explanation can be read HERE. You can find out more about Chris at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  15. 7 min read April 9, 2024 The Statue of Liberty There is probably no icon more known for depicting America than the Statue of Liberty. In the following dream given to Gina Gholston in 2019, an enraged and violent mob is seen trying to destroy the statue. This is obviously a metaphorical picture of the current attempt to destroy America. The dream is too long to allow commentary, but none is needed: God uses the praying church to save America. This we will do. And we will continue to birth and protect the great worldwide harvest. The dream: The Attempt To Destroy America “On November 10, 2019, I dreamed that I came upon a chaotic mob of hundreds of people. Rage, hatred, and evil permeated the atmosphere. In the middle of this mob stood a living, life-sized version of the Statue of Liberty, wrapped in the American flag. The mob was kicking and beating her. She was pushing back, attempting to fight them off. “Then, the Statue of Liberty fell to the ground. When she fell, I ran toward the mob and saw a militant man dressed entirely in black, carrying a black machine gun. As I ran toward them, he used the machine gun to push me backward. I fell, crying, and screamed, ‘SHE’S DYING! SHE’S DYING, AND I CAN HELP HER!’ I stood up and attempted to break through the mob to get to her, but the militant man again pushed me to the ground. “As I lay there, I could see the Statue of Liberty lying on the ground, the mob continuing to kick and beat her. She was bleeding from her nose and mouth; her hands were bruised and bleeding. Beside her, I saw Dutch Sheets attempting to resuscitate her. These vile people would grab him by his feet, pulling him away from the statue, but Dutch would quickly scramble back to her, continuing to attempt CPR. This happened several times. “Seeing a set of bleachers, I stood and made my way into them. From there, I was able to see everything clearly. I could see Dutch and many others with him: Ceci, Chuck Pierce, Tim Sheets, and more. “I noticed that many people in the vicious, raging mob were dressed in professional attire. It is difficult to describe their rage, hatred, violence, and the chaos it created. “In the bleachers, I looked down beside me and saw a defibrillator! Picking it up I yelled, ‘DUTCH!’ He looked up, saw me, and I motioned that I was going to throw him the defibrillator. I did so, and he caught it. “He then said, ‘This is great, but how will we power it?’ “I shouted, ‘WE’VE GOT POWER!’ “A lady and several others in the mob began pushing against those standing with Dutch. She was their spokesperson and shouted, ‘YOU CAN’T DO THIS! YOU CAN’T DO THIS!’ “Then Chuck Pierce rose up. As he did, he grew taller and spoke to me very calmly, ‘The distress signal has been sent out.’ “I knew he was using a biblical reference to Nehemiah who had said to Israel regarding Jerusalem, ‘Do you see the distress we are in?’ (see Nehemiah 2:17). It was as if Nehemiah’s words brought an ‘awakening’ to the people, and they rose up with a ‘mind to work.’ I felt that Chuck was saying, ‘The awakening message has been preached, and people have received it. They’re awake, ready, and will know what to do.’ “With Chuck’s words in my mind, I looked around for help. There were many people walking around, and I realized some of them were literally glowing! When I saw these ‘glowing ones,’ I took them by the hand and said, ‘Come with me. We may not be able to get down with Dutch and the others, but there is a place for us, and I know how to get us there! We have to get in our place!’ “I led them into the bleachers, which had now encircled the entire scene like a colosseum. The bleachers were filled with these ‘glowing ones.’ “I prayed, ‘Lord, how are we going to do this?’ “Instantly, I heard the Lord loudly say, ‘USE THE POWER!’ “I told all of the people in the bleachers to hold hands and be ready! I heard some of them humming a familiar song. I began instructing the people that when I gave the signal, some were to pray in the Spirit while others sang the song they were humming. “We all held hands. With my right hand, I picked up the cables attached to the defibrillator I had thrown to Dutch; with my left hand, I held the hand of the lady next to me. “The chaos was still raging - loud, chaotic, vicious! In the midst of that, Dutch took the paddles of the defibrillator and placed one on the Statue of Liberty‘s right ear and the other on her heart. Then, as loudly as he could, shouted, ‘CHARGE!’ “I yelled to the people in the bleachers, ‘NOW!’ “Some began fervently praying in the spirit, while the others sang with very loud voices, ‘ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS’ NAME; LET ANGELS PROSTRATE FALL. BRING FORTH THE ROYAL DIADEM AND CROWN HIM LORD OF ALL!’(1) “As we did so, a visible jolt went out of my hand, through the cables, and into her, causing a shaking. “The people in the mob screamed, ‘STOP! You can’t do this!’ “Dutch yelled again, ‘CHARGE!’ “I shouted, ‘NOW!’ And again, we sang and prayed in tongues, causing another jolt to go through the cables and into the Statue of Liberty. Again, she shook. “This happened twice more, and the Statue of Liberty stood up. She had been bleeding, and parts of her had been broken off, but she stood up completely whole…no bleeding, no breaks. “The mob was furious! This was their ‘big move,’ what they had been planning and plotting. But God’s power, flowing through His people, had stopped it. “The vile lady, the mob’s spokesperson, had the authority to call in a militant force and did so - hundreds of them. They surrounded Dutch and those who stood with him, pointing machine guns at them. “Watching from the bleachers, our hearts were pounding. We knew the severity of what we were about to witness if God did not intervene, but we also knew that we had to take a stand. It was do or die, and if we had to die, we were willing. There was absolutely no fear in us, just courage and determination to do our part! “When they pointed the machine guns at Dutch and those standing with him, it was an indescribable moment. Then they fired the guns, but there were no bullets—no ammunition! Nothing! “The vile lady screamed, ‘THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING! YOU CAN’T DO THIS!’ And she instructed the militant company to take us all out—even those of us in the bleachers—with brute force! As they started their move toward us, we all—Dutch, those with him, and those of us in the bleachers—simultaneously fell on our knees and began to cry out to God. “When we did so, there was the loud sound of an old-fashioned telephone ringing. As it did, the ground shook, and everything went silent. Everyone stopped moving. There was not one sound other than the ringing of the telephone. The instant silence was as dramatic as what I had previously seen. It was indescribable how it went from all the rage, chaos, and loudness to complete stillness and silence! In the dream, I heard these words, ‘Call unto Me, and I will answer you!’ (Jeremiah 33:3). “As that ringing sound continued, the Statue of Liberty stretched out her left arm, holding the tablet. We could all see written on it the Scripture reference, ‘Romans 10:9,’ which states, “If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, YOU SHALL BE SAVED!“‘ “Then the Statue of Liberty spoke, saying, ‘I WILL NOT DIE! I WILL LIVE AND DECLARE THE WORKS OF THE LORD!’ (Psalm 118:17). “Dutch then stood up and said boldly and powerfully to the militant people and the mob, ‘You can’t stop it now! We have called, and the Lord has answered us… America IS saved!’ “At that very moment, the torch in the right hand of the Statue of Liberty began to burn, a large flame leaping up.” End of dream. Keep praying, church! Let no threats, attacks, shaking, or fear silence you. We have the [spiritual] power - use it! Pray with me: Father, it is the power and authority of Christ that has prevailed over the evil one. He expelled him from Heaven; He broke his authority over earth, taking it back; and He took the keys of hell. He has now delegated to the church His authority on earth. All hail the power of His name! You were not confused and weren’t simply speaking Your “hope” when You told Him You were giving Him the nations of earth as His inheritance. Nor was He when declaring He would build an unconquerable Ekklesia. This church is now arising throughout the earth under Holy Spirit’s orchestration, releasing Kingdom authority and reaping Christ’s reward. By Your strength and grace, Christ’s victory, and Holy Spirit’s power we will not waver or fail. America shall be saved. Awakening is occurring. The cloud of witnesses will not have run in vain. The harvest is and will be reaped. More than a billion souls will be won by You in our day. And one day, as the great hymn in this dream goes on to declare: “Let ev’ry kindred, ev’ry tribe, On this terrestrial ball,
To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all,
To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all. “O that with yonder sacred throng, We at His feet may fall,
We’ll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all.
We’ll join the everlasting song, and crown Him Lord of all!”(2) Our decree: We decree that the church, authorized by Christ and connected to Holy Spirit, is releasing life-giving power to restore America. ********************** You can find out more about Gina at Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------- Ibid.
  16. 5 min read April 8, 2024 Eclipse Day, 2024 Welcome to “Eclipse Day, 2024.” Many people have asked for my thoughts regarding it: “Is it prophetic?” “Is it a sign?” “What does it mean?” Many have written about it, and numerous broadcasts have been released. Some say it is a warning of judgment, while others declare it a sign of the end times, that the rapture will occur soon. In some teachings, it has been reported that its path will go over seven cities in America named Ninevah, a sign of judgment—if enough repentance doesn’t occur. Actually, it will be a full eclipse over only two towns named Ninevah; the others will see only partial eclipses. In order to confirm that this eclipse bodes negative consequences, reports are also circulating that some cities and states are actually preparing for problems or calamities The truth, however, is that this is not because they fear judgment or calamity, but due to the influx of visitors - possibly hundreds of thousands - coming to their areas in order to see the full eclipse. They are concerned about supply issues - food, water, housing, etc. - not judgment or calamity. So, Is the Eclipse A Sign? The Bible does indeed tell us the heavens give us signs, including eclipses and blood moons (Genesis 1:14; Isaiah 13:10, 38:8; Ezekiel 32:7; Joel 2.10, 2:31, 3:15; Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:24; Luke 21:25–27; etc.). There is no Scripture I’m aware of, however, that says every eclipse is a sign or warning. This means prophetic discernment is necessary in order to determine whether or not a heavenly phenomenon is a sign. And since there is NO ONE who hears from the Lord perfectly, great caution is necessary when attempting to discern this. I am not implying that those stating this eclipse is a sign are mistaken; nor am I endorsing them. I have listened to several; some seem credible, others do not. I’ve also read articles by and listened to podcasts of those attempting to discredit them. These individuals do point out a few wrong facts used by some in formulating their prophetic statements. Most of the critics, however, are obviously cynics of the prophetic in general, and form their beliefs only in the realm of intellect, knowing nothing of prophetic revelation. I also find their arrogance and critical spirits hard to stomach. Having acknowledged my lack of clarity regarding this eclipse being a sign, I want to state clearly that I do believe America is headed for increasingly difficult times for a season. I have consistently said a difficult shaking is coming to our nation in order to finish the task of turning us back to God. I believe this has begun and will intensify. Sin has wages (Romans 6:23). Rebellion to God and mocking Him comes with dire consequences. Psalm 2 is clear: when rulers mock God, He mocks back; when they conspire to throw off God’s rule, they experience His rod of iron. The fools and reprobates now ruling America believe they can mock Him without consequences, celebrating Resurrection Sunday/Easter as the Transgender Day of Visibility instead, along with numerous other “middle fingers” they have given God, His Son, and His Word. The “piper” is about to be paid. The votes they thought they could buy by allowing millions of illegals into our nation will instead buy terrorism and numerous other difficulties. Those who naively voted in these leftists, Marxists, atheists, and liars are about to taste the fruit of their ignorance and rebellion. And a savorless church with its low-watt light will receive its wake-up call. We are all about to taste and see that God is not only good - He is also in charge. I absolutely believe America will be saved and that God will help us recover. But it will not be without pain. As a nation, we have stiffened our necks and doubled down on our pride, rebellion, and stupidity. We have sown the wind, and the whirlwind is coming. At least five proven prophetic voices whom I trust believe the shaking will begin intensifying this month. They are not saying this because of the eclipse, though they seem to be acknowledging that it, as well as other events occurring in our nation, could be further signs that the shaking will now increase. I concur with them. I believe the shaking, which I have called a merciful and redemptive shaking, is about to intensify. It is merciful because its purpose is to turn our hearts redemptively, not because it won’t be painful. It will be. But mercy will triumph over judgment, and America will survive and be restored. Continue to repent on behalf of America and her sins, and decree that she will be saved through a third great awakening. Again I say, the prayers of a remnant are saving America and birthing Earth’s greatest revival. I also believe our prayers can lessen the reaping from our rebellion. It is not time to back up, grow weary, or lose heart. It is time to be unwavering, determined, and strong. Whatever comes in the shaking, God’s Kingdom will not be shaken. It will increase. I have mentioned the following quote by Thomas Paine in previous posts, yet its relevance for us today is great. He wrote it the year our nation was born, though we were just beginning the war to enforce the birth. General Washington made all of his soldiers read the entire article. Here is a portion: “These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country, but he that stands by it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph…”(1) Pray with me: Father, we are thoroughly convinced of Your goodness. We are convinced of Your grace and mercy, that Your heart is to redeem, not punish. This is a sustaining truth in difficult times, an anchor for our souls. You are a good and wonderful Father; though You allow prodigals to eat with the pigs and wallow in the filth of their unwise decisions, You also run to meet them when they return to You. We are thoroughly convinced that America will return to You and be restored - because of Your heart and unparalleled wisdom. You know how to turn us back. We are also confident that in any shaking, Your Kingdom will stand strong; those who stand with it will, as well. Not for a moment do we believe that satan has outwitted or could ever overpower You. And we do not doubt for a moment that You will have the harvest You have spoken of and promised Your Son. So we say, let the shaking intended to deliver us from evil intensify. Let it come and awaken millions to their need of You. Let it come to free millions of young people from the demonic ideologies with which they have been fed and poisoned. Let it come to open our hearts and prepare us for the outpouring of Your Spirit. Our eyes are on the goal You have in mind, not the pain that will endure for a season. We pray this in the matchless name of Jesus...! Our decree: We declare that God is for us, not against us. *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------------
  17. 6 min read April 5, 2024 Do Not Underestimate the Love of God Today’s post is not from Tim and Rachel‘s book Come Home, but is one final teaching regarding praying for prodigals or any who are unsaved. After sharing a few posts a while back regarding praying for prodigals, I received a letter from a person agonizing over a loved one who had died. They felt that this person died before receiving Christ, in spite of their faithful prayers. I want to say to everyone listening to or reading this post, never assume a person you were praying for did not make it to heaven. We do not know what occurred in the last moment before they crossed into eternity, as the following two stories will illustrate. The Scriptures tell us God is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9 KJV). We don't have to wonder about God’s desire or willingness regarding the lost; He could not make His will any clearer. The Lord wants every person to believe in Christ and be born again. "Behold, the Lord’s hand is not so short that it cannot save" (Isaiah 59:1). Not only is God willing to save the lost, but He is fully capable of doing so. He has sufficient power and knows how to bend, shape, and change the perspective of unbelievers, bringing them to a revelation of the truth. Holy Spirit can break off of every satanic stronghold and bring them to a knowledge of the truth. Story Number One “While hitchhiking home, Roger Simms was picked up by an older gentleman in an expensive car. They talked about many things, including Mr. Hanover's business in Chicago. Roger felt a strong compulsion to share his faith but was apprehensive about witnessing to a wealthy businessman. Finally, nearing his destination, Roger spoke up. “‘Mr. Hanover,’ began Roger, ‘I want to share something very important with you.’ He explained the way of salvation and asked if Mr. Hanover would like to receive Christ as his Savior. To Roger's astonishment, the businessman pulled over to the side of the road, bowed his head, wept, and prayed the prayer of salvation. He thanked Roger, saying, ‘This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.’ “Five years later, while in Chicago on a business trip, Roger went to Hanover Enterprises. The receptionist told him it would be impossible to see Mr. Hanover, but Mrs. Hanover was available. A little disappointed, he followed her into an office. “After exchanging greetings, Roger explained how Mr. Hanover had kindly given him a ride years ago. Suddenly interested, Mrs. Hanover asked when this had happened. When Roger told her it was on May 7, five years earlier, she asked if anything unusual had happened during his ride. “Roger hesitated, wondering if giving his witness had been a source of contention. But, feeling the prompting of the Lord, he told her that he had shared the gospel message and that her husband had accepted the Lord into his heart. “She began to sob uncontrollably. After a few minutes, she explained that she had thought her prayers for her husband's salvation had not been answered. After leaving Roger at his destination, Mr. Hanover had died that day in a horrible head-on collision.”(1) God is faithful. He knows how to unlock people’s hearts, convince them of their need and Christ’s provision, and when the time is right for them to be presented with the opportunity. And this certainly does not have to occur in a house of worship. God knows when to have hitchhikers travel home; He knows how to ensure unbelievers are driving the right road, at the right time, and how to motivate them to pick up the “evangelist.” God knows what He is doing! Don't miss the fact that Mrs. Hanover had been praying for her husband’s salvation. Our prayers release God’s power; never forget this. Don’t assume, just because you are not aware of a person’s conversion before their death, that it did not occur. If they were in an accident, they may have cried out to the Lord the moment they were dying. Even while unconscious or comatose, people can cry out in their hearts for salvation. Would the Lord cause a person’s spirit to linger in their body long enough for this to occur, in order to answer a prayer and get someone to heaven? Absolutely. Do not underestimate God’s love and grace. Story Number Two In my book, Intercessory Prayer, I tell the story of praying for a young girl in a coma, whom the Lord eventually healed. What I did not relate was the testimony of an elderly lady who, for a short time, shared her room in the nursing home. This lady was very old, and also in an unconscious state. In the 60 or 70 times I visited this young girl in the nursing home, this was the only person that ever shared a room with her; on all other occasions, she was in a room by herself. God placed the elderly lady there for a couple of weeks in order to get her to heaven. The young girl’s family had placed a radio in her room. (This will be meaningful in a moment.) At times, comatose individuals can hear what is going on around them; they just are not able to respond in any way. So, in case she could hear, they wanted music to be playing so she would not be lying there in silence all the time. The workers in the nursing home would often turn it to a country or a rock ‘n’ roll station. I, on the other hand, would turn it to soft music - not singing, just music - which was more peaceful and conducive to prayer. It was not a Christian station that played Christian music; just soft, peaceful music. On one visit, after praying for the young girl for an hour, I felt Holy Spirit leading me to share the gospel/good news of salvation with the unconscious elderly lady. I stepped next to her bed and said, “Ma’am, I don’t know if you can hear me, but I am going to assume that you can. And I don’t know if you have received Christ, but I’m going to assume you haven’t. I feel that I am to share with you how to be born again and then pray with you.” No response. I did so, then said aloud, “If you are hearing me and do not know the Lord, just pray these words with me in your heart.” I then prayed a prayer of salvation. The instant I said, “Amen” – not 5 seconds, 10 seconds, or 20 seconds after, and not before I said amen - the song, Amazing Grace, began playing on the radio. The entire song, all the verses. I stood there between the two beds and began to weep. I raised my hands and worshiped as I listened to the entire song. I knew that the amazing grace of God had kept this lady alive, put her in this room, and led me to pray this prayer with her before she died, even while she was in this unconscious state. I then felt led to pray that her suffering would end, and she would go on to heaven. And I did so. A week later, when I returned, she was gone. Upon asking the workers where she was, they simply said, “She passed away.” Never underestimate the love and grace of God. Pray with me: Father, Your mercy is endless, enduring forever. You delight in releasing it. It is difficult for us to believe, at times, that You love someone more than we do; but You do. We anchor ourselves to this and choose to believe it. Use these two testimonies to assure individuals that You will do anything and everything to answer their prayer for someone’s salvation. We believe that, regardless of how far someone is from You in their heart, You are not far from them. Your love is endless and relentless. We ask for the salvation of every family member represented by those listening to or reading this today and agreeing with me. We ask You to do whatever is necessary to save or restore them, and one day take them to heaven. We bind every attack satan has launched against them through deception, addiction, pain, or any demonic influence. We declare his hold over them is broken, the eyes of their understanding will be enlightened, and they will come to their senses. They will believe in Christ and His redemption for them. We ask You for millions of salvations to occur around the world, a billion or more. We are thoroughly convinced the great harvest You have planned is coming, and we declare it: Your kingdom influence and dominion, come! Your will be created and done, in the name of Jesus! And we rejoice with You over the inevitability of this billion-soul harvest. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the Lord of the harvest WILL have His harvest! ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------ Alice Gray, Stories for the Heart (Sisters, OR: Multnomah Publishers, 1996), pp. 225-257.
  18. 6 min read April 4, 2024 Come Home, Part 3 The following is from Come Home, a wonderful book written by my brother Tim Sheets, and his daughter Rachel Shafer. They share amazing revelation found in the story of the prodigal son, including something I’m quite sure you’ve never heard. The God Hug “There is a wind of Holy Spirit on this amazing parable of the prodigal son as if it’s being freshly told to us. It’s prophesying, I believe, into our moment right now, a phase of our Kingdom’s movement in this era. Jesus tells His disciples: ‘A man had two sons. The younger son told his father, “I want my share of your estate now before you die.” So, his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons. ‘A few days later, this younger son packed all his belongings and moved to a distant land, and there he wasted all his money in wild living. About the time his money ran out, a great famine swept over the land, and he began to starve. He persuaded a local farmer to hire him, and the man sent him into his fields to feed the pigs. The young man became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to him. But no one gave him anything. ‘When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, “At home, even the hired servants have food enough to spare, and here I am dying of hunger! I will go home to my father and say, ‘Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son. Please take me on as a hired servant.’” ‘So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. His son said to him, “Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son.” ‘But his father said to the servants, “Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. And kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.” So the party began. ‘Meanwhile, the older son was in the fields working. When he returned home, he heard music and dancing in the house, and he asked one of the servants what was going on. “Your brother is back,” he was told, “and your father has killed the fattened calf. We are celebrating because of his safe return.” ‘The older brother was angry and wouldn’t go in. His father came out and begged him, but he replied, “All these years, I’ve slaved for you and never once refused to do a single thing you told me to. And in all that time, you never gave me even one young goat for a feast with my friends. Yet when this son of yours comes back after squandering your money on prostitutes, you celebrate by killing the fattened calf!” ‘His father said to him, “Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours. We had to celebrate this happy day. For your brother was dead and has come back to life! He was lost, but now he is found!” (Luke 15:11-32 NLT)’ “In this magnificent depiction of Father God’s heart, Jesus tells us that when the father saw his lost son off in the distance, he ran to him. He didn’t walk or stroll; he ran. The father was looking for his son to return. He was anticipating it, and when he saw him, he ran to him. It’s the only time Christ ever depicts Father God as running. “The great God of Heaven and Earth is not depicted here as sitting on the throne of the universe ruling and reigning, though most certainly He does. He is not depicted as standing before billions of angels and giving them orders, though He does. He is not depicted as riding a chariot of fire as the most awesome conquering warrior in all of time and eternity, though He is. He is not depicted as the great I Am leading people in great awesome deliverance and promised inheritance, though He is. He is portrayed as Father God, filled with unconditional love, running to welcome a lost child home. “There could be no greater or more graphic portrayal than the one Jesus gives us here. Religion and pharisaical ideas have portrayed Father God in a completely different way. “Religion says: ‘I messed up; my dad is going to kill me!’ “Sonship says: ‘I messed up; I need to call my dad.’ God Is Running “We are moving into an amazing era, and the world is going to see Father God run with a divine purpose: to bring lost sons and daughters home; to restore them, clean them up, and put new clothes on them. This is a present campaign being launched now by Holy Spirit. “In Luke 15:20 (KJV), Jesus used a word we need to focus on because it speaks to another awesome aspect of this campaign. He tells us that when the father saw his lost child coming, he ran to him and ‘fell on his neck,’ kissing him. “Fell on his neck,” as King James puts it, is the Greek word epipipto.(1) It would ring in the hearts of these disciples for the rest of their lives, becoming a common word in the early church. Its understanding gives such great hope. Epipipto means ‘to embrace someone in love, to hug someone in love, or to hug someone you love.’ Epipipto was called the ‘love embrace.’ Loving The Unclean “In Acts 10:44, Peter was at Cornelius’s house. Remember, Cornelius was a Gentile. He was Italian. The Jews had no dealings with Gentiles. They were prejudiced against them, considered them ‘unclean,’ and wouldn’t eat with or fellowship with them. Peter, at first, had refused to go to this home. “Then Holy Spirit gave Peter a vision in which he saw a sheet come down out of Heaven with all sorts of ‘unclean’ animals on it. Holy Spirit said, ‘Rise and eat.’ But Peter said, ‘I’m not going to do that; they are unclean.’ But Holy Spirit said, ‘Don’t you call common or unclean what I have cleaned.’ Through this vision and Holy Spirit’s admonition, Peter was willing to go to the home of Cornelius and declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them. The Holy Spirit Hug “We are told that while Peter was doing so, Holy Spirit fell on them. ‘Fell on them’ is the word epipipto. Same word. While Peter was talking to them, God suddenly reached out in love and embraced these ‘unclean’ people. As they received the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit hugged them. It was a baptism of love upon people who, up until that point, were considered to be unclean - nobodies, low-lives. “Because of this ‘hug,’ Gentiles like us were welcomed into Christianity, which changed the course of history. “Peter said, ‘It has happened to them just like it happened to us’ (Acts 11:15), a reference to Pentecost. What happened at Pentecost to Peter and those who had gathered in the Upper Room had now happened to the people of the house of Cornelius.” My Words And God is going to embrace millions in the hour with His healing hugs. I believe your prodigal will be one of them. Pick up a copy of this wonderful book and allow it to help you pray this into fruition. Tomorrow, I am going to finish this short series on praying for prodigals and the unsaved with a post I have written. I share two stories to let you know just how much God loves them. NEVER underestimate His love and grace. The testimonies will inspire and encourage you. Prayer and Decrees: “I decree Father is running to our sons and daughters. I declare a release of God’s love on this generation, reclaiming and redeeming what the enemy has tried to lock up. I decree that ‘God hugs’ are being released to prodigals, as well as those who have never known the Lord. I decree the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies are new every morning. I decree that as ‘God’s hugs’ are released, bruises the enemy has inflicted are removed and healed - spirit, soul, and body. I decree that the rich and pure love of God is reaching into our prodigals' innermost beings, healing them and restoring God’s original intention for their lives. I decree that God never ceases to gently and tenderly call my prodigal home. I decree that one touch from the Father changes everything.”(2) *************************** Today’s post was taken from Tim and Rachel’s book Come Home. You can find this book here or at Click on the link below to watch the full video. -------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 1968. Tim Sheets and Rachel Shafer, Come Home (Destiny Image Publishers: Shippensburg, PA, 2024), pp. 109-113, 122.
  19. 6 min read April 3, 2024 Come Home, Part 2 From the book Come Home, by Tim Sheets and Rachel Shafer, on praying for our prodigals: “‘Thus says the Lord: “Restrain your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears, for your work [raising of your children, prayer] will be rewarded,” says the Lord; “and your children will return from the enemy’s land. There is [confident] hope for your future,” says the Lord; “Your children will come back to their own country.” (Jeremiah 31:16-17 AMP)' “In the study and preparation for this book, we came across a powerful truth regarding the biblical illustration of the Prodigal Son. “Luke 15:20 (NKJV) says, concerning the prodigal son, ‘...when he was still a great way off, his father...had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.’ “Jewish history enlightens us as to why the father ran, and it is a stunning revelation. This man’s son had demanded his inheritance, wanting what he considered to be his now, rather than when his father died, as was the custom of the day. After receiving his portion, the son left his home, turning his back on the values he had been taught. He eventually lost everything, wasting it all on parties and prostitutes, and ended up working in a pigpen. The son broke his father’s heart, as well as breaking all the rules of the tight-knit community he had been brought up in. After he came to his senses, the son decided to return home. Luke 15:20 tells us his father saw his son when he was still a long way off and ran to him. “In those times, a Middle Eastern man never ran, because in order to do so, he would have to raise up his tunic so he wouldn’t trip, and in so doing would expose his bare legs. In that culture, it was considered humiliating and shameful for a man to show his bare legs. In addition, it was known that if a Jewish son lost his inheritance among Gentiles, and then returned home, the community would perform a ceremony called the kezazah, or a ‘ceremony of shame.’ “During this ceremony, they would break a large pot or pitcher in front of the son. As they smashed it into pieces, they would declare him to be cut off from his people, all ties broken, and he would no longer be welcome in the community. “This, then, brings us to the question: Why did the father run to his son, which also brought a level of shame to himself? In essence, the father was running to get to his son in order to extend grace before anyone else could get to him with the law. He wanted to extend love, acceptance, welcome, and hope before anyone else could take it away. He wanted his son welcomed, not ashamed with humiliation and rejection. “As onlookers watched the father run toward his son, reuniting, hugging, and kissing him, it would be apparent there would be no kezazah. Instead, there would be a homecoming party, a celebration of his restoration, which only the father could bring. No rejection—his father bore the shame and showed everyone that his son was welcomed home. “The application for us is fairly obvious. Our Father bore our sin and shame through Jesus. We can be forgiven and redeemed, and even our lost purpose and destiny can be restored. As we repent, He wipes the slate clean and gives us a fresh start. “God’s Promise: What He did for the prodigal son, He will do for you, and He will also do it for those for whom you are praying. Lost purpose will be recovered.” Tim and Rachel tell us later in the book that our Father not only welcomes the prodigal, taking their shame and refusing to treat them as outcasts, but He Himself will war for their salvation. “The prophet Isaiah gives us a great promise that I believe we need to embrace: “‘Who can grab the plunder of war from the hands of a warrior? Who can demand that a tyrant let his captives go? But the Lord says, “The captives of warriors will be released, and the plunder of tyrants will be retrieved. For I will fight those who fight you, and I will save your children,’ (Isaiah 49:24-25 NLT). “Several other words for ‘retrieved’ are gotten back, recovered, restored. Joel prophesied in Joel 2:25 (KJV) that the years the locust, cankerworm, caterpillar, and palmerworm have eaten, God was going to restore. These pests were grubworms that would eat the harvest. God was literally saying that He was going to restore His people’s lost harvests. How many harvests (prodigals) have we lost? Millions and millions, and that’s why we prophesy a billion souls are coming in. They’re going to be recovered. God is going to fight those who fight us, and He is going to save our children. “There are evil cultural warriors promoting iniquity and perversion in our society. Tyrants have sought to capture our children with confusing lies and distorted ideologies. There are those who think they are giants, too big for us to stop them from indoctrinating our children with demonic ideas, who are about to discover that God is at war with them. “They will soon realize they are contending with Almighty God, and they cannot beat Him. Our God is saying to us, ‘I will contend with those who contend with My people. I will fight those who fight you. I’m on your side, and I will defend your cause. I will take the plunder of war away from them, and I will deliver those who are held captive. I will save your children; I will rescue them.’ “The Hebrew word for ‘contend’ is ruwb,(1) and it means ‘to grapple, to defend, to grab someone by the hair of the head.’ It means ‘to fight with words, to fight physically, legal combat through laws,’ and it is sometimes used as the word in the Old Testament for ‘ambush.’ It sounds to me like God means business! “Perhaps that is why Jesus says in Matthew 18:6 (PassionTranslation), ‘If anyone abuses one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him to have a heavy boulder tied around his neck and be hurled into the deepest sea than to face the punishment he’s deserved.’ “The Hebrew word for ‘save’ in Isaiah 49 is yasha(2) and it means ‘to free, to avenge, to rescue, to save physically and soulishly.’ It was very interesting to me when I studied this word. Hebrew scholars say yasha was specifically pointed toward the healing of emotions, or it referenced healing for someone’s emotional state. “The coming generation has been traumatized these past few years. Fears have oppressed them. Covid and ridiculous lockdowns have affected so many of our children to the point that some of them are suffering from depression and are on drugs for that. Depression is plaguing hundreds of thousands of American children. “But God says, ‘I’m going to pour out My Spirit and change things. I’m going to avenge them, and I’m going to heal their emotions. I’m going to heal their souls. I’m going to fight those who teach them demon doctrine. I’m going to wrestle with those who lie to them, exploiting their innocence. I’m going to contend, and I’m going to save them.’” Let’s agree with Him..! Our Prayer and Decree (from the book Come Home) I decree a Holy Spirit outpouring is beginning to move upon all flesh, upon our sons and daughters. I decree revivals will occur in hundreds of places where our young people gather, in all 50 states and nations of the world. I decree God is on our side, defending our cause and saving our children. I decree God is pouring out His Spirit and changing things. He is avenging our children and healing their emotions. I decree our sons and daughters are discovering that Father loves them, wants them, and is preparing a place for them. I decree that chains are falling off in Jesus’ name, and truth is revealed—and the truth is setting them free. I decree Romans 2:4, that God’s kindness leads to repentance.(3) ************************ Portions of today’s post were taken from Tim and Rachel’s book Come Home. You can find this book here or at Click on the link below to watch the full video. -------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 7378. Ibid. Ref. no. 3467. Tim Sheets and Rachel Shafer, Come Home (Destiny Image Publishers: Shippensburg, PA, 2024), pp. 27-29, 82-84, 91.
  20. 6 min read April 2, 2024 Come Home, Part 1 My brother, Tim, and his daughter, Rachel Shafer, have just released a new and powerful book on praying for prodigals, Come Home. As they point out, prodigals aren’t found only in the ranks of our children; a prodigal in your world could be a spouse, brother or sister, mom or dad, perhaps even a friend. That being the case, we all know some. A revival is coming that will bring millions of these wayward prodigals home to the Father. Come Home will help generate this, inspiring and encouraging your faith, as well as arming you with an understanding of how to pray for these individuals whom Jesus so loves. It also provides us with biblical decrees to declare over them daily, releasing the power of Holy Spirit and God’s Word. Though I am going to share a few excerpts with which to encourage you, my intent is to accomplish more than that. As you listen to these short portions of the book, you will see its value. I hope you order one and use its powerful and moving insights. If you do, it will prove to be one of the best investments you ever make. Today’s portion of Come Home is the honest, heartfelt testimony of a mom who, like many of you, knows the pain and heartbreak of watching one you love turn away from Jesus. But she is now contending for her prodigal child, confident that she will come home. I’m beginning with this story because I want you to know you’re not alone, and that you can arise from your pain into overcoming faith. A Testimony “I never thought I would find myself writing something like this. “My husband and I raised our children in church. We were there for every service. They attended Sunday school, Bible clubs, VBS, youth meetings, camps, and any other activity the church offered. We started them out in Christian preschool and elementary school. At home, I planned fun activities that often included Christian or moral lessons. At a very young age, both children accepted Jesus as their Savior. We were thrilled. Life was good. We had succeeded as Christian parents. Our kids were saved; they were going to Heaven. We did it! “Until... my world fell apart. “One of my children (married now, with children of her own) dropped a bombshell into our lives. She no longer considered herself a Christian. At this writing, she and her husband are no longer serving the Lord or raising their kids in the church. Even typing this, I am feeling all the emotions this revelation caused when she first told me this: sadness, disappointment, anger, fear, embarrassment. I find myself cycling in and out of these emotions on a regular basis. I also cycle in and out of hope that they’ll come to their senses and return to the God of their childhood (both she and her husband were raised in church). “I’ve had the sleepless nights, the tear-stained pillow, the muffled sobbing as I’ve prayed and pleaded with God to somehow miraculously turn this around. I’ve been angry at God, as if it’s His fault. After all, I did everything right, didn’t I? I raised them right! How did this happen?! “Now, I’m watching from afar as they live a life clearly not centered on God or the church. We’re not estranged; we’re still a close family. But it’s awkward now. They don’t want to hear about God. I’m finding myself censoring my comments, suppressing my true feelings, withholding comments such as, ‘I’ll be praying for you,’ or ‘God’s got this.’ “I would have to say that fear is one of the biggest emotions I’m experiencing. Fear that they’ll never turn back to God. Fear that my grandchildren will never be saved. Fear that I’ll die before it ever happens. I’m always wondering if I should leave a note for after my death, pleading with them to accept Jesus so we’ll meet again in Heaven. Thoughts like these can cause one to go down a dangerous path, because I KNOW that I shouldn’t be fearful. I remind myself that God pursued me when I was a teenager, and He’s still in the pursuing business. “I know the Scriptures. I know that God died for my daughter. I know I did my due diligence in raising her. I know God has a plan and a purpose for her and her family. I know I’m not the Savior; He is. I know God hasn’t given me a spirit of fear; I know that’s from the enemy. But when in a desperate situation, when deep in the battle, when you find yourself weary and growing faint, losing hope, you need help! “That’s where this book comes in. I don’t need to be sobbing into my pillow and losing hope. I need to stand up and face the enemy. I need the words to decree that my daughter WILL return to the Lord! That the devil is a LIAR! That no weapon formed against my daughter and her family will prosper! I remind myself of these words in Ephesians 3:20-21 (MSG): ‘God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us.’ “I remind myself that this is exactly how I came to know the Lord as a teenager, while attending a revival in a small storefront church. Holy Spirit began gently speaking into my heart during one of the services, and I couldn’t run to the altar fast enough to give my heart to Jesus. I have to believe that He is working in my daughter's and her family’s hearts, as well. It is not up to me to save them, but it IS up to me to pray and decree! “Our words matter. The Bible is full of good promises for us and for our prodigals. I’m ready to face the enemy and take back what has been stolen from me, and what he has stolen from my daughter and her family. The devil CANNOT and WILL NOT have my family. Even though my daughter is grown and no longer living in our household, I have always quoted and dwelled upon this verse: ‘As for me and my family, we’ll worship God,’ (Joshua 24:15 MSG). “I also think about what the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy concerning Timothy’s faith: ‘That precious memory triggers another: your honest faith—and what a rich faith it is, handed down from your grandmother Lois to your mother Eunice, and now to you!’ (2 Timothy 1:5 MSG) “I remind myself that my husband and I dedicated our children to the Lord; we raised them in the fear and knowledge of Him, and we (all of us!) WILL worship the Lord. We have passed down our faith, and we refuse to let the enemy steal our children and grandchildren. They belong to God!”(1) You, too, can rise up in faith and authority, and see your prodigal/s return to the Father. This book will help you do so. Pray with me: Father, we and the prodigals we love are not at the mercy of demons, sin, deception, or the pigpens these things generate. We and those we love are at YOUR mercy, which is always now (“new every morning”), inexhaustible, never-ending, and something You delight in releasing. Our faith is anchored in this and cannot be dislodged. Your word is true and forever settled. We agree now that discouragement will be broken off of our brothers and sisters, condemnation will be wiped away, and faith will arise. Grant favor to this book and use it to replace fear and wavering with unyielding faith. Use the truth it contains to set many free, and the principles and decrees it provides to bring untold numbers of prodigals home. And we pray even now for tomorrow’s pastors who are today in pigpens. We pray for the future worship leaders who are currently singing of perversion and sin, and for the next generation of righteous moms and dads who are still doing drugs and living in perversion. Your power can and will break satan’s deception and influence, Father, and since You desire to do so, we will accept nothing less. We pray all this in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that millions of prodigals are going to come home. ************************** Portions of today’s post were taken from Tim and Rachel’s book Come Home. You can find this book here or at Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------- Tim Sheets and Rachel Shafer, Come Home (Destiny Image Publishers: Shippensburg, PA, 2024) pp. 61-64.
  21. 6 min read April 1, 2024 The Star-Spangled Banner Dream Our friend, Gina Gholston, was given the following dream on March 16, 2024. The Dream “In the dream I saw Dutch Sheets on the steps that lead up to the United States Capitol Building. I knew he had been in very intense intercession for the nation. He was weeping, overcome with deep travail. “He had an electric guitar ready to play, though there was no amplifier. Standing beside him was a man with a silver trumpet positioned to his lips. I felt that this ‘man’ was an angel. “Then it was as if Dutch was overcome with a wave of revelation. He knew that until the eyes of the American people were opened to SEE truth, change could not come to the nation. At that moment, the anointing of Holy Spirit overtook him, and he began to shout loudly with incredible passion and authority: ‘I DECLARE THAT A “SEEING ANOINTING” GOES OUT OVER THIS LAND TO BREAK THE “SPELL” OF DELUSION! THE LORD IS OPENING THE EYES OF THE PEOPLE SO THAT THEY WILL SEE!’ “As the last word left his mouth, he strummed the guitar, and the angel beside him blew a long, continuous blast on the silver trumpet; they did so in the key of C. The two instruments combined into one sound. Though there was no amplifier, the sound was louder than if the instruments had been connected to an amplifier. It was supernatural! “Then, Dutch repeatedly sang just one line from The Star Spangled Banner: ‘O, say, can you SEE?’ When he sang the word ‘see,’ it began to echo: ‘O, say, can you SEE? . . . SEE! . . . SEE! . . . SEE!’ Over and over, he sang that one phrase. It became more than a question; the echoing word became a command, sent out over the nation. “Each time he sang the phrase and the word ‘see’ echoed, it would catch up with the echo from the previous release . . . becoming a never-ending echo of this powerful command throughout the nation: See! See! See! . . . “Then, the note of C being strummed on the guitar and blown from the trumpet combined to create a visible movement, like ripples fanning out. The ripples looked somewhat like an old, hand-held fan that could be opened up to make a 360-degree circular fan. They merged with and carried the echoes of the command, ‘SEE,’ and wrapped around the Capitol building. I don’t know how to adequately articulate this, but it was as if the music and the echoing word, ‘SEE,’ combined to become a visible, swirling wind of sound. “Then a massive choir, which I believe was comprised of angels, suddenly formed completely around the Capitol. This choir began to loudly sing the chorus of the song, Shout to the Lord: ‘Shout to the Lord, all the earth, let us sing, “Power and majesty, praise to the King! Mountains bow down, and the seas will roar at the sound of Your name. I sing for joy at the work of Your hands. Forever I’ll love You, forever I’ll stand. Nothing compares to the promise I have in You.’(1) “There was something important and powerful about the last line of this song: ‘Nothing compares to the PROMISE I have in You.’ It felt as though the promise had something to do with the covenantal promises God has made concerning America. “When the choir finished the chorus, Dutch, still in the deep throes of travail, said again, ‘I DECLARE THAT A “SEEING ANOINTING” GOES OUT OVER THIS LAND TO BREAK THE “SPELL” OF DELUSION! THE LORD IS OPENING THE EYES OF THE PEOPLE SO THAT THEY WILL SEE!’ Then, this was all repeated: he strummed the guitar, the angel blew the trumpet, Dutch sang the phrase, ‘O, say, can you SEE,’ the echoes continued, and the choir sang. Their words continued to act as whirlwinds, pushing the sound waves of the ‘C’ chord and the command, ‘SEE,’ in every direction, reverberating across the nation. “This was all repeated over and over.” End of dream. My Thoughts This dream was received by Gina and sent to me a week before the Francis Scott Key bridge was struck and destroyed. Key, as most everyone now knows, penned the words of our National Anthem, The Star Spangled Banner.(2) It seems very unlikely that the dream, the song, the message it was used to communicate, and the destruction of the bridge bearing the author’s name are not connected/related. The uses of silver trumpets (not the shofar) in Scripture are given in Numbers 10:1-10. In summary, since they did not have modern technology, the silver trumpets were used to coordinate the movements of the large encampment of Israelites. The movement could be to assemble or to travel. And, they were used for sounding an alarm for battle (verse 9): “When you go to war in your land against the adversary who attacks you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, that you may be remembered before the Lord your God, and be saved from your enemies.” This is what I feel is the purpose of the silver trumpet in the dream. If America is to remain “the land of the free,” as our anthem states, its citizens must have the “delusion” broken over them. This delusion was caused by a “spell,” obviously referring to its demonic roots. This deception could apply to several areas: morality, justice, government (the declaration was made at the Capitol, and the sound first encircled it), marriage, education, media, and more. Most definitely, it refers to America’s need for - and relationship with - God, including our founding and destiny, which He oversaw. This delusion must be broken off of our nation, enabling us to see clearly once again. The dream clearly states that God IS breaking this delusion off of America, and using the church, the Ekklesia, to do so. We must continue to pray and decree the “promises” of God’s Word, along with Holy Spirit’s prophetic words, over our nation. As we do so, the Scriptures - and the dream - assure us that angels will aid us, carrying the power of our prayers and decrees across our nation. The wind or breath of God will also carry and empower these prayers. Prayer For Our Waterways and Structures It is necessary and important to point out that we were warned to pray against attacks against our water-related structures and ports in a previous dream given to Gina (Click here to read). Believable reports are circulating that the destruction of this bridge could have been accomplished through a cyber attack being used to control the barge. The purpose of such an attack is obvious: The effects of this bridge collapse will cost Americans billions of dollars; the barge was loaded with hazardous materials, which will create many problems; and the cleanup and repair will take YEARS, not months. This is very, very serious. We may never know if it actually was an attack – I question whether or not our current government would admit this. However, whether it was an attack or an accident, prayer can protect from both. We must take the warning we received more seriously, and pray diligently over our water supply, waterways, bridges, dams, and ports. Destruction of these supplies and structures could literally cripple our nation. And we know that Biden‘s policies have allowed more than a million “unknowns,” illegal aliens that came into our nation as “gottaways.” We have been warned that there are likely thousands of terrorists and/or spies currently in our nation. We must continue to repent for America’s sins and rejection of the Lord, pray diligently for restoration, and declare the promises of God over our nation. The shaking has begun and will continue, but we have been told it is redemptive - it will tear down evil structures and awaken Americans to our need for God. And we must ask for the wind of Holy Spirit to blow, bringing a true and sweeping revival. This will remove deception and restore, God’s protection. The Lord says that America will SEE and shall be saved! Believe it and declare it. Pray with me: Father, evil forces are at work to destroy America. As the great hymn (A Mighty Fortress) says, “Still our ancient foe, doth seek to work us woe. His craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate.”(3) But the hymn also reminds us that “The right Man” - Jesus - will give us victory. We know He has conquered the authority of hell and is King over all the earth. We will continue to war from this place of victory and authority, and with the help and leadership of Holy Spirit. We stand in Yeshua’s authority and declare over America: A “SEEING ANOINTING” NOW GOES OUT OVER THIS LAND TO BREAK THE “SPELL” OF DELUSION! THE LORD IS OPENING THE EYES OF THE PEOPLE SO THAT THEY WILL SEE! We declare Your stated purpose that “The gospel will go forth from these shores, not only to this land, but, to all the nations of the earth” (spoken by Robert Hunt at Cape Henry in 1607).(4) And we declare that America is being cleansed of her sin, rejection of God, and strongholds of darkness. America shall be saved! Our decree: We decree that a “seeing anointing” goes out over this land to break the “spell” of delusion! The Lord is opening the eyes of people so they will see! ********************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------ Shout to the Lord, written by Darlene Zschech, 1993. Published by Hillsong Music, Australia.
  22. 7 min read March 29, 2024 We will be taking communion together at the end of today's post. Holy Friday Good Friday, called this because of an ancient usage of the word “good” as a synonym for holy. (In the same way that the Holy Bible at times is called the “Good Book.”) Holy Friday, indeed. From Gethsemane, Messiah was led to a mock trial, after which He was beaten mercilessly with a cat-o-nine-tails. This procedure was so brutal that some recipients didn’t survive it. The leather cords, tipped with sharp metal, tore at the flesh of the victim, not only cutting, but ripping off pieces of flesh. The beating, with its nine cords, delivered 39 times, made a total of 351 lashes. This was barbaric and brutal, not only lacerating the back, but wrapping around to the front of the victim’s body, including the face. It is hard to describe this lashing without being too graphic for most readers. The depiction of the horrific damage in The Passion movie is no exaggeration. Suffice it to say that when finished, the victim was often unrecognizable. The soldiers also beat Christ with their fists and spat on His face. To mock Him as “the King of the Jews,” a crown made of thorns was placed on His head and pressed into His skin, causing great pain and more loss of blood. When the ordeal was finished, Messiah was so mangled and covered with spittle and blood that He literally was unrecognizable. Isaiah said, “Many people were shocked [astonished; appalled] when they saw Him. His appearance was so damaged [disfigured; marred] He did not look like a man; His form was so changed they could barely tell He was human” (Isaiah 52:14 The Expanded Bible). The added punishments and torture, much more than the average victim of crucifixion was afflicted with, can only be explained as the fury of hell, trying to snuff out the life of the Son of God. Yeshua received this for you and me. Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24 tell us it was through this beating that we are healed. Place your faith for healing in this substitutionary sacrifice today. Christ was then led to His crucifixion. There are several prophetic references or pictures in the Old Testament pointing to the Cross. One passage of extreme importance is Deuteronomy 21:22-23, which references one who experienced death by hanging on a tree as being “cursed.” It is abundantly clear from Galatians 3:13 that this verse refers to Jesus hanging on the “tree,” taking our curse. “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us—for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.’” Yeshua’s crucifixion took place at Golgotha, “the place of the skull.” God, millennia before, had ordained that this would be the place and, with the forces of nature, carved the international symbol of death onto the hillside. This also was the location of Isaac’s interrupted sacrifice (Genesis 22), which pictured the Cross. Like Isaac, we were spared, and God Himself provided the sacrifice. “Then Abraham looked up [lifted his eyes] and saw a male sheep [ram] caught in a bush by its horns. So Abraham went and took the sheep, offering it as a whole burnt offering to God, and his son was saved [in the place of his son]. So Abraham named that place The Lord Provides [or Sees; Hebrew: Yahweh Yireh]. Even today, people say, ‘On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided [or seen]’” (Genesis 22:13-14; The Expanded Bible). In this chosen place, high on a hill so all could see the Passover Lamb bearing our sin, suffering, and shame, God provided the sacrifice for our sins. Jesus carried His own Cross, though He was able to carry it only part of the way. It was actually the crossbeam that He carried. When He arrived at the place of crucifixion, He was first tied and nailed with spikes to this crosspiece, which contained a hole in the center, enabling it to slide down onto the permanent upright post. After a victim was tied and nailed to this portion, it was lifted and placed onto the top of the vertical section, whereupon it would fall down and slam into place. This is often when dislocations would occur in the crucified person, as the crosspiece slammed down, and stopped. And indeed, we know this occurred with Christ, as was prophesied of Him in Psalm 22:14. The sliding down of the crosspiece is also why the spikes were placed at the bottom of the hands where they joined the wrist; this placement would sustain more weight. It’s also why the victim was tied to the crossbeam. If they were not secured in this way, they would often be torn loose. Yeshua hung on the Cross for six hours in this emaciated state. While there, He spoke seven times. Time does not permit me to comment on each of them, but they are all significant. Halfway through the ordeal, at noon, the sun disappeared, and the sky grew dark (Luke 23:44-45). This was a fulfillment of Amos 8:9-10: “‘It will come about in that day,’ declares the Lord God, ‘That I will make the sun go down at noon and make the earth dark in broad daylight. Then I will turn your festivals into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation, and I will bring sackcloth on everyone’s loins, And baldness on every head. And I will make it like a time of mourning for an only son, And the end of it will be like a bitter day.’” Surely this is a prophetic picture of the Light of the World being snuffed out for us. It was at the end of the three hours that Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46-47; Mark 15:34) He was quoting from Psalm 22, which is a detailed prophecy of the Cross. Christ was crying out in anguish because, for the first time in all of eternity, He was experiencing separation from His Father. It is also the only record we have of Him addressing God as anything other than Father. Christ had taken our sins upon Himself (2 Corinthians 5:21; Isaiah 53.5). Most scholars agree that when this occurred, He bore our separation from the Father, who could no longer look upon Him. Though Jesus no doubt knew this would occur, the actual experience was more than He could endure, and cried out in anguish. It is worth noting that Christ never cried out during the beatings, scourging, thorns, spikes, or dislocations - only when this separation occurred from His Father, as He bore our sin. Finally, it was enough. The price had been paid. Christ made His final two statements. The first, “It is finished,” I have written of before in the GH15 posts. This was not a quiet statement referencing His death, but a loud declaration by Christ, also a quote from Psalm 22:3. This decree was one word in Greek (tetelestai)(1) and also in the Hebrew of Psalm 22 (asah).(2) Using the literal meaning of these words, Christ was declaring that He had fully accomplished His assignment, paid our debt in full, and was bringing forth the new creation! Yeshua then released His spirit to the Father. Death did not take Him, He “yielded up His Spirit” (Matthew 27:50). It was 3 o’clock in the afternoon. The priests in the Temple were performing their customary duties when, at the very moment Jesus yielded up His Spirit, the veil in the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51; Mark 15:38; Luke 23:45). The purpose of this veil had been to separate humans from the Holy of Holies, the dwelling place of God on earth. With this symbolic act, God was declaring that the separation caused by our sin was gone, and we could now draw near to Him, entering His presence once again! Why don’t you spend some time with Him today? He would like that. Pray with me: Thank You, Father, for the Cross. Thank You for sending Christ to be our substitute. Thank You for placing our sins upon Him in order to bring us back into Your family. Thank You for enduring the lashes, the wounds, the crown of thorns, and the separation, for surely it was agonizing for You, as well as for Yeshua. And thank You, Jesus, for Your heart of humility and love. You are the Son of Man and Son of God. Through Your sacrifice and our faith in it, You have made us sons and daughters of the Most High. We are so grateful. Now, by faith, we appropriate all of the cleansing power of Your shed blood, and the healing virtue that flows from every wound You suffered. By Your stripes, we are healed! As we prayed yesterday, we do again today: for the glory of Your name and the pleasure of Your heart, send revival to earth. Save a billion or more people in this great revival. Your Father promised You the nations of the earth as Your inheritance - reap them now. And in remembrance of You and what You did for us on Calvary, we partake of the Communion Meal. We take the bread, which was Your body, broken for us - a price paid so we could be healed. [Pause; eat the bread] We take the cup, a representation of Your blood, spilled for us, the price paid for our redemption from sin. We give You thanks today, Jesus. We give You thanks. [Drink the juice] Our decree: We decree that the Lamb who was slain has overcome and will forever reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. **************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. No. 5055 Ibid. Ref. no. 6213
  23. 7 min read March 28, 2024 Last night on the Flashpoint program, I shared about a dream sent to me from a friend. In the dream, I was at the U.S. Capitol singing a line from our National Anthem. Those of us on the program found it more than coincidental that a week after this dream, the bridge bearing the name of the anthem’s author was destroyed. (The dream did not mention the bridge.) I will share a post regarding this dream and my overall thoughts concerning it next week. Though the dream is significant, I do not feel it is appropriate to deviate from our posts regarding Christ’s Passion Week in order to address it. Again, we will do so next week. --------------------------------------------------------- Gethsemane “Leaving there, He went, as He so often did, to Mount Olives. The disciples followed Him. When they arrived at the place, He said, ‘Pray that you don’t give in to temptation.’” (Luke 22:39 MSG) “The place” spoken of by Luke was Gethsemane. It had become Christ’s favorite place of prayer; notice the phrase, “as He so often did.” This is how Judas, who had left the Last Supper early, knew where to take the soldiers to find Him. Christ would spend three hours there that night agonizing over the ordeal He was facing. During this time, He would wrestle with His natural, human desire for this cup of suffering to pass from Him: “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42). The agony of these three hours was horrific, much worse than most people realize. Luke tells us Christ started this time of prayer on His knees. Matthew adds that He eventually fell on His face in agony. Mark added that He fell repeatedly. In other words, Christ would kneel, then eventually fall on His face. He would rise to His feet again, only to fall once more - first to His knees, then onto His face. At one point, the agony He was experiencing, as well as the knowledge of what was coming, became so intense that the capillaries in His face burst, and blood, mixed with sweat, oozed through the pores of His skin (Luke 22:44). This is a painful medical condition known as hematidrosis. “Doctors don't know exactly what triggers hematidrosis, in part because it's so rare. They think it could be related to the body's ‘fight or flight’ response… Sometimes, it seems to be caused by extreme distress or fear, such as facing death, torture, or severe ongoing abuse. It's probably where the term ‘sweating blood,’ meaning a great effort, comes from.”(1) “While the extent of blood loss generally is minimal, hematidrosis also results in the skin becoming extremely tender and fragile.”(2) I believe our redemption was actually beginning at this point when the first drop of Christ’s blood was shed, even before He reached the Cross. Through a blending of the Gospel accounts, and with more in-depth definitions of the words chosen by Holy Spirit, we can gain a more complete picture of what Jesus truly experienced in the garden. When He “withdrew” from the disciples to pray by Himself (Luke 22:41), Luke uses a stronger word than the other Gospel writers, apospao, which means “to tear away.”(3) Wuest [New Testament] translates it accordingly, “He tore himself away from them.” Probably more than any time in His life, Christ wanted the comfort of being with friends, yet He knew He would have to face this ordeal alone. We are told by Matthew and Mark that Yeshua became “sore amazed, exceedingly sorrowful, and very heavy” (Matthew 26.37-38; Mark 14:33-34 KJV). More literal definitions of the Greek words used give us poignant descriptions of what He was feeling: Sore amazed - ekthambeisthai: “to be exceedingly astonished, either with wonder or fear; to be in the grip of a shuddering horror.”(4) Exceedingly sorrowful - perilupus: “to be very sad, environed or surrounded with deep grief.”(5) Very heavy - ademonein: “to be troubled and in anguish, to be in a state of great anxiety; used of one who is rendered helpless, disoriented, agitated, and anguished by the threat of an approaching event.”(6) Wuest New Testament says Christ was “thoroughly alarmed” (Mark 14:33) and “entered a state of severe mental and emotional struggle to the point of death” (agonia) (Luke 22:44). Though Jesus knew in advance this trauma was coming, the intensity of it was even greater than what He had expected. Based on all of these definitions, the ordeal was alarming to Him, astonishing, disorienting, horrifying. Most of us don’t think of Christ as being capable of feeling these types of emotions. Yet, in His humanness, He could and did, allowing Himself to identify with us. Matthew also tells us Jesus was agonizing “to the point of death” (Matthew 26:38). The word used demands that this be taken literally. Though death could never have overcome Christ before the time came for Him to “yield up” His spirit, nevertheless, His body was close to death. Again, I believe our redemption - specifically, taking the emotional wounds, rejections, and sorrows of the entire world upon Himself - began here in the garden of Gethsemane. Isaiah prophesied of Christ: “He was despised and forsaken of men, A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; And like one from whom men hide their face He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely our griefs He Himself bore, And our sorrows He carried; Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was pierced through for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging, we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:3-5 NASB) Don’t waste a moment of Christ’s suffering for you. Everything He did was redemptive. Every second of suffering and abuse was for you and me, taking our place. Let it bring healing to every part of your soul that may be hurting. Jesus wants you healed from every form of abuse, rejection, betrayal, and loss. He paid for this! Receive it. After three hours of emotional agony, it was enough. God sent an angel to strengthen Him (Luke 22:43). Christ broke through into peace, and His spirit was now in complete control of every emotion. At this point, Judas came with soldiers and betrayed Christ with a kiss (kataphileo)(7). The word reveals that this was more than just the friendly kiss on the cheek (phileo),(8) a common greeting in many countries. The prefix kata(9) strengthens it, implying a stronger affection; perhaps he added a hug, or the kiss on the cheek lingered somewhat. That is why Jesus questioned Judas, “Are you betraying me with this type of affection, Judas?” (Luke 22:48). Christ then asks the soldiers, “Who are you seeking?” When they told Him, He simply said, “I AM” (John 18:4-5). Jesus did NOT say “I am He,” as most translations state. He spoke His God-name from throughout eternity: “I AM.” And the power of His words, of His name, knocked the soldiers backward onto the ground (verse 6). Christ is, indeed, Almighty God. At this point, Peter, perhaps emboldened by what happened to the soldiers, pulled out a sword and cut off the ear of Malchus, a servant of the High Priest. Jesus promptly touched Malchus and performed a creative miracle, healing his ear! (Luke 22:51) The great I AM, indeed! The Healer! The Great Physician! The Creator! And in this time of His suffering, the Savior is seen ministering to His enemies. At this point, Jesus was led away to be tried, beaten, and crucified. We will look at this tomorrow. Pray with me: Father, the agony You must have felt during Christ’s sufferings had to have been immeasurable. The temptation to answer His prayer, “Let this cup pass from Me,” must have been overwhelming. But You knew there was no other way to save us - our sins required a perfect, sinless substitute. You who spared not Your own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall You not also with Him, freely give us all things! (Romans 8:32). Thank You! And Jesus, words fail us. You, the Prince of Peace, suffered overwhelming mental anguish and emotional trauma for us. You allowed Yourself to feel the pressure until Your capillaries burst and Your skin oozed blood. Through this, You now give us unexplainable peace and unspeakable joy. We worship You today. We exalt You above all others. We love You from the depths of our hearts. May our incense of worship rise before You, bringing the pleasure You so deserve. As incredible as it sounds, we know we are the reward of Your suffering. Satisfy Your heart even more in this hour - send revival to the earth! Bring a billion souls into Your family in this coming revival. Your Father, who cannot lie, gave You the nations as Your inheritance. No one can take them from You. Holy Spirit, show the world just how wonderful this God-Man is. Open their eyes to His glory, His selfless love, His humility. Give them dreams about Him that awaken desire - a longing to know Him. Surely, there is no one like Him - give them a taste! Let not the wicked stop this. Ruin their plans, judge their strategies, thwart their efforts…and reveal this glorious Man. And in His name, we pray, Amen. Tomorrow, we will partake of communion together as we remember Good Friday, the day of Christ’s death. *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------- This is a combined definition from these sources: Strong, James. The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990. Thayer, Joseph Henry. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1977. Vine, W.E. The Expanded Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 1984. Zodhiates, Spiros, The Complete Word Study Dictionary. Iowa Falls, IA: Word Bible Publishers, 1992. Ibid Ibid Ibid Ibid Ibid Ibid
  24. 6 min read March 27, 2024 I want to thank my friends who filled in for me on the posts this past week while I was taking a few days off. I was able to get some much-needed rest. The Humanness of Christ Christ actually began experiencing the emotional pressure of the Cross several weeks before it occurred. Many people fail to consider the true human-ness of Jesus, that He possessed real emotions and the ability to feel pain. In His earthly life, Christ experienced grief, sorrow, anger, and disappointment; He enjoyed friendships, knew joy and laughter, felt hunger and thirst, and grew tired and sleepy. Though fully God, Jesus was also fully human, but without the Adamic fallen nature. He had to be human in order to represent us as our legal substitute. As one who was truly human, Christ didn’t shift over into “God-mode” when things got tough, in order to not feel the pain or trauma. Philippians 2:6-7 tells us that “Although He existed in the form of God, [He] did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.” Let Christ be human. As I stated above, weeks before the Cross, Christ began feeling the pressure. When He said, “No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62), Jesus was thinking of Himself. The passage begins by saying, “Jesus let nothing distract Him from departing for Jerusalem because the time for Him to be lifted up drew near, and He was full of passion to complete His mission there,” ‭‭(Luke‬ ‭9:51‬ ‭TPT‬‬). Jesus knew that in Jerusalem, He would face arrest, torture, and agonizing death. But He set off firmly and unflinchingly, committed to finishing His mission. There would be no backing out; nothing would deter Him from accomplishing His purpose. Isaiah prophesied about this determination: “The Lord God has opened My ear; I was not disobedient, nor did I turn back. I gave My back to those who strike Me, And My cheeks to those who pluck out the beard; I did not cover My face from humiliation and spitting. For the Lord God helps Me, Therefore, I am not disgraced; Therefore, I have set My face like flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed,” (Isaiah 50:5-7 NASB). Christ knew this passage was speaking of Him and realized He was entering the season of its fulfillment. So He set His face like flint, put His hand to the plow, and turning toward Jerusalem, began what would become His final trek to that city. Traveling by foot and stopping along the way to minister and rest, the journey would take several weeks. Luke, in his gospel, reveals the humanness of Christ more than the other Gospel writers. Under Holy Spirit’s guidance, each Gospel writer had a different goal in his version of Christ’s life. This is why each man shared different (not contradictory) accounts of Christ’s works and teachings. Matthew, for example, wrote his Gospel to reveal Christ as the King of God’s Kingdom. Mark presented Him as a man of action, filled with power and under authority. John revealed Christ as truly God. Luke presented the humanness of Christ. As a man, He was qualified to be our substitute at the Cross. In revealing Christ’s humanness, Luke wants us to know that Jesus felt the pressure; from this point onward, it was building in the Son of Man. Eleven times after the above verse (9:51), Luke reminds us that Christ was journeying toward Jerusalem and, therefore, the Cross. He was focused on His mission and refused to be deterred. In Chapter 12, Luke quotes Him as saying, “I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is accomplished” (verse 50). “Distressed” is the Greek word sunecho,(1) a very strong word meaning “to be held fast, like a prisoner.” It also means “to be confined, constrained, pressed together so as not to be able to move (like a city under siege);” figuratively, sunecho meant “to be in a mental state of anguish.” Kenneth Wuest’s expanded and very literal translation of the New Testament renders this verse: “I have an immersion by which I will be overwhelmed, and I am being hard pressed from every side until it be consummated.” In other words, though weeks out from the Cross at this point, the strain in Christ was already very intense! Jesus knew well of the coming suffering and was dreading it. The focus required in order to press onward to Jerusalem was so intense that it could be seen in His demeanor. In Luke 9:53, Christ was rejected by a Samaritan village “because His face was as though He would go to Jerusalem.” Although there was great friction between Jews and Samaritans, Christ had earlier been accepted by a village in Samaria after ministering to “the woman at the well” (see John 4). On this occasion, however, the Samaritans would not receive Him. Why? They were offended because He couldn’t seem to take His focus off of Jerusalem. What did this look like? There must have been many pensive gazes, perhaps even grimaces, as Christ repeatedly turned His face toward Jerusalem…and the Cross. This preoccupation became so obvious that the Samaritans - rejected and looked down upon by the Jews - had finally had enough. Of course, they didn’t understand the reasons for His focus on Jerusalem. No one did. This was something Christ was having to endure alone. And with His face set like flint, He journeyed on - moving toward His destiny. “And He was passing through from one village to another, teaching, and proceeding on His way to Jerusalem” (Luke 13:22). For several weeks the journey continued, the pressure building until Jesus rounded the last curve and crested the last hill. When the city at last came into view, He burst into tears. Christ’s emotions were now raw, sensitive, and bottled up. Like a pent-up dam that could take no more pressure, He released His emotions. Jesus loved this city; He loved the people. Yet, He knew Jerusalem would reject Him and be His place of death. In the future, it would also experience great devastation. As this mix of emotions erupted to the surface, Yeshua let it all out. And He did more than just cry. Again, quoting from Wuest’s New Testament, “...having caught sight of the city, He burst into tears, weeping audibly over it” (Luke 19:41). What a picture. And what must the disciples and those following Christ have thought as He “burst into tears” and sobbed? How often this man surprised and amazed them. Power, authority, humility, wisdom, intellect, love, and passion were all exhibited by the Son of Man. And they would soon see His anger. After composing Himself, Christ went directly to the Temple and drove out those who were selling their wares, making His “house of prayer...a robber’s den,” (Luke 19:45-46). This was indeed anger, but it was not a temporary loss of self-control. His actions were prophetic. The Temple was intended by God to picture us humans, created to be the dwelling place/temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16). The defilement Jesus was seeing reminded Him of the defilement in us, which He was about to cleanse at the Cross, just days from then. He was demonstrating what He had come to do: cleanse His temple - US! And Christ was very intense about this. Spend some time this week reflecting on the passion of Christ. Journey through the week with Him. Thank Him for the price He paid. Worship Him not only as God the Creator, but also as Son of Man, the Redeemer. And please…let Him be human. Pray with me: Father, thank You for Your incredible love and commitment to us. Thank You for the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world. You are amazing. We are deeply moved by being able to call You Abba, Papa. And Jesus, thank You for the incarnation - being willing to become one of us. Isaiah called You Immanuel, “God with us” (Isaiah 7:14). Daniel called You “son of man” (Daniel 7:13). Thank You for the tears. Thank You for the love. Thank You for the suffering and pain. Thank You for the Cross - thank You for dying. And, thank You for winning, for conquering death and the grave, for overcoming sin and its evil hold on us. Thank You for making Yahweh our Abba, for bringing us into the family, and for sharing Your throne with us. Manifest Yourself through us in this era, we pray. May the world see who You truly are, Yeshua, observing Your glory as the church You are building matures into the Ekklesia You envisioned. Continue to mature us into people worthy to bear Your name. Amen. Our decree: We declare that we have put our hand to the plow and will never look back. ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4912.
  25. 6 min read March 26, 2024 Introduction Much could be said of Jane Hamon. She and her husband, Tom, hear from Holy Spirit as clearly as anyone I know, and their words are filtered through a tremendous depth of biblical knowledge. As spiritual parents and apostolic leaders to many, their impact is huge, and they are in great demand around the world. Thank you, Jane, for being our friend and giving us your time today. Ceci and I thank you. You’ll enjoy hearing from Jane today. ------------------------------------------------------------ Victory Over Chaos It’s an honor to fill in for my dear friend, Dutch Sheets, as he takes a much-deserved break for his 70th birthday. Happy Birthday from the Hamon family, and may God refresh your body, soul, and spirit for all your future assignments. As I was seeking the Lord in this season, I heard Him say He is positioning the Ekklesia to experience victory over chaos and a time of recovery of all that has been stolen. It’s a time to focus on the victory ahead, not on the chaos that may be swirling around. It’s time to see the straight paths so we can speak to the crooked places and call the things that are not as though they are. It’s a time for fresh vision, to see the light that is invading darkness, to see how God sees, filled with hope and a future. We may not like the battle, but remember, there is no victory without a fight. Yes, I am afraid it’s going to be a wild ride: economic ups and downs, global instability, societal unrest, political manipulations, and a “the end justifies the means” mentality that skirts laws and defies principles. Yet in the midst of all this, there is an awakening taking place! People are waking up from their slumber, both in natural and spiritual things. Mindsets are changing, opening hearts to hear the gospel in a brand new way. The Kingdom of God will advance as revival continues to sweep college campuses, Hollywood, boardrooms, and yes, churches. Dark forces will try to inflame global conflict to stop this, but it’s not time for a World War III. It’s time for the church, the Ekklesia, to pray and decree God’s purposes. Back in August of 2020 the Lord gave me a word for the beginning years of this decade. He said, “Chaos is getting ready to increase.” (Yay! What an exciting word!). I knew Chaos was personified as a dragon named Rahab in Isaiah 51:9 which was an ancient god of chaos.(1) It represented evil of every kind at work in the earth, in people, and in the governments of nations. Chaos brings utter confusion, disorder, discord, and lawlessness. We have certainly seen chaos increase in the earth since 2020. The second thing God said was that He was going to use chaos to expose corruption, evil agendas, and secret deals being made to control the nations. Basically, everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that which cannot be shaken will remain, but remember, we serve a Kingdom which cannot be shaken (see Hebrews 12:27-28). The shaking will be our making! Then the third thing He said was, “Then tell them: The God of Peace is rising.” He said this part three times for emphasis. Romans 16:20 declares, “The God of Peace will soon crush satan under your feet.” Isaiah 9:6-7 says one of the names of the coming Messiah would be Prince of Peace. The word peace is Shalom in Hebrew, which means peace, safety, prosperity, happiness, wholeness, favor, and rest.(2) Rabbinical scholars, however, look at the letters used to form this word and the pictures represented by those letters. In this case, the pictures give a deeper meaning to the word Shalom: Peace comes when you destroy the authority of chaos!(3) This is our assignment: to destroy the authority of every demonic force of chaos through the power of the victorious blood of Christ! We must pray against the evil agenda of the enemy to stir up chaos, however, God promises He will use the very things the enemy has meant for evil to turn for our good (see Genesis 50:20). For example, Joseph received prophetic dreams of leadership and government positioning then all hell broke loose against him. When this word came, he was just the son of a shepherd. His journey of trials, and yes, chaos, shaped him for his destiny. In Potiphar’s house, he learned leadership and agriculture. In the palace prison he learned government and how the palace operated. What was he going to need to assume his position as Pharaoh’s right hand? He would need knowledge of leadership, government, and agriculture. Your trials are actually preparing you for your destiny. Don’t waste the process with bitterness or anger. Recognize God will cause all things to work for your good. Allow the peace of God to overthrow every kind of chaos in your life as the power of the God of Peace is made real. In Genesis 1:2, we are told in the beginning, the earth was without form and void. The phrase without form indicates a state of chaos and confusion.(4) The enemy is trying to bring nations under the power of chaos, without form, by destroying societal norms regarding the nuclear family, gender, and by removing righteous foundations. How did God deal with this primordial chaos? He spoke into the chaos and said, “Let there be!” Let there be light. Let there be life. Let there be order. The Voice of the Lord confronts chaos. Divine Order confronts confusion. We are in a time when His voice is being released in power through the mouths of His people, to decree divine order into the chaos of this world. This year, God is concerned about things being set in order in His house. We recognize judgment begins in the house of God (see 1 Peter 4:17). While God is setting His house in order, we must also set our own houses in order. Reset your faith. Reset your vision. Renew your commitment to righteousness. This will be a time to not just set our house in order, but also set our mouths in order! When God spoke to Israel to cross in to take their promised land, all they could see were the giants. They spoke about the problem rather than the promise. But there were two, Joshua and Caleb, who saw the problem but chose instead to speak the promise. “We eat giants for our bread!” Speak the promise, not the problem! Interestingly, this is the Year of the Dragon on the Chinese lunar calendar. I believe it is a time to confront and defeat this demonic dragon of chaos, by releasing the Word of the Lord and His powerful decrees through our mouths. Speak to the chaos and confusion, that which is out of order and lawless throughout the nations, and see this dragon, this leviathan, broken into pieces by the sword of the Lord that comes out of our mouths (see Isaiah 27:1). I hear the Lord say, “There a company of dragon slayers arising today. These are those who have looked death right in the eye and not given up, backed off, or been intimidated. They will operate with supernatural courage to confront chaos, confusion, and every emissary of lawlessness operating on the earth. Jesus, the ultimate dragon slayer, defeated death, hell, and the grave, paving the way for this new generation who will enforce his victory. Those who thought they would be broken by the harsh trials of the last season, yet held on to the Word of the Lord will prevail. I am waking up My people, reminding them of My prophetic promises and calling them to wage war by them, knowing My voice shatters the enemy every time (see Isaiah 30:31). So rise up, dragon slayers! Shake off all perceived defeat of the last season and rise into new authority and victory for the new day.” Pray with me: Lord, give me the courage of a dragon slayer. Fill my mouth with words of revelation and power and anoint me to confront chaos and confusion everywhere I go. Send an awakening in our land. Expose all corruption. Raise up your Ekklesia to release an increase of your government and peace by destroying the authority of chaos in our nation and in the earth. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Decree with me: The God of Peace is crushing satan under my feet! I decree divine order into every place of chaos, and crooked places are being made straight. I am a dragon slayer, in Jesus’ name! ************************ For more information, you might enjoy: Declarations for Breakthrough: Agreeing with the Voice of God, Chosen Books, Minneapolis, MN, 2021, or contact my website at Click on the link below to watch the full video. __________________________________________________________________________ Got Questions, Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, 7999. Discipleship Development, Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon, Unabridged, Electronic Database, 8414,
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