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  1. 5 min read September 5, 2024 INTRODUCTION As we move into this time of harvest and extending Christ’s redeeming love into the earth, Holy Spirit has been maturing the church into “a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13). The authority that comes with this is not a right to control people, telling them how to think and what to do. Instead, it is to liberate them from control—the dominion and influence of spiritual darkness. Liars and propagandists twist the Scriptures, stating that words like kingdom, dominion, rule, overcoming, weapons, warfare, etc., imply that we want to force Christianity on people. They accuse us with words and phrases like “Christian Nationalism,” “dominionists,” and others, attempting to shame and silence us. This is the same dishonest tactic that labels those who disagree with them as homophobes, hatemongers, etc. Don’t be distracted by this; satan has always used lies. He is “the father of lies,” after all. True Christians love all people, just as Christ does. Those who know the Bible are very aware that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces (Ephesians 6:12) and that our weapons also are spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Even our involvement in government is not to control people, but to protect and promote “liberty and justice for all.” (Including Christians!) The church is moving forward in its ability to represent Christ, enforcing His victory over darkness. My friend Randy Lopshire addresses this in the following powerful thoughts. Our title is: ________________________________________________________________ No Longer On The Defense In November 2020, I had the honor of being in Coudersport, PA, with my friend Dutch Sheets and a team of leaders on a prayer assignment regarding our nation. It was a powerful time of prayer, declarations, and decrees. Just before being asked to go onto the platform with the team, I experienced a vision in which I saw a man with a banner across his chest, similar to those worn by government officials or dignitaries in some nations. The banner was gold with blue lettering and said, “The Rising Ekklesia.” I knew the man wearing it represented a portion of the body of Christ, those who had been receiving revelation that would enable them to function as Christ’s Ekklesia. Then, from behind me, Jesus walked around my right side. In His right hand, He had a fiery sword shaped like a lightning bolt. He stood before the man wearing the banner and extended His sword. With it, He snatched the banner up and over his head and threw it to the side. The Lord then replaced that banner with a new, brighter gold one containing brighter blue letters; it read, “The Standing Ekklesia.” I knew this man represented those at attention before the Lord, listening intently to Him, and could now do much more for the Kingdom than they were able to do previously. This morning, the Lord reminded me of that experience. While I pondered it, He dropped these words into my heart: “I have once again removed an old banner, replacing it with another. This one reads, ‘The Ruling Ekklesia.’” He continued, “My Ekklesia is no longer simply a defensive body, but is now on the offense. This Ekklesia is not set back on its heels, trying to deflect the missiles of the enemy. Rather, it watches closely to see where satan’s “fiery darts” come from, then releases a counter-attack with great authority, precision, and success.” In my personal times with the Lord, I have been receiving revelation of this for some time, realizing this describes the Ekklesia necessary for right now. Holy Spirit has developed us quickly because these times mandate a mature, fully trained Ekklesia: a Kingdom “Special Forces.” Gone are the days of simply defending ourselves from sporadic, distracting demonic skirmishes. We will now locate the enemy with precision, advance, and neutralize them. Then, we will follow up by replacing their positions with Kingdom rule. All of this is accomplished with Holy Spirit’s power and leading. We are no longer “rising,” we are no longer just “withstanding.” We are now in a ruling mindset and posture. It’s time for us to reverse the tone of the war we are in and launch our own spiritual missiles into the kingdom of darkness, behind its walls. We will do that with renewed spiritual vitality, coming from the fresh revelation of WHO WE ARE in Him and WHO HE IS in us. We must stop dreaming of going back to the Acts 2 church and realize instead, that we are Christ’s 2000-year-old church! We have entered adulthood. We are the mature Ekklesia of the Lord Jesus Christ, endowed with the greatest authority and power in heaven and earth. No longer are we to only “stand on” Christ’s promises; we are to “fire them” as missiles onto the enemy, with faith that there is not a wall he can build capable of keeping us out! Our Word declarations will prevail. It’s time to “rush the gates” with the Master’s own words in our hearts: “And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18-19). Like David when attacking Goliath, who slowed down only to ****** up the stones for his sling, we too must run to face the enemy (1 Samuel 17). “How dare he insult our God,” David declared. Let us not be found waiting for another to do our job for us. We can’t afford to wrongly assume, “It will all just work out.” NO! We, the Ruling Ekklesia, must MAKE things work out through the authority and power Jesus gave us, using the “Promise Missiles” He has given us. We are no longer the Rising Ekklesia, nor are we only the Standing Ekklesia; we are now the Ruling Ekklesia. ******* Pray with me: Father, we know we are living in a world that has not yet experienced the fullness of Christ’s redemption. Satan and his forces are still at work, blinding the minds of unbelievers and controlling them through demonic ideologies and beliefs. We know these evil forces work through every possible means, including governments, education, false religions, wars, hatred, and more. We are called to war spiritually against this (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). As those who represent You on earth, we ask for the highest possible level of revelation concerning our union with Christ. Release powerful levels of wisdom and revelation. May the church realize - at higher and higher levels - who we are in Christ and who He is in us. Release this revelation until, as Randy says, we function as the ruling Ekklesia. As this mature Ekklesia, we will walk in the appropriate balance of humility and boldness. Like David, we will run to defeat giants; like Peter, we will be so bold as to say to the lame, “Such as I have, give I thee!” (Acts 3:6). We will possess the faith and boldness of Paul, who eventually took over the leadership of his “prison ship” (Acts 27 & 28). The darkness in the spiritual realm went into panic and chaos when these and other members of the Ekklesia showed up. It will be the same today when members of Your ruling Ekklesia arrive in territories, taking Christ into the dark places of the earth. We decree this, for You spoke of a church such as this in Your Word. We press toward this mark in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the Ekklesia of Christ is releasing Christ’s rule, doing so with humility, love, and authority. -------------------------------- Post Script As I have stated, our GH15 posts are written and recorded the day before their release. As I was about to record this yesterday, the news broke of the four people killed and nine injured in the Winder, Georgia high school. This is but one more horrific example of the destruction satan employs in his efforts to steal, kill, and destroy. We pray for God’s grace and comfort to be released in this community and that, as the sheriff stated, love wins over hate. ****************************** Today’s post was contributed by Pastor Randy Lopshire. You can learn more about Randy at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  2. 5 min read September 3, 2024 Healing Summit Report Friday night’s Healing Summit in Middletown, Ohio, was very strong. Many people were ministered to - we must have prayed for 1000 people that night and over 700 churches joined online. Thousands watched in homes and hospital rooms. Many testimonies of healing were shared in the service that night. Some conditions that do not produce constant pain such as heart issues, neurological problems, organ diseases, etc., cannot be determined immediately as being healed. I believe time will reveal that many others were healed. As one of the leaders present, Greg Hood stated: “We partnered with Holy Spirit and witnessed signs, wonders, and miracles as thousands of people were prayed for and healed worldwide. We were truly in awe. I have a feeling that Father enjoyed it even more than we did. In the weeks ahead, we can expect to hear many more testimonies of God’s healing and faithfulness.” Testimonies are also flowing in from pastors and leaders around the nation. The host pastor, my brother Tim, texted me Saturday morning saying: “The testimonies are pouring in! The host churches are giving great reports!” Greg Hood told me late Friday night: “I have friends vacationing on Grand Cayman Island who were watching the Healing Summit tonight. They told me: ‘You spoke to “a clicking jaw” early on, as you began to release healing. I’ve been dealing with TMJ for several weeks. IMMEDIATELY, the clicking/grinding stopped! ‘Hallelujah … the mantle has already moved down into the Caribbean!’” Another friend told Greg: “We sent my grandmother [in another state] the link to watch the live stream. She has had excruciating back pain for the last month. Every time I talk to her she struggles getting up and doing anything. She said all of the back pain went away as the leaders were speaking. I think it was even before they started praying for people.” One of my dear friends in Kansas told me: “Thanks for the word tonight. Many were healed tonight from all over Kansas. We love you guys and are loving all that God has and is doing.” And still another friend in Missouri said: “What an amazing, powerful Healing Summit - a global phenomenon of God’s grace & mercy. Our church streamed it with other ministries in the region. I tell you, Dutch, we had testimony after testimony of many getting healed & delivered.” Because of Labor Day, I’m writing this on Saturday, the morning after the service, so my staff can enjoy their Monday holiday. We know that many more great reports will come in the days ahead. A RE-AWAKENING I believe Friday was part of a reawakening. When the church grows weak in gifts, anointings, and functions that God intends us to walk in - whether from sin, complacency, doctrinal error, or lukewarmness - He takes us through seasons of renewal and restoration. Just as Isaac had to redig the clogged up wells of his father Abraham (Genesis 26), we have to be cleaned out and reawakened in our hearts. Jeremiah 6:16 tells us: “Thus says the Lord: "Stand in the ways and see, And ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls...” (NKJV). We were asking and looking for “old paths” Friday night. I am confident we found them and a new season on God’s agenda was formally launched, a season of signs, wonders and miracles, associated with the great coming harvest. We spoke of these ancient paths in the meeting, and how what we were seeking was not new, but a relaunch of former eras in the church. We made formal statements and decrees accepting the mantles of healing and miracles that previous generations have walked in. To be clear: We were NOT implying that the church has been completely lacking in gifts of healing, the miraculous, etc. All of us leading the meeting have seen people healed in our ministries, as have numerous others in the body of Christ. We are saying God is expanding it, multiplying it, launching a broad movement among His people of signs, wonders, and miracles as He has in former times. We’re saying that this movement will help facilitate the billion-soul-harvest; and we believe that it will be participated in not only by leaders, but by believers in general (Mark 16:18). We are NOT saying we are the leaders of this movement - it will be led by Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. And when we speak of past movements, anointings, giftings, etc., we are NOT saying we’re asking for former leaders’ mantles. We believe the gifts of the Spirit are just that: “of the Spirit.” The “transfers” we spoke of Friday are the passing of batons, not another person’s gift. The principle involved is God doing through our generation what He has done through former generations, taking the church from glory to glory. When we do “prophetic acts,” such as praying around the chair used in the tent revivals of the Voice of Healing movement (which we did Friday night), the acts are symbolic. We are using them to honor what God did in the past, as well as those He used, and are saying, “Lord, give us the types and level of gifts and mantles they moved in, a reawakening of miracle revivals. We are connected with these former brothers and sisters in the spirit, through You, and our actions today are a continuation of what they did yesterday. As we honor and connect spiritually with what You did through them, give us the synergy of the ages.” (consider Elijah and Elisha) SUMMARY In summary, we believe many were healed Friday night, and that this will continue; we believe gifts of the Spirit that produce signs and wonders were passed out around the world. We are convinced that this will be instrumental in producing the great harvest, and will release God’s mercy and compassion on millions. As Pat McManus, one of the participants Friday evening said, “We encountered a powerful expression of the love of the Father.” Indeed. The heavens are opening and rains of revival are beginning to fall. It is an honor to be part of God’s great Kingdom agenda. Pray with me: Father, it was Your idea to connect signs and wonders with winning people to You, as You stated in the Great Commission of Mark 16. Then you demonstrated the plan over and over in the book of Acts. Down through history, miraculous signs have been part of revivals and awakenings. We will need them in the coming revival, as well. We ask for and receive the gifts of Your Spirit, in order to release these miracles. Please hasten this process; multiply the miracles! Healing is also Your “children’s bread” (Matthew 15:26), provided for them through Christ’s redemption. Miracles occur as You release Your compassion and provision to them. In the current uncapping of miracle wells, we are expecting many of our brothers and sisters to be healed. We ask for this to increase, including notable and creative miracles. Heal the suffering, even those terminally ill, and deliver many from the debilitating effects of disease. Our decree: We decree that we will steward well the release of Holy Spirit’s miraculous power. ********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  3. 6 min read August 29, 2024 INTRODUCTION In a moment, I will share a dream my brother Tim Sheets released several months ago. Before getting to the main portion of today’s post, however, I want to mention again the importance of praying for the protection of our government leaders. The primary concerns I have felt are for Trump and Robert Kennedy, though Kennedy is no longer running for office. I feel they are at risk. Please pray for all of our leaders, highlighting them during this time. We will do so together in today’s prayer. The New Season of Miracles We are moving into a supernatural, transformational, and reformational era where the glory and power of the Lord are being amped up at much higher levels. The Holy Spirit has consistently emphasized that healings and notable miracles are to be part of this era. They will now come in greater measure. The divine healing ministry is a part of my heritage. My roots go back to what is called “The Voice of Healing” movement, a time when healing evangelists held healing and miracle meetings in America and other nations. All manner of sicknesses and diseases were healed, even incurable diseases, by the power of God. Well-known ministers of that time were Gordon Lindsay, A.A. Allen, William Branham, Jack Coe, Kathryn Kuhlman, Oral Roberts, and many others. When I was a boy, my dad was also used by the Lord greatly in the healing ministry. My brother Dutch and I regularly worked at the altars, and we saw the power of God manifest time after time. I have seen many miracles occur, including incurable diseases, blindness, and deafness. I once watched as a man’s crippled and twisted body in a wheelchair completely straightened, completely realigned, and became completely restored. Over the years, I have received many prophetic words about moving in the healing and miracle heritage from my childhood, and I believe Holy Spirit is now accelerating this assignment. It is time for supernatural events to happen on the earth, as was seen throughout the Scriptures. Notable miracles will now help change history, as was seen in the Book of Acts. We are moving into days when notable miracles will accelerate through Kingdom Ekklesias. The miraculous will flow into towns, cities, regions, states, and nations. It is time to believe for this supernatural power of the living God to move in our churches with signs, wonders, miracles, and healings. In light of recent words and visions I have received, Holy Spirit has recently prompted me to pray for healings and miracles quite often. I asked the Lord one day to give me a prophetic understanding regarding these dreams and visions, and He gave me another unique dream regarding notable miracles. THE DREAM I was in a very large room with what looked to be around a hundred people. All age groups were represented, from young children to the elderly. I could see each individual very clearly. I looked over to one side and saw a blind man standing, holding a white cane. I looked around the room and saw people who were obviously deaf using sign language. I saw other people with sores covering their bodies. The sores looked infected, and I knew it was some kind of skin disease or cancer. I saw others who were extremely sick, in the last stages of deadly diseases. I saw some who appeared to be stroke victims, paralyzed and dragging a leg or unable to use an arm. I saw a few others in wheelchairs. It was as if I was in a hospital ward with people experiencing all sorts of debilitating sickness and diseases. I could see the hollow look in their eyes, the fear and hopelessness written on their faces. I remember in the dream feeling so sad for them that I wanted to get out of the room. I didn’t want them to see me cry. At this point in the dream, I decided to walk to another room across the hall. When I walked into this room, it also was inhabited by a hundred or so people. However, these people were completely different from the others - happy, joyous, laughing, and energetic, the absolute picture of health - interacting with one another. Obviously, I noticed the contrast between the two rooms. As I stood there for a moment, a man walked up to me whom I had never before met, but instantly recognized. (It was T.L. Osborn, who is now in heaven. He was one of the famous healing evangelists who moved in the healing and miracle ministry during the days of “The Voice of Healing” movement. I’ve seen videos of his crusades where dozens of wheelchairs and crutches were left behind at the altar. Notable miracles happened through this great man’s ministry.) The dream continued: He and another person walked up to me. T.L. Osborn asked me if I recognized the other man. I replied, “No sir, I don’t think I do.” He brought someone else over to me and asked if I recognized him. Again I said, “No, Dr. Osborn, I don’t think I know him.” He continued bringing people to me, asking if I knew them, and I continued to reply that I did not. Then, Dr. Osborn beamed at me with his broad smile and asked me to look very closely at each person. I did, but again said that I did not recognize them. He then said to me, “You were just in the room across the hall with these very same people.” He pointed to one person and said, “This is the one who had sores all over their body, and a part of their face was disfigured. He gestured to another person and said, “This person was the one in the wheelchair over against the wall.” He continued pointing out others, “This one was the stroke victim who could not move her arm. These people were the ones in the last stages of cancer, barely able to stand. And remember this man? He was the blind man with the white cane. Here are the children you saw that were so sick and in such pain, they could hardly move, let alone try to play.” One after the other, Dr. Osborn introduced me to these people, who were now so healthy and transformed that I did not recognize them. They were those whom I had seen across the hall. Then Dr. Osborn asked me if I knew what room I was in, to which I replied, “No. I just wanted out of the other room, so I came into this one.” He smiled broadly again and said, “This is the Covenant Healing Room.” He pointed to a sign on the wall that read, “By Whose stripes we were healed” [1 Peter 2:24]. End of dream. We are now in a season that will include great, notable miracles. King Jesus is stepping to center stage, with His Ekklesia by His side, to magnify His magnificent healing covenant. He went to the whipping post, took stripes upon His back, and purchased a covenant right to our healing. Holy Spirit is saying it is time to press into the miraculous healing realm and believe for notable miracles. Pray with me: Father God, activate the gift of the workings of miracles and gifts of healing across this world. Release healings and miracles throughout all 50 states and around the earth. Loose them in our homes. Loose them in our families. Demonstrate how big and how great You are. Holy Spirit, pour out Your power to activate miracles in our midst. We agree with heaven’s plan. We believe that whatever the need is, You can take care of it. And we pray for supernatural protection over our leaders in Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court. Trump, and especially Robert Kennedy, have been highlighted to me, Lord, so we pray specifically for them today. Surround them with angelic protection, shielding them from harm just as You did when Trump was shot at. Cause every plot or plan to be thwarted. We ask all of this in Christ’s name, amen. Our decree: God’s healing power is being released, and we will see notable miracles, signs, and wonders manifest. ***************** Today’s post was contributed by Tim Sheets. You can learn more about Tim at Link to: The Healing Summit, August 30, 2024, Middletown, Ohio. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  4. 5 min read August 28, 2024 BIG Grace, BIG Power, BIG Miracles I will share thoughts today and tomorrow regarding healing and miracles in preparation for the Healing Summit this Friday night in Middletown, Ohio. In Friday’s post, I’ll share some thoughts/words from the leaders who are participating. Today, Holy Spirit has drawn my focus to Acts 4. The timing of this chapter is just after the healing of the lame man at the gate called Beautiful (Acts 3:1-10). Keep in mind there were no chapter divisions when the Scriptures were written; the narrative of Acts 4 is a continuation of chapter 3. All of Israel was aware of this man. Israelites traveled from around the nation to Jerusalem for the three major feasts, and while there, no doubt walked past him many times. As a result of his astounding miracle, followed by Peter’s preaching of the gospel, approximately 5000 people were saved just on that day (Acts 4:4). The Jewish leaders who had rejected Christ were angry about these conversions, but could not deny the reality of the miracle (4:16). Their response was to threaten Peter and John, commanding them not to speak or teach in Christ’s name (verse 18). The response of the believers was to pray. In their prayer, they referred to (and included) Psalm 2, which speaks of rulers working together against the rule and cause of Christ: “And you spoke by the Holy Spirit through your servant David, our forefather, saying: ‘How dare the nations plan a rebellion, ranting and raging against the Lord Most High? Their foolish plots are futile! Look at how the kings of the earth take their stand, with the rulers scheming and conspiring together against God and his anointed Messiah!’” (‭‭Acts‬ ‭4‬:‭25‬-‭26‬ ‭TPT‬‬) The believers then asked God for several things, and received an astonishing response: “So now, Lord, listen to their threats to harm us. Empower us, as your servants, to speak the word of God freely and courageously. Stretch out your hand of power through us to heal, and to move in signs and wonders by the name of your holy Son, Jesus!” As they prayed, the earth shook beneath them, causing the building they were in to tremble. Each one of them was filled with the Holy Spirit, and they proclaimed the word of God with unrestrained boldness.” ‭‭(Acts‬ ‭4‬:‭29‬-‭31‬ ‭TPT‬‬) Wow - the building shook! And they were filled with Holy Spirit, and with boldness. “Unrestrained boldness” is one word in Greek, parresia.(1) The footnote in The Passion Translation says of this interesting word: “This involves more than confidence; it was a free-flowing, unrestrained boldness. It can also mean ‘freedom of speech.’ Parresia carries nuances that are not easily brought over into English…[parresia] was reserved for only the highest rank of Greek citizens, not people of other lands or slaves…”(2) This struck me as significant. Parresia was a type of “freedom of speech” connected to citizenship in that day and culture, much like what we American citizens are granted in our Constitution. But these disciples weren’t asking for Rome’s freedom or permission, but heaven’s. “We are citizens of the Kingdom of heaven,” they were saying. “You are the King of this Kingdom and all the earth! Grant us YOUR permission to speak, heaven’s ‘freedom of speech!’” And the building shook - permission granted!!! The chapter then speaks of their unity and generosity to one another (verse 32), followed by the incredible statement in verse 33: “And with great power, the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all.” (NKJV) The word “great” is used twice here - “great power” and “great grace” - and is the Greek word megas,(3) from which we get our English word mega. It is used again in Acts 8:13, speaking of “great miracles.” One of Strong’s definitions of megas is simply “big!” I love that. BIG power! BIG grace! BIG miracles! How much grace and power from heaven do we want? BIG!!! What kind of miracles are we asking for? BIG!!! Let’s ask God for this BIG grace and BIG power to be poured out Friday night, releasing BIG miracles for those present and watching. (So far, 640 churches are planning to stream the service and pray for individuals in their sanctuaries; thousands of individuals will do so in their homes.) Also, we know this is more than a one-night service for healings and miracles; it is about gifts and anointings that will be released throughout the world for continuing healings: gifts of healing, workings of miracles, the gift of faith, the word of knowledge, and discerning of spirits (1 Corinthians 12: 7-11). A new season! These gifts of the Spirit won’t be released from us, of course, but from Holy Spirit. Let’s agree for this today. Protection of Leaders Though it seems a bit out of place in this post, I want to add a paragraph urging prayer for the protection of our leaders. I have been feeling an alarm - on Monday, Ceci and I felt it at exactly the same time - regarding another assassination attempt. This warning was strong. Please pray daily for the protection of leaders in every branch of government: executive, legislative, and judicial. Please include those who are running for office and their teams. Consider asking Holy Spirit to lay an individual on your heart to pray for daily. Let’s pray right now. Pray with me: Father, just as the early church did in Acts 4:29, we ask You to extend Your hand to heal on Friday night and from then on. We ask that signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy Son, Jesus. We realize You have always provided healing, but we believe an “outpouring” of miracles will now be released as part of this new harvest season. Give us mega-grace, mega-power, mega-miracles, and a mega-harvest. So many are in need of healings and deliverances, Father. We’re asking for the release of Your compassion, just as You did through Jesus, who was “moved with compassion.” Let Your compassion move through the earth Friday. Move in homes, churches, hospital rooms, dorm rooms, everywhere where hungry people are crying out to You. And please release an impartation of the gifts of Holy Spirit. Deposit them into thousands of believers around the world. We pledge that there will be no focus on our ministries and churches Friday night - only on You. We are not asking for miracles or revival in order to grow our ministries and churches, but to rescue the lost and broken and glorify You. Send this, Father. Amen. And Father, we pray for protection over our leaders and those running for office. We pray especially for President Trump, as he is so hated by some; we also lift up Robert Kennedy, whom we are concerned for. But we also pray for Kamala Harris, our legislators, and our Supreme Court Justices. Please protect them, Father. In Yeshua’s name, we pray all of these things. Our decree: We decree that signs and wonders are being released into the earth in the holy name of Jesus. *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3954. The Passion Translation® New Testament with Psalm, Proverbs, and Song of Songs, Second edition, (BroadStreet Publishing Group, 2018 Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc.), large print edition, p. 322. Strongs., ref. no. 3173.
  5. 11 min read August 27, 2024 A Million Women, Part 2 Today’s post is a transcript of my interview with my good friend Lou Engle. Lou is founder of The Call and Lou Engle Ministries. God has anointed Lou to convene large gatherings, filling stadiums to pray and fast. As I shared in yesterday’s post, on October 12, 2024, A Million Women will gather on the Mall in Washington, D.C., to pray and fast for America. Here is that interview with Lou sharing his heart about this strategic, upcoming event. (If you usually read the post while also listening, today I encourage you to only listen or read; not both. I have edited the transcript so it will be easier to understand. Therefore, it will not follow the exact wording of the video or audio post.) ___________________________________ Dutch’s Interview with "A Million Women" Convener, Lou Engle: Dutch: Hello, thank you so much for joining me today for Give Him 15. I told you yesterday I would have a very special guest on today’s post, a guest you would not want to miss. That is my very dear friend Lou Engle, who founded The Call, which held so many events with millions of people gathered from around the nations. I participated in many of those with him. Lou and I have run together for decades. (We’re young, but we’ve run together for decades.) We have committed to one another, even covenanted, to run together to see this nation turned back to God. And Lou’s with us today. I’m gonna basically turn him loose. I want him to share his vision and heart for the event coming up on the Washington D.C. Mall, October 12th, [2024] one more day that God has planned to turn this nation. And I want him to be able to share unencumbered. I won’t say much. I just want him to take off. So here is my friend, Lou Engle. Lou: Dutch, it’s so good to be with you. I think it was in the late nineties or 2000, we made that covenant together. You wrapped the American flag around my shoulders, I gave you my coat, and I think we’re still bound together. I am just so moved even thinking about our journey together. We’re just bound together for America. Dutch: I agree, man. Lou: And you know, it was 24 years ago, September 2, 2000, when literally 400,000 young people gathered to fast and pray on the [Washington] D.C. Mall. This came out of the Promise Keepers gathering. Our word was always this, from Derek Prince, when there’s no hope for a nation, when there is no remedy, God still has a holy prescription. Blow the trumpet in Zion, call a fast, gather all the peoples in humility, let them cry out, spare your people, O God (Joel 2:15-17). And the promise is that He would restore the land, and He would pour out His spirit on all flesh (verses 18-32). I’ve never left that word from Derek Prince. And that’s why we’ve done these gatherings over the years. Probably 77,000 people gathered on 7/7/2007 in Nashville, TN, at Titan Stadium. Dutch, there you released a message of “sevening” America, “divorcing” Baal, and “marrying” the Lord. And now we’re seven years into a new “sevening” period. And on that day (October 12, 2024), Dutch, we’re going to stand with a million women and their Mordecais to say, “God, the blood of Jesus is more powerful than all the ideologies that are sweeping into our nation.” So, I’ll share briefly the story. It really started in 2014. I was in a gathering and what I would call a “prophetic explosion” took place for two hours. And one of the words was this, “Like Promise Keepers, a million women will go to the Mall in D.C. It will be the last stand.” Sometimes we need to be shocked by prophecies (prophetic words). At times, we just blow them off. If it is a last stand for America, then maybe this is indeed that moment. Many people think that we are in a “defining moment,” even in the upcoming elections. If so, then this could be a last stand. These women will come in the spirit of Jeremiah 9. Death has climbed through our windows, children are being cut off, those playing outside and the young men in our streets (verse 21). Literally! “Cut off” is the word for literally cutting off (karath)(1). There is a “cutting off” of our children as occurs in transgenderism. We cut them off in the womb, and now we’re cutting them off in our schools and our ideologies. Something’s got to shift right here and now. The million women will come in the spirit of Jeremiah 9:21; they will cry out, and save America. I’ve lived under the shadow of that prophecy since 2014, daring to believe there would come a divine moment. And then in 2017, another divine convergence took place when witches rose up worldwide to curse President Trump. Now, you’ve got to ask the question why witches would rise up worldwide to curse President Trump. In his past, he was not necessarily a moral man. I do think he has some amazing character to stand up to all the fire that he’s gone through, but you’ve got to ask the question, “Why would witches curse him?” These are my thoughts: Maybe the spiritual realm understood, more than the pulpits of America, that this man was a threat to the blood altar of Roe v. Wade. And if that blood altar fell, it would give us a moment, a window of opportunity. I’ve even been preaching this, Dutch, that when Roe v. Wade ended, the womb of America would open. We prayed, “God, end abortion, send revival to America!” That was our prayer for 18 years, standing and praying in front of the Supreme Court. I also think the spirit realm may have understood that this man (President Trump) would connect us with Israel for such a time as this. So I went to the mountains, Estes Park, Colorado, for three days to fast and pray, asking God, “Do you want me to mobilize prayer concerning these witches rising up?” And on the third night, I have one of the most epic dreams of my whole life. (Dutch, you and I are the ultimate dream guys. We believe that God speaks and creates movements.) In this dream, as far as I could see, women were coming from everywhere; young and old. And they were all coming to hear the book of Esther taught. In the dream, as I’m looking at this, I said, “This is a women’s revival! I’m looking at a massive women’s movement, with the spirit of Esther, that will be raised up to break witchcraft.” And in the dream, I’m the only man there; with an old ancient Bible. In the interpretation of the dream, I think the Lord was saying this to me, “I’m giving you an ancient calling of Mordecai to mobilize what you were looking at: a massive women’s Esther movement that will break the witchcraft fueling the ideologies coming into America.” (Back to the dream) In the dream, a woman stands up and teaches from the book of Esther. While doing so, she says, “And these two words in the book of Esther actually mean Nazgul.” I explode out of the dream, instantly knowing what it means because I watched the “Lord of The Rings” movie, the third part, where the Nazgul witch king is destroying the armies of men and says, “No man can kill me.” But (in the movie) the king’s daughter takes off her helmet, lets her hair down, and says, “I am no man,” and she pierces the Nazgul witch king. I explode out of the dream knowing there is coming a women’s movement connected with the Mordecais, (men and women, but targeting women) who are going to rise up and challenge the witchcraft, the ideologies of the spirit. And not only that, they will challenge the education systems where these ideologies are trying to destroy our children. The brilliance of God is that He would reach into a movie I watched years ago and slam it into the present moment through a dream, to give us faith that maybe we’re in a moment where we are like Promise Keepers, who put a million men on the mall. Dutch, we put 450,000 young people on the Mall in 2000. Maybe God’s wrapping it all up with a massive, Esther women’s movement, at a time that is the last stand. Esther had been named after the goddess Ishtar. Ishtar, also called Ashtoreth, was a goddess in Canaan. The land was controlled by that spirit. Esther is named after Ishtar, and is living in a culture under the dominion of that spirit. Ishtar was the goddess of sexual immorality, pornography, and transgenderism. (Read The Return of The Gods by Jonathan Cahn; you will see America in that picture.) So here Esther is, literally sex trafficked. She’s an orphan, adopted by a man (her uncle) who has a heart for the woman. Her Hebrew name was Hadassah (Esther 2:7), but she is also Esther. Maybe she’s having an identity issue. What happens though, is that God, (represented by Mordecai) cares for her heart. Men must rise up and care for the heart of women who have been wounded. They’re gonna find their voice, if we give our care and heart for them. And with Esther, there comes a time, as he’s caring for her heart, she becomes the queen. And he says to her at a certain moment, “Sweetheart, I understand the challenge of your soul, but there comes a time that you can’t live out of your pain. You’ve got to step into your prophecy to change and shape a whole nation.” I think she understood this. I think she understood that when Haman cast lots (Esther 3) to see when to kill the Jews, he was tapping into divination to fuel his ideology of anti-Semitism. And she understood you cannot break divination by politics. You have to break it with massive fasting and prayer, which Mordecai called for. Esther broke it in the spirit through that three-day fast, but she still had to go public. And I believe women are going to do so today. They’re going into the education systems, and into the political realm. Mothers are going to give birth spiritually to 100,000 salvations in the LGBT movement. We believe Ishtar is going to be nullified in measure and there’s gonna be a jailbreak, a new Jesus movement, when a million women go to the mall, Esthers, and take communion. Can you imagine a million people, and millions online? Who would have guessed when we began to mobilize this, that October 7th would take place and worldwide anti-Semitism would break out, as in Esther’s day. Brothers and sisters, this is not just an accident. God is setting the stage for a massive showdown. When He offered up His blood on Passover, He didn’t just save families, He judged the gods of Egypt. Principalities and powers were dislodged by the power of the blood. And when we gather on the Day of Atonement, October 12th, for 10 hours of fasting and prayer, it will be a spiritual court case. The Day of Atonement was literally a court case for the nation of Israel when they went into judgment or into mercy. And I believe a court case has been set on that day; we must get the verdict of mercy! We must get a verdict of mercy! The root of mercy that you preached for years, Dutch, the root of mercy. And here’s what I’m also thinking. Haman was a political leader (Esther 3:1). He was the avatar (an avatar is a host, embodying another); he was the host of that spirit of Ishtar. That’s how he was loosing his ideologies. Today, we’re in an election where there are avatars, there are hosts carrying the spirit of Ishtar for the offering up of our children: to transgenderism, sexual perversion, and abortion. We are in a showdown. We believe that on this day, something could shift. When Esther says, “I’ve come into the Kingdom for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). We will gather by the thousands on the mall in D.C., daring to believe that God is gonna lose a new Jesus movement, a new awakening and revival, (which is already beginning), and a stand that could literally shift elections. Our stand is not against people, but against spirits that are releasing ideologies. There will also be massive repentance. And, by the way, how can you vote for those who are the avatars of the very things you’ve been repenting for as a nation? I believe we’ve come to a court case - the books are open, the court is seated, and a decision is going to be made on behalf of the saints of the Most High (Daniel 7:22). Bring together men and women for such a time as this. That’s the story. Dutch: Lou, it’s just incredible. I’m having trouble talking I'm so moved by what you’re saying. I feel we’ve come to a point in time where we can turn this nation. I feel God will use this event as one of the final, important days He has brought us to, to turn this nation. I’m not saying it will all be finished. I’m just saying it’s a part of the finish, and it’s huge. I’ve been to many of these large events, and I’ll be at this one. I just want to encourage our listeners to participate in the October 12 event in whatever way possible - including men, not just women. I am hoping that thousands of men will be there just to support these Esthers, and I know you feel the same way. Lou, I would like for you to finish this post with prayer for the nation, for this event, and whatever God has on your heart. Lou: Well, I want to just say that Dutch, I’ve asked that on October, 12th, if you would bring us into a covenant renewal moment similar to what we did as individuals now on 7/7/2007 in Nashville. Now we’re in a real crisis moment for Israel and for the world. So in the name of Jesus, Lord, we pray that You would cause the church to wake up to the crisis, a last stand reality. That God, there would be a sound that those who have been prepared will be able to hear. That sound is saying, “For such a time as this, you’ve come into the Kingdom.” I pray that You would do what we cannot do, blow the trumpet. God, You can release the sound. We don’t even know what’s going to happen in the next 50 days. Lord, perhaps, even a crisis. So we just cry out to you, Lord. We know that You’ve ordained these dreams. We’ve believed them. Now we ask that You set them in motion. Let the bones rattle. Call to D.C. buses and airplanes; bring them from the north, south, east and the west, to stand before You and before the blood of the Lamb that speaks a better word. Lord, we give You praise and thanks for this in Jesus name. Amen. And Dutch, I want to give thanks. Just two weeks ago, I had no money. I prayed one day, “God, if we don’t get money now, it’s over.” That day, I get a phone call. In five days, two million dollars exploded forth. And I knew the Lord was with us; I just knew the Lord was with us. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. So I want people to believe that God is moving right now, but we must move with Him. Amen, I love you, Dutch. Dutch: I love you, too. And what’s the website they can go to to sow into this, Lou? Lou: And then we’re also doing something that is a public stand - women and mothers fighting for their children. It’s called don’t mess with our Don' It’s important that we don’t just pray. We have got to go public, take a stand. Dutch: Well, amen. Ceci and I have sown into this event and we’ll probably do more, but I just encourage you, friends of GH15, get on board. I know that to do an event like this on the D.C. Mall will cost several million dollars. Lou puts himself out in faith every time God asks him to do one of these large events, and He just comes through, and He blesses through people like you. Lou, thank you so much. This has been so powerful. ******************* And thank you all for joining us today. Lou and I may do another longer podcast in the future to talk about some of these things in a little more depth and detail. Thank all of you for joining us today on Give Him 15, and thank you, Lou. Please join us again tomorrow. ******************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------ James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 3772.
  6. 5 min read August 26, 2024 A Million Women In Revelation 13:8, Jesus is called “The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Amazing - God plans for satan’s defeat before this fallen angel and forever loser even launches his attack. Isaiah 46:10 actually states that God “declares the end from the beginning.” For we Americans, this means God had already planned for our recovery and turnaround before we rebelled from Him. He is working on those plans now, moving on human hearts and orchestrating Spirit-led events. One of those events is the Million Women gathering on the Washington Mall on October 12 of this year, hosted by Lou Engle (The Call; Lou Engle Ministries) and Jenny Donnelly (The Esther Network; Her Voice Movement). In God’s thinking, I believe this gathering is most likely a continuation of what began on 7/7/07 in Nashville, TN. On that day, 70,000 plus believers gathered to stand in the gap for America, praying to end her alliance with Baal and renew her covenant with God. Holy Spirit had specifically given this date to Lou Engle, leader of The Call events, before he even understood why. (My family and I were there that day.) The words “seven” and “oath” are the same word in Hebrew (shaba).(1) This is because an oath of covenant - in a marriage, for example - was repeated 7 times. The oath was often called “sevening oneself.”(2) In Scripture, when Israel turned from idolatry and the serving of Baal in order to renew covenant with Yahweh, 7’s were often involved in the process (see Judges 6:25). The number 7 was also often found in the circumstances surrounding Israel’s judgment for aligning with Baal (see Judges 6:1). The Lord revealed to Lou that He sovereignly chose this date to symbolize the following two things for America: 1) ending her covenant with (“divorcing”) Baal; and 2) renewing covenant with (“remarrying”) Yahweh. This gathering began a process in America that continues to this day. Coordinated efforts have taken place in ALL 50 states to follow up The Call Nashville. Much repentance has occurred, and thousands of prayers have been prayed to further this process in America. Now comes October 12, on the heels of a worldwide day of prayer for revival in America (September 22), followed by three weeks of concerted prayer, ending with the National Prayer Assembly October 10-11, and this gathering on October 12th. Lou relates this day to Esther and to the prophetic call in Jeremiah 9 for the wailing women to intercede for Israel. He says of this day: “There are moments in history when a door for massive change opens. Great revolutions for good or for evil occur in the vacuum created by these openings. It is in these times that key men and women, even entire generations, risk everything to become the hinge of history: the pivotal point that determines which way the door will swing. “Esther was a ‘hinge of history woman.’ She was an orphan Jew in pagan Persia, was adopted by Mordecai, her uncle, and then, because of her beauty, taken into an evil king’s harem. She was then appointed by the unseen dancing hand of Providence into the position of Queen of Persia. At that time, the king promoted wicked Haman, who issued a decree of destruction against all the Jews of the Persian empire. Suddenly thrust into a do-or-die defining moment, Esther chose to risk her life by going into the king’s presence illegally rather than live for self-preservation. There, she made intercession before the king and, in so doing, saved the Jews worldwide from genocide. Now, Esther’s story has become the divine template and inspiration for every generation that lives under the shadow of anti-Christ legislation, persecution, and anti-family ideologies threatening to destroy them. “Welcome to the American crisis! Welcome to a new Esther Moment! The Lord is summoning A Million Women, Esthers young and old, with their husbands and children, to descend upon the Washington D.C. Mall on October 12, the Day of Atonement, in a LAST STAND moment for America. There, Esther will PRAY, FAST, and cry out for her children, for death has climbed through our windows (Jeremiah 9:21). There, she will find healing and deliverance in the presence of worship. There, she will apply the blood of Jesus to the doorpost of our personal and national guilt, and declare the victory of the cross over witchcraft and the powers of darkness. There, she will take her STAND and inject herself into the public battle for the revival and reformation of America. “When there is no natural hope for a nation, where there is no natural remedy, God still has a holy prescription, ‘Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a Solemn Assembly, call a fast, gather the peoples’ (Joel 2:15). Let the Esthers, the children, and the Mordecais gather and call on the Lord on the Day of Atonement, a Day that must not be missed. Who knows if you have come into the Kingdom for such a time as this!”(3) Tomorrow, I’ll have a very special guest with me on Give HIm 15 to share the vision of A Million Women. Don’t miss it! I conclude today with this video, then we will pray. Click here to watch 'A Million Women Event Trailer'. Pray with me: Lord, Francis Frangipane studied the history of revivals, and saw that there was an organized prayer movement preceding each one - except the Jesus People Movement. “Why?” he asked You. “What enabled You to bring this revival?” You told him, “I answered the prayers of a million mothers.” In the countercultural revolution of the ’60s, with millions of young people drowning in the drug, sexual, and ideological rebellion, a million mothers cried out to You. And You answered. The fight against darkness now is greater than then. And we are crying out once more for Your deliverance to an entire generation. Place Your favor on this gathering. Move on the hearts of a million believers to attend in D.C., and millions more around the nation to participate online. And on Yom Kippur, this Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16: 1-34; 23: 27-28), forgive our sins and heal our land. On this most solemn day of the year for Israel, when the high priest entered the Holy of Holies to sprinkle blood on the Mercy Seat, may the blood of Jesus bring mercy to America. On this day, when the scapegoat symbolically carried the sins of Israel into the wilderness, never to be seen again (Leviticus 16:20-22), remove America’s stain and uncleanness through the sacrifice of Christ. In Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that America’s covenant with Baal has ended, and we are renewing covenant with the Lord. **************************** You can find out more about this upcoming event at A Million Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 7650. Spiros Zodiates, Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible - New American Standard (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1984; revised edition, 1990), p. 1642.
  7. 6 min read August 23, 2024 Changing America God wasted no time before introducing the all-important concept of government in Scripture, doing so in the very first chapter: Genesis 1:26-28. Government is vital. Whether it be in a home, city, nation, or any other grouping of people, God’s intent for government was that it serve people by providing protection (covering), instruction, justice, appropriate and loving discipline, peace, and more (Luke 13:34; 19:44; 1 Timothy 2:1-4; Romans 13:1-4). Righteous rule (government) is God’s primary method of releasing these necessary actions and outcomes on earth. Proverbs 29:2 tells us that this brings joy to people; when it does not occur, the result is mourning. No wonder He told us to pray first for those in government! (1 Timothy 2:1-4) The Hebrew word used for “mourn” in Proverbs 29:2, that which occurs when the wicked rule, is a strong word. Anach means not only to mourn, but to moan and groan, even to gasp.(1) Moaning, groaning, gasping, and mourning - that’s what wicked rulers produce. Proverbs 14:34 adds that the sin these rulers produce causes shame and disgrace to a nation. The controlling element of America’s current ungodly government has brought disgrace and mourning by believing it has the right to: Kill babies and make those who believe this is murder pay for the abortions Approve the selling of the aborted babies’ body parts (are you gasping yet?) Allow babies born alive during failed abortions to lay unattended until they die Redefine what it means to be male and female Reject the first covenant God established on earth, marriage, and redefine it using activities He forbade (and celebrate this rebellion with cheering, flags, nudity, and lit-up government buildings) Take ownership of children from their parents; they indoctrinate them using pornography and drag queens, even to the point of encouraging the children to be sterilized by drugs or castration (are you mourning yet?) Open our borders to drugs that kill tens of thousands every year, to criminals, rapists, and terrorists, and to millions of illegals annually who are never taught our laws, history, and values (all for votes to stay in power) Promote Marxism and socialism Rewrite America’s history, attempting to steal our Judeo-Christian roots Redefine our Constitution Remove our freedom of speech Lie to us at will And much more. What if I told you the American church could easily change all of this? Yep. You see, approximately half of evangelicals aren’t registered to vote, and half of those who are, still don’t vote. It is an accepted fact that if all evangelical Christians voted and did so according to biblical values, we could control every national election and place godly, Bible-believing leaders in office. This means that in one election cycle, we could begin reversing every evil I just listed. Every one. In America, “we the people” have the amazing right to place in power who we want to rule over us; “we the believers” have the numbers to ensure they’ll be leaders who possess God’s biblical values. Let me be more specific. Yours and my votes, based on biblical truth, could save the lives of babies, the reproductive future of children, God’s plan for marriage and the family, and America’s freedoms - almost overnight. But “we the believers” don’t do so. We empower evil by not voting or by voting inappropriately. Why? Complacency - not voting; a dislike and distaste for the political process and political spirit; succumbing to the political spirit and voting based on party affiliation; and compromising biblical truth by voting based on party affiliation, personalities, and promises of personal benefits, rather than voting based on truth and the good of all. How can we change this? Here is a helpful tool. is an informative website that has done the work for you! It is a wonderful one-stop-shop website where the Christian voter can be educated, informed, prepared, and ready to go to the polls. There, you can find information concerning upcoming elections, articles about upcoming bills in Congress you need to be aware of, and much more. If you follow their prompts, you can even find out if you are registered to vote, info on absentee voting, where to vote near you; and if you are NOT yet registered to vote, their links will take you directly to the right link in YOUR state where can register to vote online, right then! Additionally, they provide simple ways to engage with those who represent us in our State and U.S. Congresses. You can do all of this from home! Here are a few of the many tools the website offers: My Voter Hub - check your registration, receive a text voting reminder, order an absentee ballot, see your ballot ahead of time - who is on it, what they stand for - and mark your sample ballot to take to the polls with you, and more. Contact Your Elected Officials - simple instructions for composing an email regarding your concerns and the ability to send it with one click to whichever of your representatives you would like to contact Think Biblically - a 6-week Bible study course on topics in the public square, presented by Christian influencers, such as Voddie Baucham on Justice, and Abby Johnson on Abortion This year My Faith Votes is also running a simple, yet very impactful Get Out the Vote campaign to influence Christians who aren’t currently participating in important elections. It’s called Write Now. Engaged Christians from all 50 states can write to and pray for disengaged Christians in the key swing states, encouraging them to vote. These disengaged Christians are identified as already registered, pro-life and pro-traditional family, but do not vote consistently. Through these letters, you can encourage them to vote for their biblical values. Simultaneously, My Faith Votes sends digital ads to these recipients. Their prior campaigns reveal that through this Write Now campaign, they see a significant lift in the number of Christians who vote. This non-partisan effort is not political; it is biblical. My Faith Votes has the current names/addresses of hundreds of thousands of Christians in key swing states who are registered voters, pro-life, pro-traditional family, who either don’t vote, or are inconsistent in doing so. If you’d like to help change this, you can go to this direct link: They will supply a free digital packet with complete, easy-to-follow information, including a letter they have already written for you. You will simply supply the printing of the letter, envelope, and stamp, along with a prayer for the recipient. You will only use your first name and last initial for the return address. Your privacy is of utmost importance. This has resulted in a 20%-50% increase in those who go to the polls. You will have a positive effect with the letters you send. Nationally, My Faith Votes has helped generate thousands of biblically motivated votes, helping turn elections. Think about it - with a couple of hours of your time and a few dollars, you can help elect righteous and godly leaders. Please consider getting behind this! Hold writing parties. Involve your church or other groups! If you’re interested in helping, they also have extensive tools for CHURCHES, including multi-media, bulletin inserts, and much more. Let’s all do our part to encourage people to vote for leaders with traditional and biblical values. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for the awakening happening in the church. The sleeping giant is stirring. Cause the alarm clock to become louder and louder. Make it impossible for Christians in America to silence the alarm or override it with other activities and thoughts. Our hearts, though breaking over many issues, are also filled with faith that You are changing things dramatically. The conscience of a nation is being brought back to life. The heart of a complacent and passive church is being, and will continue to be, awakened. Thank You for Your grace and Your mercy. And Father, as believers awaken from complacency and lethargy, motivate them to vote. Give organizations like My Faith Votes great participation and success as they implement Your creative ideas. We ask You to lead many people to participate in their efforts. Thank You for turning this nation around. We are very grateful that You have not given up on America. And since You have not given up on her, we won’t either. Your verdict has been rendered: America shall be saved! So be it. And we, Your family, will do our part to see this occur. In Christ’s name, we pray this. Amen. Our decree: We declare that we, the church, will involve ourselves at every level and in every facet of government, releasing the authority and blessing of God into the earth through our prayers and actions. ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 584.
  8. 5 min read August 22, 2024 Important Upcoming Events I’m unsure why most believers do not pray passionately for America’s recovery and turnaround. I suppose it’s a combination of causes. For some, it is their theology. They believe the condition of America and the world is just a sign of the times, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. “God is sovereign; if He wanted to change it, He would,” they believe. “Just accept it - we’ll be rescued soon by ‘the rapture.’” Then there are those who fall prey to the “frog in the kettle” syndrome. “The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water, which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.”(1) Some modern biologists dispute this theory, but the metaphor is still used extensively. Regardless, the phenomenon has certainly occurred in America today. For many Americans, including the church, warnings about what is occurring in America have gone unheeded. The growth of government, loss of freedoms, incredible moral decay, rebellion against God - these and other destructive phenomena have occurred one “degree” at a time; we adjust, and all seems okay. Meanwhile, another baby is killed, another child is castrated, and another sin is accepted as normal. One would think the church would surely be ablaze with fervent prayer and grieving repentance after 65,000,000 abortions. Nope, no time for that. I’m happy to tell you that despite our compromise and lukewarmness in the American church, God is waking up this frog! A remnant is awakening to America’s true condition, and they are praying. Several key prayer endeavors are taking place in our nation this fall, and millions from around the world have agreed to help us! Dave Kubal, President and CEO of IFA (Intercessors For America), says regarding our times and the upcoming prayer initiatives: “We’re in a crucial battle for America and the world in 2024. International conflicts could spark World War III, and global elites are pushing for a ‘New World Order.’ Once a proud superpower that sought to spread and uphold faith in God and promote values like democracy and human rights, America is increasingly adopting a more secular mindset and recklessly accumulating debt. “It’s a scary time for humanity, but God has given us the powerful tool of united prayer. As E.M. Bounds said, ‘Prayer can do anything that God can do!’ We need to come together and seek His guidance for America’s future. “Join forces with fellow believers this fall to resist the evil one’s plans, and protect our nation and the global body of Christ from his agenda! Global Zoom Prayer Call Kickoff, September 22 “Join the kickoff for a three-week prayer initiative by joining us for the Global Day of Prayer, a three-hour Global Zoom Prayer Call featuring international prayer leaders. This will lead into focused prayer, fasting, and shared concerns as we seek agreement in Matthew 18:19. This is a Global Day of Prayer for America. Two Culminating Washington D.C. Events, October 10-12, 2024 “The initiative will finish in Washington, D.C., with the National Prayer Assembly (NPA) on October 10-11, and the Million Women on the Mall gathering on October 12, the Day of Atonement.”(2) ******* I am excited to be participating in these events. As I alluded to earlier, during the three hours of prayer on September 22, 2024, at 7:00-10:00 AM ET, we are expecting millions of people around the world to join us. Literally. Believers around the world are praying for revival in America. Dr. Jason Hubbard, Director of the International Prayer Concert, says: “It’s our desire to see a massive, full-scale revival and awakening erupt in America! “We have been asking for another historic move of the Holy Spirit to sweep across our land and awaken a generation to wholehearted love and surrender to Jesus!... “We are longing for a Gospel Explosion, a tsunami of revival to come crashing in on the beaches of our nation for the spread of his fame, for the extension of His reign, for the increase of His gain, and for the honor of His claim of that which rightfully belongs to Him, from coast to coast, from sea to shining sea!... “We are in desperate need of revival in America. Many of our churches are prayerless and plagued with pride. Many of our homes and marriages are broken. Believers are said to only donate two percent of their income in one of the wealthiest nations of the world. “The overall church growth in America is stagnant…the church and its leaders are struggling to walk in John 17 oneness. “Our nation is divided politically and socially. As we know, only a united church can heal a divided nation… “Samuel Davies reminded us from his vantage point of the Second Great Awakening, ‘there are eras when only a large outpouring of the Spirit can produce a public general reformation.’ He witnessed first-hand how revival and awakening brought a cultural change that nothing else could accomplish. The pastor of St. John’s-Wood Presbyterian church declared after the Welsh revival, in which 100,000 people came to Christ in nine months (1904-1905), that ‘the mighty unseen breath of the Spirit was doing in a month more than centuries of legislation could accomplish…’(3) “May the church in America bring our minds and hearts before the bonfire of God’s all-consuming Son, the Lord Jesus, asking for a greater revelation of who He is, where He is headed, what He is doing, and how He has blessed. Let’s ask for a glorious Gospel Explosion to erupt in this nation for his renown!”(4) ******* I’ll be saying more about these prayer events in the coming days, but please put these dates on your calendar now. Don’t miss the opportunities to pray and agree with millions of believers around the world. Pray with me: Father, You know our propensity as humans to default on accepting responsibility whenever possible. We in America have often looked the other way, hoping that someone else fixes our nation’s problems. But we must accept responsibility and take action. We thank You for awakening Americans, especially the church, to our true condition, and ask for this to continue. We also ask You to awaken believers to the incredible authority they have in Christ with which to change this. Our prayers can bring Your mercy and transforming power. Stir the hearts of millions more to take up the cause. Thank You for moving on the hearts of millions of believers around the world to pray for America. Stir the hearts of millions of Americans to participate on September 22, and the events thereafter. You said America shall be saved, and these are some of the methods You will use. Thank You. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen. Our decree: We decree that by the mercies and power of God, America is shifting this upcoming fall. ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------------
  9. 5 min read August 20, 2024 Yesterday, I quoted from the phenomenal book Killing America: Turning the Tide on the Tsunami of Darkness by Gene and Teri Bailey. I’m doing so again today. One of the chapters in the book is about drawing a line in the sand and saying, “No further.” We have reached that point in America: we must stop those trying to destroy the America God formed - NOW. One of the individuals from America’s history who modeled this was Peter Muhlenberg. You’ll love his story, as well as another regarding the great John Quincy Adams. Enjoy. Today’s title: Drawing the Line In the basement of the U.S. Capitol, there’s a statue of a man named Peter Muhlenberg. Most are not aware of who he was. Peter’s father, Henry Muhlenberg, was responsible for the Lutheran Church being established in the United States, and Peter was a Lutheran pastor as well. The reason Peter’s statue is in the Capitol is because of his famous action on January 21, 1776. After he gave his sermon based on Ecclesiastes 3:1 (ESV), “For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven,” he closed his message with the words, “In the language of the Holy Writ, there is a time for all things. There is a time to preach and a time to fight. And now is the time to fight.” At that point, Pastor Peter Muhlenberg threw off his clerical robes to reveal the uniform of an officer in the Continental Army. Drums began to roll, men kissed their wives, and then walked down the aisle to enlist. Muhlenberg walked out that day, and 300 men connected with him, going to fight for the American Revolution. There was a pastor who drew a line and stood up. Peter lived in Woodstock, Virginia, while his brother Frederick Muhlenberg, also a minister, was in New York. Frederick responded like a lot of pastors do today. He was like, “Oh, Peter, you’re kind of overreacting. We need to preach and stay in the church. We’re not supposed to cross the line. We’re not supposed to be in politics. We’re supposed to be preachers.” And Frederick continued that way…until the British burned down his church. When they did that, suddenly Frederick decided he was going to join the fight. Frederick joined the military, then later ended up serving as Secretary of State and Speaker of the House. Peter Muhlenberg was a general in the Revolutionary War and ended up serving as a Senator and several key appointments in our government. But what’s interesting is that they were two pastors. It was highly unusual to step out of that position - and to wear a soldier’s uniform under your priestly robes was unheard of. Peter Muhlenberg was so important to America that there’s a statue of him in the basement of the Capitol. There is a statue of him in a park in DC, as well. He was the founder of the Black-Robed Regiment. That’s the essence of what we are doing through this book and Flashpoint Live. We’re motivating individuals, ministers, business leaders, and teachers to get out of their robes of complacency and stand up for what’s right. Again, this is not a call to violence, but to fight through the constitutional means available to us by making our voices heard. Peter’s own brother didn’t agree with him until they burned down his church. And what was the outcome of his brother getting involved? He fought the fight in the American Revolution. Unfortunately, it seems like most people are like Peter’s brother—they don’t get involved until the battle comes into their backyard. The “What you do in your bedroom is your business” attitude has gotten us where we are today. We have to understand our role as believers and as patriots who love and believe in America. There has to be a line that you won’t let someone cross, whatever the risks and costs.(1) Duty Is Ours; Results Are God’s Even though the founding fathers intended the United States of America to be a nation without slavery, this didn’t happen right away. One man fought tirelessly for the freedom of America’s slaves: John Quincy Adams. For twenty-eight consecutive years, he consistently fought for this cause - even when it seemed that he was making no progress at all. One day, while he was leaving the Capitol building, a reporter stopped him and asked why he kept pushing for the emancipation of slaves when it seemed hopeless. Adams turned, looked at the reporter, and said simply, “Duty is ours; results are God’s.” He then walked on. In 1847, a man who looked up to Adams came to serve in Congress as a freshman legislator. Soon, Adams took this man under his wing and became his mentor - they grew so close that this man was a pallbearer at Adams’s funeral. After one term in the legislature, this man went home, and Adams later died after serving 28 years in the legislature - seeing none of the fruits of his labor. Sometime after Adams’ protégé returned home, he ran again for office, and again, and again. In fact, he lost multiple elections. But one of the elections he did win was the most important - the race for President of the United States. This man’s name was Abraham Lincoln. He went on to be one the most important presidents in our nation’s history - and the one who ended up freeing America’s slaves. John Quincy Adams’ response to the reporter’s question was an extremely wise one. He understood that you cannot be distracted by what you see when working toward a goal; you have to live by faith and trust that God will bring out the fruits of your labor. While we are leading the change, we must always remember to keep our eyes on the goal like Adams did. We must always remember that “Duty is ours, results are God’s.” The Lord knows what He is doing, and He knows when the day will come that Americans once again recognize God’s hand in the affairs of men.(2) Pray with me: Father, we ask that You please bring revelation to the church of our responsibility to pray and work for Your turnaround in America. We ask that the spirit of intercession come afresh and anew on us. May we see clearly where we are in history, and may we see just as clearly that we have what is needed to turn the tide. Awaken us! We declare that Your authority is now being released over the government of America. You are dismantling the arrogant systems and political forces that have exalted themselves against You. All who have opposed You, along with the strongholds they have built, will be pulled down. And all unrighteous laws they have written will be reversed in the coming season of revival and reformation. Their evil ways and activities will be exposed. Your angels are on the move now to expose and dismantle. Speak to pastors and leaders; reveal where we are in our nation and throughout the earth. Remove distractions from us and veils of deception that make us feel everything is fine. Make it clear that we are in one of the most critical times in history. Help us to see that our individual congregations, our careers, our personal plans, and dreams are not what matter most at this point in time. Please bring revelation, lest we miss our moment in history. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen. Our decree: We decree that evil carries no power, authority, or rights in our land or over our people, and America shall be saved! *************************** Today’s post was taken from Gene and Teri Bailey’s book Killing America and used with permission. You can find the book and more about them at Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------- Gene and Terri Bailey, Killing America, (Shippensburg, PA: Harrison House Publishers), pp. 97-99. Ibid., pp. 116-118.
  10. 6 min read August 19, 2024 Today’s post is taken from Gene and Teri Bailey’s new book, Killing America, Turning the Tide on the Tsunami of Darkness. Rarely do I simply read a portion of a book on the GH15 posts. This one is an exception, because it conveys my heart. It is extremely rare to find a book that lays out the true condition of America, WITHOUT leaving the reader feeling defeated and hopeless. But if you watch Flashpoint Live, you know the Baileys believe America can and will be saved! And this book makes that case! Get it. Read it. And give a copy to a friend. Here is a portion of the opening chapter; tomorrow, I will share a portion regarding how we stop the killing. From the book: Killing America Our blessed America, the land of the free and home of the brave, the place of dreams and opportunities, of baseball, Chevrolet, and apple pie - the country we love - is being killed. When we say “killed,” we mean those behind this dark agenda will stop at nothing less than the absolute demise of America as we know it. This one nation, under God, raised up by God, founded on Judeo-Christian values as a bastion of light and a defender of the weak, is being murdered in cold blood… America is not being assassinated with a quick bullet to the head, or even being overtaken suddenly by foreign militaries. Bombs aren’t being dropped, and missiles aren’t flying - not yet, anyway. Instead, it seems our country is suffering a slow, painful death by poisoning. What makes it even more deplorable is the ones who appear to be administering the toxic doses are from within our own ranks. Over the years, it seems we’ve allowed subversion from the American ideal set by our founding fathers. For decades, we’ve ignorantly and numbly watched the gradual execution while occupied on our rabbit-eared TVs with fuzzy screens, which transitioned into Technicolor on our RCA TVs, and advanced on to high-definition, flat screens and smartphones. All the while we were eating our popcorn and cheering our favorite sports teams. Sure, from time to time, we would get concerned, and have moments of uneasiness, but then we’d go back to being distracted and pacified by our toys and comforts. All the while, our freedoms were being stripped away, ever so subtly, as lethal ideologies were slowly injected into our culture. Germaine Copeland, bestselling author of the Prayers That Avail Much book series with more than seven million copies sold, told us, “Over 50 years ago, I heard a former Communist youth leader outline the plan to take over our nation. She said they were already in important positions in the media, universities, government, etc. I may have been the only one who walked out that day believing her. Everyone I talked with, or attempted to tell, said it will never happen in America.” Eventually, the deadly venom started taking its toll, to the point where it appears our Lady Liberty is now gasping from its cumulative effects. The closer she is to death, the weaker she becomes, and the more accelerated the damage. The forces against her saw an opportunity to finish her off and sent a tsunami of darkness to drown her in depravity. It’s a double whammy - a poisoning by deadly ideology, so far from the strength of our original biblical Judeo-Christian values, and drowning by a tsunami of its dark outgrowth. This is where we find ourselves, in what appears to be the last stages: shallow breathing and possible signs of a death rattle is near. Meanwhile, the tide of darkness seems to be rising. Make no mistake. The forces of darkness are not out to merely change America and make her over by implementing their own progressive agenda. They want America as we know it, destroyed, including your freedoms, so something entirely new and extremely dark can be ushered in. Total control appears to be the goal. Logical dialogue is not in the playbook, so First Amendment rights seem to be heavily targeted. The old adage: "I respect your views and you respect mine," is not part of the agenda. "I allow you to be your own person, but I don't agree with you," is apparently not acceptable, either. The key here is that often disagreement is labeled “hate speech.” It seems if we don’t affirm and celebrate others’ ungodliness, we’re guilty of hate speech. Labeling our freedoms as “hate speech” provides the moral license to marginalize and then tyrannize. Because we can’t be shut down with a logical argument, we will be shut down by belittling or laughing at us. Or, we may be screamed over so we can’t be heard, maybe even shoved, punched in the face, or knocked to the floor. Property is sometimes destroyed, and cities burned. If we’re fortunate, we won’t be beaten, hospitalized, or possibly arrested. Yes, arrested, because the whole time, during the ordeal, there is an insistence that we need to be kind. We are blamed as the ones actually provoking the violence and bullying them because of our disagreement with their ideologies. You and I are, in essence, being fed to the lions while our antagonists sit in the Colosseum cheering. In Roman times, thousands packed an arena to laugh and cheer while Christians were ripped apart and eaten by lions. The general public had been desensitized while Christians were dehumanized and deemed a threat to a pagan society. Humans are capable of doing horrible things. Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV) says: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Today, if you are a patriot, a conservative, or want to see America turn back to her original foundation of Judeo-Christian values, you find yourself in the minority. If you love this country, you are considered by many a racist, bigot or even a hater worthy of being fed to the lions. America is a God-given nation and her documents of freedom are based on biblical values. What we are affirming is America is a space for freedom of worship, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and to pursue life, liberty and happiness. It was founded on godly principles (that we will look at throughout this book). Imagine where we will be in five years if we don’t make our voices heard and fight back. They are killing America. That is the bad news. The good news is, there is still hope. America is not dead yet!(1) ************* Pray with me: Father, we are like the Psalmist David, who in the midst of great adversity, declared his faith that he would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13). The following verse tells us to “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” Because our trust is in You and Your obvious will, we will not faint or grow weary in our prayers and efforts to see America saved. We have put our hand to the plow and will not turn back. Many times throughout history, it looked as though it was over for Israel. But You had other plans, and demonstrated through them that Your mercies endure forever. You also proved that You can resurrect nations. We believe wholeheartedly that America shall be saved. I ask You to release great favor on this book. Though it clearly reveals satan’s plans and diagnoses America’s condition, it just as clearly imparts faith and understanding of how we will change things. Thank you for Gene and Terri Bailey's faith and wisdom. Thank you for the voice You have given them. And thank you for their warrior hearts. And finally, I ask You to strengthen the prayer army across this nation and strengthen those on the front lines of seeing government, education, media, and every other segment of our culture restored. As they fight spiritually and labor for the turnaround of America, infuse Your wisdom, revelation, and strength into them. We ask all of this in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. ***************************** Today’s post was taken from Gene and Terri Bailey’s book Killing America and used with permission. You can find the book and more about them at Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------- Gene and Terri Bailey, Killing America, (Shippensburg, PA: Harrison House Publishers), pp. 25, 28-3.
  11. 5 min read August 16, 2024 Releasing God’s NOW Strategy Genesis 1 tells us that when God began the creation process, the earth was formless (tohuw)(1) and empty (bohuw).(2) As well as formless, tohuw has a broad range of meanings, including “desolation, desert, barren, confusion, and even chaos.”(3) How does God deal with chaos, confusion, barrenness, and other negative things represented by these words? He began His transformation process by speaking: “Then God said…” (verse 3). “Said” is amar(4) in Hebrew; as well as “saying” or “announcing,” it can mean “to say in one’s heart; to think; to imagine.” Zodhiates used the phrase “internal speech”(5) as one of its meanings. So, God imagines and conceives in His heart or mind, then releases His creative power with His words. It should come as no surprise then that the first step for us when dealing with chaos is to find out what God is thinking and saying about it; what His will is. This always begins with Scripture and/or scriptural principles, but also includes Holy Spirit’s now revelation. Once God’s will is known, His now strategy can be implemented. This may be fasting, agreement in prayer, prolonged intercession, declarations, etc., or even a prophetic act such as “go wash your eyes in the pool of Siloam” (John 9:7). The sons of Issachar “understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles 12:32). “Understood” is biyn,(6) which includes both wisdom and revelation. It is wisdom, understanding gained from experience and learning, but also revelation, that which Holy Spirit is revealing now. Because of this unique blend, these Issachar leaders could discern times, timing, and what to do regarding the time. What, when, and how. Revelation (what is He saying?) and application (how do we apply this?). This is why God says in Ephesians 1:17 that we need a spirit of wisdom AND revelation. This is what Solomon possessed. We think of him as having wisdom, but Solomon asked for and was given biyn (1 Kings 3:9), understanding, wisdom, and discernment - revelation. The margin of my Bible says he asked for “a hearing heart.” This is also what Daniel possessed (Daniel 9:22-23). In verse 22, the angel Gabriel said, “I have now come forth to give you insight with understanding (biyn)” (NASB). What a phrase - insight with understanding! That’s how we turn chaos into order and remove darkness with light! One of the gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:28 is “helps,” as it is usually translated. The word comes from antilepsis,(7) meaning “to lay hold of.” This is why it is often translated as “helps” - one person taking hold of an object with another “helps” them. The Passion Translation, however, translates it as “gifts of revelation knowledge.” This was surprising to me. In their margin note, and I have confirmed this in other sources, they say that the word means not only “to lay hold of” but “to lay hold of revelation; to apprehend or perceive.” One of the ways we help one another is through revelation, helping them hear what God is saying. Only then can we apply His strategy to His will. Both must occur. When we know what God thinks about a situation, first and foremost from His Word but also by His Spirit, we can then say what He says. Remember, that’s how God dealt with chaos: He thought, imagined, conceived; then He said. And His words have creative power. In yesterday’s post, I mentioned the New Testament word used for God creating all things: ginomai(8) (John 1:3, 10; Hebrews 11:3). The word means “to cause to be, become, or be created.” I also pointed out that He told us to ginomai His will (Matthew 6:10) by commanding. Obviously, we don’t create matter or physical objects from nothing, as He did. We create or cause His will to be done, to manifest. And one of the ways we do so is by declaring His will and Word. God and His Word are one. He is His Word. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). This is why His words are filled with such power - they flow from the essence of who He is. The Passion Translation states regarding Genesis 1:3, “God created light but did not create the sun until the fourth day. God Himself filled the universe with the light of His presence and glory.”(9) Incredible! This same translation continues by explaining that “The Hebrew verbs used with the phrases ‘Let there be’ and ‘and there was’ are both related to the holy name Yahweh: yehi (“let there be”) and wayhi (“and there was”).” As Yahweh spoke, the essence of His creative being flowed from Him into the universe. The I AM released His nature with the words “Light BE!” and light BECAME! Truly, there is no one like our God! Pray with me: Lord, we are in chaotic and dark times, just like in Genesis 1. Just as You thought, imagined, and released Your plan, then, we know You have plans for our situation today. We know what some of those plans include: we know Your will is that no one is lost - You love them all; we know You have a great harvest planned all over the Earth; we know the Father has promised You the nations of Earth - they all belong to You; we know America shall be saved; we know You’re building an Ekklesia that the plans and counsels of hell cannot overcome; and we know we can declare the release of Your Kingdom authority, and the coming forth of Your will. We align with Your will and declare worldwide harvest. We call forth such incredible revival that a billion or more people will come to Yeshua. We decree the salvation and restoration of America, including a transformed government. We call forth a youth revival in America and around the world that will result in millions of them coming to Christ. We decree the breaking of Baal’s strongholds over America. We call forth the fire of Holy Spirit and renewed passion into America’s churches. We declare these things in Christ’s name and authority alone, Father. We humbly acknowledge that we have no other authority to do so, and that His will is what You honor. Of Him, to Him, and through Him are all things. And we acknowledge that Yours is the Kingdom and power and glory forever. We want You alone to be honored in all we do. Amen. Our decree: We decree that God is bringing order and light into the chaos and darkness of our time. ************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------ James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 8414. Ibid., ref. no. 922. Spiros Zodhiates, Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible - New American Standard, rev. ed. (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1990), p. 2063. Strongs Concordance, ref., no. 559. Zodhiates Hebrew-Greek Study Bible, p. 1804. Strongs Concordance, ref. no. 998. Ibid., ref. no. 484. Ibid., ref. no. 1096. YouVersion Bible App, The Passion Translation.
  12. 4 min read August 15, 2024 “Restructuring” America Through Prayer Today, I want to talk about the fascinating subject of “light.” Science is just scratching the surface of their understanding of light. Reading articles about it can leave one running for headache medicine and needing a day or two off. An article about light in National Geographic stated that “Einstein’s relativity presents all manner of head-scratching implications. It reveals that as objects approach the speed of light, time slows down. At the speed of light itself, time stops.”(1) Like I said… Light is now used to heal, transport sound, heat, destroy (as in weapons), provide energy, and more. The same article said, “Light could even become the preeminent power source for long-distance space travel. The spaceship would have an ultrathin sail to catch the ‘wind’ of light beamed from an Earth-based laser. In theory, such a craft could accelerate to a sizable fraction of the speed of light—without carrying fuel.”(2) LIGHT AND INTERCESSION God’s Word has a lot to say about light, including as a weapon. A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about light/lightning and intercession. In it, I mentioned a dream given to Steven Springer, in which lightning struck the top of the White House. This strike began a season of cleansing, followed by revival, in our nation. The book of Job tells us that God “fills His hands with lightning and commands it to strike its mark” (Job 36:32 NIV). “Strike its mark” is the Hebrew word paga, which amazingly is also the word for intercession.(3) Yes, one of the meanings of prayer is to release God’s power, light, and glory to “strike” spiritual targets, releasing God’s judgment. In my book Intercessory Prayer, I state, “Have you ever seen a tree struck by lightning? If so, you’ve seen a picture of intercession. I pray a lot in a stand of woods nearby. At times, I come across trees struck by lightning. The lightning is so hot that it literally changes the molecular structure of the trees and twists the trunks until they look like the stripes on a candy cane. The temperature in a lightning bolt can reach 30,000 degrees Celsius (45,000 degrees Fahrenheit), hotter than the sun’s surface. That’s hot stuff! And God uses this to picture His judgments!”(4) In the book, I write an entire chapter on the subject of God’s light and glory being released through intercession (paga). Recently, Holy Spirit has once again directed my thoughts to lightning-struck trees and their changed molecular structure. “That’s what the prayers of the Ekklesia are doing,” He said, “changing the ‘structure’ of America.” This gave new meaning to the time-honored phrase: prayer changes things. Our prayers release the authority of our King, Jesus, to change the structure, shape, and condition of our government, education, culture, etc. It is little wonder that in Steven's dream, the lightning from God resulted in the exposure of evil - masks came off of people, and “all sorts of evil were revealed and removed across the nation.” Then came revival. God created all that exists, including light, using only His words (Genesis 1:3; John 1:1-5; Hebrews 11:3). Ginomai is the New Testament word used to describe this creating of all things. The word essentially means, “cause to be or become.”(5) This word is also used in Christ’s teaching on how to pray in Matthew 6:10. In the phrase, “Thy will be done,” the two words “be done” are translated from this one Greek word, ginomai. The tense of the verb (aorist imperative) indicates a command. Simply stated, Christ said we are to command or declare for God causing His will to be, to become, to be created. Through your prayers, release God’s light over America every day! Command the unveiling, unmasking of darkness. Release His light over the deceitful plans, the hidden agendas, and the lies of corrupt people. Release it over the elections and candidates. Declare exposure. And release God’s light over the minds of unbelievers, freeing them to “see” the gospel. CAUSE these things TO BE! Friends, we must continue to strike with intercession!!! Pray with me: Father God, Creator of light, we are in awe of who You are. Just as light always overcomes darkness, You, Holy Spirit, and Your Son - the Light of the World, always win over darkness. We are Your offspring, children of light (Ephesians 5:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:5). We walk in the light, and through our prayers, we release Your light. Paul said He was called “to open [the Gentiles] eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in [Christ]” (Acts 26:18 NASB). We do this through declaring the gospel and through our prayers. Today, we cause Your will to be done - we command the exposure of corruption in our nation’s government. We command the exposing of hidden plans, people, and systems being used to control our nation. We command the exposure of hidden agendas and motives, including in this current election cycle. We ask for Your lightning, Father, to be released to restructure our nation. Let light flash forth from Your presence and consume the darkness! We ask for Your light to also burn up the veil of deception that keeps people blinded to truth and the gospel. Shine forth into their hearts just as You did ours (2 Corinthians 4:6). Transform enemies into Your friends, children of darkness into Your family. With bold faith we ask for this over entire nations in our day. You said when Zion travails, nations can be born in a day! (Isaiah 66:7-8) Send lightning strikes to entire nations! Psalm 18:14 says You send Your arrows of lightning and destroy Your enemies. Do so - destroy strongholds that blind entire nations, and reveal Christ to them. We pray these things in the name and authority of the Savior, Christ Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the mask-melting and veil-removing lightning of God is being released in America and throughout the world. **************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------- Ibid. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 6293. Dutch Sheets, Intercessory Prayer (Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 1996), p. 202. Strongs Concordance, ref. no. 1096.
  13. * 5 Minute read August 14, 2024 Introduction I received the following word from our friend Gina Gholston, and thought it was a good followup to yesterday’s post. Hang in there. Holy Spirit is moving in ways we cannot yet see. Gina’s title: ______________________________________ The “Fast-Forward” Button Recently, I felt a sudden urgency in my spirit and heard the Lord say, “Another push in prayer will be required in the days ahead. I am calling My watchmen warriors to go up again!” While I do not yet know everything that will necessitate this push in prayer, I strongly felt the Lord was instructing me to encourage intercessors. He is saying to us, “Arise and regain your footing. Stand in a readiness to advance. Lift up your heads! Ascend and enter into My presence. Hear and declare My Word, My verdict, and My will.” The past season has left many in a state of weariness and hope deferred, but I heard the Lord saying, “This is a divine moment. Don’t be entrapped by your emotions. Don’t relax your stand on what I have said! My Word stands! Do not allow weariness to rob you of your due season! Don’t lose hope, and don’t discard your courage! Shake off distractions. Shake off disappointment. Remember My Word! DO NOT DOUBT IT!” The Lord reminded me of a vision I had a few years ago in which He revealed the necessity of focus and undaunted resolve to keep moving forward with Him. In that vision, I saw a line of people moving toward something. They were working as they moved. The “something” they were moving toward seemed to be far away, and some began to get weary; they stopped where they were and built a house. The others kept moving, but eventually, some of them got weary, and they stopped. The rest kept going. They reached a point where, even though the thing they were moving toward still seemed far away, it was as if a fast-forward button had been pushed, and they were just suddenly “there”! The Lord then said, “Many have grown weary while waiting for My promises to be fulfilled. Because I didn’t move in their timing, they thought I wasn’t moving at all. They have grown weary and built their own thing to compensate for My thing. Sadly, they stopped short." “But to those who have continued to advance and remain focused on Me, I say you are coming into a fast-forward season, and I Am anointing your feet to run forward. All you have done in the past as you have obeyed Me—even when you didn’t understand—has led you to this moment and prepared you for this fast-forward launching. And though it will unfold quickly in the days ahead, it is not a new thing; it’s the fulfillment of an old promise that you kept moving toward because you refused to settle. It was a promise for a “time.” Now is that time, and you will see that for which you have believed. This is a launching into the greater glory. As you arise in agreement with and obedience to My Word, transformation will be unavoidable.” Intercessors, be encouraged! Your labor has not been in vain. Your co-operation with Holy Spirit in past seasons and in this season matters. His call is “a call to the wall” so we take our place as watchmen. We set our faces like flint toward Him. We are not moved by what we see happening around us! It’s temporary. There is a turning in the works. We believe and declare the promises of our righteous King Jesus. As His ambassadors, we set our words in agreement with His Word and His will, and we are assured that He will work through our obedience and fervent prayers to establish His intentions for our times. Yes, we see the distress that our nation is in currently, yet we are not given to fear or despair. We are given to fervent prayer. We rise with a confident knowing that God is with us and that He will strengthen us! I feel that God is saying, “I am taking things to another level. Remain steadfast at your post and watch as Holy Spirit and the hosts of Heaven work through and with your prayers and declarations to set things in motion. There is a swift movement coming, but I have prepared you as My rapid responders. As you remain focused and alert, you will receive the impartation of My wisdom, plans, and strategies. As you align yourselves with Me through your obedience, My Word will be released to activate and accomplish the fulfillment of My purposes and intentions for this time.” There is another push in prayer coming, and the alert watchmen will now arise with a readiness to advance, doing so with wisdom and understanding of the will and purposes of God! We come before Him to hear His mind and counsel, and we will pray and declare the things that are on His heart. As we align our expectations, prayers, and decrees with His will, they will not return to Him without results; they will accomplish all that God desires and achieve every purpose for which He sends them. Pray with me: Father, we hear Your call to stand as watchmen on the wall of this nation. We are honored to work with You in Spirit-led prayer. Though the past season has been difficult, we have not, nor will we, relent in our position of faith in You. We refuse to yield to evil and surrender our posts. We shake off weariness and distractions, and take our steadfast stand as Your watchmen on the wall. Thank You for healing us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually so that with renewed focus and strength, we can rise to finish what You have started through us! We trust You, and we will not be afraid. You are our strength and our defense, and You are our Salvation. Your favor is upon us, and You will establish the work of our hands. You, O, Lord, will satisfy us with Your mercy, and we will rejoice and be glad, for we shall see the performance of those things that You have said and shown to us in prayer! With Your words in our mouths we will declare Your will and Word, and You will watch over those words to perform them. You are anointing our feet to run with You in this fast-forward season, and we will remain alert and focused. We do not look at the things that are seen, but into the realm of the spirit. We take hold with You—and You with us—as we declare Your will and Word as watchmen intercessors. We rise with You, and we believe that You will work through us to strengthen this nation again. America will revive, heal, rise, and reform as the nation You birthed her to be. Our decree: In this next push of prayer, we will arise as Yahweh’s watchmen warriors to declare His promises. As we set our words in agreement with His Word, Holy Spirit will work through us to establish His intentions for this time. ******************* You can find out more about Gina at Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  14. 5 min read August 12, 2024 INTRODUCTION In the foreword I wrote for Terri Brown’s great book, Troubleshooting Your Prayer Life, I state the following: “Having been the beneficiary of literally hundreds of prayers offered up by Terri Brown, I can attest to her qualifications for teaching on the subject of prayer. Terri is a mature, seasoned intercessor. Unlike many, she doesn't teach theory; Terri teaches what she lives, having learned to pray the way most true intercessors have - on the job. And I consider her to be one of the best.” In his endorsement, my brother Tim Sheets says: “Terri has gifted us with an incredible resource. There is probably no one reading this who has not at some point cried out, ‘How long, oh God!’ We have prayed, interceded, decreed angelic assistance, fasted…and yet answers seem elusive. Troubleshooting Your Prayer Life is the handbook you will want at your fingertips. It is practical, relevant, spiritual, and yes, it is REAL. Embrace it, and then recommend it to everyone you know.” Terri was once asked by a friend, “When did you start writing this book?” She quickly answered, without even thinking about it, “The day I prayed my first prayer.” Writing her book has required a lifetime of processing victories, defeats, “why’s” and “why not’s.” We are the beneficiaries. Today, Terri shares some of her recent thoughts regarding how to prepare for the coming season. Enjoy. __________________________________________________ TROUBLESHOOTING YOUR PRAYER LIFE Recently I heard the Lord say, “In this season, the intercessory army needs to be shored up.” This is not a phrase I use very often so I looked up the meaning. “Shored up” means, to support, to reinforce or strengthen something at risk of failure.”(1) So, I have been meditating on this for a couple of weeks. Why would the prayer army need shoring up? First let’s acknowledge that we have been in an intense battle for our nation. In addition, many of us have been in personal battles over our family, finances or our health. This can be wearying. I live in the only county in the nation with five military bases. When soldiers and airmen return from deployments, they are welcomed back, then go through a period of reintegration. They take time to be restored, physically and emotionally. Their equipment is cleaned and restored. I am sure there are evaluations of strategies employed while on deployment. The prayer army, on the other hand, stays very faithful to their post and continues to war with little time given to reflection, restoration or course correction. However, we should remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Even when prophets say, “It will be an intense battle for the next two months,” that doesn’t always mean the war is over in two months. It may just mean a battle needs to be won in the next two months, so we are ready for what comes next. We are living on a battlefield. It is vital that we diligently keep our weapons clean, our hearts pure, and our overall health strong, ready to be deployed. Years ago, I heard author and prayer leader Cindy Jacobs say, “We know we need to put on the full armor of God, but if we put the armor on over hearts that have holes in them, we can be defeated from the inside.” Those holes can come from friendly fire (when we are wounded by people on our side), or from battle wounds; either way we can’t leave them to fester. We need to take the time to receive healing from the Lord. Many times, this can be done through the Holy Spirit guiding us into truth. Sometimes, however, we may need the help of a friend or counselor. Either way, it is part of the process of shoring up the intercessory army. When in an intense battle the temptation is to pray the way we have always prayed. It is easy to get in a rut and forget to inquire of the Lord. David demonstrated the importance of asking the Lord for our battle assignments and strategies (2 Samuel 5). Is this my battle? Is this the right time to take on this battle? What weapons should I use in the battle? In spiritual battles, the strategy can vary from worship, high praise, intercession, high level spiritual warfare, decrees and declaration and yes, even rest. We must make sure we don’t pray from habitual mindsets, but from a place of revelation. I don’t know what the next twelve months hold. Some prophets have said intense times are ahead. We must prepare and remain ready: deal with our wounds and disappointments; examine our rhetoric and our practices; search our hearts for hope deferred mentalities; and drop the plumbline of God’s Word into our prayer habits. Let’s agree with David’s prayer in the Psalms: “Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10). “Steadfast” means to be firm in purpose, unwavering, firmly established.(2) An online thesaurus says a synonym for steadfast is abiding.(3) It’s not only a synonym; it’s a prerequisite! We won’t accomplish anything without coming from a place of abiding with the Lord, spending time with Him. May all of our prayers and strategies come from a place of abiding with the Lord, that we might be “...steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing [our] labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV). Pray with me: Father, Terri is right: as frontline intercessors we often do not take the needed time to refresh and restore. We are reminded today that there are many warriors interceding for America and the nations - it’s ok to rest! As she said, this is a marathon, not a sprint. We have all experienced disappointments in our prayer efforts, having failed to receive that for which we asked. We’ve all experienced unwanted delays. Help us to grow and learn from this, not become cynical and succumb to hope-deferred heart disease. We are all students of Your Word, growing in our understanding. You told us to learn of You, to learn Your ways (Matthew 11:29), and that this would contribute to finding rest. Teach us, Holy Spirit. And thank You for reminding us today to always inquire of You when in spiritual battles. When David did so, he found breakthrough (2 Samuel 5). Give us Your strategies as we pray for our families, our friends, and yes, our nations. When we ask according to YOUR will, which includes Your methods, You hear and give us the provision we need (1 John 5:14-15). And remind us to abide in You. As we abide in You - spending time in Your Word and presence - we ask what we will and receive it (John 15:7). And as Terri reminds us, this will enable us to be steadfast, immovable, abounding in Your work, and producing fruit. We ask these things in the name and authority of Christ. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we are yoked to the Lord, learning from Him, and are at rest (Matthew 11:28-30). ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------------------- You can find out more about Terri at -----------------------------------------------------------------
  15. 5 min read August 8, 2024 The North Star State I was recently in Texas with my friend, Tom Schlueter, speaking to the prayer network he leads. The Texas Apostolic Prayer Network (TXAPN) has done a remarkable job of blanketing the state with Spirit-led prayer. Holy Spirit made it clear back in 2003 when Chuck Pierce and I were on the 50-State Tour that Texas was a “prophetic state” for the nation. He said they would announce God’s plans, but also would, at times, initiate and/or birth those plans for the nation. Tom and his team have done an amazing job of stewarding this word. They have grown in maturity over the years to the extent that Holy Spirit has said they will now focus more and more on the nation. In the Friday gathering, he highlighted the state of Minnesota as one of the states they would help. Tom is already praying about this assignment, and did a podcast yesterday morning addressing it. In the podcast, he mentioned Chuck’s and my visit to Minnesota on the Tour. (You can listen to it here.) I was fascinated, as was he, that Chuck and I were there August 3-4, 2003, twenty-one years - almost to the day - from when Holy Spirit spoke of Minnesota last Friday…AND from when the state leaped into the news on Tuesday. As you know by now, the Democrat Vice Presidential candidate, Tim Walz, is from Minnesota. He is one of the most liberal governors in the nation, a perfect match for Kamala. His policies have hurt the state - Michele Bachmann stated Tuesday that 30,000 people have moved from MN in the last couple of years, taking $2 billion dollars with them.(1) Walz is radically left and a true socialist. He once said, “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”(2) My point today is not to talk about Walz and Harris, however. It is to follow Tom’s lead of praying for Minnesota. Too often, we write off portions of the country that become woke and progressive in their policies, forgetting that revival can turn them back to God. There are many wonderful believers in Minnesota praying for their beautiful state. God is not biased toward the Bible Belt! His love knows no bounds, and He is planning on transforming places many have given up on. I want Minnesota to be one of them! The name Minnesota is a Sioux word meaning “sky-colored water.” How beautiful is that! It is known as “The North Star State,” and its motto is “The Star of the North.” “The North Star, also known as Polaris, appears to stay fixed in our northern sky. It marks the location of the sky’s north pole, or the north celestial pole, the point around which the whole northern sky – full of stars – turns. That’s why you can always use Polaris to find the direction north.”(3) On the 50-State Tour, Holy Spirit called Minnesota “the threshing floor state.”(4) Threshing floors were mentioned often in Scripture. “In biblical days, there was no machinery, so after the harvest, the grain was separated from the straw and husks by beating it manually. First, there had to be a flat surface that was smooth and hard, and this was known as the threshing floor. The process of threshing was performed generally by spreading the sheaves on the threshing floor and causing oxen and cattle to tread repeatedly over them, loosening the edible part of cereal grain (or other crops) from the scaly, inedible chaff that surrounds it (Deuteronomy 25:4; Isaiah 28:28). On occasion, flails or sticks were used for this purpose (Ruth 2:17; Isaiah 28:27). Then winnowing forks were used to throw the mixture into the air so the wind could blow away the chaff, leaving only the good grain on the floor.”(5) Threshing floors were used to separate the bad from the good. As such, they came to picture Old Testament sacrifices which were used to cover the people’s sins and make them acceptable to God. The sacrifices generated mercy. David offered a sacrifice on a threshing floor he purchased from a man named Araunah, which generated forgiveness and cleansing for Israel (2 Samuel 24:16). This threshing floor was on Mount Moriah, where Abraham and his son, Isaac, were used to picture the cross (Genesis 22) and where Solomon later built the Temple (2 Chronicles 3:1). Simply stated, threshing floors picture the Cross where we find cleansing and mercy! How about that, Minnesota! We should start calling Minnesota “the Mount Moriah State” or perhaps “the Mount Calvary State.” Let’s ask God to cleanse Minnesota from all that would separate it from God and use the state to fulfill its name and destiny by bringing salvation to others. And let’s ask Holy Spirit to use it as “the North Star,” leading many people to Christ. Let’s ask Him for a sweeping revival to invade Minnesota, causing it to be a hotbed of revival and awakening. Pray with me: Father, You are one who transforms people and places. Moriah became a holy hill, filled with Your presence, Mount Zion, Jerusalem. Kiriath-arba, meaning “the city of Arba,”(6) who was the greatest of all the giants, became Hebron, the place of covenantal friendship with You. You’re the God who doesn’t change, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Surely, Lord, You can bring life to dry, desert places. You can transform our nation, and You will do so at city and state levels. Transform Minnesota. Many believers there are calling on You to do so. Answer those prayers by sending a powerful outpouring of Holy Spirit to that region. Fill the city streets with miracles and salvations, just as they were with anger and violence in 2020. Fill the schools with revival fire, causing great life to flow through the hallways and campuses. Revive the churches with holy fire. Gather dry bones, send Your wind, and make them a powerful army. Eradicate the effects of liberalism, socialism, false ideologies and beliefs, and restore to Minnesota a purity of thought and beliefs. Give them righteous leaders who love life and protect children, who lead with wisdom, honesty, and integrity. And Lord, we ask for these things also to all of America and the world. Send revival! Awaken and transform! It’s time, and we ask. Pour out Your Spirit on all flesh!!! In Christ’s name and authority, we ask. Amen. Our decree: We decree that Minnesota shall receive the fire of revival, and point many to Christ! ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------- Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, Tim Sheets, Reforming the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers, 2024), p. 329. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 7153.
  16. 6 min read August 9, 2024 The Upcoming Healing Summit “One day Jesus was teaching, and there were some Pharisees and teachers of the Law sitting near who had come from every village of Galilee, Judea, and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was present for Him to perform healing. And some men were carrying a man on a stretcher who was paralyzed, and they were trying to bring him in and set him down in front of Jesus. But when they did not find any way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down through the tiles with his stretcher, into the middle of the crowd, in front of Jesus. And seeing their faith, He said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven you.’ The scribes and the Pharisees began thinking of the implications, saying, ‘Who is this man who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, except God alone?’ But Jesus, aware of their thoughts, responded and said to them, ‘Why are you thinking this way in your hearts? Which is easier, to say: “Your sins are forgiven you,” or to say, “Get up and walk”? But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,’ He said to the man who was paralyzed, ‘I say to you, get up, and pick up your stretcher, and go home.’ And immediately he got up before them, and picked up what he had been lying on, and went home glorifying God. And they were all struck with astonishment and began glorifying God. They were also filled with fear, saying, ‘We have seen remarkable things today!’” (Luke 5:17-26 NASB) How can anyone not love this passage? The power of the Lord was present to heal. The Passion Translation says, “And the power of the Lord God surged through Him to instantly heal the sick.” There was a holy power surge occurring that day! Many prophetic leaders feel we are moving into a time of great signs and wonders throughout the earth. God’s healing power has never stopped flowing since the time of Christ, but history demonstrates that the release of “gifts of healing” and the “working of miracles” (1 Corinthians 12:7-11) occurs more at some times than at others. My friend Greg Hood was given an important dream regarding healing and miracles back in 2021, which several other leaders and I have been praying into, waiting for the time of its fulfillment. We believe that time is upon us. There are many significant details in this amazing dream, far too many to include in this post. Here is a portion and summary of the dream: ‭”Several leaders with whom Greg and I associate, including my brother Tim, Clay Nash, and a prominent leader from another “stream” in the body of Christ, were in a boardroom waiting for an important meeting to begin. None of us knew what the upcoming meeting was about, only that we were instructed to attend. “The boardroom’s large glass doors opened, and Jesus entered with Gordon Lindsay, Charles Spurgeon, Kenneth Hagin, and my and Tim’s dad, Dean Sheets. Greg did not know my dad, not even his first name, but was given his name in the dream. These 4 men accompanying Jesus in the dream have all died and are in heaven. (In no way does this indicate that we are to try and communicate with the dead. Holy Spirit was simply using these men in a dream to symbolize some things.) Hagin, Lindsay, and my dad represented faith, healing, and miracles, having all been part of the healing movement of the 60s and 70s. Spurgeon, known as the “prince of preachers,” represented powerful, anointed preaching. “We all took seats around the table, the four men from the cloud of witnesses on one side, those of us alive today on the other, Jesus at the head. Kenneth Hagin said, ‘Let's start the transfer and merger. Is everyone ready?’ Those on our side of the table looked at one another as if to say, ‘What’s being transferred? What merger?’ “Gorden Lindsay smiled largely and said, ‘There is much that has been held back from your generation, but now it's time to release what we have, and what is yours, to you. It's your inheritance and your assignment!’ “Then, simultaneously, Gordon Lindsay and Kenneth Hagin slid papers across the table. Gordon Lindsay slid his papers to my friends and me, Kenneth Hagin slid his papers to the leader representing the other stream. Both papers were titled, ‘KINGDOM DECREE—TITLE DEED.’ “Written under this were several important phrases and passages of Scripture: Ekklesia mandate; Renewed foundation alignment; Reaping of nations; under this was Isaiah 9:1-7; Isaiah 22:22; Daniel 7:27; Revelation 11:15, and other verses; Harvest, signs, wonders, and miracles; under this was Mark 16:15-20, The Book of Acts, and other verses. “The documents had the signatures of many leaders from past movements, and we, to whom they were being given, had to sign them as well. In the dream, the former leaders present anointed us with oil and prayed for us. The documents were then sealed with Christ’s signet ring, after which He took them in His hands and breathed on them. They began to glow and were transformed into mantles for us to wear. Then Jesus said, ‘The clock has started. The angelic movement has begun; steward this well.’ “Christ and those from the cloud of witnesses vanished, and we were left alone.” End of dream. As I stated above, I, as well as others, believe it is time for the fulfillment of this dream; it is time for our generation to move into the next season of signs and wonders. This is why several leaders are jointly convening a Healing Summit at Tim’s church, The Oasis, on August 30, at 7:00 PM EST. (The event is already full; if you haven’t already registered, you’ll need to join us online.) This gathering is not only to ask for miracles of healing, but to ask for the inauguration of this new wave of signs and wonders in our generation. In no way is it to promote our ministries; we are asking for this outpouring to begin around the world. This is why we are encouraging churches, not only individuals, to gather and stream the event, joining us online. After we prophetically share what we feel God is saying, and then begin praying for people, we’re encouraging leaders and elders in the churches to do the same: pray for those present to receive healing. As of now, we have 260 host churches here in the U.S. and 9 from other nations participating. We believe miracles will occur throughout the earth! And gifts of the spirit will be released. Why should you join with us rather than just have your own service? We know that you do not need to join us to receive any anointing or to see miracles. However, we believe the agreement that takes place across our nation and nations will multiply power significantly. Consider joining us online either as a church, a small group, or individually. Pray with me: Father, I believe we are moving into another season of many miraculous healings. In this dream, You referred to it as our inheritance and our assignment. You also said this had been held back from our generation but it was time for the transfer and merger. This merging of the generations, our generation joining those who labored before us, will produce the synergy of the ages. Power will multiply as we together embrace this anointing of Christ and His assignment. We ask for gifts of healing and the working of miracles to be imparted throughout the entire world. We ask that these gifts flow not only through leaders and in churches, but through believers in general and in every setting. We ask for notable miracles, not only on August 30, but into the future. Heal the terminally ill. Give creative miracles to those who need them, including deliverances and emotional healings. Heal minds, break generational curses. The dream also said, “The clock has started. The angelic movement has begun. Steward this well.” We ask for Your wisdom and heart, enabling us to steward the movement well. Keep our hearts pure, wanting only to love people and glorify Jesus. And use this outpouring to bring millions of people to Christ. We ask for these things with Christ’s authority, because we do so in His name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the time has come for signs, wonders, and miracles. ****************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  17. 5 min read August 7, 2024 The Most Radical Presidential Ticket In History Kamala Harris has chosen her running mate in the upcoming elections: Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota. My purpose in today’s post is not to try and influence anyone regarding who they vote for. Those who follow my posts and social media have already made up their minds, with the exception of a few critics looking for some words to twist. My purpose in the posts is to teach, inspire, and give guidance as it relates to prayer. Having said that, here is some background on Walz. In 2020, he allowed the city of Minneapolis to burn for days before stopping it, because he agreed with people’s anger toward police. More than 1000 buildings were burned or damaged. Obviously, he is for defunding the police. He is for the gender transitioning of kids (surgical and chemical castration), and for men in women’s sports. He favors sanctuary cities and supports the insane Green New Deal. During Covid, he allowed retail stores half capacity while limiting churches to ten people. He raised taxes on citizens while giving illegals free tuition and driver’s licenses. Much more could be said of his progressive, leftist ideologies but suffice it to say the Harris/Walz ticket is the most progressive, farthest left ticket in America’s history. Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachman,(1) who served with him in Congress, says, “Tim Walz is a radical’s radical. “I went to Congress with Tim Walz in 2006 and served with him for eight years. On the outside, he looks like an awe-shucks, back-slapping, nice guy politician, when in fact, he is as radical as AOC or more… “Walz passed the strongest transgender protection bill in the country and the strongest pro-abortion bill in the country… “He was chosen because the Islamic community pressured Harris to ditch Jewish Shapiro [Governor of PA], who had served in the IDF [Israeli Defense Force] - her Islamic backers wouldn’t have that.” The brilliant Ben Carson posted to Instagram:(2) “Tim Walz enabled the burning of Minneapolis. Kamala Harris promoted a bail fund for those who lit the fires. I said yesterday that Kamala=Chaos. Kamala + Walz = Venezuela 2.0” What does all of this tell us about America? The Democrat Party? The fact that Democrat elites have installed (not elected) Harris tells us THEY are the anti-democratic-process party, not Republicans. The fact that they chose Walz as Harris’ running mate shows, as I stated above, just how far left the Dems have gone - this duo is by far the most radical presidential ticket in American history. And the fact that millions of Americans will vote for their lunacy is an indicator of how successful the Left has been at indoctrinating the American people through education, government, and media. These and other indicators - not to mention the weak church that in part allowed this - are all the proof needed that America’s only hope for a turnaround is a true spiritual awakening…a national revival that saves and transforms millions of people. This, and this alone, will save America. No plan, no political party, no person can do so. And yet, righteousness in our government is essential. Those who honor God allow Him to honor them; those who despise Him are “lightly esteemed” (1 Samuel 2:30). “Lightly esteemed” could also be translated as “cursed,” “dishonored,” “insignificant,” and even “despicable” (qalal).(3) When governments dishonor God, it brings a curse and causes insignificance to their nation. Can you see America’s significance around the world waning? Yes, America must experience revival and reformation. A Holy Spirit outpouring will revive us; a transformed government will reform us. We must pray and work toward BOTH, keeping our faith in God. And finally, this decision by the Left tells us just how confident they have become, now believing they’re in complete control and cannot be stopped. No longer do they disguise their radical agendas concerning God, the Bible, the church, the truth that we are a Republic, truth in general, babies, children, globalism, open borders, government control (meaning limited freedom for individuals and states), and so much more. God has exposed them, using their pride to do so. Their mask is off. Now that the American people can clearly see their corruption and arrogance, God will judge the pride and resulting rebellion. Like Pharaoh at the Red Sea, believing his god of the wind and sea, Baal-zephon, would now destroy Israel and humiliate their God (Exodus 14), these leftists and their political chariots are confidently charging full speed ahead. But Yahweh had other plans for Baal and Pharaoh. The Red Sea crossing and destruction of Pharaoh’s army was the final judgment of Egypt’s gods (the many expressions of Baal). God is going to deliver America of her slavery to Baal, as well. He loves all those under the control of this spirit, including those who oppose Him, and His desire is to break off the deception and save millions of them. I know this is coming, and we must pray for it to occur. But we must also pray against the evil system and ideologies operating in America. Pray with me: Father, many in our government - often the majority - have despised and dishonored You. We, the American people have allowed this, many agreeing with it. This has brought curses, made us despicable - even odorous, and in many ways insignificant. We now have two people being promoted for President and Vice President who would boldly take all of this to even new levels. You instructed us to pray, “Deliver us from evil.” We do so today. We pray for the salvation of these two individuals and their families, but we also ask You to not allow them to rule over us. Give us mercy by working supernaturally to stop this. Expose all that must be exposed and awaken the American people. Break the stronghold of Baal and the spirits under him - Molech, Zephon, Jezebel, and all the others - off of our nation. Forgive us and heal our land. Our faith is in You alone to deliver us. Yes, we ask for a transformation in our government, but not to save us. We ask for this to honor You, experience justice and peace, and accomplish our destiny as a nation. For these reasons, we ask for You to shake out the corruption and replace it with those who honor You. And lastly, send worldwide revival and save a billion or more people in our day! All this we pray in the authority of Christ Himself, amen. Our decree: We decree that light is shining into the darkness, and the darkness will flee. ************************ Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------- Michele Bachmann, J.D., LL.M., Former member of Congress, Dean of Robertson School of Government at Regent University. Quote taken from Ben and Candi Carson’s Instagram account, 8/6/2024. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 7043
  18. 5 min read August 6, 2024 Our Finest Hour I do not often speak on the GH15 posts about the coming shaking but rather mention it at regular intervals to keep us all praying. I also do so to ensure that you are not blindsided or disillusioned by what may come. Prayer is saving us from the total devastation that the shaking could have been, and is ensuring that what may come is redemptive. America will be reborn into her purpose and destiny. I have no fear of being wrong about the difficult shaking I speak of, because I hope I am. If that proves to be the case, I will rejoice. And I have said several times I am not prophetically predicting when, what, or how severe the shaking will be. Only that it is coming, and I feel it will be severe. I also believe it will be worldwide. The Timing Regarding timing, America’s enemies are having to roll the dice. They would need not be in a hurry if an election of Harris were guaranteed; she doesn’t worry them. Biden’s and Harris’ policies (and those controlling them behind the scenes) created the current unrest around the world, and also allowed the thousands (perhaps hundreds, but I believe thousands) of enemies that have poured into America through our “secure border.” Either these leaders don’t understand “peace through strength” or don’t want it. The opposite phrase, “peace through appeasement” actually has a formal name given it in the 1940s: “World War II.” Trump, on the other hand, understands peace through strength and is a fighter. His “America first” policies, intended to rebuild our nation, terrify our enemies and the globalists of the world. Frankly, I think America’s enemies still want to take Trump out - desperately - in hopes that someone more moderate would replace him. They underestimate the current unrest and determination of American patriots, however. The opposite would occur - these American patriots would not choose a moderate. If Trump were assassiated, they would try to resurrect Patton…or Teddy Roosevelt! I believe our enemies feel that a Trump victory is possible, which means they must act here in America and on the world stage within the next 6-month window: August through January. My opinion is that they will take action before the election, not only to harm us, but also in hopes of disrupting it. The Middle East Two or three weeks ago, I heard the Lord say that things were about to escalate in the Middle East. This is obviously occurring and will continue to escalate. Israel has decided they will not back off; whatever it takes, they intend to destroy the Iran-backed terrorists in the region that are trying to destroy them. Israel’s actions, however, will not stop Iran’s activities; they couldn’t care less about casualties to the Palestinians, the Lebanese, and other people in the region (including their own). The spirits controlling the Iranian leaders are of the same spiritual kingdom as those that controlled the Nazis, and this kingdom hates the Jewish people. It also hates America. It cares not how many innocent people perish, including from among those it uses. Satan loves to steal, kill, and destroy - period. So I do not expect them to back off. For the record, I, like Jesus, love Iranians, Palestinians, and all Muslims. I want to see them come to Christ and am elated by the incredible harvest taking place in Iran. I also have sown gifts to feed and clothe those in the Arab world, including ones who are not yet believers in Jesus, doing so through those I trust. God loves them all. Terrorists, however, do not honor life and must be stopped. I also love leftists, globalists, and those they use. I pray for their salvation and protection from evil, and that millions of them come to Christ in the coming revival. I believe this will occur. But I do not love their policies and I want them removed from power. I am not a pacifist, and I certainly don’t believe the nonsense that says believers—the church, God’s voice on the earth—should stay out of governmental and policy discussions. Nor that we should leave the teachings of Scripture, which form our worldview, out of the discussions. If you are a believer, you did not relinquish your right to be involved in the political process when you said yes to Jesus and a belief in the Bible. Speak up, vote for biblical values, and PRAY! Pray for safety. Pray for the protection of our leaders. Pray for them to receive wisdom. Pray for favor and success to those who espouse biblical ideals and truth. Pray for the end of satan’s control in the Middle East. Pray for Israel and the Arab people. And pray for a worldwide harvest! I close with two quotes from Founder Sam Adams, a believer and patriot extraordinaire: “The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.” “The right to freedom is the gift of God Almighty....The rights of the Colonists as Christians may be best understood by reading, and carefully studying the institutes of the great Lawgiver and head of the Christian Church: which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament.”(1) This is our Esther hour - we were born for this time, church. Rise up as Christ’s Ekklesia and declare His rule, authority, and will. As we do so, this will be our finest hour. Pray with me: Father, we are not in denial regarding the unrest now taking place here and around the world. We know America’s actions have, in part, caused it. But we also know You, who declare the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10), are always ahead of satan and his plans. He reacts, You predetermine and prepare. He attempts to destine; You predestine. He plans; You preplan. You decided long ago how You would prevail in this season, even using satan’s actions for Your superseding plans. We call those plans forth now. Kingdom - authority of King Jesus - come! Will of King Jesus, be done! Rebirth of America, come. Fire in America’s pulpits, come! Revival in America’s schools, come! Revival in our government, come! Harvest among the nations, come! Harvest in Asia, Australia, Central and South America, Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, come! We exalt and praise You, Father. We love and worship Yeshua. And we love Holy Spirit. Let His wind now blow, and Your angel armies engage. All of this we ask and declare at the instruction of, and in the authority of, Christ. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the Kingdom of God cannot, and will not, be shaken..! ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. -------------------------------------------------------
  19. 5 min read August 5, 2024 Repairing the “Dislocations” Last week I shared two posts on healing history; I feel I need to do one more. There is a fascinating word in the New Testament, katartizo, that relates to this. I’ve touched on it before, but it is timely for now. This word means “to align, adjust; to put a thing in its appropriate position.”(1) In Scripture, the word is used in the context of mending nets (see Matthew 4:21), repairing schisms or relational breaks (see 1 Corinthians 1:10), and even restoring broken lives (see Galatians 6:1). The word also describes the restoration of a dislocated joint or a broken bone. It would describe a chiropractor adjusting or realigning a joint. So, as you can see, the concept of this word involves proper alignment (including realignment, resulting in healing or restoration). Another interesting use of this word is to describe the proper connecting of time and seasons. Hebrews 11:3 says, in its more literal and accurate rendering, that the aligning (katartizo) of the “ages” (aions)(2) was decreed - in advance - by the Lord. This doesn’t mean that He planned and determined every event that occurs in the lives of individuals and nations - personal free will and human decision-making must be factored into this. It means that He decreed the flow of history, from age to age, and has determined the final outcome. He declared the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). For example, Jesus was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). God saw in advance the break, the dislocation, that would come at the Fall. And He declared the realigning, the age and time of Christ and the Cross, reconnecting us to our Father. God also knew that other breaches would occur, causing the need for healings in the flow of history. Simply stated, history would need to be healed. Whether on a corporate level, such as wars, racial division, etc., or on an individual level in the sense of broken relationships, loss, etc., the fact is that history, the past, often needs to be healed. This corporate level of healing is what is referred to in Isaiah 58:12: “Those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; you will raise up the age-old foundations; and you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell” (NASB). (See also Isaiah 61:4.) This is also the concept spoken of in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “[If] My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (NASB). It is what is referred to in Ezekiel 22:30-31; we “stand in the gap” for a nation to see it forgiven and healed, rather than destroyed. God, the holy Chiropractor of history, can heal history’s dislocations. He katartiszos the aions, doing so through repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness, prayer, fasting, prophetic decrees, and other biblical actions. All of these are effective because of the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. America has come to a time when this is needed more than ever. There is a great breach between our nation and the Lord, as well as breaches between the races and generations. God can, and wants to, heal these torn places. The healing will not come through a president or a political party. They can, however, make decisions that enable the Lord to bless, and they will be used to rebuild/reform. But only God can heal and restore. This is why our prayers and declarations are so important - we are His methods, His voice, on earth. Having the right people in positions of governmental leadership also prevents and stops actions that further separate us from God. This is why elections, especially the upcoming election, are so important. America cannot survive four more years of shaking her fist in God’s face through unrighteous laws and evil, antichrist agendas. God does not demand perfection from our leaders, but He does need leaders who desire to honor Him and His ways. The church must “stand in the gap” for America now as never before. Prayer is critical. Get on board with all of your heart and strength. Repent of any national sins Holy Spirit brings to mind, and ask God to realign us. Ask for angels to war for us. And listen to Him, not the media. Take all strategies from Him, and keep your faith in Him, not in what you see. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for forming this nation as a beacon of light, a city on a hill for You. Our Founding Fathers and the leaders of each state wrote into their own constitutions an acknowledgment of and dependence upon You. Give us more leaders who diligently acknowledge reliance upon You and Your statutes, for only through our trust in You will we see America’s destiny fulfilled. Use our prayers, Lord. Fill the bowls of heaven with them as we cry out for the changes You desire and that line up with Your word. Father, You are conforming us to the image of Your Son. As a nation, You are adjusting and conforming us back into a people You can use for Your purpose and glory. Your apostle Paul, even at the end of his glorious ministry, was still acknowledging that he had not yet been perfected, had not yet attained. He knew there was still a need for growth. We, too, acknowledge this and invite You to adjust us. Heal our dislocations, both individually and corporately. Heal the breaches in our national history, and heal the broken places in our personal lives. We want to shift with You into the next season. Adjust the church. Make us willing to think differently, function differently, and plan differently. We desire to go from glory to glory, from faith to faith, and from outpouring to outpouring. May the coming season find us able to manifest Christ in ways we have not yet been able to. We want to make Him known. May He be seen clearly in our midst and in our lives. Through this, send revival to the earth - the greatest ever. And we ask for this in His name alone. Amen. Our decree: We declare that America is being transformed and realigned. We will shift with Holy Spirit into the next season aligned with heaven and our King, Jesus. ************************ Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------ Spiro Zodhiates, Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, New American Standard Bible (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1977), p. 1846. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 6031.
  20. 5 min read August 2, 2024 Tear It Up and Burn It! In 2001, a team of intercessors, led by Will Ford, Lou Engle, and me, conducted a prayer journey to the northeast part of our nation. Will is a black American; other blacks and Native Americans joined us, along with Caucasians. The purpose was to break demonic roots and strongholds over significant places, re-dig the wells of revival, and pray for awakening. At Holy Spirit’s orchestration, we took a large, old black kettle/pot used for cooking, laundering, and prayer by Will’s enslaved ancestors. Yes, prayer. Will’s ancestors were believers, but were forbidden by their “owners” to pray. They did so anyway, using the kettle to muffle their voices. Turning it upside down, they suspended it off the ground with rocks, laid face down, and prayed into the opening. This pot “caught” and muffled their voices. The kettle literally became their “bowl” of intercession, symbolizing the bowls containing our prayers in Revelation 5:8 and 8:3-5. [“When He had taken the book, the four living creatures, and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints” (Revelation 5:8). “Another angel came and stood at the altar, holding a golden censer; and much incense was given to him, so that he might add it to the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, went up before God out of the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the censer and filled it with the fire of the altar, and threw it to the earth, and there followed peals of thunder and sounds and flashes of lightning and an earthquake” (Revelation 8:3-5).] Holy Spirit led us to take this pot/kettle along with us and use it to symbolize these bowls of intercession in heaven. He confirmed this by giving me Zechariah 14:20. “On that day there will be inscribed on the bells of the horses, ‘Holy to the Lord.’ And the cooking pots in the Lord’s house will be like the bowls before the altar.” (NASB) On this journey, we repented at the locations of grievous national sins, prayed at places of America’s founding, and visited past wells of revival; over 30 places total. One of our first stops was a place on the James River, where some of the first slaves were brought into America. In God’s providence, the land was now a Christian Camp owned by a black family. We hadn’t planned to visit this location but as happened occasionally, the Lord added it to the agenda. And He had prepared us. Before the Kettle Tour began, one of my friends, Charles Doolittle, a black brother who accompanied us on the Kettle Tour, gave me a copy of a 300-year-old letter, written by a man named Willie Lynch, saying he thought it was significant. Charles said he saw things in his race today that were the stated goals of this letter. He felt as though the letter and its instructions had released a cycle of curses that continued still. At the very least, the letter was a blight on our society. After reading it, I had no doubt that it was an entry point for demonic curses and influences. Written to the slave owners in the James River, Virginia, area, it was titled “Let's Make A Slave.”(1) Lynch also gave a speech to the slave owners, which he titled “How to Control the Black Man for at Least 300 Years.” No white person I spoke to had heard of the letter, yet almost every black person had. Conceived in hell, this letter was the most insidious piece of literature I had ever seen. It spelled out how to steal male slaves’ dignity, rob them of their identity, pit one against another, and destroy the family unit by removing the father from the home. While praying before this prayer journey, I felt a strong witness from Holy Spirit that I was to take the letter with me. We began our time at this entry point of slaves by praying, “Lord, what do You want us to do here?” This was always our modus operandi on the tour. We did nothing until we knew we had the leading of the Lord. To my surprise, I clearly heard Holy Spirit say, “Get the Willie Lynch letter, and burn it in the kettle.” I felt chills go up and down my spine as I began to envision what the Lord was saying. There were four pages to this letter. We asked four whites in our group, who were descendants of slave owners, to participate. They each took a page and, one at a time repented to the Lord and asked forgiveness of our black brothers and sisters present. This is what is meant by “identificational” repentance. They had not committed the sins, but just as Daniel and Nehemiah (mentioned in yesterday’s post), they identified with the sins of their ancestors and repented of the sins. They then prayed that any resulting curses operating against America as a nation, and against American citizens in general, be broken. After doing this, each one handed their page to a black representative on the team. This person forgave them and their family, decreed that the curses were broken, tore the page into small fragments, and burned the pieces in the kettle. As Holy Spirit allowed us to feel His grief, we were very moved. There was much weeping as our hearts were broken in intercession. But more importantly, we could sense strongholds breaking in the spiritual realm. Finally, in this place of pain, the peace and presence of God began to hover. The black owners of the camp, whom we did not know before arriving, were deeply moved as well. They began the time observing us, wondering what we had come to do; they finished it by participating. One of the young ladies in the family had a dream of creating a memorial to the Lord’s faithfulness on the property. She wanted to build a barn to replace an older one - which was now torn down - that was used to house the first slaves. As she shared her dream, a spontaneous offering ensued. The kettle was emptied of its ashes and became an offering container. Wow! Can God ever write a script?! Pray with me: Father, You have made provision for the reversal of all our failures. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin and unrighteousness. You can even reach back in time to cleanse sins from long ago, and “rebuild ancient ruins” (Isaiah 58:12). You answered the intercessory prayers of Nehemiah, Daniel, and others, cleansing Israel of past sins and restoring the nation. We, too, can be used to intercede for our nation’s past sins; many have done so. We have repented for the sin of slavery, for the broken covenants and mistreatment of the First Nations people, and believe much has been accomplished in the spiritual realm. We ask for the fruit of this to now manifest. We are aware that much work needs to be done in order to bring forth the practical fruit, but we believe this can occur. And we ask for it! And again today, we ask for those who oppose this to be removed from positions of influence. Entire organizations seek to keep old racial wounds from healing, just to gain and maintain political power. This is an abomination; they are despicable people. You called satan “the devil,” meaning the one who slanders, accuses, and divides. We bind this spirit of diabolos(2) and his hold on America in Jesus’ name. Father, release the redeeming power of Christ’s blood to break this hold. Heal our land from hatred, bitterness, and ancient wounds. All of this we ask in the authority of the Lord, Jesus. Our decree: We decree that Jesus defeated satan, the accuser, and that America will not remain under his divisive control. ******************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------------ James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 1228.
  21. 5 min read August 1, 2024 We Are Healers of History Shouldn’t we stop and ask why, after decades, even centuries of trying, races and cultures still can’t get along with one another? Anywhere we go in the world, we’ll find members of different cultures who don’t get along. Blacks and Caucasians in America struggle. Tribes in Africa hate each other. Muslim factions kill one another. White Europeans often can’t get along with other white Europeans. British Canadians and French Canadians fuss and fume at each other. Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland have been at odds for years. Many people hate the Jews. The tension and pain of the Great Crusades are still around centuries after they took place. And on it goes. Why does the pain linger in these relationships? Is it possible that in these cases, there is a spiritual poison flowing through history? Are there events in our history that become doors, gates, access points, and entrances for demonic influence to flow to a person or a group of people? If so, can it be stopped? Scripture does indeed teach that the future is ongoingly impacted by today’s actions: blessings, curses, iniquities, and strongholds are passed along generationally (see Exodus 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 7:9-11). The Lord clearly states that the offspring of our bodies can be blessed or cursed depending on our obedience to the laws of God (see Deuteronomy 28:4,18). Daniel, in his day, knew that he and his fellow countrymen were suffering because his predecessors had “sinned, committed iniquity, acted wickedly and rebelled, even turning aside from [God’s] commandments and ordinances” (Daniel 9:5). Nehemiah knew this as well. He stated, “We have sinned against You; I and my father’s house have sinned” (Nehemiah 1:6). Though both Daniel and Nehemiah identified with the sins of their forefathers and mothers, repenting in the first person, it was their predecessors who had actually rebelled against God and His laws. Isaiah 24:5-6 tells us that our sins pollute the earth and cause curses that devour. Numbers 35:33 says that the shedding of innocent blood defiles the land. Hebrews 12:15, in the New Testament, says that a root of bitterness causes trouble and defiles many. Indeed! Though we don’t often make the connection, we live with the fruit. Yes, there are most certainly doors in history that have opened the way for strongholds and pain to flow from generation to generation. Someone must close them! However, when we try to deal with these roots and their fruit by natural means - legislation, dialogue, material retribution, laws, etc., we are only dealing with symptoms. We are focusing on the fruit, never getting to the root. Although we trim the tree, there is always the inevitable new growth of foliage and fruit. Somewhere along history’s path, we must deal with the root, closing the door and stopping the flow of self-perpetuating pain and destruction. We must treat the cause. When that door is closed, the societal virus that causes social disease and death can no longer be passed on. Ephesians 4:27 tells us to give no place or opportunity to the devil. The word “devil” comes from the Greek word diabolos, which means “one who falsely accuses and divides people without any reason; an accuser or slanderer.”(1) It is the term used to describe satan in Revelation 12:9-10, where he is also called “the accuser of our brethren.” The word “opportunity” in Ephesians 4:27 (“place,” in the King James Version) is the Greek word topos.(2) You can easily see the English words “topo” and “topography” in this word, and they do originate from it. Literally it is a place, location, or piece of land. Figuratively, it also means an opportunity, as this verse indicates. God is telling us that there is a devil, an “accuser who divides,” who is always looking for an “opportunity, a piece of ground” he can take ownership of in order to steal, kill, and destroy those who live there. Simply stated, our sins give satan legal grounds, a piece of turf from which he can accuse and divide. Until this legal ground is taken away from him through repentance and forgiveness, the pain and division will continue. God heals history through the same instruments that dislocate it—people. When we confess the sins of past generations—as Nehemiah, Daniel, and others did—cleansing occurs and history’s dislocations are healed. Curses are broken and blessings return. Health, instead of pain, can then begin to flow through that historical joint. These prayers of repentance play a part in healing history’s breaches because they are offered on the basis of the shed blood of Christ. History cannot be forgotten, but it can be healed. Romans 8:28 is the familiar passage that says, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” The personal application of this verse, of course, is that God makes failures and successes work together for good to those who love Him and align with His purposes. But this application can be broadened from an individual to a corporate or national level, as well. The words “work together” come from the Greek word sunergeo,(3) from which we get our English word “synergy”! This means that all of our history, both the bad and the good, can be infused with God's amazing wisdom, purpose, and power until only good remains. Like ingredients in a cake, some of which wouldn’t taste good by themselves, the bad can be mixed with God’s purposes until they become synergistically blended into inexplicable good. A good, by the way, that God makes work for His eternal and benevolent purposes. Through a remnant of people who will repent for the past, pray for and with humiity prefer one another, God can heal a nation. He can blend the tragedies with the triumphs, and propel a country forward into His original plans and purposes. Through repentance and healing, we can guarantee our destiny. Pray with me: Father, You said, “Those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; You will raise up the age-old foundations; And you will be called the repairer of the breach, The restorer of the streets in which to dwell” (Isaiah 58:12 NASB). We are called to heal history’s breaches through our repentance and prayers. You are well able to heal wounds and breaches of the past, even those that exist between races of people. Government cannot do this, but You can. We are Your methods. Increase revelation to the church, Your Ekklesia on earth, of our calling to be healers of history. Raise up many Daniels, Nehemiahs, who will repent and intercede on behalf of nations and races. Give us leaders who don’t exploit and divide, but heal and unify. We know those who sow discord among brethren are an abomination to You (Proverbs 6:19); remove them from their positions, cancel the influence of those who seek to divide us. In the coming outpouring of Your Spirit, bring together Black Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Jewish Americans and Caucasian Americans. Make us the melting pot YOU had in mind for this nation. Unite us as one in the bond of love. This will require miraculous intervention, but You are a God who works miracles. We ask for this. All of this we ask in the authority of Christ Himself. Amen Our decree: We decree that we are healers of history! ********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. -------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 1228. Ibid., ref. no. 5117. Ibid., ref. no. 4903.
  22. 7 min read July 31, 2024 Jim Hodges is a spiritual father to many, including Ceci and me. His wisdom and knowledge are extremely valuable; his teachings have shaped my spiritual life. I’m borrowing a “meaty” teaching from him for today’s post. His perspective is helpful during this challenging time. (There are portions included in the written version of today’s post that I will not read due to time restraints.) Jim’s title: Present Perspectives and Prayer Points for 2024 We live in a time of global chaos, economic disasters, oppression from totalitarian tyrannies, civil government failures through dysfunctional democracies, and large numbers of sleepy church members. We must focus on King Jesus and receive a fresh outpouring and empowering of Holy Spirit in order to advance the will of God in the earth, and the agenda of the Kingdom of God in history! The Ekklesia must refocus, reengage, and redeploy as the army of God. The following four perspectives will help us in this. 1. We must see the cultural war and political war as rooted in spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6 and 2 Corinthians 10:3-6). Church father, Augustine, taught that the church was to be spiritually militant. Yes, we are the family of Father God but we’re also the army of God. Ephesians 1 speaks of us as the body of Christ; Ephesians 2 refers to us as the temple of the Spirit; Ephesians 5 calls us the bride of Christ; all of these prepare and lead us into functioning as the army of God in chapter 6. The New Testament word for “war” is strateuomai,(1) from stratia(2) (see 2 Corinthians 10:3-4). From it comes our English word “strategy.” You don’t win a war without strategy and tactics! With all that is going on in the cultural and political wars, the people of God are, at times, out-maneuvered by the enemies of the gospel. Jesus said: “The sons of this age are wiser than the sons of light in dealing with their own” (Luke 16:8). 2. The followers of King Jesus have two citizenships: heavenly and earthly. Philippians 3:20 tells us: “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Too many Christians believe they have only one citizenship; too few steward two citizenships. The word for citizenship is politeuma,(3) from the root word polis,(4) which gives us our words “city,” “colony,” and yes, “politics.” It is also related to the words “commonwealth” and “metropolis.” In the Passion Bible, this verse reads: “We are a colony of heaven on earth.” Paul was writing this epistle from a prison cell in Rome. He was writing TO a colony WITHIN a colony. (This Greek city of Philippi was named after Phillip of Macedon, who was the father of Alexander the Great. But the city was now a colony of the Roman Empire.) In their book Jesus And The Powers, N.T. Wright and Michael Bird share the following: “We are to pray that it will be on earth as it is in heaven, to colonize earth with the life of heaven, to bear witness by declaring the gospel truth to all who listen, and speak truth to political powers even when they refuse to listen!”(5) Church history informs us that there were times when the church submited to civil rulers, and there were times when they resisted them. Civil disobedience occurred when the civil ruler was governing unjustly. Romans 13 tells us those in authority are to administer justice and avenge evil. There are many varieties of tyranny, or unjust government, that need to be resisted! Christian faith is an allegiance to King Jesus, and that allegiance sometimes requires the church to engage in active defiance of tyranny, cruelty, corruption, and despotism! (This was illustrated in Hitler and nazism in the 1930s. Eric Metaxes’ book Letter to the American Church is a must-read. He compares the 1930s in Germany with America now. Only a remnant of the church in Germany resisted Hitler and Nazism. That was the Confessing Church led by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemöller.) Paul stewarded both of his citizenships! He appealed to his Roman citizenship in order to stand before Caesar in Rome where he preached to him and his palace guards in the capital of the empire. And it bore fruit! In Philippians 4:22 Paul said, “All the saints greet you, especially those of Caesar’s household.” Some scholars say this included the emperor’s personal security force, the Praetorian Guard, and that they were saved through Paul’s preaching. Bottom line: When necessary, we resist tyranny by praying and voting! Currently, in our nation, only half of the Christians are registered to vote. Only half of those actually vote! This is a recipe for the advancement of darkness and evil. 3. The people of God in history lived and functioned in the shadow of empires. God approves of nations, not empires. Empires were birthed at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11). A contemporary synonym for Babel is Globalism! As you know, Globalism opposes nationhood. Why? Because Psalm 2 and Matthew 28 declare that the Lord Jesus Christ inherits the nations (see Psalm 2:8-9). Genesis 10 records the birth of nations or nationhood - 70 in number. “Nations” is the Hebrew word goyim,(6) which is also the word for “Gentiles.” The Greek word for nation/s is ethnos(7) which basically means “race” or “ethnicity.” Jesus sent out the 70 beyond the borders of Israel where there were Gentiles, i.e., nations! Old Testament followers of God lived in the shadow of pagan empires. The descendants of Abraham in Moses’ day lived under the shadow of the Egyptian Empire. After that, according to Daniel 2, the following empires cast their shadows over the people of God: Babylon, Medo-Persia (modern-day Iran), Greece, and the Roman Empire. They were presented as a four metal statue with these symbols: gold, silver, bronze, clay and iron together. (Read Daniel 2:32-35 and 44-45). A Fifth Kingdom was also set up on the earth, the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom doesn’t wait until the Second Coming of Christ. It happened in history under the shadow of the Roman Empire. (I have a thought that it was these four empires the devil offered Jesus in the temptation in the wilderness) [see Matthew 4:8-10]. The New Testament people of God lived and ministered in the shadow of the Roman Empire. The Romans were polytheists worshipping many gods, including some planets like Mars, Neptune, and Jupiter. However, their main worship was directed to the ruling Caesar, i.e., emperor worship. In Ephesus there was a statue of Caesar Augustus. On it were these words: “There is no other name whereby anyone can be saved.” Caesar was their savior! This “empire spirit” partnered with the “religious spirit” and crucified Christ. Then it persecuted the church. In our day, it boils down to the same conflict: the battle for the earth between the sons of light and the sons of darkness, the Ekklesia and the Empire, Globalism and Nationhood. The World Economic Forum is a gathering of these globalists, with their open borders policies, led by the likes of Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, and others. This battle hangs in the balance while nations make up their minds! But they don’t have to decide for Globalism or an arrogantly proud Nationalism! They can choose Genesis 12, which is the covenant of Abraham by which all the nations are promised blessing by Abraham’s seed, King Jesus! (See Revelation 7:9-11) 4. The economy of the sons and daughters of light will prosper beyond the economies of the sons and daughters of darkness. Scriptural history is replete with examples of economic wealth being transferred from the wicked to the righteous! Examples: Transfer of the wealth of the Egyptians to the Israelites at the Exodus! (Exodus 12:35-36) Psalm 37 refers to the righteous inheriting the land while the wicked are disinherited. Pagan kings came to Zion and gave Kings David and Soloman riches, treasures, etc. (1 Kings 4-7) Jesus said the meek inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5). According to Psalm 2, Jesus inherits the nations, and we, the church, are co-heirs with Him (Romans 8:17). Conclusion Our Founding Fathers covenanted with the Lord God, and the contemporary Ekklesia army is warring for the restoration of our nation through intercession, decrees, and stewardship of our citizenships in heaven and earth. Because of this, we shall be a sheep nation when Jesus returns! Pray with me: Father, thank You for fathers and mothers like Jim and Jean Hodges. They have set the bar high and given us strong and tall shoulders on which to stand. We pray for blessings on them and the other pioneer leaders who have shown us the way forward. Thank You for reminding us that the cultural and political wars of today are rooted in a spiritual war. Please give us the strategies and tactics needed to win this war. Remind us in the church, that we have two citizenships, that of our earthly nation and of heaven, and that we possess responsibilities in both. Awaken members of the church to our roles and responsibilities. And help us to war with greater wisdom against the globalist agendas of our day. Give us leaders that understand this, and are determined to oppose it. We know that You love all the nations of the earth, and oppose the empire spirit of control. Help us to defeat the globalists of our day. In Christ’s authority, we ask these things. Amen. Our decree: We decree that as citizens of God’s Kingdom, we will fulfill our responsibilities and represent our King, Jesus. ******************************* Today’s post was contributed by my spiritual dad, Jim Hodges. You can find out more about Jim at Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------ James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4754. Ibid., ref. no. 4756. Ibid., ref. no. 4175. Ibid., ref. no. 4172. N.T. Wright and Michael Bird, Jesus and the Powers (Nashville, TN: Zondervan Publishing), ch 8. Strongs Concordance, ref. no. 1471. Ibid., ref. no. 1484.
  23. 5 min read July 29, 2024 After a challenging two weeks, I’m sure you could use some good news. Words from the Lord like the following, released by my brother, Tim, remind us of the outcome of our battle. They keep our eyes focused on the prize. Be encouraged by Tim’s words today. Our title: Power Eruptions I believe we have now entered into the most supernatural era Holy Spirit has ever brought to pass, and the Ekklesia has been prepared to function in her greatest authority ever to accomplish the Godhead’s plans. We are in a season pregnant with the promises of God, and it is time to birth those promises through prayers and decrees of faith. The water has broken on hundreds of prophetic promises, and it is time to push. I want to share with you a prophetic word and vision Holy Spirit is highlighting to me during this time. I feel compelled to have the Ekklesia declare ‘Now Be’ to the following words: February 15, 2021: “The new era I have planned will now be established in supernatural displays of My dunamis.(1) Holy Spirit's power will be activated on the earth in greater measure and with sudden surges of His mightiness. My people will experience and live in sudden breakthroughs. Long-standing battles will end in sudden victory. I have planned the release of millions of sudden personal victories for My remnant to validate the new, greater glory, apostolic age. I will confirm it with signs, wonders, and miracles. Personal breakthroughs for My faithful warriors will surge and deliver them. I will validate the expansion of My Kingdom's Ekklesia on the earth with displays of My right hand of power, enabling it to see victories over opposition from both natural and spiritual governments. Supernatural reversals are planned and will activate, resulting in God-victories for My Ekklesia. My Ekklesia will report that God-victories are happening everywhere. This will be clear, visible, and irrefutable validation. I will confirm what I say. Sudden surprise attacks are planned against the enemies of My people and My church. Angel armies I command have set traps I have approved. The traps will be sprung in the spirit realm and affect the natural realm. Startled cries will come from demonic thrones. Cries of anguish will rise from fortified positions of demons. They are not fortified enough, says the Lord. Their resistance to Me will suddenly implode as My power explodes. My angels will work the explosions through My Ekklesia’s decrees of governance. The Lord of Hosts decrees that you are moving into the days of My power, power that will validate who I am and who My sons and daughters are. This power will validate the church I am building. You’re moving into a new era of Pentecost that will validate the second apostolic age. I have planned for its mighty surge, not from an upper room in Jerusalem this time, but rather from thousands of upper rooms in the nations of the world. This surge will accelerate the power principles of My New Testament Church, the power ministry of My heirs, and the powerful assistance of My angel armies. I have sent angel army divisions to assist the Holy Spirit in validating the Kingdom of God on the earth, drawing multitudes in the valley of decision to Me. These armies are now on the front lines, says the Lord. My heirs will raise My rod of authority in nations, disciple them through Holy Spirit’s wisdom, power, and strategies. Through an unprecedented release of Heaven's angels on the earth to assist My heirs, I will activate breakthrough angels, government angels, angels of alignment, special forces angels, and seraphim. In unseen ways, I have moved multiple divisions of angel armies into all nations and states where My Ekklesia is rooted. It is time for the unseen to be seen, for the surprise, and for the suddenlies to erupt. It's time for the volcanic hubs of My Ekklesia to erupt in great power and change Earth’s atmosphere. Yes, says the Lord, what has been boiling underground, internal fires deep within My people, will erupt. My Ekklesia will say, “There has been a Kingdom of God eruption. The river of God flows throughout the earth.” My glory has been churning and burning deep inside of My glorious Ekklesia. It will now erupt through My Kingdom’s Ekklesias like volcanoes, penetrating and changing the earth. As My fire and evident presence hover over them, validating the words of Messiah, their breaker, I will further build My Ekklesia, and hell's authority will not overcome them. Hell’s government will not prevail. For you have come to a fullness of time that I have planned, and the Lord of hosts decrees I will shift your nation back into covenant alignment. I will shift nations back into covenant alignment. You will see the revival fires of a new Pentecost worldwide, and the harvest of souls I’ve been planning.” A Recurring Vision Two weeks prior to this prophetic word, I began receiving a recurring vision in which I saw volcanoes erupting throughout the earth. I saw them in nations where the Ekklesia was functioning as the true church Jesus described in Matthew 16:18. The volcanoes in this vision were not dormant; they were alive, with ash spewing and lava flowing. A volcanic eruption can actually alter the conditions of the earth. In this vision, though these volcanoes were spiritual, not natural, they affected the entire natural realm of the earth, changing its atmosphere. As I prayed into this vision and asked Holy Spirit for clarity, I heard Him say these words, “These are volcano-like Ekklesia hubs; they will erupt in great power, changing cultural and governmental climates on earth in sudden and real ways. They will erupt in great demonstrations of Holy Spirit’s power. I will validate their decrees. I have planned for them to prevail mightily.” I shared this vision on a Sunday morning, and the very next day, Mount Etna, a volcano in Italy, erupted. I knew it was a sign, a validation of what God was saying. Mount Etna erupted with a fury that hadn’t been seen in decades. Spectacular displays of ash billowed into the atmosphere that could actually be seen by orbiting satellites. Some of the glowing lava shot 3/4 mile into the air. I knew this was not a coincidence.(2) We are in an incredibly holy, prophetic moment. I picture it as the day of Joshua’s address before crossing the Jordan into the promised land. He told a multitude of people, who had waited 40 years, that it was now time to move, to act—and they did. It’s time for us to align our words with God and declare them with our authority in Jesus’ name. Let’s pray with Tim: Heavenly Father, we thank You for what You have promised and are now bringing to pass. Holy Spirit, release Your explosive power on the earth. May visible signs of dunamis now be seen. We ask You for miracles, sudden miracles, breaking out around the world. Let there be sudden, notable breakthroughs. We declare that an end to longstanding battles is coming. Sudden victories, erupt! Signs, wonders, miracles, and healings, erupt! Lord, validate with dunamis wonders and signs in the the heavens. We decree that reversals are coming in natural governments that promote evil. Evil laws, reverse! Lies promoted as truth, be reversed and exposed! We decree that God-reversals are activating. We declare that God-victories are happening everywhere. We declare that surprise attacks are coming against the enemies of God’s Kingdom. Lord, release an accelerated apostolic age across the nations. We align with You, King Jesus. We decree that the great harvest planned will be reaped, that new converts and prodigals will come! We declare that our God is mighty to save. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Our decree: We decree that there will now be a Kingdom eruption in Ekklesias around the world, and Holy Spirit’s power will bring great change. ‘Now, Be.’ *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at ----------------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 1411.
  24. 5 min read July 26, 2024 Turbulent Times Are Here One of the most challenging aspects of being a watchman for our nation at this time is balancing warnings with encouragement and hope. Too much emphasis on warning and it can demoralize, causing despair and eroding faith. Too much of “it’s all gonna be okay” can lead to complacency. I never want anyone to become fearful because of my posts. And I completely believe what I released yesterday - God has begun a season of “suddenlies” through which He intends to save our nation. I also know that His salvation will, in part, result from a difficult shaking that has begun and will intensify. The shaking is not because of God’s anger, but is a reaping. This type of reaping is often required in order to awaken people to their condition and need. The prodigal son is a clear example. It is also true that satan, according to Daniel 7:25, tries to alter times and laws (God’s declared plans). He does so not by overpowering God, but by impacting, wearing down and immobilizing “the saints.” We are God’s methods. If satan can influence us, he can alter some of God’s desired times and plans - not God’s will, but His plans. Jesus referenced this in Luke 19:41-44: “When He approached Jerusalem, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, ‘If you had known on this day, even you, the conditions for peace! But now they have been hidden from your eyes. For the days will come upon you when your enemies will put up a barricade against you, and surround you and hem you in on every side, and they will level you to the ground, and throw down your children within you, and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.’” (Luke 19:41-44 NASB) The destruction of Jerusalem wasn’t God’s will, but the people, by their choices, rejected His will. Satan is an opportunist. He looks for opportunities and open doors created by people’s decisions and actions. Luke also told us that when satan is trying to steal God’s seeds, which are His words, he does so at the most “opportune times” (kairos).(1)“Those on the rocky soil are the ones who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and yet these do not have a firm root; they believe for a while, and in a time [kairos] of temptation they fall away” (Luke 8:13 NASB). Three times in Acts, this word (kairos) is used to describe satan’s attacks: Acts 8:1, 12:1, and 19:23. He waits for the best time, the most opportune time, to launch his attacks, stealing, killing, and destroying (John 10:10). This verse in John’s gospel contrasts God’s plans (abundant life) and satan’s plans. We must cooperate with God in faith, obedience, prayer, etc., to receive His abundant life, while also being alert to satan’s schemes so he will not be able to take advantage of us (2 Corinthians 2:11). One of the meanings of the word “advantage” in this verse is “to get the bigger portion” of something.(2) This is why we are told to “be on the alert” and “pray at all kairos times” of attack (Ephesians 6:18). I labor this point somewhat because of erroneous teachings declaring that God’s sovereignty means He is in control of everything that happens to us. Not true—we have a vote! Obviously, what God has declared as His end results on earth in Revelation and elsewhere will be accomplished. But just as with Israel in the Old Testament and Jerusalem in Christ’s day, we play a role in receiving His will and promises for us personally. That role includes prayer and spiritual warfare (binding and resisting satan). Now, my primary reason for today’s post: America is at one of the most vulnerable times (kairos) in her history. Bullies prey on the weak, and America is now weak. The cyber threat has never been greater; because of Biden’s and Harris’ border policies, terrorists and enemy soldiers are now here - do not doubt this; and our enemies - China, Russia, Iran, and others - have never felt more emboldened. Their mocking spy balloons,(3) fighter jet flybys(4) while Biden hands the torch to Harris, and graffiti stating “Hamas is coming here”(5) are simply our enemies’ ways of saying “you can’t stop us.” China owns land in America next to 19 U.S. military bases!(6) We now have a cognitively impaired, lame-duck President for the next six months, which our enemies are very aware of. If Trump is elected, he won’t stand for their attacks, which they also know. All this and more means the next six months are a very opportune time (kairos) for our enemies to hurt us. I DO NOT WANT TO ALARM YOU. I WANT YOU TO PERSEVERE IN YOUR PRAYERS. Fervently. Faithfully. God has said, “America shall be saved.” He has also said a major shaking is coming. Pray for mercy in the shaking; ask for cleansing and salvation for our nation and worldwide revival. We do not have to miss the time of our visitation, regardless of what satan attempts. We will not allow him to alter our time and steal our promise. I am humbled to be part of the great prayer army God has assembled worldwide. I am proud of the great company of intercessors carrying His heart and birthing His desires. And I tell you without fear of being wrong: this can be our finest hour! Yes, attacks are coming, violence will increase, bad people here and around the world will flex their muscles, and demonic forces are about to make some moves. But this will all be used by God to awaken people. They will cry out, and He will answer. His glorious Ekklesia will rise in authority and power, revealing Him and His majestic Son. Yes, turbulent times are here and are coming. But also know that God will arise and His enemies will be scattered. Pray with me: “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, Slow to anger and abounding in mercy.” (Psalm 103:8) “Light shines in the darkness for the upright; He is gracious, compassionate, and righteous.” (Psalm 112:4) “The Lord is gracious and compassionate; Slow to anger and great in mercy.” (Psalm 145:8) Father, thank You for being merciful and gracious. Thank You for Your light which shines in the darkness. We ask for these traits to manifest in the coming shaking. We declare that mercy is ours through Christ, and that His light will overcome darkness, which it always does. Shake down evil strongholds, systems, laws and plans. Rise up and scatter Your enemies. Terrify and rout the wicked in the day of Your power. Reestablish America in covenant with You. Bring salvation to those who are still able to turn. We ask that You bring Your Kingdom rule to America again. We pray for these things in Christ’s name and authority. Amen Our decree: We decree that we, the Ekklesia, will stand in the day of battle. ********************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 2540. Ibid., ref. no. 4122. and
  25. 5 min read July 25, 2024 Sieges Are Becoming “Suddenlies” “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly, a noise like a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And tongues that looked like fire appeared to them, distributing themselves, and a tongue rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with different tongues, as the Spirit was giving them the ability to speak out.” (Acts 2:1-4 NASB) I have heard quite a few sermons over the years about God’s “suddenlies.” This, of course, is not a proper word; the correct wording would be “sudden occurrences.” But that wouldn’t work as well for the sermons. The above passage describing Holy Spirit’s sudden outpouring on the day of Pentecost is often given as an example. These sudden God-happenings are wonderful when they occur unless, of course, they are judgments of some sort, as occurred at Sodom (Genesis 19). Paul’s Damascus Road conversion was a “suddenly” (Acts 9), as was Holy Spirit being poured out on the Gentiles (Acts 10). We could mention others from scripture. A few years back, however, I was surprised when Holy Spirit, playing on this coined word used in our sermonizing, said, “Suddenlies are not actually suddenlies.” (He does things like this to me!) After getting my attention and allowing me a few moments to untangle my brain, Holy Spirit began unpacking His statement. The dots were already there; He connected them. When we experience sudden breakthroughs or actions of God which seem sudden - and the acts themselves can indeed take place suddenly - there have typically been periods of faith-filled prayer and perseverance that caused them. As oxymoronic as it seems, ‘suddenlies’ are, indeed, caused by sieges. Sieges, of course, take time…as do reaping, investing, building, training, learning, and many other worthwhile endeavors. A sudden break in a dam is really “a crack left untreated over time.” A 5-minute Gold Medal ceremony might be better defined as a “Gallons of Sweat and Years of Sacrifice” presentation; A silo filled with grain in a relatively short time frame is actually “a farmer’s lack of sleep, calloused hands, and months of hard work” tower. You get the point. What we call “suddenlies” are usually the last chapters of “sieges;” breakthroughs are typically the end result of fighting the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12), and most answers to prayer are conclusions to a season of intercession. It is ridiculous and saddening when I hear people, especially leaders, imply that national breakthroughs and changes occur because of their prayer meeting or conference. I’ve been guilty of this in times past, which I regret. Millions of past prayers are producing today’s breakthroughs. Some things simply can’t be rushed…and they often don’t come easily. Our generation has been programmed to expect easy procedures and quick results—microwaved processes. But remember that the prepared-from-scratch meal tastes better and costs more than the microwaved sandwich at the local convenience store. Better is worth the wait. Certainly, I have seen breakthroughs occur after only minutes or hours of prayer, but more often than not, I’ve experienced “suddenlies” after weeks, months, or years of praying. Timing is often one of the determining factors. God sometimes synchronizes breakthroughs with what He is doing on a larger scale, as He did with Abraham and Sarah. Isaac was born not when they wanted, but when God’s plan was ready for him. The healing of the man at Gate Beautiful was timed to confirm Christ was the now-risen Messiah. Where America and her restoration are concerned, we are also moving into a season of breakthrough. God has been working through the prayers of the church, synchronizing many aspects of His plans, including the exposing of evil. “Suddenlies” have begun. The greatest shakings and exposures are still to come, however, as Holy Spirit undoes 60 years of leftist, socialistic, and humanistic ideology. Consider the following: The hatred of one man has been used to suddenly expose a 60-year buildup of corruption in our government. A month ago, on June 27, the Trump-Biden debate confirmed Biden’s dementia to the world and suddenly - in one night - ended a 50-year political career of lies and deceit. Two weeks later, on July 13, a former President and current presidential candidate was shot and miraculously spared. Not since 1981 - 43 years ago - has this occurred. A week ago, a sitting United States President suddenly went into hiding. During that time, he was forced from the upcoming election—ignoring the voters in the Democratic primary—and his replacement was chosen by others. (So much for democracy!) On Tuesday of this week, the Director of the Secret Service resigned due to numerous failures of the agency during the assassination attempt on Trump. Suddenly, the insanity of DEI and other leftist ideologies are front and center. This week, the leader of our greatest ally in the Middle East arrived in the U.S. to the news that over 80 members of Congress will ignore protocol and refuse to listen as he addresses them. And suddenly, it is revealed that the votes of antisemites across the nation and Muslims in MN and MI mean more than loyalty to allies. (Unlike Kamala, the new Democratic candidate and her friends who chose not to attend, I highly recommend you find and listen to yesterday’s incredibly moving speech.) And a “hillbilly” from my hometown has been nominated to be the next Vice President! Prayer and faith “sieges” for America are indeed becoming “suddenlies.” Please believe me when I say the chaos and shaking will continue and intensify. America is about to get a bath, a scrubbing is probably more appropriate, followed by a hell-shaking revival of unprecedented proportions. Salvations, deliverances, healings, Holy Spirit outpourings, regional transformations, and more will occur. Many bowls of prayer are full or nearly so (Revelation 5:8; 8:3); faith and endurance sieges are about to bear fruit; and numerous promises are approaching their appointed times (Galatians 6:9). Prayers and decrees must continue, however, until the finish line is crossed. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that we must be faithful in this season, all the way to the end. Keep praying and believing—our “due season” is near (Galatians 6:9). Pray with me: Father, during this time, we draw on the fruit of the spirit You call “perseverance.” We will gather to pray, be faithful in our personal prayer times, and continue to release a symphony of intercession across this land. Help us to accomplish this. Remind us that when we have done what You instructed, You WILL do as You said and heal our land. Persevering and waiting are not forever; breakthroughs, even “suddenlies,” are coming. You told us, “You have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised” (Hebrews 10:36 NASB). We have endurance, we shall persevere, and we shall receive. We ask You for miracles and breakthroughs regarding our families, our health, our cities, and our nations. We ask for our nation’s government to be cleansed of corruption. We ask for our children to be rescued from leaders and educators who want to mutilate them and steal their future. We ask that America be cleansed from demonic influence. We ask for fire to fall on our churches, revival in our schools, and rivers of living water to flow in our streets. We boldly declare that we are Caleb’s—we have persevered. Now, Lord, give us our mountain! In Christ’s name, Amen. Our decree: We decree that sieges are becoming “suddenlies!” ************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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