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5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-19-2024 November 19, 2024 Unfulfilled Promises Periodically, I like to mention quotes from America’s Founders and Framers. Declaring statements made in the past by God—and those made by others at His inspiration—does more than just honor Him and our predecessors. It releases God’s power from yesterday’s words and promises into today. The last two verses of Hebrews 11 shed light on this. “And all these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised, because God had provided something better for us, so that apart from us they would not be made complete” (Hebrews 11:39-40). Some promises made by God to people are multi-generational and not intended to be fully accomplished in their lifetimes. Those to whom the promise was made are sometimes only the “womb” in which the “seed” is planted. The succeeding generation(s) furthers the growth, brings the seed to birth, and stewards that which is born. The Greek word translated as “complete” (teleioo)(1) in the above verse, Hebrews 11:40, also means “to finish; to mature; to reach the intended goal.”(2) Think about the ramifications of this: there are many promises God has made to individuals who are now in heaven that He cannot “finish” or fulfill without us. What He started through them cannot “mature” or “reach its intended goal” until we grab the baton and run our leg of the race. This is profound in its significance. Why wouldn’t the Lord want us to know and declare America’s destiny – that which was written and declared at the beginning? He can’t finish it without us. Here are just a few statements and facts from America’s past we should agree with and declare: Government In 1643, John Winthrop, who stated that “we shall be as a city on a hill…” organized the New England Confederation, consisting of New Plymouth, New Haven, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. Their Constitution, the first document in America where colonies united themselves, read, “Whereas we all came to these parts of America with one and the same end and aim, namely, to advance the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, ...for preserving and propagating the truth and liberties of the Gospel.”(3) William Penn, author of the book No Cross, No Crown, which he wrote while imprisoned in the Tower of London, was the founder of Pennsylvania. His first legislative act, “The Great Law of Penn,” stated, “Whereas the glory of Almighty God and the good of mankind is the reason and the end of government, and government itself is a venerable ordinance of God...let there be established laws as shall best preserve true Christian and Civil liberty, in opposition to all unchristian, licentious, and unjust practices, whereby God can have His due.”(4) Penn asked God to make Pennsylvania “the seed of a nation,”(5) and God answered his prayer. Our Declaration of Independence was decreed there in 1776. Four times, the document references God: as our Lawmaker, Creator, Judge, and Protector. The Liberty Bell that rang in Philadelphia that day had inscribed on it: Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof (Leviticus 25:10). Our Constitution was written in Pennsylvania in 1787, born through prayer, which was requested by Ben Franklin. In this Constitution, our government’s three branches were formed according to Isaiah 33:22. “The Lord is our Judge…Lawgiver…King; He will save us.” The righteous seeds Penn and others planted produced a righteous nation and government. We must command these truths embedded in America’s fabric to come alive once more. Education One hundred six of America’s first 108 colleges and universities were founded on the Christian faith. Students at Harvard and Yale were required to read the Scriptures twice daily. Harvard’s founders stated: “All knowledge without Christ is vain.” Its motto was “For Christ and The Church.” Yale’s founders stated that “Every student shall consider the main end of his study is to know God in Jesus Christ.” Princeton’s motto was “Under God’s Power She Flourishes.” The first president of Princeton, Jonathan Dickenson, said, “Cursed be all learning that is contrary to the Cross of Christ.” The great pastor and revivalist, Jonathan Edwards, was the 3rd president of Princeton.(6) Noah Webster, who published the first American Dictionary of the English Language in 1828 said, “Education is useless without the Bible.”(7) “The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws.(8) Webster also said, “The principles of genuine liberty, and of wise laws and administrations, are to be drawn from the Bible and sustained by its authority.”(9) ... Profound..! What God began in America is not “finished”; it hasn’t “reached its intended goal.” He needs our agreement and commands in order to complete it. Use these and other facts regarding her founding, find more through research and study, and declare them. When you do, this will generate power. Pray with me: Father, You are the great Olam El, the Everlasting God, who declares the end from the beginning. When our forefathers were stating their faith in You, declaring Your plans and heart for America, and covenanting to partner with You in fulfilling them, You looked ahead and saw us. You knew You would have a people in this hour who would arise in faith and agree with what was declared back then. We are that people. As we do so, our faith is not in our ability to declare and command perfectly. It is not in our wisdom, understanding, or abilities. Our faith is in YOU, YOUR mercy offered through Christ, and YOUR ability to work all things after the counsel of YOUR will. With this faith, we command Your purposes into our government, established under You and Your Word. We declare that You are our Lawgiver, Judge, and King. We declare that the seeds of righteousness planted in our land are not dead; they will bring forth righteous fruit. And we declare that the weeds and thorns will be uprooted and destroyed. We declare over our education system that evil and perversion will be uprooted. We declare that Christ and His Word will once again be honored. We declare that all knowledge not rooted in Him is vain, and cursed be all learning that contradicts the Cross of Christ. We declare that to know Him is the highest goal of all learning. We command a return to truth and a rejection of deception. We pray and command all these things in Yeshua’s holy name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we embrace our God-given roots and destiny, thereby allowing God to finish through us what He started in America. ******************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990. ref. no. 5046. Ibid, ref. no. 5046. “The Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of New England; May 19, 1643.” Avalon Project, https://avalon.law.yale.edu/17th_century/art1613.asp. Accessed 15 July 2024. William J. Federer, America’s God and Country [Encyclopedia Of Quotations]. FAME Publishing, Inc., 1994. p. 503. Leo Godzich, Faith of Our Founding Fathers. The National Association of Marriage Enhancement Publishers, 1982. p. 78. Ibid, pp. 105-111. William J. Federer, America’s God and Country [Encyclopedia Of Quotations]. FAME Publishing, Inc., 1994. p. 676. Ibid, p. 678. Ibid, p. 679.
5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-18-2024 November 18, 2024 The Highest Glory of the American Revolution This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. Joshua 1:8 Today, I want to share several powerful quotes from America’s history; these statements were made by U.S. presidents. Though not all of these presidents were Founding Fathers, their words carry great authority. They also serve to combat the lies of revisionists who try to diminish our Christian roots and heritage. Truth is a powerful weapon. Here are a few statements - from hundreds of possibilities - stating faith in God, respect for His Word, and honor for Christ: ************ “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” George Washington “The propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which heaven itself has ordained.” George Washington “We recognize no sovereign but God, and no king but Jesus!” John Adams “I consider a decent respect for Christianity among the best recommendations for public service.” John Adams “The reason that Christianity is the best friend of government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart.” Thomas Jefferson “The Bible is the first and almost the only book deserving of universal attention.” John Quincy Adams “My custom is to read four or five chapters of the Bible every morning immediately after rising. It seems to me the most suitable manner of beginning the day. It is an invaluable and inexhaustible mine of knowledge and virtue.” John Quincy Adams “The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.” John Quincy Adams “We have staked the whole future of American civilization not on the power of government, far from it. We have staked the whole of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the commandments of God. The future and success of America are not in this Constitution, but in the laws of God upon which this Constitution is founded.” James Madison “We have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand, which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.” Abraham Lincoln “I am profitably engaged in reading the Bible. Take all of this Book upon reason that you can, and the balance by faith, and you will live and die a better man.” Abraham Lincoln “All must admit that the reception of the teachings of Christ results in the purest patriotism, in the most scrupulous fidelity to public trust, and in the best type of citizenship.” Grover Cleveland “And to the Divine Author of every good and perfect gift, we are indebted for all those privileges and advantages, religious as well as civil, which are so richly enjoyed in this favored land.” James Monroe “A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.” Theodore Roosevelt “The foundations of our society and our government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country.” Calvin Coolidge “The study of the Bible is a postgraduate course in the richest library of human experience.” Herbert Hoover “The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.” John F. Kennedy “Of the many influences that have shaped the United States into a distinctive nation and people, none may be said to be more fundamental and enduring than the Bible.” Ronald Reagan “If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” Ronald Reagan ************ As we offer up priestly prayers and release kingly decrees, using these and other portions of America’s history, we do so with a conscious faith that God is hearing our appeals, and the sword we release is powerful. As many thousands of us obey Him, agreeing together in Christ’s name, we are releasing His Kingdom will into the earth. And His Kingdom wins - always. Our Prayer and Decree: Father, You have taught us the power of “the synergy of the ages.” We know that You finish through future generations that which You began in the past. It is our privilege to honor those in history and build on the foundations You established through them. We are reminded that the words “patriot” and “patriotism” come from the Greek word for father/s (pater)(1). We desire to be true patriots, honoring and embracing the vision, work, and efforts of our Founders. Therefore, we make the following decrees today from the words they wrote: We decree that it is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible. We decree that we recognize no sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus. We decree that the future and success of America are not found in our laws or Constitution, but in the laws of God, upon which the Constitution was founded. We decree that we will not forget God and His gracious hand, which has preserved us in peace, multiplied us, and enriched us bountifully. We decree that the reception of the teachings of Christ results in the purest patriotism, the most scrupulous fidelity to public trust, and the best type of citizenship. We decree that knowledge of the Bible is worth more than all other education and training. We decree that we will never forget we are one nation UNDER GOD. And we decree that life is in the power of these words and that we will eat the fruit thereof (Proverbs 18:21). America shall be saved! **************************** A note from Dutch: Three of the best books for quotes from America’s early leaders and Founders, as well as information regarding America’s beginning, are: America’s God and Country: Encyclopedia of Quotations by William J. Federer Faith of Our Founding Fathers by Leo Godzich The Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall and David Manuel (out of print, but copies can be found in libraries and some bookstores) -------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990. ref. no. 3962.
6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-15-2024 November 15, 2024 Today is my brother Tim’s birthday. The world is a far better place because the Creator blessed us with this man. So often, we are encouraged and equipped by the words Holy Spirit releases through him. I am sharing another one today as we celebrate Tim’s birthday. Today’s title is: Surrendering Nothing America’s recent election has been called “historic” numerous times. When something significant happens in the natural realm, one must also pay attention to what is concurrently taking place spiritually. A shift has taken place, resulting in an open heaven over our nation, and causing a different anointing to flow from Holy Spirit. He is anointing new assignments. The possibility of great turnarounds is before us and must be stewarded by Ekklesia. We must continue to be watchmen on the wall, offering up wise prayers to implement the right changes. When I asked the Lord what the next step for the Ekklesia should be, He said, “It is now time for My Ekklesia to embrace and live in a higher authority mindset, one that stewards wisely the principles I have revealed.” A Kingdom mindset declares seemingly impossible changes that overcome hell’s strategies. We have been anointed to steward this season and finish well. We should be pleased and joyful, while also remaining vigilant. We must maintain a mentality that reflects great authority and despises complacency. We cannot let down our guard but instead, use the dominating force of the Kingdom of Heaven to overcome. Understand that those whose hearts are evil will continue to reveal their evilness. They must now face a church with a different mindset, one that functions in bold Kingdom authority. An Ekklesia that will not back down. We have been anointed to prevail, and we will do so for our King. The Lord has told us we will be in a war season through next spring and that an agitated spirit realm will stir violence in the natural realm. However, He also said not to be shaken. Followers of Baal are now screaming, shouting, and gnashing their teeth, desperate for their antichrist agenda to work. Thank God for the authority we have been given. While a new administration in our government is essential, only God can bring the reformation we need, and He uses an engaged remnant of the Ekklesia to accomplish His purposes. This election has revealed a growing Ekklesia that is active, a body of believers who will pray God’s will into the national changes being made. We must continue to do so. The Lord spoke the following words to me after the election: “The trumpets of war have sounded from Heaven. Arise Ekklesia; rise in your authority. You will find it more than enough. Rise and confront the forever loser with My words. As you do, he will flee from you, so rise and confront his dark kingdom. For the Lord declares the prevailing anointing now flowing will activate an attitude of heroes of faith.” Tim shares: The phrase “attitude of heroes of faith” caught my attention. An attitude means a settled way of thinking that is reflected in behavior; a mental state, or character that is demonstrated. It is also an aviation term related to a plane’s position and angle, enabling it to maintain stability. The word continues: “So arise, Ekklesia, as Holy Spirit anoints your behavior and disposition to represent Me in disciplined power. Holy Spirit is anointing the true church to behave differently and walk in new directions. Paths walked in authority towards hell’s advances in government or in culture are similar to the attitudes of My heroes of faith. New paths into harvest fields are also being prepared in order to reap a worldwide harvest. A billion soul harvest will be reaped, just as heroes of past reformations and revivals reaped the harvests of their day. “Arise, Ekklesia, as Holy Spirit shapes your disposition to reign with Me in great authority and reap My greatest harvest. For the anointing now being poured from Heaven will shift attitudes, actions, and mindsets, creating heroes of faith who work for My cause. Holy Spirit’s presence and anointings will affect the Ekklesia’s very disposition. This will be clearly seen, bringing fear into demonic strongholds. “For now, the intimidating Ekklesia will rise against hell in My breaker anointing, and My compassion will rise toward My harvest. A different behavior will be seen in My remnant warriors, attitudes and mindsets that reflect My power. They will not be intimidated. Rather, the weight of glory resting upon them will make them intimidators of hell’s kingdom. For My glory intimidates hell, says the Lord, and My glory will intimidate hell through this presence upon My Ekklesia. They will behave as those carrying a great weight of My glory and authority. “Ekklesia, behave as sons and daughters. Behave as joint heirs with Me. The Lord says the world will now see the paths of My Ekklesia extending into all of the earth. The direction she travels will show an aggressive resistance to hell’s advances in government and cultures. The Ekklesia will now be presented as anointed for spiritual war, for battle, to reign, and to bring change. They’ll be anointed to work for My harvest, to reap the lost. I am anointing My Ekklesia with a determined attitude to prevail and win, just as I did Gideon’s 300 and David’s mighty men. “Shift now into a prevailing mentality, prevailing behavior. A determined anointing to win will now fill My remnant. They will not surrender My Kingdom to the governments of man, but will influence the governments of man with My ways. They will not surrender the spiritual weapons I’ve given them, but will use them. They will not hesitate at demonic clamer and activity. They will not relinquish their authority, their swords, or their spears. The sword of My word will swing from their mouths, empowered to demolish strongholds, scattering and shattering enemy plans. The sword of My word swung by My Ekklesia’s decrees will be a disruptive force, confusing the plans of demonic powers. It will disrupt the followers of Baal, causing disarray from coast to coast. “For you will see, even this month, says the Lord, and in the months to come, the acceleration of disarray. Confusion and bewilderment will mystify those committed to dark agendas. They will wear the yoke of their own confusion, reap their own destructive plans, and wander their paths of disillusion. “My Ekklesia will rise, and their attitude will reveal their trust in Me. They will surrender nothing. They will not take orders from kings, potentates, governors, congressmen or women, senators, prime ministers, mayors, city councils, school boards, professors, or woke mobs. My Ekklesia listens to Holy Spirit. Their orders come from Lord Sabaoth. They are those who stand for My cause without compromise. An anointing to prevail will produce great victories.” Let’s finish the race and reset this nation with the spiritual authority we’ve been given. Pray with me: Father, thank You for the gifts and anointing You have placed on Tim’s life. We honor him for his devotion to You, his character, humility, and unyielding commitment to Your cause. Give us more like him, and bless him today! And we thank You for this word. Bring the tenacious attitude You spoke of, an attitude exemplified by past heroes of faith. Continue to increase the determination of the Ekklesia, even as You increase our authority and faith. Give us backbones of steel. We also ask for greater sensitivity to Your voice and higher levels of wisdom. Lead us in these new paths You spoke of, paths leading to great change and harvest. We continue to pray for our government leaders. Give them wisdom, character, and the hearts of reformers. Send a true revival to Washington D.C. We ask this for other nations, as well. We agree with their prayers for this, even as I know many of them agree with us. We’re asking for this billion soul harvest You spoke of. We ask all of this in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We declare that the Ekklesia has been anointed to prevail, and we will accomplish our King’s purpose, surrendering nothing. ************************* Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at TimSheets.org. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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4 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-14-2024 November 14, 2024 The Never-Late God The election among Republican Senators for Majority Leader was held yesterday, and the person I wanted to see in that position, Rick Scott, did not win. However, many prayed regarding this decision; therefore, we trust the Lord to do what is needed through Senator John Thune. President-elect Trump has released several statements regarding his plans once elected. I found it very interesting, in light of yesterday’s post, that the GOP platform in this election was subtitled: A Return To Common Sense. Including the subtitle, the GOP platform used the words “Common Sense” seven times. In one of the dreams I shared yesterday, I referenced the writings of Thomas Paine, which included an influential pamphlet titled “Common Sense.” This booklet helped persuade the colonists to fight for their independence from Britain. “It was sold and distributed widely and read aloud at taverns and meeting places. In proportion to the population of the colonies at that time (2.5 million), it had the largest sale and circulation of any book published in American history.(1) As of 2006, it remains the all-time best-selling American title and is still in print today.”(2) In the dream, Paine threw me a football that had the word “Triumph” on it and contained a key that also had this word inscribed on it. The connection between Paine’s “Common Sense” and the common sense Trump promoted in order to triumph is undeniable. If you have not done so, I encourage you to take a look at yesterday’s post. Here is another statement Trump released, a plan to dismantle the Deep State: “Immediately reissue my 2020 executive order, restoring the President’s authority to remove rogue bureaucrats. “Clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus. “Totally reform FISA courts, which are so corrupt that the judges seemingly do not care when they’re lied to in warrant applications. “Expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart. “Launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the fake news to release false narratives and to subvert our government and our democracy. “Make every Inspector General’s office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee so they do not become the protectors of the deep state. “Ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people, or that they are not spying on someone’s campaign like they spied on my campaign. “Continue the effort launched by the Trump administration to move parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington swamp. “Work to ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate. “Push a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress.”(3) These common-sense steps would go a long way to cleaning up Washington, but they will be difficult to attain. Prayer will be needed. I remind us all today that our nation was born under the banner of a prayer movement: Appeal To Heaven. I have often said, “It was prayer that birthed America, and it will be prayer that rebirths her.” This is why God brought the ATH flag out of hiding a few years ago. It is also why the woke left, including woke preachers and authors, don’t like the flag, calling it a symbol of insurrection. They can take up their complaints with George Washington, the flag’s initiator, and God, whom it references. Keep appealing, Ekklesia, to the “never late” God! Pray with me: Father, we are appealing to You to help incoming President Trump, his Cabinet, Speaker Johnson, Majority Leader Thune, and all who work with them as they attempt to clean up our government. It has become a bureaucratic cesspool. We ask You to oversee the process, including the removal of those in the way. Cleanse and restore. Give us humble, servant-hearted, patriotic leaders who honor You. We are very certain that plans are being formulated to oppose this process. We ask You to aggressively expose and stop these plans. Rise up and scatter Your enemies (Psalm 68:1). Shatter the works of darkness (Psalm 2:9). We command Your will to be done, as You instructed us to do in Matthew 6:10, and we bind opposing spirits and their strategies. We continue to ask for Your protection over our government leaders. Also, expose and thwart terrorist plans. We ask You to destroy terrorist organizations and their plans. End the influence of principalities behind terrorism in the Middle East and here in America. And finally, You told us to ask for spiritual rain when we discern it is time for it (Zechariah 10:1). We know it is time, and we are asking. Let it rain!!! We ask for all of this in the name of He who has ALL authority, Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We decree that appealing to the God of heaven worked during America’s founding, and it still works today. ************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------ Conway, Moncure Daniel (1893), The Life of Thomas Paine (See Ch. VI.) Kaye, Harvey J. (2005), Thomas Paine and the Promise of America, New York: Hill and Wang, ISBN 0-8090-9344-8 https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/agenda47-president-trumps-plan-to-dismantle-the-deep-state-and-return-power-to-the-american-people
5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-13-2024 November 13, 2024 Be Encouraged and KEEP PRAYING It is sometimes difficult to discern the timing represented in dreams; at times, they actually have dual timings — when they’re given and later on. Several significant dreams were given to friends of ours leading up to the 2020 Elections, some of which were obviously for then, and others were for now. Here are two of those dreams – which are related to one another – given to our friend Gina Gholston: ****************** “In a dream given on July 17, 2020, I saw Dutch Sheets running up a very high hill, a small mountain. He was running like a football wide receiver, with his arms stretched out to catch a football that had been thrown to him. The football had been thrown beyond where Dutch was in order to ‘lead’ him ahead, and also so he could catch the pass while continuing to run. “Dutch was running very fast up this hillside to catch the pass. I somehow knew in the dream that the one throwing the football was Thomas Paine, doing so from another hillside. “(Thomas Paine was an author in the days of America’s founding. He wrote a 47-page pamphlet titled Common Sense, which was very influential in helping persuade the colonists of their need for independence from Britain, and in rallying support for the approval of the Declaration of Independence.) “Though Dutch was running up the hillside to catch the football thrown to him from Paine, he had made it to the top of this very high hill before he caught it. Once he caught the football, Dutch turned to look at Thomas Paine on the other hillside, then to his right, where a city was located just up the valley, between these two hillsides. Beyond the city was a river that ran down into the city. Dutch knew the football contained something that was to be released into the city. He was to place it in the river, where it would float downstream, and at the exact right time, its contents would be released into the city. “So, Dutch made his way to the headwaters of that river and placed the football into it. Written in silver letters on the football was the word ‘Triumph.’ As it moved down the river, Dutch was looking toward the city, and I realized it was actually Washington, DC. “That was the end of the dream.” Here is the second dream: “November 11, 2020, I dreamed that I was walking beside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Looking to my right, I saw something floating down a river. I watched as it came closer to where I was, and suddenly, it hit a rock with such force that something went airborne from it. The object flew over my head and landed on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. I walked over to see what it was, and saw that it was an old, silver skeleton key. Written on the key was the word ‘Triumph.’ “As I stood looking at it, the key lit up. When it did, my cell phone notified me that I had received a text message. The text read, ‘I Am NOT late!’ Then, suddenly, there was a brilliant light that engulfed everything, and the whole scene changed. “I found myself standing on the steps of the US Capitol with a large group of people. I looked down beside me, and on the steps was the same silver key that had come from the river. Underneath the key was a piece of paper, the original copy of an essay I had written thirty-four years ago (1986)! “(A side note: In my junior year of high school, I wrote an essay, which my English teacher entered in a contest run by the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority). Their theme was ‘When Electricity Came to Rural America.’ I interviewed my Grandpa, who was born in 1906, who told me all about the difference having electricity had made for him, his family, and our nation. For my essay, I told his story, which was selected as a winner in the contest. The prize was an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C.) “Back to the Dream: The silver ‘Triumph’ key was laying on top of that essay, written in 1986. I picked up the essay and read it, crying happy tears as I reminisced. Then it started to snow, and there was a very tangible peace that blanketed the atmosphere - like walking outside on a brightly lit snowy night. “Then suddenly, the key lit up again, and my phone alerted me that I had received another text. The text read the same as the first one, but this time in all capital letters, ‘I AM NOT LATE!’ “When I awakened from the dream, my first thought was, ‘Of course! It was a key inside the football!!! A key to unlock the “Triumph” God has declared over our nation!’” *************** The primary meanings of the dreams are obvious. God is not late, and He will cause us to triumph. The changes President Trump will help create were not able to begin in 2020, as we had expected. In God’s wisdom, He waited until now, after further exposing the Left, and further preparing Trump and others – both those on his team and in other positions. Other symbolic meanings in the dream are: Paine represents America’s founding, and perhaps even the “common sense” leadership of Trump; the Lincoln Memorial pictures liberty or freedom. (In 1986, when Gina wrote her paper, the Statue of Liberty reopened during “Liberty Weekend,” July 4-7. Also that year, Trump was one of several individuals honored with the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.) The river would be the Potomac, known as the “Nation’s River.” The key represents the authority Christ gave the church (Isaiah 22:22; Matthew 16:18-19), with which to carry out His will. The large crowd on the Capitol steps where the “Triumph” key showed up again, and the second text came through reading, “I AM NOT LATE!” may just be Trump’s second inauguration! I wanted to encourage you today with these dreams. I also remind you once again to persevere in prayer for Trump as he chooses the team with which he will work, for the incredibly important decisions being made by the House and Senate, and for the continuing vote counts. Let’s not let up in our praying. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for these two dreams. They remind us of Your perfect timing. You are the Eternal One, the Creator of time, yet You are not controlled by it. For You, a day is as 1000 years, and 1000 years as a day (2 Peter 3:8). As the I AM, You see the past, present, and future all at once and declare the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). They also remind us that You always win. Also, You cause us to always triumph in Christ when we honor and obey You (2 Corinthians 2:14). We thank You for what has occurred in these elections, even while realizing they are not an end in themselves. They’re simply part of what You are doing to restore America to Your plans and purposes. This is always the goal as we pray for our nation. At this strategic time, we ask that Your wisdom be given to our government leaders in the House and Senate, as well as to Trump and his transition team. We ask that You strategically guide him, and that he does not make ANY mistakes in choosing appointments to various positions. We also ask for Your protective hand to stop any and all election interference as the votes continue to be counted. And we ask for Your overriding hand to rule in the election of the Senate Majority Leader. And finally, we pray for Your hand of protection over our government leaders, their families, and staff members. In Jesus’ name, amen. Our decree: We declare that God is never late. Never..! ************************ You can find out more about Gina at GinaGholstonMinistries.org. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-12-2024 November 12, 2024 We Are Not Finished In the early portion of Joshua’s campaign to take the promised land, he made two critical mistakes. The first occurred in Joshua 7, when Israel lost the battle at Ai, a small, insignificant town. This was the battle immediately following the great victory at Jericho. The defeat occurred because a man named Achan had violated the Lord’s instructions to put all the spoils of Jericho into the national treasury. The spoils were the “tithe” of the coming conquest, and would be used to support God’s future plans for Israel. Achan stole some of this provision for himself. This sin had not yet been revealed, however, when Israel fought this battle at Ai, and they were soundly defeated because of their disobedience. When Joshua complained to the Lord regarding this humiliating defeat – yep, he did so (Joshua 7:7-9) – Yahweh was quick to enlighten him as to why it occurred. Obviously, the Lord would have been willing to alert Joshua to Achan’s sin BEFORE Israel went into this battle and suffered defeat had he simply taken the time to ask for God’s plan and strategy. Why didn’t Joshua ask for this? Sadly, it was due to self-confidence. Pride. Joshua’s recon team had told him only a small group was needed to fight Ai, for “they are but few” (7:3). Think about it: this thinking was only relevant if Israel believed it was THEIR strength and ability giving them victory. However, if it were God’s strength and power that produced victory at Jericho, He would also be needed at Ai and in all future battles. We need God’s help for the “small” battles just as much as for the “big” ones! Yahweh must always be our source of victory, and therefore, we must always ask for His strategy and help. The second major mistake Joshua made wasn’t regarding a physical battle, but a forbidden covenant he entered into with a place called Gibeon (Joshua 9). An envoy from there acted “wilily” (“craftily” - NASB, verse 1), pretending to be from a far country. The Gibeonites spoke highly of the Lord (verse 9) and asked Joshua to make a covenant of peace with them. Just as at Ai, Joshua “asked not counsel at the mouth of the Lord” (verse 14) and entered into this forbidden covenant. Lesson unlearned! So pathetically human! After a victory or two, we humans often forget our need for God’s wisdom, strategy, and strength. WE are “on a roll.” WE are “more than conquerors…overcomers.” And WE forget the “through Him” portion of the promises. When this occurs, the “crafty” one (Genesis 3:1) moves in. Self-confidence, which is a form of pride, is all that is needed to open a door to defeat. Applying the Lesson Why this history lesson? Because we who want to see America’s government turn from sin and corruption are now set up for this. Trump is not our savior, and “we” are not turning our nation around; God is. We must NOT transfer our hope and faith to a man, or fall prey to an arrogant mindset that smugly says, “We got this!” The past election may have been a “Jericho,” but beware of Ai and Gibeon! I’m hearing numerous warnings from individuals that the left is “working” through the vote counting for remaining House seats. Several states, including AZ, NV, AK, CA, and HI, are still counting votes. If conservatives don’t maintain control of the House it will seriously affect the level of change that can be implemented at this time. We must continue to pray for a fair election. If not, this situation could be our Ai. Also, the position of Senate Majority Leader will now be transferred to the Republicans. This position is incredibly important because this person controls much of what happens in the Senate. He alone could stall a lot of what President Trump wants to accomplish. Mitch McConnell has been the Republican leader for several years (Minority Leader of the Senate for the past few) and has compromised on many important issues; he is stepping down. It is VITAL that the right person replace him to now lead the Republicans and the entire Senate. John Thune, John Cornyn, and Rick Scott are running for this position. Many believe Scott is the most conservative, myself included, and the one most committed to the changes we conservatives want to see. The country voted for total change, a complete turnaround, and that is exactly what we need. We must not allow “crafty” politics to decide this position; it could be our Gibeon. Please pray regarding this. Ask God to expose, intervene, and allow only His choice to fill this position. Obviously, I am not endorsing Scott - you and I don’t have a vote - only Republican Senators do. But we can and must pray, asking for God’s intervention. We can ask that “deals” be exposed, that all motives and past decisions of those running come into the light, and that Holy Spirit move on the minds and hearts of the Republican Senators, influencing their votes. I leave you with one more passage of Scripture. In 2 Samuel 5, through God’s instructions (verse 19), David won a great victory at the valley of Rephaim. As often occurred in that time, he renamed the place with a name representing this victory, calling it Baal-perazim, “the Lord of the breakthrough.” (Baal was not just the name of the false god, Baal; the word simply means “lord or master.”) Almost immediately, David’s enemies regrouped and came against him again. Same enemy, same place. BUT rather than assume he should fight the SAME enemy, in the SAME place, with the SAME strategy, David inquired of the Lord again. “No,” the Lord said, “do it differently this time” (verses 23-24). David obeyed and won an even greater victory. We cannot assume we know enough to defeat satan and his plans. And we must never assume our strength alone has given us victory. God has great breakthroughs for us during this season, but only as we honor and follow Him. Pray with me: Father, we are confident that You who have begun a good work in our land intend to finish it. You birthed America as a harvesting nation, and the greatest of all harvests is at hand. We are confident that You are working to prepare our nation, even as You ripen this harvest. You do not intend to allow the “crafty one” to spoil Your plans. We are asking for Your help, Your direction, and we are relying on Your strength to fully turn our government and nation. Just as David was told to listen for a certain sound before striking, we are listening to You, the God of Breakthrough. We ask that any and all unrighteous election activity be exposed and thwarted. Allow only those who truly won the most legal votes into the House. And give us Your choice for Senate Majority Leader. As we frequently do, we honor Your instructions to the Ekklesia in Matthew 6:10 and 16:18-19, binding every demonic effort to steal House seats and influence this decision of the Senate. We command Your will to be done in these two situations, agreeing with Your word. We continue to ask for divine protection over President Trump, his family, and team. We also ask this for all others in our government. Place Your protective hand on them. And in closing, Sir, we thank You for the reports that keep rolling in of revival breaking out on our campuses. You are doing it! THANK YOU!!! In the Holy name of Jesus – which means in His authority – we pray this. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we, the Ekklesia, will not fail to persevere in our prayers for turnaround in America. **************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
4 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-11-2024 November 11, 2024 Veterans Day 2024 Today is Veterans Day, a significant holiday in the United States dedicated to honoring military veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Observed annually on November 11, this day is a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have donned the uniform to protect the freedoms and rights that citizens enjoy today. The origins of Veterans Day date back to the aftermath of World War I. Originally known as Armistice Day, it was established to commemorate the end of hostilities on the Western Front, which occurred on November 11, 1918. The day was first observed as a federal holiday in 1938, intended to honor the veterans of World War I. However, after World War II and the Korean War, there was a growing recognition that the day should commemorate all American veterans, not just those who fought in the Great War. In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed legislation that officially changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day, broadening its scope to honor all veterans who served in the military, regardless of the conflicts in which they participated. This change reflected a deeper understanding of the sacrifices made by service members throughout American history. Veterans Day is distinct from Memorial Day, another federal holiday that honors those who died while serving in the military. While Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May and pays tribute to fallen soldiers, Veterans Day celebrates all veterans who have served in the military, both living and deceased. It is a day for reflection, gratitude, and recognition of the sacrifices made by these individuals and their families. The observance of Veterans Day includes various ceremonies and events across the country. Many communities hold parades where veterans are honored and celebrated for their service. Schools often participate in educational programs that help students understand the importance of the day and the contributions of veterans. In addition to local events, the National Veterans Day Observance takes place at Arlington National Cemetery, where a wreath-laying ceremony is held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This solemn event underscores the nation’s commitment to honor those who have served, particularly those who made the ultimate sacrifice. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on the challenges veterans face after they return home. Many veterans struggle with issues such as PTSD, unemployment, and reintegration into civilian life. Organizations dedicated to veteran support have gained prominence, providing resources and assistance to help former service members navigate these challenges. The significance of Veterans Day extends beyond the military community; it serves as a reminder to the entire nation of the cost of freedom. It is a day to reflect on the values of courage, duty, and sacrifice that veterans embody. Citizens are encouraged to express their gratitude, whether by attending local events, volunteering for veteran organizations, or simply taking a moment to thank a veteran for their service. We ask you to do this - express your thanks to a veteran today. On Veterans Day each year, we must remember the importance of honoring those who have served. It is a time to reflect on the sacrifices made for the freedoms we often take for granted. Each story of service is unique, yet collectively, they contribute to the rich tapestry of American history and identity. By recognizing and celebrating the contributions of veterans, we acknowledge the complexities of their experiences and reaffirm our commitment to supporting them as they transition to civilian life. In conclusion, Veterans Day is more than just a holiday; it is an opportunity for all Americans to come together in gratitude and respect for the men and women who have served in the military. It reminds us of the enduring spirit of sacrifice and service, urging us to ensure that veterans receive the recognition, support, and care they deserve. As we honor their legacy, we also commit to ensuring a brighter future for those who have bravely defended our nation. As we now enter a new season where honor is being restored, today we boldly recognize and esteem our dear veterans, and say THANK YOU. Thank you for your sacrifice and the sacrifices made by your families. God Bless America. Pray with me: Father, we are so very grateful for the freedoms and liberty we enjoy in our nation. We are so very blessed to have these liberties and the opportunities they afford us in America. We have also been blessed with incredibly abundant resources, and for these, too, we are grateful. On this Veterans Day, we take time to pray for those who have sacrificed to procure and protect these blessings. We pray especially for those who have lost family members fighting for us and others. Please give them comfort, strength, and provision. Help us to do a better job of caring for them. We also pray for those who have been wounded and now suffer from this. Help them cope with their physical, mental, and emotional trauma; for some, it is great. We ask this, as well, for the family members who also suffer stress and pain from these wounds. We ask that, as a nation, You would further awaken our citizens to the needs and challenges our veterans face. Remind us of the price they have paid, and give us hearts to love and serve the soldiers and their families, just as they have served us. And lastly, we ask You for a sweeping revival in our military and their families. It would bring immeasurable comfort and healing to thousands if they came into a meaningful relationship with You. Pour out Your Spirit on them! Heal bodies, minds, and hearts. And we ask all of this in Christ’s holy name. Amen. Our decree: Today we declare blessings, strength, comfort, and honor to our veterans and their families. ************************ Click on the link below to watch the full video.
5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-8-2024 November 8, 2024 Introduction David Kubal, my friend who leads Intercessors For America, wrote an outstanding article summarizing what is needed with our current prayer efforts. David’s boots-on-the-ground perspective, as well as his many solid contacts, give him wise and informed insights for us. We cannot recommend the ministry of IFA strongly enough. David titled his article: ______________________________________________________________ Election 2024: What Just Happened? Beginning with a prayer: Lord God, we thank You for the victory of conservative and godly values in this election. We pray that this would not be a flash-in-the-pan victory, but rather the beginning of a new biblical era for America. After capturing our minds and prayers for months, the 2024 elections are finally over. The people have spoken, the process our Founding Fathers put in place worked as it should have, and the results represent a massive shift in the direction of our country. President Trump has won the popular vote and the Electoral College. The Senate has switched from Democratic to Republican control, and it appears the Republican leadership will retain control of the House. What does all this mean? Some are calling this win a Referendum, some a Mandate. Regardless of your label, the American people have spoken: the nation was going in the wrong direction. I believe the Lord is instructing the intercessory community to pray for two things: foundations and justice. Foundations We need to pray for the basic foundations of how our government operates. Cutting our government waste could save our nation trillions of dollars per year — dollars that are currently being wasted through the ineffectiveness of employees and the virtual impossibility of firing those ineffective employees. The rooting out of employees committed to a progressive agenda is an absolute must! The new Trump administration will begin appointing 4,600 individuals responsible for leading 2+ million career employees. MUCH PRAYER AND INTERCESSION ARE NEEDED ON THIS! House Speaker Johnson will be working very closely with the Trump administration to put forth an effective legislative agenda for the first 100 days. The process of electing the Senate Majority Leader must now occur. The name that continues to surface is Senator Steve Daines (MT), who started the first Pro-Life Caucus in the Senate. Senators John Thune (SD), John Cornyn (TX), and Rick Scott (FL) are other possibilities. Justice We must also pray for justice. Over the last four years, the House of Representatives has completed many investigations (many led by Rep. Jim Jordan (OH)), and committees have made many criminal referrals that the Justice Department never took up. The United States Attorney General is a CRITICAL position for President Trump to fill. The appointment of federal judges is critical (45 current openings), and this could include Supreme Court Justices. Concerning the moral issues on the ballots across America: On the issue of abortion, one of the greatest disappointments of the last few years was the Left’s ability to pass laws allowing abortions to continue. This happened again in multiple states (AZ, CO, MA, MO, NV, NY, and MT). However, FL, NE, and SD rejected the measure to a Constitutional amendment to abort, and Nebraska passed a ban after the first trimester. This trend continues to break the heart of our Lord. The deceptions that abortion is somehow a right and that a baby is not alive until some arbitrary point of viability continues. Multiple state ballot measures to ensure only U.S. citizens can vote passed overwhelmingly, clearly expressing concerns over the open border (ID, IA, KY, MO, NC, OH, OK, SC, WI). Along these lines, NV voted to require voter ID. Open borders are clearly viewed as a threat to our republic. The legalization of marijuana overwhelmingly failed in all three states (FL, SD, ND). Some may recall the miraculous story of CA Prop 8, which defined marriage as one man and one woman. This has been state law since 2008. However, this Proposition was overwhelmingly repealed yesterday, broadening their definition of marriage. International Issues Now, taking a look outside the US, there will be tremendous pressure on President Trump to solve the international crises: the war in Ukraine, Israel, etc. Multiple proxy wars could quickly escalate into larger conflicts. The war in Ukraine is becoming increasingly complicated. North Korea has sent troops to fight alongside Russian troops. South Korea is considering sending troops to fight alongside Ukrainian troops. President Trump has said this war is not America’s war, but the addition of North Korea to the scenario creates a potential for intervention. The attack on Israel by Iranian proxies fluctuates between huge Israeli victories and saber-rattling by the Iranians. Iran knows the previous Trump Administration shut down their ability to fight a war, so the coming months will be critical to watch for a move before he takes office. We can expect much instability internationally for the next few months before Inauguration Day. We must pray and intercede that the Lord not only gives us a reprieve but a reset. Our nation has been marching to the progressive beat, leading us toward Marxism. The American people have recognized the evil that comes with the mindset of an ever-evolving culture. We must pray for a reset to traditional, biblical values and a government that has true justice as its foundation. ********** Pray with me: Father, the next year will determine the course of America for decades. There are only three short months for Trump, his team, and key members of Congress to prepare so as to hit the ground running. Please give wisdom as positions are filled and agendas set. Then, the first nine months of his term “to root out, tear down, destroy, and overthrow” (Jeremiah 1:10) and set a new course on which “to build and plant.” We know this will be opposed vehemently. We ask for supernatural intervention, just as You gave Jeremiah. Expose people and agendas that displease You, weaken and stop their efforts. Bring sanity, cleansing, morality, and godliness to D.C. Put the right people in place, and give them favor and success. Give Trump great wisdom as he addresses international concerns. Dispatch angels to take action! Bring healthy alliances and destroy evil coalitions. And please protect President Trump and his team. We know some people desire, and I believe, are planning to take him out. Please stop this. We partner with You by binding the plans and efforts to do so. We declare exposure, exposure exposure. Past protection does not guarantee present and future protection. We must procure it daily. In Psalm 91:1, You told us to “abide” in the secret place of protection, a word which we know means primarily to “spend the night.” We must ask and believe for Your daily “secret place” protection. We do so now. All of this we pray in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that righteous foundations are being laid in America, and justice is being established. **************************** You can find out more about David Kubal and Intercessors for America at IFAPray.org. The article is used with permission. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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4 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-7-2024 November 7, 2024 How Great Thou Art There is so much that could be said today. Like many of you, Ceci and I stayed up until 3:00 AM ET Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, waiting for the official “call” regarding the Presidential election, and trying to get a sense of the final outcome of the House and Senate. I finally recorded yesterday’s post at 11:30 PM. (Kudos to my dedicated staff!) It is now certain, as I write this, that not only did Trump win the 2024 Presidential election in a landslide, including the popular vote, but Republicans also took the Senate and will likely keep the House. By the time this post airs, the House win may also be certain. Trump’s comeback win is undoubtedly one of the most significant accomplishments in America’s political history. Even his enemies -- with clenched teeth and teary eyes – have admitted this, after attributing it to racism and sexism, that is. So much for humility, an honest look at the two candidates, and understanding most Americans. Americans had grown complacent, yes, but the past four years served to awaken many of them. Most Americans just want to live as they choose, allow others to do the same, make a decent living, and be safe. They DO NOT want a government telling them how to think, what to do, what they must believe about sex and gender, what they can and can’t say, and how to raise their kids. They don’t want a government that mocks their belief in God, wants to take their guns, demeans them as deplorable garbage, and forgets who they work for! And the complacent church? Well, she too, is waking up. As I read and watched dozens of memes and videos, I was moved most by seeing several dozen people, when leaving Trump’s victory party, standing in the foyer singing the old hymn How Great Thou Art. Impromptu and heartfelt, and they all knew the words to this classic song. In other words, they all had Christian roots. Believers and God-honoring Americans have entered the fray! God’s Over-riding Hand As I stated yesterday, God had a plan in making Trump wait four years to serve his second term. Rogan O’Handley pointed out on his Instagram account [DC_Draino]: “Think about this: “If Trump won in 2020, he would’ve had a Democrat House and Senate. More impeachments, no Senate confirmations, no bills passed, and possibly the end of the MAGA movement as an effective political force. “But now? He has the House, Senate, Supreme Court, a popular vote mandate, and an entire country that wants to clean up our elections, close our borders, deport illegals, and hold corrupt politicians accountable. Sometimes, I think it had to happen this way. “As painful as it was, this was the better long-term solution. We are going to pass a blizzard of new laws to help save this country that would’ve had zero shot with a Democrat Congress. Get ready y’all - it’s going to be Biblical.”(1) He is so right! It had to happen this way. We don’t always know God’s plans – He reserves the right not to tell us in advance – but we trust Him. After going with a prayer team to each swing state in December 2020 and January 2021 to pray against the fraud we believed occurred, asking God to reverse it, we were disappointed that it didn’t happen then. Several prophetic voices told me afterward, however, that every prayer would be answered, just not when we assumed. God knows what He’s doing, and His wisdom has been vindicated once again. Trump won every one of those swing states, and will now accomplish MUCH more in this term than he could have had he been in office. We must now direct our prayers toward birthing the changes needed in our nation. Doing so for revival and spiritual awakening is a given – we will do this. But we must also pray for the reformation, much of which will occur in government. Trump has said, “God spared my life for a reason.” He knows this is true, and we must pray that he and those working with him keep it in the forefront of their minds. We must also pray for Speaker Johnson – a godly man and wise leader, Trump and his team, and whoever becomes the new Senate Majority Leader. They will all have an incredible opportunity to accomplish so much for our nation. If we bolster their efforts with prayer and Holy Spirit pours out true revival, the next four years could be some of the most significant in America’s history. Pray with me: Father, we are grateful beyond words for this opportunity; we know how critical this election was. And yet, we have not shifted our faith to an individual or a group of individuals. We are keenly aware that only You can save our nation and restore our destiny. So we ask for Your grace to abound to President-Elect Trump, Speaker Johnson, and other key individuals in our government. Let this grace manifest through great wisdom, brilliant strategies, and supernatural help. Lead them to make decisions that honor You and allow You to bless our nation. Use them to enact policies that break curses off of America and restore us to true greatness. Restore to us the privilege and ability to powerfully trumpet the gospel of Your kingdom throughout all the earth. May You be glorified through us. Keep Trump, his family, and those around him safe. Please protect other government leaders in our nation. Expose the terrorists that are here and any weapons they have acquired. We pray that the promises of Psalm 91 be fulfilled in our land. And we pray for all this in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We declare our gratitude to the Lord for His great grace and mercy. **************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------- Quoted from Instagram account “DC_Draino,” post from 11/6/2024.
6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-6-2024 November 6, 2024 Before I read today’s post, let me say that I won’t be able to comment with confidence regarding who will control the House and Senate. We waited until 11:30 PM ET to record this post, but had to do so before those totals were decided. I’ll comment about Congress in tomorrow’s post. Today’s title is: Election Reflection The African cheetah must run down its prey to eat. It is well suited for the task, as it can run at speeds up to 70 miles per hour. The cheetah has only one problem, however: it has a disproportionately small heart, which causes it to tire quickly. If it doesn’t catch its prey early in the chase, it must stop. How often we Christians use the cheetah’s approach in our prayer efforts! We speed into our intercession with great energy, but lacking the heart for a sustained effort, we often falter before accomplishing what is needed. For our next prayer excursion, we decide to pray harder and faster, when what is needed isn’t more explosive power, but more staying power—stamina that comes from a bigger prayer heart.(1) Fortunately for America, God has been raising up intercessors with the hearts of war horses. To the many big-hearted individuals who have prayed and worked tirelessly for God’s will to be done in America, specifically in these elections: thank you. We know His will is not guaranteed; He performs it through us. If it were guaranteed, He wouldn’t have told us to ask for and command His “will [to] be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Be assured, your prayers mattered! And as Ceci stated this morning, “The body of Christ has taken everything up a notch or two this time around.” Indeed. I know the Lord, too, is grateful. Even though He is God and can command our obedience, His relational heart nevertheless responds with appreciation. In fact, the following statements in His Word – making them HIS words – prove that He shows gratitude: Romans 1:8: “First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you.” 1 Corinthians 1:4: “I thank my God always concerning you.” Philippians 1:3–5: “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you…” Colossians 1:3: “We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you.” 1 Thessalonians 1:2–3: “We give thanks to God always for all of you…” 1 Thessalonians 3:9–10: “For what thanks can we render to God for you, for all the joy with which we rejoice for your sake before our God…” 2 Thessalonians 1:3: “We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting…” 2 Thessalonians 2:13: “But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you.” 2 Timothy 1:3–4: “I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day…” Philemon 4–5: “I thank my God, making mention of you always in my prayers...” To be clear, I am certainly not thanking you for praying or voting for Trump and the Republican Party; it is for your efforts to end evil agendas and restore our nation that I thank you. When ungodly politicians and a political party make a stand against God and, conversely, promote evil, it is appropriate to ask God for their removal. The Lord’s Prayer, mentioned above, also instructs us to pray, “deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:13). I love the people of both parties and want to see them all saved, but I do not love all of their agendas. Castrating kids is evil - period - as are certain other agendas of the Left. Actually, I believe exposing these evils is why the Lord delayed Trump’s second term four years. Once the leftists, deep state, and globalists were back in power, their fears and hatred of Trump – as well as their over-confidence – flushed them out of hiding. Like moths drawn to a flame, they came out of the darkness and swarmed around him, bringing their false charges, fake trials, rigged juries, propaganda, and assassination attempts. They emerged as crooked prosecutors and judges, armed FBI agents violating his home, lying members of Congress, lying members of the press, and even persecutors of his followers, friends, and attorneys. But the light from the flame exposed them, and now the American people see just how vicious, dishonest, and ugly they are. The swamp was actually a sewer. And the cleansing has begun. Celebrate? Yes, but also mourn. Mourn the decay of our nation, the loss of innocence and life, and the forfeiture of greatness. And keep praying. The turnaround is nowhere near complete. Many on the left will now try to keep Trump from taking office, as will terrorists and rogue nations. Violence will occur. Assassination is still a considerable threat. Also, I believe the Democrat Party may use the felony/insurrectionist argument in an attempt to keep from certifying the election. We must continue to pray diligently! Once Trump and the new Congress are seated, the efforts of the Left will continue. They will not give up. It will take years to reverse their gains and reform America, and only the momentum created by a Third Great Awakening will enable this to succeed. Millions of changed hearts and awakened consciences will release the principles of God’s Kingdom, which bring health and prosperity. This revival is coming quickly; the reformation will take some time. But we will get there. And Trump is a necessary part of this reformation. Keep praying..! Pray with me: Father, we ask You to protect Trump and those around him. We bind every demonic plan to take his life, as well as the life of his family and team. Cause all efforts to rain violence throughout our nation to also fail. And cause the efforts to keep Trump from taking office to fail. We also ask for the healing of our divided nation. While Your Word shows us that there will be division on earth until Christ returns, it also challenges us to be peacemakers, pursuing peace. Send such a sweeping revival that racial division ends in America. Remove the ability of race baiters and proponents of identity politics to divide us. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen Our decree: As our decree today, I am using again the decree made at the A Million Women gathering in Washington, D.C. on October 12 [2024]. Much of it is taken from quotes of our Founding Fathers. Whereas God is the Creator and rightful Owner of all the earth, including the United States of America; Whereas He oversaw the creation and establishment of the USA for His purposes of being “a city on a hill,” a light to other nations, and an “Evangelist to the world”; Whereas our ancestors covenanted with Him to honor “this most noble work,” partnering with Him “for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith”; Whereas we were founded “not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Whereas our founding documents refer to Him as “nature’s God,” “the Sovereign”, “the Supreme Judge,” the God of “Divine Providence,” and “our Lord”; Whereas we are in covenant with God through Jesus Christ, which qualifies us to intercede, and citizens of the USA, qualifying us to stand as her representatives; And whereas the USA has broken our agreements, our covenants with Almighty God, but we have repented for this; We appeal to You, Judge of Heaven and Earth, in the name of Yeshua, to forgive and cleanse our land. We recommit ourselves to You. And we ask for a restoration, a reconstituting of America’s covenantal relationship with You. We ask that You send a sweeping revival that impacts every area of our society and culture, including our government. And we ask that it restores a servant heart of humility and Your holy purpose of evangelism to our nation. May we represent Your Kingdom in every way You intended. We agree with our brother and forefather, Samuel Adams: “From the rising to the setting of the sun, let [Your] Kingdom come.”(2) In the name of Jesus, we declare these things. Amen. ************************ Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------- Craig Brian Larson, Illustrations for Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1993), p. 245, adapted. William J. Federer, America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations (St. Louis, MO: Amerisearch, 2000), p. 23.
4 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-5-2024 November 5, 2024 Election Day 2024 Since I’ve been an eligible voter, I’ve lived through this day - Election Day for U.S. presidents - 13 times in my life. The first two times, I was a very uninformed voter, basing my vote on what friends were doing and on the personalities of those running. I’m embarrassed to say I voted for Jimmy Carter, primarily because he had a great smile and was a Sunday School teacher. With qualifications like those, what could go wrong? The lines at gas stations, a wrecked economy, emboldened dictators throughout the world, and a man named Ronald Reagan awakened me. Dare I say I became “woke”? No, let’s not go there. Like many Americans, I’ll be somewhat “on edge” today, waiting for the election results and wondering: Have enough Americans been awakened to the evils taking place in our nation? Will enough of them vote for godly values, life, truth, and common sense policies? Have enough Christians balanced their “sovereignty” theology with “man’s free will” theology, motivating them to vote? I believe the answer to all of these questions is “Yes.” And we will know soon. I’ve seen several promising predictions, like the following: “Former Bill Clinton campaign adviser **** Morris predicted that Donald Trump will secure an ‘electoral landslide’ in the upcoming presidential election... during a Thursday interview on ‘The Jeff Katz Show.’ “Morris told Katz, ‘I think Trump is going to win, and I don’t think it’s going to be that close. I think he’ll win the popular vote narrowly, but that will translate into an electoral landslide.’ “‘I think Trump is going to carry all of the swing states, with the possible exception of Wisconsin.’ “Morris predicted the Republican presidential nominee would win Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. ‘Trump will [also] pick up a few surprises, like maybe Virginia and maybe Minnesota,’ Morris told Katz.”(1) Encouraging. But we should still pray throughout the day, not just for the presidential election, but others, as well. When we pray for elections, we are asking for God’s influence, not His control. He doesn’t control us; He has given us the freedom of choice. So, during the campaign, we ask that He provide the best candidates with the wisdom to make good decisions. We request that wise counsel be given to them. We ask God to orchestrate events that would reveal truth and righteousness, as well as expose dishonesty and deceit. We ask Him to influence voters’ thinking, and remove all deception from them, to impact their hearts and minds, removing passivity and complacency. Many will make their final decision TODAY. Pray that God speaks to them as they process; pray that someone says the right thing to sway them, or they remember something they’ve seen or heard in the past that pushes them toward righteousness. Bind demonic influence from them, whether in their thoughts or words spoken by another person. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 tells us, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” Pray, according to this passage, that the power of lies and dishonest information sown into them would be “destroyed” And yes, ask Him to expose and enable righteous people to stop corruption in the election process. I’ll be praying throughout the day and evening. I typically choose to pray rather than watch the results come in. Since people on the West Coast are still voting throughout the evening, those of us on the East Coast can still be praying for them. I’ll be praying for all of the above. I conclude with a story from the life of Louis Pasteur: “Louis Pasteur was famous for many medical inventions, including pasteurization. One medical invention in particular meant the most to him. Rabies was a serious threat in his nation, and Pasteur was working on a vaccine. Many had given up hope for a cure, but Pasteur continued experimenting. Just when he was going to try it on himself, a 9-year-old boy, Joseph Meister, was brought to him with the dreaded disease. “Pasteur gave the vaccine to the young boy, and amazingly, it worked. The lad was cured and lived. Pasteur went on to accomplish many other medical discoveries and patents before he died September 28, 1895. Of all the major accomplishments Pasteur could have placed on his tombstone when he died, he only wanted these three words: ‘Joseph Meister Lived.’”(2) May it be said of us that, when all looked hopeless, a remnant never gave up on our nation, and may the epitaph for our generation read: America was saved! Pray with me: Father, we ask that You and Your angels work to give us a fair election. Expose and uncover ALL deceit and corruption. We are grateful for those working to ensure we have a righteous election; protect and empower them as they do so. Hover over individuals and voting places today, releasing the power of Holy Spirit to influence voters’ thinking. Nudge them in the right direction, not just for the presidential election, but regarding all elections. Break the power of lies and deception. And with the authority You have given us, “we bind and tear down the strongholds of deceit over people’s minds.” We thank You for Your love and mercy, which motivates You to answer these prayers, aiding us in this election. We know You are turning our nation around, helping us reverse the evils that have gained a hold over us. We declare Your promise that America shall be saved and our destiny restored. Please wield Your power to make today a part of this process. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen. Our decree: “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23) We decree that mercy will triumph over judgment. ******* ******* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------------- TheBlaze.com Louis Pasteur
5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/november-4-2024 November 4, 2024 The Turnaround Has Begun This is a big week in America. Though many have already voted, tomorrow is “Election Day.” It is certainly the most consequential election of my lifetime. Will we elect individuals who will lead us in the turnaround we need? On July 18 of this year (2024) my friend, Steven Springer, received a strong word from the Lord regarding this. It is very relevant this week: “We are in a tremendous turnaround season. There is grace in the atmosphere for the Ekklesia to contend in prayer all the way until the promises we have heard from Holy Spirit manifest!” I took this to heart and have been doing so, as have many of you. Steven continues: “Here are some insights I feel will be helpful for the coming days. I see God’s hand on Donald Trump to be our 47th president. As Trump trusts the Lord, there are several things he will need to overcome for him to be reelected. Nehemiah will be a roadmap for this to occur, and for the rebuilding the United States of America. Nehemiah had to overcome mockery, conspiracies, the complacency of the people, and physical threats. “Trump’s plan to make America great – and to overcome these obstacles – will be accomplished through wisdom from the Lord. He must choose to lean into the Ekklesia (Church) for support and intercession, as Nehemiah did with Ezra. As he does, there will be spiritual awakening, a releasing of wisdom from on high, and a rebuilding of this land that will be recognized by the nations of the earth! We must agree in prayer for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, through the fear of the Lord, to rest on Trump. “In this time of great discord and division in our nation we need the unifying power of the Holy Spirit to heal the divide. It is a time for rebuilding the walls and fortifying the breaches, restoring unity in the United States. This will come through a holy revival, a spiritual revolution, and reformation! Jesus is the remedy. As with Nehemiah, there will be an empowerment of each citizen to work together – in their families, neighborhoods, cities, and states – to rebuild the nation, undistracted by the noise and clamor of the enemy. “There is a sound of hope arising from the Ekklesia, breaking the chains of oppression! Let’s agree with and declare Proverbs 24:3-6 in the Passion Translation, making it our motto: ‘Wise people are builders — they build families, businesses, communities. And through intelligence and insight their enterprises are established and endure. Because of their skilled leadership, the hearts of people are filled with the treasures of wisdom and the pleasures of spiritual wealth. Wisdom can make anyone into a mighty spiritual warrior, and revelation-knowledge increases strength. Wise strategy is necessary to wage spiritual war, and with many astute advisers you’ll see the path to victory more clearly.’ “There will be a tremendous generosity seen through President Trump that will become contagious throughout the land. Conspiracies, including the deep state’s demonic plans, will be unmasked and brought into the light! Just as demonic strategies didn’t work against Nehemiah and the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls, they will not work against Trump. Their accusations will not stop the rebuilding of America in the unity of the Spirit, and the restoring of the United States to again be ‘one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all!’ “The chains and bondage of the marxist/socialist spirit that has entered this nation over the last forty years and now holds people captive, will be abolished. They will no longer have a place of influence. “There will be a tremendous outpouring of Holy Spirit, a latter rain of glory that will fall in America – including upon the White House. Again, we will once again be one nation, under the one true God. “There will be a celebration as dreaming is restored – with God in the center. “God’s glory is sure to shine as we hold fast to His Word, are careful to follow Him, and walk in obedience! Let the words of the great song, America the Beautiful, be a declaration for our nation again! ‘America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! ‘America! America! God mend thine ev'ry flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law.’ “Let the powerful insights and words of King Solomon in Proverbs 3:5-7 (TPT) resound in our hearts: ‘Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on Him to guide you, and He will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with Him in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go. Don’t think for a moment that you know it all, for wisdom comes when you adore Him with undivided devotion and avoid everything that’s wrong.’ “It is time for a turnaround by God’s love, grace, and power!” I believe this is a word from the Lord. I also know it is and will continue to be contested, as satan tries to altar God’s time and decrees (Daniel 7:25). If Trump wins this election, as I expect, the battle won’t be over. The left will still try to keep him from taking office. I feel we will have to persevere in prayer to overcome these strategies. It could be very contentious. That is why I’ve shared this word; it reminds us of God’s plan: healing, revival, and restoration. Do not waver. Pray with me: Father, when the great apostle, Paul, encountered numerous difficulties and great opposition, his declaration was: “None of these things move me” (Acts 20:24). As we observe the plans and attacks against You and Your cause today, we say the same: we are unmoved. As Nehemiah remained focused when attacked and warred against, we too shall remain steadfast, our eyes on You. We ask for Your angels to superintend this election process. Allow no dishonesty or plans of darkness to prevail. Give us leaders who will follow Your ways and principles. Give us those who will honor You AND Your plans for America. And bring the release of the revival Steven spoke of. Use it to heal our land of hatred and division, and to deliver us from Marxism, antichrist mindsets, antisemitism, and all forms of racism. Pour out Your Spirit, who is the only healing Agent with the ability to restore us. Our faith rests in no man or system – only in the salvation of our God. Again, give us leaders who will welcome this salvation into America. We ask all of this in Jesus’ name. Our decree: We declare that the turnaround in America has begun, and will continue. ************************ You can find out more about Steven Springer at GlobalPresence.com. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-28-2024 October 28, 2024 The Sound of the Anvil A few weeks ago, while browsing in an antique store, I was intrigued by a large, old anvil. I’ve never been interested in anvils, but for some reason, I was fascinated by this one. Later that night, I was reminded of the anvil once again and began to wonder if Holy Spirit was trying to speak to me. I texted my friend, Clay Nash, asking what anvils [prophetically] meant to him, if anything. Clay replied that when he thinks of an anvil, he is reminded of the verse about beating plowshares into swords. Joel 3:10 says, “Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears: let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’” The following day, we discovered that I wasn’t the only one with an anvil fascination! Our friend, Betty Love, a prophet and pastor in Mississippi, adds to this story: “My daughter, Anna, and I were ministering recently with our friends, Clay and Susan Nash. Just before the beginning of worship, Anna called me over to the keyboard and said, ‘I hear the Lord saying, ‘It’s hammer time!’” “Then, during the worship, I began to hear [in the spirit] a sound repeated, very loudly and distinctly; this continued throughout the meeting. I asked the Lord what I was hearing, and He said, ‘Anvil! It is the sound of the striking of an anvil.’ “After the service, I told Clay what I had heard. He looked surprised and said, ‘Last night, I received a text from Dutch asking what anvils meant to me. Betty, you need to see what Holy Spirit will reveal to you about this.’ “Throughout the night and into the morning, I continued to hear the sound of the striking of an anvil! The Origin and Use of Anvils “An anvil is a heavy, usually steel-faced, iron block used in metalworking and blacksmithing. It has a flat top surface where metal objects are hammered and shaped. Anvils have played a crucial role in shaping our world through the forging of weapons, instruments, tools, and many other items for everyday use. “They have been used symbolically throughout history to represent strength, endurance, perseverance, resilience, stability and a firm foundation. As solid, immovable objects that provide a stable foundation for the work of the blacksmith, anvils represent the capacity to weather challenges and difficulties with unwavering determination and perseverance. They represent the ability to withstand hardship and forge ahead in the face of challenges and are known for their ability to withstand heavy blows without breaking. “Our friend, Matt Coss, a worship leader and teacher, points out that the first anvil was likely used by Tubal-cain, the forger of bronze and iron implements (Genesis 4:22). His brother, Jubal, was the inventor of musical instruments and often called the Father of Music (verse 21). The name Jubal means ‘stream,’ and what a stream he created! His name is also linked to the word ‘jubilee’ (Leviticus 25:10), the Old Testament celebration of restoration that pictured the stream of redemption flowing from Christ. Matt said that Ray Hughs, the great teacher on sound, music and worship, believed the rhythm of Tubal-cain’s anvil and building awoke within Jubal, the cadence and rhythm of music. Fascinating. One thing is certain: the anvil and worship were “brothers!” The Word of the Lord “As I prayed and pondered all of this, I heard the Lord say, ‘I have drawn Dutch to the anvil because I AM forging something new within him and within the Ekklesia. I AM releasing the sound of the striking of the anvil to awaken the prophetic destiny of My Ekklesia, this nation, and the nations. It is the sound of awakening, transformation, and reformation, a clarion call to awaken the worshipers, the watchmen, the warriors, and the reformers in this new era. I am forging and building something new. It’s hammer time! Strike while the iron is hot! “‘I have released the sound of the anvil in your midst to awaken an iron will, a flint-faced determination within you! I AM releasing a “Finishing Anointing” of My strength and resilience, enabling you to remain strong in the face of adversity and persevere to the end! I am charging you to wage a good warfare in keeping with the prophecies that have been spoken about you – individually, corporately, territorially, and generationally! War with your prophetic destiny, decrees, vision, and dreams! Healing, revival, awakening, and reformation are coming to America and the nations of the earth. America shall be saved! Again, you must strike while the Iron is hot! Let the Ekklesia declare: ‘The Lord God is my strength [my source of courage, my invincible army]; He has made my feet [steady and sure] like hinds’ feet and makes me walk [forward with spiritual confidence] on my high places [of challenge and responsibility]’ (Habakkuk 3:19 AMP). Betty Concludes “The Lord is shaping the destiny of America through a functioning Ekklesia that will open its mouth and release His words, whether through decrees and declarations of His Word, or through worship. He is releasing this sound of the anvil as a sign that He’s bringing awakening, transformation, and reformation into our lives and our land. He is forging something new within His people that will produce strength and victory in this season. They will be people with no quit in them. “We are going to possess and occupy everything God has given us. The sound of the striking of the anvil is the sound of defeat to the enemy, and a sound of encouragement to the Ekklesia Jesus has built. They will stand, war, and occupy in this season. IT’S HAMMER TIME!” Pray with me: Father, thank You for this powerful, revelatory sound and sign of the anvil You are releasing. You are bringing awakening, transformation, and reformation to Your Church and our nation! We agree with Your Word, “It is Hammer Time!” Shape us, mold us, forge us, and sharpen us with the hammer of Your Word into the mighty weapons and threshing instruments You have ordained us to be! Awaken the worshipers! Awaken the watchmen! Awaken the warriors! Awaken the reformers! Ignite us to war spiritually, enforcing the victory of Christ our King! Let the greatest “Jubilee” season that has ever occurred flow from Calvary’s stream into all the earth. In the name of Jesus, our Jubilee, we pray. Amen. Our decree: We declare that it is hammer time, and Christ is shaping His Ekklesia into His image, from glory to glory. ********************** You can find out more about Betty Love at LoveMinistriesLive.com. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
4 min read https://www.givehim15.com/prayer-1 November 1, 2024 The Well of Covenant Will Flow In a dream given to Clay Nash in 2020, Holy Spirit referred to Cape Henry as the “well of oaths.” I have mentioned the dream before, but Holy Spirit keeps taking me back to it. Cape Henry, as most of you know, is where Robert Hunt and company planted a cross in 1607, and covenanted with God that the gospel would go from this land to all the world. The phrase the Lord used, “well of oaths,” is a reference to the oath taken in covenant ceremonies. This phrase is the literal meaning of the name Beersheba, found in Genesis 21:33 and 26:33. Beersheba was a place and a well symbolizing covenant. The first passage (21:33) involves Abraham and his covenant with God, a covenant that existed to bring Messiah to earth. The context of the second reference is when God made Abraham’s son, Isaac, a link in this covenantal chain. Just as the covenant with Abraham and Isaac was regarding the salvation of the world, the covenant Hunt and company made with God at Cape Henry was, as well. One – Abraham’s – gave us the Messiah; America’s would be to trumpet the good news of what Messiah accomplished. The “oath” Hunt and company made after planting the cross was to be “Evangelist to the world,” preaching the gospel of the Kingdom to all the earth. Can there be any doubt that this is what the cross represented on that day? And they included you and me in that covenant, by the way, stating their intent “to raise up godly generations after us, and with these generations, take the kingdom of God to all the earth.”(1) Obviously, Holy Spirit’s reference to Cape Henry as America’s “well of oaths” is incredibly significant and reveals much: It tells us that God honored the covenant Hunt and his party made with Him there! Actually, I believe God not only honored it; I believe He inspired them to make this covenant. In comparison to Abraham’s well, it speaks of the resistance, the warfare that would come against those fulfilling the covenant. The wells Abraham had dug in the region, including Beersheba, had been filled in by his enemies (Genesis 26:18). According to the footnote regarding Genesis 26:15 in The Passion Translation: “In the culture of the day, to dig a well on unclaimed land was a proof of title to the land. To stop the wells of someone else was considered an act of war.” Before Isaac could continue the legacy given by Abraham, he had to re-dig these wells, and give them the same names (26:18), including the “well of oaths” (Beersheba). Just as he did with Abraham’s wells, Satan has warred against America’s covenant with God, stopping it up through sin, idolatry, and compromise. We are in the process of re-digging this well, resisting the devil and his actions (James 4:7). It speaks of cleansing. Isaac needed cleansing before he could re-dig them. In verses 6-11, God inserts the story of Isaac lying to the locals about Rebekah, telling them she was his sister so they wouldn’t kill him to take her as a wife. This covenant-breaking iniquity of Abraham, who had done the exact same thing, in the exact same place (Gerar), with a king having the exact same name (Abimelech), had been passed on to Isaac. (See Genesis 20). (The king was no doubt a descendant, thus having the same name). Could God have chosen this time to expose the generational iniquity in Isaac because of its connection to covenant? “I need a covenant KEEPER, Isaac, so before we re-open the well of covenant, I’m going to cleanse you of the covenant BREAKING spirit.” And so it is with America. Before reopening the well of covenant, He has been exposing and cleansing us. Even in Clay’s dream, He referenced this: “Let those assigned to break up the fallow ground plow deep, so that the soil of this nation be prepared for the seeds of righteousness to be sown.” And finally, Holy Spirit’s words in the dream confirm the harvest that will flow from this well. “This will result in an abundant harvest...a harvest that will come with such abundance and so quickly that the harvester will overtake the sower. And let the preparers of the soil do a quick work in order that the sower not delay the harvest.” Life flows from this covenant - it is a well! We are warring for this. Also in the dream, Rees Howells, who was used so mightily to war spiritually in prayer against the Nazis, appeared from the cloud of witnesses. He gave us His coat saying, “This is the coat I wore during World War II and must be worn by the Ekklesia in order to see the Kingdom harvest at hand. The training is finished; it’s time to go to war...and OCTOBER will see the turning of the war.” Keep praying, Ekklesia. Fight for the babies, not Republicans. Fight for covenant, not for Trump. Fight for the harvest, not just for your well-being. Refuse to allow election interference. Bind it in the name of Jesus. Ask God to influence voters toward His candidates. And vote for the candidates who embrace biblical ideals. Wear the coat! Pray with me: Father, thank You for Cape Henry. Thank You for calling it a “well of oaths,” a well of covenant. Continue to cleanse our nation and release the power of this covenant again. At every level, we ask You to give us a government that welcomes and honors You. Favor those who will do so, those who protect the innocent, who rule righteously. Rid us of corruption and dishonesty in our government. Motivate people to vote and to do so for righteousness. We will never stop asking for and believing that powerful revival and reformation will come to America and, as importantly, through America. Give us once again the invaluable privilege of taking the gospel of Christ and His Kingdom to all the world. Release signs, wonders, miracles, and millions of salvations throughout the earth. And in closing, once more we pray against the violence that demons desire to foment. Protect the candidates and those around them. Protect those who vote and work in the polling places. We ask for and declare all of this as representatives of Christ, in His name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the “well of oaths” is open and flowing again to America! ********************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. -------------------------------------------------- https://1607covenant.com/americas-covenant-with-god/
6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-31-2024 October 31, 2024 Today’s post is taken from our new Give Him 15 Devotional, Volume 3, which will be released around Thanksgiving this year. I’m reading a selection today, which is appropriate as we pray for America and the upcoming elections. The title: Burn the Ships In 1519, the Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés set sail for Mexico with 11 ships and between 600 and 700 men. His goal was to conquer the Aztecs and establish a Spanish settlement. The Aztecs were a very cruel people and performed thousands of human sacrifices to their gods every year. They also captured and possessed many slaves. Their population at the time of Cortés’ arrival was approximately five million. Mathematically, the odds were stacked against Cortés and his men by a ratio of 7,541 to 1. Two previous expeditions had failed, yet he succeeded and conquered much of the South American continent. What Cortés did at the beginning of this endeavor is the stuff of legends. Some say the actions were a result of his men becoming so intimidated by the odds and hardships that they decided to give up and go home. Others say Cortés didn’t even wait for that to occur before taking this drastic measure. Either way, Cortés left no doubt that they were staying. “Burn the ships!” he commanded his officers. Cortés removed the option of leaving, turning the mission into an all-or-nothing proposition.(1) In the 1990s, Steven Curtis Chapman released a song about this action of Cortés, comparing it to the Christian faith. Our entire family loved the song. Here is the first verse and chorus: In the spring of 1519, a Spanish fleet set sail Cortés told his sailors this mission must not fail On the eastern shore of Mexico, they landed with great dreams But the hardships of the new world make them restless and weak Quietly they whispered, “Let’s sail back to the life we knew” But the one who led them there was saying “Burn the ships; we’re here to stay There’s no way we could go back Now that we’ve come this far by faith Burn the ships; we’ve passed the point of no return Our life is here, so let the ships burn and burn.” Life gives us many opportunities to burn the ships made of thoughts in our minds and hearts. We are forced to remind our mind and emotions, “I’ve made my decision; there is no reversing it. I’m not going back.” This could be removing the option of returning to bad habits, or we might close the door to the pain of yesterday’s losses. At times, we must move on from setbacks, hope deferred, and failed dreams. And hopefully, we have burned the ships of retreat to our old life of sin. We must also, at times, burn the ships when we set our sails toward great endeavors and dreams. On life’s journey, we will periodically be met with adversity, detours, and failures. The best way to keep from giving up is to enter the sanctum of our hearts at the onset and remove the option. Our Founding Fathers were burning the ships when they signed their names to the Declaration of Independence: when pledging their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor;”(2) when Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty or give me death;”(3) when Lewis Morris said, “Damn the consequences, give me the pen;”(4) these patriots were all burning the ships. In Luke 9:62, when Jesus said, “No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God,” He was saying, Burn the ships. When He became a microscopic seed and was planted in the womb of a virgin teenager, Christ burned the ships. When Johann Leonhard Dober and David Nitschmann - two young Moravian Brethren from Herrnhut, Germany - were called in 1732 to minister to the African slaves on the islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix in the Danish West Indies, they were told they would not be allowed to do such a thing. So Dober and Nitschmann sold themselves to a slave owner and boarded a ship bound for the West Indies. As the ship pulled away from the docks, they called out to their loved ones on shore, "May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering!" When they sold themselves to preach the gospel to an oppressed people, they were burning the ships.(5) The generation of Israelites who came out of Egypt failed to burn the ships. When times got tough, they said to Moses, We want to go back to Egypt. Only Joshua and Caleb had burned their ships (see Numbers 14). Esther burned the ships when deciding she would risk all for her Jewish family. “If I perish, I perish,” she said. Then she broke protocol, approached the king, and saved a nation! (Esther 4:16) When William Wallace said, “Every man dies, not every man really lives…they may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom!”(6) he was burning the ships. When God imparted His heart for America to me in 2000; when He showed me His great need for a strong America, loyal to Him; when He made it clear to me that America’s destiny, given by Him, was to trumpet the gospel of the Kingdom to all the nations of the earth; when He and I wept together for three and a half hours over her fallen condition; when I accepted the mantle to see her return to Him through a third great awakening…I burned the ships. Revival in America is not optional, nor is the intercession required to birth it. The praying army in America has counted the cost, committed to the cause, and determined that they will see this assignment through to a restored and revived America. Pray with me: Father, thank You for Your determination to redeem us. Lord Jesus, we thank You for persevering through the incarnation, Cross, and punishment for our sins. Thank You for burning the ships. Likewise, we pledge our allegiance to You and Your cause here and around the world. Indeed, as the Moravian brothers stated, may You receive the reward of Your suffering. Father, we ask for an infusion of new strength and determination to those praying to see America revived and transformed. May we be found faithful as we serve Your purpose in our generation. We thank You for the incredible calling You have on our nation. We have repented for rejecting it and turning from You. Now we appeal to You, as did our Founders, deliver us from the strongholds of evil that have bound us. Give us a fresh start. Cause the fires of revival to burn in our nation as never before. We pray for the children, youth, and young adults of America. We have allowed filth and lies to be poured into our nation for six decades. This caused such severe spiritual decay and loss of truth that most of this young generation has seen no true representation of You. Having been fed lies and deception, they need Your powerful intervention and rescue. Come and save them! Again today, we pray for our government; it is out of control, ruled by evil. Lies abound, injustice is rampant, unrighteous laws are enacted, and our government is now weaponized against its citizens. Bring down these evils. Expose them. Continue to awaken the American people to the corruption. We pray for those on the front lines of this battle against the giant of unrighteous government. Give financial support to those spending millions to fight this battle; give them great endurance and faith. Work miracle after miracle to turn the tables on the darkness ruling our land. And concerning this upcoming election, give us righteous individuals in our government. We pray these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We declare that we will never back down in our prayers – we have burned the ships. And America SHALL be saved. *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------- Szalay, Jessie, and Tom Garlinghouse. “Hernán Cortés: Conqueror of the Aztecs.” Live Science, 17 August 2022, https://www.livescience.com/39238-hernan-cortes-conqueror-of-the-aztecs.html. Accessed 16 July 2024. “The Delegates Behind the Declaration (Dec 62, Vol:14 Issue:1).” AMERICAN HERITAGE, https://www.americanheritage.com/we-mutually-pledge-each-other-our-lives-our-fortunes-and-our-sacred-honor. Accessed 16 July 2024. “‘Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!’” Colonial Williamsburg, 3 March 2020, https://www.colonialwilliamsburg.org/learn/deep-dives/give-me-liberty-or-give-me-death/. Accessed 16 July 2024. Hughes, Amanda. “Lewis Morris: Major General in the New York Militia, Delegate to the Second Continental Congress, and Signer of the Declaration of Independence.” Constituting America, 22 April 2021, https://constitutingamerica.org/90day-dcin-lewis-morris-major-general-new-york-militia-delegate-second-continental-congress-signer-declaration-of-independence-guest-essayist-tom-hand/. Accessed 16 July 2024. “Missionaries Against Terrible Odds | Christian History Magazine.” Christian History Institute, https://christianhistoryinstitute.org/magazine/article/missionaries-against-terrible-odds. Accessed 16 July 2024. Gibson, M. Braveheart. Paramount Pictures. 1995. Quote attributed to William Wallace.
5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-30-2024 October 30, 2024 YOUR Prayers and Efforts Matter! It is exhilarating to be part of Spirit-led and empowered gatherings, whether with a handful of intercessors, several hundred in a service, hundreds of thousands in an outdoor gathering, or millions on the internet. And I suppose it is normal after experiencing Holy Spirit’s powerful leadership and blessing on these occasions to make statements about “shifting things,” “turning things around,” and so on. Perhaps it is even a healthy expression of our belief in the power of prayer. However, some statements made after gatherings of this nature reveal a concerning lack of understanding and create confusion. I sometimes hear comments like, “The turnaround began [or ended] when we prayed…” This is not only immature, it’s misleading. Let me state emphatically: America’s recovery/turnaround did not begin, is not continuing, and will not be completed because of one gathering, group, or event. Every prayer, person, and effort matters. Every act of obedience (including voting), every dollar sowed to fund turnaround efforts, every Spirit-led decree, the actions of righteous people in government (and running for government), the talents of those gifted to help them, every sermon boldly declaring God’s Word, the sacrifices of every faithful worker in engaged congregations, every prayer – whether prayed by the alone person no one will ever see, by moms and dads in their homes, or by many on a stage – they’re all important parts of God’s orchestrated effort to turn America. All of them. Don’t be misled or discouraged by statements otherwise. Your involvement matters! Your prayer is essential! It is just as important as that of any apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, Congress member, TV personality, or anyone else on the planet. Please realize this and don’t ever forget it. With this in mind, I want to ask you to continue praying for the upcoming elections. My friend Jay Comiskey has some great suggestions for doing so. Jay shares: “Please consider one final prayer assignment for this election: Praying for your polling place! Pray for the integrity of the voting process in your state These things can be done by any intercessor willing to pray and declare the release of God’s Kingdom over this year’s election process. “We are privileged to vote in America. The last day for doing so is Tuesday, November 5, 2024. This is what we call ‘Election Day,’ however, most states allow the option of absentee voting, voting by mail, or some type of early voting. States have different deadlines and rules that govern these alternatives. “Many of you have already voted early. My wife and I have. It was simple. I was encouraged by how many friends and neighbors were also voting early. One official told me it was the biggest “early election” they have ever facilitated in our city! “The 2020 election raised many concerns about voter fraud and election integrity. It remains a top prayer concern. This year, millions of people will cast their votes at thousands of polling places. Let’s ‘hit the target’ (one of the meanings of the Hebrew word for intercession, paga) and intercede for every designated polling place AND the process of counting ballots throughout your state and our country. “Prayer walk your polling place. There is a true sense of purpose when we walk around a designated prayer target, like a polling site, and ask the Lord to surround it and intervene. Weekends or evenings are the best time to do this so as not to cause concerns or generate controversy. As my children were growing up, I would often take time on weekends to walk around the public or Christian school, and later on around the university they were attending. I would pray for divine protection, asking for God’s guardian angels to protect my children and all who attended the school. I would ask for Holy Spirit’s intervention and a strong witness for Christ at their schools. Most importantly, I would pray for ‘God’s Kingdom to come and His will be done!’ “So far this month, I have prayer-walked the church where we normally vote (our polling place) and the civic building where we filled out our ‘early voting’ ballots. Nothing complicated, just a simple, ‘on target’ prayer. I asked for Holy Spirit to shed His light and power over each part of the polling process in my city and state. I asked the Lord to reveal any area where voter fraud could occur. I prayed for godly men and women who work the election process to have discernment and courage to reveal any evil they discover. And I interceded for each person who has not yet voted, asking that they be motivated to vote, and do so for righteousness. This would include the following choices people will make: The President U.S. Senate Candidates (1/3 of Senators are up for re-election) U.S. House of Representatives (all 435 Congressmen and Congresswomen must run for re-election every two years.) Some states have added an amendment to their ballot, requiring one to be a citizen of the United States to cast a vote Any other offices or initiatives on the ballot to be voted on “The whole body of Christ must pray for a mighty release of God’s power and scrutiny on every polling place (and the entire voting process in their state). Let’s ask Holy Spirit to reveal every breach of integrity in this election. ‘… let God be true and every man a liar’ (Romans 3:4). It is a privilege to vote. It is an even greater privilege to PRAY! Let’s PRAY for a mighty outpouring of His Kingdom during this election season. Amen, and amen!” Pray with me: Father, we know that it isn’t only the generals in the Officer’s Tent that win wars; it’s the soldiers on the battlefield laying it all down for the cause. Thank You for raising up a faithful prayer army around the world. From the bottom of my heart, I thank You for every one of them. From the heartfelt prayers of the solitary widow, to the fervent prayers of thousands in massive gatherings, they are essential, and I know You hear them all. And I thank You for the efforts of all - leaders in congregations, workers at polls, those who mailed letters, candidates running for offices, faithful biblical value voters, and those who have given money. Thank You for every effort. Now, we ask You to motivate this army to finish well. Allow no over-confidence, passivity, or weariness to control us. Keep us stirred, motivated, and determined. Inspire many to do as Jay suggested. We ask that there not be one polling place or vote-counting location that isn’t prayed over. Not one. And in this election, give us the turnaround we need. We continue to pray for the safety of Trump and those around him. Shield them, we pray. According to Matthew 16:18-19, we bind every attempt to harm them. And we pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus, who has all authority in heaven and on earth. Amen. Our decree: We declare that the Ekklesia will finish the assignment of ushering in revival, turnaround, and harvest. We will finish well! ***************************** Thank you, Jay, for reminding us to take another step in praying for the integrity of our upcoming elections. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-29-2024 October 29, 2024 The God of Second Chances I did not mention Friday night’s Healing Summit in yesterday’s GH15 because the post had to be written and recorded on Thursday before I left for Ohio. It was a powerful time. Just as in the first summit, we prayed for many people, and leaders in churches around the nation did, as well. Testimonies of healing are coming in. And as importantly, we prayed for the release of gifts of healing to be imparted throughout the earth. I will be sharing some of the testimonies, but due to the critical nature of where we are in the election process, today, I want to focus on the nation. America’s Condition We now have a political party in America that is willing to allow thousands of terrorists, murderers, rapists, thieves, brutal gangs, and poisonous drugs into America in exchange for votes. We have a political party that has “lost” over 300,000 children – one can only imagine the suffering many of them are enduring – in exchange for votes. One of the first things Biden did when taking power four years ago was end Trump’s policy of DNA testing to see if those bringing in children were truly related to them. This party’s lust for power and to see America transformed into a weak, globalist nation is literally insatiable. It is hard to imagine that their collective conscience could have become so seared. It is also hard to imagine that such a large portion of America’s media would become complicit in such heinous activity. They know it is occurring; the sad truth is that they don’t care about these children, the fentanyl deaths, and the inevitable suffering from the criminal portion of the illegals that have come in. Obviously, their ideologies matter more than the children. And it is hard to believe millions of Americans choose to look the other way. What has happened to our nation?! I do not hate any of these people; I want to see all of them saved. I do, however, hate what they are doing. A true revival, transforming the hearts of millions of Americans, is necessary to change these things. Having the right people in government is important, but as we know, they cannot transform hearts, and America is sick at a heart level. Government leaders can and must reform America, but will only be able to do so after God revives it, transforming hearts. This is why we pray for both. We must continue contending for revival; and we must continue to contend for reformation in our government, praying that evil is removed and God-honoring patriots are elected. This upcoming election is crucial beyond words. We would not survive four more years of woke, Marxist, antichrist leadership. Very few people are capable of leading us in the level of reformation needed. Keep praying that they are elected. And certainly, we must pray for an awakening in the church, God’s instrument to provide salt (preservation) and light to the earth. A large percentage of the American church lost its savor, and the light grew dim. And regarding her assignment of being a voice for truth and morality? Well, let’s just say her silence screams, “Lukewarm, irrelevant, and cowardly!” God, however, knows how to restore and revive His people. He is doing so, and is about to rain fire on them – FIRE! Be encouraged, praying Christian. The God who has motivated our prayers is answering them. Many American people are now seeing our fallen condition, making them ripe for revival. Corruption and evil are being exposed in our government, setting the stage for reformation. Many in the church are tired of complacency, compromise, woke leaders, and lack of power, which is creating a hunger for true presence and power. All is ready. Keep praying! And finally, pray for the protection of President Trump. I know in my heart that many – here and abroad – want him dead. God works through our prayers. The prayer that allowed for his protection on two occasions – that we know of – must continue. Pray for Trump, his family, and those around him. Pray that evil plans will be exposed, and that every plan fails. I had already written this when I heard that on Saturday night, our friend, Jane Hamon, dreamed four times of assassination attempts!!!! I can assure you that some on the left want Trump destroyed, and some nations want the same, Iran being one of them. Please don’t take these warnings lightly – again pray for the safety of Trump, his family, and those around him – DAILY. Declare that no weapon formed against him will prosper. And pray that he will be drawn into a very close relationship with God – Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, Spirit-anointed, and Spirit-empowered. Pray these things DAILY! And I leave you with a message of hope: “Toward the end of the 19th century, Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel awoke one morning to read his own obituary in the local newspaper: ‘Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, who died yesterday, devised a way for more people to be killed in a war than ever before, and he died a very rich man.’ “Actually, it was Alfred’s older brother who had died; a reporter had botched the obituary! However, the account had a profound effect on Alfred Nobel. He decided that he wanted to be known for something other than inventing the means for killing people in war, and amassing great wealth in the process. So, he initiated the Nobel Peace Prize, the award for those who foster peace. Nobel said, ‘Every man ought to have the chance to correct his epitaph in midstream and write a new one.’”(1) We are re-writing America’s. Pray with me: Father, we Americans have modeled greatness, and a loss of greatness. We now exemplify weakness, depravity, greed, pride, and so much more. You said, “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches” (Jeremiah 9:23). We have done all of the above. And yet, Your mercies are great and endure forever. You are turning our nation, awakening us to our nakedness, and have raised up much intercession to fuel this. We thank You. Continue this, Father, allowing us to write a new epitaph. We pray for the safety and protection of Trump, his family, and those around him. Stop EVERY plan to take him out. Expose all of those endeavoring to do so. And give us the leadership we need at this time in history. Motivate people to vote, and to do so based on biblical values. Cause them to see that their actions are writing America’s epitaph. We ask all of this in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that America is re-writing her epitaph to once again read “One Nation Under God.” *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full videos. ------------------------------------------------------------- David C. Cooper, Faith Under Fire (Cleveland, TN: Pathway Press, 2001), p. 187.
6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-22-2024 October 22, 2024 INTRODUCTION I want to begin today’s post by telling you about an incredible tool to help undecided voters make up their minds, and motivate them to vote. It is the Million Voices Candidate Fact Sheet. John Graves, who leads this effort, tells us: “Research proves a nonpartisan fact-sheet is the #1 factor to motivate undecided, persuadable, swing voters to go and vote. We have only a few days left for people to share nonpartisan information about candidates. This info is crucial for persuadable voters.” Their website, MillionVoices.org is easily navigated. Trust me - if I can do it, it’s easy! They have a short video explaining how to use the guides, which can also be downloaded. From the presidential race, to governor races, to congressional races, you can easily learn where candidates stand on important issues without having to read tons of information. You can even find out if candidates have changed their positions in the last few months. In other words, you’ll be able to tell what has been their long-term position. This is a tremendous tool to use and share with others. Check it out. For today’s post, I feel it would be a great encouragement for all of us to be reminded of the “America shall be saved” dream. I first heard the phrase spoken several years ago by Reinhart Bonnke, who said the Lord spoke this very clearly to him. Then, a few years later, the Lord gave this dream to Gina Gholston. Here are Gina’s comments regarding this word, with a few more thoughts added. Be encouraged, and keep the faith. Our title is: Ready, Set, Go The Ekklesia is being called to attention and to their post to release prophetic proclamations that will reconnect this nation with God’s heart and desires. His verdict for America has been determined, and He has remembered His promises. This is not the time for intimidation or retreat. As His governing body, the Ekklesia must stand steadfast with faith and confidence in the Lord, unshaken in our expectation and persuasion that He is faithful to complete the good work that He has begun in this nation. In 2018, I had a very significant dream, which was an announcement from heaven to reveal God’s verdict and His intentions for America. I had no idea at the time that God would use this dream in the prayer movement and beyond. Its message would give the Ekklesia hope and strategy for the future into which we were being ushered. Dutch has shared this dream several times, but no time was quite as powerful as its initial release at the end of the Turnaround Conference held at the Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C., in February 2018. This was just two weeks after I had the dream. That conference was actually incorporated into the dream. The gathering consisted of national and international intercessors who had united for the sole purpose of making an appeal to heaven on behalf of the United States of America. As the intercessors ascended in worship, they accessed the presence of God to hear; then they effectively declared His intentions. God’s response to their fervent appeal was to reveal His determined verdict: America shall be saved. In the dream, a courier angel emerged from that gathering carrying a large scroll, which contained God’s response. The angel proceeded to the U.S. Capitol building and declared those words before a large crowd, releasing the glory of God to impact the nation with transformation and reformation. “America shall be saved!” It’s not a cute catchphrase; it is a verdict that was determined by God Himself, and it is a promise that will be fulfilled by the God who made it. We must know and be convinced of this as we pray for our nation. We may not know the “hows” and the “whens,” but we must believe this is the will of God for America, which enables us to pray and decree effectively. If we pray from a place of doubt or uncertainty concerning His will, we are not aligning ourselves in agreement with Him, causing us to pray from a wrong perspective and in unbelief. We must pray from the perspective of the determined will of God. Many prayer assignments have been carried out, and many faith declarations have been made since the Lord revealed His verdict through that dream. Our faith agreement has continued, and we press forward with undaunted conviction that what God has promised, He will do. Much has been accomplished, but we’re not finished. We must not relinquish our persistent push in prayer and our consistency in intercession. Heaven is responding to our obedience. God remembers His promises, and not one word or assignment will return to Him without results. He speaks with the intent to perform! Another Encouraging Word Last year, as I was preparing to speak at a conference gathering, I looked up on the wall of my hotel room and noticed a framed black and white photo of a clock tower. The tower resembled the shape of an arrow pointing upward. As I looked at the photo, I was suddenly caught up in the Spirit, and saw a bolt of lightning come out of the sky and strike the clock tower. Immediately, I heard the Lord say to me, “It’s a striking time!” I was then reminded of a GH15 from 2021 about a dream I had in which the word “strike” was emphasized. In that post, Dutch stated, “The strike represents successful intercession! The Hebrew word for intercession is paga.(1) Among other things, it means to strike a target. It is used this way in Job 36:32, ‘He covers His hand with the lightning, and commands it to strike the target.’” After re-reading Dutch’s post, the Lord spoke through the “Ready, Set, Go” command given to runners. He said, “The time has come. I am igniting the torch. My runners who have responded to My leading and positioning are being ‘set’ to run with the fire. Listen for the command of the ‘go,’ and do not hesitate to run. “My runners will be divinely assisted to run with endurance as they carry and release the flames of revival and glory. I am igniting My saturated bundles that are positioned throughout the land. They will run and not grow weary. I am ready to ignite the nation with the fire of My glory. “Your labor has not been in vain. You have taken ground! It has been a little at a time, but you have taken ground. In the previous season, I have been uncapping wells and releasing the flammable waters of My Spirit. Those waters have now spread throughout the nation. Now, I have ignited you to ignite the land. Don’t hold back! I have infused you with fire; run with it! I Am releasing you as My fiery arrows, and you are right on point! In the days to come, I will strategically direct and release you into designated targets, and upon impact, the ignition of My glory will be undeniable. These are the days when the fierceness of My might will be revealed.” Striking time has come! We can’t stop now. We must not succumb to intimidation or weariness in our “well-doing” (Galatians 6:9). We must remember and be fully persuaded of what God has said. We must release our declarations with confidence that they are right on point, and that they will hit the target to release the unveiling of His intended purposes. America shall be saved! This is our promise, and it is our expectation, for the Lord has determined it to be so! Pray with me: Father, we know and believe Your verdict for America: She shall be saved. That salvation will come as a result of an awakening bringing an awareness of You. As Your Ekklesia, we rise to attention and release our voice in agreement with You, declaring Your verdict and prophetic proclamations. And we do so with the assurance that our obedient intercession is causing movement, and that Your words will strike the target to accomplish that for which You send them. We will not shrink back in intimidation or fear. We stand securely and confidently, with undaunted faith in You. We are unshaken in our expectation and persuasion that You are faithful to complete the good work You have begun in this nation. We pray this in Jesus’ name and for the greatest harvest in history. Amen! Our decree: We decree that the striking time has come! Our prayers are hitting the mark, and America shall be saved! This is our promise and expectation, for the Lord has determined it to be so! ******************************* Today’s post was contributed by Gina Gholston. You can find out more about Gina at GinaGholstonMinistries.org. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 6293
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-21-2024 October 21, 2024 “October” – Have Things Turned? I shared a dream with you on Friday that God gave my brother Tim in 2022. It was for then, but it is definitely for now, as well. Dreams and prophetic words are given not just to encourage us but also so we can partner with God to see their fulfillment. This is why their fulfillment is often down the road. The partnering required of us can include prayer, action, and standing in faith. I believe the following dream given to my friend Clay Nash in 2020 is another example of this. It was for then, but it is also for now. The dream is about Cape Henry, VA, where Robert Hunt and those with him landed in 1607, planted a cross on the beach, and declared that the gospel would go from this land to all the world. It also mentions Rees Howells, an intercessor and founder of the Bible College of Wales. He and his students shouldered a great intercessory burden during World War II of supporting the Allied Forces and warring spiritually against the Nazis. Rees and his intercessors prayed for hours every day, no doubt helping save the world from Hitler’s demonic plans. Here is the dream: ******* “I dreamed the morning of September 9, 2020, that Dutch issued a call for some people to rally near Cape Henry. The group was not large, only eight people. He instructed the team to fast, pray, and consecrate themselves to the Lord. We were to do this before setting foot on the land at Cape Henry. “As the team obeyed and sought God, dreams were received revealing a wave of awakening being released, sweeping across the nation. Also, a clear strategy was revealed to start a prayer initiative beginning in the first U.S. states that formed our nation, and proceeded to the last. “Dutch then said we were ready to set foot on the land, at the cross, and see the ‘Well of Oaths’ opened and freed, to flow across America. “Once we arrived at Cape Henry, some from the Cloud of Witnesses appeared, and Rees Howells stepped forth to pray over us. His prayer said, ‘Let those assigned to break up the fallow ground plow deep, in order that the soil of this nation be prepared for the seeds of righteousness to be sown. This will result in an abundant harvest...a harvest that will come with such abundance and so quickly that the harvester will overtake the sower. And let the preparers of the soil do a quick work so that the sower not delay the harvest.’ “Howells then took off his coat and placed it on Dutch’s shoulders, saying, ‘This is the coat I wore during World War II, and must be worn by the Ekklesia in order to see the Kingdom harvest at hand.’ “Rees then hugged Dutch - like a father would a son - and said, ‘The training is finished, it’s time to go to war...and OCTOBER will see the turning of the war.’ He held up a scroll with a wax seal on it and said, ‘This seal will be broken in OCTOBER, and the words from it will be activated, and will release a holy awe.’” End of dream. ******* My Thoughts Cape Henry, more than any other place in America, represents God’s Kingdom purpose for her. When Robert Hunt and company stepped ashore and planted the cross on that beach, he prayed/prophesied: “We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the people within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled." After the prayer, they read the following Bible passage: “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the Lord’s and he ruleth among the nations,” (Psalm 22:27-28). There is no doubt that these settlers were entering into a covenant with God. And there is no doubt that God placed the desire in their hearts to do so. This was and is God’s plan and His destiny for America, and it will be restored. The phrase “well of oaths” actually comes from Scripture. It is the literal meaning of the name Beersheba, where Abraham planted a tamarisk evergreen and called on Everlasting God (Genesis 21:33). Many of you have heard me share that in 2007 God told me through a dream that the boxing gloves of “Everlast” and “Evergreen” would have to be worn in order to take out the spiritual giants in our land. Evergreen symbolizes covenant; Everlast is the eternal nature (and a name) of Yahweh - Lord over the past, present, and future. As such, He can cleanse us of our sinful past, heal us of our broken past, and secure our future. We must believe this for America. After Abraham’s passing, in an attempt to harm Isaac, various wells Abraham had dug were filled in by Philistines, including Beersheba, “the well of oaths” (Genesis 26:18). Isaac redug this well of covenant (Evergreen), connecting with the God of yesterday, in order to find what he needed for today and the future (Everlast). He, like his father Abraham, wore both gloves. (This is explained in depth in my book An Appeal To Heaven.) God was saying the same to us (America) in the dream: “You must tap into your past, the covenant your fathers made with Me. In this ‘well of oaths’ you will find the life, the revival, the spiritual harvest and restoration you need. Obviously, this ultimately flows from the Cross, which also was and is so clearly pictured at Cape Henry. Rees Howells represents prayer. Only the power released through prayer can tap into/re-open this well. Howells wrapped his mantle around me - I represented the Ekklesia - and said it was what he wore during WWII, and that we must wear it now in order to produce the GREAT, RAPIDLY APPROACHING harvest God plans to bring. October Rees’ next words spoke of training, timing, and a turning: “The training is finished, it’s time to go to war...and OCTOBER will see the turning of the war.” He held up a scroll with a wax seal on it and said, “This seal will be broken in OCTOBER, and the words from it will be activated, and will release a holy awe.” I believe this was fulfilled Saturday, October 12, at the A Million Women gathering in Washington, D.C. We repented and asked for many things, then redug Bearsheba, “the well of oaths,” renewing covenant with the Lord. I feel that the scroll in the dream represents the covenant made by Hunt and company at Cape Henry, and that the war for the re-opening of this covenantal well “turned” in favor of God’s Kingdom on that day. The seal was broken, the words were activated, and will release a holy awe. October. We shall see. Pray with me: Father, thank You for reminding us of this dream. It communicates so much and brings great hope. We have wrapped ourselves in the mantle of intercession and, like Isaac, labored to remove the clutter and debris stopping up the covenant well in our nation. Like Abraham, who wore not only the glove of covenant but of “Everlast,” we believe You are bigger than the failures and sins of our past, wise and powerful enough to give us what You have declared for our future. We believe that in this month of October the battle turned, great breakthrough occurred, the well was officially re-opened, the seal broken, and our covenant purpose reestablished. Let the power of this now flow to the nation bringing revival, awakening, and reformation. The dream said the harvest it would produce was coming quickly and that it would be great. We ask for this record breaking influx of souls - here in America and around the world. We bless You, and ask these things in Jesus’ authority/name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that America’s well of oaths is now open; we are drinking of the covenant flow. ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-17-2024 October 17, 2024 Introduction You will be very encouraged by the incredible dream Holy Spirit recently gave my brother, Tim. The title is: Anointed For Battle There is an anointing now being poured out upon the true church, the King’s Ekklesia, that is different from what we’ve previously experienced. I believe it is an anointing for a current assignment. As heirs of Christ, we are always anointed with favor to prevail, but Holy Spirit also anoints us for special assignments. This anointing is a supernatural enablement to accomplish God-ordained purposes. Isaiah 10:27 (KJV) tells us that the anointing destroys the yoke. Although it is commonly stated that the anointing “breaks” the yoke, the true definition is “destroys.” Breaking something implies that it can perhaps be fixed, but God’s anointing absolutely destroys the yoke. I’m sensing a very aggressive anointing on Christ’s church to overcome evil in this current season. The war against Christ’s Kingdom and Ekklesia is real and intensifying. But we are not intimidated! We have everything we need to prevail, overcome, and turn this nation around. Holy Spirit is anointing the Ekklesia for spiritual battle, and to occupy positions and territories. I believe the glorious Ekklesia is rising, just as God’s Word said it would. The Kingdom of God is amping up like I’ve never seen before to accomplish Christ’s purposes on the earth. A Powerful Dream Holy Spirit gave me a dream that pictured and emphasized what He has been speaking to me. In the dream, I was camping with ancient Israel in the wilderness. It was the night before they were crossing into the Promised Land. Joshua was the leader then, as Moses had already gone on to be with the Lord. I was assisting Joshua and the leaders, serving any needs they had. A council meeting was called, and all the tribal leaders came from around the various camps to meet with Joshua and many military leaders. I listened to their discussions that night, thinking how historic it was and that I couldn’t believe I was witnessing it. In the opening of the meeting, these leaders rehearsed the promises God had given them – that the land was theirs by promise, but they also had to battle for it in order to occupy it. They also discussed the fact that the land would be given to them incrementally. As they spoke, one of the leaders said, “From Father Abraham until this day, our fathers have passed on to us these promises, and I believe it’s time: we must now occupy the land.” Another said, “Yes, it’s been 400 years, and I too believe it’s time.” Someone else said, “I’ve waited for this moment for years, and I too, believe it’s time.” This went on for a few moments; then the discussion turned toward the concerns of the people and what they may face. There was discussion concerning the children and protective details for their care. Then, the military leaders gave a briefing on what their intelligence was reporting, and a captain was assigned to guard against potential counterattacks from the Amorites. This discussion went on for quite some time, and I became aware that I was observing a “war council” in ancient Israel. Toward the end of the meeting, one of the leaders brought up the apprehension some of the people were feeling. After all, it had been 400 years since the promise, plus they had been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. At this point in the dream, Joshua spoke for the first time. He said to call the people from their tents so he could address them. The scene in the dream shifted to Joshua addressing the entire camp. I remember thinking: this is one of the most powerful speeches I’ve ever heard. He emphasized the need for courage, admitting to the people that when Moses died, he had felt overwhelmed. “But,” he said, “the Lord of Heaven told me to be strong and of good courage. Don’t fear. As I was with Moses, I will be with you. Lead My people into My promise.” He then raised his voice very loudly and said, “I have received divine assurance that we will possess the land. Our God is our Helper, and He will put our enemies underfoot. Set yourself for the inheritance promised. Set yourself for battle. Purify your hearts and remove sin from your life. Separate yourself to the purpose of Almighty God. Sons and daughters of Jehovah, soak your hearts in confident valor, trusting the Lord of hosts. Let a brave heart rise within you.” He then repeated the words the Lord had given to him, “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear. It is time to occupy the promise of your God for yourselves, your fathers, and your children.” A thunderous shout went up from the camp. That was the end of the dream. I obviously knew I had dreamed a very biblical account from the book of Joshua. I believe we are now at a similar time. Holy Spirit was making the point that promises God has made us are now in their moment. It’s time to battle for them and occupy the land. We must take them by spiritual force, as Jesus referred to in Matthew 11:12 (NLT), which says we must forcefully advance, even as violence attacks us. The verse in the NKJV says, “The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” ‘Take it by force’ is the Greek word harpazō, which means to seize, to grab hold of with bold determination, aggressively.(1) There are times when we must use ardent zeal and intense exertion to spiritually seize or lay hold of promises. Holy Spirit is pouring out an anointing for a spiritual battle that will affect the natural realm. There’s a lion-like boldness coming upon the church to answer hell’s challenge. Proverbs 28:1(AMP) says the wicked flee when no one pursues them, but the uncompromisingly righteous are as bold as lions. The remnant warriors of the King must now manifest lion-like hearts. A lion-king will answer any challenge from another “lion” in his territory. His entire attitude changes, and a roar of courage rises from within. Likewise, we must avail ourselves to Holy Spirit’s anointing of boldness and courage as we battle hell for this nation. We are battling principalities and powers, rulers of darkness of this world that have entrenched themselves in positions we should be influencing. We must be fearless warriors, standing for what we know is right and true. We must stand against evil’s intrusion with audacious bravery. It is important to remember that the Godhead has made great preparations for these times. He will help us remove the demonic agendas promoting evil in our land. He will help us expose and defeat those polluting our nation with wickedness. It’s time to soak in an anointing to battle and possess what God says. It’s time to rise with great confidence and possess our inheritance. It’s time to live in the promises God has made to us. Pray with me: Father God, we come boldly before Your throne, doing so in the name above every name, Jesus Christ our King. Lord, break the hold of darkness, break the diabolical structures, and send Your supernatural light. We declare that this is Your nation, and the recent schemes of our government will backfire in historic proportions. In the name of King Jesus, treacherous strategies will backfire, misfire, and boomerang! Expose hidden demonic agendas in the name of Jesus. We declare that principalities and powers of darkness ruling territories will be brought down in the name of Jesus. Bring change and shift things in Jesus’ name. Nothing can confine You. You are our warring King. Power of God, rise in this nation. Cause the Ekklesia to rise in aggressive authority, anointed with favor to prevail. Give us signs and wonders to confirm Your Word. Show us Your mightiness. Begin to move supernaturally. We know it is time to step into the fulfillment of Your promises. Your Kingdom come; Your will be done in Jesus’ name! Amen! Our decree: We decree that Holy Spirit is anointing the King’s Ekklesia with boldness to spiritually occupy positions and territories. Let the roar of courage arise! ****************************** Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at TimSheets.org. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 726.
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6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-18-2024 October 18, 2024 Introduction God often used allegorical pictures in Scripture. Jesus was called a “lamb,” His word was referred to as “seeds,” Holy Spirit as a “dove.” Numerous examples could be given. In 2022, the Lord gave my brother, Tim, a very interesting allegorical word regarding “boomerangs” and “highways.” Holy Spirit reminded Ceci of this as we processed yesterday’s post and some other prophetic words. We felt strongly that He desires to remind us of it. When we hear a prophetic dream or word from the Lord, our typical response is to believe it is for NOW, and indeed, this is the case for some. However, God also gives us prophetic dreams and words that are His intentions for the future. He gives us an opportunity to come into agreement with His will until it comes to pass. As we will hear, this is the case for today’s post. This word has clearly been coming to pass in the context of Supreme Court decisions, the deaths of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders, whistleblowers, political affiliations changing, and a lot more! And God isn’t finished with this. This word was in a GH15 post on March 21, 2022, entitled “Boomerangs.” We’ll just call this one: The Boomerangs Are Flying Tim shares: Holy Spirit gave me a dream a couple of weeks ago [2022] where I saw a large division of angels. The angels were wearing breastplates and helmets made of silver. Throughout Scripture, silver represents redemption, truth, and interestingly, the purchasing of a slave’s freedom. In the book of Leviticus, a slave’s freedom was purchased with silver, fifty shekels for a male, and thirty for women (sorry ladies). Interestingly, this sheds light on why Jesus was sold for thirty pieces of silver. He wasn’t redeeming Himself; He was redeeming His bride. I knew this dream was about truth, freedom, and redemption. In the dream, angels were throwing something toward various nations, cities, and regions. They were also throwing them toward what appeared to be power stations, electric grids, and refineries. I knew these places represented evil - there was a gray shadow surrounding them as if they were in a dark cloud. The items the angels were throwing caused freedom to be experienced and truth to be revealed. In the dream, I was trying to see what was being thrown, but could never see them. I awakened, not knowing what the angels had been throwing. Upon awakening, I began to pray in the Spirit and ask for revelation. Holy Spirit’s response was, “They were throwing boomerangs. You are moving into days of things boomeranging back on My enemies.” A prophetic word was then downloaded to me by Holy Spirit. The Lord says, “A boomerang effect is being caused by My angels upon strategies of darkness, just as My Ekklesia has asked. Evil plots, plans, and schemes of dark government will boomerang back on My enemies. Efforts that were meant to destroy My plans will boomerang on those opposing Me. Plans of destruction will come back upon them. And the King’s redemption shall be seen. “The Lord of Hosts decrees that in these days angels, in alignment with declarations of the King’s Ekklesia, are activating these boomerang strategies upon goat nations, cities, and governments. Divine reversals are now being released. Release the angels with your decrees, says the Lord. There will be reversals of powers, influence, and authority. Arrogant leaders anointed by hell will experience My supernatural reversals of their plans. Dictators anointed by hell will see their empires reversed. Billionaires anointed by hell to finance iniquity will experience humiliating reversals of their wealth. Their evil, the Lord says, will boomerang on them. “Those who initiated systems of evil to oppose Me will experience this boomerang. A boomerang-ing effect is proclaimed by Me upon media propaganda systems. Their reversal is planned and in process, says the Lord. A boomerang-ing is declared against humanistic education systems, lawless ideologies, and their underground systems. I see their plans clearly, and a reversal is planned. My angels are deployed to defeat them. Release My angels with your decrees. “You will see visible, public displays of undeniable reversals. My heirs will rejoice, as what was meant to harm them turns for good. I can, I have, and I will stand for them. I can, I have, I will cause My Ekklesia to prevail. I can, I have, I will anoint history makers. I can, I have, I will anoint new leaders. I can, I have, I will change the course of history. I can, I have, I will pour out My Spirit and shake hell. Reversals are now being released, and hell will not stop this.” There is much that needs to change in our nation, and God keeps promising that He is going to change it. As I pondered this, Holy Spirit reminded me of another vision I received a while back, which I believe is connecting to its divine moment; it also confirms this dream. In this vision, I was traveling an interstate highway named The American Way. I had the sense that it was a well-known, well-traveled highway. This road led to Washington D.C., but it did not continue through it; instead, it ended at a bypass that circled it. All along The American Way were typical, large green signs; they all read the same: “U-turn This Exit.” Interesting. This interstate highway was built to include many U-turn possibilities. I then heard Holy Spirit say, “U-turns have been planned and are coming to the American way. New routes to destinations will now appear, rerouting people through ‘freedom states.’ My highways will be followed to places of reset. My Kingdom government is entering certain states, influencing and reconnecting them to covenants. The covenant resets now entering these freedom states will cause u-turns in the national government.” As I contemplated and prayed about this vision, the Lord said, “U-turns are occurring, and freedom states will produce change in D.C. I am shaking to bring change and reset covenants. Government and policies on Capitol Hill will turn; leaders will flip to My ways. I will turn some of their hearts as I did Saul of Tarsus. Yes, there are some ‘Sauls’ in D.C. and in state capitals; they will become ‘Pauls.’ U-turns are coming to systematic deep-state corruption; leaders in their ranks will flip and stand against illegal shadow government. U-turns are coming to the education system. Systematic indoctrinations of evil will be shaken and destroyed. You will see u-turns at the Supreme Court. U-turns will come to long-standing laws that oppose Mine, and, yes, a Saul will become a Paul at the Supreme Court. [This was released three months before Roe vs Wade was reversed.] “The American Way will turn. Exit ramps of turnaround are in place. I am providing ways to turn around, just as My heirs have requested. This will also cause turnarounds in other nations as covenant roots reconnect. The time has come, and My plan is accelerating. U-turns have now begun; stand for their completion.” Pray with me: Lord, we continue to call forth what You declared in this vision. Thank You for what You have done and are doing. Let this highway of freedom and turnaround roll through the states and around Washington, D.C. “Bypass” the arrogant and those with evil agendas. “Bypass” those who choose not to go Your way. Activate Your plan in “freedom states” throughout our nation. Give us u-turns on “the American Way.” Shake everything that needs to be shaken. Accelerate the dreams, visions, and plans You have provided for us. We pray that visible u-turns will be seen not only here in America but throughout the world. Turn Sauls into Pauls. We come into agreement with heaven and pray that activities will be changed by Your power. We declare reversal to the battle schemes of the schemers. Continue to overturn evil governments and demonized dictators. Release angels to throw the boomerangs. Reverse evil plans, plots, and scheme. And Father, You said You would turn people, states, nations, and governments, even “deep state corruption.” You are merciful and love to redeem. Release the conviction of Holy Spirit to those You referenced. Break strongholds of deception and darkness off them. Remove the veil and cause Your light to break forth. Continue the divine reversals. And for all this, we pray in the authority of Christ. Amen. Our decree: We decree that divine reversals are now being released and will continue. *************************** Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim Sheets. You can learn more about Tim here.
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5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-16-2024 October 16, 2024 Healing Summit 2.0 In just over a week, on October 25, we will conduct another Healing Summit in Middletown, Ohio. Seats are still available, and you can register at OasisWired.org. We have registrations so people aren’t turned away on that night. And we are pleased that, as before, many churches are planning to join us online. Hundreds of verified healings occurred during the last gathering, including terminal illnesses, tumors disappearing, and much, much more. The healings occurred not only in Middletown, but many took place in other churches and homes around the country. TESTIMONIES One couple in attendance remained in the balcony during the ministry time, praying for hundreds in the prayer lines below, even though each of them needed healings, as well. They prayed and worshipped the entire two hours we ministered to people. Though the wife felt nothing take place in her body, she discovered that was not the case when she went in for surgery on her kidney a few days later! After prepping her and inserting the anesthesia port, the techs took final pictures of her kidney for the surgeon. Surprisingly, they returned a few minutes later to take a couple more. Finally, they returned and said, “We don’t know what happened, but you no longer need the surgery.” A few days later, since the husband’s pain had disappeared from his knee, he revisited his doctor. He, too, was told he no longer needed surgery, and he had the knee of a 25-year-old! Another lady was prayed for who had multiple brain tumors and had been told by doctors she would not live until Christmas. But after being re-examined by her doctor, she was told that 10 of the 12 tumors had completely vanished, and the other two were dissolving, now almost completely gone! So many healings occurred! A NEW LEVEL We have a strong conviction that the numbers and scope of the healings will go to another level at the Summit on October 25. We believe as in Acts 19, “notable” miracles will occur. I was reminded by Holy Spirit while writing this that in the January 3 GH15 post (2024: A Hinge of History), I actually spoke of notable miracles increasing this year, stating that: “Incredible miracles will invade the earth, accompanying the gospel and the preaching of the Word. Amazing signs and wonders will occur in schools, homes, businesses, churches, arenas, bars, hospitals, on campuses, and in the streets. It was in Ephesus that “God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul” (Acts 19:11). Yet this was also the church warned later against a form of godliness without power, and rebuked for leaving their first love. Passion, presence, and power go hand in hand; passion attracts God’s presence, which releases His power. Holy Spirit challenged the ekklesia at Ephesus to do what was necessary for restoration. He is offering the same to many believers and churches in 2024. “Noted Greek scholar Rick Renner says of Acts 19:11, ‘Wrought’ in this verse is from the Greek word poieo,(1) which denotes creativity. Because the word poieo is used in this context, we know that the miracles taking place in Ephesus were miracles of a creative nature. In fact, this power was so out of the ordinary that the Bible describes it as “special,” which is a translation of the Greek word tugchano.(2) This Greek word means to hit upon, to happen upon, or to fall upon. It implies something unique that overtakes someone or a power that falls on someone as if to take him or her by surprise. “‘Paul literally hit upon, happened upon, or fell into a level of power that was without equal in his experience. He found himself suddenly operating in a realm of miracles that was extraordinary and powerful beyond his wildest expectations. Of course, all miracles are uncommon, but there was something about these miracles in particular that transcended every miracle that Paul had previously experienced during his ministry. From the usage of this Greek word tugchano, it seems that Paul himself was surprised by the exceptional assortment of miracles that were occurring at his own hands.’ This is the level of power and miracles that I believe will begin in 2024.” MORE THAN A NIGHT OF MIRACLES October 25 will be more than a healing service, however. We are confident Holy Spirit’s plan for these meetings is also to birth and release the coming season of signs and wonders here in America and around the world. We believe gifts of healing and other gifts of the Spirit will be imparted to members of the body of Christ worldwide as thousands pray in agreement, asking for this. We are contending - not just for miracles in periodic services - but for signs and wonders to take place daily, worldwide. This will be part of generating the coming harvest. Join us in Middletown, if possible. Come believing for miracles, both for yourself - if needed - and for others around the world. If you cannot attend, join us online. And please agree in prayer with us for the birthing of this great healing movement throughout the earth. If you lead a congregation, consider joining us online – intercede for this new season to begin, then pray for those present in your service who need healing. Let’s press in together for this. HURRICANE RELIEF Before ending today’s post, I also want to mention the hurricane relief effort taking place. We are distributing to several credible, boots-on-the-ground organizations and churches the thousands of dollars you have donated. It is very moving to see the depth of gratitude from those who so desperately need help. We will not forget these people! And you can still donate at DutchSheets.org or GiveHim15.com, as the Lord impresses you to do so. We take no portion for overhead or administrative expenses - all of the funds go directly to these relief efforts. Pray with me: Father, You said in Exodus 15:26, “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” Christ sent His disciples out to heal the sick (Matthew 10), and later told all His followers to “lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” (Mark 16:18). It is time for we, the church, to stir up this anointing and ask for the gifts of Your Spirit associated with it. We will do so on the 25th, but we begin now by asking You for these gifts. Impart them to many in Your church - not just to those in ministry vocations, but to BELIEVERS! Remind the church that Jesus took lashes to purchase our healing. And motivate us to take action based on Your words, refusing to allow past experiences to weaken our faith or resolve. We are conduits; You supply the power; remind us of these things. And as we come together on October 25, both in person and through livestream, we ask that You heal many. Give us notable, creative miracles. Release a new era of signs, wonders, and miracles, and impart gifts of the Spirit. And, in this perilous time, keep the church full of faith and fully engaged. We will not allow weariness, fear, or anything else to distract us. We will remain alert and strong. We pray also for those who are suffering from storms and hurricanes. Give them the resources and help they need. Encourage their hearts; draw them to You. Lastly, today, we ask You to intervene in America’s upcoming election. Give us government officials who are honest, servant-hearted, and who know You. “Righteousness exalts a nation; sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). Remind Americans of this. We pray for all of these things in Jesus’ name, amen. Our decree: We decree that the Lord forgives all our iniquities, and heals all our diseases (Psalm 103:3). **************************** To register for the upcoming Healing Summit on October 25, go to OasisWired.org. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4160. Ibid., ref. no. 5177.
6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-15-2024 October 15, 2024 Introduction Intercessors For America recently released a vision given to one of their state leaders regarding America. It is both sobering and encouraging, speaking of America’s current condition, but also her recovery. The title of the post is: ____________________________________ BATTERED BUT NOT SINKING The Vision A sailing ship is breaking apart as it sails through an intense storm. Some of the crew are actually tearing the ship apart, trying to destroy it, throwing the pieces into the sea. Soon, thinking the pieces removed were what had been keeping the ship afloat, they jumped overboard, believing the ship would now sink. Once overboard, the former disloyal crew attempts to lash the floating pieces together, attempting to make a new vessel. This is obviously very difficult to do. As the frustration mounts, “taskmasters” start whipping the “crew” with cords, ropes, and chains. But the original ship does not sink: its superstructure is intact, and most of its siding remains in place. Once repairs are made, the ship begins sailing much better than before, being lighter in weight and free of the disloyal crew. Its remaining crew is encouraged. They become hopeful, work well together, and have vision and unity. The ship cuts through the billowing waves, heading forward. After a while, the ship emerges from the storm into sunny weather and gently rolling seas. A true course is laid for its destination. However, some of the crew hear cries of anguish and despair from many of the former crew now behind them in the storm. The ship maintains its course but slows down to lower longboats. Moved by compassion, the longboats row back into the storm, and rescue the former crew, who now want to become loyal. They bring them to the ship while it continues to its destination. Interpretation by the Recipient “The ship is America. The storm is the 2024 election and its aftermath. The parts being torn off the ship are elements of our society that are not true to our foundations and godly destiny. The disloyal crew are those who believe that America, as she currently exists, must be destroyed. The loyal crew believes in the godly foundations and destiny of America. The amount of time between the start of the vision and the ship emerging from the storm is unclear. It is long enough for the loyal crew to learn the necessary lessons, but short enough to rescue the repentant among the disloyal crew. The ship’s destination is America’s godly destiny. “There is hope for America; her structure is strong. Much of her protection through godly leaders, spiritual warriors, and families is still in place. Her godly destiny remains - given by God and supported by the hosts of Heaven. “But, we must preserve the purposes for which the Lord has apprehended us: neither denying nor despairing at the fierceness of the storm America is in. (The word ‘intense’ in the vision in no way fully conveys the chaos from and force of the storm I saw on and around the ship.) “We shall not abandon America to those seeking to destroy her. We, as God’s servants, shall unite, take courage, be strengthened by the Spirit, repair our ship, and learn how to sail her forward through the storm. “This will take time, but the wind of Holy Spirit is already filling our tattered sails, starting to move us forward. We shall stay on the ship, work together, and arrive in a light-filled place, aligning our course to fulfill America’s destiny. And, we shall remember compassion. “Do not be distracted by the dismantling. Although it will seem to destroy America, the Lord will empower His faithful to rebuild America, restoring her to His design. “‘There is a time for everything. … a time to tear down and a time to build up.’ (Ecclesiastes 3:1a, 3b; NASB) “If we are faithful to His purpose, America shall not only survive, but be reformed into His ‘ship’ to the nations.” My Thoughts Obviously, I agree with what is depicted by this vision, or I wouldn’t be posting it. Though satan and his allies have pulled out all the stops to destroy America and her calling, God’s verdict was rendered a few years back: “America shall be saved!” Events like Saturday’s gathering in DC are part of the Ekklesia’s enforcing the verdict. As Paul instructed his spiritual son, Timothy, we must through faith and obedience “lay hold of” (1 Timothy 6:12) the salvation God provides. Daniel told us satan tries to change or alter God’s decrees and timing (Daniel 7:25). The verse tells us one of the ways he attempts to do so is by “wearing down the saints of the Most High.” This is not going to succeed. The determination of those present, and of the Ekklesia around the world on Saturday is steadfast and immovable. The unity was strong, faith was high, humility was clearly demonstrated, and understanding of God’s Word and ways was obvious, as was a knowledge of His destiny for America. As we prayed for “the ship” and asked for her restoration to the Lord and His purposes for her, it was evident He was honoring those prayers, and that we were truly “laying hold.” Much compassionate prayer was also offered for those who do not know the Lord. We will fulfill this aspect of the above vision also, rescuing all who turn to Christ. After all, proclaiming the good news of Christ’s redemption and Kingdom IS America’s destiny. In conclusion, I want to mention and provide a link to another article recently released by the Christian Post and reprinted by IFA (Intercessors For America). This article explains and debunks five of the most often repeated lies against Trump. Though the liberal media and politicians know these assertions are untrue, they, nonetheless, continue to repeat them. I am not sharing the article to convince you; I realize most of our readers and listeners are informed and don’t believe the lies of the left. But this article will arm you with clear and concise answers to those with whom you speak. Many people have been duped by these untruths and need to hear the truth. The five debunked lies are: That Trump said white supremacists in Charlottesville were “very fine people.” That Trump told people to guzzle or inject bleach. The misconstruing of Trump’s “bloodbath” comment. That Trump tear-gassed protestors for a photo-op. That Trump said he would become a dictator on day one if re-elected. Here is the link to this informative article in the Christian Post. Read it, send it to others, and keep it handy for easy reference when needed. Pray with me: Father, the “ship” of America is most assuredly in a terrible storm. Without a doubt, there are people on board who believe she just needs to be abandoned, and a new and different America should be created. Just as a number of Israelites became confused, fearful, or simply deceived, motivating them to go back to Egypt and the worship of Baal, a number of Americans have decided they don’t want the nation You created. Their efforts to destroy the “boat” and build a different one will fail; You will frustrate all their plans. You have said the ship called America shall be saved. We believe this, and fully intend to remain on board, steering it towards the next phase of Your destiny for her. Also, we will JOYFULLY welcome those delivered from their deception back onboard, doing everything possible to rescue them. May the awakening awaken many. And regarding the eight years or more of relentless attacks against Trump - the lies, lawfare, election interference, assassination attempts - we ask You for truth and justice. Expose the lies, convict the criminals, and thwart the efforts of evil. Give us the President/pilot You desire to steer this ship called America. According to Your instructions in Matthew 6:10, functioning as Your voices on earth, we command the release of Your will in this regard. We ask for all of this in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that America, though battered and torn, is NOT going to sink. She will be repaired and sail to Heaven’s goal. ************************ Portions of today’s post were taken from IFApray.org and used with permission. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
6 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-14-2024 October 14, 2024 RESTORING AMERICA’S COVENANT WITH GOD INTRODUCTION It was an honor to serve my friend, Lou Engle, at the A Million Women gathering at the Washington Mall on Saturday. Though there were not a million gathered, I’ve heard estimates ranging from 250,000 to twice that; by noon their website had received 10,000,000 hits. Fifty nations also held companion events. It was truly unprecedented. Though challenging for people to sit or stand for such a long time in the heat of the day, they remained attentive and engaged. It was inspirational watching them! The words, testimonies, prayers, and decrees were VERY strong; the worship was powerful. I was asked by Lou to share for a few minutes regarding America renewing covenant with the Lord and lead in prayer to do so. Several people have asked for a copy of what I shared, so I am sharing portions of it on today’s post. FROM THE MILLION WOMEN GATHERING When we state that America has a covenant relationship with God, we are NOT saying the Lord entered into the type of covenant with our nation that He did with Abraham. And we’re certainly not suggesting that it is on the level of the covenant we enjoy with God through Christ. Nor are we implying that it is based on a blood sacrifice of some sort. We are saying that early Pilgrims, settlers, and America’s Founders entered into alliances, agreements, and covenants with God. They did so through prayers, declarations, and written documents - including our founding documents. Our Founding Fathers made sacred, covenantal promises pledging to function under God’s government and care, to serve His purposes, to partner with and honor Him. And most importantly, America’s founding was inspired by God Himself. HE put HIS desire for this country’s birth into the founders’ hearts. America absolutely has covenantal alliances with God… RESTORATION We are asking God to restore America’s covenant/alliance with Him. The word restoration in Scripture is a powerful word. It means “to reconstitute something back to its to its original condition and purpose.” We are asking for a reconstituting of our covenantal alliance and purpose as a nation. AMERICA’S COVENANT WITH GOD That America’s early leaders and Founders desired this type of covenantal relationship with God is undeniable. Here are a few statements/facts that demonstrate this: Robert Hunt planted a Cross on the beach at Cape Henry in 1607 and declared, “We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work, that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled.” After the prayer, he and the company read Psalm 22:27-28: “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the Lord's, and he ruleth among the nations.” The Puritans in 1630 stated in the Mayflower Compact that their voyage was made “for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith.” Their leader and first Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, John Winthrop, declared that they had “entered into covenant with God for this work.” He also declared that God “shall make us a praise and glory… a city upon a Hill” (Matthew 5:14), which has been referenced by no less than 12 U.S. Presidents. At the time of America’s quest to become a sovereign nation, the colonists openly declared, “We have no king but Jesus.” George Washington stated, “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.” Samuel Adams, known as the Father of the American Revolution and a signer of the Declaration of Independence, stated, “The right to freedom is the gift of God Almighty… The rights of the Colonists as Christians may be best understood by reading, and carefully studying, the institutes of the great Lawgiver and head of the Christian Church: which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament.” After signing the Declaration, he declared: “We have this day restored the Sovereign, to whom all men are to be obedient. He reigns in heaven, and from the rising to the setting of the sun, let his kingdom come.” The Liberty Bell, which rang out at our birth as a nation, states “Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof.” (Leviticus 5:10) Founder Patrick Henry stated, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Our sixth U.S. President, John Quincy Adams, declared, “The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.” America’s Declaration of Independence refers to God four times: as nature’s God, the Creator who gave them their inalienable rights, the Supreme Judge of the world to whom they were appealing, and as the God of Divine Providence. America’s independence was won under a banner of prayer that read “Appeal to Heaven.” George Washington, president of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, opened the gathering by saying, “…the event is in the hand of God.” When those present at the Convention struggled to agree on aspects of the Constitution, Benjamin Franklin appealed for prayer to ask God for His help. In his request to those present, he referenced God’s “superintending providence,” then stated: “To that kind providence we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity. And have we now forgotten that powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance? “I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that God governs the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? “We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that ‘except the Lord, build the house, they labor in vain that build it.’ I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building, no better than the builders of Babel… “I, therefore, beg leave to move – that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of heaven, and its blessing on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service.” This request was approved, the prayers occurred, and the Constitution was born. And what of the individual states? God or the Divine is mentioned at least once in each of the 50 state constitutions, and nearly 200 times overall. Our Founders were intentional about their honor of, reliance on, submission to, and partnership with Yahweh and His Son, Jesus Christ! RENEWING COVENANT (We will make this our prayer and decree today) (many of these are the literal words of our Founding Fathers) Declare with me: Whereas God is the Creator and rightful Owner of all the earth, including the United States of America; Whereas He oversaw the creation and establishment of the U.S.A. for His purposes, including being “a city on a hill,” a light to other nations, and an “Evangelist to the world”; Whereas our ancestors covenanted with Him to honor “this most noble work” of partnering with Him “for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith”; Whereas we were founded “not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Whereas our founding documents refer to Him as “nature’s God,” “Creator,” “the Sovereign,” “the Supreme Judge,” the God of “Divine Providence,” and “our Lord”; Whereas we are in covenant with God through Jesus Christ, which qualifies us to intercede, and are citizens of the USA, qualifying us to stand as her representatives; And whereas the USA has broken our agreements, our covenants with Almighty God, but we have repented for this. We now appeal to You, Judge of Heaven and Earth, in the name of Yeshua, to forgive and cleanse our land. We pledge ourselves to You. And we ask for a restoration, a reconstituting of America’s covenantal relationship with You. We ask You to send a sweeping revival that impacts every area of our society and culture, including our government. And we ask that this revival restores a heart of humility, along with Your holy purpose of evangelizing the nations. May we represent Your Kingdom in every way You intended. We agree with our brother and forefather, Samuel Adams: “From the rising to the setting of the sun, let [Your] kingdom come.” We ask for all of this in the name of Jesus, Amen. ****************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
5 min read https://www.givehim15.com/post/october-11-2024 October 11, 2024 Introduction Again, I want to thank you for your generosity toward the victims of Hurricane Helene. Funds continue to flow in. We also grieve with those in Florida hit by Hurricane Milton and are grateful that the losses, though severe, were not as great as feared by the meteorologists. Thank you for praying, and we will continue to pray for those impacted. As well as sending funds, three trailers full of sorely needed items are making their way to the mountains of North Carolina today - sleeping bags, tents, tools, generators, freezers, wheelbarrows, shovels, ATVs, and MUCH more. For the most part, we are forwarding the funds you send to appropriate, vetted groups with boots on the ground. We are neither staffed nor equipped to be a distribution/relief agency, though we are doing some. The needs are overwhelming. In light of tomorrow’s gathering on the Washington Mall, I want to share a few more thoughts today regarding the subject of covenant. The title of the post is: The Power of Covenant In 2007, a friend of mine was given a very important dream about me. Here is his account of the dream: “You were a boxer and fought five giants over five rounds. You knocked out each of them - one per round - always with one punch; with each giant, you alternated fists. The first giant was floored with a right, the second with a left; back-and-forth you went until they were all down for the count. Five giants, five rounds, five punches, alternating fists. “After you knocked out the fifth giant, you walked out of the ring and directly up to me. Holding up your gloved fists, you declared, ‘If you’re going to take out the giants in this season, you’re going to have to wear these two gloves.’ One of the gloves contained the word ‘Everlast,’ the other ‘Evergreen.” (End of dream.) I discuss this dream and related subjects in detail in my book An Appeal To Heaven. I also discuss the “Everlast” glove in a GH15 post entitled “It’s Time to Put on the Gloves.” In short, it refers to Abraham’s reference to “the Everlasting God” in Genesis 21:33. Today, I want to focus on the “Evergreen” glove. The Covenant Tree Evergreen trees have great symbolism in some cultures. Because they continuously maintain their green leaves or needles - that’s how they got their name - they have come to symbolize longevity, even eternity. At times, this symbolization was expanded to include an everlasting or lifelong commitment to a covenant. At the time of our nation’s founding, evergreens carried this significance to the Iroquois, a First Nations tribe. (In the book An Appeal To Heaven, I document this well, including the tribe’s influence on our government.) They were known to bury weapons under evergreens during a peace treaty ceremony (a covenant), thus the phrase, “Bury the hatchet.” However, the use of an evergreen tree to symbolize eternal fidelity to covenant did not originate with them, but went back to Abraham’s time. As I stated in Genesis 21:33, Abraham called on the Everlasting God. “Everlast,” remember, was on one of the boxing gloves in the dream. But before calling on Everlast, Abraham planted a tamarisk tree, which is an evergreen. Both gloves are found in this one verse regarding Abraham! He wore both gloves! Why did Abraham plant the evergreen tree? In his day, trees were sometimes planted as memorials, reminding people of significant events. When Abraham planted the evergreen, he was establishing a witness to his forever-covenant with Everlasting God. The message was: “Everlast has been faithful to His covenant with me. I now publicly testify of my faithfulness to Him. I will forever honor my covenant with Everlasting God.” Abraham‘s choice of evergreen, a tamarisk, is also significant: tamarisk trees are slow-growing, long-living, and when fully grown, produce cool shade. In fact, because this type of tree grows so slowly, no one plants a tamarisk tree for him or herself; he or she would never personally benefit from it. When planting a tamarisk evergreen, Abraham thought of his descendants, making a powerful declaration to them for generations to come, “I am in covenant with the Everlasting God; you will sit under the shade of my covenant with Him.” Profound! When covenant with God is honored, not only is the covenant-keeper blessed, but their descendants are, as well. This has certainly been the case with America. We sit under the shade of our Founders’ covenant with the Everlasting God. When Holy Spirit used the symbolism of “Evergreen” in the boxing dream, He was pointing me back to America’s covenant with Him: If we would honor Everlast - the God of our fathers - and the covenant they made with Him, we would be able to take out the spiritual giants oppressing us. That covenant or pledge to Yahweh would include honoring Him and His Word, submitting to His ways, representing Him as a light to the nations, and delivering the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the earth. This is what America is being restored to. And our declarations of these truths are powerful blows to the spiritual forces opposing them. That is what we will do Saturday on the Washington Mall. Let’s make the same decrees today that we made yesterday. Pray with me: We decree that America was founded by God under an appeal to heaven, and an appeal to heaven is giving us a rebirth! We decree that we are a voice for Him to all the earth, and the gospel of the kingdom will go forth from America to all people! We decree that we are a nation founded under Christ’s blood and rule and that we have no king but Jesus! We decree that Yahweh is our Lawgiver, our Judge, and our King, and our three branches of government were founded under this truth! (Isaiah 33:22). We decree we are a city on a hill, shining God’s light; darkness will not prevail! We decree that God’s mercy over America endures forever; His mercies are new every morning! We decree that He who began a good work in America will complete it, that God had a plan for our restoration before we even rebelled against Him! We decree that nothing can stop our restoration because our trust is in God! We decree that God’s redeeming power is greater than satan’s deceiving lies, and His truth will prevail! We decree that God has the ability to save - loves to do so - and takes no pleasure in judgment! We decree that we are seated with Christ, and satan is under our feet. We are far above all principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness! We decree that we are Christ’s Ekklesia, representing His authority on earth; we have His keys of authority to bind and loose, open and close. We decree that no weapon formed against America’s restoration, nor against the purposes of God for her, will prosper. We decree that America shall be saved..!!! ********************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------- You can learn more about the Million Women on the Mall event in Washington, D.C., tomorrow, October 12, 2024, at AMillionWomen.org.