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  1. 6 min read October 21, 2024 “October” – Have Things Turned? I shared a dream with you on Friday that God gave my brother Tim in 2022. It was for then, but it is definitely for now, as well. Dreams and prophetic words are given not just to encourage us but also so we can partner with God to see their fulfillment. This is why their fulfillment is often down the road. The partnering required of us can include prayer, action, and standing in faith. I believe the following dream given to my friend Clay Nash in 2020 is another example of this. It was for then, but it is also for now. The dream is about Cape Henry, VA, where Robert Hunt and those with him landed in 1607, planted a cross on the beach, and declared that the gospel would go from this land to all the world. It also mentions Rees Howells, an intercessor and founder of the Bible College of Wales. He and his students shouldered a great intercessory burden during World War II of supporting the Allied Forces and warring spiritually against the Nazis. Rees and his intercessors prayed for hours every day, no doubt helping save the world from Hitler’s demonic plans. Here is the dream: ******* “I dreamed the morning of September 9, 2020, that Dutch issued a call for some people to rally near Cape Henry. The group was not large, only eight people. He instructed the team to fast, pray, and consecrate themselves to the Lord. We were to do this before setting foot on the land at Cape Henry. “As the team obeyed and sought God, dreams were received revealing a wave of awakening being released, sweeping across the nation. Also, a clear strategy was revealed to start a prayer initiative beginning in the first U.S. states that formed our nation, and proceeded to the last. “Dutch then said we were ready to set foot on the land, at the cross, and see the ‘Well of Oaths’ opened and freed, to flow across America. “Once we arrived at Cape Henry, some from the Cloud of Witnesses appeared, and Rees Howells stepped forth to pray over us. His prayer said, ‘Let those assigned to break up the fallow ground plow deep, in order that the soil of this nation be prepared for the seeds of righteousness to be sown. This will result in an abundant harvest...a harvest that will come with such abundance and so quickly that the harvester will overtake the sower. And let the preparers of the soil do a quick work so that the sower not delay the harvest.’ “Howells then took off his coat and placed it on Dutch’s shoulders, saying, ‘This is the coat I wore during World War II, and must be worn by the Ekklesia in order to see the Kingdom harvest at hand.’ “Rees then hugged Dutch - like a father would a son - and said, ‘The training is finished, it’s time to go to war...and OCTOBER will see the turning of the war.’ He held up a scroll with a wax seal on it and said, ‘This seal will be broken in OCTOBER, and the words from it will be activated, and will release a holy awe.’” End of dream. ******* My Thoughts Cape Henry, more than any other place in America, represents God’s Kingdom purpose for her. When Robert Hunt and company stepped ashore and planted the cross on that beach, he prayed/prophesied: “We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the people within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled." After the prayer, they read the following Bible passage: “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the Lord’s and he ruleth among the nations,” (Psalm 22:27-28). There is no doubt that these settlers were entering into a covenant with God. And there is no doubt that God placed the desire in their hearts to do so. This was and is God’s plan and His destiny for America, and it will be restored. The phrase “well of oaths” actually comes from Scripture. It is the literal meaning of the name Beersheba, where Abraham planted a tamarisk evergreen and called on Everlasting God (Genesis 21:33). Many of you have heard me share that in 2007 God told me through a dream that the boxing gloves of “Everlast” and “Evergreen” would have to be worn in order to take out the spiritual giants in our land. Evergreen symbolizes covenant; Everlast is the eternal nature (and a name) of Yahweh - Lord over the past, present, and future. As such, He can cleanse us of our sinful past, heal us of our broken past, and secure our future. We must believe this for America. After Abraham’s passing, in an attempt to harm Isaac, various wells Abraham had dug were filled in by Philistines, including Beersheba, “the well of oaths” (Genesis 26:18). Isaac redug this well of covenant (Evergreen), connecting with the God of yesterday, in order to find what he needed for today and the future (Everlast). He, like his father Abraham, wore both gloves. (This is explained in depth in my book An Appeal To Heaven.) God was saying the same to us (America) in the dream: “You must tap into your past, the covenant your fathers made with Me. In this ‘well of oaths’ you will find the life, the revival, the spiritual harvest and restoration you need. Obviously, this ultimately flows from the Cross, which also was and is so clearly pictured at Cape Henry. Rees Howells represents prayer. Only the power released through prayer can tap into/re-open this well. Howells wrapped his mantle around me - I represented the Ekklesia - and said it was what he wore during WWII, and that we must wear it now in order to produce the GREAT, RAPIDLY APPROACHING harvest God plans to bring. October Rees’ next words spoke of training, timing, and a turning: “The training is finished, it’s time to go to war...and OCTOBER will see the turning of the war.” He held up a scroll with a wax seal on it and said, “This seal will be broken in OCTOBER, and the words from it will be activated, and will release a holy awe.” I believe this was fulfilled Saturday, October 12, at the A Million Women gathering in Washington, D.C. We repented and asked for many things, then redug Bearsheba, “the well of oaths,” renewing covenant with the Lord. I feel that the scroll in the dream represents the covenant made by Hunt and company at Cape Henry, and that the war for the re-opening of this covenantal well “turned” in favor of God’s Kingdom on that day. The seal was broken, the words were activated, and will release a holy awe. October. We shall see. Pray with me: Father, thank You for reminding us of this dream. It communicates so much and brings great hope. We have wrapped ourselves in the mantle of intercession and, like Isaac, labored to remove the clutter and debris stopping up the covenant well in our nation. Like Abraham, who wore not only the glove of covenant but of “Everlast,” we believe You are bigger than the failures and sins of our past, wise and powerful enough to give us what You have declared for our future. We believe that in this month of October the battle turned, great breakthrough occurred, the well was officially re-opened, the seal broken, and our covenant purpose reestablished. Let the power of this now flow to the nation bringing revival, awakening, and reformation. The dream said the harvest it would produce was coming quickly and that it would be great. We ask for this record breaking influx of souls - here in America and around the world. We bless You, and ask these things in Jesus’ authority/name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that America’s well of oaths is now open; we are drinking of the covenant flow. ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  2. 6 min read October 17, 2024 Introduction You will be very encouraged by the incredible dream Holy Spirit recently gave my brother, Tim. The title is: Anointed For Battle There is an anointing now being poured out upon the true church, the King’s Ekklesia, that is different from what we’ve previously experienced. I believe it is an anointing for a current assignment. As heirs of Christ, we are always anointed with favor to prevail, but Holy Spirit also anoints us for special assignments. This anointing is a supernatural enablement to accomplish God-ordained purposes. Isaiah 10:27 (KJV) tells us that the anointing destroys the yoke. Although it is commonly stated that the anointing “breaks” the yoke, the true definition is “destroys.” Breaking something implies that it can perhaps be fixed, but God’s anointing absolutely destroys the yoke. I’m sensing a very aggressive anointing on Christ’s church to overcome evil in this current season. The war against Christ’s Kingdom and Ekklesia is real and intensifying. But we are not intimidated! We have everything we need to prevail, overcome, and turn this nation around. Holy Spirit is anointing the Ekklesia for spiritual battle, and to occupy positions and territories. I believe the glorious Ekklesia is rising, just as God’s Word said it would. The Kingdom of God is amping up like I’ve never seen before to accomplish Christ’s purposes on the earth. A Powerful Dream Holy Spirit gave me a dream that pictured and emphasized what He has been speaking to me. In the dream, I was camping with ancient Israel in the wilderness. It was the night before they were crossing into the Promised Land. Joshua was the leader then, as Moses had already gone on to be with the Lord. I was assisting Joshua and the leaders, serving any needs they had. A council meeting was called, and all the tribal leaders came from around the various camps to meet with Joshua and many military leaders. I listened to their discussions that night, thinking how historic it was and that I couldn’t believe I was witnessing it. In the opening of the meeting, these leaders rehearsed the promises God had given them – that the land was theirs by promise, but they also had to battle for it in order to occupy it. They also discussed the fact that the land would be given to them incrementally. As they spoke, one of the leaders said, “From Father Abraham until this day, our fathers have passed on to us these promises, and I believe it’s time: we must now occupy the land.” Another said, “Yes, it’s been 400 years, and I too believe it’s time.” Someone else said, “I’ve waited for this moment for years, and I too, believe it’s time.” This went on for a few moments; then the discussion turned toward the concerns of the people and what they may face. There was discussion concerning the children and protective details for their care. Then, the military leaders gave a briefing on what their intelligence was reporting, and a captain was assigned to guard against potential counterattacks from the Amorites. This discussion went on for quite some time, and I became aware that I was observing a “war council” in ancient Israel. Toward the end of the meeting, one of the leaders brought up the apprehension some of the people were feeling. After all, it had been 400 years since the promise, plus they had been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. At this point in the dream, Joshua spoke for the first time. He said to call the people from their tents so he could address them. The scene in the dream shifted to Joshua addressing the entire camp. I remember thinking: this is one of the most powerful speeches I’ve ever heard. He emphasized the need for courage, admitting to the people that when Moses died, he had felt overwhelmed. “But,” he said, “the Lord of Heaven told me to be strong and of good courage. Don’t fear. As I was with Moses, I will be with you. Lead My people into My promise.” He then raised his voice very loudly and said, “I have received divine assurance that we will possess the land. Our God is our Helper, and He will put our enemies underfoot. Set yourself for the inheritance promised. Set yourself for battle. Purify your hearts and remove sin from your life. Separate yourself to the purpose of Almighty God. Sons and daughters of Jehovah, soak your hearts in confident valor, trusting the Lord of hosts. Let a brave heart rise within you.” He then repeated the words the Lord had given to him, “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear. It is time to occupy the promise of your God for yourselves, your fathers, and your children.” A thunderous shout went up from the camp. That was the end of the dream. I obviously knew I had dreamed a very biblical account from the book of Joshua. I believe we are now at a similar time. Holy Spirit was making the point that promises God has made us are now in their moment. It’s time to battle for them and occupy the land. We must take them by spiritual force, as Jesus referred to in Matthew 11:12 (NLT), which says we must forcefully advance, even as violence attacks us. The verse in the NKJV says, “The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” ‘Take it by force’ is the Greek word harpazō, which means to seize, to grab hold of with bold determination, aggressively.(1) There are times when we must use ardent zeal and intense exertion to spiritually seize or lay hold of promises. Holy Spirit is pouring out an anointing for a spiritual battle that will affect the natural realm. There’s a lion-like boldness coming upon the church to answer hell’s challenge. Proverbs 28:1(AMP) says the wicked flee when no one pursues them, but the uncompromisingly righteous are as bold as lions. The remnant warriors of the King must now manifest lion-like hearts. A lion-king will answer any challenge from another “lion” in his territory. His entire attitude changes, and a roar of courage rises from within. Likewise, we must avail ourselves to Holy Spirit’s anointing of boldness and courage as we battle hell for this nation. We are battling principalities and powers, rulers of darkness of this world that have entrenched themselves in positions we should be influencing. We must be fearless warriors, standing for what we know is right and true. We must stand against evil’s intrusion with audacious bravery. It is important to remember that the Godhead has made great preparations for these times. He will help us remove the demonic agendas promoting evil in our land. He will help us expose and defeat those polluting our nation with wickedness. It’s time to soak in an anointing to battle and possess what God says. It’s time to rise with great confidence and possess our inheritance. It’s time to live in the promises God has made to us. Pray with me: Father God, we come boldly before Your throne, doing so in the name above every name, Jesus Christ our King. Lord, break the hold of darkness, break the diabolical structures, and send Your supernatural light. We declare that this is Your nation, and the recent schemes of our government will backfire in historic proportions. In the name of King Jesus, treacherous strategies will backfire, misfire, and boomerang! Expose hidden demonic agendas in the name of Jesus. We declare that principalities and powers of darkness ruling territories will be brought down in the name of Jesus. Bring change and shift things in Jesus’ name. Nothing can confine You. You are our warring King. Power of God, rise in this nation. Cause the Ekklesia to rise in aggressive authority, anointed with favor to prevail. Give us signs and wonders to confirm Your Word. Show us Your mightiness. Begin to move supernaturally. We know it is time to step into the fulfillment of Your promises. Your Kingdom come; Your will be done in Jesus’ name! Amen! Our decree: We decree that Holy Spirit is anointing the King’s Ekklesia with boldness to spiritually occupy positions and territories. Let the roar of courage arise! ****************************** Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 726.
  3. 6 min read October 18, 2024 Introduction God often used allegorical pictures in Scripture. Jesus was called a “lamb,” His word was referred to as “seeds,” Holy Spirit as a “dove.” Numerous examples could be given. In 2022, the Lord gave my brother, Tim, a very interesting allegorical word regarding “boomerangs” and “highways.” Holy Spirit reminded Ceci of this as we processed yesterday’s post and some other prophetic words. We felt strongly that He desires to remind us of it. When we hear a prophetic dream or word from the Lord, our typical response is to believe it is for NOW, and indeed, this is the case for some. However, God also gives us prophetic dreams and words that are His intentions for the future. He gives us an opportunity to come into agreement with His will until it comes to pass. As we will hear, this is the case for today’s post. This word has clearly been coming to pass in the context of Supreme Court decisions, the deaths of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders, whistleblowers, political affiliations changing, and a lot more! And God isn’t finished with this. This word was in a GH15 post on March 21, 2022, entitled “Boomerangs.” We’ll just call this one: The Boomerangs Are Flying Tim shares: Holy Spirit gave me a dream a couple of weeks ago [2022] where I saw a large division of angels. The angels were wearing breastplates and helmets made of silver. Throughout Scripture, silver represents redemption, truth, and interestingly, the purchasing of a slave’s freedom. In the book of Leviticus, a slave’s freedom was purchased with silver, fifty shekels for a male, and thirty for women (sorry ladies). Interestingly, this sheds light on why Jesus was sold for thirty pieces of silver. He wasn’t redeeming Himself; He was redeeming His bride. I knew this dream was about truth, freedom, and redemption. In the dream, angels were throwing something toward various nations, cities, and regions. They were also throwing them toward what appeared to be power stations, electric grids, and refineries. I knew these places represented evil - there was a gray shadow surrounding them as if they were in a dark cloud. The items the angels were throwing caused freedom to be experienced and truth to be revealed. In the dream, I was trying to see what was being thrown, but could never see them. I awakened, not knowing what the angels had been throwing. Upon awakening, I began to pray in the Spirit and ask for revelation. Holy Spirit’s response was, “They were throwing boomerangs. You are moving into days of things boomeranging back on My enemies.” A prophetic word was then downloaded to me by Holy Spirit. The Lord says, “A boomerang effect is being caused by My angels upon strategies of darkness, just as My Ekklesia has asked. Evil plots, plans, and schemes of dark government will boomerang back on My enemies. Efforts that were meant to destroy My plans will boomerang on those opposing Me. Plans of destruction will come back upon them. And the King’s redemption shall be seen. “The Lord of Hosts decrees that in these days angels, in alignment with declarations of the King’s Ekklesia, are activating these boomerang strategies upon goat nations, cities, and governments. Divine reversals are now being released. Release the angels with your decrees, says the Lord. There will be reversals of powers, influence, and authority. Arrogant leaders anointed by hell will experience My supernatural reversals of their plans. Dictators anointed by hell will see their empires reversed. Billionaires anointed by hell to finance iniquity will experience humiliating reversals of their wealth. Their evil, the Lord says, will boomerang on them. “Those who initiated systems of evil to oppose Me will experience this boomerang. A boomerang-ing effect is proclaimed by Me upon media propaganda systems. Their reversal is planned and in process, says the Lord. A boomerang-ing is declared against humanistic education systems, lawless ideologies, and their underground systems. I see their plans clearly, and a reversal is planned. My angels are deployed to defeat them. Release My angels with your decrees. “You will see visible, public displays of undeniable reversals. My heirs will rejoice, as what was meant to harm them turns for good. I can, I have, and I will stand for them. I can, I have, I will cause My Ekklesia to prevail. I can, I have, I will anoint history makers. I can, I have, I will anoint new leaders. I can, I have, I will change the course of history. I can, I have, I will pour out My Spirit and shake hell. Reversals are now being released, and hell will not stop this.” There is much that needs to change in our nation, and God keeps promising that He is going to change it. As I pondered this, Holy Spirit reminded me of another vision I received a while back, which I believe is connecting to its divine moment; it also confirms this dream. In this vision, I was traveling an interstate highway named The American Way. I had the sense that it was a well-known, well-traveled highway. This road led to Washington D.C., but it did not continue through it; instead, it ended at a bypass that circled it. All along The American Way were typical, large green signs; they all read the same: “U-turn This Exit.” Interesting. This interstate highway was built to include many U-turn possibilities. I then heard Holy Spirit say, “U-turns have been planned and are coming to the American way. New routes to destinations will now appear, rerouting people through ‘freedom states.’ My highways will be followed to places of reset. My Kingdom government is entering certain states, influencing and reconnecting them to covenants. The covenant resets now entering these freedom states will cause u-turns in the national government.” As I contemplated and prayed about this vision, the Lord said, “U-turns are occurring, and freedom states will produce change in D.C. I am shaking to bring change and reset covenants. Government and policies on Capitol Hill will turn; leaders will flip to My ways. I will turn some of their hearts as I did Saul of Tarsus. Yes, there are some ‘Sauls’ in D.C. and in state capitals; they will become ‘Pauls.’ U-turns are coming to systematic deep-state corruption; leaders in their ranks will flip and stand against illegal shadow government. U-turns are coming to the education system. Systematic indoctrinations of evil will be shaken and destroyed. You will see u-turns at the Supreme Court. U-turns will come to long-standing laws that oppose Mine, and, yes, a Saul will become a Paul at the Supreme Court. [This was released three months before Roe vs Wade was reversed.] “The American Way will turn. Exit ramps of turnaround are in place. I am providing ways to turn around, just as My heirs have requested. This will also cause turnarounds in other nations as covenant roots reconnect. The time has come, and My plan is accelerating. U-turns have now begun; stand for their completion.” Pray with me: Lord, we continue to call forth what You declared in this vision. Thank You for what You have done and are doing. Let this highway of freedom and turnaround roll through the states and around Washington, D.C. “Bypass” the arrogant and those with evil agendas. “Bypass” those who choose not to go Your way. Activate Your plan in “freedom states” throughout our nation. Give us u-turns on “the American Way.” Shake everything that needs to be shaken. Accelerate the dreams, visions, and plans You have provided for us. We pray that visible u-turns will be seen not only here in America but throughout the world. Turn Sauls into Pauls. We come into agreement with heaven and pray that activities will be changed by Your power. We declare reversal to the battle schemes of the schemers. Continue to overturn evil governments and demonized dictators. Release angels to throw the boomerangs. Reverse evil plans, plots, and scheme. And Father, You said You would turn people, states, nations, and governments, even “deep state corruption.” You are merciful and love to redeem. Release the conviction of Holy Spirit to those You referenced. Break strongholds of deception and darkness off them. Remove the veil and cause Your light to break forth. Continue the divine reversals. And for all this, we pray in the authority of Christ. Amen. Our decree: We decree that divine reversals are now being released and will continue. *************************** Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim Sheets. You can learn more about Tim here.
  4. 5 min read October 16, 2024 Healing Summit 2.0 In just over a week, on October 25, we will conduct another Healing Summit in Middletown, Ohio. Seats are still available, and you can register at We have registrations so people aren’t turned away on that night. And we are pleased that, as before, many churches are planning to join us online. Hundreds of verified healings occurred during the last gathering, including terminal illnesses, tumors disappearing, and much, much more. The healings occurred not only in Middletown, but many took place in other churches and homes around the country. TESTIMONIES One couple in attendance remained in the balcony during the ministry time, praying for hundreds in the prayer lines below, even though each of them needed healings, as well. They prayed and worshipped the entire two hours we ministered to people. Though the wife felt nothing take place in her body, she discovered that was not the case when she went in for surgery on her kidney a few days later! After prepping her and inserting the anesthesia port, the techs took final pictures of her kidney for the surgeon. Surprisingly, they returned a few minutes later to take a couple more. Finally, they returned and said, “We don’t know what happened, but you no longer need the surgery.” A few days later, since the husband’s pain had disappeared from his knee, he revisited his doctor. He, too, was told he no longer needed surgery, and he had the knee of a 25-year-old! Another lady was prayed for who had multiple brain tumors and had been told by doctors she would not live until Christmas. But after being re-examined by her doctor, she was told that 10 of the 12 tumors had completely vanished, and the other two were dissolving, now almost completely gone! So many healings occurred! A NEW LEVEL We have a strong conviction that the numbers and scope of the healings will go to another level at the Summit on October 25. We believe as in Acts 19, “notable” miracles will occur. I was reminded by Holy Spirit while writing this that in the January 3 GH15 post (2024: A Hinge of History), I actually spoke of notable miracles increasing this year, stating that: “Incredible miracles will invade the earth, accompanying the gospel and the preaching of the Word. Amazing signs and wonders will occur in schools, homes, businesses, churches, arenas, bars, hospitals, on campuses, and in the streets. It was in Ephesus that “God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul” (Acts 19:11). Yet this was also the church warned later against a form of godliness without power, and rebuked for leaving their first love. Passion, presence, and power go hand in hand; passion attracts God’s presence, which releases His power. Holy Spirit challenged the ekklesia at Ephesus to do what was necessary for restoration. He is offering the same to many believers and churches in 2024. “Noted Greek scholar Rick Renner says of Acts 19:11, ‘Wrought’ in this verse is from the Greek word poieo,(1) which denotes creativity. Because the word poieo is used in this context, we know that the miracles taking place in Ephesus were miracles of a creative nature. In fact, this power was so out of the ordinary that the Bible describes it as “special,” which is a translation of the Greek word tugchano.(2) This Greek word means to hit upon, to happen upon, or to fall upon. It implies something unique that overtakes someone or a power that falls on someone as if to take him or her by surprise. “‘Paul literally hit upon, happened upon, or fell into a level of power that was without equal in his experience. He found himself suddenly operating in a realm of miracles that was extraordinary and powerful beyond his wildest expectations. Of course, all miracles are uncommon, but there was something about these miracles in particular that transcended every miracle that Paul had previously experienced during his ministry. From the usage of this Greek word tugchano, it seems that Paul himself was surprised by the exceptional assortment of miracles that were occurring at his own hands.’ This is the level of power and miracles that I believe will begin in 2024.” MORE THAN A NIGHT OF MIRACLES October 25 will be more than a healing service, however. We are confident Holy Spirit’s plan for these meetings is also to birth and release the coming season of signs and wonders here in America and around the world. We believe gifts of healing and other gifts of the Spirit will be imparted to members of the body of Christ worldwide as thousands pray in agreement, asking for this. We are contending - not just for miracles in periodic services - but for signs and wonders to take place daily, worldwide. This will be part of generating the coming harvest. Join us in Middletown, if possible. Come believing for miracles, both for yourself - if needed - and for others around the world. If you cannot attend, join us online. And please agree in prayer with us for the birthing of this great healing movement throughout the earth. If you lead a congregation, consider joining us online – intercede for this new season to begin, then pray for those present in your service who need healing. Let’s press in together for this. HURRICANE RELIEF Before ending today’s post, I also want to mention the hurricane relief effort taking place. We are distributing to several credible, boots-on-the-ground organizations and churches the thousands of dollars you have donated. It is very moving to see the depth of gratitude from those who so desperately need help. We will not forget these people! And you can still donate at or, as the Lord impresses you to do so. We take no portion for overhead or administrative expenses - all of the funds go directly to these relief efforts. Pray with me: Father, You said in Exodus 15:26, “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” Christ sent His disciples out to heal the sick (Matthew 10), and later told all His followers to “lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” (Mark 16:18). It is time for we, the church, to stir up this anointing and ask for the gifts of Your Spirit associated with it. We will do so on the 25th, but we begin now by asking You for these gifts. Impart them to many in Your church - not just to those in ministry vocations, but to BELIEVERS! Remind the church that Jesus took lashes to purchase our healing. And motivate us to take action based on Your words, refusing to allow past experiences to weaken our faith or resolve. We are conduits; You supply the power; remind us of these things. And as we come together on October 25, both in person and through livestream, we ask that You heal many. Give us notable, creative miracles. Release a new era of signs, wonders, and miracles, and impart gifts of the Spirit. And, in this perilous time, keep the church full of faith and fully engaged. We will not allow weariness, fear, or anything else to distract us. We will remain alert and strong. We pray also for those who are suffering from storms and hurricanes. Give them the resources and help they need. Encourage their hearts; draw them to You. Lastly, today, we ask You to intervene in America’s upcoming election. Give us government officials who are honest, servant-hearted, and who know You. “Righteousness exalts a nation; sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). Remind Americans of this. We pray for all of these things in Jesus’ name, amen. Our decree: We decree that the Lord forgives all our iniquities, and heals all our diseases (Psalm 103:3). **************************** To register for the upcoming Healing Summit on October 25, go to Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4160. Ibid., ref. no. 5177.
  5. 6 min read October 15, 2024 Introduction Intercessors For America recently released a vision given to one of their state leaders regarding America. It is both sobering and encouraging, speaking of America’s current condition, but also her recovery. The title of the post is: ____________________________________ BATTERED BUT NOT SINKING The Vision A sailing ship is breaking apart as it sails through an intense storm. Some of the crew are actually tearing the ship apart, trying to destroy it, throwing the pieces into the sea. Soon, thinking the pieces removed were what had been keeping the ship afloat, they jumped overboard, believing the ship would now sink. Once overboard, the former disloyal crew attempts to lash the floating pieces together, attempting to make a new vessel. This is obviously very difficult to do. As the frustration mounts, “taskmasters” start whipping the “crew” with cords, ropes, and chains. But the original ship does not sink: its superstructure is intact, and most of its siding remains in place. Once repairs are made, the ship begins sailing much better than before, being lighter in weight and free of the disloyal crew. Its remaining crew is encouraged. They become hopeful, work well together, and have vision and unity. The ship cuts through the billowing waves, heading forward. After a while, the ship emerges from the storm into sunny weather and gently rolling seas. A true course is laid for its destination. However, some of the crew hear cries of anguish and despair from many of the former crew now behind them in the storm. The ship maintains its course but slows down to lower longboats. Moved by compassion, the longboats row back into the storm, and rescue the former crew, who now want to become loyal. They bring them to the ship while it continues to its destination. Interpretation by the Recipient “The ship is America. The storm is the 2024 election and its aftermath. The parts being torn off the ship are elements of our society that are not true to our foundations and godly destiny. The disloyal crew are those who believe that America, as she currently exists, must be destroyed. The loyal crew believes in the godly foundations and destiny of America. The amount of time between the start of the vision and the ship emerging from the storm is unclear. It is long enough for the loyal crew to learn the necessary lessons, but short enough to rescue the repentant among the disloyal crew. The ship’s destination is America’s godly destiny. “There is hope for America; her structure is strong. Much of her protection through godly leaders, spiritual warriors, and families is still in place. Her godly destiny remains - given by God and supported by the hosts of Heaven. “But, we must preserve the purposes for which the Lord has apprehended us: neither denying nor despairing at the fierceness of the storm America is in. (The word ‘intense’ in the vision in no way fully conveys the chaos from and force of the storm I saw on and around the ship.) “We shall not abandon America to those seeking to destroy her. We, as God’s servants, shall unite, take courage, be strengthened by the Spirit, repair our ship, and learn how to sail her forward through the storm. “This will take time, but the wind of Holy Spirit is already filling our tattered sails, starting to move us forward. We shall stay on the ship, work together, and arrive in a light-filled place, aligning our course to fulfill America’s destiny. And, we shall remember compassion. “Do not be distracted by the dismantling. Although it will seem to destroy America, the Lord will empower His faithful to rebuild America, restoring her to His design. “‘There is a time for everything. … a time to tear down and a time to build up.’ (Ecclesiastes 3:1a, 3b; NASB) “If we are faithful to His purpose, America shall not only survive, but be reformed into His ‘ship’ to the nations.” My Thoughts Obviously, I agree with what is depicted by this vision, or I wouldn’t be posting it. Though satan and his allies have pulled out all the stops to destroy America and her calling, God’s verdict was rendered a few years back: “America shall be saved!” Events like Saturday’s gathering in DC are part of the Ekklesia’s enforcing the verdict. As Paul instructed his spiritual son, Timothy, we must through faith and obedience “lay hold of” (1 Timothy 6:12) the salvation God provides. Daniel told us satan tries to change or alter God’s decrees and timing (Daniel 7:25). The verse tells us one of the ways he attempts to do so is by “wearing down the saints of the Most High.” This is not going to succeed. The determination of those present, and of the Ekklesia around the world on Saturday is steadfast and immovable. The unity was strong, faith was high, humility was clearly demonstrated, and understanding of God’s Word and ways was obvious, as was a knowledge of His destiny for America. As we prayed for “the ship” and asked for her restoration to the Lord and His purposes for her, it was evident He was honoring those prayers, and that we were truly “laying hold.” Much compassionate prayer was also offered for those who do not know the Lord. We will fulfill this aspect of the above vision also, rescuing all who turn to Christ. After all, proclaiming the good news of Christ’s redemption and Kingdom IS America’s destiny. In conclusion, I want to mention and provide a link to another article recently released by the Christian Post and reprinted by IFA (Intercessors For America). This article explains and debunks five of the most often repeated lies against Trump. Though the liberal media and politicians know these assertions are untrue, they, nonetheless, continue to repeat them. I am not sharing the article to convince you; I realize most of our readers and listeners are informed and don’t believe the lies of the left. But this article will arm you with clear and concise answers to those with whom you speak. Many people have been duped by these untruths and need to hear the truth. The five debunked lies are: That Trump said white supremacists in Charlottesville were “very fine people.” That Trump told people to guzzle or inject bleach. The misconstruing of Trump’s “bloodbath” comment. That Trump tear-gassed protestors for a photo-op. That Trump said he would become a dictator on day one if re-elected. Here is the link to this informative article in the Christian Post. Read it, send it to others, and keep it handy for easy reference when needed. Pray with me: Father, the “ship” of America is most assuredly in a terrible storm. Without a doubt, there are people on board who believe she just needs to be abandoned, and a new and different America should be created. Just as a number of Israelites became confused, fearful, or simply deceived, motivating them to go back to Egypt and the worship of Baal, a number of Americans have decided they don’t want the nation You created. Their efforts to destroy the “boat” and build a different one will fail; You will frustrate all their plans. You have said the ship called America shall be saved. We believe this, and fully intend to remain on board, steering it towards the next phase of Your destiny for her. Also, we will JOYFULLY welcome those delivered from their deception back onboard, doing everything possible to rescue them. May the awakening awaken many. And regarding the eight years or more of relentless attacks against Trump - the lies, lawfare, election interference, assassination attempts - we ask You for truth and justice. Expose the lies, convict the criminals, and thwart the efforts of evil. Give us the President/pilot You desire to steer this ship called America. According to Your instructions in Matthew 6:10, functioning as Your voices on earth, we command the release of Your will in this regard. We ask for all of this in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that America, though battered and torn, is NOT going to sink. She will be repaired and sail to Heaven’s goal. ************************ Portions of today’s post were taken from and used with permission. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  6. 6 min read October 14, 2024 RESTORING AMERICA’S COVENANT WITH GOD INTRODUCTION It was an honor to serve my friend, Lou Engle, at the A Million Women gathering at the Washington Mall on Saturday. Though there were not a million gathered, I’ve heard estimates ranging from 250,000 to twice that; by noon their website had received 10,000,000 hits. Fifty nations also held companion events. It was truly unprecedented. Though challenging for people to sit or stand for such a long time in the heat of the day, they remained attentive and engaged. It was inspirational watching them! The words, testimonies, prayers, and decrees were VERY strong; the worship was powerful. I was asked by Lou to share for a few minutes regarding America renewing covenant with the Lord and lead in prayer to do so. Several people have asked for a copy of what I shared, so I am sharing portions of it on today’s post. FROM THE MILLION WOMEN GATHERING When we state that America has a covenant relationship with God, we are NOT saying the Lord entered into the type of covenant with our nation that He did with Abraham. And we’re certainly not suggesting that it is on the level of the covenant we enjoy with God through Christ. Nor are we implying that it is based on a blood sacrifice of some sort. We are saying that early Pilgrims, settlers, and America’s Founders entered into alliances, agreements, and covenants with God. They did so through prayers, declarations, and written documents - including our founding documents. Our Founding Fathers made sacred, covenantal promises pledging to function under God’s government and care, to serve His purposes, to partner with and honor Him. And most importantly, America’s founding was inspired by God Himself. HE put HIS desire for this country’s birth into the founders’ hearts. America absolutely has covenantal alliances with God… RESTORATION We are asking God to restore America’s covenant/alliance with Him. The word restoration in Scripture is a powerful word. It means “to reconstitute something back to its to its original condition and purpose.” We are asking for a reconstituting of our covenantal alliance and purpose as a nation. AMERICA’S COVENANT WITH GOD That America’s early leaders and Founders desired this type of covenantal relationship with God is undeniable. Here are a few statements/facts that demonstrate this: Robert Hunt planted a Cross on the beach at Cape Henry in 1607 and declared, “We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work, that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled.” After the prayer, he and the company read Psalm 22:27-28: “All the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the Lord's, and he ruleth among the nations.” The Puritans in 1630 stated in the Mayflower Compact that their voyage was made “for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith.” Their leader and first Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, John Winthrop, declared that they had “entered into covenant with God for this work.” He also declared that God “shall make us a praise and glory… a city upon a Hill” (Matthew 5:14), which has been referenced by no less than 12 U.S. Presidents. At the time of America’s quest to become a sovereign nation, the colonists openly declared, “We have no king but Jesus.” George Washington stated, “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.” Samuel Adams, known as the Father of the American Revolution and a signer of the Declaration of Independence, stated, “The right to freedom is the gift of God Almighty… The rights of the Colonists as Christians may be best understood by reading, and carefully studying, the institutes of the great Lawgiver and head of the Christian Church: which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament.” After signing the Declaration, he declared: “We have this day restored the Sovereign, to whom all men are to be obedient. He reigns in heaven, and from the rising to the setting of the sun, let his kingdom come.” The Liberty Bell, which rang out at our birth as a nation, states “Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof.” (Leviticus 5:10) Founder Patrick Henry stated, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Our sixth U.S. President, John Quincy Adams, declared, “The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.” America’s Declaration of Independence refers to God four times: as nature’s God, the Creator who gave them their inalienable rights, the Supreme Judge of the world to whom they were appealing, and as the God of Divine Providence. America’s independence was won under a banner of prayer that read “Appeal to Heaven.” George Washington, president of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, opened the gathering by saying, “…the event is in the hand of God.” When those present at the Convention struggled to agree on aspects of the Constitution, Benjamin Franklin appealed for prayer to ask God for His help. In his request to those present, he referenced God’s “superintending providence,” then stated: “To that kind providence we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity. And have we now forgotten that powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance? “I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that God governs the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? “We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that ‘except the Lord, build the house, they labor in vain that build it.’ I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building, no better than the builders of Babel… “I, therefore, beg leave to move – that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of heaven, and its blessing on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service.” This request was approved, the prayers occurred, and the Constitution was born. And what of the individual states? God or the Divine is mentioned at least once in each of the 50 state constitutions, and nearly 200 times overall. Our Founders were intentional about their honor of, reliance on, submission to, and partnership with Yahweh and His Son, Jesus Christ! RENEWING COVENANT (We will make this our prayer and decree today) (many of these are the literal words of our Founding Fathers) Declare with me: Whereas God is the Creator and rightful Owner of all the earth, including the United States of America; Whereas He oversaw the creation and establishment of the U.S.A. for His purposes, including being “a city on a hill,” a light to other nations, and an “Evangelist to the world”; Whereas our ancestors covenanted with Him to honor “this most noble work” of partnering with Him “for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith”; Whereas we were founded “not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Whereas our founding documents refer to Him as “nature’s God,” “Creator,” “the Sovereign,” “the Supreme Judge,” the God of “Divine Providence,” and “our Lord”; Whereas we are in covenant with God through Jesus Christ, which qualifies us to intercede, and are citizens of the USA, qualifying us to stand as her representatives; And whereas the USA has broken our agreements, our covenants with Almighty God, but we have repented for this. We now appeal to You, Judge of Heaven and Earth, in the name of Yeshua, to forgive and cleanse our land. We pledge ourselves to You. And we ask for a restoration, a reconstituting of America’s covenantal relationship with You. We ask You to send a sweeping revival that impacts every area of our society and culture, including our government. And we ask that this revival restores a heart of humility, along with Your holy purpose of evangelizing the nations. May we represent Your Kingdom in every way You intended. We agree with our brother and forefather, Samuel Adams: “From the rising to the setting of the sun, let [Your] kingdom come.” We ask for all of this in the name of Jesus, Amen. ****************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  7. 5 min read October 11, 2024 Introduction Again, I want to thank you for your generosity toward the victims of Hurricane Helene. Funds continue to flow in. We also grieve with those in Florida hit by Hurricane Milton and are grateful that the losses, though severe, were not as great as feared by the meteorologists. Thank you for praying, and we will continue to pray for those impacted. As well as sending funds, three trailers full of sorely needed items are making their way to the mountains of North Carolina today - sleeping bags, tents, tools, generators, freezers, wheelbarrows, shovels, ATVs, and MUCH more. For the most part, we are forwarding the funds you send to appropriate, vetted groups with boots on the ground. We are neither staffed nor equipped to be a distribution/relief agency, though we are doing some. The needs are overwhelming. In light of tomorrow’s gathering on the Washington Mall, I want to share a few more thoughts today regarding the subject of covenant. The title of the post is: The Power of Covenant In 2007, a friend of mine was given a very important dream about me. Here is his account of the dream: “You were a boxer and fought five giants over five rounds. You knocked out each of them - one per round - always with one punch; with each giant, you alternated fists. The first giant was floored with a right, the second with a left; back-and-forth you went until they were all down for the count. Five giants, five rounds, five punches, alternating fists. “After you knocked out the fifth giant, you walked out of the ring and directly up to me. Holding up your gloved fists, you declared, ‘If you’re going to take out the giants in this season, you’re going to have to wear these two gloves.’ One of the gloves contained the word ‘Everlast,’ the other ‘Evergreen.” (End of dream.) I discuss this dream and related subjects in detail in my book An Appeal To Heaven. I also discuss the “Everlast” glove in a GH15 post entitled “It’s Time to Put on the Gloves.” In short, it refers to Abraham’s reference to “the Everlasting God” in Genesis 21:33. Today, I want to focus on the “Evergreen” glove. The Covenant Tree Evergreen trees have great symbolism in some cultures. Because they continuously maintain their green leaves or needles - that’s how they got their name - they have come to symbolize longevity, even eternity. At times, this symbolization was expanded to include an everlasting or lifelong commitment to a covenant. At the time of our nation’s founding, evergreens carried this significance to the Iroquois, a First Nations tribe. (In the book An Appeal To Heaven, I document this well, including the tribe’s influence on our government.) They were known to bury weapons under evergreens during a peace treaty ceremony (a covenant), thus the phrase, “Bury the hatchet.” However, the use of an evergreen tree to symbolize eternal fidelity to covenant did not originate with them, but went back to Abraham’s time. As I stated in Genesis 21:33, Abraham called on the Everlasting God. “Everlast,” remember, was on one of the boxing gloves in the dream. But before calling on Everlast, Abraham planted a tamarisk tree, which is an evergreen. Both gloves are found in this one verse regarding Abraham! He wore both gloves! Why did Abraham plant the evergreen tree? In his day, trees were sometimes planted as memorials, reminding people of significant events. When Abraham planted the evergreen, he was establishing a witness to his forever-covenant with Everlasting God. The message was: “Everlast has been faithful to His covenant with me. I now publicly testify of my faithfulness to Him. I will forever honor my covenant with Everlasting God.” Abraham‘s choice of evergreen, a tamarisk, is also significant: tamarisk trees are slow-growing, long-living, and when fully grown, produce cool shade. In fact, because this type of tree grows so slowly, no one plants a tamarisk tree for him or herself; he or she would never personally benefit from it. When planting a tamarisk evergreen, Abraham thought of his descendants, making a powerful declaration to them for generations to come, “I am in covenant with the Everlasting God; you will sit under the shade of my covenant with Him.” Profound! When covenant with God is honored, not only is the covenant-keeper blessed, but their descendants are, as well. This has certainly been the case with America. We sit under the shade of our Founders’ covenant with the Everlasting God. When Holy Spirit used the symbolism of “Evergreen” in the boxing dream, He was pointing me back to America’s covenant with Him: If we would honor Everlast - the God of our fathers - and the covenant they made with Him, we would be able to take out the spiritual giants oppressing us. That covenant or pledge to Yahweh would include honoring Him and His Word, submitting to His ways, representing Him as a light to the nations, and delivering the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the earth. This is what America is being restored to. And our declarations of these truths are powerful blows to the spiritual forces opposing them. That is what we will do Saturday on the Washington Mall. Let’s make the same decrees today that we made yesterday. Pray with me: We decree that America was founded by God under an appeal to heaven, and an appeal to heaven is giving us a rebirth! We decree that we are a voice for Him to all the earth, and the gospel of the kingdom will go forth from America to all people! We decree that we are a nation founded under Christ’s blood and rule and that we have no king but Jesus! We decree that Yahweh is our Lawgiver, our Judge, and our King, and our three branches of government were founded under this truth! (Isaiah 33:22). We decree we are a city on a hill, shining God’s light; darkness will not prevail! We decree that God’s mercy over America endures forever; His mercies are new every morning! We decree that He who began a good work in America will complete it, that God had a plan for our restoration before we even rebelled against Him! We decree that nothing can stop our restoration because our trust is in God! We decree that God’s redeeming power is greater than satan’s deceiving lies, and His truth will prevail! We decree that God has the ability to save - loves to do so - and takes no pleasure in judgment! We decree that we are seated with Christ, and satan is under our feet. We are far above all principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness! We decree that we are Christ’s Ekklesia, representing His authority on earth; we have His keys of authority to bind and loose, open and close. We decree that no weapon formed against America’s restoration, nor against the purposes of God for her, will prosper. We decree that America shall be saved..!!! ********************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------- You can learn more about the Million Women on the Mall event in Washington, D.C., tomorrow, October 12, 2024, at
  8. 4 min read October 10, 2024 Appealing to the God of Covenant (Thank you for your support given to the Hurricane Helene victims - it continues to pour in. I’ll say more about it tomorrow. And since I record the posts the evening before, I am not yet able to comment on Hurricane Milton. I’ll do so tomorrow.) There are different types and levels of covenant. Most Christians use the word “covenant” only in reference to God’s covenant with Abraham and his offspring, or when referring to the New Covenant we have with God through Christ. Because of this, many shy away from believing America has a covenant relationship with God. The word for covenant in Scripture, however, has a much broader range of meanings. The Hebrew word is beriyth. It means “a compact, covenant, alliance, pledge, promise, treaty, agreement, league; a constitution, ordinance.”(1) These usages can refer to an agreement between individuals, as in a marriage or a friendship. The word even refers to a covenant, contract, or alliance between nations. Israel, through their idolatry, even made a covenant with death (Isaiah 28:15, 18)! And, of course, it is used to describe covenants involving God. Simply stated, a covenant is a binding agreement or promise between two or more parties. Obviously, covenants have different levels and strengths. In God’s eyes, a marriage covenant is obviously more binding than two friends pledging their allegiance to one another. We do not become one with someone through a friendship-type covenant, as we do in marriage. Abraham’s covenant with God rises above most others. The new covenant through Christ’s blood stands above all covenants. When I state that America is in covenant with God, I am NOT saying the Lord entered into the type of covenant with our nation that He did with Abraham. And I’m certainly not equating it to a covenant like unto what we enjoy with God through Christ. Nor am I implying that it is based on a blood sacrifice of some sort. I AM saying that early Pilgrims, settlers, and Founders in America entered into sacred alliances and agreements with God. They did so through prayers, declarations, and written documents - including our founding documents. Our Founders made sacred, covenantal promises to function under God’s government and care, to serve His purposes, and to honor Him. This was all based on Christ’s sacrifice and the Scriptures, making it acceptable to God. It was also accepted because God Himself inspired and motivated the actions! America absolutely has covenant agreements and alignments with God, as well as covenant promises from God! He still honors them, and as we declare them in prayer, they are powerful. We can agree and decree with Hunt’s Cape Henry declaration that the gospel will go from these shores to all the nations of the earth. We can declare and decree with Congress that we are a nation under God. We can decree with Ben Franklin and the Continental Congress that the God of providence founded us and will finish what He started. WE CAN TAKE OUT GIANTS WITH THESE DECLARATIONS! It is little wonder that satanic forces are trying to revise our history. Satan knows covenant roots are powerful. He knows God keeps covenant and mercy (Deuteronomy 7:9). Do not be distracted by the lies of those who neither want nor honor these covenantal roots. They will lose; God will win. They cannot steal our history unless we allow it, and we will not do so. Hold fast to it and use it in your prayers. This upcoming Saturday on the Washington Mall, we will war spiritually for America’s return to covenant (link). The Esthers will lead the charge. Let’s decree now, as well. Pray with me: We decree that America was founded by God, under an appeal to heaven, and that an appeal to heaven is giving us a rebirth! We decree that we are a voice for Him to all the earth, and the gospel of the kingdom will go forth from America to all people! We decree that we are a nation founded under Christ’s blood and rule, and that we have no king but Jesus! We decree that Yahweh is our Lawgiver, our Judge, and our King, and that our three branches of government were founded under this truth! (Isaiah 33:22). We decree we are a city on a hill, shining God’s light, and darkness will not prevail! We decree that God’s mercy over America endures forever; His mercies are new every morning! We decree that He who began a good work in America will complete it, that God had a plan for our restoration before we even rebelled against Him! We decree that nothing can stop our restoration because our trust is in God! We decree that God’s redeeming power is greater than satan’s deceiving lies, and His truth will prevail! We decree that God has the ability to save - loves to do so - and takes no pleasure in judgment! We decree that we are seated with Christ, and satan is under our feet. We are far above all principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness! We decree that we are Christ’s Ekklesia representing His authority on earth; we have His keys of authority to bind and loose, open and close. We decree that no weapon formed against America’s restoration, nor against the purposes of God for her will prosper. We decree that America shall be saved!!! (And Lord, we pray for Your grace to be upon the people of Florida. We ask for grace, comfort, strength, and provision. We ask and decree all this in Christ’s name. Amen.) ************************ For more information regarding the upcoming Million Women on the Mall event on October 12, 2024, go to Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 1285
  9. 5 min read October 9, 2024 The Church Being the Church Some of today’s post is rewarding to write; other portions are very difficult. I am going to give a promised update regarding hurricane Helene and the donations you have sent. DSM/GH15 has already funneled over half a million dollars from you to victims of hurricane Helene. As promised, every penny sent to us for this purpose is being used strictly for hurricane relief; we take out nothing for expenses or overhead. Ceci and other staff members have spent many hours researching and vetting organizations. We are sending funds to those with boots on the ground; we are not sending any to government organizations. More funds and supplies will be going out in a day or so. I want to share a firsthand account from a resident in the Swannanoa, NC area. It is painful to read and hear - probably not suitable for children - but real. Yesterday, we spoke with Mona in that small mountain community of about 5000. It’s not far from Asheville. She confirmed that the situation there is totally devastating. Like so many, Mona has lost her home. Stranded for days on the mountain where she lives, she and many others have been forced to evacuate from their properties to safer areas. FEMA said they could place them in hotels, but the only ones available were over two hours away. Instead, she and many others in this community have chosen to stay, in order to help one another. Many of them, including Mona, are sleeping on the floor of her church, with whom she is working to give assistance to others. The loss of life in their area has been catastrophic, over 200 deaths thus far and the number is climbing steadily. Mona told us that everyone in their church has lost someone. There are still hundreds of people missing. FEMA is currently in the area with cadaver dogs, trying to find the missing. She stated that even before FEMA arrived, bodies were washing up on the riverbank as the water receded. Before she was evacuated, Mona had three people wash ashore from the river by her home. Her church has been searching for people and this morning found the body of a toddler in a tree - they have yet to find the parents. Among the bodies found thus far are babies, children, young and old. This morning, Mona and her sister, who is a nurse, rode a 4-wheeler up the mountain to do a wellness check on an elderly couple. The couple’s children had notified the church that they couldn’t reach their parents. When Mona and her sister arrived, one of the parents was still alive, the other had passed away. They had no choice but to leave behind the one who had passed away in order to evacuate the other to safety. The trauma and loss generated by this apocalyptic flood is unimaginable. All of us at DSM/GH15 who heard these details yesterday were overcome with grief. Tears flowed. The people in this community need EVERYTHING: food, water, baby food, formula, diapers, feminine products, soap, clothing, blankets, cots, water filters, pet food, cat litter, folding tables, shelving, ATV’s - everything imaginable. There is currently access by car to parts of the town and the church, which is how they are getting some supplies. The roads into the mountains and other parts of town are impassible. And with winter approaching, many of them have been told they will not have power until January! Mona specifically asked for prayer and welcomed whatever donations we had—they are grateful for everything. We are wiring funds to the church, which has become a staging place for supplies. We are also taking an enclosed trailer and a couple of open ones, filled with supplies such as those mentioned above. They will also be carrying 2 ATV’s, shovels, rakes, ladders, propane heaters, backpacks, generators, sleeping bags, and more. Some of our staff members, including Ceci, are purchasing supplies as I record this. Help spread the word that the victims of this hurricane desperately need assistance. And another MASSIVE and historic hurricane is headed for Florida, slated to arrive Wednesday night. Pray for protection for those in the path of this storm. In closing, I want to mention two Scripture references. Proverbs 19:17 (TPT‬‬) tells us, “Every time you give to the poor you make a loan to the Lord. Don’t worry—you’ll be repaid in full for all the good you’ve done.” The second reference is regarding a man named Cornelius, mentioned in Acts 10: “…a devout man of extraordinary character who worshiped God and prayed regularly, together with all his family. He also had a heart for the poor and gave generously to help them. One afternoon about three o’clock, he had an open vision and saw the angel of God appear right in front of him, calling out his name, ‘Cornelius!’ “Startled, he was overcome with fear by the sight of the angel. He asked, ‘What do you want, Lord?’ “The angel said, ‘All of your prayers and your generosity to the poor have ascended before God as an eternal offering.’” (‭‭Acts‬ ‭10‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ ‭TPT‬‬) Because of Cornelius’ prayers and generosity, his home was chosen as the birthplace of one of the most significant spiritual movements in all of history: the gospel being preached to the non-Jewish world. The earth was forever changed in Cornelius’ living room. God appreciates it when we give to those in need! Thank you for what you have done and are doing! Pray with me: Father, the world is reeling - we are indeed in perilous times (2 Timothy 3:1). Wars, corruption at the highest levels, violence, gross immorality, weather-related disasters, and so much more. We pray for peace to rule the hearts of believers, especially intercessors; we need them to remain positioned in prayer and anchored in faith. As many things around us shake, we will remain steadfast, knowing that You and your Kingdom are unshakable. And as we remain faithful in prayer, Your purposes in our lives will be fulfilled. We pray for a deluge of help to flow from Your people to those in need. Awaken compassion in the church, touch the hearts of millions of Americans to get involved. And we also know that meeting the natural needs of those hurting is not only Christ-like, it will open their hearts to receive the gospel. Use these crises as part of the great spiritual awakening that has begun. And finally, we ask for mercy to those on the Florida coast. Do not allow the predicted devastation from hurricane Milton. Intervene, we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the Lord will use the suffering of people in this season to bring forth good. ********************************* If you would like to contribute to DSM’s Hurricane Helene Relief Fund, click here. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  10. 7 min read October 8, 2024 Introduction Today, I want to share a powerful post about the Million Women gathering in Washington, D.C., this upcoming Saturday (10/12/2024), using Lou Engle’s own words. A Million Voices The word of the Lord interrupted the agenda. We were in a leaders’ meeting in Virginia in 2014, when Teri Buck told her story. She had been praying daily at Meditation Rock, the very place where Mary Washington would go to pray for her son, George, during the Revolutionary War. Suddenly, as Teri spoke, it was like a bomb went off in the room. For the next two hours, the place erupted in prayer and prophecy. Holy Spirit said: “As it was in the Revolutionary War, when a mother's prayers for her son helped save the nation, so too will a million women gather at the National Mall in D.C., in the hour of our greatest crisis. It will be a ‘Last Stand’ for America! They’ll come to Washington in the spirit of Jeremiah 9, ‘Call the wailing women to weep and travail for their sons and daughters, their sisters and their brothers, for death has climbed through our windows’ (from Jeremiah 9:17-21). When they come, they will save the nation.” Heaven had spoken. Those of us who were there will never forget that defining moment. Then, in 2017, after President Trump had been elected, witches around the globe rose up on a set day to curse him. You have to wonder about a man’s purpose when witches worldwide rally to curse him. Whatever your thoughts are concerning Trump, he gave us three Justices that overturned Roe v. Wade. What does that mean in the spirit realm? My spirit was so agitated by this worldwide spiritual assault, that I felt compelled to seek the Lord with prayer and fasting to see if He would give me understanding as to how or if I should respond. On the third night, I received an unforgettable dream: “I was in an open field, and as far as the eye could see, women were coming from everywhere. Many were young girls, teens, all coming to be taught from the book of Esther. I was so moved. It felt like I was seeing a revival. A prayer partner and I were the only men there. He gave me an old Bible, which I now understand represented the ancient calling to be a Mordecai (along with many others) to announce and call forth this Esther Movement. In the dream, a woman, maybe in her late 30s, stood up to teach the book of Esther. She spoke emphatically. ‘These two words in the book of Esther actually mean Nazgul”’ I exploded out of the dream, knowing instantly what it meant. In the third movie of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, there’s a scene where the Nazgul Witch-king is destroying the armies of men. When the armor-clad princess confronts the Nazgul with her sword, the Witch-king threatens, “No man can kill me!” Just then, she rips off her helmet, lets down her hair, and pierces the Nazgul through, declaring, “I AM NO MAN!” Immediately, I understood that there was a mass women’s movement of Esthers who would carry a mighty spirit of revival and wield spiritual authority to break and restrain the demonic powers of witchcraft in our nation. Obviously this does not preclude men, but the Spirit was emphasizing the place of women in a strategic role - Esthers and Mordecais. With these two prophetic encounters spurring us onward, we collaborated with Awaken the Dawn to hold an initial seed gathering on the National Mall in the Fall of 2017. We called it “Rise Up,” and about 22,000 women came and poured out their hearts to God, even in a downpour of rain. Maybe heaven was weeping. I will never forget the tears and travail. Those women put a stake in the ground, watering it with their consecration… We believed that the 2017 Rise Up gathering was a first fruits of the million to come. Meanwhile, deep darkness has increasingly covered our nation. The chilling prophecy of a “Last Stand for America” has come more fully into view, along with the words of Isaiah: “See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you, and His glory appears over you” (Isaiah 60:2). Unbeknownst to me, in 2017, while I was continually pondering this heavenly vision of a million Esthers with many of my spiritual daughters, another woman from the Northwest was providentially being encountered by the Lord. Jenny Donnelly, a businesswoman and co-pastor with her husband, was being led by God to begin hosting women’s gatherings. Out of the blue, the Lord said to her, ‘Call and gather a million praying women. They will rally together to turn a nation back to God.’ We began to join our faith together over God's divine strategy. Months later, I found myself on a plane engrossed in the pages of Mark Batterson's book, Chase the Lion. He writes of Genesis moments, when God breaks in with a vision and gives a glimpse of things to come. But then he tells of those decisive moments that dictate the course of decades. “A single ‘yes,’ a single ‘no,’ a ‘too early,’ a ‘too late,’ makes that hour irrevocable for a hundred generations and determines the life of an individual, a people, and even the destiny of mankind.”(1) When I read those words, I began weeping in the plane. I knew the Lord was speaking to me that it was time to push “GO.” This was my decisive moment to risk everything and call the Esthers to the Mall! It’s no mistake that the backdrop to this Esther/Mordecai movement involves, as Rabbi Jonathan Cahn describes in his book Return of the Gods, satan’s counterparts, Ishtar and Marduk, who have also come to the forefront of history. These demonic spirits, known as ancient gods, were driven out by America’s revivals and the preaching of the gospel. However, in the 60s, when our nation began to remove God from the public square, these evil powers, finding the house of America swept clean and empty, returned and repossessed the generation with spirits seven times worse than before (see Matthew 12:45). Notably, the book does not end on a victorious note, and there was to be no epilogue. But on the very day Cahn finished his manuscript, Roe v. Wade was overturned. He went on to write the Epilogue of Hope. I believe a new chapter of God's scroll for America is unfolding. We have attained a significant victory in tearing down the national altar of bloodshed by Roe v. Wade. For eighteen years, a company of intercessors stood in front of the Supreme Court five days a week, pleading the blood of Jesus and taking Communion. With all the saints who have stood over the past fifty years against this altar of Baal, it appears that the Blood applied may have turned the tide. The ending of Roe may be a harbinger of hope for America. Now, could A Million Voices in D.C., in fasting and communion, applying the Blood to the doorposts of our families, our cities, and the very doorposts of our national guilt, grant us a reprieve from heaven? Could this open a door for revival and reformation? I believe God has been preparing His women to become heirs of history as they are summoned now to play a great role. It seems fitting that God would call for mothers in the spirit, to not only challenge the witchcraft empowering the destructive ideologies aimed against our faith, our families, and our children, but to birth through prayer a day of salvation for America. On October 12, 2024, [this Saturday], we are summoning a million Esthers and Mordecais to gather on the National Mall in a massive Solemn Assembly of fasting and prayer on the Day of Atonement. On that day, the most sacred day of Israel’s holy convocations, when the future of the nation was determined, the High Priest would go into the Holy of Holies with blood to atone for the sins of the whole nation. Jesus Christ is now our eternal High Priest. In repentance, humility, and faith, let us draw near to the Throne of Grace and make our appeal to heaven. Who knows, but for such a time as this, we have come to the Kingdom! (Esther 4:14) Can a nation be saved in a day? Yes! On the Day of Atonement! Pray with me: Father, we thank You for men like Lou Engle, who lay it all on the line for You. He has lived a life of humility, sacrifice, prayer, and fasting to see Your purposes established in America and around the world. We pray today that this Saturday, all of his efforts over the past 30 or so years come together in the spirit, creating a giant crescendo of Holy Spirit power. We are not making this day about him, but about the calling You have placed on his life to see America turn back to You. We ask You to move on the hearts of men and women to join us this Saturday on the Mall in Washington. If they need to change plans in order to do so, motivate them accordingly; if they must drive for a day or so just to get there, please motivate them to do so. Cause the church in our nation to recognize the urgency of this hour and the strategic nature of this event. It truly can be a “hinge of history” that saves America. And please motivate several million more to participate on the Internet. Rally the troops! Awaken the watchmen! Summon the Esther’s and Mordecai’s! This Saturday, we will come before You, the King, asking for Your mercy and deliverance! And we believe we will receive this. And we cannot fail to ask for Your supernatural aid to those suffering the effects of Helene. And we ask for mercy and protection from Hurricane Milton that is approaching. In the name of our Savior, Jesus, we pray. Amen. Our decree: We decree that we were born for such a time as this! ******************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. -------------------------------------------------------------- Today’s post was contributed by Lou Engle and taken from The Briefing. You can find out more about Lou at You can find out more about A Million Women event Saturday, October 12, at -------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Batterson, Chase the Lion (Sisters, OR: Multnomah publishers, 2019).
  11. 5 min read October 4, 2024 Justice Needed Stories of devastation and tragedy continue to pour in regarding Hurricane Helene. The relief efforts could now be complicated by shortages created by the dockworkers’ strike. This will not only cause many shortages, but some are saying it will cost the American economy billions of dollars a day. I certainly don’t know enough to have a position on either side of the issues being argued. However, the timing is unfortunate. The Biden/Harris administration could have forced a 2-month delay through the Taft-Hartley Act, but they need union support for the elections. The union itself could have waited. Neither occurred, and the results could now exacerbate an already tragic situation. Pray for a quick end to the strike. Here are some firsthand reports of the horrific suffering from the hurricane, taken from X (captured 10/3/2024): “In Swannanoa, some have lost everything: home, car, and all personal belongings. We worked for two days cutting trees, moving boulders, mud and debris from our road so that people could get off our mountain to either flee the area or find food, water, and other supplies they need to survive the days ahead. Entire neighborhoods washed away. Cars are in trees. Houses and businesses washed down the river. Highways and private roads are gone…” “My husband works for North Carolina DHHS state police in Black Mountain. I hear the emergency traffic all day. My son works for Henderson County Sheriff’s office and said they are still pulling bodies from the Swannanoa River and that there has been over 1000 deaths so far in Buncombe County alone. [This is much higher than what is reported on TV - time will tell.] Hospital morgues are full. They have brought in refrigerated trailers to store bodies and transport them to other areas. I had friends in Grovemont community two streets down from me that didn’t survive a mudslide that took their home with them in it. My cousin, who was a Fairview Fireman, lost his life and his nephew’s life, and almost lost his son, as well, trying to save their neighbors in a mudslide…” Speaking of ongoing efforts to feed people, one person said: “A church made peanut butter sandwiches and brought them, again there wasn’t enough. Another person slaughtered one of their cows, and the church was grilling it to feed people. They were giving small pieces of meat the size of a sausage patty. I went to the back of the line 3 times because of children getting in the line behind me. I left with nothing because a mother with a small child ran up behind me, asking if her little boy could get a sandwich before they were gone. You kind of lose your appetite when you try and process what is going on around you.” With hundreds killed over six states, thousands without food, water, shelter, and power, and no end in sight to the suffering, many are now criticizing Mayorkas-led FEMA. In an article published by Blaze News, Joseph McKinnon states: “The trouble, according to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, is that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) lacks the requisite funds. “In response to Mayorkas turning out empty pockets, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) wrote, ‘This is easy. Mayorkas and FEMA — immediately stop spending money on illegal immigration resettlement and redirect those funds to areas hit by the hurricane. Put Americans first.’ “Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) tweeted, ‘FEMA spending over a billion dollars on illegals while they leave Americans stranded and without help is treasonous. U.S. citizens are dying. Pray for our country, folks.’ "'The Biden-Harris FEMA spent over $1 BILLION on funding illegal aliens. America LAST,’ wrote Rep. Eli Crane (R-Ariz.). “’Let me translate: We are racking up trillions in debt with all the money that our money printer prints that we then take back from law-abiding American citizens like you but we exist to spend it on anything other than helping you,’ wrote Blaze News editor in chief Matthew Peterson. “Elon Musk simply expressed disbelief, writing, ‘Wow.’ “While the DHS continues sinking taxpayer funds into aiding illegal aliens, FEMA will make a one-time $750 payment available to some qualifying Americans in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia so that they can buy food, water, and other supplies.”(1) It is hard to imagine a more inept and corrupt U.S. government than we now have in portions of ours. Millions of Americans are paying for politicians’ insatiable lust for power and money. In exchange for future votes, they’ve allowed hundreds of thousands of fentanyl deaths, missing children numbering in the tens of thousands, thousands of criminals and terrorists into our nation, and entire cities destroyed. Our bumbling leaders are the laughing stock of the world; “peace through strength” has been replaced by “war through weakness,” and common sense - let alone wisdom - has been rejected for lunacy. And one more thing, many living in the hard-hit areas could now see challenges to voting in November. Some are no longer receiving mail service or have nearby places to vote, if they could even get there. Pray regarding this! The good news? (Yes, there is good news.) Millions of Americans have awakened from their stupor. They see the corruption, are aware of the deep state, know our government and many agencies are broken, and are awake to the rise of Marxism in our land. And most importantly, millions of them are praying. Deep in their core, most Americans believe in God and know He can do the impossible. They are also becoming increasingly aware that we cannot turn things around without Him. The process will not be easy - this we also know - but an “appeal to Heaven” is going forth, and the God who birthed our nation will save our nation. I conclude with the words of Founding Father, Samuel Adams: “We have proclaimed to the world our determination ‘to die freemen, rather than to live slaves.’ We have appealed to Heaven for the justice of our cause, and in Heaven we have placed our trust.” [Samuel Adams, in a speech to the Second Continental Congress on August 1, 1776.](2) Keep praying, church. It birthed our nation and will save our nation. And it is preserving a worldwide harvest. Pray with me: Father, we continue to lift up those suffering from the effects of hurricane Helene. We pray for provisions to get to those who need them, medical help to those who need it, and comfort to those who have lost so much. There are doubtless those who are still waiting to be found; please work miracles and enable searchers to find them. Many agencies and volunteers are working hard; please enable them to accomplish what is needed. We continue to ask You for the transformation needed in America. Cleanse and heal our land. Do whatever is necessary to transform this nation. Give us righteous leaders in this election. We appeal to You for the salvation of America and the recovery of our destiny - representing Christ throughout the world. We know we are not the only people with this privilege, but we do play a significant role and want to do our part. Please restore this. These things we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: “We have appealed to Heaven for the justice of our cause, and in Heaven we have placed our trust.” ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------
  12. 5 min read October 3, 2024 His Eye Is On the Sparrow In yesterday’s post, I mentioned Second Timothy 3:1: “…in the last days perilous times will come.” The Greek word from which we get “perilous” here is chalepos.(1) It means “difficult, fierce, dangerous, savage.” Many people down through history have faced chalepos times; we are most certainly in one now. I also stated the following: “Our nation certainly finds itself in very difficult and dangerous times: corruption is great in our government; division and unrest are strong and on the rise; millions of illegals, including thousands of criminals and terrorists, are in our country; multiple assassination attempts have occurred against a former President; a strike began last night that could cripple America’s supply chain and further damage our economy; the recent catastrophic damage caused by Hurricane Helene; I could go on. “Then there are the perilous times globally. China is bullying and intimidating throughout that region; Russia has attacked and is at war with Ukraine; Iran and its surrogates continue to attack Israel and threaten the United States. Israel has responded by annihilating Hamas and Hezbollah, then was attacked by Iran yesterday…Trump continues to warn us that the weak and inept Biden/Harris administration has brought us to the brink of WWIII.” This word translated “perilous” in Second Timothy, chalepos, is only used one other time in Scripture. The reference is Matthew 8:28, in the account of the Gadarene man possessed by a “legion” of demons. This verse says the man was “fierce.” I’d say! Mark’s account of this man in his gospel reads: “Who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him, no, not with chains: because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him. And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones.” (Mark 5:3-5 KJV) It is very telling to me that this is the only other context in Scripture referencing chalepos: a passage describing a completely demonized madman, extremely violent, with superhuman strength, living among the dead. It says to me that the “perilous” times referred to in 2 Timothy 3:1 are caused by staggering levels of demonic influence, a demonization causing insanity, anger, great violence - even savagery. The butchery against Israel on October 7, 2023, is an example. Rape, murder, sexual mutilation of children, and other acts of cruelty and insanity would also be examples of this level of demonic control. Second Timothy uses the words “unloving…without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous” (verses 3-4) and more to describe the perilous times spoken of. Read all of 2 Timothy chapter 3, and you’ll be enlightened as to this condition. Verse 13 says “evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.” Welcome to 2024. But there is good news. Jesus was far greater than the chalepos-causing demons controlling the Gadarene man. The three gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke all tell this story (Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-21; Luke 8:26-39). Combining them is enlightening. Mark tells us that the locals heard about this, came to check it out, and found the formerly demonized man sitting peacefully, clothed, and in his right mind (5:14-15). And that’s not the end of the story: “And when he was come into the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him. Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee. And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel.” (Mark 5:18-20 KJV) The man fell in love with Jesus, his Deliverer, and didn’t want to leave Him. “Take me with you!” he pleaded. Jesus told him he would be more valuable as an evangelist!!! Go tell the region how I “had compassion on thee.” (Other translations use the word “mercy.”) So the man did just that, declaring throughout the region what Jesus did, and all those who heard it marveled. There are many chalepos’d individuals presently on earth, controlled by demonic spirits. Jesus loves them, wants to show them mercy, give them back their right mind, and make them tomorrow’s evangelists. And the world will marvel. Yes, we are in difficult, chalepos times. Yes, they are filled with great challenges. But God… I’m reminded of the words of a great old hymn, taken from Christ’s words in Matthew 6:26: “Why should I feel discouraged?…His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.” Shalom! Pray with me: Father, You have not been caught off-guard or taken by surprise at the evil of our day. You warned us very clearly in Your Word that it would occur. You also gave us an amazing example of Your ability to deal with it. We remember this today. We do not minimize the suffering of so many at this time, but neither do we surrender to it as the final chapter. You ARE the Deliverer. You ARE He who restores and heals. You give fresh starts, new beginnings, turnarounds, and right minds. You cause bad to work for good when we keep our faith anchored to You. And we do so today. We ask for aid to make it to areas hard hit by the hurricane. We ask for hope to be given to them, and we ask for comfort to be given to those who have lost loved ones. We know their grief is unimaginable, but You know how to comfort them. Show them Your love and peace through this catastrophic situation. We ask for this. We ask for salvation, Holy Spirit’s presence, to break into the devastated regions. Bring good into the bad. Override evil in the Middle East. Defeat Iran and her proxies. Then, rain revival in the region. And give America deliverance from evil. Save and restore us. And based on Your instructions in Matthew 6:10, we command the release of Your Kingdom authority, goodness, and will into our upcoming elections. We also command this into our schools, homes, cities, and streets. And all this we do in our representation of Christ and His authority. Our decree: We decree that in these perilous times, the goodness and mercy of Christ will be revealed, demoniacs will be freed and become evangelists for Him. **************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------------- I want to thank you for the financial donations that have come in for the Hurricane Helene Relief Fund. Your generosity has been astounding. We are sending the funds to churches and ministries in the North Carolina, Florida, and Tennessee areas. There’s so much loss - people still missing, and places where they have to use mules and helicopters to reach them. Thank you for helping. If you would still like to contribute, go to one of our websites ( or and click the banner. ---------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 5467.
  13. 5 min read October 1, 2024 Hurricane Helene I mentioned in yesterday’s post that at the time it was written, we did not have power. We went on to be without power and water for three days, just getting it restored Sunday afternoon. We are among the more fortunate ones. Thousands of people across the Southeast are still without power, and many will be without power for another month. Though we suffered some damage to our property and lost about a dozen 100-year-old trees, we are good; no complaints here. The devastation in some areas is horrific, absolutely catastrophic. Here is a recap as of today. Hurricane Helene roared ashore late Thursday in Florida’s Big Bend region as a Category 4 hurricane with 140 mph (225 kph) winds. The storm surge led to catastrophic damage along Florida’s Gulf Coast, with the Big Bend region seeing the highest inundation, which exceeded 15 feet. Cities such as Tampa and Clearwater Beach saw their highest storm surge level in decades. Officials warned that rebuilding from the widespread loss of homes and property would be lengthy and difficult. The storm upended life throughout the Southeast. Torrential rainfall from the remnants of Hurricane Helene capped off three days of extreme, unrelenting precipitation, which left catastrophic flooding and unimaginable damage in the NC Blueridge Mountains and foothills. It was close to a worst-case scenario for western North Carolina as seemingly limitless tropical moisture, enhanced by interactions with the high terrain, yielded some of the highest rainfall totals – followed by some of the highest river levels, and the most severe flooding – ever observed across the region. The NC Department of Transportation states that “all roads in western NC should be considered closed”. They say it will take years to document and recover from the extreme rainfall and other hazards. As mountain streams became overrun with moisture, that water rushed down the rivers and into towns such as Asheville. Downtown Boone was inundated by several feet of flooding. Heavy rain along the Broad River basin sent a destructive wave of water, mud, and debris into the towns of Chimney Rock and Lake Lure, reducing homes and businesses to splinters. Downtown Chimney Rock is gone. With the exception of storm surge – and Florida was hit hard by that – Helene brought the full suite of hurricane impacts to North Carolina, and in full force just hours after its landfall at Category-4 strength. The Swannanoa River at Biltmore crested at 26.1 feet, more than five feet above its 1916 maximum and slightly above the apparent 26-foot crest in April 1791, making this effectively the worst flood along the river since North Carolina became a state. There have been hundreds of water rescues, including in a rural county in East Tennessee, where dozens of patients and staff were plucked by helicopter from a hospital rooftop on Friday. While 4 to 5 million people were without power in the Southeast, as of Sunday night, more than 2 million customers were still without power. As of this writing, at least 121 people have been confirmed dead across six states - Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee. Six hundred plus are missing. North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper says people are “desperate for help,” and the state is working to deploy all available resources. “Many people are cut off because roads are impassible. They don’t have power or communications. This unprecedented storm dropped 10-29 inches of rain across the mountains, causing life-threatening floods and landslides,” Cooper added. While crews are continuing to clean up after the storm, the shortage of food, water, and fuel is leading to long lines at gas stations as tensions start to run high. Some cities (especially small towns) don’t have power for their gas stations or food in their grocery stores. Many mountain towns are cut off from civilization because of the bridges being washed away. While crews are trying to repair those roads, helicopters have been able to start dropping supplies to some who remain isolated until routes can be reopened. A FOX Weather Correspondent Robert Ray said, “There are helicopters that are very active - we saw them when we came in last night. And yet, there are still people in dire straits in need. The situation right now is still very, very complicated and fluid.” Moody’s Analytics said it expects there will be $15 billion to $26 billion in property damage. Pray with me: Father, Your Word assures us: “…You’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge! You’re a proven help in times of trouble— more than enough and always available whenever I need you. So we will never fear even if every structure of support were to crumble away. We will not fear even when the earth quakes and shakes, moving mountains and casting them into the sea. For the raging roar of stormy winds and crashing waves cannot erode our faith in You.” ‭‭(Psalms‬ ‭46‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭TPT‬‬) We ask now for the fulfillment of this throughout the Southeastern United States. Some have lost family, others important possessions. The trauma is intense, the grief immeasurable. Cause those who don’t know You to turn to You through this. You are not the destroyer; You’re the Redeemer. Remind those who know You to lean into Your grace, strength, and comfort, keeping their anchor of hope attached (Hebrews 6:19). Remind them that You’re the God who can take even the bad and use it for good. And may they remember that You will not leave or forsake them in this time of crisis. Move on the hearts of fellow Americans to give aid and support. People need water, food, diapers, formula, shelter, and more; help us know how to help. Give churches strategies and provisions. May their serving and loving hearts be used to draw many to You; save many through this. Rescue those still stranded. We pray for all these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that God is a present help in this time of trouble. ***************************** If you would like to contribute to the needs of those whom Hurricane Helene has dealt this horrific blow, we have set up a fund where you can give. Go to either of our websites: or and click on the HURRICANE HELENE link. 100% will go to those in need; we will take out no administrative costs. While online giving is best, if you choose to send a check, please note HURRICANE HELENE in the memo. Our address can be found on our website. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------- Information for today’s post was taken from the AP News,, and the North Carolina Climate Office.
  14. 5 min read October 1, 2024 Hurricane Helene I mentioned in yesterday’s post that at the time it was written, we did not have power. We went on to be without power and water for three days, just getting it restored Sunday afternoon. We are among the more fortunate ones. Thousands of people across the Southeast are still without power, and many will be without power for another month. Though we suffered some damage to our property and lost about a dozen 100-year-old trees, we are good; no complaints here. The devastation in some areas is horrific, absolutely catastrophic. Here is a recap as of today. Hurricane Helene roared ashore late Thursday in Florida’s Big Bend region as a Category 4 hurricane with 140 mph (225 kph) winds. The storm surge led to catastrophic damage along Florida’s Gulf Coast, with the Big Bend region seeing the highest inundation, which exceeded 15 feet. Cities such as Tampa and Clearwater Beach saw their highest storm surge level in decades. Officials warned that rebuilding from the widespread loss of homes and property would be lengthy and difficult. The storm upended life throughout the Southeast. Torrential rainfall from the remnants of Hurricane Helene capped off three days of extreme, unrelenting precipitation, which left catastrophic flooding and unimaginable damage in the NC Blueridge Mountains and foothills. It was close to a worst-case scenario for western North Carolina as seemingly limitless tropical moisture, enhanced by interactions with the high terrain, yielded some of the highest rainfall totals – followed by some of the highest river levels, and the most severe flooding – ever observed across the region. The NC Department of Transportation states that “all roads in western NC should be considered closed”. They say it will take years to document and recover from the extreme rainfall and other hazards. As mountain streams became overrun with moisture, that water rushed down the rivers and into towns such as Asheville. Downtown Boone was inundated by several feet of flooding. Heavy rain along the Broad River basin sent a destructive wave of water, mud, and debris into the towns of Chimney Rock and Lake Lure, reducing homes and businesses to splinters. Downtown Chimney Rock is gone. With the exception of storm surge – and Florida was hit hard by that – Helene brought the full suite of hurricane impacts to North Carolina, and in full force just hours after its landfall at Category-4 strength. The Swannanoa River at Biltmore crested at 26.1 feet, more than five feet above its 1916 maximum and slightly above the apparent 26-foot crest in April 1791, making this effectively the worst flood along the river since North Carolina became a state. There have been hundreds of water rescues, including in a rural county in East Tennessee, where dozens of patients and staff were plucked by helicopter from a hospital rooftop on Friday. While 4 to 5 million people were without power in the Southeast, as of Sunday night, more than 2 million customers were still without power. As of this writing, at least 121 people have been confirmed dead across six states - Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee. Six hundred plus are missing. North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper says people are “desperate for help,” and the state is working to deploy all available resources. “Many people are cut off because roads are impassible. They don’t have power or communications. This unprecedented storm dropped 10-29 inches of rain across the mountains, causing life-threatening floods and landslides,” Cooper added. While crews are continuing to clean up after the storm, the shortage of food, water, and fuel is leading to long lines at gas stations as tensions start to run high. Some cities (especially small towns) don’t have power for their gas stations or food in their grocery stores. Many mountain towns are cut off from civilization because of the bridges being washed away. While crews are trying to repair those roads, helicopters have been able to start dropping supplies to some who remain isolated until routes can be reopened. A FOX Weather Correspondent Robert Ray said, “There are helicopters that are very active - we saw them when we came in last night. And yet, there are still people in dire straits in need. The situation right now is still very, very complicated and fluid.” Moody’s Analytics said it expects there will be $15 billion to $26 billion in property damage. Pray with me: Father, Your Word assures us: “…You’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge! You’re a proven help in times of trouble— more than enough and always available whenever I need you. So we will never fear even if every structure of support were to crumble away. We will not fear even when the earth quakes and shakes, moving mountains and casting them into the sea. For the raging roar of stormy winds and crashing waves cannot erode our faith in You.” ‭‭(Psalms‬ ‭46‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭TPT‬‬) We ask now for the fulfillment of this throughout the Southeastern United States. Some have lost family, others important possessions. The trauma is intense, the grief immeasurable. Cause those who don’t know You to turn to You through this. You are not the destroyer; You’re the Redeemer. Remind those who know You to lean into Your grace, strength, and comfort, keeping their anchor of hope attached (Hebrews 6:19). Remind them that You’re the God who can take even the bad and use it for good. And may they remember that You will not leave or forsake them in this time of crisis. Move on the hearts of fellow Americans to give aid and support. People need water, food, diapers, formula, shelter, and more; help us know how to help. Give churches strategies and provisions. May their serving and loving hearts be used to draw many to You; save many through this. Rescue those still stranded. We pray for all these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that God is a present help in this time of trouble. *********************** If you would like to contribute to the needs of those whom Hurricane Helene has dealt this horrific blow, we have set up a fund where you can give. Go to either of our websites: or and click on the HURRICANE HELENE link. 100% will go to those in need; we will take out no administrative costs. While online giving is best, if you choose to send a check, please note HURRICANE HELENE in the memo. Our address can be found on our website. Information for today’s post was taken from the AP News,, and the North Carolina Climate Office.
  15. 7 min read September 30, 2024 Hurricane Helene hit our region hard; we have no power or internet!!! Therefore, today’s post - always recorded the work day prior, which in this case was Friday - is a repost, taken from my book, The Pleasure of His Company. It’ll make you smile, which I’m sure we could all use right now. The Dance I’m not a great dancer. Okay, I’m not even an average dancer. Fine, I can’t dance at all. When I was a teenager, there was a popular dance called the Funky Chicken. I think my version of this “controlled flopping” was probably the closest I’ve ever come to performing a dance properly. I actually thought I was pretty good at it until my friends tagged my version the Flopping Chicken. Mom saw me practicing once and freaked out. “Are you okay?” she screamed, thinking I was having a seizure. “Yeah, I’m good,” I assured her. “Just doing the Funky Chicken.” “Get him off sugar,” Dad murmured from across the room, “before he breaks something.” “Looks like he’s being stung by a swarm of bees,” joked my brother. Tim has always been mercy-motivated. A few years back, my wife, Ceci, talked me into taking some private ballroom dancing lessons. I resisted at first, knowing this wouldn’t end well, but it became clear it was important to her. So against all wisdom, I succumbed. You’ve probably heard the expression, but have you ever really seen a drunken sailor? My dogs actually ran outside - wouldn’t come near me for days. “Maybe we should just take walks together,” Ceci suggested. “Yeah,” I said, “unless they bring back the Funky Chicken.” Dancing, for those who are fortunate enough to have the right genes, is considered great fun. It is, in fact, associated with joy. Who hasn’t heard the phrase “dancing for joy?” When we are sad, we tend to become more inactive, but when we’re joyful or celebrating, we jump, dance, and twirl around. So does God. No, I’m not kidding. He dances. There is a little-known verse in the Old Testament that gives a wonderful description of God’s dancing heart toward His kids: “The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy” (Zephaniah 3:17). In Hebrew, the word translated “rejoice” is the Hebrew word guwl, which literally means “to spin around under the influence of any violent emotion”.(1) That’s what I said - He dances! Hebrew is a pictorial language; a word paints a picture or creates an image. Through the word picture guwl presents - spinning around emotionally - it’s easy to see why it is translated into English words like joy, rejoice, glad, and delight. But really, do these translations do justice to this awesome little word? No way. I experienced “joy” last weekend when through my status as an Executive Platinum flyer with American Airlines, I was upgraded to first class. I actually “rejoiced,” sending a text to Ceci that read, “Awesome! Upgraded!” But I didn’t jump up in the terminal and dance around. I experience joy when my team wins a football game, but I don’t typically guwl over it. However, when the Denver Broncos won the Super Bowl a few years back, I guwl-ed. Losing all dignity, I jumped, screamed, and spun around, shaking my fists in the air. I high-fived everyone around me, whether I knew them or not. Guwl-ing brings people together! The day I’m writing this chapter happens to be New Year’s Eve. People will be guwl-ing all over the world tonight with individuals they don’t even know! But really, Dutch, are you saying God acts this way over His kids? No, Zephaniah did. In the great story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), the prodigal’s father depicted our heavenly Father. When the wayward son returned home, his father was so excited he threw a party accompanied by music, dancing, and great rejoicing. I can’t prove it, but I know who was leading the dance. Dad! The guy who ran to meet his returning son, butchered the fattened calf and threw the party. One of my favorite lexicons says the word “rejoice” (v. 32) in this passage may be related to a Hebrew word that describes a young sheep or lamb skipping and frisking for joy. The same word is used to describe how angels in heaven act when a person comes to Christ (Luke 15:10). There’s a new description of heaven for most of us - a happy, playful, skipping God with His happy, frolicking angels! Some will think I’m insulting God’s dignity by ascribing to Him human emotion and celebrative actions. Let me assure you that this is not my intention. I don’t for a moment believe God acts like us - I believe we act like Him! We were created in God’s image and likeness. That means we have emotions because He has emotions: We love because He loves, laugh because He laughs, cry because He cries, and dance because He dances. If your concept of Him is a distant, stoic, and boring entity, think again. You’ve probably read the popular “Footprints” poem, which depicts the Lord carrying us through difficult situations in life. I like the following version better. A woman had a dream in which her life with Jesus was pictured by footprints in the sand. For much of the way, the Lord’s footprints went along steadily. Her prints, however, began in a disorganized stream of zigzags, starts, stops, turnarounds, circles, departures, and returns. But gradually, her footprints were in line with the Lord’s, eventually paralleling His consistently. She and Jesus were walking as true friends. Then an interesting thing happened; her footprints began walking precisely in His steps. Inside His large footprints were her smaller prints. She and Jesus were becoming one. Then gradually, the footprints inside the larger footprints seemed to grow bigger, eventually, disappearing altogether. There was only one set of footprints; they had become one. Then something awful happened. The second set of footprints was back! Zigzags all over the place...stop, start...deep gashes in the sand...a veritable mess of prints. She was saddened and shocked. This was the end of her dream. The lady went to the Lord in prayer, seeking to understand: “Lord, I understand the first scene with the zigzags and so on. I was a new Christian, just learning. But You helped me learn to walk with You.” “That is correct,” replied the Lord. “Then, when the smaller footprints were inside of Yours, I was actually learning to walk in Your steps, following You closely. “Yes, very good.” “Then the smaller footprints grew and eventually filled in Yours. I was growing so much that I was becoming more like You in every way.” “Precisely.” “But Lord, they went back again to two sets of footprints, this time more chaotic than at the first. Was there a regression in my life?” The Lord smiles, then laughs. “You didn’t know?” He says, “That was when we danced.”(2) I’m fully aware that some in the super-religious crowd won’t approve of my fun-loving God. This depiction of Him will be considered irreverent by them, perhaps even heretical. If you really want to know what they believe about God’s personality, go to one of their worship services. But - and forgive me for being so blunt - you might want to drink an espresso on the way. Frankly, I think even God gets bored with many church services. Trust me, the God of Scripture isn’t starchy and religious. Our worship gatherings should be celebrations where we join hands with Papa God and have a little fun frisking, leaping, and dancing. Shabath, the Hebrew word for sabbath, means not only “to stop or cease from work” but also “to celebrate.”(3) In much the same way we celebrate certain days - holidays, for example - by resting from work, this is the concept of Shabath. On the seventh day, God stopped working and celebrated! He was so excited about having a family He decided it would be commemorated with a “rest and celebration day.” That puts a new twist on taking a sabbath. Every seventh day we should all rest and celebrate our membership in God’s family with joy and great rejoicing. If we would do so, the gospel we preach would be a lot more appealing. Abandon your concept of a passionless, boring God. Reject all religious stereotyping of Him. Let your heavenly Father be real, relevant, relational and fun. Only then will you truly experience the pleasure of His company. Look up . . . I think He’s asking for this dance. Pray with me: Father, we are amazed at Your passionate love toward us, leaping and rejoicing over us, just as we do our kids. We have allowed religion to tell us satan is fun, You’re boring; he laughs, You’re always somber. Forgive us! You CREATED fun and laughter! We are thrilled to think our heavenly Father is fun-loving, real, relevant, and relational. May our heart’s response to Your passionate love be increasingly undignified. Like David, may we dance unashamedly over our relationship with You. Teach us that holy doesn’t mean somber, omnipotence isn’t stoicism, and “above all others” doesn’t equate to unreachable. Bring a presence movement to the church that reveals Your true nature and shows the world how irresistible You truly are. Our decree: We believe and declare that the coming great awakening will result in the greatest celebrations of worship in Earth’s history! ***************************** Today’s post was taken from my book The Pleasure of His Company and published by Baker Books. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------ James Strong The New Strong’s exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. H1523. Adapted from Mark Littleton, escaping the Time Crunch (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 1990), Used by permission. James Strong The New Strong’s exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. H7676.
  16. 5 min read September 27, 2024 No Turning Back Yesterday, Ceci and I received an incredible report from My Faith Votes, a very effective vision to motivate conservative Christians who have not voted in past presidential elections, to do so in the upcoming election. We shared a post on this incredible undertaking a couple of weeks back. If you did not see it, please take a look (August 23, 2024). Here is the letter we received: “Dutch and Ceci, “Give Him 15 surpassed 100,000 letters being adopted by your people [Give Him 15 family] as of today! I am praising God for the impact your ministry is making on this year’s election through our initiative. I know you’re making a massive impact in so many ways, but we are so grateful for what you have done for the “Write Now” campaign. “We have blazed past our 300,000 letter goal and are over half a million as of last night! We are averaging over 8,000 letters a day. Look at God! I’ve done this for four years and have never seen anything like it! “I hope our Jesus blesses you two from the top of your heads to the tips of your toes for all you do for Him. Isn’t it so amazing how much He loves us? “I join with you in praying that He saves our nation! “Lord bless you, Laurel Brooks National Director of Grassroots Action My Faith Votes” Thank you, friends of Give Him 15, for getting behind this divine plan from Holy Spirit. What an amazing difference you are making, both in your prayers and actions. And if you would like to participate more, or were not able to do so previously and would like to do so now, the end date for sending these letters is October 25th. Visit their website for more information. Strike In Prayer In yesterday’s post, I talked about finishing well. The results of allowing complacency to enter our lives can be disastrous. This destructive mindset can be caused by weariness, discouragement, hope deferred, apathy, ignorance, busyness, deception, over-confidence, and other factors. Regardless of the cause, complacency produces defeat. The church in America grew complacent in the last half of the 20th century, and the most powerful nation in the history of the world became a laughing stock. The leading exporter of the gospel became the leading exporter of filth. Yesterday, we saw the list of Israel’s tribes that didn’t finish the job of driving out their enemies in the promised land. The results? A little Baal worship leavened the entire “lump” of Israel (see 1 Corinthians 5:6), and in just a few years, God’s covenant people were sacrificing their children to this demon. Complacency produces defeat - always. Today I want to remind us of the familiar passage in 2 Kings 13:14-19. The great prophet, Elisha, was old and dying. King Joash paid him a visit to get some final prophetic insight and say his goodbyes. While the two visited, Elisha did a symbolic “prophetic act” of having the king shoot an arrow toward the land of his enemies; he called it an “arrow of victory” (verse 17). The King James translation calls it an arrow of “deliverance.” The word can also mean “rescue.”(1) He then told the king God would give him victory over his enemies, the Arameans. [A “prophetic act” is a phrase used by many to describe a physical act, initiated by God, that pictures - and sometimes releases - a future action. Power is not inherent in the prophetic act itself; the power flows from God through our obedience and faith. Sometimes, the prophetic act pictures a truth or insight regarding what He is about to do. In other words, prophetic acts are often prophetic pictures. Moses striking the rock to bring forth water would be an example (Exodus 17). Obviously, hitting a rock doesn’t normally produce a gushing stream. But in this case, the prophetic act, in obedience to the word of the Lord, released God’s provision. However, the act also pictured Christ, our Rock, being smitten and releasing to us living water (1 Corinthians 10:4). There are many such biblical examples of prophetic acts.] After the king shot the arrow in 2 Kings 13, Elisha decided one more prophetic act was needed. He told the king to take arrows and strike (nakah)(2) the ground. Nakah is most often used as a battlefield term, meaning to attack, smite, or inflict injury on an enemy. The prophet was saying, “Attack the ground, king; show me what you are going to do to this enemy.” Joash responded by striking the ground three times. Elisha was furious and said, “You should have “attacked” the ground five or six times. Now you will win three battles, but won’t fully destroy Aram” (verse 19). Notice, and this is important, Elisha was not prophetically given a specific number of times the king should have struck the ground. “You should have struck five or six times,” he said. It was an attitude, not a number, the prophet was looking for. Heart!!! “You are not a finisher, Joash. You do not have the heart of a warrior. You’re a ‘just enough to get by’ type of leader.” God is measuring us as well at this time. Let’s be finishers! We are not from the complacent tribes of the “did not’s”? We are those who put our hand to the plow and don’t look back (Luke 9:62). He was thinking of Himself in the context of Isaiah 50’s prophecy. When Jesus challenged us with those words. The passage foretells Christ’s determination to accomplish what He was sent here to do. Verses 5-7 state: “The Lord God has opened my ear; and I was not disobedient, nor did I turn back. I gave My back to those who strike Me, And My cheeks to those who pull out My beard; I did not hide My face from insults and spitting. For the Lord God helps Me, Therefore, I am not disgraced; Therefore, I have made My face like flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed.” (NASB) We have put our hand to the plow of intercession for America’s restoration, a Third Great Awakening, and worldwide harvest. We are spiritual warriors of the Lamb and Lion, and we will not turn back. We will press on until we, too, can say, “It is finished!” Pray with me: Father, I thank You for patriots who are doers of Your Word, not hearers only. Because of this, You said their house will stand! (Matthew 7:24-25). Thank You for motivating them not only to pray, but also to write letters and vote. And now, we ask You for finishing hearts, hearts that attack in prayer until Your enemies are completely defeated. Through us, release Your arrows of deliverance, of rescue, of victory. Through us, defeat Marxism. Through us, defeat secularism. Through us, defeat hatred, death, and violence. Through us, defeat spiritual death and blindness. Through us, defeat immoral strongholds. Through us, defeat unrighteous laws. Through us, save spirits and heal bodies. Through us, restore broken hearts and lives. Through us, unite. Through us, restore America and send the gospel to every nation. And Lord, we ask for Your help to those suffering from Hurricane Helene. Please protect people from the winds, floods, and tornadoes. Comfort those who have lost homes and possessions, and bring recovery and restoration. In Christ’s name, we pray, Amen. Our decree: We decree that we have put our hand to the plow and will NOT turn back. *********************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 8668 Ibid., ref. no. 5221.
  17. 5 min read September 26, 2024 Finish the Assignment The Lord has been speaking to me about the need to finish this season well. We are all busy with many responsibilities and activities. It is easy to allow prayer and other spiritual actions to fall by the wayside, especially when we become weary. However, we cannot afford to do that at this time. One of the passages in Scripture that effectively illustrates the dangers of not finishing well is Judges 1-2. After Joshua led Israel in conquering Canaan, each tribe was left with the responsibility of clean-up operations in the portion of land allotted to them as an inheritance, fully driving out the remaining enemies. Many of them became complacent and did not finish the job. Here are examples: Now the Lord was with Judah, and they took possession of the hill country; but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley because they had iron chariots. But the sons of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites who lived in Jerusalem… But Manasseh did not take possession of Beth-shean and its villages, or Taanach and its villages, or the inhabitants of Dor and its villages, or the inhabitants of Ibleam and its villages, or the inhabitants of Megiddo and its villages…they did not drive them out completely. And Ephraim did not drive out the Canaanites who were living in Gezer. Zebulun did not drive out the inhabitants of Kitron, or the inhabitants of Nahalol… Asher did not drive out the inhabitants of Acco, or the inhabitants of Sidon, or of Ahlab, or of Achzib, Helbah, Aphik, or of Rehob…for they did not drive them out… Naphtali did not drive out the inhabitants of Beth-shemesh, or the inhabitants of Bethanath… Then the Amorites forced the sons of Dan into the hill country, for they did not allow them to come down to the valley… (All taken from Judges 1:19-34 NASB) The result of not finishing the jobs was tragic. Israel eventually assimilated with the Canaanites, intermarrying with them, and accepting their Baal worship. Chapter 2 tells us the results: “Now the angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal to Bochim. And he said, ‘I brought you up out of Egypt and led you into the land which I have sworn to your fathers; and I said, I will never break My covenant with you, and as for you, you shall not make a covenant with the inhabitants of this land; you shall tear down their altars.’ But you have not obeyed Me; what is this thing that you have done?… “Then Joshua, the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died at the age of 110. The people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders who survived Joshua, who had seen all the great work of the Lord which He had done for Israel. And they buried him in the territory of his inheritance in Timnath-heres, in the hill country of Ephraim, north of Mount Gaash. All that generation also were gathered to their fathers; and another generation rose up after them who did not know the Lord, nor even the work which He had done for Israel. “Then the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and served the Baals, and they abandoned the Lord, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt, and they followed other gods from the gods of the peoples who were around them, and bowed down to them; so they provoked the Lord to anger. They abandoned the Lord and served Baal and the Ashtaroth.” (Excerpts from Judges 2:1-13 NASB) The angel of the Lord leaving Gilgal and going to Bochim is very significant (2:1). Gilgal was the first encampment of Israel after the dramatic crossing of the Jordan River. Much of their 7-year campaign to take the promised land was launched from there. The name “Gilgal” means “rolling,”(1) for it was there the Lord said the reproach of Egypt had been “rolled off” them. Bochim means “weepers.”(2) The symbolism could not be clearer. Israel as a nation was about to go from victory to weeping, from reproach-free to shame, and from freedom back into slavery: “Then the anger of the Lord burned against Israel, and He handed them over to plunderers, and they plundered them; and He sold them into the hands of their enemies around them, so that they could no longer stand against their enemies. Wherever they went, the hand of the Lord was against them for evil, as the Lord had spoken and just as the Lord had sworn to them, so that they were severely distressed.” (Judges 2:14-15 NASB) The entire book of Judges is a history of this compromise, complacency, and resulting judgments. We have come a long way in praying for the spiritual reviving and healing of America. This election cycle is part of the turnaround process. There are those who contend that God doesn’t really care who is in government. They say He can do what He desires regardless of who wins elections or governs a nation. Therefore, they tell us that the church should stay focused on preaching the gospel and not be “distracted” by politics. This is a dangerous deception. Scripture is filled with accounts of negative reaping by nations because of their leaders. Unwise and unholy leaders have created untold suffering and death around the world. God removed Saul from being King of Israel, saying He needed a man who would obey Him (1 Samuel 15:19-23) and would pursue His heart (1 Samuel 13:14). America’s rejection of God and its unholy laws, for which we are reaping great suffering and death, were passed by government leaders. To say it doesn’t really matter who we elect into office - God will just do what He wants anyway - would mean God is okay with abortion, sexually mutilating confused kids, and much more. Some theology is simply a shirking of our responsibility to stand for truth. We must vote, yes, but we must also pray that those who align the closest with God’s will and ways, found in His Word, are elected to office. We must pray that those who most oppose His will are not allowed to win. DON’T STOP PRAYING! Let’s finish well. Pray with me: Father, we know that our war is spiritual, done with prayer, fasting, and decrees. Yet, it is no less real. Through these prayers and decrees, we enforce Christ’s victory, pulling down demonic strongholds and ideologies. Through prayer, we set free those held captive spiritually, and release the power of Your Word as a sharp sword (Ephesians 6:17). We are agreeing in prayer now, asking You to motivate the church to pray. We know that some of this motivation would have to occur through awakened leaders sounding the alarm; other believers could hear Holy Spirit personally. Whatever it takes, we ask You to motivate the church to finish this season well. May it not be said of believers in our day that we “did not…” And Father, we remain steadfast in our prayers for the protection of those in government positions. Lord, many of us are receiving strong alerts to pray this for Trump. Surround him, his family, and those associated with him. We bind demonic plots. We ask that law enforcement be alert and enabled to provide adequate protection. Expose every plan of evil, both from here and abroad. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen Our decree: We decree that we will finish the assignment of praying for America’s healing, restoration, and recovery of purpose. ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ----------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 1537. Ibid., ref. no. 1066.
  18. 6 min read September 25, 2024 Introduction Many times the Lord will give us an example in the natural of what He desires to happen in the spirit. Today, my brother Tim shares a recent dream he had where this is the case. He gives us a vivid “word picture” of what our prayers are doing. Don’t become discouraged by what you see in the natural. Holy Spirit is taking all of our prayers, gathering them in the bowls of heaven, and is about to pour them onto the Earth (Revelation 5:8). Tim’s title today is: ___________________________________________________________ Liar Liar 2 Chronicles 7:14 states, “If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” We will not see righteousness exalt our nation without the divine intervention of Jehovah. The Ekklesia must continue to engage through prayer, faith decrees and believing the prophetic words of our God. I want to give you a prophetic dream and word that Holy Spirit is emphasizing for this moment. I feel compelled by Him to have the Ekklesia declare it in faith and birth these words through prayer. “In the dream, I was walking towards the front entrance of the White House in Washington, D.C. As I grew closer, I could see that a big marquee had been built onto the front of the White House. It looked like the front of a movie theater. The marquee was lit up and read: ‘Now showing: Liar Liar.’ “A little lower than the big marquee were two smaller signs, one on the right and one on the left. Both signs read: ‘Coming soon: The Avalanche.’ I noticed a guy standing next to me also looking at the marquee. I didn’t recognize him, but somehow knew his name was Jerry.” Tim shares: I found this so intriguing that when I awoke, I looked up the meaning of his name. Jerry means “tip or head of the spear.” In Hebrew it can mean “plain spear,” “exalted of the Lord,” or “who the Lord exalts.”(1) It was also the name for a German soldier in World War II. As I prayed into this Holy Spirit said, “There are soldiers, remnant warriors you do not even know, exalted by Me for this time. These spear carriers, the Lord’s sons and daughters, are also seeing this marquee and reading the signs.” Back to the dream: “I turned to Jerry and said, ‘I didn't know they turned the White House into a movie theater.’ And Jerry replied, ‘Oh those aren’t movies, haven't you heard? They are live shows. It's a live performance called Liar Liar.’ “Then in the dream, everything changed and an angel of the Lord appeared to me. Because of the colors he wore, I knew he was one of the communication angels in Gabriel’s division. There are ‘messenger angels’ under Holy Spirit’s supervision and this was a messenger angel. “The angel said to me that I was to take the Ekklesia to Seven Mountain Mountain. I told the angel that I had heard of the Seven Mountains of Culture but not Seven Mountain Mountain. I asked where it was located and the angel said it was a spiritual mountain(2) overlooking the White House. The angel also said there are barrier beams built into the mountain, like a lattice, to protect the White House from landslides. He went on to say the Ekklesia must remove the barriers. I told the angel we would take care of it. “Then the scene in the dream shifted and I was driving up the mountain in a white work van. I somehow knew it was filled with a Holy Spirit empowered work team. The sign on the side of the work van read Ekklesia Response Team. Coming up the mountain behind me were six other vans filled with these Holy Spirit empowered work teams. In the dream, I recognized that there were seven vans; seven is the number of completion. I knew that under Holy Spirit’s anointing, we would be able to complete the job and remove the barriers. “We continued winding up the mountain until we saw a sign that said, ‘Avalanche area, stay out.’ Because of the sign in front of the White House that read, ‘Coming Soon: The Avalanche,’ we knew this was the place we needed to be. “We exited the vans and began removing the barriers holding back the mountain. Some workers had blow torches and were working on breaking the welding of the beams, while others dragged away the beams. Everyone in the work teams was dirty and sweaty, but we finally got all the beams moved. “Then one of the workers asked me how we were supposed to start the avalanche; they wondered if we should use dynamite. I said I wasn’t sure and would make a call. I called the angel who had told us to do this, asking how we were supposed to start the avalanche. He said, ‘You’re not supposed to start the avalanche, just remove the barriers. When the time is right, the King will start the avalanche with a great shaking.’” That was the end of the dream. As I was praying into this, the Lord said, “Ekklesia, engage the barriers of hell and the barriers made by man. Dismantle them with weapons of warfare that I have divinely empowered. For My name and My words are filled with uprooting powers. Uproot ‘seven mountain’ strongholds with supernatural power and with My superior authority. In My name, uproot demon fortifications that have protected ‘seven mountain’ corruption of My ways. “Uproot lying spirits bunkered in the White House and also surrounding it. In this war season you will see the uprooting power of your king. Roots of deception, theories, reasonings and arguments that have promoted social dementia will now be pulled up and destroyed. “Ekklesia response teams, move forward and strike the strongholds of darkness with bold decrees of your faith. Ekklesia, hear the calling of your God: use the weapons I have divinely empowered and demolish positions of evil. Overthrow ideologies that have rooted into the culture and into your White House. Refute them with bold truth. I will empower you, for I am pouring forth irrefutable power, power to refute insane distortions of My ways. “I am pouring out power to uproot and refute the confusion caused by demons in education, media, government and the White House. The Lord says you will see the confusion of the confused demolish their own agendas as My Ekklesia stands in faith for My words. It's uprooting time. Rise up in hope, for the world will now see the emerging of My great Ekklesia and power displays of My mightiness. “My Ekklesia will move in power disciplining insubordinate disobedience, demolishing hell’s counsels in boardrooms, transforming demonic thoughts in deranged minds into aimless blather. Blather, blather and more blather. Their deranged minds will be conversations of blather. “My Ekklesia will bring down the defenses hiding the wicked and their plans, exposing, refuting and demolishing them. They will do so with their war weapons of prayer, decrees and worship warfare. They will use their keys and unlock the cellar doors in the White House and Capitol, doors revealing the underground root systems of iniquity. Root cellars will open, says the Lord. “For you will now enter a fullness of time that I have planned; the Liar Liar live performance in the White House will be shown to the world. The avalanche is coming soon and the Liar Liar show will come to an end. I will shake Seven Mountain Mountain and My landslide will begin. Liars will be swept away in it. The mud they have thrown will now become a mudflow that overthrows their power. Ekklesia, dismantle the protective barriers. Activate your response teams. Activate your divinely empowered weapons and I will trigger the avalanche.” ******* I am confident that the Liar Liar show is about to be hit with the Lord’s avalanche. He is hastening His Word to perform it. Pray with me: Heavenly Father, we thank You for what You have promised and are now bringing to pass. Holy Spirit, release Your explosive power on the earth. Send Your avalanche and expose the Liar Liar show. Expose the diabolical root systems in the White House and Capitol. Do it not only in D.C., but also at the state Capitols. Holy Spirit, use Your great and mighty angels, fueled by the decrees of Your Ekklesia, to open the cellar doors. Shake everything that can be shaken and uncover everything hidden. Remove strongholds and barriers with Your power. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Our decree: Supernatural intervention is coming to expose and overthrow the deceptive agenda of our government. The Liar Liar show is about to be hit with the Lord’s avalanche and we will see righteousness exalt our nation. *************************** Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at Click on the link below to watch the full video. -------------------------------------------------------- The Seven Mountains of Culture are known as: Family, Religion Government, Business, Education, Arts & Entertainment, and Media.
  19. 3 min read September 24, 2024 Years of Prayer in a Day In a staggering expression of love, the equivalent of several thousand years of intercession and worship was lifted over America this past Sunday morning. (As always, I wrote and recorded this yesterday in order to post it early this morning.) On a Global Day of Prayer, hosted by International Prayer Connect, a 3-hour prayer meeting took place for America. The networks participating around the world comprise 110,000,000 intercessors. If all participated, that equals 330,000,000 million hours of prayer (and worship). Let’s be very conservative - if only half of them participated (which I feel would be very low), and each one only joined for an hour, instead of 3 (which I also feel is low), that is still 55,000,000 hours of prayer and worship, which is the equivalent of 2,291,666 days, or 6,278 years. Mind-numbing. Other than Christ Himself, this is the greatest gift ever given to America. Could there be any greater sign that God is not finished with America?! I was honored to offer a short prayer, but I was barely able to speak. My emotions were overwhelmed as I tried to process the value of this gift. I was also overwhelmed with grief as I pondered how far America has fallen from her destiny. It was humbling and very moving as nations, many of whom have been sent the gospel from these shores, sent back prayers for America’s reviving and recovery. I am still processing this gift from God and the nations. The prayers were strong, compassionate, and filled with faith. The intercessors prayed for: Jesus to be exalted in our nation the church to return to our first love our upcoming elections God to restrain lawlessness our families and campuses religious freedom a return to the fear of the Lord John 17 oneness among God’s people - only a united church can heal a divided nation revival and awakening in America We ended the prayer time by praying for the salvation of lost people around the world, led by, and by partaking in communion together. After the 3-hour prayer time, dozens of on-site prayer strikes occurred throughout the earth in demonic strongholds of darkness. What a time this must have been in heaven! I want to say thank you to the intercessors and their leaders around the world for their love and prayers. I also want to thank Jason Hubbard and Wesley Tullis of International Prayer Connect ( for their hard work and outstanding leadership in the endeavor. And also, a big thanks to David’s Tent ( for hosting those of us in Washington, D.C., as well as contributing to the technical aspect of the event. All selfless, all excellent, and all Kingdom-hearted. And to those of you here in America who joined us, thank you for doing so. Twenty-one days of fasting and prayer now begin in America, ending on October 12 with the Million Women on the Mall event conducted by Lou Engle. America shall be saved! Pray with me: Father, thank You for Your love and grace, and thank You for this gift of love from our brothers and sisters around the world. We are very moved and deeply grateful. We humbly receive the gift, and are confident the prayers offered will be part of saving America. We were cleansed through their intercession, and strongholds were doubtlessly torn down. We pray for THEM today. Send revival to the nations, the world Christ died to save. Most of the billion or more saved in the coming wave of harvest won’t be Americans; they will be from the Psalm 2 “nations” You promised Christ as His inheritance. We love them; we pray for them. Send the blazing fires of revival around the world. We end by asking for the complete undoing of the strongholds maintained by principalities in the Middle East. Free the people of Iran, Lebanon, and elsewhere from the deception and hold of these spirits. May the revival in Iran continue to burn, increasing in its intensity and spreading throughout the entire region. We declare the release of great signs, wonders, and miracles in order to increase this harvest. Tear down evil structures, Yahweh; build Your church and expand Your Kingdom into the hearts of millions. In Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that Jesus is King over all the nations! ******************** You can watch a replay of the Global Day of Prayer in its entirety here on YouTube. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  20. 5 min read September 23, 2024 As believers, we know that God desires to use us as His representatives, being conduits of His power and love. As we go about our daily lives, we should always be aware of this. Today, our friend Gina Gholston shares about this concept, challenging us to represent Christ each day. She mentions the Healing Summit at The Oasis in Middletown, Ohio, several weeks back. We have decided to do another one in a few weeks, on October 25. Many testimonies of healing have come in, both from individuals present there in Middletown, and as importantly, from churches that joined with us online that night. It must be emphasized that our purpose is not to build the ministries of those participating in these healing services. It is to come into agreement with heaven’s plan, unlocking a new wave of signs and wonders in the earth that will not only bless the hurting, but will point millions of people to Jesus. Although we have received many wonderful testimonies of healing, we know the level of power and anointing must increase. We believe the previous meeting was a wonderful beginning, but we also believe a much deeper well of miracles is to be opened. And we are intent on seeing this. Churches will join in again, agreeing for this. You can register to attend starting today, and I’m sure it will fill up quickly. All details can be found at Here is what Gina says about the coming surge of God’s power. Her title is: How to Impact the World A few weeks ago, Oasis Church in Middletown, Ohio, hosted the Healing Summit. People from every state and even different nations came together in faith to experience the healing power of Jesus, and that’s exactly what transpired. Testimonies have been flowing in from thousands who experienced healing, deliverance, and salvation. Recently, the Lord showed me that the Healing Summit was more than a healing service. The Healing Summit wasn’t just about Oasis Church. He said to me, “It was the launch of a movement.” I believe it is not a “new thing,” but the restoration of Christ’s desire for His church. He is restoring His Ekklesia, His governing body, to fully operate in His power and authority. There is an awakening of our spiritual inheritance that has begun to stir in the hearts of God’s people. Many are recognizing the power deficit we have tolerated in past years, and are now determined to regain what has been lost. We will no longer be content to just hear stories and testimonies of what God did in past generations. We know He is not done and are pressing in to experience a touch from Him ourselves, and shine with His glory and power. There was a wave of healing power that was released at the Healing Summit, and what was launched that night will continue to grow with an even greater intensity. I believe God is launching another great move of His Spirit. As members of Christ’s body, we must be aware of all God has made available to us. We must be diligent to know the Scriptures and remain steadfast in our focus and obedience to Him. We must represent Christ and exhibit a true reflection of His likeness to the world. Some would argue that healing, miracles, and the gifts of Holy Spirit are not operational today. They say we no longer need a demonstration of the power of God, but nothing could be further from the truth. We need the Word of God being taught accompanied with the power and conviction of Holy Spirit if we are to see America saved and our world changed. God’s healing and miracle gifts spark an awakening and awareness of Jesus that can come no other way. By seeing, many will believe! Not one Christian would be a believer today if it were not for the power of Holy Spirit. Our very salvation stems from the power and ability God demonstrated in raising Jesus from the dead. The Holy Bible we preach from and use as the foundation of our beliefs is filled with the records of miracles, signs, and wonders that occurred through people being used and anointed by Holy Spirit. Evidence of the reality of Jesus has provoked change and turned the hearts of great skeptics all throughout history. Imagine the Bible with no demonstration of God’s glory—no record of the wonder-working power of God, no record of the Red Sea parted, of David killing the giant, or of Daniel being delivered in the lions’ den. Imagine having no record of Jesus opening blind eyes or Lazarus being raised from the dead. And most importantly, of Jesus Himself dying on the Cross and on the third day, being raised from the dead. Without the demonstrations of the glory of God, there is no awareness of God, and no hope! But the Bible IS filled with these examples because Jehovah is the God of power and might, and has given us His Spirit who enables us to release His power in and through our lives. Jesus gave that power to His Ekklesia with the promise that those who believe in Him would do the works He did, and even greater (John 14:12). This power and gifts of Holy Spirit weren’t given as a momentary gift or just for those in the early church. Read the book of Acts. There you will see many examples of God’s power which was for then, and for now. A lack of knowledge of that power and its availability to the church - the Ekklesia - has caused many to be lulled to sleep by the sounds of a godless culture. Be aware: a movement has begun. There is a company of enlightened heirs who desire to be conduits of Holy Spirit. Awareness of our spiritual inheritance IS being awakened, and there is a reigniting of an uncompromised pursuit of its full activation. We are tired of living in unnecessary spiritual poverty. We desire to deepen our resolve and avail ourselves completely to the Lord to see His power fully released, flowing with an even greater intensity. With honor and in the fear of the Lord, we are determined to receive all that Holy Spirit has made available, and we will experience the fullness of God’s desires. We will see the billion-soul harvest come in. We will see bodies healed, minds delivered, and lives transformed by the love and power of God. We will experience and operate in His supernatural wisdom and imparted authority. We will see America saved! This is our time to carry the mantle, and we will allow the power and reality of Jesus to flow out from us, impacting the world. Pray with me: Father, when we accept Jesus as Savior, we become Your heirs! We have an inheritance that is rich and powerful. Provoke within us a deeper revelation of who You are and who we are in You, so we may be conduits of Your power. Stretch forth Your hand through us, Jesus, with miracles, signs, and wonders, providing an undeniable evidence of Your love and power. We ask that Holy Spirit would come upon the unbeliever with fervency and clarity so they can see and encounter You. We cry out, “Show us Your glory, Lord!” Spearhead another sweeping move of Your Spirit throughout our nation and the nations of the world. Reap the harvest You desire, we pray. In the name of Jesus, Amen! Our decree: We declare that God’s redemptive movement has begun. We will be conduits of His desires and plans. **************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  21. 5 min read September 20, 2024 What America Desperately Needs In yesterday’s post, I spoke about John the Baptist and his road-building calling. He was a forerunner, called to “prepare the way,” to build a “highway”(Isaiah 40:3), upon which Messiah could enter the earth. Road builders have to begin by clearing, leveling, and forming straight passageways (verse 4). This can be challenging and difficult. When building natural highways, the work begins with bulldozers, earthmovers, and sometimes even dynamite. Then the process moves to paving, painting, and dressing up the project, usually with a different crew, definitely with different equipment. Difficult preparation such as that involved in road-building is true for many types of transitions and seasons of change. Constructing houses and other structures begins with digging and clearing; the process is muddy, messy, and ugly. Restructuring corporations can be chaotic, even painful for some involved. Progress, which often demands change, can be tough. Without doubt, when referencing the role of John, Holy Spirit chose His analogy very intentionally and carefully. “This’ll get ugly before it gets beautiful,” was the point. But there WAS a glorious purpose and end result in mind. Isaiah 40 mentions glory, good tidings, rewards, loving and caring for flocks - all this and more would ride into Israel on this road (verses 5-11). Messiah, our Redeemer, would travel the highway. The change, though painful, would ultimately be good. Restoring and restructuring nations can also be messy, even more so when deep levels of sin and darkness are involved. God told Jeremiah He would use him to “root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down,” before using him “to build and to plant” (Jeremiah 1:10). Dismantle, then rebuild; tear down, then build up. America is now clearly in a sinful state that will require much bulldozing before the rebuilding begins. Enter Donald Trump. Yes, he has the personality and temperament of a bulldozer. Yes, sometimes he makes messes, creates piles of rubble, and tears down old structures. But let’s face it: there is an enormous amount of debris in America that needs to be removed. “Mr Nice Guy” could absolutely not do what needs to be done to save America. We need demolition first, then the building crew. Personally, I think that if Trump is reelected, it’ll take most of his second term just to bulldoze and clear. Someone else will likely need to follow this with years of restructuring and rebuilding. Now, here is a concern I have which I believe is shared by many. As I alluded to yesterday, the personality of a forerunner can be crusty and harsh. And yes, sometimes it’s necessary. John called the Pharisees and Sadducees - to their faces - a “generation of vipers” (Matthew 3:7). That’s much worse than being called “fake news,” by the way. BUT, John wasn’t operating in a democratic republic; he wasn’t being voted on. God appointed him, anointed him, and that was that. Americans, on the other hand, elect their president. Currently, there is a dynamic involved in this that Trump must face. Many Americans are alarmed at the division in our nation. The left, including the media, specializes in “identity politics” and “class warfare.” While claiming the opposite, their strategy is to divide us. And they have succeeded. Then, they blame their opponents for what they have done. They’re expert liars and manipulators. Oblivious to its cause, many Americans have become alarmed at the level of hatred and division in our nation, and rightfully so. While they see the need for many of the changes Trump speaks of, they also recognize the need for healing. In a president - especially now - they want a unifier, not a divider. Great wisdom is needed. With America’s need for change, a forerunner like Trump will HAVE TO rock the boat, just as Reagan did in the 1980s. He spoke truth and ruffled feathers, but in a wise way that wasn’t considered mean-spirited. In many respects, Reagan “fathered” America. He brought correction at times, even sternly, but did so with a father’s heart. He was not perceived as insulting or vindictive, not a “mud-slinger” or a “gun-slinger,” but a “truth-slinger.” And his truth came across as wisdom, not sarcasm. If Trump were to allow God to put this heart in him - and Yahweh will if allowed - he would win the election in an absolute landslide, just as Reagan did his second term. Americans know we need some “fixing,” but they also know we need some unifying. I feel we must pray for this “father-heart” to emerge in Trump, enabling him to speak with wisdom. Proverbs 3:11-18, The Passion Translation, mentions this wisdom and fathering heart: “My child, when the Lord God speaks to you, never take His words lightly, and never be upset when He corrects you. For the Father’s discipline comes only from His passionate love and pleasure for you. Even when it seems like His correction is harsh, it’s still better than any father on earth gives to his child. Blessings pour over the ones who find wisdom, for they have obtained living-understanding [an understanding of how to live]... “As wisdom increases, a great treasure is imparted, greater than many bars of refined gold. It is a more valuable commodity than gold and gemstones, for there is nothing you desire that could compare to her. Wisdom extends to you long life in one hand and wealth and promotion in the other. Out of her mouth flows righteousness, and her words release both law and mercy. ‭‭ “The ways of wisdom are sweet, always drawing you into the place of wholeness. Seeking for her brings the discovery of untold blessings, for she is the healing tree of life to those who taste her fruits.” Pray with me: Father, America desperately needs change, and we need this communicated with a wisdom that will enable us to accept the change. If this is to come through Donald Trump, we pray that You would give him YOUR heart for America. Give him strength laced with humility, truth clothed in lovingkindness, and wisdom flowing from a father’s heart. Temper his zeal and strength. We need his zeal, just as zeal for Father’s house consumed Jesus. But Christ was always led by Holy Spirit, even when cleansing the Temple and denouncing hypocrisy. We love the strength Trump demonstrated when shot; we love his passion for America. Now, Father, temper these assets with Your heart. Give Trump a significant and life-altering encounter with You. Fill him with Your Spirit, teach him to hear Your voice, and give him a love for Your Word. May he exemplify the fruit of Holy Spirit and may he be one who meets with You regularly. Mature him spiritually, we pray. And please continue to protect him. In Yeshua’s name, we pray this. Amen. Our decree: We decree that Donald Trump will have a strong, life-altering encounter with Holy Spirit. ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  22. 5 min read September 20, 2024 What America Desperately Needs In yesterday’s post, I spoke about John the Baptist and his road-building calling. He was a forerunner, called to “prepare the way,” to build a “highway”(Isaiah 40:3), upon which Messiah could enter the earth. Road builders have to begin by clearing, leveling, and forming straight passageways (verse 4). This can be challenging and difficult. When building natural highways, the work begins with bulldozers, earthmovers, and sometimes even dynamite. Then the process moves to paving, painting, and dressing up the project, usually with a different crew, definitely with different equipment. Difficult preparation such as that involved in road-building is true for many types of transitions and seasons of change. Constructing houses and other structures begins with digging and clearing; the process is muddy, messy, and ugly. Restructuring corporations can be chaotic, even painful for some involved. Progress, which often demands change, can be tough. Without doubt, when referencing the role of John, Holy Spirit chose His analogy very intentionally and carefully. “This’ll get ugly before it gets beautiful,” was the point. But there WAS a glorious purpose and end result in mind. Isaiah 40 mentions glory, good tidings, rewards, loving and caring for flocks - all this and more would ride into Israel on this road (verses 5-11). Messiah, our Redeemer, would travel the highway. The change, though painful, would ultimately be good. Restoring and restructuring nations can also be messy, even more so when deep levels of sin and darkness are involved. God told Jeremiah He would use him to “root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down,” before using him “to build and to plant” (Jeremiah 1:10). Dismantle, then rebuild; tear down, then build up. America is now clearly in a sinful state that will require much bulldozing before the rebuilding begins. Enter Donald Trump. Yes, he has the personality and temperament of a bulldozer. Yes, sometimes he makes messes, creates piles of rubble, and tears down old structures. But let’s face it: there is an enormous amount of debris in America that needs to be removed. “Mr Nice Guy” could absolutely not do what needs to be done to save America. We need demolition first, then the building crew. Personally, I think that if Trump is reelected, it’ll take most of his second term just to bulldoze and clear. Someone else will likely need to follow this with years of restructuring and rebuilding. Now, here is a concern I have which I believe is shared by many. As I alluded to yesterday, the personality of a forerunner can be crusty and harsh. And yes, sometimes it’s necessary. John called the Pharisees and Sadducees - to their faces - a “generation of vipers” (Matthew 3:7). That’s much worse than being called “fake news,” by the way. BUT, John wasn’t operating in a democratic republic; he wasn’t being voted on. God appointed him, anointed him, and that was that. Americans, on the other hand, elect their president. Currently, there is a dynamic involved in this that Trump must face. Many Americans are alarmed at the division in our nation. The left, including the media, specializes in “identity politics” and “class warfare.” While claiming the opposite, their strategy is to divide us. And they have succeeded. Then, they blame their opponents for what they have done. They’re expert liars and manipulators. Oblivious to its cause, many Americans have become alarmed at the level of hatred and division in our nation, and rightfully so. While they see the need for many of the changes Trump speaks of, they also recognize the need for healing. In a president - especially now - they want a unifier, not a divider. Great wisdom is needed. With America’s need for change, a forerunner like Trump will HAVE TO rock the boat, just as Reagan did in the 1980s. He spoke truth and ruffled feathers, but in a wise way that wasn’t considered mean-spirited. In many respects, Reagan “fathered” America. He brought correction at times, even sternly, but did so with a father’s heart. He was not perceived as insulting or vindictive, not a “mud-slinger” or a “gun-slinger,” but a “truth-slinger.” And his truth came across as wisdom, not sarcasm. If Trump were to allow God to put this heart in him - and Yahweh will if allowed - he would win the election in an absolute landslide, just as Reagan did his second term. Americans know we need some “fixing,” but they also know we need some unifying. I feel we must pray for this “father-heart” to emerge in Trump, enabling him to speak with wisdom. Proverbs 3:11-18, The Passion Translation, mentions this wisdom and fathering heart: “My child, when the Lord God speaks to you, never take His words lightly, and never be upset when He corrects you. For the Father’s discipline comes only from His passionate love and pleasure for you. Even when it seems like His correction is harsh, it’s still better than any father on earth gives to his child. Blessings pour over the ones who find wisdom, for they have obtained living-understanding [an understanding of how to live]... “As wisdom increases, a great treasure is imparted, greater than many bars of refined gold. It is a more valuable commodity than gold and gemstones, for there is nothing you desire that could compare to her. Wisdom extends to you long life in one hand and wealth and promotion in the other. Out of her mouth flows righteousness, and her words release both law and mercy. ‭‭ “The ways of wisdom are sweet, always drawing you into the place of wholeness. Seeking for her brings the discovery of untold blessings, for she is the healing tree of life to those who taste her fruits.” Pray with me: Father, America desperately needs change, and we need this communicated with a wisdom that will enable us to accept the change. If this is to come through Donald Trump, we pray that You would give him YOUR heart for America. Give him strength laced with humility, truth clothed in lovingkindness, and wisdom flowing from a father’s heart. Temper his zeal and strength. We need his zeal, just as zeal for Father’s house consumed Jesus. But Christ was always led by Holy Spirit, even when cleansing the Temple and denouncing hypocrisy. We love the strength Trump demonstrated when shot; we love his passion for America. Now, Father, temper these assets with Your heart. Give Trump a significant and life-altering encounter with You. Fill him with Your Spirit, teach him to hear Your voice, and give him a love for Your Word. May he exemplify the fruit of Holy Spirit and may he be one who meets with You regularly. Mature him spiritually, we pray. And please continue to protect him. In Yeshua’s name, we pray this. Amen. Our decree: We decree that Donald Trump will have a strong, life-altering encounter with Holy Spirit. ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  23. 4 min read September 19, 2024 Dismantling and Rebuilding Matthew 11:10-19 in The Passion Translation, Jesus offers some great insights about the diversity of gifts: “See, I am sending my prophetic messenger who will go ahead of Me and prepare hearts to receive Me. “For I tell you the truth, throughout history, there has never been a man who surpasses John the Baptizer. Yet the least of those who now experience heaven’s kingdom will become even greater than he. From the moment John stepped onto the scene until now, the realm of heaven’s kingdom is bursting forth, and passionate people have taken hold of its power. For all the prophets and the Torah prophesied until John appeared. If you can receive this truth, John is the Elijah who was destined to come. So listen and understand what I’m telling you. “How could I describe the people of this generation? You’re like children playing games on the playground, yelling at their playmates, ‘You don’t like it when we want to play Wedding! And you don’t like it when we want to play Funeral! You will neither dance nor mourn.’ Why is it that when John came to you, neither feasting nor drinking wine, you said, ‘He has a demon in him!’? Yet when the Son of Man came and went to feasts and drank wine, you said, ‘Look at this man! He is nothing but a glutton and a drunkard! He spends all His time with tax collectors and other sinners.’ But God’s wisdom will become visible by those who embrace it.” (Matthew 11:10-19 TPT) Prophetic forerunners like John usually precede revivals. By “prophetic,” I’m not referring to predicting the future, but rather the unpleasant aspect of this gifting some are called to that creates change by uprooting and tearing down (Jeremiah 1:12). I am referring to spiritual callings like that of John, prophets who level mountains of adversity, straighten crooked places in societies, and smooth the rough ground of deception, preparing the way for spiritual highways to be built (Isaiah 40:3-4). These forerunners don’t paint the stripes on highways or plant the greenery that enhances them, and they certainly don’t build the Rest Areas! No, when it comes to building roads, their expertise is operating bulldozers. This unique calling is difficult, often misunderstood as being mean-spirited; it sometimes even results in beheadings - just ask John (Matthew 14:1-12)! Everybody loves a nice highway; nobody likes the process: mud, delays, detours… Those blessed with mercy temperaments and pastoral gifts frequently reject those with forerunner callings. They often think “love” and “nice words” alone will transform the mountains, thorns, weeds, rocks, and crooked places into highways. “Don’t rock the boat” and “Don’t be harsh” is often their position. Many of them don’t have enough discernment to see that the only solution for some obstacles is an earthmover…or dynamite! To be fair, there is also the problem of forerunners using too much dynamite, or not recognizing when it is time for the pavers and painters. If Herod hadn’t ended John’s career, who knows how long he would have kept going? After all, there was undoubtedly more repentance necessary in Israel! There is never a shortage of weeds and rough terrain. We should know by now that Jesus was and remains the ONLY perfect person that has ever existed. The sooner we admit this, the better. Forerunners don’t forerun perfectly, and the mercy folks don’t extend mercy perfectly. Taking this a step further, apostles don’t lead perfectly, prophets don’t prophesy perfectly, evangelists don’t evangelize perfectly, pastors don’t pastor perfectly, and teachers don’t teach perfectly. And sheep, by the way, don’t “sheep” perfectly. We should all remember this the next time we feel someone isn’t doing things as well as we think they should. And we must remember that the different callings and motivations - given to us by God - cause us to think differently…and all are needed! In our opening passage, Jesus said, “You didn’t like John’s approach, and you don’t like Mine. You didn’t want to mourn, and you don’t want to dance. You didn’t want the forerunner, and you don’t want the Messiah.” Then the Master gave some insight: “Wisdom is justified by her children” (verse 19). What does that mean? The Message Translation makes it pretty clear: “Opinion polls don’t count for much, do they? The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” Ah, the simple eloquence of The Message Translation. “Wait for the fruit,” Jesus was saying. Sometimes, that’s the only way to discern who was right and who was wrong. And occasionally we’ll discover, to our surprise, that they were both right, part of the same team, building the same road. THE RARE MIX Occasionally, God puts a unique blend of the “tearing down” and “building up” callings in one individual. As a spiritual leader, Paul certainly possessed this. He was instrumental in dismantling an old system and building the church. As a secular leader, Ronald Reagan demonstrated this also. “Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall”(1) was the precursor to rebuilding a continent. His efforts to tear down Marxism here and abroad, allowed healing and restoration. Tomorrow, we will talk about Donald Trump and his role in America. Pray with me: Father, we realize America has a lot of spiritual mountains, rough terrain, and strongholds standing in the way of our return to You. We thank You for voices that have been calling us to repentance and cleansing. We believe we will dance with Messiah again, but we also know that deep repentance is part of that process. We also thank You for gifts in leaders that enable us to build and rebuild, both in the church and in nations. We will certainly need them in the coming days. Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, will provide these gifts. We ask for hearts that honor our different callings and distinctions, along with the humility to realize none of us have all that is needed to accomplish Your desires. We continue to ask for Your protection over Trump, Biden, Harris, and our other government leaders. We also ask this for their families and those associated with them. Deliver our nation from the spirit of murder we have allowed in through the shedding of innocent blood. And restore our love for the innocent. We ask all of this in Yeshua’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that a highway is being built in America for the glory of God to return to us. ****************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. -----------------------------------------------------------
  24. 5 min read September 18, 2024 A Day to Change America - Please Join Us The United States has certainly prospered over the years. We have been blessed beyond measure, and in some ways, we have generously shared those blessings. The U.S. gives more money in foreign aid than any other country in the world, distributing more than $640 billion globally from 2012 through 2022. We now give between 65 and 70 billion dollars annually to other nations. Since WWII, the U.S. has given over 3.8 trillion dollars in foreign aid.(1) These figures would not include the funds given by the church to fund missions work. And, of course, the most important gift Americans have given is the gospel of Jesus Christ, delivered by thousands of missionaries. Hebrews 6:10 (KJV) tells us, “God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have showed toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.” This is a comforting verse. And I know it’s true - God will not forget our labor of love. Along with the good America has done, we have also sown our share of evil. As success often does when experienced by human hearts not controlled by Christ, America’s wealth and power have also been abused. Lincoln’s warning to our nation in 1863, sadly, is very appropriate today: “We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth, and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us. It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness…All this being done, in sincerity and truth, let us then rest humbly in the hope, authorized by the Divine teachings, that the united cry of the Nation will be heard on high, and answered with blessings, no less than the pardon of our national sins, and restoration of our now divided and suffering country to its former happy condition…of unity and peace.”(2) America has lost her way once again. Not only have we done so in a secular sense, but America’s current version of Christianity is confused and powerless. Filled with complacent Christians, the church has become a sub-culture, not the counter-culture intended by Christ. We’re now conformists, not the nation-discipling people He commanded us to be (see Matthew 28:19). As tragic as this is for America, it is even more devastating given our critical assignment for Christ among the nations. Revival is desperately needed to lead America back to our roots and destiny! That is why this Sunday, September 22, 110 MILLION PEOPLE around the world will be praying for revival in America!! (And no, that is not a misprint.) Wesley Tullis of International Prayer Connect (IPC) says of this upcoming day: “I want to pass on this HOPE-FILLED announcement, which reveals the great mercies of the Father for America. Since February of this year, He has stirred up our global leaders of prayer in IPC with a strong burden for America. As goes America, so goes the world. “I believe that the fruit of missionaries, who have gone out from America over the decades and centuries with the saving knowledge of Jesus, is now returning to us. Out of gratitude and compassion, intercessors now want to ‘save us’ through their effective and earnest prayer. The 110 million intercessors connected to IPC have agreed to have a Global Day of Prayer for America. This is miraculous mercy!! “And beyond this, September 22nd launches a 21-Day Fast, ending on October 12; the National Prayer Assembly in DC on October 10-11, and One Million Women on the Mall on October 12. “An awakening unto transformation is coming to this land!!!” ******* This is beyond amazing. In my 40-plus years of praying for America, I have never seen anything like this. Actually, not even close. As Wesley said, this is the Father’s mercy. And I believe it will be a turning point. Please join the millions around the world as they pray for us. From 7:00-10:00 A.M. ET, several U.S. prayer leaders will be in Washington, D.C., joining leaders from around the world by Zoom/video, interceding for America. This is a day of prayer added to other days, just for America. That’s why it lands on a Sunday, and I realize many of you attend church services that morning, perhaps making this a little complicated, especially for those in the Eastern Time zone. Make it work as much as possible, and help us spread the word. This is critically important. Here’s how to join us: Go to the Global Day of Prayer for America website at There you will see all of the information, including the link where you can join online. Mark your calendars for September 22, 2024, 7:00-10:00 A.M. ET. Pray with me: Father, it seems America is as divided now as it was in Lincoln’s day. The animosity runs deep. Our sin runs deeper. When a people turns to its own ways, abandoning Yours, human depravity soon takes over. America has done so and is sick - horribly so, deplorably so. Taking the downward path of sin, we began serving Baal and his pleasures; eventually, he required payment, now demanding even the blood of our children. Like a “totaled” vehicle, we are a nation past the point of human repair. Only Your supernatural ability, motivated by Your extravagant mercy, can save us. But we believe You are doing so. You will move us from the trash heap of has-been nations, to the showroom of Your amazing grace. And as You do so, our nation will fall in love with You anew, pledging our undying allegiance to You, Your glorious Son, and His eternal cause. Let this day, September 22, be part of this miracle. Let it be the day that the Repairer of “damaged goods” puts finishing touches on His masterful restoration. Then, let this continue through October 12, the Day of Atonement, when an Esther generation finishes off Haman’s evil decree. We ask this in the name of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ. Our decree: We decree that on September 22, 2024, lovingkindness and truth will meet, righteousness and peace will kiss each other (see Psalm 85:10). *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------------- Abraham Lincoln, “Proclamation 97 - appointing a day of national humiliation, fasting, and prayer.” 30 March, 1863. []
  25. 4 min read September 17, 2024 Turbulent Times Like many of you, I read many articles and listened to numerous reports yesterday (Monday) regarding the second assassination attempt against Trump. There is no need for me to regurgitate any of the news and information coming out about the alleged perpetrator and his actions - I’m sure you’ve heard the reports. Sadly, I was not surprised by this attempt. Several times in posts over the past 3 months I have shared my concerns and requested consistent prayer for Trump. In last Wednesday’s post I stated, “I continue to feel urgent and regular prayer is needed for Trump and those around him.” Thank you for praying! We live in very turbulent and alarming times. Within the span of two months we’ve had two attempts on a former president’s life by Americans, and a plot by Iran to do the same! This is unprecedented. Massive failures and coverups by the Secret Service and Justice Department continue to alarm the American people, who no longer trust their government, media, or even their educational system, as many within these groups have proven to be dishonest and unpatriotic. The good news? Americans are waking up. Certainly, the revelation of evil in our land is not complete, but it has at least been sufficient to rouse millions from their naivety and slumber. I’m sure that over the next few months we will see even more exposure of evil in our government, as fears of experiencing justice motivate some. Those at risk of this will stop at nothing to remain in power, and thereby protect themselves. This has already been demonstrated over and over: They lie, persecute, slander, charge falsely, flood our nation with drugs and unvetted illegals, ignore laws, fix elections, the list goes on. And you should know by now that the perpetrators of these evils have one person they fear above all others: Donald Trump. The corrupt in government know they simply CANNOT let him back in power. Trump now knows too much, and is intent on dealing out justice. The corrupt are confident that if reelected, he would be ruthless in his efforts to do so. Please continue to pray for Trump, his family, and those connected to him. Also, we MUST continue to pray that America be transformed spiritually. Dr Ben Carson just posted the following on X regarding this: “This is a dark day in American history and I fear we are not grasping the gravity of the situation. Two assassination attempts in two months. It's unacceptable. “Your ideals and beliefs should never present a threat to your life in the United States of America. “We are in the midst of a severe moral and spiritual crisis in this nation. This cannot be the society our children and grandchildren inherit. “I am praying that God will grant us the fortitude and wisdom to navigate ourselves out of it. I’d ask that all of you join me in those prayers today.” I feel to include the same Psalm today that I shared in last Wednesday’s post, this time making it a prayerful decree over ourselves, our families, and our leaders. It is Psalm 91, from The Passion Translation. Let’s declare it together: “When you abide under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High. “He’s the hope that holds me and the stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence. “He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy, and He will protect you from false accusations and any deadly curse. “His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under His covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm. “You will never worry about an attack of demonic forces at night nor have to fear a spirit of darkness coming against you. “Don’t fear a thing! Whether by night or by day, demonic danger will not trouble you, nor will the powers of evil be launched against you. “Even in a time of disaster, with thousands and thousands being killed, you will remain unscathed and unharmed. “You will be a spectator as the wicked perish in judgment, for they will be paid back for what they have done! “When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High, our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm. How then, could evil prevail against us or disease infect us? “God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go, defending you from all harm. “If you walk into a trap, they’ll be there for you and keep you from stumbling. “You’ll even walk unharmed among the fiercest powers of darkness, trampling every one of them beneath your feet! “For here is what the Lord has spoken to me: “Because you loved Me, delighted in Me, and have been loyal to My name, I will greatly protect you. “I will answer your cry for help every time you pray, and you will feel My presence in your time of trouble. I will deliver you and bring you honor. “I will satisfy you with a full life and with all that I do for you. For you will enjoy the fullness of My salvation!” (Psalms‬ ‭91‬:‭1‬-‭16‬ ‭TPT‬‬) ************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
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