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  1. 6 min read February 23, 2022 No Wasted Moments The past two years have been difficult for countless people, many suffering the pain of discouragement and loss. Rachel Shafer, my brother Tim’s daughter, recently sent me the following article regarding the subject of restoration. I’m always looking for ways to encourage you with hope for the future. I believe Rachel’s word will inspire and aid you in allowing Holy Spirit’s redemption and restoration into your suffering. ******************* “As I was praying and asking for insight into this year of 2022, I very clearly heard Holy Spirit tell me this would be a year of restoration. He then said to me: ‘I am the God of every moment; therefore, no moment is wasted.’ “God is a redeemer and a restorer. The biblical meaning of the word ‘restoration’ is much different than the English dictionary’s meaning. The dictionary defines it as to returning something back to its original condition.(1) However, the Biblical meaning is to restore back more than has been lost, causing the final state to be greater than the original condition.(2) The point is that someone or something is actually improved in Biblical restoration. “Throughout the Bible, God repeatedly blessed people’s faith during hardships, making up for their losses and giving them more than they previously had. He doesn’t simply restore to the original condition, but delights in restoring and improving on the original. This biblical pattern has encouraged me to persevere in my praying and believing, knowing that God is faithful to His Word. Holy Spirit redeems our times and moments. Please notice, I didn’t say He causes every moment in our lives, but that He doesn’t allow them to be wasted. “One definition of ‘redeemed’ is to make something that is bad or unpleasant better; moments that started out ugly, but in time became beautiful(3). It’s comforting to know that God doesn’t waste our pain. Every broken segment of our lives is made beautiful in the hands of our Creator. Nothing escapes His notice. “In Japan, they have made an art out of restoring broken things. It’s an ancient practice called Kintsugi, meaning ‘golden joinery’ or ‘to patch with gold.’ Kintsugi is an age-old custom of repairing cracked pottery with real gold, not only fixing the break, but by doing so - greatly increasing the value of the piece. “This art form turns what is broken into beautiful, cherished pieces by sealing the cracks and crevices with lines of fine gold. Instead of hiding the flaws, Kintsugi artists highlight them, creating an entirely new design and bringing unique beauty to the original piece. The pottery actually becomes more beautiful and valuable through the restoration. Though once broken, it now has history AND a new story. Not to mention the gold! “Typically, we want repairs of broken things - like nicely sealed super glue fixes - to be hidden; the usual intent is to try and make something look ‘as good as new.’ Yet the art of Kintsugi reinforces a profound belief that the repair can make things, not only as good as they were before, but ‘better than new.’(4) “This is a beautiful picture of Biblical restoration. God redeems and restores every piece of our story. “Romans 8:28 (NIV) says, ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.’ This verse is saying that God uses our grief, joy, loss, gain, trials and triumphs. Nothing is wasted. “Lies from the enemy swirl around and whisper to us in weak moments, but don’t listen to him. God is saying that we are stepping into a season of restoration and redemption. We must value what He has said to us and keep His promises hidden in our hearts. “As I was praying about all of this, I was reminded of something Holy Spirit said to me recently, ‘Do not give false power to present circumstances.’ “As I pondered what this meant, I realized Holy Spirit was pointing out that, regarding a particular situation, I was empowering the problem. My mindset was placing power into the wrong hands. My next thought was: the power for what I am facing is in God; it’s in His hands. So, I wrote out this statement: ‘I will not give false power - control, authority, or influence - to present circumstances. I will, instead, decree the power, capacity, aptitude, authority, strength, and wonderful works of God.’ “Our present circumstances do not have to define our future. Do not relinquish power to the situation - keep it in God’s hands. “Job was an upright and holy man of God, yet he was placed in total misery. He did nothing wrong, yet suffered a great deal. One moment he was a picture of wealth, health and happiness. The next moment death hit, and Job mourned the loss of seven sons and three daughters. Lack hit and all of his wealth disappeared. Sickness happened and there were open sores all over his body. Relationship troubles occurred and his wife turned on him, telling Job to curse God and die. Even his once loyal friends lost respect and blamed Job for his trials. “Can you imagine how alone, desperate and defeated Job must have felt? He was being attacked from every angle, with no relief in sight. In due time, however, God intervened. “In the book of Job 42:10, we learn that the Lord not only restored Job, but gave him twice as much as he had before! This faithful servant of God received double. And today, God is still the God of double portion. He is the God of restoration - better than before! “Biblical scholars say Job’s name means “the persecuted one.”(5) Interestingly, his name reflected his life: full of persecution, suffering, pain and distress. But despite the meaning of his name, God ordained that he would not be perpetually defined by his struggle. Job came out of his season of persecution and into a season of restoration, biblical restoration. I believe that is exactly what is happening in the body of Christ today. We are moving from a season of persecution into a season of restoration. “Looking at your life right now, some might label you, ‘the persecuted one,’ ‘the struggling one,’ or ‘the depressed one.’ You might be considered ‘the forgotten one,’ ‘the lonely one,’ ‘the sick one,’ or even ‘the defeated one.’ But God has a plan, and you are about to become ‘the restored one!’ You will be ‘the redeemed one,’ ‘the joyful one.’ You’ll be called ‘the healed one,’ ‘the victorious one.’ Begin expecting this and thank the Lord for restoration. Renew your mind to see the good, the hope; and remind yourself of who God is, that He alone holds the power. Strengthen yourself in the Lord and engage with Him over this promise to you. Praise Him before the breakthrough and rejoice before the victory.” ************************ Pray with me: Father, we pray that hope and expectation would rise in troubled hearts. We pray that thankfulness and praise would be on our lips as we remember Your goodness and faithfulness. Jesus, we thank You for all that You are, all that You have done and all that You are continuing to do. We ask that You would infuse each of us with Your grace, strength, peace and perspective. Enable us to see what You see, remind us to say what You say. We decree that restoration is coming upon Your people. We decree breakthrough in circumstances and situations. God, restore with abundance - double! Give beautiful exchanges to Your people - beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, praise for despair. Brokenness, sickness, pain are no match for You, Lord. Come and revive, restore, redeem, and make new. We decree Your faithfulness and greatness over every person, family, and situation. We thank You for perfecting our stories, for releasing breakthrough and favor on us. You alone are worthy of all the glory, all the honor and we magnify You today. We thank You for Your promises. We trust You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Our decree: God is redeeming our times and moments. This is a season of Biblical restoration. ****************************** Today’s post was contributed by my niece - my brother Tim’s daughter - Rachel Shafer. You can learn more about Rachel here. Click on the link below to watch the full video. ___________________________________
  2. 5 min read February 21, 2022 What Is Causing So Much Disease and Death..? Some subjects are too broad in scope to address in a short article or teaching. The overall topic of human suffering - sickness, disease, hunger, death, etc. - is certainly one of them. Attempting to give brief explanations of complex subjects often creates confusion and misunderstanding. I will not do that here. Also, I want to state from the beginning that there are aspects of what I’m addressing today which I don’t fully understand. I still believe, however, that I should address it. I have never before seen the amount of sickness, disease, and death that I’ve witnessed in this season. Obviously, there have been times in history where plagues and pandemics caused more deaths than humans are currently experiencing. But I have never personally observed the level I have been seeing. And I’m not referring only to Covid. Numerous other forms of sickness and disease seem to be running rampant. Never have I had as many individuals within my personal circle of acquaintances stricken with disease and death. Many of them are/were in ministry. Two more died this past week. Thankfully, some who have been extremely ill have survived. Overall, however, the onslaught has been horrific. If death or suffering has touched your circle, as well, I am deeply sorry for your pain and loss. I have thought and prayed about this for several days. It seems to me that something has been supernaturally unleashed on the earth, spiritual in nature, that is producing this unprecedented level of death and disease. Let me be clear in saying, I do NOT believe all sickness is directly caused by demonic activity. NOR do I believe that all sickness is caused by sin in a person's life. I do believe, in a general sense, that all sickness originates from the curse of sin and resulting satanic activity. In that regard, satan is the source of all sickness and disease, even if caused by poor health habits, unforgiveness, and other sins. Jesus clearly demonstrated God‘s attitude toward sickness - He healed all who came to Him for healing and treated sickness as an enemy. Acts 10:38 says of Christ’s ministry: “You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” While I do not believe all sickness is directly caused by demonic spirits, it is clear from scripture that some is. Jesus healed a person who was bent over with a crooked spine, caused by a spirit of infirmity (Luke 13:10-11). He healed a boy who was deaf and couldn’t speak, which was caused by a spirit (Mark 9:17-27). And there are other biblical examples we could mention. I don’t know how demons cause diseases such as these, nor do I know all that gives them access or permission to do so. Clearly, certain actions open the door to demonic activity. In other cases, however, it does not appear that the person suffering from evil spirits committed any act that would open the door to it. One possible explanation is a person’s genetics which can make them vulnerable. The medical world knows that many diseases are caused by inherited susceptibility to them. It seems logical that demons somehow prey on this. Just how they are able to do this, I don’t pretend to understand. When Jesus healed individuals of diseases caused by spirits, He didn’t explain how it occurred. He simply delivered and healed them. I do not pretend to know how spiritual forces can at times release more sickness into the earth. But biblically, I know it’s possible; and I feel that is occurring. The scriptures teach that at times satan becomes more wrathful and aggressive in his activities. Revelation 12:12 makes this clear: “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” The verse in no way suggests this as the only time such activity will occur in history. And I am not suggesting that it is happening at this time because Jesus is about to return. I don’t pretend to know when that will occur; no one does. I am simply pointing out that satan’s wrath and activities fluctuate. Regarding this verse in Revelation my spiritual dad, Jim Hodges, says: “Escalated satanic activity does not take place only before Christ’s final return, but has occurred periodically in history. Satan is not omniscient, but he can observe when the Ekklesia is maturing at certain junctures in history, and thus his rage goes to another level. Revelation is a book that addresses history past and present, as well as the future.” The murdering of babies during the time when Moses was born; the season surrounding Christ’s birth when Herod had children killed; the martyrdom of many believers when the church was born; these would all be examples. The holocaust is a contemporary example. Obviously, throughout history there have been seasons when violent, destructive activity from satan increased on the earth. I feel we are currently in one of those times. The maturity of the Ekklesia and the eminent, unprecedented worldwide harvest has infuriated satan. In order to stop these things, I believe he has launched a counterattack, a campaign, to bring death and destruction. At his command, spirits that cause infirmity have been unleashed. We can stop some of this. Certainly, we cannot stop all death and destruction. But I do believe we can “bind” the demonic activity causing some of the current sickness and death, especially that which is being leveled against the body of Christ. I am NOT suggesting we should be compassionate toward and pray only for believers. We want all suffering to end. But when individuals are under the blood of Jesus and in covenant with Him, it becomes easier to stop satan’s attacks - he has no authority over them. Healing is the children’s bread (Mark 7:27). Let’s pray against this onslaught. Pray with me: Father, we come to You now in the powerful name of Jesus. We state our faith in His sacrifice and redeeming work. He delivered us from the authority of darkness and translated us into His kingdom (Colossians 1:13). He also gave us His authority to stop the works of satan against us (Matthew 16:18-19). As a prayer army here in America and in other nations, as well, we join our hearts and faith together. We do so to oppose the onslaught of sickness and death which demonic spirits are releasing in the earth. We bind this. We declare our faith that the blood of Jesus covers and shields us from these attacks. We bind spirits causing Covid, cancer, other diseases, and death. We declare Psalm 91, 1 Peter 2:24, and Romans 8:37 over our brothers and sisters and, especially right now, over leaders in the body of Christ. We declare in the powerful name of Jesus that this assault against leaders in the church will now be pushed back and rendered powerless. We break it’s effectiveness. And Father, we certainly love those who do not know You. We pray for them, as well. We ask for their protection from these evil diseases. Please heal them. Turn back this horrible tide of destruction. And we pray for their salvation. Reveal Jesus to them! We ask all these things in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the spirit of death and disease attacking people in this season is being overcome by the blood of the lamb and the authority of Christ. ******************************* Click on the link below to watch watch the full video.
  3. 6 min read February 18, 2022 God’s Heart for the Nations I have said numerous times that my calling is primarily to America. I have also stated, however, that I realize this isn’t because America is loved more by God. Our nation’s role is to serve the world, in numerous ways. Jesus said, “He that is greatest among you shall be your servant” (Matthew 23:11) also see Matthew 20:26). America has become the greatest nation on the earth in terms of strength and wealth. This comes with great responsibility; it was given to us not just for ourselves. We have certainly dropped the ball in this regard, but God wants to reverse these failures through a Third Great Awakening. We will then be His voice and instrument once again. In today’s post, I want us to focus on some of the things happening with our neighbors in Canada and in other nations. Our friend, John Robb, of Transformation Prayer Foundation, shared the following points and insights. “What a time in which we are now living! The wonderful refrain from that old hymn, ‘The Conflict of the Ages’ has come to me a few times over the past several days. We are in that conflict for sure, now more than ever, facing the attempt by globalist elites to dominate and control the world’s peoples and drive us into a New World Order through their ‘Great Reset.’ Their plan, according to Klaus Schwab, leader of the World Economic Forum, is that by 2030, ‘You will not own anything, but you will be happy.’ “As Christ’s people, we need to be watching on the wall, pushing back through authoritative prayer and spirit-led actions. Thank God for the brave Canadian truckers and their supporters, who are pushing back against the vaccination mandates and other tyrannical policies of the Trudeau government through their ‘Freedom Convoy.’ We must be praying for them. (They are not against vaccines, they’re against inappropriate government control.) “Here in the USA, as well as in other nations, we need to stand against the same kind of globalist suppression of our rights and freedoms. Mat Staver, a praying lawyer with Liberty Counsel, warns that ‘Covid is being used as a weapon of fear to scare people into readily accepting government invasion in every aspect of our lives! The U.S. government is coordinating with agencies, airlines, corporations, and foreign nations to push a worldwide Vaccine Passport!’ He raises a cry against the totalitarian health passport that government agencies want to adopt here as they did in China. It is about getting all your personal data to determine whether you are allowed to work, enter stores and public places, or even leave your own home. “Let’s pray in agreement with other Jesus followers who take seriously His awesome promises of Matthew 18:18-19 and Luke 10:18-19 that give us authority to come against such things and the spiritual forces behind them. Ask the Lord to expose and bring down these Nazi-like, sociopathic elites who so arrogantly think they can take charge over the rest of humanity to make slaves of us all. Domination and control, as theologian Walter Wink concluded, always indicate demonic influence behind the scenes. That is because the prince of this world wants to lay claim to what is not his—the lives and destinies of humans created in God’s image to be free and enjoy His gift of abundant life. May the principalities and powers behind certain international institutions and national governments be bound in the name of the King of the Universe, our Lord Jesus Christ. And may anti-freedom individuals in big government, business, tech, pharma, and media be removed from their positions and replaced by God-fearing, caring, upright officials! “Other concerns we should be praying about: 1. “Continue to agree in prayer that the increasingly likely conflict between Russia and Ukraine be diffused and that the Russian forces gathered along the border will be withdrawn. 2. “Afghanistan has become the most dangerous place to be a Christian. The Taliban sometimes goes house to house looking for any who have Scripture or audio Bible recordings on their cell phone and, in some cases, have executed them. The humanitarian crisis still needs our prayers, as well, so that adequate food and fuel can get to those in danger of starvation this winter. Pray as the Spirit leads you for these grave situations. 3. “Myanmar continues to experience a staggering revival with thousands upon thousands of Buddhists and Muslims wanting to know about Jesus. Please pray for additional willing laborers to help, and also for the end of the conflict and a return to civilian rule. 4. “Lastly, we in various New Mexico prayer networks and ministries will be coming together with Navajo ministers and other praying Native people in Gallup, NM, near the border of Arizona. We will be praying specifically for revival and God’s transformation of our beautiful but beleaguered state, as well as for our nation. These Navajo ministers, along with their nation’s president and vice-president (both Jesus followers) have been praying together every Monday. The Gallup pastors have been praying together every Tuesday, so something very significant is happening there! Also, an intercessor from one of the darkest places in New Mexico (drugs, crime, and occultism), where the first capital in the USA was founded in 1598 (even before Santa Fe), wrote to me a couple of weeks ago. He sees a "spiritual nuclear explosion" involving the Navajos and other Native peoples happening. This goes along with Billy Graham's prophetic word in 1975 about the First Nations people being like a ‘sleeping giant,’ who will have a powerful impact on our nation and world when they are awakened spiritually. May this be the time! In his iconic speech at a conference on Indian evangelism, Graham said to Native American leaders, ‘You are a sleeping giant, the original American. You are now awakening. Just around the corner, you may become a spiritual superpower in this country that could change, not only America, but the world." Pray with me: Father, we love our brothers and sisters around the world. We pray for them today. Please give strength and favor to those standing for freedom in Canada. We ask for a miracle to be released that turns the tide for them. We pray also for provision to make its way to them. We ask that their boldness and love of freedom impact our nation as well. We pray for the people of Ukraine. Somehow, stop the Russian invasion and enable Ukraine to maintain their freedom. Overthrow evil leaders in Russia and around the world. We also ask, however, for blessing to the innocent masses of Russia. May evil leaders in Russia, China, Iran, Afghanistan, Cuba and other nations of the earth be removed. And send unprecedented revival to all of these nations. We pray for the people of Afghanistan. Deliver them from the evils of the Taliban. Give peace and protection to our brothers and sisters, save those who do not yet know You. We command revival fires into that region!!! And we pray for the people of Myanmar. We know Heaven is rejoicing over the outpouring of Holy Spirit taking place there. May they continue to experience incredible revival with thousands upon thousands more Buddhists and Muslims coming to know Jesus. Send laborers to help disciple the believers, and bring peace to the land. And finally we pray again today for our First Nations people in America. Send revival to them. May it be as our brother said, “a spiritual nuclear explosion.” Bring forth the fulfillment of Billy Graham’s words: awaken this sleeping giant and make them a spiritual superpower here and around the world. Heal them from the wounds inflicted upon them and awaken them to their destiny. We bless them, Father. We pray all of these things in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the nations of the earth, passionately loved by Jesus, are going to experience the greatest harvest in history! *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. John Robb is the chairman of Transformation Prayer Foundation, a non-profit ministry focussing their efforts on prayer mobilization, humanitarian aid, and mission to the unreached peoples. He has also served as Director of Prayer Ministries for World Vision International and International Prayer Connect. Ceci and I will be sowing a generous gift into world harvest this month through John’s ministry. Some of you may want to consider joining us. You can do so by going to:
  4. 5 min read February 16, 2022 Watch for the Durham Boat to Land Now when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and behold, terror and great darkness fell upon him. God said to Abram, “Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, where they will be enslaved and oppressed for four hundred years. But I will also judge the nation whom they will serve, and afterward, they will come out with many possessions. As for you, you shall go to your fathers in peace; you will be buried at a good old age. Then in the fourth generation they will return here, for the iniquity of the Amorite is not yet complete.” (Genesis 15:12-16; NASB) We here at GH15 have been consistently saying God was going to expose the corruption in Washington. D.C. We used verse 16 above, where God told Abraham He would give him the land of Canaan, but not yet. Yahweh knew the Amorites’ sin would reach a level at which He could justifiably take their land and give it to Abraham. However, also in His justice, He waited until they reached that level. Holy Spirit gave me this verse when I sought Him after the 2020 election fiasco. He assured me we had prevailed, that our prayers for justice had been heard and granted. But, the cup of iniquity was not yet full. It would be soon, but not quite. An internationally trusted prophet called me and told me the prayers of the Ekklesia had been effective and, he said, “had saved America. Everything you’ve prayed will be done. God will continue to expose the evil and, when He has finished exposing them, He will remove them. Trust His timing.” I’ve been saying ever since that more exposure - great exposure - is coming, and that we must not waver now. The exposing has just intensified. Another prophetic friend texted me Monday to say, “I heard Holy Spirit say today, ‘The avalanche of justice has begun to rumble! America’s boil has been lanced!!’” Be assured, what has recently been released is just the tip of the iceberg. The dominoes will now begin to fall. As you no doubt know by now, “Special counsel John Durham’s team alleged on February 12, 2022, that a tech executive aligned with the Democratic Party was paid to spy on former President Donald Trump’s residences and the White House when Trump was president. “Lawyers for the Clinton campaign allegedly paid the technology executive to infiltrate servers at the Trump Tower and the White House, Durham said in court filings (pdf) in order to establish an ‘inference’ and ‘narrative’ to tie Trump to the Russian government. Durham’s office made the claim as part of his investigation that had brought charges against Michael Sussmann, a lawyer who had worked on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and Hillarious Clinton’s 2016 campaign and who is currently charged with making a false statement to the FBI.” (1) “‘Tech Executive - I also enlisted the assistance of researchers at a U.S.-based university who were receiving and analyzing large amounts of Internet data in connection with a pending federal government cybersecurity research contract,” Durham’s filing states. “The executive also ‘tasked these researchers to mine Internet data to establish “an inference” and “narrative” tying then-candidate Trump to Russia,’ the filing states, adding that the technology firm that the executive worked for ‘had come to access and maintain dedicated servers’ for Trump’s executive office.”(2) As President Trump accurately stated, “‘This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate, and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution.’”(3) Those involved - from the deep state, to the politicians, to the dishonest media - have done everything possible to hide the truth from the American people for 5 years. Most of the media is still not mentioning this national disgrace and scandal of immeasurable proportions, even after Durham’s indictments. Not surprising, since they have covered for Clinton and reported lies on Trump for several years now. Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes all but called President Trump a liar to his face in 2020 when he said he was spied on. Ninety percent of the media jumped on the bandwagon, lauded her, and mocked the President. I’m sure she will now apologize. The fact is most of the media won’t report Durham’s findings, at least not yet, because doing so would be reporting their own lies. During the election battle, a team of 20 intercessors went to Coudersport, PA, to pray at the headwaters of the Allegheny River. This location was chosen based on a series of dreams given to different individuals. Pennsylvania was our nation’s birthplace, and we felt Holy Spirit was telling us that a new birth was coming to America. While there, Holy Spirit gave Clay Nash another significant dream in which George Washington was in a boat on the Allegheny River. Washington would, of course, also symbolize the birth of our nation. There were several meaningful details, not the least of which was him holding an Appeal To Heaven flag. But the flag had the added words, “No surrender.” A lady present in the service that night told Clay that Washington was known to use a Durham boat. (Though disputed by some, many historians believe it is so. Read more about this here.) She then prophesied to Clay, “Watch for the Durham boat to land.” What a strange and interesting word. At the time, it seemed to have no relevance to what we were doing. At times, Holy Spirit shares things with us knowing we will not fully understand them until later. This is why we must be very careful in interpreting dreams, visions, and prophecy. Making wrong assumptions regarding them can lead us to frustration, wrong timing, and even inappropriate predictions and actions. All of us who have moved in the prophetic gifting have made mistakes of this nature. Clay, however, felt this was from Holy Spirit and has been praying over the word for a year. He has now come to believe it was referring to the Durham investigation. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Was Washington saying in the dream, “Keep appealing. No surrender. There will be exposure of the corruption and a new birth of our nation.” I believe so. Whether or not this is the case, one thing is certain, the Durham investigation is starting to offload some of its cargo. And I believe by the time the special counsel is finished, the biggest political scandal in America’s history will have been exposed. Pray with me: Father, we pray today for our government. You said “when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn” (Proverbs 29:2). We have some in our government who are wicked. They lie, are not servants of the people, lust after power, abuse their authority, and dishonor You. We have asked You to expose their evil and remove them; we believe You are doing so. Give wisdom and grace to Special Counsel Durham and those involved in conducting these investigations. Uncover. Bring revelation and exposure. Lead them down the right paths. Cause one or more individuals who know everything to confess the information. Discredit those who will not honor truth. We do pray for the salvation of every single person involved. We pray that hearts will turn and lives will be changed. Just as You model for us, we take no pleasure in the judgment of the wicked. We mourn their condition and want to see them saved. But we also honor truth and ask You for righteous leaders. Give us honest and fair elections. Rebirth America, restoring us fully to our partnership with You. I pray for intercessors here and around the world. May we faithfully appeal to You, and never surrender to the enemy. Never. In Christ’s name, we pray these things. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the powers of darkness hiding evil and corruption in our government are bound, according to Matthew 16:18-19. ************************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ________________________________ Ibid Ibid
  5. 5 min read February 15, 2022 Heaven Approved the Solemn Appeal As an encouragement, my friend and leader of the Texas Apostolic Prayer Network (TXAPN), Tom Schleuter, sent me a blog he wrote back in 2015. Tom knows I love history, and he is very aware of my passion regarding the Appeal To Heaven flag: ***************** “Last week as we were finishing up our vacation in New England, my wife Kay and I journeyed to the site of the first shots fired in the American Revolution. They occurred in the towns of Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. One of the places I desired to visit was the Hancock-Clarke Home in Lexington. Most people bypass this significant location. “Jonas Clarke (1730 – 1805), was an American clergyman who had a significant and passionate role in the American Revolution, as well as in shaping the Massachusetts and United States Constitutions. His pulpit, like many others, was the site of rallying calls to freedom, and he became the predominant voice of liberty in Lexington. “Clarke graduated from Harvard College in 1752 and became the third pastor of the Church of Christ in Lexington, Massachusetts on May 19, 1755. He married Lucy Bowes. His wife's cousin was the famous John Hancock. This Hancock-Clarke Home was first owned by Hancock's grandfather, the Rev. John Hancock Sr. The home was the destination of Paul Revere's famous ride on April 18, 1775, since Samuel Adams and John Hancock, sought after by the British, were staying with Rev Clarke. “As Kay and I walked through the home, there was a strong sense of God's presence. At its beginning, the home had been filled with the Lord and a family of twelve children. His holy presence still lingered in the rooms. The flagpole and its flag out front reveal what is called the Massachusetts Tree Flag. It was designed after the Appeal to Heaven flag, with an evergreen tree in the top left field of white. “We then journeyed a few blocks from the home to Lexington Green, where the first shots of the revolution were fired. While there, we read the monument’s inscription, which is dedicated to those who fell that day. After further research I discovered that the inscription was written by none other than Rev. Jonas Clarke. He wrote it 24 years after the battle in Lexington, and 16 years after the end of the war. “This is the entire inscription on the monument at the Lexington Green. Please note the bolded phrase! “‘Sacred to Liberty & the Rights of mankind!!! The Freedom & Independence of America, Sealed & defended with the blood of her sons. This Monument is erected By the inhabitants of Lexington Under the patronage and at the expense of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, To the memory of their Fellow Citizens, Ensign ROBERT MUNROE, and Messrs. JONAS PARKER, SAMUEL HADLEY, JONATHAN HARRINGTON, JR., ISAAC MUZZY, CALEB HARRINGTON AND JOHN BROWN, Of Lexington and ASAHEL PORTER of Woburn, Who fell on this field, the first victims to the Sword of British Tyranny and Oppression On the morning of the ever memorable Nineteenth of April, An. Dom. 1775, The Die was cast!!! The Blood of these Martyrs In the cause of their God and their Country Was the Cement of the Union of these States, then Colonies, and gave the spring to the Spirit, Firmness And Resolution of their Fellow Citizens, They rose as one man to Revenge their Brethren’s Blood, and at the Point of the Sword, to Assert And defend their Native Rights, They Nobly dar’d to be Free!! The contest was long, Bloody and Affecting. Righteous Heaven Approved the Solemn Appeal Victory crowned their Arms; and The Peace, Liberty, and Independence of the United States of America was their Glorious Reward. Built in the year 1799.’(1) “The Spirit of the Lord moved over me as I read the inscription again: ‘Righteous Heaven Approved the Solemn Appeal.’ I called my wife Kay over to the monument to read it. As she did, she declared to me: ‘Do you see what's next to it?’ Standing next to the monument was a huge evergreen tree! “Let's us boldly make our appeal to heaven in this hour. God will faithfully approve of our appeal as we bow before Him and trust in Him alone for our victory.” **************** I certainly agree with what Tom says. God is hearing our appeal. He is the One who brought this flag out of hiding a few short years ago. The Appeal To Heaven flag and prayer movement was God’s idea in 1775, just as it is now. I have said dozens, if not hundreds, of times: The same thing that birthed America - appealing to heaven - will rebirth America. Holy Spirit would never have brought this flag back into a place of significance in America had He not intended to honor the appeals. It still works. I was leading a prayer tour a few years ago, asking the Lord to reconnect America to her covenant roots. As He so often does on journeys such as this, Holy Spirit was faithful to give us numerous supernatural confirmations that we were indeed in His will, and that our prayers were effective. In York, PA, we visited a small museum that housed the Continental Congress for a few months during the Revolutionary War. In essence, it was our US Capitol for a few months. When we arrived on a Saturday, the building was closed. We went around back, stood in a circle, and began praying. However, two of our more adventurous members wandered over and tried to open the back door. It was unlocked, so they sauntered in thinking, “There must be someone here. Perhaps they will let us look around.” Instead, an alarm was triggered. It wasn’t loud; we didn’t even hear it outside. Then we left the building quickly. Minutes later, the curator/manager pulled up: the alarm was connected to his home. He walked through the building, opened the back door, and sternly said to us, “Who are you, what are you doing, and why is this alarm going off?” Our prayers shifted from America to ourselves, asking for favor and mercy! We told him what had happened, who we were, and that we were praying for America. He seemed appreciative that we were praying, and was also extremely glad we had inadvertently helped him discover the unlocked door. “Would you like to look around and pray inside?” He asked. “Uh, sure,” we almost shouted. While inside, he began sharing with us the history of the building, pointing out pieces of furniture and where the members of Congress had sat. He then pointed to 7-8 flags adorning the walls. “They all had a special meaning to the colonists,” he said. “though I’m not sure what some of them mean. For example, that white one there, with the evergreen tree and the words ‘Appeal To Heaven.’ I’m not sure what that was all about.” We told him. Then we did it..! Pray with me: Father, as we heard in yesterday’s post, You’re about to follow through on promises you’ve made to intercessors here in America. You’re also about to follow through on a promise You made to Your Son. In Psalm 2 You promised Him the nations as His inheritance, the ends of the earth as His possession. You also said His bride would consist of people from every tribe and tongue. We join with Him now in holy expectation as He enacts His greatest Kingdom campaign ever. Let it begin - bring it! We partner now with our great Paraclete, Holy Spirit, the One called alongside to help us. He is now also in us. We are filled with His power and life. We operate in His gifts, receive His revelation, and walk in His wisdom. We emit His light, speak His truth, and move in His timing. We promote peace but are ready for war. Flip the switch, Holy Spirit! Revive again. Pour Yourself out! Rain Your life-giving water. We continue the great tradition in our nation of appealing to You for Your help, Yahweh. We have joined our hearts together as an appealing company of intercessors. We agree - all across this land and in other nations of the earth - send the fire! Our decree: We decree that we win on appeal! **************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________________
  6. 6 min read February 14, 2022 The Follow Through My brother, Tim Sheets, sent me a very powerful and encouraging word I’m using for today’s post. You will appreciate this strong word. “In Habakkuk 2:3 we read that visions, dreams, and prophecies are for appointed, God-planned times. When their moment comes, they will accelerate to fullness and there will be no delay. It is vital to discern our times and remember what Holy Spirit has spoken to us, so we know how to properly engage. “Something incredible is now surging in the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is now amping up to a different level. What the body of Christ has been contending for, through prayers and decrees, has come to its divine moment. Holy Spirit has activated strategies that are now in completion mode to produce God’s plan for His ruling and reigning Ekklesia. “I recently heard the Lord say to me, ‘My Ekklesia and My remnant have now entered the season of Our follow-through.’ “I knew that ‘Our’ was referring to the Godhead. The Godhead is now following through on promises they have made to us. Holy Spirit is overseeing it now on the earth. Prophecies that have been proclaimed are now being accelerated. Dreams that have been given to us are in the season of the follow-through. A season of supernatural completions has now begun. “When the Lord spoke these words to me, I was reminded of a previous word He had given me. He said, ‘I will now reintroduce Holy Spirit to the world. He will function in visible leadership of My Ekklesia, in worldwide ways and with explosive power. My sons and My daughters will move to new levels of My dominion mandate. New and unadulterated authority will be seen on the earth as Holy Spirit activates divine strategies and multiple divisions of angel armies to reinforce those strategies. They will assist My heirs and implement My Kingdom government. A new Pentecost outpouring will be poured upon the earth and everything in My Kingdom will accelerate. Revival and awakening will come. I will have My harvest.’ “Holy Spirit is the architect, strategist, and guide of this end time move, and He has announced this is a season of the follow-through. As I continued to ponder and pray, I was reminded of other words I believe refer to this season of completion. “Holy Spirit instructed me on the importance of angel armies several years ago and I believe we are now moving into a greater season of angelic activity. When He first began teaching this to me, He said, ‘The King has issued a command for a new campaign on earth. I will now be leading a campaign similar to what I initiated in the Pentecost outpouring in Acts Chapter 2, only it will be far greater. This time I will be bringing far more of the angel armies.’ “These words set me on a journey of years of study on the nature and workings of angels. Holy Spirit opened up God’s Word to me concerning angels assisting the King’s heirs, the Ekklesia, and a Kingdom revival. What we are entering into is not a local church based revival as we have seen in the past. The plan this time is for a Kingdom revival that will occur everywhere. Holy Spirit then said to me, ‘The greatest days in church history are not in your past; they are in your present and they are in your future.’ “The current Word of the Lord is that the Ekklesia and remnant have entered the season of the Godhead’s follow-through. The promised outpourings, revival, discipling of nations, and the greatest harvest ever are now in follow-through mode. Holy Spirit has been leading a transition in the church to develop a Kingdom mindset within the Ekklesia. “Additionally, Holy Spirit is being reintroduced as Lord Sabaoth, Lord of angel armies. There are many references in scripture that tell us when Holy Spirit moves, it is often with angel armies. One occasion occurred at the first Pentecost. “In Acts 2, King Jesus issued a command for a new campaign of His Kingdom to begin on the earth. This new Kingdom era was to take the gospel of the Kingdom into all of the earth. Holy Spirit came to supervise and empower it with angel armies. This is referenced in scripture by the cloven tongues of fire that hovered over each of the remnant believers in the upper room. Angels are often described in scripture as appearing like flames, reflectors, tongues or carriers of fire. “Five hundred people were told to go to the Upper Room, but only 120 did. Angels ministered the fire of God’s glory to that remnant under Holy Spirit’s supervision. These ministering angels were angels of glory. They are part of the glory division of angel armies that always accompany members of the Godhead. These angels reflect the glory of the Godhead and are carriers of the glory anointing of God. They minister to the heirs of God from His glorious, holy presence. These angels assist Holy Spirit’s actions, outpourings, revivals, awakenings, and moves on the earth. “Glory angels are often symbolized in God’s Word as fire. Fire often represents the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit, the very essence of who He is. It’s a presence you can see, feel and experience. When Holy Spirit came into the Upper Room, it must have been like a glory bomb exploded. A glory surge of who He is erupted and flames of fire appeared over each believer. Holy Spirit has said He is now moving similarly, yet greater. “While the first Pentecost happened in one place, this next outpouring will occur in hundreds of locations. It will be a widespread Kingdom revival. A glorious Ekklesia will rise in power and the government of hell will not prevail against it. Holy Spirit is now activating multiple divisions of angels to assist. “The different divisions of angel armies now being activated are: government, revival, breakthrough, alignment, awakening and reformation, evangelism, healings and miracles, and special forces. Holy Spirit is bringing these angels in this season of great follow-through to encamp around all of the Ekklesia hubs He has been preparing. “I recently had a vision of hundreds of different hubs all over the world. Encamped around one hub I saw angels of alignment, healings, miracles and glory. Around another, I saw angels of breakthrough, harvest, evangelism and awakening. Surrounding another, I saw angels of war, special forces, breakthrough, and glory. It continued in this way throughout the vision with each Ekklesia hub assisted by more than one division of angels, depending on their needs. Sometimes, I saw the angels moving as if on missions. Other times, I saw a division of angels moving out as another division came in. It looked like an active operation in process. “Holy Spirit then spoke these words, ‘I am increasing the power, influence and voice of my regional spirit capitals.’ He called the Ekklesia hubs His ‘regional spiritual capitals.’ The King has been building spiritual capitals, which clearly indicates governmental authority. “The Godhead is in follow-through mode. King Jesus is building His regional spirit capitals. He is providing keys to their regions and hell will not be able to hold out against them. These Ekklesias will occupy the territorial thrones, dethrone demon powers, and from the spirit capitals, the spirit realm will influence the natural realm, thus beginning to disciple nations. “God is now doing this. Not one word of His good promises will fail. We are moving into the most amazing days of God’s Kingdom. Hell doesn’t stand a chance.” Pray with me: Heavenly Father, we thank You for the dreams, visions, and prophecies You have given us. You have made so many promises to us, Lord. I believe You remember every one of them and You have promised You will follow through. We declare we have stepped into a season of supernatural follow-through and completion. Signs, wonders, and miracles are coming in abundance. A Kingdom revival will roar throughout all of the world. Holy Spirit is reintroducing who He really is. He is all-powerful, supernatural, all-knowing, ever-present, and a strategist who never loses. God, release Your divisions of angel armies to assist us. Release Your glory angels that reflect Your presence. Let healings be manifested across this nation. Healings of mind, body, and soul. We also call out to You, God, to heal our nation. You have promised America shall be saved and we call on You to follow through. We trust You, God. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Our Decree: We decree we are in a season of supernatural follow-through and completion..! ******************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim Sheets. You can learn more about Tim here. 221 likes. Post marked as liked
  7. 6 min read February 11, 2022 The Manna Tree “Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba, and there he called on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God.” (Genesis 21:33; NASB) We have said a good bit about tamarisk trees the past few days. They are an evergreen tree. For millennia evergreens have symbolized covenant. I write about them in my book, An Appeal To Heaven: “Always maintaining green leaves or needles, depending on the tree, evergreen trees have symbolized eternity as far back as Abraham. At times, this symbolism was expanded to include an everlasting or lifelong commitment to a covenant. At the time of our nation’s founding evergreens carried this significance to the Iroquois Native American nation. At a significant time in their history, a great leader united five native tribes (with a later addition of a sixth) establishing a confederacy among them. According to the Iroquois Constitution, the covenant began with the planting of the ‘Tree of Peace.’ Their peace treaty and everlasting covenant was then sealed by the symbolic act of burying weapons underneath a great evergreen tree. Some historians believe this covenantal ceremony is where we get the phrase, ‘bury the hatchet.’”(1) The tamarisk evergreen tree planted by Abraham symbolized covenant, his covenant with Yahweh. Many believe, myself included, that the tree placed on the Appeal To Heaven flag represents covenant. It certainly represented covenant in the dream I was given in 2007, in which I knocked out giants with special boxing gloves, one of which had the word “Evergreen” imprinted on it. And in Gina Gholston’s dream we have spoken of in our posts for the last two days, demons trying to destroy America were defeated with staffs made of tamarisk wood. The dream was telling us that declaring our covenant promises and alliances with God is a powerful spiritual weapon. The tamarisk tree, chosen by Abraham to represent his covenant with God, has other unique and interesting features. It is a wonderful shade tree and lives hundreds of years. However, tamarisks are also slow-growing. They grow only an inch per year and take 400 years to reach their full height. “Because the tree is so slow growing, no one would plant a tamarisk for him or herself; he or she would never personally benefit from it. By planting this slow-growing, long-living, covenantal tree, Abraham was thinking of his descendants, making a powerful declaration to them for generations to come, ‘I am in covenant with Everlasting God, and you will sit under the shade of my everlasting covenant with Him.’”(2) Amazing! Tamarisk trees are known as those which produce the coolest shade in the desert region were Abraham lived. The explanation for this is fascinating. “The tree grows needles rather than leaves. Often the needles excrete salt on their surfaces which give the needles a white color. Because the tamarisk excretes salt, it is sometimes called a ‘salt cedar.’ At night, moisture increases in the cool air. Water vapor adheres to the salt particles excreted on branches and needles, forming droplets. In the morning, as the sun warms the air, the water droplets evaporate and cool the tree and shade below it.”(3) In the dream we discussed yesterday and Tuesday (which you can read by looking at yesterday‘s post), the magnificent tree representing America was also producing wonderful shade. America’s Founders planted an incredible “shade tree” for future generations, saying through their actions - just as Abraham did to the generations to come - “You will sit under the shade of our covenant with God.” They formed a nation under God, a land in covenant with Him, one that could endure. America has been incredibly blessed because of their faithfulness and partnership with Yahweh. Millions of people here and around the world have enjoyed the “shade” of these covenant blessings. We must save the shade tree called America for our children and grandchildren, and for the world. Another interesting fact regarding the tamarisk tree was sent to me by a GH15 listener a couple of weeks ago. I have verified the information and find it fascinating. “An edible white honeylike substance known as manna forms drops on the stem of salt cedars, or tamarisk trees. This sweet material is sold in the form of flakes (flake manna), fragments (common manna), or thick droplets (fat manna).”(4) Do you find it fascinating that Abraham’s “covenant tree” produced shade for his offspring hundreds of years later and fed them with a substance called “manna”? What a picture! And yet, why wouldn’t God lead him to do this, giving us such a profound picture? After all, Abraham’s offspring produced Christ, heaven’s manna, the Bread of Life. Abraham was told from the very beginning that God’s promised blessings were not only for him, but for the world: “And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” (Genesis 12:2-3; NASB) Sadly, many believers cannot (or refuse to) see that the current ideological war in America is for the soul of a nation, raised up by God for spiritual purposes. It is truly a spiritual war. America IS called to be “a shining light, a city on a hill.” She IS to be a trumpet for God, taking and sending the gospel of the Kingdom to the ends of the earth. And, though some don’t like the following, our nation is called - with proper discretion and humility, of course - to be a deterrent for the spread of evil rule around the world. The great leader Ronald Reagan said of America: “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.”(5) Covenant with God produces life and blessing and with that comes responsibility. As America returns to her covenant roots she will once again prosper. We, the praying church, must facilitate this by using the power of covenant (the tamarisk tree staffs in Gina’s dream) to war against the evil forces attempting to destroy America. One of the ways we do this is by declaring the covenantal declarations made by our founding leaders. We have been doing this for the past three days. Let’s use some of these declarations of the past few days and declare them again. Pray and decree with me: We decree that America was raised up by God to be a city on a hill, a beacon of light to all nations. America was called to preach the gospel of the Kingdom to all nations of the earth, and to serve all nations. We decree that America was founded by God, under an appeal to heaven, and an appeal to heaven will give us a rebirth! America is one nation, under God, a Christian nation. We have put our trust in Him and no other. We have no king but Jesus. The “Laws of Nature and of Nature's God;” an appeal to the “Supreme Judge of the world;” “the Creator;” and “divine Providence” are all in our Declaration of Independence. We decree that, as a part of this legal document beginning our nation, they remain true today. We declare them into the atmosphere of America! Leviticus 25:10 is on the Liberty Bell: “Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof.” This verse, describing Christ as America’s Jubilee Redeemer, rang out at her birth announcing our faith and destiny. We declare its message over America again today: Christ is our Redeemer! Proclaiming His message is our purpose! We decree that Yahweh is our Lawgiver, our Judge and our King, and that our three branches of government were founded under this truth! They will return to this! We decree that His mercy over America endures forever, that His mercies are new every morning! We decree that He who began a good work in us will complete it, that He had a plan for our restoration before we even turned against Him! We decree that nothing can stop this turnaround because our trust is in God! It’s even on our money! We agree with it! We decree that God’s redeeming power is greater than satan’s deceiving lies, that His truth will prevail! We decree that salvation belongs to God and that He loves to save, taking no pleasure in judgment! We decree that satan is under our feet and that we are seated with Christ, far above all principalities, powers and rulers of darkness! We decree that we are Christ’s Ekklesia/government on earth and that we have His keys of authority to bind and loose, open and close. We decree that no weapon formed against this nation, nor against the purposes of God in our generation, will prosper! We decree that AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED..!!! ****************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. __________________________________ Sheets, Dutch, An Appeal to Heaven, (Dallas, TX: Dutch Sheets Ministries, Inc., 2015), p 47. Ibid. p 51.
  8. 4 min read February 8, 2022 The Power of Covenant I have pointed out in recent posts that the “Evergreen” boxing glove in the “Five Giants” dream (title: It’s Time to Put on the Gloves) represents covenant, and that this is what I believe the evergreen tree on the Appeal To Heaven flag represents. It certainly represented covenant in Abraham’s life, in the verse that pictures both gloves: Everlast and Evergreen (Genesis 21:33). I have said that we must war for America by drawing on the strength of and honoring our nation’s covenant with God. I’ve been feeling that I need to do a post explaining what I mean, and don’t mean by this. There are different types and levels of covenant. Most Christians use the word “covenant” only in reference to God’s covenant with Abraham and his offspring, or when referring to the New Covenant we enjoy through Christ. Because of this, many shy away from believing America is in a covenant relationship with God. The word for covenant in Scripture, however, has a much broader range of meaning. The Hebrew word is beriyth. It means “a compact, covenant, alliance, pledge, promise, treaty, agreement, league; a constitution, ordinance.” These usages can refer to an agreement between individuals, as in a marriage or a friendship. The word also refers to a covenant, contract, or alliance between nations. Israel even made a covenant with death (Isaiah 28:15, 18)! And, of course, it is used to describe covenants with God. Simply stated, a covenant is a sacred and binding agreement or promise between two or more parties. Obviously, there are different levels and strengths of covenants. In God’s eyes, a marriage covenant is obviously more binding than two friends promising to stick with one another. He always expects us to keep our word, but we do not become one with someone through a friendship covenant. The old and new covenants in scripture obviously rise to higher levels than most other covenants. Abraham’s covenant with God also rises above most others. The new covenant through Christ’s blood stands above all covenants. When I state that America is in covenant with, or has a covenant with God, I am NOT saying God entered into the type of covenant with us that He did Abraham. And I’m certainly not equating it to a covenant like unto what we enjoy with God through Christ. And I’m not implying that it is based on a blood sacrifice of some sort. I AM saying that early Pilgrims, settlers, and Founders in America entered into sacred alliances and agreements with God. They did so through prayers, promises, and written documents - including our founding documents, which made the agreements legally binding. Our Founders made sacred, covenantal promises to function under God’s government and care, to serve His purposes, and to honor Him. This was accepted by God because they based it on Christ’s sacrifice and the Scriptures. It was also accepted because God Himself inspired and motivated the actions! America absolutely has covenant agreements with God and covenant promises from God! He still honors them, and as we “intercessorily” declare them they are powerful. We can agree and decree with Hunt’s Cape Henry declaration that the gospel will go from these shores to all the nations of the earth. We can declare and decree with Congress that we are a nation under God. We can decree with Franklin and the Continental Congress that the God of providence founded us and will finish what He started. WE CAN TAKE OUT GIANTS WITH THESE DECLARATIONS! It is little wonder that satanic forces are trying to revise our history. Satan knows covenant roots are powerful. He knows God keeps covenant and mercy. He knows this “boxing glove” has power, a power he has no answer for. We must use this glove! Do not be distracted by the lies and indoctrination of the left. They will lose. God will win. They cannot steal our history unless we allow it, and we will not do so. Hold fast to it and use it in your prayers. Tomorrow we will look at another strong dream which references the strength of our covenantal roots. You won’t want to miss it. Pray with me: We decree that America was founded by God, under an appeal to heaven, and that an appeal to heaven will give us a rebirth! We decree that we are a voice for Him to the ends of the earth, and the gospel of the kingdom will go forth from America to all people! We decree that we are a Christian nation, founded under Christ’s blood and rule, and that we have no king but Jesus! We decree that Yahweh is our Lawgiver, our Judge, and our King, and that our three branches of government were founded under this truth! (Isaiah 33:22) They will return to this! We decree we are a city on a hill, shining God’s light to all the earth, and that darkness will not win! We decree that God’s mercy over America endures forever, that His mercies are new every morning! We decree that He who began a good work in us will complete it, that God had a plan for our restoration before we even turned against Him! We decree that nothing can stop this turnaround because our trust is in God! This is even on our currency! We agree with it! We decree that God’s redeeming power is greater than satan’s deceiving lies, and that His truth will prevail! We decree that salvation belongs to God and that he loves to save, taking no pleasure in judgment! We decree that we are seated with Christ, and that satan is under our feet. We are far above all principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness! We decree that we are Christ’s Ekklesia/government on earth and that we have His keys of authority to bind and loose, open and close. We decree that no weapon formed against America, nor against the purposes of God in our generation, will prosper. We decree that America shall be saved..!!! ******************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  9. 6 min read February 7, 2022 God Is Turning Things Around America’s turnaround began years ago. God is way ahead of the times, seeing and declaring the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). He is the only individual who doesn’t start at the beginning. God starts at the end, backs up to the beginning, and implements His plan. This means He is never caught by surprise or off-guard. It also means He knows how He will solve problems…before they even manifest! Yahweh is not taken back by the failures of people and nations, knowing they would occur beforehand. When He calls a person - or a nation - to a purpose, God realizes He will have to navigate through their mess-ups, just as He did with Abraham and the nation of Israel. According to Hebrews 11:3, God has already decreed the aligning and realigning of the ages; the correct translation is: “Through faith, we understand that the ages were aligned by the word [declarations] of God…” Before Adam’s fall, Jesus was the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). That means the Incarnation, the Cross, and Christ’s Resurrection were planned before Adam’s fall ever occurred. I share this to assure you that God has a plan for America’s turnaround. He knew the failures and sins our nation would commit before we committed them, and has also declared our turnaround. Satan’s reactionary plans and schemes are no match for God’s omniscience and foreknowledge. This foreknowledge also means God is moving on many fronts, of course. While He is implementing His pre-planned works in America, He is doing so in other nations, in the church, and in individuals, preparing them for His plan. When all is ready, He shifts everything into a phase of convergence: ripe harvest fields; nations positioned; the church equipped; angels assigned. This is all seen in the book of Esther. The Jews’ very existence was threatened when wicked Haman, one of King Ahasuerus’ trusted officials, manipulated the king into issuing a decree for the annihilation of the Jews. Upon learning of Haman’s decree, Esther, a Jewish woman chosen by King Ahasuerus to be his queen, exposed Haman’s plan. She broke protocol to appeal to the king in a courageous attempt to protect her people. The king granted Esther’s request and, instead of the Jews, Haman was executed. The day after Haman’s decree was reversed, the Feast of Purim was inaugurated. The Hebrew word for turnaround is haphak: “to overturn, overthrow, turnaround, transform, be reversed.” The following verses from Esther 9 include this word: “…when the king’s command and edict were about to be executed, on the day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to gain the mastery over them, it was turned to the contrary so that the Jews themselves gained the mastery over those who hated them.” (v. 1) “Because on those days the Jews rid themselves of their enemies, and it was a month which was turned for them from sorrow into gladness and from mourning into a holiday; that they should make them days of feasting and rejoicing....” (v. 22) “But when it came to the king’s attention, he commanded by letter that his wicked scheme, which he had devised against the Jews, should return on his own head and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows.” (v. 25) The Message translation of Esther 9:25 uses a powerful analogy to convey the significance of what transpired: “But when Queen Esther intervened with the king, he gave written orders that the evil scheme that Haman had worked out should boomerang back on his own head.” God had planned ahead. Before Haman ever conceived his evil plan to destroy the Jews, God aligned people, events, and time. The book of Esther is an easy and interesting read - check it out. You will find that God orchestrated events, timing, the choosing of a queen, sleep patterns, favor to individuals, the uncovering of evil plans, rescues, and more. The end result was the saving of the nation and the furthering of God's plans on earth. I believe Holy Spirit is doing again this year what He did in Esther’s day. He is moving us into convergence and a time of divine reversals! This is a year of great turnaround, when God intervenes powerfully on behalf of His people, and the enemy is overthrown as his plans boomerang back on his own head! Of course, the Hebrew word haphak is not only found in the book of Esther, but throughout the scriptures. Deuteronomy 23:5 uses the word to describe the turning of Balaam’s curse over the Jewish people into a blessing. Jeremiah 31:13 and Isaiah 61:3 use the word in reference to turning mourning into joy. This season’s turnaround will occur for individuals, families, regions, and nations. Unrest will certainly continue and the scriptures assure us that evil will, as well. But great harvest will also occur and areas of unrest will give way to righteousness—even in the darkest regions. There will be awakening and revivals in places where they have never existed. We must recognize, however, that the Lord is inviting us to partner with Him in releasing these supernatural boomerangs into the earth. When King Ahasuerus extended his scepter over Esther’s life and favor was released, he invited her to write her own decree of victory. The decree was to be written in his name and sealed with his seal so that it could never be reversed. Likewise, the Lord has extended His scepter of grace and favor over us. He is inviting us to exercise His authority, by making reversal decrees concerning the very things satan has decreed over our lives in past seasons. Be it sickness, poverty, the pain of divorce, depression, or any other form of oppression, our decrees will reverse them! His word tells us: “You will also decree a thing and it will be established for you; and light will shine on your ways.” (Job 22:28) “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” (Jeremiah 1:9-10) The Lord is inviting us to shift from merely petitioning Him, to also making decrees (official orders, edicts, or decisions), declarations (announcements or formal statements), and proclamations (the process of binding and loosing) as we are inspired by Holy Spirit to do so. The power of God’s decreed word is extraordinary..! It releases His creativity, His salvation, and yes, His judgments! He rules through His words, and so must we. As the Lord causes the strategies of the enemy to be overthrown, He will also bring us into a season of victory, celebration, and rest. This rest does not imply the ceasing of activity, but a peaceful and joyful trust in the Lord. It is the place from which we derive renewed strength to move forward. This scriptural passage comes to mind: “He gives strength to the weary,
 and to him who lacks might He increases power.
 Though youths grow weary and tired,
 and vigorous young men stumble badly,
 yet those who wait for the Lord
 will gain new strength;
 they will mount up with wings like eagles,
 they will run and not get tired,
 they will walk and not become weary.” (Isaiah 40:29-31) These past 2 years have been years of great turmoil for many individuals, families, businesses, communities, ministries, and nations. As a result, hopelessness has set in, vision has been clouded, strategies have been wanting, and forward movement has been delayed. Yet, I concur with the prophets - this is a turnaround year! Regardless of how great was your hardship, betrayal, sickness or loss, I declare that this is your year of breakthrough! You will see a reversal of the enemy’s decrees and strategies enacted against you. Stand confidently upon the Lord’s promise of divine intervention; He has been working all things together for your good (Romans 8:28)! This year, God will cause light to break forth from darkness, turn curses into blessings, and mourning into joy. Through the adversity of the past, the Lord has been preparing you for the fulfillment of His promises over your life! And from a new place of celebration, victory, and rest, the Lord desires that you partner with Him to help facilitate a righteous turnaround in this nation. You were born for such a time as this! Pray with me: Father, we exalt You as Lord, not only of the nations, but also over time. You change the times and seasons, orchestrating events to align with Your purposes. We declare confidently that You are greater than the forces of evil on the earth, that Your wisdom is higher, and that Your abilities are without measure. We know that You have decreed the turnaround of America and how this will occur, and You have decreed a great outpouring of Your Spirit in our day. Just as You turned around Haman‘s attempt to destroy the Jewish nation, You will turn around satan‘s attempt to destroy Your purposes in our day, as well. We accept the Esther decree: we were born for such a time as this. Help us now to rise to our calling and assignment, partnering with You and Your great plan. We proclaim breakthrough in Your people, breakthrough in our nation, and breakthrough on the earth. Give us a turnaround in our government, courts, education, and media. Give us a reversal of Roe versus Wade. And we ask for this confidently, in Christ’s name, amen. Our decree: We decree that Haman will be hanged on his own gallows..! And that the plans of the evil ones would come upon them instead..! Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  10. 6 min read February 1, 2022 On December 10, 2021, we released a post regarding John and Sandy Halvorsen’s prayer journey across America (Prayer Walk America). They received many responses and were very encouraged. About 50 folks from the Seattle area came out to join them on December 11th as John completed the walk. They brought bells, balloons, flowers, food, and communion elements for all, blew shofars, worshipped, prophesied, prayed, and rejoiced with them as John stepped into the Pacific. Sandy says, “What a marvelous response it was and what a blessing they all were! Also, many folks sent funds into our ministry as a result of the GH15, and it looks as though it is enough to cover John’s expensive hospital bill with his bout with covid last February. Yea God! We thank you, thank you, thank you.” Friends, you are an incredible group of people! And thank you, by the way, for prayers for Ceci. Some have asked about her. She is improving but still appreciates your prayers. From a Siege to a Suddenly “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly a noise like a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And tongues that looked like fire appeared to them, distributing themselves, and a tongue rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with different tongues, as the Spirit was giving them the ability to speak out.” Acts 2:1-4 (NASB) I have heard quite a few sermons over the years about God’s “suddenlies.” (I realize this is not a proper word; the correct wording would be “sudden occurrences,” but that wouldn’t be as catchy for the sermons.) The above passage describing Holy Spirit’s sudden outpouring on the Day of Pentecost is often given as an example. These sudden God-happenings are wonderful when they occur, unless, of course, they are judgments of some sort, as occurred at Sodom (Genesis 19). Paul’s Damascus Road conversion was a “suddenly” (Acts 9), as was Holy Spirit being poured out on the Gentiles (Acts 10). We could mention numerous others from scripture. A few years back, however, I was somewhat surprised when Holy Spirit spoke to me, playing on this word used in our sermonizing, and said, “Suddenlies are not really suddenlies.” (He does things like this to me!) After allowing me a few moments to untangle my brain, Holy Spirit gave me the revelation behind His statement. When we experience breakthroughs or acts of God which seem sudden - and the actions themselves can indeed take place suddenly - there have typically been prayer and faith “sieges” which caused them. As oxymoronic as it seems, ‘suddenlies’ are indeed, caused by sieges. Sieges, of course, are defined in part by “time”…as are reaping, investing, building, training, learning, and a host of other worthwhile endeavors. A sudden break in a dam is really “a crack left untreated over time.” A 5-minute Gold Medal ceremony might be better defined as a “Gallons of Sweat and Years of Sacrifice” presentation; a silo filled with grain in a relatively short time frame is actually “a farmer’s lack of sleep, calloused hands, and months of hard work” tower. I’m sure you get the point. What we call “suddenlies” are usually the last chapters of sieges; breakthroughs are typically the end result of fighting the good fight of faith, and answers to prayer are often the conclusion of a season of intercession. Some things can’t be rushed…and don’t come easily. In our generation, we have been programmed to expect quick results and easy procedures - microwaved lives. But always remember that the prepared-from-scratch meal tastes better and costs a whole lot more, than the microwaved sandwich at the local convenience store. Good things often take time to produce. I have seen breakthroughs occur after only hours of prayer, but more often than not I’ve experienced them after weeks, months, or years of praying and speaking God’s word into a situation. I’ve shared before in posts the testimony of the girl in a coma, whom I laid hands on and prayed over every week for at least an hour. I did this for a year before the “suddenly” finally occurred. It was worth the wait. You’ll be glad to know I’m not saying all of this because I feel we are a long way from the breakthroughs we’ve been seeking. On the contrary, I believe many enduring prayer and faith sieges are about to become “suddenlies.” Salvations, deliverances, healings, Holy Spirit outpourings, regional transformations, and more are about to break out. Many bowls of prayer are full (Revelation 5:8; 8:3), faith and endurance, efforts have prevailed, and numerous promises have met their appointed times (Galatians 6:9). Timing is often one of the determining factors when it comes to supernatural provision. One reason is that many personal breakthroughs are synchronized by God with what He is doing on a larger scale, as He did with Abraham and Sarah. Isaac was born when God’s plan on earth was ready for him. The healing of the man at Gate Beautiful was timed to confirm Christ was the now-risen Messiah. Your healing may manifest when God is ready to birth a healing ministry or gift in you. Or perhaps it will occur when it can produce more fruit as a sign and wonder - your miracle may not be only for you! It’s possible that your financial provision may manifest when you are mature enough to know what to do - or not do - with the money; or perhaps God is waiting until after the Kingdom endeavor Holy Spirit wants you to support is birthed. The reasons may vary, but I want to encourage you with a prophetic word: many promises are now intersecting their times. Prepare yourselves. Decree victory. Speak the Word diligently, both as a faith-builder, and a sword. Do this for yourself, your family, work, community, and nation. Your words release your faith, authority, and spiritual power. Speak life! Don’t allow the waiting season to steal your voice - it’s time for breakthrough. Bind every work of the enemy in your sphere of authority - all of them! When you do, he must stop (Matthew 16:18-19; James 4:7)! Loose those in your circle of relationships who are bound by demonic influence, addictions, and deception. The spirit of unveiling (this is the literal meaning of “revelation”) is invading the atmosphere, making it much more conducive for deliverances to occur. Boldly declare this. Where America and her restoration is concerned, we are moving into a season of breakthrough, also. God has been working through the prayers of the church, synchronizing many aspects of His plans, including the exposing of evil. The greatest shakings and exposures are still to come. Holy Spirit is going to undo 60 years of leftist, socialistic and humanistic ideology with one earth-shaking revival. Prayers and decrees must be offered, however, until the finish line is crossed. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that we must be faithful in this season, all the way to the end. Keep praying and believing - our “due season” is near (Galatians 6:9). Pray with me: Father, we draw on the fruit of the spirit called “perseverance” at this time. You told me through a prophet, Chuck Pierce, that we must be especially diligent in our prayers through the first quarter of this year. We intend to do so. We will gather to pray, be faithful in our personal prayer times and release a symphony of intercession across the land. Help us to spread the word regarding this. Remind us that when we have done what You instructed us, You will do as You said and heal our land. Persevering and waiting are not the goal, the breakthrough, the suddenly, is the goal. You said to us, “You have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised,” (Hebrews 10:36 NASB). We have endurance and we shall receive. We ask You for miracles and breakthroughs regarding our families, our health, our cities, and our nations. We are Caleb’s - we have persevered. Now, Lord, give us our mountain! Our decree: We decree that sieges are about to become “suddenlies..!” ******************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  11. 5 min read February 4, 2022 We Are Made to Need Each Other Jim Hodges is Ceci’s and my spiritual father. We’re proud to be called a spiritual daughter and son of his, and of his incredible wife, Jean. For 40-plus years, they have modeled to us integrity, humility, the pursuit of wisdom and revelation, faithfulness, loyalty, consistency - and the list could certainly go on. When we are old (we are not there yet!) and they’re cheering us on from heaven’s grandstand, we’ll still be proud to call them “mom and dad.” Only God sees clearly all that flows spiritually from them to us. I am certain, however, that any success we’ve had is due in part to their influence and impartation to us. One of the couples we’ve been privileged to call a spiritual son and daughter is Will and Dehaviland Ford. They are amazing leaders in the body of Christ and make us proud to call them friends. Yes, friends. While the dynamics of relationships change - I don’t call Jim Hodges every week asking for advice - the bond and respect remain. My relationship with my earthly father transitioned from him being a provider, instructor, protector, sometimes disciplinarian, etc., to that of a friend. Still my dad, but also a friend. He no longer corrected me, and limited advice to when I sought it. But he was there when I needed him. Will recently commented on sonship, insights I feel are worth passing on. (Relax ladies, “sonship” is gender-neutral in Scripture. If I can be part of Christ’s bride, you can be a “son.”) - Will said: *************** “About 2 years ago, I was thinking to myself, ‘Ya know God, I’m in my 50’s now, and I’m sick of the “spiritual son” thing. When am I gonna be known as more of a peer with this person or that person? Advance me beyond their level so I can get out from under the “son” thing.’ “I then felt the Lord gently rebuking my pride by saying, ‘And even then, once you receive more, you’ll still be their spiritual son...a double portioned son but, nevertheless, still a son…’ “I learned a valuable lesson that day. First, not everyone God uses in your life is called to be a close spiritual father or mother to you. And, as far as those close relationships go, you don’t outgrow them. For example, while you outgrow diapers, shoes, coats and hats, you never outgrow natural parental relationships. They’ll always be your mother or father. And the same goes for some of the spiritual mothers and fathers in your life. Some (not all) spiritual mentoring relationships are meant to be a constant in your life, and you don’t ‘move on’ or ‘outgrow’ them based on your new authority, affluence or influence being greater or even less than those spiritual parents. Again, this doesn’t count for every spiritual mentoring relationship, but there are a few that do remain a constant in your life. “These are the spiritual parents who want their ceiling to be your floor. They don’t just rebuke and correct regarding sin, they also hold you accountable to the God-given dreams in your life. They pray for you. They empower you. They dream together with you. They know and understand God, and they know and understand you. Those relationships are few and far between, and are hard to come by. Do not take them for granted. “So, grow in God’s grace. Grow in His love and in Holy Spirit power. Outgrow pride. Outgrow selfish ambition. Outgrow the need to make a name for yourself. Outgrow spiritual immaturity. Outgrow small spiritual shoes so you can walk in new responsibility and authority. Outgrow spiritual milk, and feast on the meat of God’s word. “Grow deeper in God. And if you’re blessed to have them, grow deeper in relationship with those spiritual parents called to be a constant in your life. “Still a son, Will Ford.” *************** For those not blessed to have a spiritual parent in your life, as I have been, don’t give up. Ask our heavenly Father to bring someone into your life that can fulfill this role. And work on developing the heart of a true spiritual son or daughter. Find someone more mature than you that you can serve, and do so in some way. Who knows what God may do with the relationship. And if you have walked with the Lord long enough to have a high level of spiritual maturity, determine to come alongside someone less mature and be a strength. Don’t major on titles - you don’t have to be called their “spiritual father” or “mother.” And don’t force it - just support, love and help them grow in their faith. And to all I would say, honor the godly relationships Holy Spirit has given you, both in the context of a strong, biblically based congregation and outside it, as well. Take friendships to a new level; bring a spiritual element into them. Pray together. Encourage them to hold you accountable in appropriate ways, and vice versa. Iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). We are made to need others. “In the summer of 1989, Mark Wellman, a paraplegic, gained national recognition by climbing the sheer granite face of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. On the seventh and final day of his climb, the headlines of The Fresno Bee read, ‘Showing a Will of Granite.’ Accompanying the headline was a photo of Wellman being carried on the shoulders of his climbing companion Mike Corbett. A subtitle said, ‘Paraplegic and partner prove no wall is too high to scale.’ “What many people did not know is that Mike Corbett scaled the face of El Capitan three times in order to help Mark Wellman pull himself up once.”(1) Someone you know needs a little help. Lend a hand. Pray with me: Father, we thank You for those You have brought into our lives to be a blessing to us. May we never take them for granted. Whether they be spiritual fathers and mothers, spiritual sons or daughters, natural family members or simply friends, we thank You for them. May we love and honor them the way we should. We pray today for those who are lonely and without the relationships they need in their lives. Please show them how to find suitable companions and friends. Heal and restore those who have suffered rejection; mend broken hearts. Be a father to the fatherless, a mother to the motherless, and a companion to the widow/widower. And most of all, we pray for those who do not know You as their heavenly Father. Lift the veil from their eyes that causes them to not see You clearly. Give them a revelation of who You really are. If they have never heard a clear explanation of You and Your Son, Jesus, please send someone to them who can do so. We ask this in Christ’s name, amen. Our decree: We will faithfully honor the godly relationships Holy Spirit has put in our lives. ****************************** To find out more about Will Ford and his ministry/books, click here. Click on the link below to watch the full video. _________________________________ Edward K. Rowell, Fresh Illustrations for Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids, MI: Christianity Today, Inc., and Baker Books, 1997), p 203.
  12. 5 min read February 3, 2022 Stay Focused Proverbs 29:18 is a fairly well-known verse of scripture: “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” (KJV). This is an accurate translation, but incomplete. Like many Old Testament verses, it is impossible to glean the full meaning of this passage without a more complete understanding of the Hebrew words used. A good expanded translation could be, “Where there is no [chazown] prophetic revelation, regardless of the manner in which it is received - a dream, vision, revelation, prophecy, mental impression and more - people [para] become unrestrained, uninformed, uncovered (naked, exposed), unmotivated, disunited; they miss opportunities and can even perish.” Wow! As you can see, “vision” is a very limited meaning of the word, chazown; and if “vision” is used to translate it, it should definitely be “prophetic vision.” Please do not limit this verse to saying we need a plan or dream regarding our future. We certainly do need this, but vision must be influenced by Holy Spirit, making it a “prophetic” dream or plan. The prophetic - hearing from and being led by Holy Spirit - is crucial. If the prophetic is new to you, don’t be intimidated or confused by the subject. Of course, there is a perversion of the prophetic (witchcraft, fortune-telling, etc.), but where our relationship with God is concerned, being prophetic simply means receiving communication from Holy Spirit. This occurs in many ways, several of which I included in the amplification of the above verse: revelation, discernment, thoughts and impressions to our hearts and minds, dreams, visions, prophecy, and more. One does not have to be a prophet to be prophetic, any more than he or she has to be an evangelist to evangelize. All believers can and should be prophetic. Holy Spirit is our Helper, and He is a good communicator. Our intercession should always be laced with prophetic influence. We should always be asking Holy Spirit to help us pray. Of course, we look to scripture in order to discern God’s will, but even this usually requires Holy Spirit’s input. For example, we are told to pray for our government (1 Timothy 2:1-3). However, hearing from Holy Spirit regarding what issues need prayer the most is still required, and HOW to pray for them also requires His leading. I do not need a revelation to tell me to pray against abortion. God’s Word makes clear His position on this. But I do need Him to guide me as I pray, giving me insights on what needs to occur in order for this evil to end. Clearly, being led by the Spirit is crucial to spiritual success. Therefore, the beginning of my prayers regarding any matter is usually a series of questions, “Holy Spirit, how do I need to pray about this? Is there a verse of Scripture (or verses) I need to pray? Is this situation caused by demons or by natural circumstances? Do I need to petition You, Father, or use the “sword of the Spirit” (Ephesians 6:17) against demonic activity? Do I need the power of agreement in order to break through this in this situation? Is there something standing in the way of the answer to this prayer which needs to be revealed to me?” Etc. I was given a very strong prophetic word from my friend, Chuck Pierce, at the end of 2021 regarding prayer for our nation. I have alluded to it in other posts but want to state it very clearly here. He told me the first three months of 2022 are very, very critical…that we must rally those who follow us, making certain we press in diligently during this first quarter of the year. He feels that whether or not we do this will determine the future of our nation. I am taking this word very seriously, spending much time writing these posts and asking Holy Spirit what we need to pray. I am asking you to pray for me and other leaders that we hear clearly, and also to help spread the word regarding this admonition. And please pray diligently during this season. This word does not mean we haven’t already accomplished great breakthroughs in the spiritual realm. It doesn’t mean we aren’t hearing correctly when we say we are close to breakthrough and turnaround. It simply means we must not stumble before we reach the finish line; we must not let down our guard even though we are winning the fight. In the World Seers Series dream I shared a couple of weeks ago regarding defeating the spirit of Baal in our nation, it was the eighth inning of the final game and we were ahead - but the game was not over and the enemy had not given up. We had to hear from Holy Spirit for the strategy to implement, and persevere in doing so. We must finish well! Do not become distracted. One of satan‘s greatest skills is to distract us from what we should be focused on. Praying for the turning of our nation back to God should be at the top of our list right now. Obviously, a serious llness, the need for a job, or a family crisis would also be at the top of the list. But generally speaking, there is NOTHING more important right now than praying for America’s turnaround and great awakening, including prayer for our government. Don’t fall prey to the deception that says, “politics/government are evil and unspiritual, so leave them alone.” Yes, the political spirit is evil; but government is of God. In fact, He IS government (Isaiah 33:22). The only institution more important on earth than government is the family (both natural and spiritual). The two mandates God gave Adam and Eve in Genesis 1.26-28 were family (be fruitful and multiply) and government (rule, manage the earth). Any church that does not emphasize both is failing. EVERY church should evangelize and build strong families, of course. But EVERY church should also be teaching on and encouraging involvement in righteous government. To do otherwise is to ignore the Genesis mandate and invite evil to rule. Congregations and individual believers who do not involve themselves in this second commission have no right to complain about ANYTHING government does. Everything about our future well-being - and the well-being of our kids and grandkids - hinges on America's turnaround and a third great awakening taking place. Worldwide harvest, liberty and freedom, economic provision, social causes (such as human trafficking, poverty, hunger, racism, etc), disease, famine, and more, all hinge on what happens in America. If we collapse - and we will do so without the spiritual breakthrough we’re seeking - evil dictators under the control of wicked spirits, and evil regimes seeking world domination will take over. America is the tool God intends to use for the preservation of freedom around the world and to reap the great harvest He intends to bring in. Winning the spiritual war we are in currently, is no less critical than defeating the Nazis in the Second World War. We must win! I believe we will. Pray with me: Father, please bring revelation to the church of our responsibility to pray for Your turnaround in America. May the spirit of intercession come afresh and anew on us. May we see clearly where we are in history. And may we see just as clearly that we have what is needed to turn the tide. Awaken us, please! Speak to pastors and leaders, revealing where we are in our nation and also throughout the earth. Remove distractions from us, and veils of deception that cause us to feel everything is fine. Make it clear that we are in one of the most critical times in history. Help us to see that our individual congregations, our careers, our personal plans and dreams are not what is most important at this point in time. Please bring prophetic revelation, lest we miss our moment in history. In Your name we pray, Amen. Our decree: We decree that the 21st-century church will not miss her opportunity to help Yahweh save the world. ********************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  13. 5 min read February 2, 2022 The Keys of the Kingdom Today is 2/2/22, a great day for me to do a teaching on Isaiah 22:22: “Then I will put the key of the house of David on his shoulder; When he opens, no one will shut, When he shuts, no one will open.” (NASB) This verse has been used often by intercessors over the last several years, and rightfully so. However, like any scripture, we must know how it works in conjunction with other scriptures/biblical principles in order to use it successfully. Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive,” (Matthew 7:7), yet everyone knows that not everyone who asks God for things receives them. Obviously, promises such as these are not arbitrary, given to us to use any time and for anything we choose. Other passages of scripture give us principles we must also understand and walk in, in order to receive answers to prayer. The same is true of Isaiah 22:22. Let’s look at this. The passage speaks of a man named Eliakim, who is about to replace Shebna as the royal steward in the reign of king Hezekiah of Judah. Shebna, filled with pride and selfish ambition, had been unfaithful to the king, using his authority for personal gain and notoriety. Because of this, his position was being given to Eliakim, who would now possess the keys to the king’s house. Like other passages of scripture, this verse has a double meaning. It speaks not only of Eliakim, but also pictures Christ. In the Bible, as well as in many cultures, shoulders symbolize governmental authority. Isaiah 9:6 speaks of the government of God’s Kingdom being on Christ’s shoulders. Keys speak of authority to open and close. Used together in this passage, it is easy to see how the verse could be used to describe Christ’s Kingdom authority. And indeed, the actual words of the verse are quoted regarding Him in Revelation 3:7. In Matthew 16:18-19, Christ delegated His Kingdom authority to the church (ekklesia), giving us His “keys.” “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.” (NASB) Ekklesia, translated “church” in this passage, was a governmental term, referring to a legislative body, as are the words “bind” and “loose.” They were judicial terms, referring to that which was legally binding, and to dissolving/releasing someone from that which was legally binding. There can be no doubt that the church (ekklesia) was being called to function in Christ’s Kingdom, governmental authority. As with all promises in scripture, this authority is not arbitrary, allowing us to demand and decree whatever we want. We represent Christ, carrying out His will and instructions, delivered to us by Holy Spirit. This is but one of the reasons prophetic gifts and anointings are so vital. We must discern the times and seasons (1 Chronicles 12:32), keeping in step with God’s timing. We must also discern His will and strategy in any given situation. Only then can we know how to release the authority we’ve been given. This is also why we must know God’s Word, basing all we do on the Scriptures. Combining the two - Word and Spirit - is essential to our success. For example, a government may be doing things that aren’t consistent with scripture. Does this mean we have authority to immediately bind or stop its leaders from doing what they’re doing? No. If satan has been given a legal right to operate through them - what Ephesians 4:27 calls giving “place” to the devil - that legal right must be removed before the activities of the unrighteous government can be stopped, using spiritual authority. The removal of this “place” or right for satan to operate is accomplished through repentance, whether by the government officials themselves, or through identificational repentance and cleansing. Nehemiah repented of Israel’s sin, as did Moses, Daniel and others. Ezekiel 22:30 instructs us to do this, also. When the sins of a nation are ongoing, however, this repentance and intercession can take time, even a considerable amount of time. When dealing with nations, God has to work with many people’s hearts and wills, turning them toward Him and to truth. When this has sufficiently occurred, He can heal and redeem. Holy Spirit uses the prayers of His people for all stages of this process, but only when sufficient cleansing has occurred can we successfully “bind” satan’s activity, close the door to him, and see complete breakthrough. Much identificational repentance has occurred for America. Over a span of 20 years or so, millions of believers have asked for forgiveness, grace and mercy. God has heard our prayers. Recently, the phase we have been involved in has been praying to expose and remove evil. Holy Spirit has led us in this way because He wants, not only to forgive America, but also to eradicate sin and evil. The first phase of this is exposure. Once this has been accomplished, we can begin to declare and decree removal, breakthrough and turnaround, which we are now doing. Decrees and declarations are simply saying what God says regarding a situation. We decree His Word, which is called a sword (Ephesians 6:17), and also agree with Him by declaring what Holy Spirit says to us prophetically. His words will never return to Him void, but will always accomplish what He has assigned them to do (Isaiah 55:11). Let’s do this now. Pray with me: Father, You have done much in the last several decades to turn the heart of a rebellious nation back to You. You have plowed deeply through prayers of repentance and humility. We have repented many times for the sins of this nation. We believe You are faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us. You have also been exposing evil. You’ve uncovered the motives and evil schemes of the wicked, and shown how foolish and depraved their plans are. We ask for this to continue. But we also step into our role as kingly intercessors, moving in the authority of Christ Jesus. He gave us His authority to speak for Him and release His will in the earth. He gave us keys to bind and loose, open and close. We do this now. We bind the powers of darkness that have been operating in America. We declare that the strongholds of death, murder, immorality, idolatry, humanism, atheism, and every other evil system are bound in Jesus’ name. We forbid them to continue their hold on America. We declare that revival is here and coming, our nation’s heart is turning, and millions of Americans will come to know You in this great revival. We also ask and believe for this to occur among the nations of the earth. The time is right, and we boldly ask You to do it. Amen. Our Decree: We decree that we have authority to open doors no one can close, and close doors no one can open. We close the door to evil forces controlling America, and open the door to the Spirit of light and truth. ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  14. 7 min read January 31, 2022 TELL THE OLD STORIES I am asked at times to do posts on specific subjects. They are usually worthy ideas and/or subjects, worth discussing and praying about. Some I do, others I don’t, for a variety of reasons: other subjects seem to scream a little louder at the time, not feeling qualified to address the subject, and others. Last week, however, I received an interesting request, which I feel is right. I was asked to redo a post from several months ago. It mentions the Appeal To Heaven book, so in that sense it is timely, but the main subject is the power and importance of history. I hope you enjoy it. ************************ In my book An Appeal to Heaven, I mention an important phrase spoken to me several years ago by Holy Spirit: “the synergy of the ages.” This phrase was shared with me during a season when Holy Spirit was emphasizing the importance of honoring past generations. In short, the synergy of the ages is multiplied power through generational agreement and honor. Scriptures clearly teach that the generations are linked, with both blessings and curses flowing from one generation to the next (see Deuteronomy 5:9, 7:9). Like it or not, Adam’s sin—and resulting sin nature—was, in fact, passed on to us. God sees the generational connection so literally that He routinely makes a promise to one generation, knowing it won’t be fulfilled until a future generation (see Hebrews 11:39-40)! Bloodlines are so connected spiritually that the tithe Abraham paid to Melchizedek was credited to his great-grandson, Levi: “...through Abraham even Levi...paid tithes,” (Hebrews 7:9). What my ancestors have done—my family history—affects me, and what I do impacts those who come after me. Put Yourself In The Storyline The power and importance of understanding this connection to history can be seen through a stirring dream given to Julie Meyer, an internationally known worship leader, and seasoned intercessor. Julie, in fact, gave me the word from Holy Spirit that resulted in Give Him 15 (see the April 19, 2021, Give Him 15 post for the whole story). As the dream began, Julie saw 7 ambulances lined up, each with lights flashing. Growing very concerned, she looked into the back of one of the ambulances and saw a non-responsive person on a gurney. Next to the patient was an attendant working feverishly to revive him. Julie immediately knew the attendant was an angel, who looked at her and said, “I can’t find a heartbeat.” She went from one ambulance to the next, finding the same scenario—patients on gurneys with angels attending them, trying to restart their hearts. Suddenly, one of the angels looked directly at Julie and confided, “It’s the intercessors.” Many intercessors have prayed years for revival, but revival hasn’t materialized, and some of them have experienced what Proverbs 13:12 refers to as “hope deferred.” And as this verse teaches, hope deferred has made their hearts sick. Traveling across America, I can attest to the truthfulness of the dream. As Julie’s dream continued, suddenly one of the angels shouted, “I found a heartbeat, but it’s very faint!” The other angels grew excited and inquired, “What did you do?” The first angel’s response was surprising. “Tell the old stories. When I started telling her stories of what God did in the past, her heart began to beat.” With that, these heavenly attendants began speaking to the intercessors about the First Great Awakening, the Second Great Awakening, and other Holy Spirit outpourings—right up through the healing revivals and tent meetings of the 1940s, 50s, and ’60s. As they did so, the hearts of all the intercessors started to beat again. At this point in the dream, an angel looked at Julie and instructed her, “Tell the old stories of what God has done in the past.” This was powerful to me. The angelic messenger then added instructions that stirred my heart even more: “Tell the intercessors to put themselves in the storyline, because the old stories are also their stories.” What a profound and intriguing thought. Who among us thinks this way? We should, however. God has one overarching plan for humankind; we’re all part of the same unfolding drama. Our generation’s role in history is simply another act of yesterday’s play; our battles are conflicts in one ongoing war. Every revival in history is but a sequel in Holy Spirit’s ongoing series of outpourings, and every soul saved enters the same spiritual family. Our stories, though many, are one. Put yourself in the storyline, because the old stories are actually your stories! Synergy, Not Segmentation For too long, we Christians—even those who are students of church history—have viewed accounts of past moves of God as, well, history. We love those old stories, but we certainly haven’t thought of them as something we can agree with in prayer, connect to, or draw power from. And we’ve certainly never thought of them as our stories. They are past tense, a dead history. I had never thought of Wesley and his Methodists as my movement. Finney’s awakening certainly hadn’t been my awakening, and William Seymour’s Azusa Street outpouring wasn’t claimed as mine. Most of us simply don’t think that way. Our shortsighted reasoning has stolen from us the synergy of the ages. We’ve not put ourselves in the storyline. Since we don’t typically align with past movements or agree with past prayers, this has all too often led to the segmentation of the ages, forcing each generation’s intercession and effort to stand on its own. And the results can be more devastating than that: God says that when generations disconnect, it creates a curse (Malachi 4:6). On the other hand, putting ourselves into God’s storyline - past, present and future - allows us to tap into the strength and life flowing from what He did years ago. We begin to understand the eternal purposes of God, not just the purposes we feel are for our present time. When we do this, He then can continue through our generation what He began with previous generations. And according to Hebrews 11:40, those who came before us, now watching from the balcony of Heaven, can finally see their promises fulfilled. Reinforced by Julie’s dream, this revelation opened my heart to many portions of the story we, as a generation, needed to identify with. History came alive. I knew we could insert ourselves into the storyline of Charles Finney, believing that city-changing revivals would be rekindled in our day. We could agree with the powerful prayers of Rees Howells for revivals that would shake nations. We could join the efforts of Martin Luther King, Jr., and see his dream of racial healing in America reach its intended goal. The great cloud of witnesses had finally become more than mere spectators and cheerleaders to me; they were an earlier leg of a relay race, waiting for someone to grasp their baton. This truth pierced my conscience. God began the process of connecting my heart and actions with those who had lived before me. My life began expanding, being defined not just by an eighty or ninety-year destiny, but also by an inter-generational purpose. I realized I was part of a historical chain, planned by God and built with human lives. “Back to the future” took on a new meaning: Like Elijah’s servant, Elisha, I would need to connect with the past in order to find my future. The power Elisha needed today was hidden in his yesterday (2 Kings 2:14- 15). Reaching back would not only bring added significance to my life, but also to the lives of those who had lived before me (Hebrews 11:39-40). And God’s love of relational connection would find fulfillment, causing Him to release an entirely new level of spiritual power—the synergy of the ages. Incredible. Putting Myself Into America’s Storyline I immediately began processing this revelation in the context of my calling to America. It was obviously relevant to praying for nations. I now could connect with America’s story more personally, joining my heart to the prayers and dreams of pilgrims, colonists, pioneers, and every other generation who helped write our story. Whatever the cost, I have determined to do my part in keeping the dream alive. Pray with me: Father, to our harm we have not understood the power of connecting with those who ran the race before us. The costly result is that each generation starts over in its pursuit of spiritual power and authority, rather than experiencing generational momentum. But revelation has come. And we understand how important it is to You that we honor, connect with and build on the efforts of those gone before us. Their stories are our stories. And this day, we put ourselves in the storyline, we agree with their decrees: “In God we trust!” “One nation under God.” “For the propagation of the gospel to all the nations of the earth.” We now understand why satan and his partners try to steal our history. They lie about it, distort it, and rewrite it. Satan tries to steal our history with You because he knows there is power in it - power in the destiny You gave us, power in the covenants and promises our founders made to You and You to them. But we agree with the great Winston Churchill, “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”(1) And we pledge to You this day, we will war for - and with - our righteous history. Our Decree: We decree as the Ekklesia of Jesus Christ in America, we are now in the storyline. We are connected to the evangelism well of Cape Henry, the ringing of the Leviticus 25:10 Bell of Liberty in Philadelphia, and the Appeal To Heaven flag of 1776. With these and other weapons from our past, we WILL take out the giants trying to destroy this nation. ********************************** Portions of today’s post came from my book Giants Will Fall. Click on the link below to watch the full video. _________________________________
  15. 7 min read January 28, 2022 It’s Time to Put on the Gloves Yesterday, I began discussing a dream about me, given to a friend in 2007. The dream was a precursor to God introducing the Appeal To Heaven flag to me. Here is the dream: “In the dream, you were a boxer. You faced five giants in five rounds and knocked each of them out - one per round. You knocked each one out with one punch; and with each giant, you alternated fists. The first giant was floored with a right, the second with a left, back-and-forth you went until they were all down for the count. Five giants, five rounds, five punches, alternating fists. “‘After you knocked out the fifth giant,’ he continued, ‘you walked out of the ring and directly up to me. Holding up your gloved fists, you declared, “If you’re going to take out the giants in this season, you’re going to have to wear these two gloves.” One of the gloves had the word ‘Everlast’ on it; the other read ‘Evergreen.’” End of dream. In yesterday’s post, we discussed what Holy Spirit was saying through the boxing glove with “Everlast” on it. Today, reading from my book, An Appeal To Heaven, we will look at what He was saying through the word “Evergreen.” ************************* It was May, 2013, six years after receiving the boxing dream. I understood the meaning of “Everlast” glove, but the meaning of its counterpart, “Evergreen,” had evaded me so long it was now relegated to the Rarely-Ever-Think-About-It file in my brain. Not that I had ceased caring; it had just been so long that I rarely ever thought about it. That was about to change! In a message being delivered at an event by one of my spiritual sons, Will Ostan, he turned to me and said, “I believe the Lord has asked me to give a special gift to Papa Dutch. Before I give you the gift, however, I need to explain the history behind it. It’s a replica of a flag displayed by George Washington and America’s Founding Fathers. This flag was actually used before the Stars and Stripes existed. In some ways, it is the banner under which America was born,” he explained. “This flag has the phrase ‘An Appeal To Heaven’ across the top,” Will continued, “a phrase our Founders took from the writings of John Locke, a very influential English philosopher from the mid-1600s. Locke wrote a series of papers, ‘Natural Laws,’ stating that human rights originate with God, not government.” Locke made the case that when people have done everything humanly possible to experience those God-given rights and have failed to do so, there remains but one option: And where the body of the people or any single man, is deprived of their right, or is under the exercise of a power without right, and have no appeal on earth, then they have a liberty to appeal to heaven…(1) Will continued, “Locke’s phrase, ‘appeal to heaven,’ connotes that when all resources and the ability to attain justice on earth are exhausted, an appeal to earth's ultimate Judge is the final recourse. This concept would become a foundational philosophy in American society, used even in the Declaration of Independence.” Will went on to explain that George Washington and his contemporaries grabbed hold of this phrase in America’s cause for freedom from Britain’s tyranny. Having exhausted all peaceful possibilities of experiencing the liberty they so desired, the colonists realized their only hope for freedom was through war. Yet with Britain’s great military, weaponry, and wealth - contrasted by the colonist’s dire lack of these resources - any military attempt to break free from British rule was preposterous, even laughable. Laughable, that is, unless Almighty God intervened. The stance of the colonists was simple. Their right to freedom came from God; therefore, He would help them. “We will appeal to heaven!” they declared. And a flag was born. From the days of the Pilgrims, godly men and women have believed the Almighty was involved in the birth of our nation. They also felt that if a nation chose to partner with and honor God, it would experience His favor and blessing in extraordinary ways. Washington and the colonial dreamers agreed. They knew of the planting of the cross at Cape Henry in 1607, and the ensuing prayer meeting dedicating the land to God’s glory. They had read the Mayflower Compact of 1620, stating the voyage was made “for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith…” (2) General George Washington, leader of the American revolution, obviously believed in this divine plan. He had the Appeal To Heaven flag designed. Then Washington commissioned several ships for the Revolutionary War efforts and, highlighting their dependence on providential help, each vessel was to fly the flag, also known as the Pine Tree flag. (3) The flag’s popularity spread and it was soon flying throughout the colonies, as well as being adopted as the flag for the Massachusetts State Navy. It became the symbol of these colonists’ unwavering spirit of liberty, as well as a clear statement of where they placed their faith. Will’s explanation of the “appeal to heaven” phrase and its connection to our past was very meaningful to me, but the impact was about to intensify. “Washington put an evergreen tree on this flag,” he continued, as he unfolded it and held it up for me to see. When I saw the Appeal To Heaven flag, the presence of the Lord engulfed me. And suddenly…I remembered the dream. A six-year wait was coming to an end, and a 250-year-old flag was about to be reborn. With a genuine sense of reverence and excitement I realized, I’ve just been given the other glove. So, what is the significance of the evergreen tree? Because evergreens continuously maintain green leaves or needles, depending on the type of tree, for millennia they have come to symbolize longevity, even eternity. At times, this symbolization of eternity was expanded to include an everlasting or lifelong commitment to a covenant. At the time of our nation’s founding, evergreens carried this significance within the Iroquois First Nations tribe. (In the book I document this well, including the tribe’s influence on our government.) Some historians believe that due to the Iroquois’ influence, the “covenantal” evergreen was placed on the Appeal To Heaven flag as a symbol of our nation’s covenant with God, and possibly of our Founders’ commitment to one another. This is consistent with the spirit of covenant they demonstrated when pledging “Our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor” to one another and the cause. (4) Certainly, the Appeal To Heaven phrase on the flag supports this belief that the evergreen tree is also related to our alliance with and dependence upon God. As significant as the Iroquois connection is, however, the use of an evergreen tree to symbolize eternal fidelity toward covenant did not originate with them. The most important and weighty example of this symbolic use goes all the way back to Abraham and his covenant with Yahweh. Yesterday, we saw in Genesis 21:33 that Abraham called on Olam El, the Everlasting God. Everlast, remember, was on one of the boxing gloves in the dream. I had already made the connection to this verse about Abraham back in 2007 when the dream occurred. But you can imagine my shock when shortly after being presented the flag, I discovered that before calling on Everlast, Abraham planted an Evergreen! In this verse he wore both gloves! The entire meaning of the dream would be found in this verse regarding Abraham. Obviously, I had read this verse often enough to remember that Abraham planted a tamarisk tree before calling on Olam. I just didn’t know a tamarisk tree was an evergreen! Abraham planted an evergreen tree and called on Everlasting God. When I discovered this, I was astounded. Amazing. So, why did Abraham plant the evergreen tree? In his day, trees were sometimes planted as memorials, used to remind people and nations of significant events. When Abraham planted the evergreen tree, he was establishing a witness or memorial to his undying/forever covenant relationship with Everlasting God. The message was: “Olam has proven Himself faithful to His covenant with me time and time again. I now declare my faithfulness to Him. I will forever honor my covenant with Everlasting God.” Abraham‘s choice of an evergreen, the tamarisk tree, is also significant. Three significant facts, among several, are important: tamarisks are slow-growing, long-living, and when fully grown produce cool shade. In fact, because they grow so slowly, no one would plant a tamarisk tree for him or herself; he or she would never personally benefit from it. When planting this particular type of evergreen, Abraham was thinking of his descendants, making a powerful declaration to them for generations to come, “I am in covenant with Olam, and you will sit under the shade of my everlasting covenant with Him.” Wow! When we live in covenantal faithfulness to God, not only are we blessed but our children and grandchildren are, as well. This has certainly been the case with America. We have been extremely blessed by the God-connections of the generations before us. When the Holy Spirit used “Evergreen” in the boxing dream, then connected it to the flag under which America was born, He was pointing America back to our covenant with Him. If we would once again honor our promises to Yahweh, returning to the God of our fathers…if we would return to God‘s original purpose and plan for America, partnering with Him and His cause of redemption throughout the world…then the faithfulness of Everlasting God would be demonstrated to us, delivering us from the giants ravaging our land. This is now occurring! Put on the gloves and get in the ring. It’s time to once again, appeal to heaven! Pray with me: Father, just as our Founders placed an evergreen tree on the flag under which America was born, just as Abraham planted an evergreen tree when he called upon You, we honor our covenant with You. We stand in our intercessory role today and declare for the entire nation, “we are in covenant with God.” We have been raised up as a nation to represent You, to bless the nations of the earth, just as Abraham was. So we call upon the Everlasting God, who is bigger than all of our failures, and plant our covenant tree in the atmosphere of this nation - a flag waving in the wind - declaring, “America shall be saved!” Our decree: Just as America was born under a prayer movement, we shall be reborn under the same movement: an appeal to heaven. **************************** Today’s post was taken from my book An Appeal to Heaven. Click on the link below to watch the full video. _______________________________________ Winthrop, John. “A model of Christian Charity.” 1630 The Mayflower Compact. 1620. American Memory. “Col. Joseph Reed to Col. John Glover and Stephen Moylan.” October 20, 1775. The Library of Congress. The Declaration of Independence. July 4, 1776.
  16. 7 min read January 27, 2022 It’s More Than a Movement, It’s a Way of Life In 2007, I was speaking at a conference. A friend of mine was also there, and I knew God often spoke to him through dreams. “Hey Thomas,” I jokingly said as he headed towards his room, “ask God to give you a dream for me tonight.” “OK,” he replied in the same lighthearted manner. The next morning, to my surprise, the first words out of Thomas’ mouth were, “Hey Dutch, God gave me a dream about you last night!” My first thought was, Wow I wish it was always this easy! He continued. “In the dream, you were a boxer. You faced five giants in five rounds and knocked each of them out - one per round. You knocked each one out with one punch; and with each giant, you alternated fists. The first giant was floored with a right, the second with a left, back-and-forth you went until they were all down for the count. Five giants, five rounds, five punches, alternating fists.” “After you knocked out the fifth giant,” Thomas continued, “you walked out of the ring and directly up to me. Holding up your gloved fists, you declared, ‘If you’re going to take out the giants in this season, you’re going to have to wear these two gloves.’ One of the gloves had the word ‘Everlast’ on it; the other read ‘Evergreen.’” Fascinating. The word “Everlast” meant more to me than just boxing equipment. I knew there was a scriptural connection, and I knew what it was. True to form, the Lord had been paving the way for me so I would recognize it at the right time. In that season, I had been studying the life of Abraham and his journey with God. In Genesis 21:33, scripture tells us that Abraham called on “the Everlasting God.” The name in Hebrew is Olam El, and it’s the first time in scripture anyone used that phrase as a name for God. In biblical times, the meaning of an individual’s name was important, often referring to a person’s calling, nature, or some other identifiable characteristic. This is the reason God has so many names and why He sometimes changed a person’s name, as He did with Abraham (Genesis 17:5). When Abraham called on God in this passage, he used a new name because the Lord had revealed Himself in a new way. The name Yahweh is powerful but didn’t convey that revelation. Elohim and Adonai are important names of God, yet this situation required something different. The translation, “Everlasting God,” is not enough to describe the full meaning of Olam El. The El portion of the name means strong, mighty, or powerful. But olam is much more challenging to define; its meaning is greater than simply “as far as possible into the future.” Olam actually extends both directions in time, forward and backward. One lexicon described olam as the most distant times in both directions. Even that falls short, however, because the word “times” in the definition violates the very concept of olam. The concept of olam is not confined to a timeline, and neither is God; the Everlasting God exists outside of time. If you were to go back to the very beginning of time, He was before that. The way humankind thinks about time forces us to consider a start and a finish. Olam El, however, knows no beginning or end. When time as we know it comes to a close, the Ancient of Days will continue. He sees the past, present, and future - all at once. Obviously, this enables Him to have a unique perspective, seeing the results of an action long before it happens (for example, Adam’s fall and the consequential need of the Cross); it also gives God the unique ability to deal with the ramifications of events that occurred in the past, erasing their consequences as though the events never took place. For example, God doesn’t see a born-again, former thief as “a former thief;” He doesn’t see the redeemed murderer as “a former murderer.” God separates our sins from us “as far as the east is from the west,” (Psalm 103:12) and remembers them no more (Hebrews 8:12; 10:17). Olam, through the Cross, eradicates all records of our former sins. In Abraham’s day, he did so through animal sacrifices. Consider Abraham‘s situation when he calls on the Lord as Olam El, Everlasting God. Abraham has been on a 25-year journey of faith and as he looks back over that timeline, he can see places where he failed miserably - blotches, torn places, and embarrassing failures. Most believers think of Abraham as “the father of faith,” a description of him taken from Romans 4:16. Likewise, Hebrews 11 refers to him as a great man of faith. We forget, however, that Abraham wasn’t a great faith man his entire life. There were significant deviations from that path. Romans 4:20 references this when it says Abraham “grew strong in faith.” Actually, Abraham and Sarah both wavered at times in their faith that God would give them a son. The Lord had promised them children, but when no children came, their lack of faith in God‘s promise caused them to introduce Hagar into the family, resulting in the birth of Ishmael. Later, they actually laughed a cynical laugh at God’s final re-stating of the promise. And why not? Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah was 90 (Genesis 17:1, 17). This wasn’t Abraham’s only failure of faith, however. On two different occasions when Abraham and Sarah were younger, he was afraid that foreign kings might kill him in order to marry her. His solution for these predicaments included the despicable acts of twice pretending Sarah was his sister instead of his wife. She was, indeed, taken by the kings but God supernaturally intervened before physical unions occurred. These connivings were horrible breaches of the marriage covenant. So why does the Bible call Abraham a father of faith and a friend of God? Because even though he may not have fulfilled these descriptive phrases at every step of the journey, they are accurate descriptions of how he finished. Abraham isn’t remembered by God as “the former covenant breaker,” “the one-time liar,” or “the double-minded man.” He is God’s friend and our faith example! Abraham was grateful his past actions were not allowed to define his present situation. Olam El had navigated him through every season - even the embarrassing ones - and preserved his destiny. And as He does for all of us, He reached back in time and cleansed Abrahams’s wrongs, once and for all. With that in mind, one can almost see Abraham as he searches for the right name to use in thanking and glorifying God. Finally, exhausting all known possibilities, he has to create a new one. The declaration may have been something similar to this: You are more than Yahweh, Adonai and Elohim. You are the infinite and powerful God of the ages - Olam El! You are outside of time and Lord over time! As ruler over the past, present and future, You healed my breaches and kept my destiny intact! When I was unfaithful, You were faithful; when I doubted, You overcame my unbelief; when I lied, You were able, not only to forgive me, but to cleanse me and keep my marriage intact. And even when our bodies were too old to conceive and reproduce - 99 and 90 years of age! - You placed some of your timeless nature in Sarah and me, and we drank from the fountain of youth! Truly, You are the creator of and ruler over the past, present and future - Everlasting God! With that declaration, Abraham entered a new phase in his walk with Yahweh. He recognized that the God who is bigger than his past could be fully trusted with his future. Abraham desperately needed this revelation, having been promised land he did not yet have and descendants that did not yet exist. He had been promised a nation, but a nation had yet to rise up. He and Sarah were now old. But Abraham laid hold of Olam El, the God who could bring his fractured past into alignment and chart the right course for his destiny-driven future. He knows how to reach back into the most difficult of life‘s seasons and redeem them, expertly removing offences and re-shaping our hearts. He snaps our lives back into alignment, healing our history and promising us a hope-filled future. When I pray for revival in America I boldly and confidently wear this glove mentioned in the dream. I know well the breaches in our history - the injustices, the evil acts and our many sins. Like Abraham, we have failed, sometimes egregiously. But I also know Olam El and what He can do through the blood of the Cross. No giant is too big for Him. At times, I am challenged by individuals contending that God cannot send revival to America and restore her destiny. “Our sins and evils are just too great,” they tell me. I remind them of Abraham. Yes, our nation has a flawed past and perhaps an even more flawed present. But I’m not asking for a merit-based revival where God gives us tokens of His goodness in response to our excellent behavior. Obviously, God isn’t going to award America with a revival simply because He is impressed with our actions. But isn’t that the point of revival? If we were “good enough,” we wouldn’t need one! I am asking for awakening because covenant-keeping Olam El lives up to His name. I’m asking for revival because I know the timeless God can reach back and heal our breaches, repairing the wrongs we are responsible for and also the ones we’ve inherited. Forgiveness and cleansing - redemption - are specialties of His. When Olam does this, blessings can and will flow through our timeline once again. Olam El, Everlasting God, made perfect sense as the meaning of one of the boxing gloves that would serve to knock out the giants we face. Understanding His timeless and redeeming nature will cause us to pray differently about the past and the future. We can confidently repent of history’s sins and unwaveringly agree with history’s promises. Olam El eagerly awaits these redemptive prayers. Thomas’ dream didn’t end with “Everlast,” however. The other boxing glove was marked “Evergreen.” Though I prayed and studied, the meaning of this one remained a mystery for a while…a long while. By the time the Lord revealed it six years later, I had moved on to other things. But true to His nature, He brought the understanding. And when it finally came, it was wrapped in a flag. I’ll share that tomorrow..! Pray with me: Merciful God, gracious Father, Lord over our past, You who sent Your Son for the sick - not those who were well - we appeal to You today. We wear the glove marked “Everlast.” We thank You that with this revelation, with Your redeeming nature, we can take out giants of racism, abortion, humanism, murder, immorality, and principalities that have ruled our land. Not only do we sing the song, we believe the words: “What can wash away our sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh, precious is the flow, that makes us white as snow. No other fount we know…” It is enough! Our decree: We will wear the gloves, and we will take out the giants. ****************************** Today’s post was taken from my book An Appeal to Heaven. Click here to purchase your copy of the book. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  17. 5 min read January 26, 2022 This Is Not a Fad - It’s a Movement At the end of 2013, I realized I was ending a 13-year spiritual journey. It started during a prayer and ended with a flag. An old and forgotten flag; forgotten by everyone, it seems, except God. He had evidently kept this banner in hiding for a couple of centuries, waiting in the wings of history until He was ready to re-introduce it. This flag now hangs in thousands of homes, prayer rooms, sanctuaries, government buildings, and even businesses. A church in Indiana made their own version - 15‘ x 30‘ - then made me one! Another congregation decorated the Christmas tree in their foyer with dozens of small flags. Thousands of people have small ones tucked in their Bibles, tacked to bulletin boards, or conspicuously sitting on their desks. Others display them as lapel pins, wear them emblazoned on shirts, show them off on bumper stickers, and at least one person has the flag tattooed on his arm! Governors display the flag, as do judges and members of Congress, and one was spotted in the U.S. Capitol. Another was recently flown over the Capitol of Arkansas. The other day I was surprised to even see one streaming behind an 18-wheeler; it has gone viral! The flag is associated with America’s founding, to be sure. It seems that God doesn’t intend it to be used by America alone, however. On this book’s cover, it can be seen flying in the Himalayas - the highest point on the planet - where it is raised above dozens of Buddhist prayer flags. It has flown on the plains of Nineveh (the place of the first region-transforming revival) the North and South Poles, in South Africa, Panama, and more recently in Cambodia where it was used in prayers against human trafficking. Who knows where it will turn up next?! This international use seems especially appropriate, given America’s God-given destiny of being a spiritual light to the nations. In times past, flags carried more weight than they do in our present day. Their symbolism was understood, from the color to the design, enabling a flag to tell a story or make a strong statement. Many flags are sacred - people swear allegiance to them and die to protect their honor. Banners, as they are also called, we’re often intended to make declarations. One early colonial American flag had a picture of a coiled snake with the accompanying phrase, “Don’t Tread On Me.” It was a warning to Great Britain: “Be careful; step on us, and we strike!” This journey of mine involves a different flag in America’s past, one that is especially relevant to our God-given purpose and destiny. Modern-day progressives, historical revisionists, liberal politicians, and humanistic professors scoff at the notion that America was established by God for a divine purpose. They also mock the assertion that our Founders believed in and honored this divine-human partnership. However, Yahweh, the God of the Bible, was indeed involved in America’s founding and He did so for His purposes. When General George Washington commissioned the Appeal to Heaven flag to fly over our naval ships in the Revolutionary War, little did he know that 240 years later, God would ordain that it fly again. This time around, however, it wouldn’t fly over a fledgling nation being born, but over the most powerful nation in the world being reborn. This rebirth isn’t literal, of course, but is a spiritual and moral renewal that will resurrect America’s God-given calling, purpose, and greatness. It must, indeed, be acknowledged that America’s populace is now filled with great apathy toward its history. It is also true that we are so ignorant of the ideals that shaped our identity as a nation that we have lost our national moorings. God’s intent is that history be more than information; the past can be an important anchor. Without this stabilizing force, however, America is now adrift in a sea of secular experientialism, blown about by the wanderings of our own fantasies and the delirium they create. Truly, America’s independence from God has left us spiritually and morally bankrupt. She is experiencing a continuous drift from greatness to mediocrity and, unfortunately, becoming increasingly irrelevant around the world. With such a dire diagnosis why, then, am I not hopeless? In the days of the flag’s genesis, the American colonists had no chance of winning a war with the world’s greatest empire, Great Britain. Yet, when those ill-prepared and poorly equipped revolutionaries appealed for assistance to the Giver of inalienable rights, the tide turned. When they agreed to come under God’s governance and honor His ways, He who “governs in the affairs of men,” as Ben Franklin stated at the Constitutional Convention, did just that. Affirming the Lord‘s governing intervention, Franklin also said, “All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending providence in our favor.” (1) Even some of our founders who were not strong Christians, such as Franklin, acknowledged God‘s providential hand in our victory. That same “superintending providence” is available today. In spite of our many flaws and numerous failures, God‘s hand has been, and remains, on America; of this I am sure. From the first man, Adam, to the Apostle Paul, history has proven that God uses imperfect people. The same is certainly true of nations. Though America is scarred and flawed, we still possess a divine purpose. Rest assured, the Sovereign who bestowed that purpose to America knows how to resurrect it. As you read this book, my prayer is that you will be awakened to hope. Hope is to the heart what seeds are to the earth. Without hope, life is sterile, unfruitful - dreams aren’t conceived and destinies aren’t realized. Hope is the starting line, the launch pad; it’s the seedbed from which faith springs up, and a creative force that keeps the soul dreaming. Without a doubt, the reemergence of this flag is intended by God to awaken hope. Let it be said of our generation that when a nation teetered on the edge of destruction, having lost the ancient path of truth, we answered the divine call to war for its restoration. Let it be said of us, as it was of our forefathers, that in the face of overwhelming odds we took our stand in the celestial courtroom, appealing to the Judge of all the earth for His saving grace, mercy, and sustaining power. Join the movement - appeal to heaven! Pray with me: Father, as surely as You raised up this nation, You will restore this nation. Our faith is not in our goodness or self-righteousness; it is in Your heart to redeem and restore. And it is in the blood of Jesus. Not only do You want to restore America, You want to use her to see many nations experience Your love and redeeming power. When our nation was formed our Founders appealed to You for justice and victory; they even put it on a flag and flew it over ships and battlefields. You have brought this flag to the forefront again, to use it as a reminder and a rallying cry. It reminds us that our hope is in You, and You alone. We appeal to You for the salvation of America. And we declare, in response to Your prophetic words and dreams regarding our nation, “America shall be saved!” We appeal to You for an unprecedented revival. We appeal to You for millions of salvations. We appeal for incredible deliverances to occur. We appeal for the healing of marriages. We appeal for our young generation to be introduced to You in extraordinary ways. We appeal to You for a changed government. We appeal to You to transform our education system. And we appeal to You for a worldwide revival that will save hundreds of millions of people spiritually, and even physically. And we ask and declare all of this in the wonderful name of Jesus, Amen. Our decree: We decree that the God who birthed America will now rebirth America. ******************************* Today’s post was taken from my book An Appeal to Heaven. Click on the link below to watch the full video. Click here to buy your flag. _______________________________ Franklin, Benjamin, “Constitutional Convention Address on Prayer.” June 28, 1787. Philadelphia, PA.
  18. 6 min read January 25, 2022 Our Roots Are Alive Liberals in government, education, and media attempt to revise America’s history - except, of course, when it supports their cause. One of their most famous revisions is the “separation of church and state” myth, which they have dishonestly used for decades. The “wall of separation” phrase was used by Thomas Jefferson in a letter, not in the Constitution. He was assuring denominational leaders that our government would never be controlled by one religious group (as had been the case in England), nor would government have the right to control the church (as also occurred in Britain). NEVER was it implied by our founders that God and religion were to be prohibited from influencing government, education, or public life. Nor is it true that government money (which is really ours!) or public facilities were to be prevented from use by the church. These are all lies designed to remove the influence of God from our nation. It may surprise you that the man who wrote the phrase, “wall of separation”, (Thomas Jefferson) attended a church service in the Capitol 2 days later! (1) Numerous presidents and members of Congress attended church services there - for decades! - including John Quincy Adams, James Madison, Lincoln and others. Adams explained why he attended: “I consider it as one of my public duties - as a representative of the people - to give my attendance every Sunday morning when Divine service is performed in the Hall.”(2)The Rostrum of the House Speaker was used as the pulpit, and Congress purchased the hymnals! I realize you probably weren’t taught this in our public school system, which now propagandizes and revises history, but it is true. Actually, the Capitol was used for church services before ever being used by Congress. Approved December 4, 1800, by both the House and Senate, (3) services began before the entire Capitol was completed and Congress itself could move in. Jefferson, as Vice President at the time and therefore leader of the Senate, approved it on behalf of the Senate. He attended the services for years, throughout his time as Vice President and President, (4) had a designated seat, (5) and was so committed to it he even made the journey in inclement weather. (6) Services first began to be held in the north wing of the Capitol, moved to Statuary Hall as they grew in number, and eventually landed in the House Chamber. It was, in fact, the first official use of the Chamber on December 13, 1857, with as many as 2000 people in attendance! (7) Services were interdenominational, speakers were local pastors or the House and Senate Chaplains, (8) and included women (9) and blacks. (10) Some churches were actually allowed to use it as their meeting place until they procured other buildings. (11) And when needed, the Supreme Court Chamber, then in the Capitol building, was also used! (12,13) How ironic is that! Don’t allow the lies of politicians and educators to deceive you. Our Founders were God-honoring and God-fearing men and women and were guided by Judeo-Christian ethics. 106 of the first 108 colleges in America, including the Ivy League colleges, were Christian. We must never accept the efforts of the left to steal our godly roots. Pray and decree with me: Father, Nehemiah told Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem, those trying to stop him from rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, they had “no historical right” or “claim” to Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:20; NIV and Expanded Bible). We echo those words today regarding those who want to transform America into a non-Christian nation: they have no covenantal, historical right to America. You, who own all the earth, raised up America for Your purposes. We stand in Your authority and decree that we forbid this to be stolen. And though we have previously lost ground in this spiritual war, You have told us America shall be saved. Your mercies endure forever, and we ask now for this never-ending mercy to be extended. We overthrow, in the all-powerful name of Jesus, the forces of darkness trying to disconnect America from her Christian roots. We declare that the systems and groups these forces are using will be unsuccessful in every way, and that many from within them will come to Christ. We declare with our Founders that America has “no King but Jesus,” and will serve no other gods. We declare that our roots are still alive and will once again bring forth the fruits Holy Spirit intends America to produce. We will experience a turnaround comparable to the great restorations of Israel. We declare that we will be a light and blessing to the nations of the earth. And we pray now for complete deliverance from the principalities and powers, led by Baal, who have orchestrated America’s spiritual decline. We ask You, Father, to do as You spoke in the World Seers Series dream and destroy the voice of Baal-Zephon in America. You began a concerted effort in 2007 to deliver us from this spirit and restore us to covenant with You, and we ask for this to now be brought to conclusion. Full victory. One hundred percent. Deliver us from Baal and his coworkers. We ask for victory in the Dobbs abortion case being decided now by the Supreme Court. We ask You to speak loudly and clearly to 5 or more Justices, motivating them to vote for the overturning of Roe versus Wade. End this hideous child-sacrifice system in America. And please heal all who experience grief, shame, and physical damage from having been involved. Prepare the church for our role when this law ends. May we be ready to take the unwanted children and give them loving homes and families. Bring about an amazing and unprecedented movement of adoption in America. Father, we thank You in advance for the great revival that is beginning. We thank You for millions of people coming to know You in this nation, and hundreds of millions around the world. We thank You for the incredible revival coming to the campuses of America and the world. Thank you for saving a generation from the strongholds of humanism, rebellion, drugs, immorality, gender confusion, and more. May they taste and see just how good You are. May they fall in love with Your Word and become acquainted with Your ways. We ask You to continue to transform the church. Mature us into the glorious church You spoke of in scripture. Build the Ekklesia You promised to build that cannot be overcome by the plans and government of hell. Bring revelation of our strength in You. Show us, the members of Your church, that we are more than conquerors, are overcomers, and can do all things You ask us to do through Your mighty power. We ask and decree all of this in the all-powerful name of Jesus. Amen. ******************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. ______________ William Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler, Life, Journal, and Correspondence of Rev. Manasseh Cutler (Cincinnati: Colin Robert Clarke & Co., 1888), Vol. II, p. 66, letter to Joseph Torrey, January 4, 1802. Cutler meant that Jefferson attended church on January 3, 1802, for the first time as President. Bishop Claggett’s letter of February 18, 1801, already revealed that as Vice-President, Jefferson went to church services in the House. John Quincy Adams, Memoirs, Vol. XI, p. 169, June 5, 1842. Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (Washington: Gales and Seaton, 1853), p. 797, Sixth Congress, December 4, 1800. Smith, The First Forty Years, p. 13. Smith, The First Forty Years, p. 13. Cutler and Cutler, Life, Journal, and Correspondence, Vol. II, p. 119, in a letter to Dr. Joseph Torrey on January 3, 1803; see also his entry of December 26, 1802 (Vol. II, p. 114). William C. Allen (Architectural Historian of the Capitol), A History of the United States Capitol, A Chronicle of Design, Construction, and Politics (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 2001), p. 271. Smith, The First Forty Years, p. 15. Smith, The First Forty Years, p. 15. Henry Highland Garnet, Memorial Discourse (Philadelphia: Joseph M. Wilson, 1865), p. 73 Fundraising brochure, Charles B. Boynton. Washington, D.C.: November 1, 1867, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress; available at Library of Congress at Hutson, Religion and the Founding of the American Republic, p. 90. From the Library of Congress, at
  19. 5 min read January 24, 2022 Our Presidential Heritage It is always great to reflect on the influence God has had on the founding and growth of America. Though revisionists try to erase God from our history, as Founding Father John Adams so plainly stated, “Facts are stubborn things.” Today we celebrate this godly heritage and ask God to once again give us leaders who revere and honor Him. He has offered us mercy and deliverance from the powers of darkness that have ruled our nation for several decades, and we stand on His gracious promise. We also ask Him to give us righteous leaders in government, leaders who will honor Him, our heritage, and life. The remainder of today’s post is just a few of the hundreds of quotes from previous Presidents, stating their faith in God, respect for His Word (the Bible), and honor of Christ and Christianity. Enjoy..! “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible." George Washington “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained." George Washington “We recognize no sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus!" John Adams “I consider a decent respect for Christianity among the best recommendations for public service.” John Adams “The reason that Christianity is the best friend of government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart." Thomas Jefferson “The Bible is the first and almost the only book deserving of universal attention." John Quincy Adams “My custom is to read four or five chapters of the Bible every morning immediately after rising. It seems to me the most suitable manner of beginning the day. It is an invaluable and inexhaustible mine of knowledge and virtue." John Quincy Adams “We have staked the whole future of American civilization not on the power of government, far from it. We have staked the whole of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the commandments of God. The future and success of America are not in this Constitution, but in the laws of God upon which this Constitution is founded.” James Madison “Finally, it is my most fervent prayer to that Almighty Being before whom I now stand, and who has kept us in His hands from the infancy of our Republic unto the present day, that He will so overrule all my intentions and actions and inspire the hearts of my fellow-citizens that we may be preserved from dangers of all kinds and continue forever a united and happy people.” Andrew Jackson “We have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand, which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us." Abraham Lincoln “I am profitably engaged in reading the Bible. Take all of this Book upon reason that you can, and the balance by faith, and you will live and die a better man." Abraham Lincoln “All must admit that the reception of the teachings of Christ results in the purest patriotism, in the most scrupulous fidelity to public trust, and in the best type of citizenship." Grover Cleveland “Before any man can be considered as a member of civil society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governor of the Universe. And to the same Divine Author of every good and perfect gift we are indebted for all those privileges and advantages, religious as well as civil, which are so richly enjoyed in this favored land." James Monroe “A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education." Theodore Roosevelt “The foundations of our society and our government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country." Calvin Coolidge “The study of the Bible is a post-graduate course in the richest library of human experience." Herbert Hoover “The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God." John F. Kennedy “You can’t divorce religious belief and public service. . . I’ve never detected any conflict between God’s will and my political duty. If you violate one, you violate the other.” James Earl Carter, Jr. “We asked for God’s help; and now, in this shining outcome, in this magnificent triumph of good over evil, we should thank God.” George H. W. Bush “Each day millions of our citizens approach our Maker on bended knee, seeking His grace and giving thanks for the many blessings He bestows upon us." George W Bush “Of the many influences that have shaped the United States into a distinctive nation and people, none may be said to be more fundamental and enduring than the Bible." Ronald Reagan “If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." Ronald Reagan Pray with me: Father, it is an indescribable privilege to be part of a nation raised up by You to propagate the gospel of Your kingdom. You birthed America, and You have prospered and blessed us beyond measure. Our Founders knew You were involved in our formation; they knew and honored You as the only King. They worshiped You, honored Your Word, and believed in Your Son, Jesus Christ. And they led from “servant hearts” and unselfish motivations. America now has many leaders who do not know You, do not respect You, and do not want You honored in our nation. They do not honor Your principles in Scripture, do not honor life, and many have become fools. They have led America down a path of rebellion and wickedness. Like the prodigal in Scripture, we have squandered our inheritance and wasted it on sin and selfish desires. But also like the prodigal, we believe in Your mercy. We believe in the power of the shed blood of Jesus. We believe it cleanses us from all sin and unrighteousness. And we believe in restoration. We believe that You are restoring America to You and to our calling. We place our faith in nothing but Your blood and grace and, because of them, we boldly declare, “America shall be saved!” Our decree: We decree that America shall once again have a God-honoring person as our President, and a Congress led by a majority who love God and His ways. *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  20. 6 min read January 21, 2022 For a Time Such as This Today, the March For Life will take place in Washington D.C. Every year on or near the anniversary of Roe versus Wade, thousands of people gather in our nation’s Capital to pray and make a stand for life. I am mentioning this in today’s post, not only to support the March, but also as a reminder to keep praying for the Supreme Court Justices as they prepare to vote regarding the abortion case before them. Even though the case was heard in December, they can change their votes up until the time the decision is announced. We are well able to carry this prayer assignment through to completion. God does not put assignments in front of us that He has not prepared us to accomplish. The following insights and vision from Gina Gholston are wonderful reminders of this: ************************ “I have always loved the story of Esther. I’m amazed by how calculated every move was that positioned her to be in the right place at the right time, enabling her to step into her destiny. This destiny not only changed Esther’s life, but was instrumental in saving her people from the wicked plots of Haman. As I was reading this account of Esther’s life a while back, God said to me, ‘It’s time to BE what you’ve been becoming!’ He continued, ‘The story of Esther is often preached from the perspective of the preparation process she went through. It was the process that positioned her, but there came a time when Esther had to step into the destiny for which I had prepared her.’ “We all go through a process to prepare us for things God intends to accomplish in and through our lives. This process takes place as we live life and walk with the Lord. However, our lives are not meant to be a perpetual preparation process. When we cross over into the timing of God—our ‘such a time as this’ moment—there is a thrust from Him that accelerates us into position. Then the revealing and release of the purposes of God through us can occur. We never come to the place where we stop growing and learning, but we do eventually come to those moments, as did Esther, which launch us into the position of BEING! “Recently, the Lord spoke to me from Luke, chapter five, when Jesus boarded Peter’s boat and instructed him: ‘Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch,’ (verse 4). “Peter was a professional fisherman. At that time, he was counting his losses from an overnight fishing expedition that had failed miserably. So, when Jesus said this, Peter’s response reveals that Christ’s suggestion seemed quite senseless. ‘Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing,’ (verse 5). However, at this moment Peter allowed his honor for the Lord to overcome his professional opinion. ‘Nevertheless, at Your word, I will let down the net,’ (verse 5). He unfurled the nets, dropped them deeper, and caught so many fish that his nets were breaking; Peter had to call others to help bring in the haul. “That act of obedience on Peter’s part positioned him to be launched into his destiny and life’s calling: to be a fisher of men. “These defining moments changed everything for Esther and for Peter. The timing of God unlocked a revelation of each one’s destiny and revealed that they possessed what was necessary to participate in what He was doing at that moment. “God has placed in us what we need in order to partner with His current purposes. And when that which we carry becomes necessary in His plan, He moves us into a defining moment. Defining moments are critical points - strategically placed along our path by God - to propel us into His plans and our destiny. He then uses us to accomplish His will and intentions for that time in history. I believe, for many within the Church, we have entered one of those defining moments. The destiny of God in us has met the timing of God for us. Now, we must be willing to obey His leading, trusting that, by His Spirit, He has equipped us with all we need to effectively advance His purposes. “I once had a powerful vision that made this truth very clear to me. In the vision, I saw myself standing in front of a wall with only a window in it. I was looking out the window, when the Lord spoke to me, ‘You’re standing in front of a window of opportunity right now.’ As I continued looking out, a hand came through the window and placed a key in mine. The Lord then said, ‘But the window of opportunity is about to become a door of access, and I have given you the key to open it.’ “Suddenly, the window turned into a door. In the vision, I used the key I had been given, and began opening the door. Immediately, however, a very strong wind blew in! I grabbed the door, trying to hold on with all my strength. The wind was so strong! I cried out, ‘Jesus, help me!’ “The Lord responded, ‘This wind is My Spirit; you must learn how to BE in it and how to walk in it.’ “The wind was taking my breath out of me. I said, ‘Jesus, I can’t even breathe!’ “He replied, ‘You must also learn how to breathe in My Spirit.’ “I said, ‘But, Lord, I can’t even move. How do I learn to walk in it when I can’t even let go of the door?’ “At that point in the vision, four angels came—one on each side of me, one behind me, and another in front. The Lord said, ‘You have to learn how to BE in My Spirit. “In this vision, I suddenly realized that before I even went through the door, God had already transformed me into all I needed to BE, and had equipped me with all I needed to possess in order to walk in the Wind. Now, I needed to focus on Him—not on myself—and confidently utilize all He had made available to me. “For many within the Body of Christ, the process is now giving way to the purpose. Our window of opportunity is about to become a door of access, and God has given us the key to open that door! What is the key? Faith in God! He has gone before us to provide everything we need to walk in the fullness of His purposes. So, move into this defining moment with confidence and courageous faith in God. “It’s time for us to BE what we’ve been becoming. Take your place, step into the Wind and watch God launch you into the destiny He has been seeing for you all along.” ********************** Pray with me: Father, we recognize this is a “for such a time as this” moment. Your destiny in us has met Your timing for us, and we can access the door of this defining moment, yielding ourselves completely to You. At Your word, we will advance. We take our place in Your plan. We will trust Your leading, walk in Your Spirit, and BE what we have been becoming. We know that our obedience to You at this moment is not just about us, and it is not just about here and now. What You do in and through us now will impact others and even the future that is yet to unfold. So, we take our focus off ourselves, and we confidently utilize all that You have made available to us by Your Spirit. We say “Yes” to You. Launch us! Lead us, and we will follow as You accelerate us into position for the revealing and the release of Your purposes through us! We stand against the spirit of death in our nation. We bind the actions of the spirit of Baal who is demanding blood sacrifices from our children through abortion. We ask You, Father, to turn the hearts of enough Justices to reverse the evil law enacted through Roe versus Wade. Turn this evil and heal our land. And we ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen! Our decree: The process is giving way to purpose, and at His Word, we will boldly take our place in God’s plan. We will move into this defining moment with confidence and courageous faith in God, and we will see His Kingdom come and His will being done in us and through us. *************************** Portions of this post were taken from Gina Gholston’s book “Dreams of Awakening.” You can find out more about Gina here. Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  21. 4 min read January 20, 2022 Prayer for America in 2022 (from Intercessors for America) One of the things I like to do here at Give Him 15 is partner with other great ministries, especially those that emphasize prayer. Intercessors for America is one of those ministries; we have included reports and prayers released by them in the past. They have written a great prayer we can pray for America throughout 2022. In a moment, we will pray it together. Check out IFA’s website: (or click here). Sign up to be part of their free membership list - they regularly release very helpful information and prayers you can agree with. If you can, send them a donation; they are good soil. Romans 13:7 tells us to “render to all what is due them…honor to whom honor.” “Due” is from a Greek word meaning “indebtedness;” figuratively it means “an obligation or duty.” IFA has been leading the charge for intercession in our nation since 1973, almost 50 years. Certainly, we all owe them a debt of honor and gratitude. The word honor in this verse means “value, money, esteem, dignity” and more. Today, we honor this great ministry for the work they do. Let’s pray this prayer for America together with them: ************************************** “Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name. Father God, we love You. We depend on You and on Your faithfulness, even when things look dark around us and we cannot see light ahead. “Father, thank You for being the Light of all men. Jesus, thank You for being the Light that shines in the darkness. Thank You for being the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And Holy Spirit, thank You for shining Your illuminating light in our hearts, that we may see Jesus and cry out ‘Abba! Father’ through You and Your power. “Father God, in Jesus’ name, we lift our beloved nation up to You today. Father, we pray over the USA in 2022: That she will know peace - the true peace which passes all understanding; the peace that can only be found in Christ Jesus. That she will know joy - the true joy that is only found in the presence of God. That she will know wisdom - the wisdom from above, which is first pure, then peaceable, undefiled, willing to yield to You and full of mercy and good fruit. “Father God, I ask today in Jesus’ name that You would bless kings and those who are in authority. We acknowledge today that the ‘kings’ and ‘people who are in authority’ may or may not be two different groups of people, Lord; but we pray that You would shower them all with Your goodness, which brings men to repentance. “Father, for those leaders and workers in government who may yet be saved, we ask that You would pour out Your Spirit of salvation upon them. “From the President to the humblest, most unknown worker in the land, let them cry out to You for mercy and salvation. And Father, for those who refuse to be saved and refuse to honor You and walk in righteousness and justice, we pray that their days in office would be few and that another would take their office, according to Your will and Your plans only, Lord. “Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, we ask that revival would fall on America in 2022. We ask that Christians would rise up and preach Jesus in the streets. We ask that churches would be filled again with people who are being saved. We pray that You would give us, Your servants, boldness to preach and speak as we ought to speak. “Father, we ask also that You would protect these United States of America in 2022. Protect her people, her supply chain, her economy, her food sources, her ports, her airspace, her military, her government, her cities, her villages, her schools, her shopping malls, airports, and every other facility. Protect our Constitution and Bill of Rights, Father. Protect the integrity of our Supreme Court, for we acknowledge that even though the Court is called ‘Supreme,’ YOU are actually the Supreme Being and You rule over all as You will. “O holy Father, we need You. We need You to give life to our nation again. “Heal and restore our economy. Protect and bring justice to our elections. Repair our health care system and set it aright. Heal our military. “We pray against every false theology and ideology, which are idolatry, and in Jesus’ name we cast them down in America right now: We decree and declare that 2022 will be the year in which America and Americans and every stranger within the gates will WAKE UP and see the light of Jesus Christ shining upon them. We declare and decree that 2022 is the year in which we shall ALL know the truth, and the truth shall make us free. We decree that LIFE shall prevail in 2022, and that every murderous intent of every person disposed to evil IS cast down now and replaced with the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. We declare that there shall be an end to control and manipulation in 2022, and that FREEDOM would ring out again from even the dirt and stones of our nation. And we declare and decree that the truth of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, shall run swiftly from border to border; from lakeshore to gulfshore; and from sea to shining sea - and that all the people in our great nation would no longer be deceived, but would be filled with Your Spirit as You pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh. “Father God, there may be much darkness around us, but YOU shine through the darkness. “You have done much in 2021 and prior years to right many wrongs in our nation. We praise You for that, and we thank You. And in 2022, Father, we humbly ask You to bless us and heal our land. Turn Your people back to You, and do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ever dare to ask, hope, or think. Show up, Lord, and do the great and the mighty for us in the USA this year. “Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ holy name we pray, amen and amen.” (1) *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. _____________________________________________
  22. 4 min read January 19, 2022 Pregnant with the Heart of the King In yesterday’s post (1/18/2022), my brother Tim Sheets shared from Matthew 1:22, which speaks of “embryonic” prophecy (The Message Translation). The word of the Lord - given by Isaiah about the Messiah - came in seed form, just like a baby. God’s words are actually called “seeds” in Scripture, translated from a Greek word that can refer to spores, seeds, and even sperm. The meaning could not be clearer: though God’s words have reproductive power, they come to us in seed form. The story is told of a traveler from a large city passing through a small, seemingly insignificant village who intended to poke fun at one of the residents. “Have any famous people been born here?” he asked an old-timer sitting outside the country store. “Nope,” replied the old man, “only babies.” Indeed. There are great creations - miracles, breakthroughs, salvations, even transformed nations - in God’s words. They all have one thing in common: they begin as seeds. They must then be received into healthy soil, wombs, hearts. There, they must be nurtured until becoming what they were destined to be. Jesus said our responsibility is to tend the seed; satan’s plan is to destroy it (Matthew 13:2-9; Mark 4:1-9; Luke 8:4-15). Those who experience the seed’s miraculous ability “are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance,” (Luke 8:15). Tim said he believes the words and promises from Holy Spirit about America’s revival and turnaround are coming to full term. In his words, like a pregnant woman several weeks into her pregnancy, we are beginning to “show.” I agree. And this is a time to, as Jesus tells us in Luke’s account, “hold fast” and “persevere.” The African cheetah must run down its prey to eat. It is well suited for the task, however, since it can run at speeds of 70 mph! This magnificent animal has one slight problem, however; it has a disproportionately small heart, which causes it to tire quickly. If the cheetah doesn’t catch its prey quickly, it must end the chase.(1) Sadly, many Christians have a similar approach when it comes to prayer. Speeding into their prayer closet with great energy, they demonstrate great fervency and determination. These believers run to a prayer meeting or a prayer conference, or climb on a jet airplane and speed to Washington D.C. to pray. But lacking the heart for a sustained effort, they often falter before reaching their fullness of time. Many don’t make it to full-term. On the next prayer assignment, they may even pray harder and faster, only to fall short once again. What most of them need is not more explosive power, but more staying power - stamina that comes from a bigger prayer heart. Holy Spirit is looking for those in this hour who will finish well - those who have decided they will stand, pray, declare and decree…until. The baby is kicking - she/he wants out. The body is preparing to deliver this child. Contractions have begun, the water will soon break, and birthing labor will begin. We must not abort the process now. “For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal, and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay,” (Habakkuk 2:3). How tragic it was when the Israelites made it out of Egypt, across the Red Sea where they saw the armies of Egypt destroyed by the amazing power of God - only to waver, standing on the edge of their inheritance. Do not let giants of fear, intimidation, corruption in our government, principalities, or any other giant cause you to turn back. Persevere in your faith and intercession. Pray with this ministry and others daily. Decree over your city and nation daily. Decree over your prodigals daily. This is all part of protecting and nurturing the baby until he/she is born. John Killinger tells of an interesting method used in the past to break a wild steed by harnessing it to a burro. The powerful steed would take off across the range, twisting and bucking, causing the burro to be tossed about wildly. What a sight! The steed would run away, pulling the burro alongside, and they would drop out of sight - sometimes for days. Then they would return, with the proud little burro in charge. The steed had worn himself out, fighting the presence of the burro. When he became too tired to fight anymore, the burro assumed the position of leader.(2) And that’s the way it is many times with prayer. Victory goes to the persistent, not to the angry; to the dedicated, not to those who can provide great demonstrations of emotion and energy. We need committed, determined, systematic prayer, not once-in-a-while fireworks. Pray with me: Thank You, Father, for the faithful remnant of intercessors here in this nation and around the world who have learned to persevere. They have matured into believers with big prayer hearts. Strengthen them in this hour. They are pregnant with the harvest of the ages. They are pregnant with the heart of the King and His kingdom. They have another generation in their loins, transformed nations are in the wombs of their spirits. Just as the prophet Elisha instructed the king in scripture, we continue to strike the ground. Just like Caleb, who waited 45 years for his inheritance, we are shouting, “Give us our mountain!” And just like our apostolic brother, Paul, we declare that “we have not yet attained, but we press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of Christ Jesus.” We will not stop. We will not quit. We will never give up. We will run the race and finish the course. And we will see our Isaac born. Our decree: We decree that we are pregnant with revival, and the transformation of this nation and other nations. We will carry the baby to full-term and deliver a healthy child. ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. __________________________________ Craig Brian Larson, Illustrations for Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1993), p.245, adapted. Larson, Illustrations for Preaching and Teaching, p 177, adapted.
  23. 5 min read January 14, 2022 Know Your Enemy Who Is Zephon..? As I think about the insights and strategies given to us in the World Seers Series dream, I am amazed at what Holy Spirit has done to prepare us. He began speaking to me about the passage of scripture that first mentions the principality, Baal-zephon (Exodus 14), on July 4th weekend (2021). Since that weekend I have written at least 3 posts teaching on this spirit and how God dealt with him during Israel’s Exodus. I have been reviewing those posts and looking at the passage again. I feel that some review would help you, as well. Let me begin by saying we are not, and will never become, preoccupied with demons. To do so would cause, not only imbalance, but would lead to deception and error. We never take our cues from satan. It is also true, however, that we are not supposed to ignore or be ignorant of him and his activities. Jesus did not ignore demons. He only did what the Father told him to do - via Holy Spirit - but Father often led Him to resist them or cast them out. We are told to do the same (Mark 16:17), and instructed in 2 Corinthians 2:11 to not be ignorant (Greek agnoeo - “without knowledge of; ignorant; ignore”) of the way satan thinks and operates (noema - “thought, purpose, plot, scheme, plan, device”). The verse tells us if we obey this warning satan will not be able to take advantage of us (pleonekteo - “gain the bigger portion of; take advantage of”). This is a strong warning; ignorance can be deadly. So again, we are not preoccupied with satan or his kingdom; but neither will we be ignorant of his schemes and plans. Here is a portion of a post I did on July 7 of last year (2021), explaining who Zephon is and how God dealt with him during the Exodus: In Exodus 14, the Red Sea was rolled back for Israel and Pharaoh’s army was destroyed. The first two verses inform us, “Now the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Tell the sons of Israel to turn back and camp in front of Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea; you shall camp in front of Baal-zephon, opposite it, by the sea,’” (Exodus 14:1-2). God wants us to know that HE chose the place for this encounter. To many of the Israelites, as well as to Pharaoh and his army, it looked as though Israel was confused, disoriented, and wandering aimlessly in the desert. And they were, in fact, now hemmed in, trapped by mountains, the sea, and Pharaoh’s army. Baal-zephon was one of the Egyptian gods. It was believed that he reigned in power and was lord over the sea. He was the only Egyptian god Yahweh had not yet judged and exposed during the 10 plagues and Israel’s deliverance. Scott Lancer, in an article for Associates for Biblical Research, (Confronting Baal Zephon: The Spiritual Message of the Meeting of Israel and the Armies of Egypt) says, “Let us remember that God had been triumphing over not only Pharaoh and the Egyptians, but also the supposed power of their gods. The plagues were a drumbeat of victory as the gods of Egypt were one by one, displayed to be impotent and powerless. And even more importantly, Yahweh wanted the Egyptians to know that He is the Lord,” (Exodus 14:4). (1) Pharaoh no doubt believed that this god was more powerful than Yahweh. He supposed that Baal-zephon had led them into a trap and was now going to cause Israel to be destroyed in front of the place named for him. Yahweh had other plans. His plan was to demonstrate that HE was the Lord of the sea. His authority, released through the extension of the rod He had given Moses, controlled the sea, not Zephon. Yahweh would lead His people THROUGH, not around, the sea the Egyptians believed was under the control of Zephon. And instead of the Israelites being destroyed, it would be Pharoah and the Egyptian army - in front of the headquarters of their supposed god! July 4th weekend, the Lord spoke to me that this is where we are in America. Many prophets have used the analogy of Israel and the Red Sea to describe the church during this season: our backs are to the wall, it appears that the god of this world has outsmarted and overpowered ours, and it looks as though satan has taken over the nation. But Yahweh, once again, has other plans. He will release His authority over this nation, just as He did over Israel at the Red Sea, and demonstrate that He is the Lord! Baal has long tried to rule America, but the orchestrated plan of God to overthrow his influence in our nation began in 2007 (The Call Nashville 07/07/2007), and continues to this day. Yahweh is about to expose the evil plans of the god of this world and his allies. He has allowed them to gain ground temporarily in order to expose their deception, anti-Christ ways, leftist ideals and even idiocy. But He will strike in His zeal, power, and determination to reap the coming great harvest. God must have a strong America that honors Him in order to accomplish this, and He will have that. Do not doubt this. AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED..!!! Yahweh said in Exodus 14:4, before springing His trap, “And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will chase after them, and I will be honored through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.” This is exactly what happened. “Honored” is the Hebrew word kabad, which is the word for glory. God actually said He would glorify Himself as He dealt with Pharaoh and this false god. And some scholars believe when Yahweh said the Egyptians would know He was the Lord, this was not simply a statement about proving He was in charge. It was, rather, a demonstration of His grace to the Egyptians, who were deceived and in bondage, following false gods who could not save them. And when God shows Himself strong in America, He will be honored and glorified. Millions of people will realize the folly of their ways, and that Christ is their Redeemer. Pray with me: Father, You are an all-wise planner. You see the end from the beginning and know exactly what to do to get there. You have been preparing us for this moment in time; because of this we are ready to overthrow the spirit of Baal that has ruled our nation. We know You are passionate to see this accomplished - You always operate in compassion and desire to save. Holy Spirit, You are a great and brilliant strategist, and You’re the best Helper ever. As we listen to and obey You, we cannot lose. You have orchestrated events in our nation, preparing to overthrow the rule of this spirit, Zephon. You know him well. You have defeated him before. And the blood of Christ has sealed his fate. Cause the Ekklesia to now arise and partner with You in this great endeavor. Bring a sense of urgency to the praying church. Cause them to know this is intended to be our finest hour. Indeed, You have spoken this to us prophetically. You have called it the greatest Kingdom campaign ever. Awaken us to this and to the urgency of the times. We ask this in the name of our Captain, Christ. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the church is arising and will deliver America from the control of Baal. ********************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. _______________________________________
  24. 7 min read 15 min read (If you include the full dream at the end) January 13, 2022 The World Seers Series (Part 4) On Monday (1/10/2022) we began discussing a dream about America, given to my friend Greg Hood. This is a very enlightening and important dream, filled with insight and revelation. (Though we are looking at it in segments, I will once again post the entire dream at the end of today’s post. I know many of you like to see the entire dream in one sitting.) REVIEW I will do very little review in today’s post since it would consume so much of the time. You may want to reread Monday’s-Wednesday’s posts (1/10-12/2022) to refresh your memory. You certainly should try and do so if you did not see them. In the dream, a baseball team comprised of spiritual leaders in the church and representing the Kingdom of God, was playing in the World Seers Series. This was the last game of the series, the 8th inning, we were winning but the score was close, and we were very focused. Then the Holy Spirit initiated a change of strategy. Through this strategy, we were able to load the bases and position ourselves to win the game. Again, if you have not done so, please take a look at Monday’s, Tuesday’s, and Wednesday’s posts. THE DREAM (continued) “…As we were watching this, a phone rang in our dugout. Dutch answered it. We could see him looking up and behind home plate into one of the skyboxes as he talked on the phone. He was speaking to our team owner, who said to Dutch, ‘You are to pinch-hit. We have a wicket here to not only win the game but to win big. Dutch, you know this pitcher. He has lost big games before. He is not what he has made himself out to be. Be patient and don’t be distracted by what he will throw at you. He wants to get your eyes off the pennant.’ “Dutch hung up the phone and said, ‘Hood, hand me my bat. I’ve been instructed to pinch-hit.’ I (Greg) reached for Dutch’s bat and pulled it from a large wooden communion box where it was locked away. As I removed it I could see clearly that the bat had inscribed on it ‘Ephesians 1:17.’ I handed it to Dutch as he said to me, ‘What direction should I launch the ball?’ “I said to Dutch, ‘Straight for the throat of the pitcher! Remove his voice!’ “Dutch replied with a smile on his face, ‘You know, many will think this is a dirty and illegal move on our part. But what the heck, we won’t allow them to force us to play by their rules anymore. We play ball for the Royal.’ “As Dutch walked to the batter’s box I said, ‘If you hit the mark it will change this game.’ “The pitcher approached the batter’s box as Dutch stepped into it and said to him, ‘I am here to take you and this weak team out once and for all. You have no hope of making it out of this batter’s box in your right mind. This is my season and you will not steal it from me!’ “Dutch stepped up to him, just an inch from his face, and spoke with a firm and bold voice, ‘I am here to uncover you. Now go back to your perch and throw the ball if you dare!’ “As he walked back to the pitcher’s mound we could see his name on the back of his jersey. Thus far in the dream, we had not known who he was or who this team was. Written there was the name, ‘Zephon.’ “He released his first pitch and it was not aimed anywhere close to home plate, sailing over the stadium wall behind home plate, hitting a bus in the parking lot and putting a large dent in the back left side of it. An alarm sounded with a very distinct sound. We knew this was our team’s bus. The umpire shouted, ‘STRIKE ONE!’ “The opposing coach came to the pitcher’s mound again and brought the pitcher, Zephon, another baseball glove. It was a left-hander’s glove and an old, greasy-looking ball which flew into the dugout. The umpire shouted ‘STRIKE TWO!’ Then he said to the pitcher, ‘You only have one strike left.’ “It was at this point in the dream that we noticed the umpire was wearing a white medical type coat with the insignia of a pharmacist on it. Dutch turned to the umpire and said to him, ‘You are no longer allowed to call this game; we remove you, and Michael will take your place!’ (I don’t know who Michael was in the dream but it seemed he was the angel.) Dutch then turned to the pitcher and said, ‘Throw your ball. This is your last pitch but not my last ball! I will deliver the third strike to you and your house!’ “Zephon threw the ball and Dutch hit it with a powerful swing. The ball went to its mark and struck the throat of the pitcher, taking his voice and his strength. Zephon was removed from the game. We knew in the dream the game had changed and he would never pitch again.” End of Dream MY THOUGHTS We are winning 22 to 20. The bases are loaded. The owner of the team in the skybox is obviously the Lord in heaven. He called me and told me to pinch-hit. I realize this could represent an assignment for me personally, but often in dreams of this nature I simply picture the Ekklesia (those in the body of Christ who understand their authority and the governmental calling of Matthew 16:18-19) and the prayer movement. The Lord tells me I know this pitcher and, as we will see shortly, I do. The statement, “He has lost big games before. He is not what he has made himself out to be,” is also significant. Yahweh tells me to be patient, don’t become distracted, and keep my focus on the pennant (the word for a major league baseball team winning its championship). In other words, we must stay focused, not allowing the enemy to distract us in this very strategic season. Keep your eyes on the goal, the prize, the finish line. My bat was in the “communion box.” This could speak of covenant - we will win through our covenant with Christ. It also speaks of our intimacy with Him - listening to and drawing near to Him. The scripture inscribed on the bat, Ephesians 1:17, is a verse that references “the spirit of wisdom and revelation” being given to the church. It will take this wisdom and revelation to win the spiritual war we are engaged in, and it will be found in the communion box. Incredible! I was then told to hit the ball at the throat of the pitcher and remove his voice (influence). My response can be summarized as meaning we have operated with too little aggression against our spiritual enemy. The Ekklesia must arise in this hour and become aggressive in our spiritual warfare. Satan and his forces of darkness are deadly serious. Their nature is to steal, kill and destroy. They are evil and we must relentlessly and aggressively resist them. I am then told if I “hit the mark” it will change the game. This is another meaning of the Hebrew word for intercession, paga, which we mentioned Tuesday. Still today in Israel, the word for “bullseye” is paga. Friends, if we pray as we are being instructed, we will win! This is our year of breakthrough for America! The pitcher began to mock me, which I answered by declaring that I was going to uncover or expose him. It was then that we saw his name, Zephon. (I have written posts about this spirit before and you can read them here and here.) This is incredibly significant. Zephon is one of the names of Baal, the ruling principality over America. This is also one of the spirits God exposed and conquered during the Exodus of Israel (see Exodus 14). God judged all of the gods of Egypt in the Exodus, but He saved this one for last, waiting until it appeared Israel was hopelessly trapped. At the Red Sea it looked like Egypt’s god, Zephon, “lord of the wind and seas” had Israel hopelessly trapped and would prevail over them. JUST LIKE AMERICA! But God sprang His trap, showed His great power and destroyed the armies of Egypt. This is what Holy Spirit meant in the dream when He told me I knew this pitcher, that he had lost games before, and that he was not what he made himself out to be (all-powerful). Zephon threw a wild pitch that went out of the stadium and hit our team bus. It was called a “strike!” We are being warned of strategies satan will use to “strike” us. Vehicles usually speak of ministries in dreams. This says to me the enemy will try and strike/attack ministries/leaders during this season. If he can distract leaders, he can hinder us from hearing in a way that causes us to win. Remember, the Lord, in the skybox, told me not to allow Zephon to distract me. It was at this time that we noticed the umpire, who had been helping our adversaries, was wearing a pharmaceutical jacket. This in no way is an indictment against the medical community or pharmacists. It is likely a play on words regarding the Greek word, pharmakeia, which means not only drugs, but sorcery or witchcraft. It is saying that the occult and the powers of darkness have been warring against us; we, however, with the archangel Michael’s help, are displacing them. I hit Zephon’s pitch, meaning that we, the Ekklesia, the prayer army, successfully met his attack. The ball struck him in the throat, removing his influence. We knew in the dream he would never pitch again. I believe this means he will never be able to rule our nation again. Pray with me: Father, You are without question asking the Ekklesia to step up to the plate in this hour, take our place of authority, and rule in the midst of our enemies (Psalm 110:2). This is our Esther season - we were born for this. Baal has ruled our nation for decades, stealing our inheritance, attempting to destroy our destiny, even demanding our children as blood sacrifices. You have now set him up for failure. We have indeed seen him before - Your word makes clear that You know how to take him out. We will strike his throat and remove his voice. He will be overcome and never rule our nation again. You have loaded the bases, now give us the win! We cover our leaders, ministries, and families with protective prayer. We declare that no witchcraft, no weapons, no strikes against them will prosper. None! We will prosper and be in health in this season (3 John 2). We will not only win, we will be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). Our decree: We decree that the Ekklesia will win the World Seers Series!!! *************************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ___________________________________________________________________________ The World Seer Series Dream (Dreamed early the morning of January 2, 2022. - By Greg Hood) As the dream started I could see that we were in a baseball stadium. I knew we were playing on our home field which in the dream was known as Royal Stadium. I also knew that the stadium was located in Washington D.C. All the seats in the stadium were filled with people. I knew the people in the seats were mostly Americans. A smaller portion of the people were from somewhere I had never heard of. The attendees were there to watch what we knew was the World Seers Series. Dutch and I coached one of the teams playing in the World Seer’s Series. (Our team was the Election prayer team, and more.) It was the final game in the series and we were ahead. It was our turn to bat. Dutch was the Head Coach of the team. He wrote out a new batting order, and hung it in our dugout for the team to see. The atmosphere in the dugout changed somewhat, with some thinking that the old batting order was better than the order Dutch had rewritten. We had home-field advantage. It was the bottom of the 8th inning and we were winning. The scoreboard displayed the score of 20 for the opposing team and 22 for our team. I could see clearly on the scoreboard our team name - Kingdom Ekklesia. I could not make out the name of the opposing team; their name was very blurry. The mood shifted in our dugout as our team made an effort to encourage one another. We knew we were in the last innings of this game and the game was tight. We didn’t take anything for granted now. We focused intensely. We were the underdog, it seemed, and there was great urgency to win this game for the nation. Dutch shouted, “Smith, lead us off!” Smith stepped from the dugout, but before making his way to home plate I said to him, “The ball needs to be hit straight down the first baseline with great force. Your assignment is to remove the hindrance that’s guarding first base.” As Smith walked toward home plate we could see he was wearing the number 5221 on his jersey. He stepped into the batter’s box and the pitcher threw him a curveball. He hit it so hard down the first baseline that the first baseman could not see it coming. It struck him on the side of his neck and incapacitated him. Anger became very evident in the opposing team because they now had no first baseman. The umpire at first base held Smith on first and would not allow him to advance. Ken Malone was coaching first base and begin to speak to Smith. He instructed him to watch the third base coach for he would give the sign he needed to steal second. Coaching third base was the Archangel, Gabriel. Dutch then said, “Jones, you are up. We need advancement. You know the pitch you are looking for!” Jones said to Dutch, “I feel a confidence that I have never felt before. The pitcher will not be able to resist throwing me my pitch.” Before Jones approached the batter’s box I said to him, “The guy in left field is expecting you to hit it high and long. Hit it high and short into left field. He won’t be able to adjust his position in time to catch you out.” Jones smiled with a big grin and said, “This is what I was built for. I was born to give ‘left field’ problems.” We could see the numbers on his jersey as he walked to the batter’s box. He was wearing the number 2388. Just before the pitcher released the ball, Gabriel gave Smith the sign to steal. Smith shot from first and stole second. The pitch landed just in front of home plate. The umpire called it a strike. Jones looked at Dutch for the correction. Dutch came out of the dugout very quickly and proceeded toward the umpire with fire in his eyes, and as he pointed his finger at the umpire he declared, “YOU WILL REVERSE THIS CALL AND GIVE IT BACK! YOU DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE STRIKE ZONE!” The umpire reversed the call immediately. I could tell in the dream that it weakened his authority on the field when Dutch addressed him this way. Before stepping back into the batter’s box, Jones looked at the pitcher and said, “You don’t have the nerve to throw me my pitch. You don’t have the ability to cause me to miss it. Throw that ‘cutter’ and I will hit it.” You could see the anger and pride on the pitcher’s face. He drew back and threw Jones his pitch. He threw it hard and fast. Jones hit it high and shallow into left field. The left fielder called it which stopped any of his other teammates from advancing toward the ball. The left fielder ran forward for the ball and as he did this he was watching the spin Jones had put on the ball. This confused him and caused him to trip, which caused him to miss the ball. When he fell, he dislocated both of his knees and could not stand back up. Jones easily made it to first base. Smith stayed at second. Dutch then called from the dugout, “Johnson, you are up!” Johnson took a bat in her hand and stepped from the dugout and I said to her, “They will position themselves at the wall because they know you can break the home run record with one swing of your bat. I feel you should bunt towards third.” She replied, “That’s exactly what I was thinking. I have noticed that he does not have the rapidness in his eyes that he thinks he has.” As Johnson stood in the batter’s box we once again could see the number on the jersey. Her number was 4851. The pitcher mocked her as she stood there waiting for the pitch. He threw a fastball high and just outside the corner of the plate missing the strike zone. Johnson stood still. She never even twitched. Seeing this, Gabriel looked at Smith and gave him the signal to steal third as soon as the pitcher started his next wind-up. The pitcher drew back his arm and as soon as he did, Smith left second base and it was almost as if he just appeared on third. This confused the pitcher as he caught Smith out of the corner of his eye stepping onto third base. He released the ball and it came to the plate again this time, low and just outside the strike zone. Dutch stepped outside our dugout and motioned to Johnson to come over to him. He leaned into her ear and said, “Let the next two pitches go through. No swinging at what he is throwing. This will give us the strategy we need to win this.” Some thought that Dutch was thinking that the pitcher was done and he did not have any more strikes left in his arm. Johnson stepped back to the batter’s box and did as Dutch had coached her to do. The next pitch came hard and fast. “STRIKE ONE” the umpire shouted and then laughed. The second pitch came as a change-up pitch and was very slow. “STRIKE TWO!” Johnson stepped out of the batter’s box and took a deep breath looking back at Coach Dutch. Dutch motioned Johnson back to where he was standing and said, “The count is 2 and 2. We are in the right place to bunt it down the third baseline.” She approached the plate again and positioned herself. The pitcher released a curveball. Johnson stepped into it and bunted down the third baseline. It caught the third baseman off guard. No one had ever bunted on this pitch before. He moved very slowly and retrieved the ball. He held it in fear that Smith would advance to home plate. Jones easily moved to second and Johnson took first. Now the bases were loaded. The coach and the catcher from the other team went out to the pitcher’s mound and began speaking with the pitcher. In the dream, we could tell there was much disagreement among them. It even seemed that the pitcher had authority over the coach of the other team. As we were watching this, a phone rang in our dugout. Dutch answered it. We could see him looking up and behind home plate into one of the skyboxes as he talked on the phone. He was speaking to our team owner. The owner of the team said to Dutch, “You are to pinch-hit. We have a wicket here to not only win the game but to win big.” He went on to say, “Dutch, you know this pitcher. He has lost big games before. He is not what he has made himself out to be. Be patient and don’t be distracted by what he will throw at you. He wants to get your eyes off the pennant.” Dutch hung up the phone and said, “Hood, hand me my bat. I’ve been instructed to pinch-hit.” I reached for Dutch’s bat and pulled it from a large wooden communion box that it was locked away in. As I removed it I could see clearly that the bat had inscribed on it Ephesians 1:17. I handed it to Dutch as he said to me, “What direction should I launch the ball?” I said to Dutch, “Straight for the throat of the pitcher! Remove his voice!” Dutch replied with a smile on his face, “You know, many will think this is a dirty and illegal move on our part. But what the heck, we won’t allow them to force us to play by their rules anymore. We play ball for the Royals.” As Dutch walked to the batter’s box I said, “If you hit the mark it will change this game.” The pitcher approached the batter’s box and as Dutch stepped into it, said to him, “I am here to take you and this weak team out once and for all. You have no hope of making it out of this batter’s box in your right mind. This is my season and you will not steal it from me!” Dutch stepped up to him, just an inch of his face, and spoke with a firm and bold voice, “I am here to uncover you. Now go back to your perch and throw the ball if you dare!” As he walked back to the pitcher’s mound we could see his name on the back of his jersey. (Remember thus far in the dream we did not know who he was or who this team was.) Written there was the name, “Zephon.” He released his first pitch and it was not aimed anywhere close to home plate. It went over the stadium wall behind home plate and hit a bus that was parked in the parking lot. It put a large dent in the back left side of that bus. An alarm sounded with a very distinct sound. We knew this was our team’s bus. The umpire shouted, “STRIKE ONE!” The coach came to the pitcher’s mound again and brought the pitcher, Zephon, another baseball glove. It was a left-hander’s glove and an old greasy-looking ball. The pitcher had been pitching right-handed the entire game up until now. He went into his wind-up and released the ball; it flew into the dugout. The umpire shouted, “STRIKE TWO!” The umpire spoke to the pitcher, “You only have one strike left.” It was at this time in the dream that we noticed the umpire was wearing a white doctor’s-type coat that had the insignia of a Pharmacist on it. Dutch turned to the umpire and said to him, "You are no longer allowed to call this game; we remove you, and Michael will take your place!” (I don’t know who Michael was in the dream but am thinking the angel.) Dutch then turned to the pitcher and said, “Throw your ball. This is your last pitch but not my last ball! I will deliver the third strike to you and your house!” Zephon threw the ball and Dutch hit it with a powerful swing. The ball went to its mark and struck the throat of the pitcher taking his voice and his strength. Zephon was removed from the game. We knew in the dream the game had changed and this pitcher would never pitch again. End of Dream
  25. 6 min read January 12, 2022 The World Seer Series (Part 3) On Monday (1/10/2022) we began discussing a dream given to my friend Greg Hood. This is a very enlightening and important dream, filled with insight and revelation. (Though we are looking at it in segments, I will once again post the entire dream at the end of today’s post. I know some of you would like to see the entire dream in one sitting.) REVIEW In the first part of the dream a baseball team, comprised of spiritual leaders in the church and representing the Kingdom of God, was playing in the World Seers Series. This was the last game of the series, the 8th inning, we were winning but the score was close, and we were very focused. Then, Holy Spirit initiated a change of strategy. We discussed all of this on Monday. Yesterday (1/11/2022) we looked at the need for intercession first and foremost. If the church prays, we will win the battle for the soul of America. Prayer incapacitated the enemy! We also saw that Holy Spirit is saying the Ekklesia has grown spiritually and is ready for this season. And we saw a likely reference to the courts/judicial system in this section. They were made to reverse bad calls/rulings. These summaries in no way do justice to this dream. If you have not done so, please take a look at Monday’s and Tuesday’s posts (parts 1 and 2). THE DREAM (continued) “Dutch then called from the dugout, ‘Johnson, you are up!’ [Again, not the person’s real name.] “Johnson took a bat in her hand and stepped from the dugout. I (Greg) said to her, ‘They will position themselves at the wall because they know you can break the home run record with one swing of your bat. I feel you should bunt towards third.’ “Johnson replied, ‘That’s exactly what I was thinking. I have noticed that he does not have the rapidness in his eyes that he thinks he has.’ As she stood in the batter’s box, once again I could see the jersey number. Her number was 4851. The pitcher mocked her as she stood there waiting for the pitch. He threw a fastball high and just outside the corner of the plate missing the strike zone. Johnson stood still; she never even twitched. “Seeing this, Gabriel looked at Smith and gave him the signal to steal third as soon as the pitcher started his next wind-up. The pitcher drew back his arm and as soon as he did, Smith left second base and it was almost as if he just appeared on third. This confused the pitcher as he saw Smith out of the corner of his eye stepping on third base. He released the ball and it came to the plate again, this time low and just outside the strike zone. “Dutch stepped outside our dugout and motioned Johnson to come over to him. He leaned toward her and said, ‘Let the next two pitches go through. No swinging at what he is throwing. This will give us the strategy we need to win this.’ Some thought Dutch was thinking the pitcher was done and had no more strikes left in his arm, but this wasn’t the reason. “Johnson stepped back to the batter’s box and did as Dutch had coached her to do. The next pitch came hard and fast. ‘STRIKE ONE’ the umpire shouted, and then laughed. The second pitch came as a change-up pitch, very slow. ‘STRIKE TWO!’ “Johnson stepped out of the batter’s box and took a deep breath looking back at Coach Dutch. He motioned her back to where he was standing and said, ‘The count is 2 and 2. We are in the right place to bunt it down the third baseline.’ “She approached the plate again and positioned herself. The pitcher released a curveball. Johnson bunted down the third baseline, which caught the third baseman off guard. No one had ever bunted on this pitch before. He moved very slowly and retrieved the ball, but held it in fear that Smith would advance to home plate. Jones easily moved to second and Johnson took first. Now the bases were loaded. “The coach and the catcher from the other team went out to the pitcher’s mound and began speaking with the pitcher. In the dream, we could tell there was much disagreement among them. It even seemed that the pitcher had authority over the coach of the other team. MY THOUGHTS Johnson, in real life, is a strong prophetic voice to the body of Christ. She also walks in other anointings but this is what she is most known for. Her jersey number in the dream, as with all the player’s numbers, is very significant. It’s the number of a Greek word meaning “to bring together;” or “to bear together (as in a load or weight).” Because of the concept of 2 or more working together, it is also the word for holding or gaining an advantage. Perhaps its most significant use is in John 16:7, where Jesus said, “But I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I am leaving; for if I do not leave, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.” (NASV) Through this God is saying we must get Holy Spirit in the game. He will be our advantage! Listen to Him. Release His power. Follow His strategy. Notice the dream said of this person, filled with and empowered by Holy Spirit, “…you can break the home run record with one swing of your bat.” This indicates power, the power of Holy Spirit! And yet! The strategy was not to try for a home run, but to bunt. I feel this is the Father saying it is our weakness that makes us strong, for His strength is perfected or made complete in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Though satan believes he has won the war for the soul of America - notice that he was mocking us - God has other plans. And if we humble ourselves at this time, acknowledging our weakness but moving in His strength, we’ll win. After allowing the opposing pitcher to throw two pitches that were outside the strike zone, I instructed her to not swing at the next two pitches, regardless of whether they were in the strike zone or not. She did as I instructed and they were both called strikes. Now the count was 2 balls and 2 strikes. This was the strategy chosen by Holy Spirit in the dream in order to catch the opposing team by surprise. Typically, no batter bunts with two strikes against them. The reason is that, unlike swinging at a pitch, if a batter bunts at it with two strikes against them and fouls the ball, they are out. When swinging at pitches with two strikes against them, a batter can hit any number of foul balls and still not be out. In other words, in the dream God is telling us Holy Spirit has a plan to take satan by surprise. This surprise loaded the bases. God always outsmarts His enemies…always. Dissension then began in satan‘s camp. The catcher, coach, and pitcher began arguing. This is telling us God is going to bring confusion and disagreement to those opposing Him. They will begin to fight amongst themselves. And in tomorrow’s post, we will see how God intends to win this war for America. Pray with me: Father, thank You for Your amazing gift, the Holy Spirit. He is our advantage. Help us get Him in the game, following Him carefully and precisely in this hour. We ask that His voice be amplified. May His directions be clear to us. And may we have ears to hear. Holy Spirit, we have sung it and now we say it to You, “You are welcome in our places of worship, prayer, and activities. You are in charge!” We thank You, Father, for the plans You have in place. You already know how You are going to outwit the enemy. You will cause him to play into Your hands, and his plans for America and the earth will fail. Show us how to cooperate with this. We thank You for these things and ask them in Christ’s name. Amen. Our decree: We decree that the wisdom of God always supersedes the wisdom of satan and his kingdom. ***************************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ______________________________________________________________ The World Seer Series Dream (Dreamed early the morning of January 2, 2022. By Greg Hood) As the dream started I could see that we were in a baseball stadium. I knew we were playing on our home field which in the dream was known as Royal Stadium. I also knew that the stadium was located in Washington D.C.
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