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  1. 7 min read December 20, 2024 For the next several days, you are going to hear some favorite posts, hand-picked by Dutch. They are about this wonderful Christmas season, and we think you will enjoy them. There will be no Give Him 15 posts on Dec 26-31. Thank you for your understanding as our staff takes a break. We will see you again January 1st! Merry Christmas! Today I am sharing a special Christmas post written by our good friend, Cheryl Sacks. The title is: A Christmas to Remember It was just before Christmas, and we were two months behind in our mortgage payments. On January 1, our home would go into foreclosure. Hal and I had no money to buy Christmas gifts for each other or for our five-year-old daughter, Nicole. When Nicole gave us her Christmas list, it contained only one item…a pair of blue jeans with pink flowers on the pocket. I was praying fervently that we’d have money for Christmas and that we would not lose our home. Yet, I was starting to feel discouraged. The next day, Nicole came home from school and handed me the school newsletter. The school was asking us to participate in the Christmas tradition of giving to those in need. I had a clear sense that we should try to do something for one of the three families the school wanted to help…even though we ourselves were in desperate need. The newsletter listed specific needs for each family, simply labeled as families A, B, and C. I noted that Family B needed clothing for a five-year-old girl. Since I wanted to include Nicole in the shopping process, I decided we would adopt Family B, so that she could relate to giving to someone her own age. The next afternoon, Nicole and I went shopping at K-Mart. As we pushed the basket along together, we looked for some item of clothing that would be right for a little girl her age. Soon, we came to a rack of girls’ jeans, and Nicole spotted a pair with little pink flowers on the back pocket. “Oh!” she said excitedly, “I just know the little girl will want these!” Into the cart went the jeans with pink flowers. My mind was already racing ahead. If the parents didn’t have money for jeans, then they wouldn’t have money to purchase a shirt to complete the outfit. “Now, let’s find a blouse or something to go with these jeans,” I told Nicole. Soon we found just the right thing – a pink sweater with a black and white panda bear on the front and a matching pink shirt. I was rejoicing at the blessing of giving this special gift. Yet a few minutes later as we stood in line, my excitement waned. There in the basket was the exact item my daughter wanted for Christmas...jeans with pink flowers on the just her size. Now with my last $25, I was going to buy them for someone else’s little girl. I thought of how I’d always believed in giving sacrificially. Years before, I had learned about “seedtime and harvest,” sowing and reaping, from Oral Roberts. Whether you have little or much, just like a farmer, it’s not wise to eat your seed, but to plant it and watch it multiply. I’d seen this truth work in our lives over and over again. Yet, right then, I was wavering. “Lord,” I prayed. “If what I’ve believed about “sowing and reaping” is really true, then I need You to prove it to me now.” We checked out at the cash register and went home. But all throughout the day I was still vacillating. I began contemplating wrapping up the gift and giving it to Nicole rather than to the little girl in Family B. That night as I pulled out the wrapping paper, I still did not know what to do. Finally, I walked into Hal’s office where he was studying and told him what a struggle I was having. I reiterated what he already knew. Our own daughter had asked for jeans for Christmas just like the ones I had purchased to give away. How much sense did it make to give them to someone else’s little girl? “I believe I know what we’re supposed to do,” Hal said. “But take some time to pray and hear from the Lord what He wants you to do.” I opened my Bible and the pages fell open to Ecclesiastes 11:1-6: “Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days…He who observes the wind (and waits for all conditions to be favorable) will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap…In the morning sow your seed and in the evening withhold not your hand…” It was evening, and I was considering withholding my gift. It was clear the Lord was telling me not to wait for conditions to be favorable…to cast my bread upon the waters. I wrapped the jeans, pink blouse, and panda bear sweater in white tissue paper as the school had requested and wrote “Family B” on the outside of the package. Later, as I was wrapping some small items for the woman in Family B, Hal walked in. “What size is the man in that family we’re giving to?” Hal asked. I looked at the sheet and replied, “Medium.” A few moments later, Hal entered carrying his new gray sweater vest. “I want you to wrap this up and give it to the man on the list,” he said. “Oh, that is your favorite piece of clothing!” I said. “We should always give God our best,” he said. And with that I wrapped the gray sweater vest. The next day, Nicole took her gifts to school. As was the tradition, the children brought their gifts forward during a school assembly and placed them at the foot of a manger cradling “baby Jesus.” These presents were first and foremost a gift of love to the Savior. As Nicole shared with me about presenting our family’s gifts to the Lord, I was reminded of how God demonstrated the principle of sowing and reaping through the life of His Son Jesus Christ. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will never die but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). God gave His only Son, His most precious possession, first ― then received many sons and daughters in return. Through the principle of sowing, God reaped the greatest harvest in the history of the world. The next Sunday afternoon I was getting ready to go to the evening service at our church. I heard the doorbell ring and looked outside the window to see a white station wagon which I recognized as that of our friends Mario and Cathy Rossetti. They lived just around the corner and our kids attended the same school. As I opened the front door, Mario began unloading boxes filled with gifts. The boxes kept coming and coming. There must have been fifteen boxes or more. I noticed they were all wrapped in white tissue paper. “What is this?” I asked. But before Mario could answer, my eyes scanned several packages. Each one was marked “Family B”! “Oh,” I grabbed my heart! “The jeans with the pink flowers and the panda bear sweater. They’re in one of these boxes! The gray sweater vest. It’s in there too!” Then I remembered Hal saying, “We must always give God our best.” I breathed an awe-filled prayer. “Lord, You knew this all along! When I was standing in line at K-Mart complaining, You knew. When You led me to read the verse in Ecclesiastes, ‘Cast your bread upon the waters and you will find it after many days,’ You knew!” How had I ever doubted God’s Word? A half-hour later, Hal pulled into the driveway after running errands. “Hurry, we’re late for church!” “Hal,” I said. “Could you come to the bedroom for just a moment? I have something to show you!” “I’ll look at it later,” he said. “We’re going to be late.” “You have to come now,” I said, and I took his arm and directed him into our bedroom. There, on the floor, were the furniture, and everywhere in between were boxes and boxes of gifts. “What is all this?” he exclaimed. “Do you know who Family B is?” I asked. “No, who?” he said. “WE are Family B! WE are Family B…you, Nicole, and me!” On Christmas Day we opened our presents. Among the gifts were a man’s gray sweater vest size medium, and size five girl’s jeans with pink flowers on the pocket, and a matching panda bear sweater and pink shirt. “But what about the poor little girl?” Nicole asked as she opened her gift. It would be years before she would learn the significance of that Christmas gift. It had been only a few years before this that the Lord had called us to leave our secular jobs and start the Christian ministry which is now BridgeBuilders. We didn’t yet have many supporters, and we often went without a salary. We were completely dependent on the Lord to provide for our needs. During the week between Christmas and New Year’s, we received a call from a pastor in another town. He and his wife were coming to Phoenix and wanted to stop by and drop off a gift. We were excited to see our friends and receive what I thought was to be the gift of a turkey. “We can definitely use it!” I said out loud. We opened the door wide and greeted the couple. As they entered, the pastor pulled a check out of his pocket and handed it to Hal. We learned that the pastor had challenged his congregation to give to the Christmas missions fund the same amount of money they were giving in gifts to their friends and family. The collection had been split between our family and an overseas missionary. Hal and I looked at the check…it was made out for $1500! Fifteen hundred dollars! Exactly enough money to catch up on our home mortgage payments. Pray with me: Father, through the years, when money is tight and pressures grow great, You often remind me of this story. I know You never want us to forget that we are in a covenant relationship with You, and that if we will act in obedience to plant seeds of kindness, love, and resources, You will be faithful to multiply them. You said, “Give and gifts will be given you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will they pour into your bosom. For with the measure you use when you confer benefits on others—it will be measured back to you” (Luke 6:38). Help us to become even more like You, Father, and Your giving heart. You gave first, and You gave the greatest gift. Amen. ************************ Today’s post was contributed by Cheryl Sacks. You can learn more about Cheryl and Hal’s work at and Click on the link below to watch the full video.
  2. 6 min read September 16, 2024 Introduction As the flames of hell threaten to consume so much of what we hold dear in America, our good friend and author, Cheryl Sacks, offers sound wisdom. Take it to heart, and pass it on. Her title is: When The Flames Reach Our Doorstep: A Call to Wake Up and Act It’s alarming how the urgency of a situation doesn’t hit us until the flames are licking at our own doorstep. I learned this lesson the hard way when I was just four years old. When my family moved next door to the Johnsons, their daughter Alida, who was my age, quickly became my best friend. In our rural area, there was no trash pickup or nearby fire department. One day, I noticed Alida watching the trash burn at the edge of their property. Thinking her parents had given her this grown-up responsibility, I was envious and eagerly joined her. But what started as innocent curiosity quickly escalated. I saw the Johnsons’ Christmas tree in the burning pile, and wanting to add to the excitement, I dragged over our own tree from our backyard. As the flames engulfed it, a knot of fear formed in my stomach—I suddenly realized my parents might not be too thrilled with my “contribution.” Panicking, I tried to drag the now-blazing tree back to our yard. But with each step, the fire spread across the dry grass, following us like a relentless predator. Alida and I retreated to a nearby hill, watching the fire grow. Each time the flames crept closer, we moved a bit higher. Alida, sensing the impending disaster, turned to me and said, “Cheryl, I think we need to tell our parents.” My heart pounded as I imagined the punishment waiting for me. “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I replied, my voice trembling more with fear than defiance. “But it’s going to burn down the clotheslines and the chicken coop!” she insisted. “We need to tell our parents.” Again, I resisted. “No,” I said emphatically, without an ounce of logic. Then Alida said something that shook me to my core. “It’s going to burn down MY house,” she said, looking at the fire with growing concern. Still, I hesitated. But when she added, “Then the fire is going to jump across the driveway and burn down YOUR house,” something snapped inside me. Suddenly, I wasn’t thinking about the trouble I’d be in—I was thinking about my room, my bed, my toys, my entire world going up in flames. The urgency of the situation finally hit home. “Yes, we’d better do something quick,” I said, and we bolted to our mothers. Bursting into the kitchen, I found my mom washing dishes. “I’ll tell you something if you promise not to tell Dad,” I bargained, my voice trembling. “What is it, sweetheart?” she asked calmly, not yet aware of the looming disaster. “THE BACKYARD IS ON FIRE!” I screamed, the words tumbling out in a panic. What followed was a frantic scramble. Our mothers called the neighbors, who called their husbands home from work. With garden hoses and water buckets, they fought back the flames, stopping the fire just before it reached the houses. The Fire in Our Nation Like the blaze that nearly consumed our backyards that day, a raging spiritual inferno is sweeping across our nation. Just as I passively watched the wildfire spread closer and closer to our homes, many of us remain unmoved by today’s critical issues until they threaten to engulf our own lives—our jobs, well-being, and children’s futures. But should we wait until the danger is at our doorstep before we act? The flames are already devouring our core values, destroying our families, threatening our security, and assaulting our freedoms. This surge has manifested in rising violence, addiction, persecution, moral degeneracy, and spiritual apathy. As Christian leaders and believers, we must now sound the alarm. It’s time to be on our faces like King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah, who, when faced with an insurmountable threat of destruction, cried out to the Lord in fervent and intentional prayer and fasting (2 Chronicles 20). Jehoshaphat called a solemn assembly, and all Judah stood before the Lord, acknowledging their helplessness and seeking God’s intervention. This is the kind of humble, desperate prayer we need today—before the flames consume us all. The Lord is asking MORE of His people in this pivotal hour. He is calling all of us to deeper consecration—convicting our hearts of the need for repentance, holiness, and the fear of the Lord. Now is the time for church services to turn into houses of prayer and routine meetings into solemn assemblies. The mandate is clear: God desires His people to be cleansed, activated, ignited, and moving in the power of Holy Spirit to fulfill His purpose for the Church in this strategic time in history. If we are to witness the profound spiritual transformation needed in our homes, schools, churches, and nation, we must be willing to sacrifice our convenience, time, and routines, devoting ourselves fully to seeking the Lord and obeying His call on our lives. We each have a part to play. What is yours? The cost is high, but the price of neglect is far greater. Urgency of the Hour Here in Arizona, Christian leaders are calling for statewide prayer, fasting, and solemn assemblies beginning October 1 and ending with a united prayer gathering at the state capitol on Sunday, November 3. Leaders in other states are making similar calls. Many churches are opening their doors on Sunday afternoons, encouraging believers to gather and pray for the nation. Imagine the impact if every church in America did this! We urge everyone to take this message seriously. Whether you are a leader who can mobilize thousands or someone who can gather a few friends in your home, I urge you to act now. This is not the time to sit in front of the television watching the news, wringing our hands, and waiting to see what happens next. This is the time to act! Scripture is clear: if we humbly seek the Lord, He will answer. But if we sit idly by and let the fire burn unchecked, those very flames that are lapping at our doorstep will consume all that we love and cherish. Hope in Action God always responds to the sincere, repentant prayers of His people. We have seen Him move in powerful ways throughout history, and He is ready to do it again. To Jehoshaphat’s solemn assembly, the Lord said: “Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow, go out to face them, for the Lord is with you” (2 Chronicles 20:17, NASB). The following day, Jehoshaphat positioned the worshipers out in front, and the people rose up in praise, thanksgiving, and prayer. The power of the Lord was unleashed, and their enemies destroyed themselves (vss. 20–23)! Let this be the moment when we rise up in the same spirit of faith and urgency, knowing that as we humble ourselves, seek God’s face, and turn from our wandering ways, He will hear from heaven. Let us call our communities to gather in prayer and repentance, just as King Jehoshaphat did with all of Judah—then watch God arise, vanquish our enemies, and save our nation. ******* Pray with me: Heavenly Father, we cry out to You to awaken, purify, and activate Your church. Strip away every form of complacency and ignite in each one of us a passion to pray and take action. Empower us with the courage and boldness of the early church, that we may arise in Your authority, break the chains of darkness, set captives free, and see our nation transformed in the power of Your Spirit. Our decree: Lord, we decree that Your church is a consecrated and mighty army, fully clothed with Your armor, ready to confront the spiritual darkness in our land. We declare that Your Ekklesia, empowered by Your dunamis power, partners with You to ignite a great awakening like in the Book of Acts. We proclaim that our families, communities, and nation will return to You and be saved! *************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ------------------------------------------------- Cheryl Sacks is the author of six books, including Fire on the Family Altar, a guide to igniting revival in your home and nation (Amazon). You can learn more about Cheryl and Hal Sacks’ ministry at and PrayerSaturated.School.
  3. 6 min read June 7, 2023 As I stated yesterday, all of our DSM staff work remotely, with the exception of the product department, and do so from 4 states. This has worked well, both for them and the ministry. Since we are rarely together, we have a week-long retreat each year to build camaraderie and necessary team dynamics. This is that week. I have asked five leaders, all of whom carry God’s heart for America, to do this week’s GH15 posts for me. They’re all OUTSTANDING! Today’s, by our friend Cheryl Sacks, is strategic and extremely important. She and her husband, Hal, are incredibly gifted prayer leaders for the entire state of Arizona, and Cheryl is also a great writer. (Do yourself a favor and read her books! You’ll find a link at the end of today’s post.) Their insights on prayer, revival, and impacting young people - including mentoring them as leaders - are second to none! If you follow the GH15 posts regularly, you’ll know of my passion for young people. Today’s post challenges and instructs us regarding prayer and action for this generation, which satan has so ruthlessly targeted. We must not lose this battle! Here is what Cheryl has to say: *********** The Crisis in Our Schools: “It’s Time to Speak Up and Step In!” Across the nation, a wave of fervent prayer for our schools is rising like never before. But what’s unprecedented is the extent to which intercessors are also “putting feet” to their prayers. This past school year, record numbers of parents showed up to speak out at city councils and school board meetings, joined education action groups, or ran for office. And, for the first time ever, the crisis in our classrooms is superseding political affiliations and uniting fathers, mothers, and grandparents. Concerned parents and grandparents are running for every position, from mayor to governor, in order to protect children and the rights of parents to know what is happening in their children’s classrooms. Politicians, school board members, and school officials who are not listening to their concerns are being removed from their positions and voted out of office. In Virginia, school administrators refused to talk to parents upset by pornographic and sexually explicit material in public school libraries! Then-governor Terry McAuliffe stated in response, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” This cost him the governor’s mansion. In Wisconsin, the Eau Claire Area School District was recently sued in federal court by parents objecting to school policies that promote students’ gender transitioning without the notification or involvement of their parents! Shockingly, the district’s official Gender Support Plan states: “Remember, parents are not entitled to know their kid’s identities. That knowledge must be earned . . . we must not act as stand-ins for oppressive ideas/behaviors/attitudes, even and especially if that oppression is coming from parents.”[1] One mother in the Phoenix area spoke out and stepped up in a dramatic way. Dressed as a cat, she addressed her local school board meeting and voiced her concerns about a male school board member who was dressing in his deceased wife’s clothing and identifying as a woman. The mom asked the parents and members of the school board who were attending the meeting whether they would address her as a cat if she identified as one. “Wearing ears, whiskers, and a tail does not make me a cat; neither does wearing lipstick and a skirt make this man a woman,” she pointed out. Her efforts paid off. She later received a surprising amount of community support after confronting the school board. Ultimately, the male school board member was removed from his post.[2] Now, that’s not to say concerned parents should show up at school board meetings dressed as a cat. However, if we don’t speak up and step in to push back against ungodly, destructive values in our schools, those with evil intent—who are pushing harmful agendas upon our children—will speak up, step in, and prevail. Do you think these destructive efforts against our children can’t happen in your school district? Chances are, they already have. Of course, we need to pray. Prayer should always be our first response, not our last resort. But often, as we intercede, God will call us to be the answer to our own prayers. Prayer will open up the way, but someone must come in and “occupy” the territory (physical or spiritual) for which we are praying. We must do more than fight a few battles; we must be present inside of, and bring godly values into, the places we want to see transformed. This is what God told Joshua when he was getting ready to lead the people to go in and take possession of the land God had promised them. God told Joshua, “Every place where you set your foot will be yours.” We praise God for the victories already won as believers around our nation have stepped into the fray and taken back territory for God’s Kingdom. For example, just recently, in a significant “religious freedom” decision from the U.S. Supreme Court, the high court ruled six to three that a public high school in Washington State violated Coach Joe Kennedy’s rights when he was disciplined and ultimately fired for taking a knee and praying quietly at the 50-yard line after football games. A lawsuit followed, and seven years later, our nation’s highest court agreed with our U.S. Constitution that Kennedy’s religious rights had been violated.[3] This decision importantly corrects the mistaken impression of many that religious speech and actions must be suppressed to avoid the First Amendment’s prohibition of “establishment of religion.” The majority opinion, written by Justice Neil Gorsuch says, “That reasoning was misguided.” This ruling should give hope and encouragement to Christian employees of our public schools, clarifying a First Amendment issue that has troubled our education system for decades. It will, for example, protect teachers who bow their heads to give thanks over their lunch in the cafeteria or wear a cross around their neck. The Supreme Court’s majority opinion mentioned those examples specifically. This ruling would also apply to students who wish to pray at sporting events or on school campuses, on their own time, or who desire to place a Christian sticker on their backpack or binder. We can rejoice in this tremendous victory to uphold religious liberty in our public schools on behalf of believers—parents, students, teachers, coaches, administrators, support staff, and concerned citizens alike—who are “speaking up and stepping in.” This results not only from excellent legal representation and the application of godly justice by the Supreme Court, but because of the concerted, fervent intercession of the Body of Christ—which, in Coach Kennedy’s case, persevered for over seven years as his lawsuit made its way through the courts! Let’s continue to intercede together and reclaim this young generation. Our prayers are making an incredible difference. Praise God! But we must not only pray for our schools; we need to “speak up and step in”! The Church is not supposed to be a “holy huddle”—rather, we are called to be agents of societal transformation. One primary way we do this is by using the spiritual authority we’ve been given in prayer, declaration, and godly action. Where followers of Jesus are absent, a vacuum is created. If the Church doesn’t get involved on both a spiritual and practical level, this vacuum will surely be filled by the philosophies and values of the world. Pray with me: Lord, we fervently cry out to You to activate Your Church. Open our eyes to see what is really going on in our children’s classrooms. Awaken Your people to get involved in the concerns and governance of our schools by voting, attending board meetings, and serving as board members! Make us “salt and light” to our local communities, and help us take responsibility for our young people and our schools, in Jesus’ name. Our decree: We declare that God’s Church is rising up into her calling as the hands and feet of Jesus in our communities and schools. In the authority of Jesus Christ, we break the power of the spirit of apathy, and decree an awakening over God’s people that will release them into passionate prayer and effective involvement in the concern and governance of our nation’s schools, for the glory of God! ************************ Click on the link below to watch the full video. --------------------------------- Cheryl Sacks is the author of Reclaim a Generation, 21 Days of Prayer for Schools available at Her newest book, Fire on the Family Altar: Experience the Holy Spirit’s Power in Your Home, available at, is a handbook to ignite revival fire in your home and nation and disciple the next generation to be reformers of culture. You can learn more about Cheryl and her husband Hal’s work at --------------------------------- [1] Sam Shilts, ”Parent Group Files Lawsuit Against Eau Claire School District Over Gender Identity Policy,, September 7, 2022, updated January 24, 2023. [2] “Mom Dresses Up As a Cat at a School Board Meeting to Prove a Point,”; December 15, 2022. Stephen M Lepore, ‘I’m a cat. Meow, meow: Mom dresses as a CAT and says she identifies as one in protest over trans school board member who ‘wears his deceased wife’s clothing in front of school kids,’, updated December 16, 2022. [3] Ron Blitzer, “Coach Joe Kennedy Celebrates Supreme Court Win,” Fox News, June 27, 2022, -joe -kennedy-celebrates -victory-supreme-court.
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