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Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Kazemi has been using the new exchange rate IMO all year from the CBI...Kazemi had to tell [the citizens] that there is a new exchange rate... [to] stop the protests... *** Jeff At the end of the day Iraq cannot go international if the rate remains below zero...it is a reinstatement. That means put it back to where it was in the $3+ range. Iraq has to put their rate back that's comparable to the region. None of the other middle eastern countries have a rate below zero. Some of the lowest rates in the Middle East are maybe down around where Saudi Arabia is - around a quarter. That's the low side. *** Tivon ...Purchasing Power for the citizens will come regardless of a new government or budget. Why do you think they have already completed the new salary scale? Because the EFSL covers what? All Contracts & Procedures. Not the GOI. Not the budget. At least for this year. *** Militiaman Article: "Iraq signs a memorandum of understanding with the United Nations on the digital transformation project" ...The CBI has hooked up to at least 3 key links to entities within the GOI for communication...It looks like we are in the READY, SET, GO... mode! ...I imagine that the GO part would be simultaneously with the FX. We surely can see the writing on the wall now.. imo
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat Article: "AN IRAQI OFFICIAL REVEALS THE AXES OF MONETARY POLICY TO CONFRONT INFLATIONARY PRICES" As long as they continue down this road of not allowing the outside to invest in Iraq and superficially holding back the currency from its true VALUE and thus reflect it in the RATE they will continue to have these inflationary crises after crises.
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Petra Article: "3 conditions presented by al-Sadr to reconcile with al-Maliki.. Get to know them". Sadr just laid down the gauntlet! Think of it, he sends these 3 requirements to Maliki (and the citizens of Iraq) for him to step up and face the judiciary for all the crimes he has purported to have committed. If he does not, then in all the eyes of the people and their justice system, he is considered guilty...What a brilliant chess move by Sadr... *** Frank26 A paradigm shift has occurred with [Iraq boots-on-the-ground FIREFLY] and the citizens of Iraq. They are no longer vulnerable. They are no longer sitting and moping, 'Oh, Maliki is taking over. Oh, Iran is going to take over.' No..! They are fighting and they are ready to fight to protect their country and the CBI...
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Jeff Article: "A deputy Sets The Date For The Election Of The Presidents Of The Republic And The Government" They're bundling the election of the president and the Prim Minister together. They only need about a week to complete both of these steps...Why one week? So they can revalue immediately after they do them that's why... I wonder how he knows this - oh yeah, it's just another opinion..!
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Walkingstick The CBI is doing a tour to...central banks around the world...with proof sheets of the new small category notes to be soon released. This may be done behind closed doors...or at the time when the exchange rate and the new small category notes are released. This information will be in print, we just are not knowing exactly when... *** Tivon Article: "Central Bank Governor: The banking sector is making progress at various levels" This implies that the deadline for August 15th 2022 for banks to get on the new platform is for late bloomers who do not currently have their affairs in order. The CBI can make their move now. Are they trying to get this deal done before August 1st? Seems that way... *** MilitiaMan ...The EFSL, it has wide reaching tentacles that allow for the many things to happen during the normal course of the day to day needs of the citizens and their entitlements. One of which is the changing of the exchange rate. *** Kaperoni Militiaman (above) says they must RV soon if they want a market economy...That's not how it works you build a market economy and then the dinar goes up in value as a result. Not the other way around...
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Mark In Iraq it looks like they are moving quickly to seat their government. We have a contact at an Iraqi bank that has a location in London….they are hoping to start exchanging early next week...There is a lot of discussion from Iraqi banks that have branches in other countries…so things are getting very, very hot. ** Pimpy Down goes Maliki. Down goes Maliki...Is this fight over? Or is it just getting warmed up? ...those audio leaks are coming back to bite Maliki right in the butt. There hasn't been an audio leak this bad since Watergate. Article: "Because of the audio leaks...A leader in the call calls for the dismissal of Al-Maliki from the party" Not only is this guy possibly not going to become the Prime Minister but they might oust him from the party altogether. Ouch! ** Nader From The Mid East I'm still seeing people saying $6. Six dollars will never happen. Like I told you 1 to 1 and then the float. Might go to $3, $3.20, $3.39 max...This would be nice...I'm ready; but it's all his opinion with nothing from the CBI to back it up. It has no real weight or credibility..! RON
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Article: "Trade confirms the preference of local companies in contracts and credits" Quote: Iraq is open to the world" Oh my oodness! If that is not the definition of Article VIII then I don't know what else is...You know they've been Article VIII for a very long time. You know they've been out of Chapter VII for a very long time...now the fact that the contracts are being rewritten? Wow. I wonder why? Because they were rewritten in the Iraqi dinar. Wow. I wonder why? Because the Iraqi dinar will be at a new exchange rate. I hope Frank is finally right on his perspective this time..! *** Nader From The Mid East The only people who can make a decision is the Minister of Finance and the CBI. No body else. No Al-Kazemi. No Maliki. No Sadr. No parliament. No President of the Republic. No matter how much power these people got...It's not gonna be the IMF. It's not gonna be the World Bank. It's not gonna be all that. It's gonna be the CBI. You have to watch the CBI...It's gonna happen when the CBI is ready...
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Tivon We are pushing through with continuous progress. I love where we are at. It's a beautiful thing I tell you. What Al-Kazemi pulled off is astonishing. What did Al-Kazemi pull off..?? *** Frank26 There are some gurus out there saying, 'It already happened. It's an RV. The RV is happening right now!'...it's not true...there is no RV. That has been accomplished years ago. This is an RI... *** Mark Article: “The government is discussing the dollar exchange rate and plans to convert 4 ministries to self financing” so with this on top of what Nader is saying that the RV is happening [See his post yesterday morning] …this is the chatter on the streets of Iraq... We are crazy close.
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Samson Article: "After the judiciary opened an investigation into the audio leaks, Al-Maliki may face execution or life" Quote: "If the recording is proven correct according to the judicial investigation, the penalties that will face those who threatened to kill, incitement to civil war, and incitement to attack a holy city, according to the anti-terror law, and the penalty is up to death or life, considering what was stated in the recording is a threat to Iraqi national security and stirs up sectarian strife according to Anti-Terrorism Law No. 13 of 2005." I hope he get's what he deserves, and that it sends a clear message to everyone..!
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat Article: "...IRAQ IS PREPARING TO JOIN THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION" Does Iraq need an international currency to join the WTO? No, they do not - however, I believe they are attempting to do so prior to becoming a full member of the WTO. Certainly an international currency would make it much easier to trade if you have a currency on FOREX. Quite frankly, I believe it would be extremely hard for Iraq to conduct major trading of goods and services with the rest of the world through the currency process of the auctions and being pegged solely to the US dollar. The risks would be too high and they know it. This is part of the White Paper reforms, to go to FOREX.
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Tivon I hope everyone is ready with the necessary resources to protect their money and also...to grow their wealth...The responsibility lies upon you. Lawyers, Attorneys, Accounts, Investment Advisor, Wealth Management, Consultants, Account Managers. You will have to cultivate business relationships with people who you are going to have to vet...their background...their history with other clients and their success rate. You being busy or claiming to not have time due to work is not going to cut it. [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned] *** Walkingstick Everything is ready at the CBI for the new exchange rate. The only only action right now is the constant recalculations of the barrel of Iraqi oil...What do you think oil is going to get to? ...$150. *** Samson Article: "Shocking number... How much is the percentage of 'idle money' in Iraq?" Quote: "70% of the money in Iraq is hoarded in homes, that is, idle, and far from the banks that, if invested, would move economic activities, explaining, that "leaving this money away from the banks is a strategic mistake that needs solutions."
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat Article quote: “there are fixed facts on the ground. The exchange rate of the dinar to the dollar follows stability, and it is not arbitrary, but rather a contract between the Central Bank of Iraq and the Ministry of Finance”. ...changing the exchange rate does not “just happen” on a whim by the CBI. No one is mysteriously just going to trigger an RV... Instead, it is a coordinated effort between the GOI and the CBI.
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** MilitiaMan Article: "The Central Bank: There is no future plan that includes changing the exchange rate" The deputy governor has stated what appears to be this same propaganda on more than one instance this month. Firstly, he is not the CBI Governor... Secondly, there is by far way to many good things going on to not change the exchange rate...they have every intention to bring purchase power to the citizens...I believe this...is smoke...The indicators are large that are still on track to make an exchange rate change. Kahdimi has said it himself...
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Sandy Ingram Article: "Iraq's central bank sees no reason to change the exchange rate of the dinar currency"...and has no further plan to do so in the next three to five years, state news agency INA reported on Sunday... citing the deputy governor of the central bank Ammar Khalaf... *** Mnt Goat If you are reading all the news articles from Iraq these days about the election, it will drive you crazy. There are obviously many who support bringing back all the corruption and nonsense of Nori al-Maliki days. Unbelievable..! Trust me on this one – Maliki will NEVER see the prime minister again..!
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Samson Article: "It Is Expected That Dozens Of Laws Will Be Passed During The Next Legislative Term" Quote: "the political differences are less compared to the previous parliamentary sessions, which enhances the hope of enacting laws, especially the budget for the next year, and even the introduction of the oil and gas law to end the file of selling the oil of the Kurdistan region of Iraq." *** Wolverine Guys we are very close now...Get ready to put on your seatbelts on as we will be going to warp speed anytime... I'm ready, but he has no idea as to how close we really are (or aren't). Keep pumping and talking to feel important...! JMO RON
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Kaperoni Paraphrasing from the IMF Article XIV, the IMF would like Iraq to create the conditions (a diverse economy) which would make possible a move to a more flexible exchange rate policy (float). Doing so would allow a predictable and gradual appreciation of the exchange rate..[Post 1 of 2] *** Kaperoni ...Triggered by oil revenues and the Balassa-Samuelson effect, to accommodate real exchange rate appreciation while keeping domestic inflation low...since that report in 2013, you can see they are desperately trying to create a diverse economy/private sector. Therefore, it is obvious this is the direction they are headed. I do not see any change in the dinar until such has been accomplished..[Post 2 of 2]
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Tivon Article "An Economist Confirms The Inability At The Present Time To Reduce The Exchange Rate Of The Dollar" ...The reason I think we are seeing continuous articles as to why they can't reduce the USD price is because Al-Kazemi has not been officially approved or voted on to run the country...They are nervous because they are not sure Mailiki is not officially out of power...As long as he appears to still have his foot in the race they will be hesitant to cause any upheaval. *** Mnt Goat Two articles in today’s news...brags about the amount of Iraqi gold and the CBI reserves. Why are they doing this? ...the rate of the dinar is now 1/6 of a penny and still under the program rate/currency auctions with all this wealth. It must change.
Happy Independence Day - July 4th Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat ...Let’s look at the steps of currency reform playing out: 1. They completed the banking reforms, 2. They hooked the banking and financial sector into the global financial sector (updating technology), 3. they conduct the reinstatement and the project to delete the zeros, 4. they can then limit the money supply, end the inflation and back most of their dinar with gold. Yes, gold backed and much more than is even required by the Basil requirements. Oh – but the dinar is just 1/6 of a penny? Why they constantly bragging so much? Are they prepping the outside world to get invested in Iraq in the near future? *** Kaperoni ...A news article came out quoting from the State of Law coalition that al-Maliki more than likely will be there candidate for prime minister...this is not good! *** Jeff Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq: The exchange rate cannot be changed, and this is the size of the gold and currency reserves" The way all this works is...before they can approve budget for the whole year of '22 they would have had to have change the exchange rate first..the rate has to be positioned and in place before the budget can get approved. Iraq has not done a budget for this year nor have they adjusted the exchange rate now you have the #2 man at the central bank telling you they have no intentions at this time of adjusting their exchange rate...none of this news you're seeing is truthful right here...
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy ...The rumor is Iraq is thinking about going to the gold standard which would be huge. But one of the things they want to do is they have to find a way to start lowering the number of dinars that are in circulation. The good news is that they're not going to replace the dinar which is the biggest fear. But what they're looking to do is reduce the amount in circulation. I have not heard how that's going to happen. [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned] *** Sandy Ingram Article: "Iraq Ranked 30th in the World And Fourth In The Arab World With Central Bank Gold Reserves" The Central Bank of Iraq has quietly been buying more gold for Iraq...The Central Bank of Iraq has moved up 10 spots on the table of countries with the most gold reserves...Iraq said in a statement that the purchase of new quantities of gold is an increase of 35%...
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mark Article: “Including Iraq, The World Gold Council reveals the reserves of the Arab countries of the yellow metal” in this article they are talking about the rankings- and they give Iraq #6 …but they have recently added to their gold holdings making them now #4 in wealthiest countries in gold holdings in the entire region… I find this article interesting because we just had one out of Iraq this week that they had upped their gold holdings to 130 metric tons… You have to ask yourself “Why this enormous jump from #6 to #4? What is the driving factor there? *** Frank26 Question: "Do you think they have to get rid of all the corruption first Before the rate change/RV?" Of course not. You're never going to get rid of the corruption. Never...the key is look where it's at now. Controlled..!
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat Article: "ECONOMIST: THE DOLLAR EXCHANGE RATE WILL NOT RETURN TO ITS PREVIOUS ERA DUE TO INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS" ...we read in this article that the “previous era” is referring to the old program rate and not pre-1991 era rate...Instead of changing the program rate back to the old program rate they are going to reinstate it and get off the program rate altogether...Also we read that the economic growth will meet monetary obligations of the World Bank...they already have a timeline set up for the reinstatement...This IQD will be reinstated. We will be going to the bank soon as they are just waiting for a “STABLE GOVERNMENT”. *** Walkingstick The CBI is meeting with the AMF (Arab Monetary Fund). The topic of this meeting is the "swapping" of currencies with a number of countries in the Middle East region. Why would you want to swap a toilet paper valued currency? You wouldn't..!
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Tivon Article: "The Central Bank announces that the Iraqi gold reserves have risen to more than 130 tons"...the reserves are prepared to protect against local & international changes! Consider what that means when you think about the 100 deputies signing on to follow through on what Al-Kazemi requested of them [lower the exchange rate]... Mazhar Saleh (Financial Advisor) said that they can maintain the purchasing power that will result from the reinstatement because of their reserves....
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Article: "The Central Bank announces that the Iraqi gold reserves have risen to more than 130 tons" it's much much more than that. This country is in such great position to add great value to their currency...why would you go all over the place and collect as much as you can in gold for your currency that is of no value? Because it's going to have value.
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Militiaman Article: "Deputy For Al-Fateh: The Exchange Rate Reduction Will Soon See The Light" ...100 deputies openly supporting the exchange rate change is powerful. They are campaigning. A sign of currying favor from the citizens. They want their purchase power. *** Kaperoni Local media announces today Al-Maliki will carry out a coup and become prime minister again...He is bad news for Iraq and is a pawn of Iran...Plainly put this is terrible for Iraq. Maliki is a wannabe dictator and has desires to control the central bank funds. Back in 2012, former central bank governor Al-Shabibi accused Maliki of stealing enough money to support 20 million citizens...al-Maliki has quietly as leader of the State of Law Coalition harpooned much of Iraq's success waiting for his opportunity to come back.
Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy There are a lot of different factors that have to be taken into consideration before they change the rate...the things that we should be looking for...are not being met. The government nor the economy is stable. They depend too much on oil. They need to build a private sector...Until those things are addressed you're not going to have any change in the currency... *** Tivon Article: "Al-Kazemi’s advisor: “relative” control over prices and food security will support us" There it is Ladies & Gentlemen...This means they can come out at a comfortable 100,000/100 USD at anytime. Which is basically a flat rate of 1:1 if you divide 1 by 100,000 IQD. Until Iraq has a reinstatement of their Dinar you will keep seeing the emphasis on this EFSL. This will not slow down.