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  1. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ***Sandy Ingram Article: "Oil Minister: We seek to maximize oil revenues as soon as possible" The Oil Minister in Iraq says oil prices will continue to increase by the end of this year. He also is in the process of maximizing oil revenue in the fastest way and still maintain the stability of the energy market and Iraq's share of the world's market...He is singing the same song that other ministers from Iraq are singing...Iraq needs a lot of money to bring the country back...they are talking about everything but currency revalue or float.
  2. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Clare *** Article: "Adviser to Al-Kazemi: Iraq is in an excellent financial situation, and it is time to quickly approve the budget" IT IS GREAT TO SEE THEM TALKING ABOUT THE BUDGET AGAIN..IMO ... THEY CAN LEGALLY SEND IT WITHOUT THE NEW GOVERNMENT IN PLACE ...OR THEY MAY WAIT UNTIL THE GOI IS RESOLVED ... BUT FOR ANYONE TO SAY THEY HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE NEW GOI TO SEND THE BUDGET IS WRONG ACCORDING TO THEIR LEGAL POSSIBILITIES.... WE SHALL SEE WHAT THEY DO!
  3. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Godlover Article: "The Federal Court rejects the lawsuit filed regarding raising the dollar exchange rate" This article isn't good or bad imo. We know that the CBI is in control of the rate, after the government formation of course. This article only states the obvious that the courts don't have the authority, & it does not tell us the direction the CBI will go. The 2022 budget opening will reveal that. ** BGG So why, exactly, do things not look good for us.? [Asked rhetorically?] 1) Never in the history of this investment has there been as much open conversation about their currency value and monetary policy as there has been for the last six months (or year). 2) Iraq has a caretaker government in place – there is no crisis. 3) Their recent elections show a distinct bias towards removing corruption – they want reforms, BIG TIME. [Post 1 of 2] ** BGG 4) Maliki is as close as he as ever been to having his crooked influence jerked up by the roots and removed – entirely. 5) If anyone doubts Sadr’s resolve and true intentions regarding “reforms” – He’s had nearly a decade on the sidelines to “stew on it” (where Maliki’s crooked dealings put him in the first place). If true reforms are what we are after – why is any of this bad for this investment? [Post 2 of 2]
  4. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy *** Article: "Adviser to Al-Kazemi: Iraq is in an excellent financial position, and it is time to quickly approve the budget" Even thought the election has happened and we don't have all the people in the proper places there's still the interim government led by Al-Kazemi... Quote: "the past month oil revenues increased to $11 billion dollars...a very large number that is not been recorded for 5 is time to present the financial budget law as soon as possible..." If you pass this budget that forces the continue with the reform agenda...
  5. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat Article: "AL-KAZEMI AFFIRMED THAT IRAQ WILL RETURN TO ITS RIGHTFUL PLACE AND ITS COVENANT KNOWN FOR ITS STRENGTH AND HUMAN AND GLOBAL PRESENCE" - We appreciate when these politicians talk about “global” presence or anything international. It shows they are thinking on the right track. Remember just 5 years ago this was not the case. *** Mark [Q? : What’s the news in Iraq , did they vote?] We are hearing from the 2 largest blocks who rarely agree on anything…that they have agreed and have things fixed…so guess we buckle up and watch this one…. I think a lot of it is just for show as we move forward. *** Sandy Ingram Learning how to improve your financial portfolio is a wise way to spend our time. For instance, what if the IQD floated to .25 cents next week or next month? If you had 1 million Iraqi dinar to exchange - What would do with $250,000 to build your wealth? There are hundreds of different answers to his question...research is always up to you... *** Mnt Goat ...I must tell you what the CBI and the US Treasury are telling me. They are waiting for the govt to be formed, hoping that the Iranian influence will be under control and have the least impact on Iraqi politics. Also that the Sadr anti-corruption policies work.
  6. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Godlover ARTICLE: "Shakhwan Abdullah: Parliament Will Punish Those Who Leaked The Parliament's Internal Communications" I am hoping that tomorrow [Wednesday] at the very least the POR is elected. A previous article stated that once the POR is elected, the government formation could pass quickly. Then once the government is seated they can then send the budget to parliament. God willing once the budget is read, voted on, signed into law & finally opened, we will see what we all seek. *** RVAlready I hope the court makes a ruling specifying the president, the PM, all the cabinet members, and the RV rate. I think these people have violated the constitution, and the federal court will now deliver the smack down. Anything else will just lead to more of what we have seen for the last several months.
  7. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat [Q? : So why is the rate being artificially suppressed?]...since the IQD is not yet trading internationally on FOREX. Once on FOREX it is governed by the market demand and other restrictions. The CBI can not manipulate it then. This is the real reason why they hesitate to reinstate it. They are corrupt and manipulating the rate. So, please don’t tell me they need to work on the economy or create more stability. This is all hogwash and subject to excuses. *** Nader From The Mid East I'm gonna tell you why the Supreme Court rejected the exchange rate - for two things. First thing is they don't want to be involved. They was the CBI to make the decision...I talk to my friend a journalist and a banker and that's what it says. Second thing they're not sure about the exchange rate. One day they say yes. One day they say no...I'm glad they they did reject it because they will ask for 1250 or 1200 or something like that. That's not good for us so I'm glad they did that. Now it's up to the CBI to make a decision...I think it's gonna change. I don't know how long it's gonna take but it's gonna change... *** Pimpy Article: "The Federal Court rejects the Lawsuit filed regarding raising the price of the dollar" What kind of power does the court have to do anything? ...they don't...the central bank is the one that will determine the exchange rate...So this [court decision] shouldn't be any surprise whatsoever...I'm not sure what the courts could do comes to the Iraqi dinar exchange rate. That's not their place. But every day it allows me to be more and more the role the courts are going to play in this election. Obviously we don't have to worry about the currency no more, they just dismissed it...
  8. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy If you're expecting Iraq to have an RI or an RV within the next week, two weeks, two months you are sadly mistaken. The first thing that has to happen is a government has to be formed... *** Godlover Article: "Lawyers and observers propose an extension of the Al-Kazemi government for a year to pass the budget, complete the dues, and overcome the political blockage" If that article is accurate, it only validates the next budget will not be what we all hope for. It speaks of K forming a new government within a year. Certainly no one could possibly think that the monetary reforms is going to happen prior to a new seated government. Many still talk about CBI being independent, which is fine...but there will still be the need for a new seated government prior. It truly is only common sense. I am actually hoping they elect to POR & maybe the PM on the 6th. This new scenario could drag on the whole temp term.
  9. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** MilitiaMan Article: "Parliamentary proposal to speed up the approval of the budget" I am liking this one. It is implying there is urgency and a need to see the budget through. The political stalemate is not helping anyone or anything. There has been passed precedent for the budget to be sorted now and that later if need be the budget can be amended. There should be no big problem. So, lets see if there is a budget submitted prior too the 04/06/2022 time frame for the Presidency. Sure will be in interesting time for all to come together. *** Pimpy Things that influence the exchange rate of the currency, whether or not you have a stable government is one of them. As you can clearly see they can't even get one established. That's not good at all. You're not going to see any type of exchange rate change happen until the government is put into place, they start doing their job, they start increasing the private sector getting people back to work...all these things play a factor in the exchange rate process and value - Not just 'oh they got a lot of oil.' It doesn't work that way...
  10. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Kaperoni about an RV based on political accomplishments such as seating of the new government. I assure you the CBI doesn't care, their decisions are based on strategic and scientific monetary policy. We shall see soon enough...IMHO..! RON *** Sandy Ingram Article: "Tourists trickle back to Iraq despite the dangers". Here's some really good news. Most western governments still issue travel warnings for all or parts of Iraq...the tourist industry is expected to increase regardless of the travel warnings... *** Pimpy ...Iraq, things aren't looking too good there. They cannot seem to get their government officials into office...they're supposed to have had already a president in place within 30 days. They obviously are a little past that. We're going on I think it's our 5th or 6th month and these people still have not got their president there. But now the courts are involved and threat once again of dissolving the parliament and moving into elections all over...
  11. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Samson Article: "Disclosure of the deadline for deciding the position of the President of the Republic" Quote: "The deadline for voting on the President of the Republic legally is the sixth of next the event that Parliament fails to resolve the position...the only legal option is to implement the article 61 First of the Constitution ...Article 61 includes two parts... The first is that the House of Representatives dissolves itself at a request submitted by two-thirds of its members...which is an unlikely option...[Post 1 of 2]. *** Samson ...The other for the Prime Minister to submit a request to the President of the Republic to dissolve Parliament...the President of the Republic will issue a republican decree to dissolve Parliament without the need for a vote by the House of Representatives. The only point of controversy in the second option is the absence of a legal text or interpretation of the authority of the caretaker government and the possibility of sending it to such a request to the President of the Republic...[Post 2 of 2]
  12. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat Article: "MINISTRY OF FINANCE SAYS 200 BILLION DINARS TRANSFERRED TO ERBIL SULAIMANI — " Remember what the IMF told Iraq on its audits - they must pay the Kurds on a regular schedule and not hold up their payments. This seems to now be occurring. There will be no RV without this steady streams of payments. So this is all good ...
  13. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Kaperoni The only logical and plausible way that the Iraqi dinar could go up in value would be gradually over time so that the money supply could be reduced simultaneously. A currency's value is never random it is based on a country's wealth and GDP...Iraq's own economists have declared that Iraq's entire net worth including all minerals in the ground (including oil) is only around $16 trillion dollars. Currently, Iraq has over 100 trillion dinar in circulation...The dinar appreciation has been discussed many times in Iraq including in the IMF's Article IV Consultation of 2012. The imf's specifically talked about allowing the dinar to gradually appreciate over time... *** Mnt Goat Article: "ALI ABDUL-AMIR ALLAWI, CONFIRMED, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 2022, THAT THE WHITE PAPER RESTORED BALANCE TO THE IRAQI ECONOMY" yes, yes, yes, this is exactly the talk we need to hear from the finance minister at this time. It is the White Paper along with pressure from all sides that is going to get us the reinstatement of the dinar back on Forex.
  14. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy This is good news. Article: "A rise in Iraq's oil exports to America in a week" The number of barrels of oil that they're sending to the United States has increased which brings more revenue into Iraq. As long as it's being spent wisely we should be happy about that...
  15. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON ** Sandy Ingram Article: "Venezuela's risky currency stabilization to tackle inflation" Venezuela's currency is up in value. Can the IQD follow? ...the new Bolivar has against all odds managed to stabilize the economy...We know Iraq has over printed its currency...We know that if Iraq decides to do what Venezuela has done and issues a new currency many of us will or might be in trouble with our investment unless we are willing or even allowed to travel to the Middle East to exchange our old Iraqi dinars for the new Iraqi currency...[Post 1 of 2]. ** Sandy Ingram Even then the fact that Iraq has overprinted the money may spell trouble for the old currency to the new currency exchange. It would depend on how many people, companies and countries show up for the exchange or even if we are allowed to make the exchange. This is all based on what if Iraq does what Venezuela has done. Iraq would have control over the new currency and it would be in control of their own creation...[Post 2 of 2]. ** Mark Some folks...are very worried about news out of Iraq. The election to choose the new president has been moved to April 3rd to the 6th now… But, I would like to again point out that they let us know on Monday that they can still move forward with committees, and Saturday they sat the finance committee. ...Since the finance committee was seated…the banking side and CBI are squared away and they do not need the rest of the Government to RV. If they do not seat a new government by the 6th, …the existing government just takes over again. ** butterfly Only 152 lawmakers showed up for the latest vote...For the third time, Iraqi parliament fails to elect a new president.
  16. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat Status of the RV...has not changed. The central bank of Iraq (CBI) still intends to conduct the project to delete the zeros as soon as there is stability in the government...Remember the project to delete the zeros is the next step. The needed financial reforms are complete except for some much needed laws to better control the independent banks operating in Iraq...I assure you just have faith and hang in since it is coming! *** Samson Article: "The Iraqi parliament fails for the third time to hold a session to elect the president of the republic" *** Mark ...if Iraq goes with the NEER (Nominal Effective Exchange Rate)...the rate will float. Right now we are hearing that if Iraq does go with the NEER the rate will be about $1.60. This can be used if Iraq gets tired of waiting for the GCR... They want the full amount of over $3.22 but may settle for the lower NEER rate to float if they have to.
  17. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy Sometimes countries will revalue their currencies from time to time. Most citizens won't even realize it...the only time you'll really recognize it is when you go to buy products and services. You'll see that either it went up in cost or went down in cost. This is from 2007 - Article: "Kuwait in surprise dinar devaluation" This happens in countries from time to time...guess what happened to the Kuwait people the day before this depreciation? What do you think think happened to their money? [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned] *** RVAlready Parliament getting dissolved would do nothing, and might give Maliki more of a majority. I am hoping if this is not resolved, the federal court will use extraordinary powers to appoint a new president of the republic, and he appoints a new PM. This might defeat Maliki and his friends. Sorry about calling Monday's posts Tuesday...RON A Brain Fart..!
  18. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Samson *** Article: "A legal expert clarifies the time period for choosing the President of the Republic and reveals the details of dissolving Parliament" Quote: "in the event that the new president of the republic is not chosen, the parliament’s presidency can postpone it until April 6 only. If we exceed this period...we will be facing an irresolvable failure, and Parliament may be dissolved...”
  19. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** RVAlready The end of the month is the end of a quarter. Shabibi said the RV would be easiest at the beginning of a quarter. Nevertheless, they'll need to have an operating GOI before the CBI will do anything with any currency change. RON *** Pimpy ARTICLE:"The United States intends to exempt Iraq from sanctions on Russian weapons" The United States it looks like is going exempt Iraq from having to honor sanctions against Russia and allow them to start buying weapons from Russia. Remember they're out of Chapter VII now. They have the right to start buying military weapons and start arming themselves and do what they need to do to protect their country. *** Holly ...We have been in this holding pattern for a long time. Once the damn breaks it will happen quickly. Iraq is to announce their president on Saturday. That should move things along for them as well.
  20. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Dinar Community Update *** Yesterday Guru Frank26 had an emergency surgery. It was a long and difficult one. He's recovering, talking, interacting and soon will be walking as he gains his strength. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he recovers over the coming days. I'm sure it's a bright spot in his day knowing the entire dinar community is wishing him well and a speedy recovery! *** Mnt Goat Article: "GOLD RESERVES IN IRAQ’S VAULTS ARE MORE THAN 96 TONS" Article Quote: “the gold reserves in Iraq amount to 96.4 tons,” noting that “Iraq is located in the international gold reserve arrangement in sequence 37." This ranking is very good considering over 250 countries world wide. Again more wealth so where is the true rate of the true value of the currency?... *** Militiaman The IMF has been active in giving support for a rate change. A reasonable one. With pricing of goods going up and extremely fast...
  21. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Sandy Ingram Iraq's gold reserves increased to 96.42 tons in the 3rd quarter of 2021... *** Mnt Goat ...This period of news evolves mostly around dealings in establishing a quorum in order to vote on the president in Saturday’s session 3/26... If the vote cannot be taken, the other options in the constitution are to dissolve the parliament and hold re-elections... We will have to wait to see what happens on Saturday... *** BobTheTaxMan For most people they sit in the fantasy're gonna be rich! You're gonna have mansions! You're gonna have yachts...! Really you're going to be in a completely different world. Most people are not ready for that. They're not ready...80% of everything you'll ever do is in those three things [Roth IRA, Gifting assignment, C.R.U.T.]. That's it. Those are the ones that will save you the most money. Reduce those taxes. And put you in a spot where you can succeed. I've sang the song. I've sang the song. I've sang the song...don't wait. [NOTE: Consult your tax and financial advisors at the appropriate time for assistance in saving/paying the right amount of tax for your unique situation.] *** Mark Good article out today how they will seat the government on the 26th and how they have everything ready to go Article: “A Sadrist source reveals what will happen in the presidential election session”..! Sadr refuses to put up with Maliki's antics, and I believe he has specific plans so they don't have to consider other constitutional options. Plus, I believe he has sufficient support to move forward...RON
  22. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Pimpy People are like, 'They're going to change the rate.' No. I already told you what some of the factors are. How are you going to change the rate if a government isn't even established. There's an election but there's no government. The budget hasn't been passed. There are a lot of other factors in there that need to be taken into consideration before you could talk about the exchange rate... *** Godlover Article: "Al-Fath announces the filing of a lawsuit with the federal court regarding the exchange rates of the dollar" Quote: "there is a lawsuit submitted to the Federal Court, to restore the exchange rate to what it was, and we are waiting for a response from the Federal Court." I pray this is not accurate, however most of the articles on the exchange rate either state the same thing or imply it. *** MilitiaMan Question: "Would love your thoughts on all recent articles that refer to the previous rate..can you really disregard the rate in Dec.2020 before they lowered rate of Dinar...?" A previous era apparently denotes a start and end time of a significant event...The relatively recent period since they devalued has far less impact than the era that was considered the GLORY DAYS of roughly $3.22. Those days had a rate that was not under sanctions. Like Chapter 7 has been lifted. Reverting back to program rate of 1190 would put them right back to a program rate and would likely not ever allow them into the international arena...[Post 1 of 2]. *** MilitiaMan The amounts of monies to be collected at the ports and borders will be staggering imo and will support far more than 1190 or even 1200. It will likely support an era of the Glory Days. They told us the worth of the Dinar in 2017 was worth $1.17 based off only oil. Add in the rest and inflation one should easily see that the REER will be a far cry over 1190. That will in the end be when the rate of 1190 or even 1460 is disregarded and rightfully so, by me. imo...[Post 2 of 2]. *** BobTheTaxMan The only problem we have is - the thing that we don't know - Is this going to be a free-float or not? Because if it's going to free-float it's going to have a lot of volatility... [NOTE: Consult your informed financial advisors at the appropriate time to concoct a dinar exit strategy that is best for you and your unique circumstances]
  23. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Dinar Community Update *** Frank26 is undergoing emergency surgery Thursday morning. He has been struggling with health issues yet continues to keep the community updated with his intel and analysis. He's a real trooper. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he undergoes and recovers from this operation. *** Breitling Iraq is going to benefit from this [Russian situation] in more ways than one. We are going to cut Russian oil off and these countries that were buying oil are going to spool up. They are going to be making even more money. *** Godlover What has been worrying me for a while is, yes they have been talking about the exchange rate a lot, only they are talking about the previous rate. The Kurds, oil & gas law & maybe one or two other issues I see needs to be resolved...I am just not seeing anything clear cut for what we seek, it is the opposite. Furthermore the government formation which is needed, is still going to take some time. As I had stated prior many times, the WP is not only economic reforms, but government reforms & the later comes first. I had hoped government reforms aka new government seatings would happen quickly, but reality is setting in. *** Pimpy Community comment: "I think they will change the rate because they want to. I'm very practical." I don't think they can just change it just because they want to. There's a lot of other factors involved. So be a lot more practical...I don't think there's an issue at the moment other than the fact that it appears that Al-Kazemi's administration wanted to make absolutely sure that they fixed the wrongs of the past and get Iraq back on track... *** BobTheTaxMan ...It's getting closer not getting farther away. When we take a look at oil prices...and when we take a look at the fact that Kuwait has been paid off, when we take a look at that now the competition that we were having inside of Iraq for, 'Gee, do we lean toward Russia? Lean toward China? Lean toward the U.S.?' Well duh! That's taken care of. Everything is aligning itself to the point to yes things are moving forward... *** Samson Article: "Al-Halbousi announces the date of the presidential election session" Quote: “It was decided to set Saturday, March 26, as the date for the parliament session to elect the president of the republic.”
  24. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Mnt Goat *** Article: "THE MONETARY IMPACT OF THE DOLLAR SALE WINDOW" What they are essentially saying here is that you can’t just abolish the currency window (currency auctions) without looking at the full impact as to why they exist in the first place. So, as I have been saying, they can’t just stop the auctions without replacing them with the reinstatement, thus using the dinar and not the dollar for trade. But to do this must create a demand for the dinar.
  25. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... RON *** Frank26 Everyone in the political arena of Iraq wants this to happen. Everyone knows that it's happening..! *** Mark They are planning on seating their gov. on the 26th…and seem very confident they will do so on the 26th. ...a slow day in the RV world....Hopefully the quiet before the storm. ...I do not know the timing…I do know it’s a “when” and now an “if”... *** Sandy Ingram New York Times Article: "Iraqi minister says high oil prices, if they last, could speed the shift to E.V.s" As investors you want to be aware of shifts and trends that could become commonplace...those flip-flopping short-wearing genius geeks in Silicon Valley have been working on a way to eliminate dependency on foreign oil. Iraq sees the shift coming...this is brewing in the background... *** Breitling [Q? : Russia...what's that have to do with Iraq? ] Iraq is kinda in the middle of it. They don't want to do business with one side or the other. They want to do business with both sides. They don't want to offend one side or the other. But that's over with. They want west. They want the U.S. dollar...they want to be able to do business with countries attached to the dollar. They don't want to do business with counties attached to the Russian Ruble...that's an easy choice for Iraq.
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