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Everything posted by gregp

  1. Don’t worry. We Americans are still here taking your evil crap. Find another hobbie or something. After years of your crap we’re all tired of it. Seriously.
  2. As they have for years. The croooks held cannabis away from us for years. God created it. It’s all about money. Thanks!👍🏻
  3. This coming from the same city they made it legal to walk around and or eat lunch naked at outdoor restaurants. Just walk around the skyscrapers at lunchtime and there will be naked people eating much under the umbrella. Lots of gearshifts sitting around the tables
  4. I wonder what kind of tools they have to torture our military members with? Brainwash videos, pamphlets, this is what will happen if you don’t get the shot you’ll die, and don’t forget at last the good old finger breaker always works. Don’t forget to smash their fingers with the hammer and pour water up their nose. That might forceThe poor bastards to get the evil shot. Again, unbelievable times.
  5. Maybe you can offer us some hope. We’re still looking. Thanks Artitech.
  6. Saturday. 👍🏻👍🏻
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