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  1. He can be taught! Well, kind of. Where's your PhD from?
  2. And, as usual, you missed the entire point. People on forums comment constantly on things that weren't addressed to them. That's the entire point of a forum. If every conversation was only between two people, there wouldn't be much point of doing it on a forum, would there?
  3. Uh huh. Remember my answers a couple years from now when you're still here waiting for your RV and reminiscing about the great Swiss dinar trillion percent RV of 2003. The grammar in your posts has gotten so bad that they're almost completely unintelligible. It literally reads like you're foaming at the mouth.
  4. Of course you think my answers are terrible. To you any answer that means you're not going to be rich is terrible. Lol, "taking over Adams weekly chat"? All I'm doing is answering questions in the lopster tank. Let's start with the first one, dontlop. What about this is wrong and/or terrible: You're only looking at one side of the equation. Dinar are taken in via the auctions, and then put right back into circulation by the GOI buying them from the CBI and using them to pay salaries, local contracts, etc. There have been numerous people, even hardcore RVers, that have been in Iraq and say there are plenty of dinar on the streets. Anyone that tells you that there aren't is probably just lying, or at least is just repeating guru lies. Read more:
  5. Acting like a troll in response to being called a troll. Gotcha. Check my post history. Tons of good factual researched information. I took a quick gander through yours, didn't see much in the way of research. Here's some good ones in case you have trouble with the search function: They've (Iraqis) been living in poverty for far longer than 10 years. They've basically always been living in poverty, because they're not a rich nation, and never have been. Pre Kuwait war their GDP per capita peaked at about 2300 dollars in 1980. To look at a country that would be far more likely to be considered "wealthy", the UAEs GDP per capita was 43,000 in 1980. Iraq has too many people. The UAE has less than 1/3 as many people and pumps 3 times as much oil, that's why they're wealthy, and Iraq isn't. Read more:[forums][sortKey]=date&search_content=both&search_app_filters[forums][sortKey]=date&search_app_filters[forums][noPreview]=0&search_app_filters[forums][pCount]=&search_app_filters[forums][pViews]=&search_app_filters[forums][sortDir]=0&search_term=&search_app=forums&st=175#ixzz2thmrMd1i Quote The dinar was devaluing long before the Gulf war even started, straight from the horses mouth. 1.86 dinars per dollar = 1 dinar is worth less than 54 cents. That's in 1989. The Gulf war didn't even start until 2 years later, and the dinar didn't bottom out until at least 6 years later. The gurus like to say it happened overnight, to make it seem like it increasing 100,000% overnight might also be possible. They're simply lying, as I've proven. It took years and years. People complain about the US printing 60 billion a month, and how it's inflating the USD. 60 billion a month is 720 billion a year. We'd have to print that much for ONE HUNDRED YEARS STRAIGHT to equal what Iraq has printed in the last twenty years. And to equal Iraqs GDP to M2 ratio (200 billion USD GDP to 80 trillion IQD M2), we'd have to print that same amount every year for the next EIGHT THOUSAND YEARS. Imagine we started printing 720 billion USD a year, six thousand years before Jesus was born. Only just now would we finally be arriving at a currency that was as hyperinflated as Iraqs. If, instead of taking 8000 years to do it, we wanted to do it over about 20 years (which is about how long Iraq took to do it), you know how much we'd have to print? 320 trillion a year. Every year. For the next 20 years. What you're saying, by saying the dinar can just RV back to 10 cents, is that the US could print 320 trillion a year for the next 20 years, and then after all that just decide that the USD is back to being worth almost what it was BEFORE we printed quadrillions more USD. Read more:[forums][sortKey]=date&search_content=both&search_app_filters[forums][sortKey]=date&search_app_filters[forums][noPreview]=0&search_app_filters[forums][pCount]=&search_app_filters[forums][pViews]=&search_app_filters[forums][sortDir]=0&search_term=&search_app=forums&st=175#ixzz2thn22nh7
  6. What this means, not what troll means. I'm waiting for you to explain it to us. BTW, just because someone says something you don't like, doesn't mean they're a troll. And trying to prevent people from being scammed is hardly trolling.
  7. I don't know what it means aits, why don't you tell us?
  8. I thought I'd help out by answering some of the weekly questions myself. You're only looking at one side of the equation. Dinar are taken in via the auctions, and then put right back into circulation by the GOI buying them from the CBI and using them to pay salaries, local contracts, etc. There have been numerous people, even hardcore RVers, that have been in Iraq and say there are plenty of dinar on the streets. Anyone that tells you that there aren't is probably just lying, or at least is just repeating guru lies. I've yet to see anyone even make the claim that they've managed to get a single dollar back out of them, so I'm guessing they're still jacked up. Will that change for the better soon? Who knows. You need small denoms for an RD also, so not sure why you think this would be RV related. Because they can't and there's no reason they could. Their currency is worth right about what it should be, which is painfully obvious once you admit to yourself the fact that they have many many trillions of dinar in circulation. You're really mixed up. It isn't VALUE that makes a currency desirable (after all, their 25,000 note is already more valuable than our 20 dollar bill, so why would they want to use a 20 dollar bill?), it's STABILITY and CONFIDENCE that make a currency desirable. Massive increases in value don't lend confidence that the commodity or security is going to remain stable. If you had 10 ounces of gold and the price shot up to 1 million an ounce would you hold onto all of it because you're confident it will retain that value? HELL NO. You're gonna sell all of it the second you can because you'll be worried it's an unsustainable fluke and you'd lose your newfound million bucks if you held onto the gold. I'd say that a massive RV of the dong makes even less sense than the Dinar, but it's impossible to make less sense than zero, so I'll just say both make zero sense. Who cares?
  9. Isn't the Google ad that says "Invest in Vietnamese dong and become a millionaire" technically illegal? I understand they're just saying you'll be a "millionaire" in Vietnam (which means you've got about 50 bucks IIRC), but MSBs aren't allowed to promote currencies as investments, are they? It says invest right in the ad, seems like promoting an investment to me. 100,000% RV?
  10. I wonder why they never had a second debate in the debate forum. Seems pretty dumb to create an entire subforum just for one debate. I guess they never had another one because JMW bent sonny1 over and beat him like a red headed stepchild.
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