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Everything posted by ColonelKurtz

  1. Thank you xyzzy for your posts again. Betty, you are responding with more attacks and not an actual discussion. You start your post claiming I wasn't being attacked, and end it by telling me I have a personality disorder. Apparently I need to have invested in dinar, and now regret my investment to discuss this logically. I clearly stated my intentions of being here, mainly to thank the posters who discuss things with respect and common sense. I do not have to own dinar to know others who have invested, to research this matter, or to discuss it civilly. Also, I would love to hear who you and others "suspect i am," considering this is the first time I have ever entered the dinar world at all. Again, I feel I have openly expressed my intentions here but to clarify... I am not trying to dissuade anyone who owns dinar from holding hope in their dream. I'm not here to start arguments or flame wars. I am here to thank the members who post logically, and to point out what I see as obvious fallacies in logic. I do not do this to be a "saint" as someone claimed, I am doing this because I know this site is heavily trafficked, and feel that potential investors should see something other than Aqua Dude claiming every RD article is for an RV. I do this because I can see the trouble blind faith has caused in many lives, and know that some people will invest more than they can afford. Again, I am not trying to dissuade any dinar holders. My posts are meant to encourage non-investors to research the dinar objectively before spending money on it. I'm sorry if that seems preachy to you, but shouldn't there be a balance on this forum for the many (thousands? more?) people who choose to visit this site before investing? What is the motivation for the alleged "loppers" on this forum? To Sansoucci: My interest in dinar investment has been going on for many months since I was first introduced to the idea. I find the faith vs. facts argument very interesting. Again, I am not here to discourage current holders, only to level the playing field so that possible future investors aren't tricked by the clear lies and/or delusions of posters such as Aqua Dude
  2. Does this mean you don't have an answer to my question? Just more attacks?
  3. Carrello, there are currently 29 trillion dinars in circulation. There is 10.2 trillion US dollars according to the last M3 figures. This means that an RV of 1.00 would make the Iraqi money supply worth almost 3 times the United States money supply. With roughly %10 of the population of the United States, and an economy 150x smaller, do you believe the Iraqi currency as a whole should be the most powerful currency in the world? As a FIAT currency that is not backed by oil, the oil reserves of the country make no difference to the currency value, remember. Please explain to me how these numbers would allow Iraq to claim themselves 1,000x more wealthy than they currently are and why any other country would be happy to deal with this change in exchange rate. And I will return your challenge in kind, can you show me hard data that would allow Iraq to support a significant RV? Clearly the currency numbers are more than enough to prove this impossible...
  4. I'm not telling anyone what to do with their dinar, I'm just asking people to do their own research and for the pumpers to quit spewing lies that for some reason, many believe. I would argue it's much more like telling someone to be careful buying a car, and to research it thoroughly before their purchase, even though I don't own a car. Is that bad advice? As I asked before, how does owning dinar make you more of an expert? I clearly stated why I had an interest in this issue and what my motives were for joining this forum. But back to the issue at hand. Can anyone besides Aqua Dude actually tell me this article is about an RV? The reason I chose this thread to start talking is because I think it's a disservice to twist articles to fit your point of view. Maybe some objectivity will help non-dinar holders to decide whether or not to actually buy. That is my motivation, not to troll, not to anger, not to tell you how to drive, I'm just looking for objectivity so that interested parties are not deceived by the lies or delusions of Aqua Dude and others.
  5. I clearly stated why I was here and I know many people who own dinar, their wellness is the "dog in this fight" I have. I am not trying to advise anyone, I clearly asked people to do their own research and thanked the members who speak intelligently. Can you please tell me how owning dinar makes you immediately have "credentials" to talk about it? Because you spent money on this you are more informed? Anyone can read and research Francie. And I may not be very soft with my words, but I sure didn't call you pathetic. What is amazing is the logic that the "loppers" bring, and the pure emotion the RV'ers bring. If you want to argue that the article that started this thread has something to do with anything but a redenomination, fine. But I believe that will be just an opinion, as everyone here has.
  6. Hello everyone, I am new to DV and rather than hang out in the welcome section, I decided this thread was as good a place as any to start. First I would like to say that I have not invested in any dinar although my parents have and are following with the blind faith that many others have. I would like to thank the members here who speak up although their opinions are not popular. If you can convince one person to look into this "investment" more closely and perhaps not buy, I think you have done a great service. I think it is sickening how many people are waiting for this RV to happen when the numbers make no sense at all. Although I have been lurking here for atleast 6 months, I felt it was time to let the "loppers" know that they are appreciated by some, and to tell them to please keep talking some sense on this forum. I'm sorry I don't have a soft way with words, and I'm sure I will get attacked for this, but that is ok. XYZZY and the other members who discuss things logically, I thank you very much. Aqua Dude, I am sorry, but you are either a pumper, or really don't know what you are talking about. You constantly post articles that clearly state RD and then convince everyone it means RV. You may not agree with me, but I view that as a terrible disservice, and potentially damaging to people who choose to spend their money on dinar. I do not want to **** on anybody's parade and I'm sorry for the anger this post is sure to cause, but I feel if it can keep one person from wasting their money and energy on dinar, it is worth it. I have seen first hand what this blind faith will do to people, and hope that no one is relying on an RV to save them from financial troubles. For anyone not agreeing with me, please put aside your emotions and do some objective research. Look at the many scam warnings state governments have put out, look at the mathematical figures, and try to find a way that any kind of serious RV would logically work. Again, thank you to the members who use logic and actual research to support their views. And if you post RD articles and then claim RV, please stop. False hope is nicer than no hope at all, until it affects people's finances.
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