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  1. A visit is still unknown .. وفد من الـ”أف بي آي” و”سي آي أيه” يصل بغداد Delegation of the "FBI" and "CIA" Arrives in Baghdad تم قراءة الموضوع 18 مرة Topic has been read 18 times -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- الكاتب: المستقبل العراقي Author: Future of Iraq 07/6/2012 12:00 صباحا 07/06/2012 0:00 المستقبل العراقي/خاص The future of Iraq / special كشف مصدر مقرب من السفارة البريطانية عن وصول وفد “رفيع المستوى” من مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالية الأميركية الـ”أف بي آي” ووكالة الاستخبارات المركزية الأميركية الـ”السي آي أيه” الى العراق على شكل دفعتين. A source close to the British Embassy on the arrival of the delegation of "high level" of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, the "FBI" and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, the "CIA" to Iraq in the form of two waves. وقال المصدر الذي رفض الكشف عن اسمه في تصريح خص به “المستقبل العراقي” إن ثلاث طائرات خاصة قامت بنقل الوفد المذكور، موضحاً أن طائرتين خاصتين من النوع “عالي التقنية” نقلتا المجموعة الأولى من الوفد وتضم عناصر من الأف بي آي، فيما نقلت طائرة ثالثة تتسع لـ12 شخصاً المجموعة الثانية وتضم عناصر من السي آي أي. The source, who declined to be named in a statement singled out the "Future of Iraq" that three private jets transported the delegation said, adding that the two special kind of "high tech" were transferred the first group of the delegation and includes elements of the FBI, while the aircraft flew a third can accommodate 12 people, the second group includes elements of the CIA. وقال المصدر إن المجموعتين ستشكلان وفداً واحداً، مبيناً ان جميع الطائرات الثلاث حطت في مهبط الطائرات الخاص في المطار العراقي للطائرات الأميركية. The source said that the two groups will form one delegation, noting that all three planes landed at the private airstrip at the airport, the Iraqi American aircraft. وقال المصدر ان هذه الزيارة تعدّ أولى زيارات الأف بي آي بعد رحيل القوات الأميركية من العراق نهاية العام الماضي، مشيراً الى أن سبب الزيارة لم يُعرف بعد. The source said that this visit is the first visits by the FBI after the departure of U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of last year, noting that the reason for the visit is not yet known. وكانت السي آي أيه قد أعلنت قبل يومين عن إنها تعد العدة لتقليص وجودها في العراق إلى أقل من نصف مستويات حضورها إبان الحرب، طبقا لمسؤولين أميركيين على دراية بالخطة. The CIA has announced two days before it is preparing to reduce its presence in Iraq to less than half the levels of its presence during the war, according to U.S. officials familiar with the plan. وعزت صحيفة “وول ستريت جورنال” هذه الخطوة لحد كبير إلى التحديات التي تواجهها الوكالة في عملها بدولة “لم تعد ترحب بوجود أميركي كبير” في أراضيها. The newspaper attributed the "Wall Street Journal" This move largely to the challenges faced by the agency in its state of "no longer welcome the presence of a major American" in its territory. وذكر مسؤولون مطلعون على خطة التقليص أن وكالة الاستخبارات ستخفض نسبة وجودها في العراق ليصل إلى 40% من المعدلات التي كان عليها خلال الحرب عندما كانت بغداد تُعد أكبر مركز لعمليات وكالة الاستخبارات الأميركية في العالم بوجود أكثر من سبعمائة فرد من منتسبيها فيها. Officials familiar with the plan of reduction that the CIA would reduce the proportion of its presence in Iraq for up to 40% of the rates at which it had during the war, when Baghdad was the largest center for the operations of the CIA in the world with more than seven hundred people from its members in it.
  2. لجنة النفط والطاقة: قانون النفط الجديد سيطرح قريبا The Commission on oil and energy: the new oil law will soon be | | بغداد / اور نيوز Baghdad / Orr News اكدت النائبة عن ائتلاف دولة القانون رحاب نعمة العبودي ان الكتل السياسية اتفقت على أغلبية فقرات قانون النفط والغاز، مبينة ان مسودة قانون النفط الجديدة ستطرح قريبا. Confirmed the MP for the State of Law coalition Rehab grace slave that political blocs agreed to a majority of the paragraphs of the law of oil and gas, indicating that the new draft oil law will be soon. وقالت نعمة اليوم الأربعاء، لوكالة (اور)، ان " النقاشات مستمرة بشان قانون النفط والغاز منذ وصوله من الحكومة الى لجنة النفط و الطاقة النيابية"، مبينة ان "القانون يخضع للمقارنة بين قانوني عام الفين وسبعة الذي قدمه الاكراد و القانون الجديد". Said Grace on Wednesday, told the (UR), said that "discussions are continuing on the oil and gas law since his arrival from the government to the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary," indicating that "the law is subject to the comparison between the legal year two thousand and seven by the Kurds and the new law." واشارت عضو لجنة النفط والطاقة الى ان اللجنة توصلت الى مسودة قانون جديد سيطرح قريبا في مجلس النواب ، لافتة الى ان "القانون الجديد يحتوي على 54 مادة فقط هناك 49 منها متفق عليها و الباقي خمس مواد لم يتفق عليها لحد الان تعدمن الفقرات المهمة والجوهرية". She noted Member of the Commission on oil and energy that the committee has reached a new draft law will soon be in the House of Representatives, pointing out that "the new law contains 54 articles only There are 49 of them agreed and the remaining five articles have not been agreed so far Tadinm paragraphs important and fundamental." واوضحت نعمة ان" من اهم تلك المواد الخمس هي تكوين المجلس الاتحادي للنفط و الغاز و مراجعة العقود التي ابرمها اقليم كردستان بالاضافة الى دور وزارة النفط في هذا القانون بشان هل هو استشاري ام تخطيطي ام تنفيذي"، مؤكدة ان كل هذه المواد تمت مناقشتها و قريبا سيتم الوصول الى صيغة توافقية . She said a blessing that "it is the most important of those five articles is the composition of the Federal Council of Oil, Gas and review of contracts concluded by the Kurdistan region in addition to the role of the Ministry of Oil in this law about whether the consultant or a planning or executive," stating that all of these materials are discussed and soon will be to reach a compromise formula.
  3. Attorney charge likely exit from Iraq during the period subject to item VII coming Date: Wednesday, 25-04-2012 11: 06 am Baghdad (newsletter) ...Economy and Investment Committee Member said Parliamentary Deputy/National Alliance, charge/Faleh Iraq exit from huge item VII during the next few, after the return of bilateral relations between Iraq and Kuwait. He said charge (News Agency news) on Wednesday: after repeated visits by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to some Arabic and foreign States that have reservations on the Iraq policy of the former regime that prompted Iraq to "perils" and military wars, especially the provinces of Kuwait State of normalization of political and economic relations sister return Iraq to its regional and international environment. He said that these visits resulted in several things flowing for Iraq and its people, through the normalization of relations between Iraq and Kuwait and the return of common interests between the two countries in all fields, especially after our Arab brothers in the embrace of Baghdad Arabic Summit, these are all signs of good in the near future to raise Iraq from under item VII and grant full sovereignty and freedom in the disposition of his assets. President Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion of Kuwait in 1990, on the impact of sanctions imposed on Iraq by the international community and development under item 7 which makes him a threat to global peace and security. The sanctions included a ban of importation of chemicals and nuclear technology that might be used in clandestine programmes of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, the United Nations has allowed in 1995 for Iraq to sell oil in exchange for obtaining food, the so-called "oil for food" programme No. 986./finished/8 n. p.
  4. Baghdad (NINA) - First Deputy of Parliament Speaker, Qusay Al Suhail, discussed with head of the UN mission in Iraq, Martin Kobler, the role of the UN and the political situation in Iraq and the region. He stressed, according to a statement issued by his media office "the importance of the UN role in Iraq and the need to strengthen it through the support of building constitutional and democratic institutions," calling on the UN to "support Iraq and help it exit Chapter VII." The two sides stressed "the importance of resolving pending issues between the political blocs through dialogue and Constitution and to avoid media escalation which does not serve the political process only, but also leaves negative effect on the level of services, construction, and economy in addition to its effects on citizens." For his part, Kobler expressed "the UN readiness to provide ways and means that will support the political process in Iraq and the democratic system in it." /End/
  5. Vice-Sabi: The National Conference depends on the consensus of the Preparatory Committee to ensure that failure بتاريخ : الأحد 08-04-2012 01:43 مساء On: Sun 08/04/2012 13:43 بغداد(الاخبارية)..أكد النائب عن /الكتلة الصابئية/ خالد امين، إن عقد المؤتمر الوطني سيعتمد على ما تتوصل إليه اللجنة التحضيرية الى نسبة من الاتفاق لحل المشاكل العالقة للضمان بعدم فشله. Baghdad (news) .. MP for the / mass Alsabih / Khalid Amin, The National Conference will depend on the findings of the Preparatory Committee to the proportion of the agreement to resolve outstanding problems to ensure no failure. وقال امين في تصريح (للوكالة الاخبارية للانباء)اليوم الاحد: مهما تكون حجم المشاكل العالقة بين الكتل السياسية في النهاية لا بد من إذابة الجليد والتوصل الى أتفاق لحل المشاكل العالقة ما بين الكتل السياسية . Amin said in a statement (of the Agency news) on Sunday: Whatever be the size of the outstanding problems between the political blocs in the end we must break the ice and reach agreement to resolve outstanding problems between the political blocs. وأضاف: أن وقت عقد المؤتمر حتى هذه اللحظة غير معلوم لكن هناك حاجة ضرورية لحل المشاكل العالقة، مشيراً الى أن المؤتمر الوطني لا يمكن أن يعقد قبل توصل اللجان التحضيرية الى نسبة من الاتفاق لضمان عدم فشله. He added that the time for the conference until this moment is not known but there is an urgent need to resolve outstanding problems, noting that the National Congress can not be held before the preparatory committees to reach a percentage of the agreement to ensure that failure. وبين النائب الصابئي: أن عقد المؤتمر الوطني سيكون فاتحة خير لحل المشاكل العالقة بين الفرقاء السياسيين والتوجه الى توفير الخدمات للمواطنين. And the Deputy Alsabi: The National Conference will be a good start to solve the outstanding problems between the political parties and to move toward the provision of services to citizens. هذا ودعا عضو ائتلاف دولة القانون النائب عن /التحالف الوطني/ خالد الاسدي، الرئاسات الثلاث لعقد اجتماع طارئ وبأسرع وقت لبحث الأزمة السياسية الحالية، مؤكداً على ضرورة التمسك بالدستور فى حسم القضايا العالقة . This is called a member of a coalition of state law, MP / National Alliance / Khaled al-Asadi, the three presidencies to hold an emergency meeting and as soon as possible to discuss the current political crisis, stressing the need to uphold the Constitution in resolving the outstanding issues. وقال الاسدي تصريح سابق (للاخبارية): لابد أن تعقد الرئاسات الثلاث اجتماع طارئ وسريع للبحث في الأزمة السياسية ، التي يمكن حلها من خلال الدستور./انتهى/2.ل.م/ Asadi said an earlier statement (the news): You must hold an emergency meeting of the three presidencies and quick to discuss the political crisis, which can be resolved through the Constitution.
  6. الطاقة البرلمانية تطرح مبادرة لتسوية خلافات بغداد وأربيل Energy put parliamentary initiative to settle the differences Baghdad and Erbil بتاريخ : الأربعاء 04-04-2012 11:11 صباحا On: Wednesday 04/04/2012 11:11  بغداد/ إياس حسام الساموك  Baghdad / menopausal Hossam Acommok تعتزم لجنة الطاقة في مجلس النواب طرح مبادرة لرأب الصدع بين حكومتي بغداد وإقليم كردستان إثر التوتر الذي شهدته العلاقات بين الجانبين خلال اليومين الماضيين. Plans to the Committee on Energy in the House of Representatives put forward an initiative to heal the rift between the governments in Baghdad and the Kurdistan region after the tension in relations between the two sides during the past two days. ومن المؤمل أن تعقد اللجنة اجتماعا مهما اليوم لمناقشة الخلاف الحاصل بين بغداد وأربيل، وقال عضو اللجنة فرات الشرع في تصريح خص به (المدى) أمس "سندرج الخلاف الساخن بين الإقليم والمركز على رأس جدول الأعمال، والملف سياسيّ أكثر ممّا هو فني أو اقتصادي". It is hoped that the Committee shall hold an important meeting today to discuss the dispute happening between Baghdad and Erbil, said a member of the Furat al-Shara said in a statement singled out by the (long) yesterday "section with the dispute heated between the Territory and the center at the top of the agenda, and the file is more political than technical or economic." المبادرة على ما يقول الشرع ستكمن في تحريك الجانب الفني من خلال اللجنة، وتابع "أما باقي الجوانب ليس بمقدورنا إبداء رأي حازم بصددها.. سيقتصر عملنا ضمن الخلاف السياسي على التوصية ومتابعة التصريحات التي تطلق من وزارة النفط وتضييف المسؤولين لمعرفة مدى واقعيتها". Initiative on what he says Shara will lie in moving the technical side of the Committee, he said, "The rest of the aspects we can not express an opinion firm in question .. will be restricted our work within the political disagreement with the recommendation and follow-up statements that release of the Ministry of Oil and climb officials to see how much realism." وتبدأ مبادرة لجنة الطاقة، حسب الشرع بـ"دعوة كل الكتل السياسية للتوافق على تمرير قانون النفط والغاز الذي لم يرَ النور حتى اللحظة برغم تأسيسه منذ سنوات عدة وفي حال إقراره سيعمل على تقويض الخلافات بين الطرفين". And start an initiative to the Committee on Energy, as al-Shara to "invite all the political blocs to agree to pass the oil and gas law, who did not see the light until the moment despite its inception several years ago and if approved, will serve to undermine the differences between the parties." وخلص عضو لجنة الطاقة إلى "إننا سنقرأ الواقع بشكل جيد وسنشكل لجاناً تحقيقية وسنطلع على التقارير المحايدة من اجل إيجاد حلول مناسبة للخلاف بين بغداد وأربيل وستكون هناك لجنة ثلاثية من رئاسة إقليم كردستان وحكومة بغداد ولجنة الطاقة والنفط النيابية لحسم الأمور الخلافية بينهما إدراكا من اللجنة أن هناك آثارا سلبية ستنجم نتيجة الخلافات خاصة على مستوى التصدير والإنتاج للنفط العراقي". And concluded that a member of the Energy Commission to "We will read really well and we will form committees investigative and we will share the reports neutral in order to find appropriate solutions to the dispute between Baghdad and Erbil, and there will be a tripartite committee of the Presidency of the Kurdistan region and the Baghdad government and the Committee on Energy and Petroleum representative to resolve the controversy between them aware of the Committee that there negative impacts will result as a result differences especially at the level of production and export of Iraqi oil. " تأتي مبادرة لجنة الطاقة بعد ساعات من التصعيد الإعلامي بين بغداد وأربيل، اثر وقف إقليم كردستان تصدير النفط حتى إشعار آخر بسبب خلافات مالية مع بغداد، مبينة أن الحكومة المركزية "لم تحترم" التزاماتها بدفع مستحقات مالية للإقليم، أمر رد عليه نائب رئيس الوزراء لشؤون الطاقة حسين الشهرستاني بأنها ستحمل أربيل كامل التبعات المالية من موازنة الإقليم. Comes the initiative of the Committee on Energy, hours after the media escalation between Baghdad and Erbil, following the cessation of the Kurdistan region oil exports until further notice due to financial disputes with Baghdad, indicating that the central government "did not respect" its obligations to pay financial dues to the region, is replied by the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussein al-Shahristani, will be charged as Erbil full financial implications of the budget of the region. المتحدث باسم التحالف الكردستاني مؤيد الطيب قال في تصريح لـ(المدى) أمس إن الخلاف مع الشهرستاني ليس وليد اللحظة إنما هو قديم منذ أن كان يشغل منصب وزير النفط. Spokesman for the Kurdistan Alliance, a pro-Tayeb said in a statement (range) said yesterday that the conflict with al-Shahristani is not fortuitous but is old since he was a former minister of oil. واعتبر التحالف أن نائب رئيس الوزراء يسعى إلى إشعال فتيل الحرب مع الإقليم، إذ ذكر الطيب "إن تصريحاته تُعتبر بمثابة قرع طبول الحرب ضد إقليم كردستان"، مبينا أن "الشهرستاني سيكون وحيدا إذا أراد الحرب على كردستان كون الشعب العراقي يرفض المشاركة بحرب ثانية ضد الإقليم". He said the coalition that the Deputy Prime Minister seeks to ignite a war with the region, as mentioned good "that his comments are a drumbeat of war against the Kurdistan region," noting that "al-Shahristani, will be alone if he wants the war in Kurdistan, the fact that the Iraqi people refuse to participate war again against the region ". غير أن المتحدث باسم الشهرستاني، فيصل عبد الله أكد أن الأخير يمتلك أدلة ووثائق وأرقاما تثبت "سرقة إقليم كردستان للنفط"، وقال "كان من المفترض أن يسلمونا 175 ألف برميل نفط يوميا لكن الأرقام لم تتجاوز الـ 92 ألف برميل"، نافيا أن يكون هناك خلاف سياسي بين الطرفين وقال انه فني فحسب، وأردف "كان لدينا وثائق تم اطلاع الشعب العراقي عليها". However, the spokesman for al-Shahristani, Faisal Abdullah stressed that the latter has the evidence, documents and figures prove "theft of the Kurdistan region of oil," said "was supposed to Islmona 175 thousand barrels of oil a day but the numbers did not exceed the 92 thousand barrels," denying that there will be political dispute between the parties and said he was only a technical, and added, "We had been informed of documents by the Iraqi people." واقر عبد الله أن المشاكل بين الشهرستاني والإقليم قديمة منذ أن كان الأول وزيرا للنفط، وقال "حينها وقع عقود التراخيص وأبهرت العالم.. لكن الإقليم لم يمتثل لها وابرم عقودا عدة دون علم بغداد.. وهذا خلاف الدستور". He acknowledged that Abdullah al-Shahristani, the problems between the old and the region since he was first minister of oil and said, "then signed licensing contracts and impressed the world .. but the region has not complied with, and signed several contracts without the knowledge of Baghdad .. and this is contrary to the Constitution."
  7. Oh sorry....yes this was posted already...mods could you close this please...thank you!
  8. Central Bank: the counterfeit currency is a media statements Capt. Naseer Posted 28/02/2012 06:56 PM Baghdad: Detect Iraqi Central Bank Governor of the Bank during the coming period to cancel the zeros of the Iraqi currency in order to absorb the inflation of the Iraqi market as well as reducing the size of the Iraqi currency currently in circulation is an existing project will see the light in the coming days after the completion of it, pointing out that there is an integrated study on the matter and in the final stages of discussions, the decision was taken and must be submitted to the relevant authorities for the purpose of legislation by the House of Representatives and the Council of Ministers. Dr. Shabibi in an exclusive interview with (the people) shall be published later that the removal of zeros from the Iraqi currency at the moment was inevitable and will contribute to facilitate the work of the government and Atathirat real current economic situation, stressing that it will be canceled three zeros from the current currency will be printed six to seven categories of a new Iraqi cash. Shabibi said that the central bank supervision and the role of Sergeant on the performance of all government and private banks and is also evaluating its performance on a regular basis which improves the performance of the banking system. And his view of the federal budget, which passed last week Shabibi noted that it's budget ambition and budget execution properly is the one who will create some sort of supply and which will therefore reduce the rate of inflation happening in the country and not to influence the economic stability and needs to be an act of solidarity significant of all. And the size of the money presented by the Central Bank in the Iraqi market, said the governor that he was more than 150 dollars Mellon on a daily basis and are purchased by the government and private banks and is subject to constant monitoring and supervision by the Central Bank of Iraq. On the other hand denied Shabibi the existence of any negative economic impact on the spread of counterfeit currency in the local market in Iraq, noting that the issue of counterfeiting, was given a size bigger than true to size, explaining that the process of fraud are almost non-existent in the market and there was a fraud he is by people specific and does not affect the money supply in the domestic market in any way and that the bank has the financial capacity of the enormous and that through which it can influence a course of the domestic market, saying "We are preparing the largest player in the domestic market and control the course of events in economic terms, and I confirm that the currency issue false statements to the media is just to change my actual facts and not on the ground and have no real impact on real perspective.
  9. Thanks! speculatorsRide and SurfingTheDinarWave for pointing that are right, on the first page it says issue Sunday 8/14/11 that probably is a copyright date for the website.
  10. Wow you must have a great memory!! You saw this before..... So sorry everyone yes this is from 2005.
  11. Barboza; I'm not sure.... it is all in Arabic Sorry about the link here is the link without being translated by google.
  12. Economic reports : The Governor of Central Bank: ميزانية هذا العام ركزت على زيادة حجم الاستثمار في العراق This year's budget focused on increasing the volume of investment in Iraq شبكة الإعلام العراقي Iraqi Media Network اوضح الدكتور سنان الشبيبي محافظ البنك المركزي بأن ميزانية هذا العام ميزانية استثمارية لانها ركزت على زيادت حجم الاستثمار. Said Dr. Shabibi Central Bank Governor that the budget for this year's investment budget because it focused on the size of the investment Ziada. واكد الشبيبي بأن دور البنك المركزي يتمثل في معالجة الاختلال الذي سينجم عن عملية التنمية التي ستتمخض عن تغييرات في البنية الاقتصادية الارتكازية. Shabibi said that the Central Bank's role is to address the imbalance that would result from the development process that will come from changes in economic structure are basic. مشيرا الى ان عمل البنك المركزي هو تحقيق التنمية في بيئة نقدية مستقرة من خلال الاهتمام بكل الوسائل والسياسات التي تحقق الاستقرار الاقتصادي واعتدال البيئة السوية ونسبة تضخم معتدل. He pointed out that the Central Bank is to achieve development in a stable monetary environment through attention to all means and policies to achieve economic stability and moderation in the environment and the normal rate of inflation moderate. وتابع: ان علاقتنا بالميزانية تتعلق بالحفاظ على مواردها، ويتم ذلك عن طريق مكافحة التضخم. He continued that our budget relating to the conservation of its resources, and is done by fighting inflation. مؤكدا بأن البنك قام بالعديد من الاجراءات ومنها رفع سعر صرف الدينار. He stressed that the bank had a number of measures including raising the dinar exchange rate. مشيرا الى ان هذا الاجراء اثر على الميزانية من خلال التأثير على القدرة الشرائية للحكومة، وسيزداد من خلال معالجة التضخم. Indicating that the effect of this action on the budget through the influence on the purchasing power of the government, will increase by addressing inflation. واضاف الشبيبي: ان هذه السياسة ستعمل على زيادة الثقة بالدينار مما سيسحب نوعا من الاموال للقطاع المصرفي وترشيد الانفاق الحكومي لما له من تأثير على التضخم. Shabibi said: that this policy will increase the confidence in dinars, which will pull some of the money to the banking sector and the rationalization of government spending because of its impact on inflation. منوها الى ان هذا الاجراء يؤدي الى خفض اسعار سلع الاستيراد مثل استيراد القطاع الخاص واستيرادات الحكومة للتنمية التي تأتي من تحويل الدينار العراقي الى دولار. He indicated that this procedure leads to a reduction in import prices of goods such as private sector imports and imports the government's development that comes from the transfer of the Iraqi dinar to the dollar. واضاف بأن هذه السياسة في الوقت الذي تضعف من قدرة الحكومة على شراء الدينار فإنها تقوي الدينارالعراقي الذي تملكه الحكومة. He added that the policy at a time weakens the ability of the government to buy the dinar, it strengthens Aldenarabraghi which is owned by the government. مشيرا الى ان البنك يريد وسيلة تؤثر على السياسة الاقتصادية والنقدية من خلال جعل الدينار ذا قيمة وقوة. He pointed out that the bank wants and means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar valuable and powerful. ... &sid=23590
  13. Bayazid Hassan: the law of oil and gas will meet the aspirations of Iraqis in the development of the oil sector Ali Aldhargam - 12/08/2011 pm - 1:20 p.m. A member of the Commission on oil and energy in the House of Representatives Bayazid Hassan, the law of oil and gas will meet the aspirations of the Iraqi citizen in the organization and develop the oil sector. He told the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /: "This law will hold the oil sector in Iraq's provinces and regions, and the distribution of power in the management of oil and other riches. He continued: "This law includes the formation of the Federal Council for Oil and Gas, which is the highest authority for strategic planning of oil policy in the management of all oil operations in Iraq. He said good to the enactment of this Act will maintain the funds of investors will be encouraged to attract major companies and investors in develop the oil sector because of the legal framework for this important sector. "/
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