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  1. We are confident that the government will be on schedulePosted: November 24, 2010 by Justhopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics Tags: Ayad Allawi, Government, History, Iraq, Majid, Member of Parliament, Nouri al-Maliki, Peace Palace 0A member of parliament for the National Alliance MP Yaseen Majeed, said the political situation will witness a remarkable development in the consensus between the political blocs. He said Majid told the reporter that what will be tomorrow at the Peace Palace is a declaration mandated the President to the Prime Minister to form the government, indicating that the next stage is the transition very difficult and we stand together about it and Our big hope is the Prime Minister and the private We are in a positive atmosphere of trust and refer to the agreement and understanding between the political blocs. He explained that we are confident that the government will be on time and in the constitutional period specified. He pointed out that for the ministerial positions will be distributed according to electoral maturity and the next phase will witness a big change too.
  2. . . . . مركز الإعلام الاقتصادي يطالب بفك ارتباط العراق بصندوق النقد الدولي Economic Information Center calls for divorcing the Iraq International Monetary Fund الكاتب : العراق للجميع - 20:05:23 2010-11-24 Author: Iraq for all - 11/24/2010 20:05:23 . . مركز الإعلام الاقتصادي يطالب بفك ارتباط العراق بصندوق النقد الدولي Economic Information Center calls for divorcing the Iraq International Monetary Fund العرب اونلاين Arab Online قال رئيس مركز الاعلام الاقتصادي ضرغام محمد علي ان مفاوضات الوفد العراقي مع صندوق النقد الدولي التي جرت الاسبوع الماضي في العاصمة الاردنية عمان اسفرت عن اجراء جملة من التعديلات على تقديرات الموازنة العامة للدولة لعام 2011 بشكل يعطي مؤشرات اكبر من الواقعية وهو ما يضع القائمين على السياسية المالية في العراق في زاوية ضيقة. Head of Economic Information Center Dhargam Mohammed Ali said negotiations of the Iraqi delegation with the International Monetary Fund that took place last week in the Jordanian capital Amman, which resulted in a number of amendments to the estimates of the state budget for 2011 so as to provide indicators of more realistic, which puts Based on fiscal policy in Iraq in a tight angle. وطالب محمد علي باسم المركز الحكومة بفك الارتباط مع الصندوق فيما يخص القروض الميسرة التي يحصل عليها العراق من الصندوق مقابل حزمة كبيرة من التنازلات التي يقدمها العراق للوصول الى ما يسمى معيار الاقتصاد المثالي التي يضعها هذا الصندوق متمثلة برفع الكثير من انواع الدعم المقدم من الدولة للمواطن العراقي بغض النظر عن الانعكاسات التضخمية التي تتركها تلك الظواهر على الاقتصاد العراقي. And Mohammad Ali on behalf of the Centre Government disengagement with the Fund with respect to soft loans obtained by Iraq from the Fund for a broad package of concessions provided by Iraq to get to the so-called standard economics the ideal established by the Fund, represented by raising a lot of kinds of support from the state of the Iraqi citizen regardless of the inflationary implications of left by those phenomena on the Iraqi economy. وشدد رئيس المركز على ضرورة الوصول الى تلك المعطيات او اضافة نسب اخرى غير متوقعة الى العجز شبيهة بتلك المتحققة في العام قبل الماضي بسبب ارهاصات الازمة المالية العالمية والتي اودت باسعار النفط وهو ما حمل الدولة الى ضغط الانفاق وتقليص الرواتب والغاء العديد من المشاريع الاستثمارية. The President of the Centre the need for access to such data or addition of other ratios is expected to deficits similar to those achieved in the year before because of the beginnings of the global financial crisis, which has resulted in oil prices, which carry the state to pressure spending and reduce wages and the abolition of many investment projects. ورأى ضرغام محمد علي ان الاتفاق الذي تم التوصل اليه مع صندوق النقد الدولي باحتساب سعر برميل النفط بواقع 73 دولار وبمعدل تصدير مليونين و300 الف برميل يوميا هو حساب متفاءل قد يفضي الى نتائج عكسية وان العائدات المتوقعة ب60 مليار دولار من هذه الحسابات. He believed Dhargam Muhammad Ali, said the agreement was reached with the International Monetary Fund calculates the price of a barrel of oil by $ 73 at a rate of export 2.3 million barrels per day, is optimistic account may lead to negative results and the expected return of 60 billion dollars from these accounts. وتوقع ان تصل الى هذا المستوى المستهدف وهو ما سيضغط على فقرات من الانفاق العام للدولة ويؤدي الى خلل في الموازنة حيث ان سعر مبيعات برميل النفط العراقي اقل من السعر العالمي بحدود 6-7دولارات وهو ما يعني ان معدل سعر النفط العالمي خلال العام المقبل يجب ان يكون ضمن حدود 80 دولارا للبرميل وهو ما لا يمكن ضمانه في ظل سوق نفطية متقلبة. Is expected to reach this target level, which would press the paragraphs of the public spending of the state and lead to an imbalance in the budget as the sales price of a barrel of Iraqi oil is less than the world price up to 6-7 dollars, which means that the rate of global oil price over the next year must be within the limits of $ 80 a barrel, can not be guaranteed in light of volatile oil market. واشار محمد علي الى ان معدلات التصدير الحالية لم تتجاوز لحد الان معدل المليونين برميل يوميا وهو ما يرتب جهد مضاف على منضومة التصدير النفطية للوصول الى معدلات التصدير بحدود مليونين و300 الف برميل او اعلى من ذلك لسد فترة النقص في الانتاج التي تسبق صعود المنحنى التدريجي نحو المستوى المستهدف. He said Muhammad Ali that the export rates, the current did not exceed the limit now, the rate of two million barrels per day, which arranges effort added to Mndomp export oil to reach the export rates up to 2.3 million barrels, or higher than that to fill the shortfall in production that precedes the rise of the curve out towards the level target. وعد محمد على هذه المعطيات غير واقعية التي يفرضها صندوق النقد الدولي على العراق في تقدير موازنته وما يوازي ذلك من ضغط غير مبرر على السياسة المالية في العراق. Muhammad promised to these facts is not realistic that the International Monetary Fund imposed on Iraq in its budget estimate and the equivalent of that pressure is not justified on fiscal policy in Iraq. وطالب محمد علي باسم المركز الحكومة بفك الارتباط مع الصندوق فيما يخص القروض الميسرة التي يحصل عليها العراق من الصندوق مقابل حزمة كبيرة من التنازلات التي يقدمها العراق للوصول الى ما يسمى معيار الاقتصاد المثالي التي يضعها هذا الصندوق متمثلة برفع الكثير من انواع الدعم المقدم من الدولة للمواطن العراقي بغض النظر عن الانعكاسات التضخمية التي تتركها تلك الظواهر على الاقتصاد العراقي. And Mohammad Ali on behalf of the Centre Government disengagement with the Fund with respect to soft loans obtained by Iraq from the Fund for a broad package of concessions provided by Iraq to get to the so-called standard economics the ideal established by the Fund, represented by raising a lot of kinds of support from the state of the Iraqi citizen regardless of the inflationary implications of left by those phenomena on the Iraqi economy. وقال ان الموازنة العامة للدولة تمتلك من المرونة في تقليص بعض النفقات للوصول الى اقل قيمة عجز ممكنة للتخلص من هيمنة صندوق النقد الدولي على الاقتصاد العراقي للحصول على قروض لا تتجاوز ال3 بالمئة من قيمة الموازنة في احسن التقديرات. He said that the state budget has the flexibility to reduce some of the expenses to get to the lowest value possible inability to get rid of the dominance of the International Monetary Fund on the Iraqi economy for loans does not exceed 3 percent of the value of the budget in the best estimates. ******************************************** ******************************************** ******************************* ******************************* العراق للجميع بحلته الجديدة الان ..... Iraq for all new look now .....
  4. He pointed out that the decision by deleting the zeros will be followed by a period of awareness to dispel fears and shed light on the fact that the repair procedure is designed to facilitate the exchange will not affect the incomes and wealth WHAT DOES THAT MEAN ANYONE?
  5. httTable 10. Value of foreign holdings of U.S. equity, by major investing country and type of equity, as of June 30, 2009 Table A3 in the Appendix shows holdings of these different forms of equity for all countries as of June 2009. Foreign holdings of Corporate Mortgage-Backed Securities Table 11 splits foreign holdings of U.S. long-term corporate ABS as shown in Table 5 into those backed by pools of residential home mortgages and commercial mortgages (MBS) and those backed by other types of assets, such as pools of credit card receivables, automobile loans, or student loans. A similar table is not provided for agency ABS because most, if not all, agency ABS are backed by pools of residential home mortgages. In the June 2009 survey, foreign holdings of corporate MBS amounted to $266 billion, accounting for 52 percent of the $508 billion in total corporate ABS held by foreigners. Foreign holdings of corporate ABS and especially MBS were notably higher prior to the financial crisis. In June 2007, foreign holdings of corporate ABS amounted to $902 billion, with nearly two-thirds, or $594 billion, in the form of corporate MBS. By June 2008, foreign holdings of corporate ABS had Country or region United Kingdom 279 247 24 8 Canada 242 202 30 9 Cayman Islands 227 152 46 30 Japan 182 164 14 3 Luxembourg 137 122 10 5 Switzerland 130 89 33 8 Netherlands 128 73 51 5 Middle East oil-exporters1 110 93 7 10 France 81 67 12 1 China 78 73 5 1 Norway 73 71 2 * Rest of world 587 418 117 52 Total 2,252 1,771 350 131 Of which: Holdings of foreign official institutions 311 289 17 5 1. Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Billions of dollars Total Equity Common stock Preferred stock and other * Greater than zero but less than $500 million. Fundsp:// GO TO PAGE 15 AND PAGE 17 TABLE 12 AND 10 ON THAT PAGE SAYS ITS IN OIL RESERVES SUPER LONG FILE
  6. Iraq getting ready for stock market upgrade, currency revaluation Source: BI-ME , Author: Moussa Ahmad Posted: Thu August 9, 2007 12:00 am Back Email Print RSS Feeds Meet worldwide manufacturers, wholesalers & importers in Alibaba now! Run MS Office Pro 2010 on latest Win7 Ultimate OS to increase your business confidence Buy HP Pavilion laptop with Corsair DDR3 RAM for superb performance IRAQ. A private US investment company Sebastian River Holdings, with currency holdings of IQD 135 million, has issued a statement pointing to key developments in Iraq as the stock market is getting ready to enter the digital age, permitting non-Iraqis to invest for the first time. The news media, including the US network CNN, was in Baghdad this week to document the changes. “All shareholders can view this remarkable CNN special on our new website,” stated Daniel Duffy, President and CEO of Sebastian River Holdings. “The company believes that there will be a revalue of the Iraqi Dinar in the near future.” The company's website can be accessed at According to the 2004 law that abolished the Baghdad Stock Exchange and created the new Iraq Stock Exchange, the ISE is a not-for-profit, member-owned, self regulatory body approved by the Iraq Securities and Exchange Commission. The ISX has its own set of operating rules independent from rules of the member brokers and recently completed a draft of new by-laws. The ISX is a completely separate entity from the Baghdad Stock Exchange and is not responsible for any outstanding liabilities or obligations incurred by that organisation, which no longer exists. On its website, the ISX is committed to developing a transparent, open, and competitive trading environment. The ISX is financially and administratively independent from the Iraqi government including the Ministry of Finance. It is organised as a non-profit entity that is owned by its members, the brokers. It is regulated by the Iraq Securities and Exchange Commission and follows the operational procedures outlined in its by-laws that are fully compliant with the Iraqi Securities Law. With all the positive financial news from the Iraq government and the rate of the Iraqi Dinar rising from IQD 1,450 to one dollar, to a recent high of IQD 1,238 to one dollar, the US company said it feels that the Iraq government must revalue the currency to give all Iraq citizens purchasing power and a new way of living. A Sebastian River Holdings statement said the company currently holds IQD 135,000,000 and every one US Dollar upward movement in the price of the Iraq Dinar gives the company a profit of US$ 134.9 million or roughly an EPS of US$2.73. It was stated recently by Iraq's Minister of Finance that it is the country's goal is to see the Iraqi Dinar at its original value of one US Dollar to IQD 0.312 or US $3.20 to the Iraqi Dinar. With the US help and all the laws that have been passed, the financial situation in Iraq has dramatically improved over the last 12 months. Iraq has recreated itself as one of the world's few countries to be nearly debt free, and with up to one third of the proven oil reserves in the world and one of the first in natural gas reserves. With all this and still holding a large amount of gold and US$28 billion in the United Stated Federal Reserve, the US company said it feels that Iraq will accomplish its goal. Sebastian River Holdings is a holding company of profitable private companies, with a foreign currency division and two pending acquisitions with Pelican Capital Mortgage Lending and TCI Electronics. The foreign currency division currently holds 1,000,000,000 Vietnamese Dong and 135,000,000 Iraq Dinar. The ISE is online at was stated recently by Iraq's Minister of Finance that it is the country's goal is to see the Iraqi Dinar at its original value of one US Dollar to IQD 0.312 or US $3.20 to the Iraqi Dinar
  7. Iraq says keen to 'close the file' of Kuwaiti missings, properties -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kuwait News Agency - 23 November, 2010 The Iraqi government is keen on cooperating with the UN to .close the file' of Kuwaiti missing persons and Kuwaiti properties, Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said Monday. Zebari made the remarks in a meeting with UN Secretar General's High-Level Coordinator Gennady Tarasov, where they discussed "outstanding issues" with the State of Kuwait and the Iraqi government's efforts to search for "remains of Kuwaiti missings and properties," a statement by the foreign ministry said. "The Iraqi Government has a serious desire to closing this file," said Zebari who asserted that his government "is ready to cooperate and assist the Coordinator to achieve the objectives of his mission." UN Security Council resolution 1284 of 1999 compel Iraq to faciliate repatriation of all Kuwaiti and third-country nationals or their remains and the return of all Kuwaiti property, including national archives following the August 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, in line with UN resolution 687 of 1991. Meanwhile, Zebari held talks with British Parliamentary Undersecretary of State at the Foreign Office Alistair Burt on consular relations. Zebari, noted the ministry statement, urged Britain to help Iraq get out of Chapter VII of the UN Charter, as well as extending term of the Iraqi Development Fund which keeps Iraqi money under international supervision. Zebari and Burt also discussed political conditions in Iraq and regional developments.
  8. Updated: Nov 23, 2010 9:15 AM CST Enlarge this picture Shawnee Naval Petty Officer John Carter is pictured during his time in Iraq with the dogs he formed relationships with, Charlie and OKLAHOMA CITY -- Charlie and Bandit are getting closer to Oklahoma this morning. They are the two Iraqi dogs adopted by a Shawnee Naval petty officer. The dogs are on the long journey to Oklahoma that started weeks ago. News 9 began following that progress when John Carter wanted to bring the pups to the Sooner State. He said they became his friends while stationed there earlier this year. He couldn't do it alone, so the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals International stepped in to help through the Operation Baghdad Pups program. More: Shawnee Soldier Forms Bond with 2 Pups Overseas, Brings Them Home Operation Baghdad Pups Saving Pets At Risk - Shawnee
  9. You are in > Home / Baghdad, Latest News, Politics / Al-Nujiefi adjourns parliament’s session until Wednesday morning Al-Nujiefi adjourns parliament’s session until Wednesday morning November 23, 2010 - 06:56:00 BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: Speaker of the Iraqi parliament, Osama al-Nujiefi, adjourned the parliament’s session on Tuesday until Wednesday morning. “The session was adjourned till 10:00am on Wednesday,” al-Nujiefi said while closing today’s session, which started at 11:00am. SH (P)
  11. Iraqi economists: The opening of branches of international banks will cash value of the work in the country by 26 percentPosted: November 23, 2010 by Justhopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics Tags: Central Bank of Iraq, iran, Iraq, Iraqi government, middle east, Politics of Iraq, Private bank, United Nations 0Baghdad, November 23 (Rn) – The two economists Iraqis, Tuesday, to increase the work of international banks in Iraq will work cash by 26% than it is now and will enable Iraq to see the banking world. The economist said Sirwan Kirkuki to Kurdistan News Agency (Rn), said that “the continuation of the opening of international banks in Iraq will work cash by 26% what it is now and will put Iraq in front of the evolution of monetary enormous, especially if the benefit of private banks and government of the mechanism of action of the branches of international banks in the country” . Kirkuki explained that “the banking performance in the world arrived in the advanced stages, and the opening of banks of countries that have economic impact in the region such as Iran, Turkey and Kuwait means that the need to move Iraq in that direction.” “The banking business in Iraq, both private and government need to move towards the update mechanisms of action during the vulnerability of the banking experience of international banks.” In turn, said the economist Joseph Nagy’s (Rn), “The banking business in Iraq is not a regular because of the absence of a law demonstrates the mechanism of action and the nature of its relations with government institutions and investment companies, therefore, requires the development of controls to determine the mechanisms of banking work.” He explained that “countries that have investment companies operating in Iraq are the opening of banks in a number of provinces, to loss of confidence sinks Iraqi government and private”, but he also said, “but this means that Iraq has begun to open up gradually on the economic horizon in the world, and this is calculated for the political economic administered by the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Iraq. “ It is hoped that Iran will open some of the private banks in the governorates of Iraq aimed at facilitating the work of its investment. The Ministry of Finance of Iraq, Monday, the past that Iranian banks to be opened in Iraq, Autlk which opened during the last term, for are excluded the United Nations decision to prevent the economic activities of Iran in the rest of the world, and therefore has been issued Aqrarpavttahaa, has begun to undertake their work. aknews
  13. Foreign Affairs and the U.S. embassy discuss removing Iraq from Chapter VIIPosted: November 23, 2010 by Justhopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics Tags: Baghdad, chapter 7, Chapter VII, Iraq, Iraqi government, Jalal Talabani, Nouri al-Maliki, Nuri al-Maliki, Politics of Iraq, sanctions, UNSC 0Baghdad (news) .. discussed the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, however, Abawi with a delegation from the U.S. embassy ways to get out of Iraq from Chapter VII and the political situation in Iraq. A Foreign Ministry statement received by the Agency (news) on Tuesday: The American embassy included Stuart Jones and Mark Sievers During the meeting, they exchanged views on bilateral relations in various fields and the importance of strengthened and enriched, and made the agent an offer for the Iraqi government’s efforts in completing its obligations to get out of the pain of separation VII. The statement added: They also reviewed the political situation, Ambassador Jones to congratulate the Iraqi people and the political blocs to accomplish the recent re-election of Jalal Talabani, President of the Republic and the election of Osama Nujaifi new president of the Council of Representatives and the mandate of Nuri al-Maliki to form a new government, was also talk about ongoing efforts to form a government during the constitutional term limit. The meeting was attended by Ambassador narratives Najib head of the North and South America and the Caribbean in the ministry and agency.
  14. CBI Advisor: Painting a rosy picture of the national economyPosted: November 23, 2010 by Justhopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics Tags: Baghdad, Central bank, Economic growth, Gross domestic product, Iraq, Ministry of Oil, Radio Free Iraq, United States 0Central Bank Consultant: a significant increase in per capita income of the growing power of oil Baghdad morning Likely Adviser at the CBI the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said that per capita income is rising exponentially in the coming years as a result of the growing power of oil, as warned, an economist at the bank itself as Abdul Hadi (comparisons useless), stressing the need for (the contribution of other sectors in Gross Domestic Product). Saleh said that (the oil revenues of the projects and contracts concluded by the Ministry of Oil will provide the resources to pay the wheel of economic growth rates exceed rates of five-year plan to about 14 percent annually). The Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation has prepared a five-year plan for the years 2010 2014 the initial aim of achieving an annual growth rate of more than 9 percent a year and the second aimed at achieving a gradual increase in the contribution of other sectors in GDP, especially agriculture, industry and tourism. And Radio Free Iraq quoted Saleh as saying that (the combined financial resources of Iraq with the technological expertise to the foreign investor will achieve a progressive model of development), drawing a rosy picture for the future of the Iraqi economy (per capita income is increasing exponentially as a result of growth driven by strong oil). And Acharsaleh that (China, which is the fastest economies in the world growing at the present time, it took the development of infrastructure, the impetus to economic growth), indicating that (infrastructure growth by 1 percent induces a growth rate of 1.5 percent in the productive sectors). But an economist at the Bank Central on behalf of Abdul Hadi warned (comparisons not meaningful at the time, efforts are focused on increasing the contribution of other sectors in the composition of GDP to reduce the nature of rentier nature of the Iraqi economy by relying on the oil sector). The expert Abdul Hadi that (success-driven development proceeds Oil is measured by the sustainability of growth rates and the impact of development on other economic sectors by increasing their contribution to the local production and not only growth sector of oil and gas). Meanwhile, back financial expert Majid that the picture of growth rate (determined by the five-year plan is weak compared with the potential of Iraq, especially increases expected in the domestic production of oil and gas in the coming years), without dismissing the possibility of achieving Iraq’s economic growth rates of up to 20 percent (provided that an integrated plan and manage economic rational), as he put it. experts believe that the most prominent challenges facing the plan is to Iraq’s dependence on oil revenues, and its exposure to the outside world and import almost everything to the low contribution of other sectors in the domestic production and the limited role of the private sector in the development process. and adopt the budget on oil and gas revenues and is allocated for the purposes of development and investment, with betting experts on the contracts signed by the Ministry of oil with international companies to develop oil fields and gas giant, while others contend that such contracts are in favor of those companies primarily base. Turkzalesiasp and economic status quo in Iraq to encourage foreign capital to work in Iraq in accordance with appropriate legal framework.
  15. Iraq Foreign Minister receives British Foreign Minister; Discuss Chapter VII and DFIPosted: November 22, 2010 by Justhopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics Tags: Arbil, Britons, erbil, Government of the United Kingdom, Iraq, middle east, Nouri al-Maliki, Saddam Hussein 0During the meeting, they discussed relations, Iraqi-British national and consular relations (particularly the desire of the British government to transfer its office in Erbil to a consulate general). Also asked Britain to Iraq’s efforts to get out of the provisions of Chapter VII, as well as extension of the mandate and immunity to Iraqi funds in the Development Fund for Iraq During the meeting, review the political situation in the country and Iraq’s relations Regional. He briefed the British delegation to the Government’s vision of the international situation, regional and sometimes the other and exchanged views on the participation of companies and businessmen Britons in the reconstruction process and enter the Iraqi market. Mr. Minister, and held a luncheon in honor of an invitation by the British minister and his accompanying delegation.
  16. Delay of the budget impacts investmentsPosted: November 22, 2010 by Justhopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics Tags: Budget, Finance, Government, Government budget, House of Representatives, Ministry of Finance, Nepal, United States 0The head of the Finance Committee in the previous Parliament, Alaa al-Sadoun said that delay adoption of the budget for 2011 a negative impact on new investment projects, indicating that the increase in the budget for investment projects of four Trillonat dinars. The Sadoun it “I was surprised the number was higher that in the budget of 2011,” noting that it “has learned that the Cabinet returned to the Ministry of Finance in order to reduce the amounts mentioned therein.” She believed that the “delay adoption of the budget can affect new investment projects while continuing from previous years will be spending it in 2011, even though not approved the budget,” indicating that it is supposed to “recognize the budget before 31/12/2010 Despite the lack of access after the House of Representatives. “
  17. General Secretariat of the Iraqi Council of Ministers instruct not to use the ration card as an identification الاثنين, 22 نوفمبر 2010 11:36 Monday, November 22, 2010 11:36 بغداد : أوعزت الأمانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء، الاثنين، إلى جميع المؤسسات الحكومية بعدم اعتماد البطاقة التموينية كوثيقة ثبوتية وعدم إدخال الأثاث والبراميل المستعملة الى البلاد. Baghdad: instructed the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, on Monday, to all government institutions against the adoption of the ration card as an identification and not to introduce furniture and barrels used in the country. الرافدين على الفيس بوك facebook Iraq on facebook facebook وقال مصدر في الأمانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء ، إنها "أوعزت إلى جميع المؤسسات الحكومية بعدم اعتماد البطاقة التموينية كوثيقة ثبوتية أثناء ترويج المعاملات للمواطنين". A source at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, it is "directed to all government institutions against the adoption of the ration card as identification for transactions during the promotion of the citizens." وأضاف المصدر الذي طلب عدم الكشف عن اسمه، أن "الأمانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء أوعزت أيضاً إلى المنافذ الحدودية بعدم السماح بدخول الأثاث المستعمل والبراميل المستعملة بكافة أنواعها لدواعي بيئية وصحية". The source, who requested anonymity, that "the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers also instructed to border crossings not to allow the user to enter the furniture and all types of drums used for reasons of environmental and public health." وتعتمد المؤسسات الحكومية منذ تسعينيات القرن الماضي بعد حرب الكويت على البطاقة التموينية كإحدى المستمسكات الرئيسية الأربعة وهي هوية الأحوال المدنية وشهادة الجنسية العراقية وبطاقة السكن لترويج المعاملات للمواطنين. Based governmental institutions since the nineties of the last century, after the Kuwait war on the ration card as one of the four major archives, an identity card and a certificate of Iraqi nationality and residence card for the promotion of transactions for citizens. ويشهد العراق منذ العام 2003 دخول العديد من البضائع المستعملة من دول الجوار وبشكل كبير وتدخل غالبيتها من دون رقابة الجهاز المركزي للتقييس والسيطرة النوعية، المر الذي يشكل خطراً على الإنتاج المحلي والبيئة. Iraq has been since 2003, the entry of many of the used goods from neighboring countries and a large majority of the intervention without the oversight of the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control, Murr, who is a threat to domestic production and the environment.
  18. CBE provides training to Iraq central bank employees Mohsen Abdel Razeq Mon, 22/11/2010 - 18:18 Average: Select ratingPoorOkayGoodGreatAwesome PoorOkayGoodGreatAwesome. No votes yet .ShareThis Printer-friendly versionSend to friend Permalink Photographed by Reuters .....Prev Next Pause Play .1 ....With the stated aim of contributing to the reform of the Iraqi banking sector, the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE)'s Banking Institute has begun training employees of Iraq's central bank in modern methods of banking and finance, administration and human resources. According to Banking Institute Executive Director Hala al-Said, the move comes within the context of the World Bank’s strategy of supporting the Iraqi banking industry in conjunction with the Egyptian government's desire to participate in the war-torn country's reconstruction, particularly in the areas of finance and economics. Al-Said explained that the first training course--devoted to the issue of banking supervision--began on 11 October for more than 100 Iraqi trainees. The institute will also begin a human resource management course in December for 20 Iraqi trainees. Translated from the Arabic Edition. Central Bank of Egypt (CBE)- Egypt- Egypt-Iraq relations- iraq- World Bank (WB)
  19. Council of Ministers discusses 2011 budget tomorrowPosted: November 22, 2010 by Justhopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics Tags: Baghdad, Finance Minister, IMF, International Monetary Fund, Iraq, Iraqi government, Jalal Talabani, Kurdish people, Politics of Iraq 0Baghdad / November 22 (Rn) – The adviser in the Iraqi government, on Monday, the Cabinet meeting on Tuesday will read the terms of the budget in 2011. The Economic Adviser peace Qureshi told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “a meeting on Tuesday to the Council of Ministers will read the details of the budget in 2011 is then sent to the House of Representatives for discussion and approval before the start of next year.” “The presidency of the Council of Ministers over the final details of the budget in 2011 in both its operational and complementary and dependent on monetary policy and adopt it by the Ministry of Finance and International Monetary Fund.” Announced that the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation in the earlier budget that in 2011 had not been made extensive changes to the part where they relate to the operational standard of living of Iraqis. Quraishi and that “the budget will take a long time in the House of Representatives for discussion and access to a comprehensive picture of them in particular with regard to the implementation of investment projects in the country.” He pointed out that “most of the obstacles that stand behind the delay in the vote on the budget in 2011 is the request of the Ministry of Finance and other ministries to reduce expenditures and a variation on the selling prices of crude oil, which recently agreed to $ 73 per barrel of oil.” The head of the House of Representatives Osama Nujaifi in a hearing on Sunday that the government would send over the next week the budget in 2011 and will be discussed by the Iraqi Council of Representatives as soon as they arrive. The Iraqi Finance Ministry announced last month that the finalization of the draft budget for Iraq in 2011, and the new budget allocates a large share of investment, and to support the government’s development strategy that will continue for the next four years. The initial budget for Iraq in 2011 about 86 billion and $ 400 million, an increase of up to 14 billion dollars in the last budget. The House had previously acknowledged last January that the 2010 budget at 72 billion and $ 400 million deficit of $ 19 billion and $ 600 million, assuming the price of a barrel of oil at 62 dollars and 50 cents. According to the Financial Administration Act, No. 95 of 2004, the government should prepare a budget for the following year, in September of each year, in preparation for discussion at the House of Representatives for approval. And warns the Ministry of Planning of the consequences of delay in approving the budget in 2011 that this puts Iraq on the test of a serious economic. Share this: Share Email Print Facebook Digg StumbleUpon Reddit
  21. Interview: Iraqi President Jalal Talabani; Discuss Kuwait, Chapter VIIPosted: November 22, 2010 by Justhopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics Tags: al-Iraqiya, Asharq Al-Awsat, Ayad Allawi, chapter 7, Chapter VII, Iraq, Iraqi National Movement, Jalal Talabani, kuwait, Nouri al-Maliki, President of Iraq, UNSC 0 “If Iraq sends a letter to the Security Council affirming your recognition of the Kuwaiti-Iraqi borders, we too approve removing Iraq from under Chapter VII…..You write the letter and I am ready to sign it right now” - Talabani’s conversation with Kuwaiti PM Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, who was recently re-elected, believes that despite the success of the initiative of Kurdistan Region President Masud Barzani in finalizing the subject of the three leadership posts in Iraq based on a power-sharing agreement reached by the leaders of the political blocs, the initiative of King Abdullah Bin-Abdulaziz, the custodian of the two holy shrines, inviting those leaders to a meeting in Riyadh remains important to achieve national reconciliation. In an interview with Asharq al-Awsat upon his arrival in Paris after he was re-elected president of the republic to attend the Socialist International conference, Talabani said that he was ready to go to Riyadh for this purpose as he described the initiative as “a good initiative in the interest of the Iraqi people”. Talabani also spoke about recent developments and the next task of distributing the government posts to the political blocs. In the interview, he said that he wrote a letter of designation to Prime Minister-designate Nuri al-Maliki and that he will send the letter after Id al-Adha. He revealed that it was agreed that no party members will occupy the post of defense minister and the security ministries. Talabani also affirmed that the Kurdistan Alliance, of which he is a member, still clings to the foreign ministry portfolio and wants current Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari to remain in his post “since he is a successful minister and established very good relations on the Arab, regional, and international levels. We have to reward successful and qualified persons rather than to unjustly sentence them to exclusion”. The text of the interview follows: [Asharq Al Awsat] You are the Deputy Chairman of Socialist International. What was your contribution? Did Iraq participate in the discussions that took place during the conference? [Talabani] Iraq’s contribution was reflected in my speech on democratic development in Iraq and the problems that Iraq faces. I spoke in detail on the democratic track and the audience listened attentively to the speech. I think that one of the resolutions will be a recommendation to support Iraq and its democratic course. I asked the socialist parties participating in the conference to send delegations to Iraq to publish reports on Iraq and support the Iraqi people’s struggle for reconstruction, prosperity, and the eradication of terrorism. [Asharq Al Awsat] The crucial subject in Iraq these days is the formation of the government and its future configuration to end the more than eight-month crisis. My first question is: Has the misunderstanding between you and the Al-Iraqiya List – the majority of its deputies walked out from the parliament session that elected the Iraqi president – ended? [Talabani] The misunderstanding is over; the brothers in Al-Iraqiya returned to the parliament, including the speaker. A delegation of senior Al-Iraqiya leaders visited me to offer their congratulations and affirmed to me that the misunderstanding is over and that they are serious in participating in a genuine national partnership government. [Asharq Al Awsat] Is there a misunderstanding between you on the interpretation of the agreement that the major political entities signed according to which you were re-elected and will designate Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the prime minister whose term has ended, to form the new government? [Talabani] The problem was that Deputy Muhammad Tamim, one of the brothers from the Al-Iraqiya List, proposed that the parliament should debate the annulment of the Debathification process (of three deputies from the Al-Iraqiya). He was told that this subject should be raised in parliament at another time, particularly since the three leaders (Kurdistan President Masud Barzani, Prime Minister-designate Nuri al-Maliki, and former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi) have signed an agreement to solve all these problems. This needs time; it needs judicial action. Moreover, an amnesty should be issued by the president of the republic and the prime minister. In fact, the speaker (who is from Al-Iraqiya) agreed. After the deputies (53 deputies) who refused to accept this logic walked out, they said that there was a misunderstanding. [Asharq Al Awsat] Is this subject over? [Talabani] Yes; a parliament session convened last Saturday and its decisions were issued unanimously. [Asharq Al Awsat] When will you officially designate Al-Maliki to form the government? [Talabani] After the Id. [Asharq Al Awsat] But the Id is over. [Talabani] That’s true; but we celebrate the Id for four days. I have written a letter of designation to Al-Maliki. It will be issued after the Id and the prime minister-designate will begin discussions on the formation of the government. [Asharq Al Awsat] It took eight months until you agreed to distribute the responsibilities to the various parties. Do we have to wait for another eight months for the government to see the light? [Talabani] (Laughing) We expect the government to see the light within one month, God willing. In fact, we did not wait for eight months but for five months. The first three months were spent on the court’s ratification of the legislative elections and on other legal measures. But the reason why it took so long is because we are determined to form a national partnership government. We could have formed a majority government but we insisted on a national unity government and the Kurdistan Alliance insisted that the Al-Iraqiya List should be present in the government. That is the formation faltered. Now, however, there is a consensus among the parties on a national unity government. What remains is agreeing on the distribution of the ministerial portfolios. [Asharq Al Awsat] Is there the beginning of an accord on this matter? [Talabani] It is up to the prime minister and the various blocs that should propose the names of qualified men (and women) to fill these posts. The prime minister has requested the name of more than one candidate for each post in order to select the most qualified. [Asharq Al Awsat] Issues related to distribution are being discussed in advance as part of an integrated basket. What is the true situation? [Talabani] It is hard to place all this in one basket and in detail. The fact is that the prime minister has been authorized to discuss the demands of each bloc and each bloc that wishes to obtain important portfolios and positions. Thus, there is a need for time so that the blocs would compromise on the ministerial positions. [Asharq Al Awsat] Does the agreement between Allawi and Al-Maliki still stand although Allawi himself said a few days ago that this agreement is “dead”? [Talabani] The agreement was revived by the parliament. [Asharq Al Awsat] But Allawi made this statement after the parliament’s vote. [Talabani] The parliament ratified the agreement unanimously, including the deputies of the Al-Iraqiya, naturally. Allawi was absent. The agreement became a binding parliamentary resolution and is no longer an agreement among the various sides. However, if brother Allawi has some observations, he is the one to be asked. [Asharq Al Awsat] But Allawi is saying that it is dead. [Talabani] Let me ask you as a journalist and an observer: Does the parliament’s ratification of the agreement mean that it is dead? Allawi is responsible for what he says. [Asharq Al Awsat] One of the difficulties facing the formation of the government is in the distribution of the sovereign and the important portfolios. [Talabani] We have an agreement in principle to distribute the defense ministry and the security ministries among independents. [Asharq Al Awsat] In other words totally from outside the parties and not even those who are close to the parties? [Talabani] We cannot say not even those that are close to the parties. But no party member will fill the post of defense minister or interior minister. The remaining posts will be distributed among the groups forming the government. [Asharq Al Awsat] The other problem is that of the fate of the foreign minister. Sides other than the Kurdish side aspire to fill this post. Do you insist on this portfolio and in the person of Hoshyar Zebari? [Talabani] Zebari has demonstrated exceptional efficiency in performing his mission. He also has very good relations with the Arab countries to an extent that Colonel Gaddafi proposed him as secretary general of the Arab League. We believe that brother Hoshyar should be rewarded not penalized. Dismissing him from the ministry is a penalty and his stay is a reward since he demonstrated that he is a successful minister. [Asharq Al Awsat] I understand from your words that you insist on him and on the ministry. [Talabani] Yes, we believe that Zebari should remain in the foreign ministry since he is a successful minister and established very good relations on the Arab, regional, and international levels. We have to reward successful and qualified persons rather than to unjustly sentence them to exclusion. [Asharq Al Awsat] In other words, his remaining in office is a red line for you? [Talabani] As president of a republic, I do not like lines of any color and I do not wish to engage in such a discussion. [Asharq Al Awsat] What I wanted to say is that it is a condition to which you cling. [Talabani] Yes, we continue to cling to it to this moment. [Asharq Al Awsat] I understood that the price for giving up the foreign ministry is the oil ministry. Is that true? [Talabani] These are rumors. The subject of changing the foreign minister was not discussed with us; so, we have not asked for an alternative. At any rate, the subject should be discussed among the Kurdish blocs. I am the president of the Iraqi republic. I wear the Iraqi cloak and I act as president of the republic. The formation of the government is up to the prime minister and the blocs. [Asharq Al Awsat] But you shoulder responsibilities and one of these is facilitating the formation of the government. [Talabani] I have responsibilities related to achieving concordance and reunification of the family. I do not have the responsibility of drawing colored lines. [Asharq Al Awsat] One way to emerge from the crisis was to satisfy Allawi by forming the national council for strategic policies. My question is: If real powers are given to this council they will inevitably clash with the powers of the government, and if this council is not given powers Allawi will turn it down. What is the solution? [Talabani] Agreement was reached on the national council for strategic policies and on its structure, rights, and powers. The Iraqi parliament approved all this unanimously. [Asharq Al Awsat] Your Excellency the president: Who decides foreign policy? Is it the council or the foreign minister or the prime minister? [Talabani] The council will not be against the government; it will be part of the state institutions. Its decisions will be made unanimously or by absolute majority (two-thirds) and all the parties will be represented in it. The powers will not be given to the chairman of the council but to the whole council, just as the constitutional powers are given to the council of ministers rather than the prime minister. The council’s decisions will be binding. [Asharq Al Awsat] They will be binding on the government as well? [Talabani] Yes, on the government and the Iraqi state as a whole. This council does not violate the constitution and does not negate the rights of the ministers or the council of ministers as stipulated in the constitution. [Asharq Al Awsat] Ultimately, the position of this council may be more important than that of the government. [Talabani] No; one of the important conditions agreed upon is that the council’s powers do not contradict the constitution. The Iraqi constitution drew up the powers of all the sides and the law that will be issued (establishing the council) will not violate the constitution. [Asharq Al Awsat] King Abdullah Bin-Abdulaziz, the custodian of the two holy shrines, called on all components of the Iraqi political spectrum to a meeting after the Id al-Adha. Will this meeting be held and when? Have the present circumstances changed from what they were when the invitation was made? [Talabani] I welcomed the invitation when Prince Saud al-Faisal called me to inform me about the invitation of the custodian of the two holy shrines. I expressed my readiness to participate in the meeting. Later, the Saudi side informed us that it does not want the invitation to contradict the initiative of brother Masud Barzani but that they welcome this initiative. The fact is that this initiative succeeded and brought about national accord in Iraq. If the brother Saudis call for a meeting I am the first to welcome it and to attend. But it is up to the brothers in Saudi Arabia to decide whether they wish to proceed with the initiative or whether they are content with the recent positive developments that took place. [Asharq Al Awsat] But, in your opinion, is there an Iraqi need in this regard? [Talabani] The two issues of electing a president and appointing a prime minister have been accomplished, and agreement has been reached on forming a national partnership government and establishing the higher council for policies. Understanding has been reached on solving all the problems; thus, the only problem that remains is agreeing on the names of the ministers. But there is an important point related to national reconciliation. If this process falters and if the Saudi brothers invite us to a meeting to solve this problem, I personally endorse it and support it. As for the other sides, they have to decide. I consider it a good initiative in the interest of the Iraqi people. [Asharq Al Awsat] As president of the republic, you have responsibilities toward all the components of the Iraqi people. One of these components, I mean Iraq’s Christians, is being subjected to an organized terrorist campaign. What else do you want to do regarding this apart from issuing condemnation statements? [Talabani] First of all, I wish to say that I strongly condemned the criminal assaults on the brother Christians who are pure Iraqis that have lived in this country since the advent of Christ. Under no circumstances should they be marginalized or evicted from the country. The solution lies in providing them protection through government forces or through forces of their own to help them form armed units to protect their homes and places of worship. [Asharq Al Awsat] Do I understand that this is a call to form militias? [Talabani] No, not at all; in Kirkuk, units were formed to protect the churches and places of worship. Secondly, the government should provide special protection to the churches. Thirdly, the Christians can go to Kurdistan. [Asharq Al Awsat] This would mean forced internal relocation. [Talabani] No, not at all; it means moving to Kurdistan as they wait for the return of security and stability so they can return to their homes instead of going abroad. I wish to say that many Christians are originally from Kurdistan. They would be like returning to their original homes. They will be in their homeland and the government of Kurdistan and the central government will care about them and they would not be in need. Their departure abroad empties Iraq of its citizens, particularly since the brother Christians played a prominent role in Iraq’s cultural and civilized renaissance. Their departure would be a blow to culture and civilization in Iraq. Therefore, we should protect their presence among us with all our financial, military, political, and media resources. [Asharq Al Awsat] Did the Pope contact you in this regard? [Talabani] No, he did not; however, he issued a statement and we welcome the statement and want to exert our utmost to achieve what His Holiness requested. [Asharq Al Awsat] How do you describe your relations with the neighboring countries? [Talabani] Let us with Turkey with which we have strategic relations based on signed agreements between us. The two sides are determined to uphold this relationship and it is a good one. With Syria, we have agreed with President Bashar al-Assad during a meeting in Sirte (Libya) to have a long-term strategic relationship on the political, economic, commercial, oil, and other fields. President Al-Assad approved our proposals. We do not have any problems with Syria any more. We have folded the old page and opened a new page. [Asharq Al Awsat] In other words, the old reports on security leaks and infiltrations across the borders have ended? [Talabani] These are details; the basis is that we have established strategic relations and the two sides are headed in that direction. [Asharq Al Awsat] And with Kuwait? [Talabani] Our relationship is good with Kuwait and Jordan. With Kuwait, we agreed to recognize the international borders of Kuwait. That was the primary problem between us. The brothers in Kuwait also expressed readiness to cooperate with Iraq and to establish strong and good relations. [Asharq Al Awsat] But with Kuwait the problem that remains is Kuwait’s request to keep Iraq under Chapter VII. [Talabani] I discussed the subject with the Kuwaiti prime minister when I was visiting New York. He said: If Iraq sends a letter to the Security Council affirming your recognition of the Kuwaiti-Iraqi borders, we too approve removing Iraq from under Chapter VII. I answered Dr Muhammad al-Sabah: You write the letter and I am ready to sign it right now. We are ready to give such guarantees. What remains is setting the time only. We have appointed an ambassador to Kuwait and they have an ambassador in Baghdad. We expect to have excellent relations with Kuwait. Finally, regarding our relations with Saudi Arabia, we consider Saudi Arabia an important Arab country and we are determined to have very good relations with it. During my recent visit to Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah Bin-Abdulaziz graciously awarded me a medal and promised me that after the government is formed, Saudi Arabia will exert its best efforts to help Iraq solve its problems with the neighboring countries and will urge the Arab countries to cooperate with Iraq. After the government is formed, we hope to visit Saudi Arabia and ask them to help Iraq. [Asharq Al Awsat] What remains is the relationship with Iran. [Talabani] Our relations with Iran are normal but they are not a follower-leader relationship. This is a point that I wish everyone would understand. We are proud of our independence and the Shias in Iraq are proud of their independence. They believe that Al-Najaf is independent and that the Shias of Iraq are the original Shias of the world and that they are purebred Arabs. They believe that the differences with the Shias of Iran are due to the concept of Welayet-e faqih, which is an official principle in Iran. However, the wise religious authority in holy Al-Najaf rejects the Welayet-e faqih principle. Moreover, we consider Al-Najaf to be the Vatican of the Shias of the world and that the holy places are in Iraq: Karbala, Samarra’, Al-Kadhimiyah, the sacred tombs of Imam Ali, Al-Hussein, Kadhim, Abbas, and the two Al-Askaris are all in Iraq. Therefore, we consider Iraq to be the original homeland of the Shias. What remains is the political aspect. Do we want the relationship with Iran to be like it was under Saddam Hussein? No; we reject the policy of hostility with Iran. We want a policy of good neighborliness, but so far we do not have any agreements. For instance, we have signed a strategic alliance with Turkey but we do not have such an agreement with Iran. Nevertheless, there is a clamor about Iranian influence (in Iraq). Moreover, the Iranian Kurdish opposition is present in Iraq. If you come to Al-Sulaymaniyah you can visit their headquarters: The Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran, Komeleh [The Kurdistan Organization of the Communist Party of Iran], the Iranian Communist Party, and others. The Iranians are not happy with this situation. We want good relations of neighborliness and equality with Iran; we do not want relations of submissive ness. We believe that our relations are between two equals. We have problems with Iran but we want to solve them through negotiations and dialogue. [Asharq Al Awsat] A number of Iraqi politicians have a different opinion about the relationship with Iran. For instance, describing this relationship two days ago, Saleh al-Mutlaq said that Tehran “sets the rules of the political game” in Baghdad. Are these fantasies? [Talabani] Yes, these are fantasies and an erroneous description of the nature of the relationship with Tehran. The Al-Iraqiya and its opponents are exchanging accusations but I do not believe that these accusations are correct. We have to be objective. We have to look at the facts and describe them as they are. For instance, Iran opposed the agreements that we signed with the United States (pertaining to the withdrawal of the US forces) and urged the Iraqis to reject them. However, these agreements were ratified in the Iraqi parliament. The prime minister appeared on television calling for their ratification and they were ratified unanimously. Therefore, accusing Iraq of submissiveness to Iran is an unjust charge. Furthermore, Iran believes and its propaganda insists on calling the United States the Great Satan. But we consider the United States as a friend and an ally. We want best relations with it and we have signed agreements with it. Therefore, we are on a totally different course with Iran regarding the United States. The question is: Are we in a relationship of submissiveness with Iran? No, we reject submissiveness to any state. [Asharq Al Awsat] We have recently noticed that terrorist operations have returned in strength to Iraq. How do you explain this phenomenon? How do you view the stage following the departure of the US forces from Iraq? Are you ready to shoulder the full responsibility? [Talabani] Regarding the terrorists, we have to distinguish between two things: Two years ago, the terrorists were in control of large areas in Iraq and even the cities. At present, all the Iraqi lands are under the control of Iraqi forces. The Americans have left the cities. Of course, the terrorists have secret cells that are perpetrating terrorist activities that do not show a strong presence in the field. They do not bases or regions under their control. If we look at the map of Iraq we see that there is no terrorism in Kurdistan or southern Iraq. The terrorists are concentrating on Baghdad and Mosul and we hope to eradicate such activities. I believe that the departure of the Americans will make our mission easier in two aspects: First, the Iraqis will feel that they need to defend themselves by themselves and the sympathy with the opposition and the terrorists – that claim that they are fighting the Americans who would have left Iraq – will drop. Second, I wish to stress that the efficiency of the Iraqi forces in armament, training, and qualifications is rising. [Asharq Al Awsat] What will be the nature of the relationship with the United States after the departure of its troops? [Talabani] We lean toward having strategic relations with the United States on the political, economic, security, military, commercial, and cultural levels. This is on top of the cooperation with the United States – that includes training and arming – against terrorism. We consider the United States is a big friendly power to Iraq. We believe that the establishment of the best relations with it is in the interest of the Iraqi and American peoples. [Asharq Al Awsat] As you wait for the establishment of the armed land, sea, and air forces of Iraq, do you want the security agreements to provide for US defense of Iraq’s sovereignty? [Talabani] Yes, we seek to obtain this American as well as international commitment. We want peace inside and outside. If we are subjected to an external aggression we will resort to the Arab League, the Security Council, and the United Nations. We want to have US commitments to defend Iraq if subjected to an attack.
  22. Trade agreements, currency and its impact on Iraqi economy; Dropping ZerosPosted: November 22, 2010 by Justhopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics Tags: Baghdad, Business and Economy, Economic, Financial services, Iraq, Iraqi dinar, middle east, United States 0It has become among the fashionable and as an economic activity a natural question of the transfer of billions of dollars out of Iraq by private sector banks under the trade deals, and the bulk has not returned to Iraq in imports is needed by the Iraqi market, but turning part of them to the real estate companies and the other part remained balances reviews in foreign banks, and all this happened in the absence of strict financial control deliberately six years ago, and continued to this day without setting the parameters and controls (legislation), to prevent the sale of billions of dollars abroad, and directed towards development. Imports that the private sector for the past five years 2006 – 2010, according to official statements amounted to $ 180 billion! True it is possible to say, because of the economic blockade harsh, which made people sell every thing you own, in order to obtain a living, and after the fall of the Baathist regime of arbitrary, rushed the Iraqis after the rise in their purchasing power to acquire what they need in their homes and make up for what they sold in previous years, But my question is – how much is the share of imported technology from abroad of those billions? .. The answer is zero, nothing like that! Vleutbakt economic policy effective limit the dumping of the internal market, by raising the tariff increase Alگmrگip and rehabilitation of public sector companies and the agricultural sector through the financial allocations sufficient, for it was possible to allocate the bulk of the money leaks out to fill the shortfall in the annual budgets, which is ( chronic disease), which the government no longer able to get rid of it, which will be by 25 billion Dolarvi balance of 2011, but we find the allocations of the Ministry of Industry for the year 2010 is $ 72 million, and this amount is enough to qualify tenth factories belonging to the Ministry of Industry, therefore, the stalemate in the development of industry and agriculture, it was not spontaneous or stems from lack of experience, but a deliberate policy by some parties in power to protect the merchant class parasites, who make up the interface and sponsorship funds and operated in a commercial activity, and some traders are independent heads of their money paying royalties to some influential people in power in order to continue sabotage their business. The last trade agreements, concluded with the Turkish side, which provides for lifting of trade exchange between the two countries to $ 18 billion, but what will be Iraq to Turkey!! … Nothing at all, means more deals flooding the domestic market and the expansion and recovery of parasites merchants. In connection with the currency and deleting three zeros from Iraqi dinar, has been published and DVDs 8.9.2010 on my site civilized dialogue and the voice of Iraq, an article entitled [Remove zeros and raise the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar] have shown my opinion at the time, but I want to clarify in addition to the deletion of three zeros is the following: - First – you must cancel the nominal current of the Iraqi dinar (1500 dinars = $ 1) developed by L. Paul Bremer III, and re-Face value: the former (1 dinar = 3.1 U.S. dollars), especially as we know that the cash reserves of strategic direct Iraqi currency had reached $ 50 billion , except the reserve is the direct and Danh in my article mentioned above. II – must not exceed the number of types of notes and paper-based JD seven papers, one of the categories (quarter of a dinar, half a dinar, dinars, five dinars, ten dinars, twenty-five dinars – the latter only be traded between banks only) – This rule is prevailing in the countries developed. The increase in types of Baknot lead to slouch a result of such currency and the loss of her rare and inflation. When you achieve the conditions mentioned, will increase the demand for the Iraqi dinar as the currency in foreign markets are rare and therefore its purchasing power will be enhanced. Share this: Share Email Print Facebook Digg StumbleUpon Reddit
  23. Najafi calls for a number of ministers be held accountable and brought to Parliament (صوت العراق) - 22-11-2010 (Voice of Iraq) - 22/11/2010 ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديق Send this to a friend (صوت العراق) - بغداد/ أصوات العراق: دعا رئيس مجلس النواب أسامة النجيفي، الأحد، لمحاسبة عدد من الوزراء ومثولهم أمام البرلمان. (Voice of Iraq) - BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: The head of the House of Representatives Osama Najafi, Sunday, to hold a number of ministers and their appearance before the Parliament. وقال النجيفي خلال الجلسة البرلمانية التي عقدت ظهر اليوم (الأحد)، وبثتها فضائية العراقية، شبه الرسمية، إن بعض الوزراء “ينبغي محاسبتهم واستجوابهم بل ومثولهم أمام البرلمان لمعرفة بعض الأمور التي تستجوب السؤال”، مبينا أن من بين هذه الوزارات “التخطيط، الصحة، النفط، المالية والزراعة”. Nujaifi said during the parliamentary session held this afternoon (Sunday), and was broadcast by satellite of Iraq, the semi-official, said that some ministers "should be held accountable and questioned and even to appear before Parliament to find out some things that are questioning the question," noting that among these ministries "planning, health, oil, finance and agriculture. " س خ (ب)- ب خ Q x ( - b x نسخة سهلة الطبع Printable version
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