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  1. الرئيسية Home الاخبار News معظم البنوك العراقية الخاصة حققت مستوى رأس المال المستهدف Most of the Iraqi private banks have achieved the target level of capital معظم البنوك العراقية الخاصة حققت مستوى رأس المال المستهدف Most of the Iraqi private banks have achieved the target level of capital الأربعاء, 15 يونيو 2011 00:00 Wednesday, June 15, 2011 00:00 قال عبد العزيز حسون المدير التنفيذي لرابطة المصارف الأهلية العراقية اليوم الثلاثاء إن معظم البنوك الخاصة في العراق وصلت إلى مستوى رأس المال الذي حدده البنك المركزي -وهو 85 مليون دولار- بهدف تنويع أنشطة القطاع المالي. "Said Abdul Aziz al-Hassoun Executive Director of the Association of Iraqi private banks on Tuesday that most private banks in Iraq and reached the level of capital set by the central bank - a $ 85 million - in order to diversify the activities of the financial sector. ويتعافى العراق تدريجيا بعد سنوات من الحرب والعقوبات وتأمل البنوك العراقية أن تؤدي صفقات بمليارات الدولارات مع شركات أجنبية لتطوير الاحتياطيات النفطية الضخمة إلى تحفيز الإقراض وإنعاش المؤسسات المالية الخاصة. Iraq is recovering gradually after years of war, sanctions and hoped that Iraqi banks lead multibillion-dollar deals with foreign companies to develop vast oil reserves to spur lending and revive the private financial institutions. وأعد البنك المركزي في 2009 برنامجا من ثلاث مراحل لزيادة رأسمال البنوك. The central bank was prepared in 2009 a program of three phases to increase the capital of banks. والموعد النهائي للمرحلة الأولى هو نهاية يونيو حزيران حيث يتعين أن تكون البنوك قد رفعت مستويات رأس المال إلى 100 مليار دينار عراقي (85 مليون دولار). The deadline for the first phase is the end of June, when banks have to be raised levels of capital to 100 billion Iraqi dinars ($ 85 million). وبحلول يونيو 2012 يتعين أن ترفع البنوك مستويات رأس المال إلى 128 مليون دولار بينما يجب أن يصل المستوى إلى 213 مليون دولار في المرحلة الثالثة التي تنتهي في يونيو 2013. By June 2012 the banks must raise capital levels to 128 million dollars, while the level should be up to $ 213 million in the third phase, which ends in June 2013. وقال حسون إن 22 بنكا حققت المستوى المستهدف البالغ 85 مليون دولار حتى الآن. Hassoun said that 22 banks have achieved the target level of $ 85 million so far. وأضاف أن ثلاثة بنوك أخرى تجري محادثات للاندماج للوصول إلى المستوى المطلوب. He added that three other banks in talks to merge to gain access to the required level. وقال في مقابلة مع رويترز ان البنوك الخاصة تسير في المسار الصحيح. He said in an interview with Reuters that private banks on the right track. واضاف أن سبعة بنوك فقط لم تقم بزيادة رأسمالها ويتعين عليها تبرير ذلك للبنك المركزي. He added that only seven banks did not increase its capital and they must justify it to the Central Bank. ومضى يقول أن البنك المركزي قد يسحب تراخيص البنوك التي لا تحقق المستوى المستهدف. And went on to say that the central bank may withdraw licenses of banks that do not meet the target level. ووفقا لموقع البنك المركزي على الإنترنت فإن هناك سبعة بنوك مملوكة للدولة في العراق و23 بنكا خاصا وثمانية بنوك إسلامية خاصة. According to the website of the Central Bank on the Internet, there are seven state-owned banks in Iraq and 23 private banks, eight Islamic banks in particular. ويهيمن مصرف الرافدين ومصرف الرشيد الحكوميان على القطاع المصرفي العراقي. Dominated by the Rafidain Bank and Rasheed Bank two governments on the Iraqi banking sector. وتقتصر معظم أنشطة البنوك الخاصة على خدمات الايداع وهناك نشاط محدود للقروض الشخصية. And limited most of the activities of private banks for deposit services and there is limited activity for personal loans. وقال حسون إنه يتفق شخصيا مع قرار زيادة رأس المال حتى يتسنى تعزيز قدرة الكيانات المالية على القيام بالعمليات المصرفية الضخمة التي تحتكرها البنوك الحكومية. Hassoun said he personally agrees with the decision to increase capital so as to enhance the ability of financial entities to carry out banking operations monopolized by large state banks. وأضاف أن على البنوك الخاصة أيضا أن تعزز خدمات أخرى مثل بطاقات الائتمان وأجهزة الصراف الآلي. He added that the private banks also promote other services such as credit cards and ATMs. ولا تقدم هذه الخدمات حاليا سوى ثمانية بنوك خاصة. Do not provide these services are currently only eight private banks. وقال أحمد البريحي نائب محافظ البنك المركزي لرويترز اليوم الثلاثاء إن من المهم زيادة رأسمال البنوك الخاصة لتعزيز قدرتها على الإقراض. Ahmed said Albraihi deputy central bank governor told Reuters on Tuesday that it was important to increase the capital of private banks to boost their lending. وأضاف أن هذا التخطيط يقوم على التنبؤ بمستقبل الاقتصاد العراقي في إشارة إلى نمو ضخم متوقع في قطاع النفط والغاز. He added that such planning is to forecast the future of the Iraqi economy in reference to the huge growth expected in the oil and gas sector.
  2. Emirates Islamic Bank plans to add 90 new staff 13-Jun-2011 UAE-based Shariah-compliant lender, Emirates Islamic Bank plans to open five branches throughout the country in 2011, as it seeks to resume "aggressive" lending and expansion this year, The National has reported. "This year, we've hired around 80 new staff, 60 of which were UAE nationals," Faisal Aqil, the bank's deputy chief executive, said. "The plan is to add another 90 [staff]."
  3. Ive purchased through they too are reasonable on there rates and they lock your rate in when you order online.
  4. Good for you-- i grew up in Sarasota-Bradenton but now in Oklahoma!
  6. Yes, i live in tulsa i called my bank in tulsa, chase she said yes, they will have it showing on there screens april8th. fyi,
  7. If this has been posted I apologize, but The CBI bank has included this on there website under Banks Which includes The SMARTCARD INFORMATION. Institution Name Address Email & Websites 1. Iraqi Company for Bank Guarantees Baghdad Tel: +9647902 304007 2. Iraqi Association of Securities Dealers Baghdad Al-Karada 905 Street 9 Building 18 Tel: +9647904 302828 3. Iraq Stock Exchange Baghdad Tel: +964 1 7174484 Fax: +964 1 7174461 4. International Smart Card (Semi Government) LLC Baghdad Jadiriya P.O. Jadiriya Box 2244 Tel (short no.): 200 Mob: 07901949601 & 200 Financial Companies
  8. U asked how intel I'm I well I have a phd in health science not economics. I just love printing these things and showing them to my friends and family in iraq at how bad some here talk about iraq anyway I don't follow anyone nor this site back to first question was how does adam make his speculation by sells info he doesn't even know
  9. Lord no never made a prediction only my opinion of 2013 maybe then that's all I bought dinar to help re build there country in 2004 since I have family there not to get rich , like vulchers of some I think all these speculators are hilarious. Anyway thanks for clarifying who adam is. Goodluck dinar vets hope you find ypur golden egg someday
  10. Shooting my mouth off? Your a idiot then, so he doesn't know for sure then. He's just guessing from all speculations like everyone else, thanks everyone for answers I had read his intel and specs just was curious if he has links of his own or he uses others links, thanks anyway
  11. Adam states that gov needs to be seated,sanctions lifted,hcl law passed then the dinar will revalue. He has provided proof or links for these statements? How does he know since these are very serious and bold statements links anyone?
  12. Have a wonderul holiday you were one of great honest people we enjoyed and learned from, oklahoma,sarasota and clearwater
  13. Good post! I still thonk it'll be june2011!!! Not dec hope I'm wrong
  14. So mrmontana which people and which sites specifically are not to be mentioned I actually don't know which sites are forbidden neither does my family I'm sure she wouldn't have done that if she had known. U can block me from adding info to your website but why block my ip just fron reading my sister works for the fda. She know privacy pretty well I'm sure it wasn't done purposely
  15. Well go figure yea me and …y sister have 2 different computers and wow we have different names too imagine that being sneaky hey we also have 2 different bank accounts her room is across from mine imagine that. As for promoting other sites what's the difference people here take info from other chats and post them and from other forums like kars and ddn etc so sorry for having a family member here too actullay there's 3 of us sisters oklahoma sarasota and clearwater
  16. Its still saying that after shuting computer down now what could I do?
  17. Yes there 2 computers on the same router they are both doing it I rebooted didn't help now I shut it down waiting for a minute then will try again
  18. What does error code 2000 mean? Its locked and won't let me in the site did mods do this? I can't even sign out
  19. What does it mean if u don't sign out and when u click forums it says error code 2000 you are not allowed to view this forum? That's coming up on my friends computer for no reason its like its locked
  21. i feel better now, i came into this post in the middle after going to the first page, it makes since. Thank you Phoenix!!! i too admire your posts. they actually make since. i have more belief and faith in what you say then some. it thru me reading in the middle getting lost. with replys!!!! i too agree, about exchanging with my bank. if any of these dealers get audited I dont want to be in the middle or maybe having to wait on my money if there accounts are frozen because of a audit. , not saying that would happen just feel better going and waiting for my bank to exchange. So thank you PHOENIX!!!
  22. If something like that were to happen, i would hope the banks will be able to exchange and be ready before 7 days is up. if they only accept it for 7 day days maybe somebanks wont exchange it
  23. CBI: Monetary policy is supported by the IMF; Denies IMF criticismPosted: November 24, 2010 by Justhopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics Tags: CBI, Dinar, Finance Minister, Finance Ministry, Government, Government of Ireland, IMF, International Monetary Fund, Iraq, Iraqi dinar, Monetary policy 0Central: Our policy is supported by the IMF .. And borrowing «positive» The Government agrees on the proposal of the budget … And Vice-warn of the difficulty discussed without an ad hoc committee A senior official at the Central Bank, on Wednesday, said denying the International Monetary Fund face “criticism” of the monetary policy of Iraq, likely to be expressed Fund Notes on fiscal policy and the financial performance of the government. This comes at a time is still the fate of the “budget” swing between the government and the House of Representatives, With the government announced approval of the budget proposal submitted by the Ministry of Finance, likely parliamentarians to postpone discussion within the House of Representatives pending so they can be the formation of a finance committee, some spoke about the possibility of approval without discussion . The government adviser said the weekend that “the IMF mission, which now is extensive discussions with the Iraqi delegation, which includes the Iraqi Central Bank and the Finance Ministry is not convinced of monetary policy in the country, and requested extensive changes at the level of the monetary system.” The adviser to the CBI the appearance of Mohammed Salih, in an interview with “The World” on Wednesday, said “The position of the International Monetary Fund more positions and clearer about the monetary policy of Iraq,” adding that “We have enjoyed our monetary policy has won praise Fund, has told us quote the need to maintain This successful performance. “ The benefit of “We, through our meetings and meetings continued with the International Monetary Fund we have enjoyed the encouragement and support the obvious, because we worked to strengthen the reserves of Iraq cash to $ 50 billion at the present time, as we have succeeded in controlling inflation under the mattress to one decimal place does not exceed 3%” . He expressed his adviser’s central bank surprised “to talk about criticism of the monetary policy of Iraq,” saying “surprised by such statements, I am a member of the Iraqi team negotiating with the IMF since 8 years, and participated in all negotiations, technical and political, I did not hear about such criticism.” But he said, “but I do not rule out the possibility that the Fund’s comments on fiscal policy, not cash, because the first of the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance, one of the burdens of this difficult and complex, however, do not deny the considerable efforts undertaken by the Ministry in this regard.” And how realistic these criticisms made by the International Foundation, recognized the appearance of the existence of “numerous observations about the financial policy of the Iraqi government,” adding that “these financial institutions have always demanded a rationalization of government spending and curb inflation, directing it towards supporting private sector investment, in an effort to bring about economic and financial reform, and is therefore not impossible conditions as they are incentives to promote economic growth. “ And on the government’s efforts with the International Fund for a financial loan to support the budget of 2011, said the expert, financial and economic “It is true that we are and the different conditions we suffer from a deficit of executive which is not financial, but the duty of the government of having to diversify its financial resources as a hedge against the surprises, the unexpected, especially since our economy depends almost full of oil revenues. “ The benefit of his speech for “the world” “loans one way to diversify its resources, particularly that the IMF does not grant loans only under the terms of a simplified not to overburden the national economy in the future, because they interest loans does not exceed 1% for a period of five years.” And added, “We need to diversify the revenues of the budget because the contribution of the citizen tax does not exceed 100 thousand a year, but its share of national income, up to 3 million, tax revenues did not exceed 2.7 trillion dinars, while domestic spending more than 90 Trliuna, namely that the tax equal to 3 % of budget revenues. “ The Iraqi Finance Ministry announced last month that the finalization of the draft budget and the budget was the initial about 86 billion and $ 400 million, an increase of up to 14 billion dollars in the last budget, was allocated the bulk of the budget for investment, and to support the Government’s strategy for development that will continue for the next four years . Iraq’s government announced Tuesday, agreed with the general budget for 2011, with the addition of $ 5 billion of investment projects, and the House of Representatives urged the Prime Minister-designate Nuri al-Maliki last week to speed up sending the draft budget to the Board for the purpose of discussion and approval as scheduled. In this context, warned the President of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives the previous Alaa al-Sadoun, yesterday, of the “difficult” to discuss the general budget of the Council without the existence of the specialized financial, likely approval without discussion. She Sadoun’s “Voices of Iraq” that “the budget discussion without the presence of a finance committee was especially difficult and that the Finance Committee earlier had won any of its members, the membership of the new parliament.” However Sadoun said it had seen a draft budget law for 2011 “and compare it with the law of the previous year, as we do every year and try to elaborate a preliminary report under the hand of the Finance Committee the new hope to discuss things clear mission and an amendment can be amended in it.” She added that “there are several possibilities waiting for the general budget, including delayed discussion until the formation of a finance committee because we are in the previous Parliament did not vote for it and clicked before the end of the month of December (Dec), as well as there is a possibility is that the vote by Parliament without debate is what has happened in the years 2004 and 2005. Sadoun indicated that there is a third possibility in the absence of adoption of the budget, and is in the disbursement of the amount of money required “each month of the known amount of the budget (total), but will affect negatively on new investment projects and impairs.” In turn, ruled out a coalition Iraqi MP Izz al-Din State to vote on the budget in 2011 in the House of Representatives, without debate, calling on the Council not to spend a long time in discussion. He said the state’s “Voices of Iraq” that “have been identified the work of the Commission modified the rules of procedure for the week starting from yesterday, and this period is sufficient to end the work of this Committee, and then will be voted in parliament on the amendments and we’ll go about forming committees and then we begin to address the files pending, and in the forefront of the financial budget. “ He added that he “is supposed to be this year’s special, because we are too late, so you should not take the budget and time for discussion in parliament,” adding that “will discuss the budget because not to discuss the paragraphs of the budget is disadvantageous to the government because the addition and deletion is only the success of the budget and the government It is the duty of the Council to devote himself to balance until the end of them fully. “ Share this: Share Email Print Facebook Digg StumbleUpon Reddit
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