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Posts posted by OKLAHOMA

  1. Hello, I started this investment in 2006. I stayed away and waited and watched was told yes this is a long time investment, but dang how long ? lol ... I check in every few years but its like a snail same info over and over, I guess I will check back again in several years! I still have my dinar safed away for that day ! 

    • Like 1
  2. Sorry if this has been asked. If they call in old notes before new notes are released. what is everyone going to do? how are they going to turn there dinars back in? if they wait and change the value 1 to 1 with the new notes after all old is in. even if they coexist, but not raise the value until all old notes are in and destroyed. what will everyone do just keep theres as collectable items? thanks for any input

  3. Hey there, I just tried to wire money to warka, and Citibank bank said it wasnt the correct account number for Warka, Warka sent me wiring instructions they said the account number for them at Citibank Bank is 36908969, Is this the account number everyone else has too? Thanks

  4. This article makes since to me, bring in large notes for 2 years come out with new currency 1 to 1 , and slowly increase in rate or even start 10cents and raise to 1 dollar in a couple of more years. So we may have a couple of years to sell our dinar when then call for them and if we dont they will be worthless. That way all investors can get most of there money back at least. Aren't the articles about removing zeros from the currency bills not the exchange rate?

  5. As I read this part it concerned me. (

    [Adam Montana] Monielynn I addressed this above - it definitely COULD happen. I don't think it will, though.

    [Adam Montana] Every other country that has replaced currency has always given at least a short time to cash in the old notes

    [Adam Montana] this means your Dinars wouldn't

    [Adam Montana] be "worthless", but you may have a limited window to cash (trade) them in

    Although when iraq changed there currency after Saddam you could only exchange in Iraq, Out side of iraq there were worthless, just collectos item. So I sure hope its different this time. this is the last exchange, the last question in this article is what Im talking about

  6. Sure, I think about it. I guess that goes with risky business . If they do like they did with the first reform oct to jan, calling in and exchanging the old dinar for new and only exchanging in Iraq then yes, we're stuck with collectable money from iraq. So we wait until it happens and see what our options are. Unless you have a Warka account then it would just switch out to new currency over there. Hopefully if our banks wont except it , the dealers will buy it back or maybe our personal banks will I dont think they will be able to exchange for the new dinar since just printed they may not have access to it. My chase bank told me they stopped selling a couple of years ago when speculation started to get overwhelming , they said sure banks sell dinar fo people for travel but when the speculation took over they stopped. So we wait and see!!

  7. I know its hard to understand heres the full article

    The dinar and the deletion of zeros

    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديق | Send this to a friend | نسخة سهلة الطبع | Printable version | RSS RSS

    بقلم: احسان شمران الياسري - (صوت العراق) - 26-09-2011 By: Ehsan Shomran Yasiri - (Voice of Iraq) - 26/09/2011

    الدينار وحذف الاصفار The dinar and the deletion of zeros

    استمعت باهتمام الى الندوة التي عرضتها قناة العراقية الفضائية عن موضوع اعادة هيكلة العملة العراقية وحذف ثلاثة اصفار منها. I listened with interest to the symposium presented by the Iraqi satellite channel on the theme of the restructuring of the Iraqi currency, and deleting three zeros from them. وكنت استمعت الى تصريحات احد المسؤولين في الدولة الذي يُعارض هذهِ القضية ويُسوّق الذرائع عن مخاطر الموضوع.. I listened to the remarks by a state officials who oppose this issue and the market excuses about the dangers of topic ..

    وقد فعلت قناة العراقية خيراً إذ التقت بمحافظ البنك المركزي العراقي ونائبه والسيد رئيس اللجنة المالية في مجلس النواب.. I have done Iraqiya good as she met the Governor of Central Bank of Iraq, his deputy and the President of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives ..

    تقول الفكرة التي يُبشّر بها البنك المركزي إن عملية رفع الاصفار تهدف الى تقليل اعداد الأوراق النقدية التي يتداولها الناس. Says the idea that promises by the central bank said that the process of lifting the zeros aims to reduce the number of banknotes that are open to the people.

    فالبنك ينوي طباعة سلسلة جديدة من الأوراق النقدية تتضمن فئات عالية (50 دينار، 100 دينار و200 دينار) اضافة الى الفئات الموجودة حالياً بعد حذف أصفارها (5 دنانير، 10 دنانير و25 دينار).. The Bank intends to print a new series of banknotes include the categories of high (50 dinars 100 dinars and 200 dinars) in addition to the existing categories after you delete the digit (5 dinars, 10 dinars to 25 dinars) .. وبهذا تصبح الفئات الكبيرة أدوات مهمة لحمل النقود وللادخار ولانجاز المعاملات المالية الكبيرة.. And thus become important tools for large groups to carry cash and savings and complete financial transactions larger .. إذ تصبح الورقة ذات الفئة الكبيرة (200 دينار أو 250 دينار) تعادل نحو (200) دولار. Which become the paper of a large category (200 or 250 dinars, dinars) equivalent to about (200) dollars. وبهذا لا يكون المواطن مضطراً للبحث عن الدولار و(دفاتره). Thus the citizen is not obliged to search for the dollar and (books). وبامكانه انجاز معاملاته بعملته العراقية. And the currency it could complete his business in Iraq. اما الفئات الصغيرة (5، 10، 25) فهي تؤدي الغرض بالمعاملات اليومية. The small groups (5.10, 25) serve the purpose it everyday transactions.

    ووجود الفئات الكبيرة من العملة يساعد على تقليل عدد الأوراق التي ستطبع، إذ تعادل آخر فئة نحو عشرة اضعاف اكبر فئة من عملتنا الحالية وهي (25000) دينار والتي ستتحول الى (25) دينار. And the presence of large groups of currency helps to reduce the number of papers that will print, as equivalent to another class about ten times the largest class of our currency which is the current (25000) dinars, which will turn to (25) dinars. وستختصر فئة الـ (100) دينار أربعة أوراق نقدية من أعلى فئة (25000) دينار وتختصر فئة الـ (50) دينار فئتين منها. And shortened the category of (100) dinars banknotes four of the highest class (25000) dinars, and to summarize the class of (50) dinars, two of them.

    وتذهب فكرة البنك المركزي الى قصة أخرى، وهي الارقام الحسابية الكبيرة التي تملأ أعمدة الموازنات والجداول والميزانيات.. And go the idea of the central bank to another story, a large accounting figures that fills the columns of budgets and schedules and budgets .. حتى قيل ان العراق هو الدولة الوحيدة بعد أمريكا الذي أصبح يتعامل بالترليون!.. It was even said that Iraq is the only country after the United States, which has become Baltrliun deals! .. ولا يستفيد الجمهور لوحدة من عملية تقليل الأرقام الحسابية، بل تستفيد المؤسسات والشركات بعد ان تترشّق معاملاتها وحساباتها بما يتوافق مع الهدف. Does not benefit the public for the integrity of the process of reducing the numbers calculation, but also benefit the institutions and companies after Ttrhq transactions and accounts in accordance with the target.

    ومن ناحية الاهداف النفسية، قد تتمكن عملية رفع الاصفار من اضفاء الثقة بالعملة الوطنية التي ستكون قريبة من حيث القيمة من الوحدة العالمية وهي الدولار.. In terms of goals, psychological, may be able to raise zeros from the process of imposing the confidence in the national currency, which will be close to the value of global unity, the U.S. dollar .. سيكون الدينار الواحد مقارباً للدولار.. Would be roughly comparable to one dinar to the dollar .. وهي خاصية افتقدناها منذ عام 1980 بعد ان بدا الهوان يزحف لعملتنا الوطنية. Avcqdnaha a property since 1980, after the humiliation seemed to crawl to our national currency.

    ان ما علق في اذهان الناس من عملية استبدال النقود التي حدثت عام/2003 التي جرت بشكل عاجل وخلال ثلاث اشهر، لم يجر التركيز عليه من قبل المسؤولين، للتأكيد على مدد الاستبدال التي اوضحها السيد المحافظ.. What stuck in the minds of people from the process of replacing the money that occurred in / 2003 which took place promptly and within three months, has not been emphasized by the officials, to confirm the extended replacement he spelled out the governor .. فبدلاً من ثلاثة أشهر التي استغرقتها العملية عام/2003، يبدو إن هناك أجل أطول، وآليات أفضل، وأنظمة رقابة شديدة كما قال النائب حيدر العبادي.. Instead of three months it took in the process / 2003, there seems to be for longer, and better mechanisms and control systems as severe as MP Haydar Abbadi .. وهذا هو بيت القصيد في المخاوف التي حاول اطلاقها المسؤول الحكومي حتى قبل ان يتداول البنك المركزي مع الحكومة والسلطة التشريعية.. This is the crux of the concerns that tried to launch a government official, even before the central bank is trading with the government and the legislature .. يجب ان لا نتناسى عشرات الضحايا الذين سقطوا صرعى الغيلة والغدر وهم يحملون اكياس الدنانير في الاسواق والمؤسسات.. We must not forget the dozens of victims who died succumbed gheelah and treachery, carrying bags of dinars in the markets and institutions .. ولا نتناسى الوف الموظفين الذين فقدوا معاشاتهم وهي في الطريق من المصارف.. Do not forget the thousands of employees who lost their pensions are in the way of banks ..

    ان عمليات استبدال العملة بعملة جديدة ستحقق الكثير، حتى لو كان بعض المكاسب والمزايا للامة مؤجلا حتى حين، لكن الظاهر للعيان ان مقتضيات الشروع بالمشروع أولى من التأجيل. The currency conversions are a new currency will bring a lot, even if some of the gains and benefits to the nation, even when delayed, but it seems evident that the requirements of the project to initiate the first postponement.

    نشرت في صحيفة المدى يوم 24/9/2011 Published in the newspaper-range missiles on 24/9/2011

  8. The dinar and the deletion of zeros

    26-09-2011 By: Ehsan Shomran Yasiri - (Voice of Iraq) - 26/09/2011

    فار The dinar and the deletion of zeros

    . I listened with interest to the symposium presented by the Iraqi satellite channel on the theme of the restructuring of the Iraqi currency, and deleting three zeros from them. .. I listened to the remarks by a state officials who oppose this issue and the market excuses about the dangers of topic ..

    .. I have done Iraqiya good as she met the Governor of Central Bank of Iraq, his deputy and the President of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives ..

    التي يتداولها الناس. Says the idea that promises by the central bank said that the process of lifting the zeros aims to reduce the number of banknotes that are open to the people.

    (50 دينار، 100 دينار و200 (5 دنانير، 10 دنانير و25 دينار).. The Bank intends to print a new series of banknotes include the categories of high (50 dinars 100 dinars and 200 dinars) in addition to the existing categories after you delete the digit (5 dinars, 10 dinars to 25 dinars) .. .. And thus become important tools for large groups to carry cash and savings and complete financial transactions larger .. (200 دينار أو 250 دينار) تعادل نحو (200) دولار. Which become the paper of a large category (200 or 250 dinars, dinars) equivalent to about (200) dollars. ). Thus the citizen is not obliged to search for the dollar and (books). العراقية. And the currency it could complete his business in Iraq. اما الفئات الصغيرة (5، 10، 25) فهي تؤدي الغرض بالمعاملات اليومية. The small groups (5.10, 25) serve the purpose it everyday transactions.

    عشرة اضعاف اكبر فئة من عملتنا الحالية وهي (25000) دينار والتي ستتحول الى (25) دينار. And the presence of large groups of currency helps to reduce the number of papers that will print, as equivalent to another class about ten times the largest class of our currency which is the current (25000) dinars, which will turn to (25) dinars. وستختصر فئة الـ (100) دينار أربعة أوراق نقدية من أعلى فئة (25000) دينار وتختصر فئة الـ (50) دينار فئتين منها. And shortened the category of (100) dinars banknotes four of the highest class (25000) dinars, and to summarize the class of (50) dinars, two of them.

    و والميزانيات.. And go the idea of the central bank to another story, a large accounting figures that fills the columns of budgets and schedules and budgets .. حتى قيل ان العراق هو !.. It was even said that Iraq is the only country after the United States, which has become Baltrliun deals! . Does not benefit the public for the integrity of the process of reducing the numbers calculation, but also benefit the institutions and companies after Ttrhq transactions and accounts in accordance with the target.

    و.. In terms of goals, psychological, may be able to raise zeros from the process of imposing the confidence in the national currency, which will be close to the value of global unity, the U.S. dollar .. .. Would be roughly comparable to one dinar to the dollar .. وهي خاصية افتقدناها منذ عام 1980 بعد ان بدا الهوان يزحف لعملتنا الوطنية. Avcqdnaha a property since 1980, after the humiliation seemed to crawl to our national currency.

    What stuck in the minds of people from the process of replacing the money that occurred in / 2003 which took place promptly and within three months, has not been emphasized by the officials, to confirm the extended replacement he spelled out the governor .. فبدلاً من ثلاثة أشهر التي استغرقتها العملية عام/2003، يبدو إن هناك أجل أطول، وآليات أفضل، وأنظمة رقابة شديدة كما قال النائب حيدر العبادي.. Instead of three months it took in the process / 2003, there seems to be for longer, and better mechanisms and control systems as severe as MP Haydar Abbadi .. وهذا هو بيت القصيد في المخاوف التي حاول اطلاقها المسؤول الحكومي حتى قبل ان يتداول البنك المركزي مع الحكومة والسلطة التشريعية.. This is the crux of the concerns that tried to launch a government official, even before the central bank is trading with the government and the legislature .. يجب ان لا نتناسى عشرات الضحايا الذين سقطوا صرعى الغيلة والغدر وهم يحملون اكياس الدنانير في الاسواق والمؤسسات.. We must not forget the dozens of victims who died succumbed gheelah and treachery, carrying bags of dinars in the markets and institutions .. ولا نتناسى الوف الموظفين الذين فقدوا معاشاتهم وهي في الطريق من المصارف.. Do not forget the thousands of employees who lost their pensions are in the way of banks ..

    ان عمليات استبدال العملة بعملة جديدة ستحقق . The currency conversions are a new currency will bring a lot, even if some of the gains and benefits to the nation, even when delayed, but it seems evident that the requirements of the project to initiate the first postponement.

    نشرت في صحيفة المدى يوم 24/9/2011 Published in the newspaper-range missiles on 24/9/2011

  9. Maybe this is what Talibani was trying to address with increased wages.

    to prepare a draft to unite the salaries of state employees تم قراءة الموضوع 526 مرة Thread has been read 526 times

    20/09/2011 20/09/2011

    . Revealed the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives conducted to prepare a draft law on unifying the salaries of state employees and retirees in coordination with relevant government agencies in over the Congress for their support of this move, which will contribute to the achievement of justice among the staff of the state. A member of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives for the state of law Abdul Hussein al-Yasiri In a special statement (morning) that the Finance Committee plans to issue a law on salaries of state employees and retirees take into account the increase in prices, inflation and contribute to the achievement of an increase in the salaries of the lower grade with the balance between the staff of the higher grades and lower echelons of the state employees. He added that the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives formed a committee to organize this law includes membership of experts and senior officials from various ministries to regulate the law, noting that the law requires accomplished more time, it's about two million six hundred and fifty thousand employees and more than two million retired with the existence of multiple laws especially staff salaries, requiring standardization of all law and one explaining that the law will be of the best laws of salaries in the region expected its issuance over the next year. He stressed that the ratification of the new law would abolish all the laws of salaries of old that were approved by the House, including the Law of the salaries of the three presidencies, which was recently approved. For his part, MP for the Alliance National member of the Finance Committee Secretary Hadi, said the Commission is seeking to amend the law on salaries of state employees and consolidated after it found there was a discrepancy in salaries granted to staff between the hand and another, and between the Ministry and another, and it emerged the need to find a law unites the salaries of state employees, retirees, and it must be done to determine the level of poverty in the the country in order to find out what is the level that will contribute to a high income to employees saying that the Finance Committee to coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers in this regard and to ensure a law salaries integrated.. Noting that among the priorities of the Committee raised the income level of the staff at the beginning of their appointment, retirees and encourage the work of the social protection network and support to raise the income level of citizens, stressing that the law should be discussed thoroughly to reach a common vision among all parties, parliamentary and governmental organizations. He praised the MP for the Sadr movement Uday Awad-by-step Finance Committee, stressing that the Sadrist movement stressed the need to reduce the salaries of top grades for state employees and equality of all salaries to ensure justice and not the division of society on the basis of class, stressing that the Sadrist movement, standardize the salaries and support: young employees and retirees.

    . The MP for the Iraqi List, Hamid al-Mutlaq said the list with the codification of the salaries of senior civil servants to ensure that finding a class in society and in the same time must be taken into account grades and assessment of university graduates and the competencies they returned to prepare the law requires more effort and study to ensure equity among state employees.

    المزيد من الأخبار More News

  10. Well if they are , they better hurry because they have another meeting tomorrow the 24th,

    with the World Bank I seen where they are located in DC. so he may be in the US

    Launch of the Republic of Iraq Financial Sector Review

    Begins: Sep 24, 2011 14:00

    Ends: Sep 24, 2011 15:30

    On Saturday September 24, the World Bank will host a discussion on a new comprehensive report about Iraq’s Financial Sector. The report highlights the potential of the country, ongoing reforms and remaining challenges.

    Opening remarks will given by the Bank’s Vice President for the Middle East and North Africa region Inger Andersen, Iraq’s Minister of Finance, Rafi El Essawi and the Governer of Iraq’s Central Bank Sinan Al Shabibi. The session will be moderated by Omer Karaspan, Knowledge Coordinator at the Bank’s Middle East and North African region.

  11. the Iraqi Central Bank raises interest rate to 16%

    البينة/بغداد Evidence / Baghdad

    كشف البنك المركزي العراقي عن ارتفاع معدلات التضخم في شهر أكتوبر الماضي بنسبة 2 ,7% عن الشهر الذي سبقه، مشيرا إلى اعتماد سياسة متشددة في أسعار الفائدة ورفعها إلى 16% لدفع المصارف التجارية لإجراء تعديلات جوهرية في معدلات الفائدة المصرفية المختلفة لمعالجة The central bank of the Iraqi high rates of inflation in the month last October by 2.7% from the previous month, pointing to the adoption of a strict policy of interest rates, raised to 16% to pay the commercial banks to make substantial changes in interest rates to address the various banking

    هذا التضخم. This inflation.

    وقال بيان أصدره البنك المركزي "إن الرقم القياسي لأسعار المستهلك في العراق في شهر أكتوبر 2006"، أفصح عن زيادة في معدلات التضخم بلغت قرابة 2 ,7% مقارنة بشهر سبتمبر من العام نفسه". A statement issued by the Central Bank, "The index of consumer prices in Iraq in October 2006," disclosed an increase in the inflation rate amounted to approximately 2.7% compared with September of the same year. "

    وأضاف البيان أن تلك الزيادة "أظهرت ارتفاعات متباينة في أسعار السلع والخدمات كافة، انعكست بشكل أو بآخر على مستوى التضخم السنوي الذي شهد ارتفاعا ملحوظا بلغ حوالي 9 ,52% على وفق مؤشرات شهر أكتوبر المنصرم مقارنة بشهر سبتمبر الماضي البالغة 6 ,51%". The statement added that the increase "showed diverse rises in the prices of goods and all services, reflected more or less at the level of annual inflation, which has seen a remarkable increase of about 9.52 percent, according to indicators of the month last October compared to September, amounting to 6.51%." وأشار البنك المركزي إلى أنه "على الرغم من الهبوط الطفيف في المعدل السنوي للتضخم الأساسي في شهر أكتوبر الماضي 2006 ـ وهو الرقم القياسي لأسعار المستهلك.. مستثناة منه فقرات الوقود والإضاءة والنقل والمواصلات. The central bank said that "despite the slight decline in the annual rate of core inflation in October 2006, the index of consumer prices .. exempt from the paragraphs of fuel, lighting and transport and communications.

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