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Everything posted by keepmwlknfny
Its been posted and told straight from CBI that the auctions stopped because of the attacks and pending investigations being held to figure out what happened and who did it.....they said that auctions will resume sometime this week coming up, I believe they said tuesday..... as far as the govt being fully formed it could be another couple of months....they arent in any way worried about hurrying up the process....they are playing the waiting game with eachother to see who will join which bloc to see who will end up with the majority.....havent heard anything about ch7 except that they are still working on getting Iraq out so we just have to wait and see!
have you actually looked up the history of the kuwait dinar?? doesnt seem so....they did RI....the value of the currency actually dropped for a little bit....the currency was changed a little and then was reinstated and floated to a high and then dropped back down and settled to around what it is now.....what have you been reading? just curious.....cause while they invaded their currency was crap, just like the iraqi dinar.....and then almost 6 years later BOOM! it rose to its previous levels....hahaha im not tryin to get in a pissing match here i was simply tryin to inform the people that were i guess misinformed or that didnt really read all the policies that supposedly protected us as investors.....it doesnt matter what happened in kuwait cause this is a diff story but the possibility of what they can do i wanted to throw out there cause there are a bunch of loop holes in the supposed executive order and the coalition authorities policies that dont specifically protect us in any extent.... Now your seeing my point.....the possibilites of what they can do is kinda f*&cked up!!! And just to let you know there are a bunch more banks then just warka to deal with.....its not that hard to sell your dinar and then have US dollars wired to an account....they work pretty hard to have your buisness over there....and all im sayin is that ive been thinkin about spreading my money out and MAYBE opening an account....thats all you could really do to get ready for this....not have all your money in one place....diversify.....which i think adam has been tryin to preach for the longest cause we really dont know whats goin to happen in the end.....im not saying i think they will block us investors out.....when will you see im simply offering another side of the story to think about....thats all this is.....im hangin on for dear life and praying they dont do anything so stupid but im keeping in mind the possibilities of what could happen so that i stay on my toes with this investment as should everyone else....but if we did have an account in country this is something we wouldnt have to worry about....as for myself i think im goin to keep some dinar in hand and then maybe open an iraqi bank account just in case things dont happen the way we think they are.....its simply spreading the money around to help the chances....thats all.....and yes i agree with you completely no one should be spending their rent money to get some more dinar but im afraid my friend alot of people take words and these predictions a little too seriously and actually do blow bill money on getting more dinar which i wish we could stop that crap.... The only thing i can say is spread your dinar around like adam has been saying.....its for the what ifs in this investment.....Ali no matter what you say is telling us he will be able to exchange the dinar which i believe him but even he doesnt know exactly what iraq is going to do.....i would keep some dinar in hand and maybe open an iraq bank account and put alot in there too just to be prepared as to what CAN happen.....im waiting for his bank to open to see what he can offer....i trust Ali and i think he is a great buisness man......
Yes I know they didnt RV....they RI'd after changin the currency a couple of times....the point is that they didnt allow anyone out of the country to exchange the Kuwait dinar unless they had an account in kuwait or with the united emerates which was affiliated with the country of kuwait....the point is they didnt let outsiders freely exchange the kuwait dinar plain and simple.....and russia didnt let outsiders do that either....thats the point im tryin to make and its the same thing that can happen with Iraq....they completely control what can and will happen as far as restrictions to us as speculators and investors to exchanging the dinar....its in their hands.....we arent protected by any policy or law...thats the point of this post....the possibilities of what COULD happen so people can be aware of these things....
Yes they know what bills were stolen, but to make it easier they could limit the exchange to people in country which would have to go to the bank in person (serial numbers still being checked in person) and to people that have accounts with the banks in Iraq so they have the contact info and know who opened these accounts in case they did try to exchange stolen dinar....it would drastically reduce the chances of someone being able to exchange stolen dinar or for someone who is connected with terrorist organizations to cash in.....it makes it so much easier doing it that way which is exactly why kuwait and russia did it they way they did....yes of course they couldnt prevent it 100% but they dang sure could get very close to that!! thats just the reality of things that we have to face in this investment because of the corruption involved in that country....this is included in the possibilites with an RV....hence the name of post.....it could happen...no one knows....we just have to pray and keep our fingers crossed! i myself would be extremely pissed if anything of the sort happened....we just need to be aware of all the possible outcomes and plan accordingly....as much as I HATE to say this hahaha cause ive been against it the whole time....i myself have been thinkin twice about opening a bank account with iraq and putting half of my dinar in that to diversify just incase the worst comes out....dont wanna get the short end of the stick which im sure none of you want that either!!
and its not a matter of what we over here in the US as speculators have as far as the amount...i know we dont have much at all....there thoughts just as russia's were is about criminal organizations and terrorists outside of the country that have large amounts of dinar....they dont want them to be able to cash in when they revalue....i know i wouldnt want that....that was one of the reasons why russia and kuwait did what they did....they werent tryin to screw anyone over...it was the fact of keeping funds out of the wrong hands and i completely agree with that.....with all the robberies that have taken place over the years you dont think there are a bunch of criminals or terrorists that have this money in their possession? Iraq has to think about themselves and whats going to be the safest thing for them to do....they arent worried about the other govts cause they will get their money exchanged....they ARE worried about the little people scattered around that have dinar because they dont wanna be funding terrorist activities....no country wants to be responsible for that
And its when you feel that your are extremely safe that you are the most vulnerable because you no longer watch your back.......what other govts hold in reserve to back up their own currency is a completely different story then what we are doing, simply buying the currency as an investment....of course the other countries wont be screwed as far as being able to exchange for the new currency....that just wouldnt be possible....but we as speculators have no rights when it comes to that stuff....you think other countries werent allowed to exchange the kuwait currency? of course they were....but restrictions were set in place for the citizens....the little people....we are held on a different platform then lets say another countries govt....we are not going to have the same rights as anyones govt, even our own and to think that is absurd.....of course anything held in foreign reserves would be required to exchange when the currency changes but we as citizens dont have the same rights and by law we arent protected....just wanted people to understand that this is not a done deal...this is not a for sure investment either....Iraq can do anything they want....even the coalition provisional authority has it written that their own policies can be thrown out if the iraqi govt votes against it....the govt of iraq can change anything they wish.....it kinda opens up your eyes a little and gives ya a dose of reality.....we as citizens are not protected but i dont think that they would do anything like that but the possibility is there and thats what this post was made for....just to inform....
Its really all preference....doesnt make too much of a difference.....yea some are gettin 5,000 notes sayin that when you exchange those you can avoid filling out the certain form that gets sent to IRS for tax purposes but if you have a large quantity it will take you FOREVER to cash all those in....you might as well not be greedy about it, cash all in at once and just give uncle sam his share of it....hell your going to end up with a crap load more of money then what you started with so whats the big deal giving up maybe 15% to pay taxes?? Ill be glad to pay taxes off of it even if its a little higher then that!! As far you getting the 10k and 5k because your saying they are going to get rid of the larger denoms....well those two are the larger denoms they are talking about removing from circulation so you really didnt help yourself....all the bills with three zeros the 25k, 10k, and 5k are the ones they are talking about getting rid of.....but getting smaller bills then those are a bit more expensive and harder to find as well.....yea the smaller ones are all over ebay but you dont know what your getting....you might see good ratings for sellers off ebay and maybe they are real but you have to keep in mind the tons of dinar thats been stolen from banks in Iraq and the bills that were stolen I can guarantee they are keeping track of the serial numbers on them so you could end up getting shafted.....just keep the bills you have now because you willl get the opportunity to cash those in when the time comes with no problem!
You will be able to buy dinar from him before and even after it RV's...he is a currency dealer/trader and would be required to.....even if the banks were to have no access anymore to buying the dinar Ali and currency dealers will still have access.....
This isent talking about lopping zeros.....these are talking about how we as investors are not protected by any executive order or any policy when investing in Iraq just by buying their currency....in other words they are not bound by any agreement or law when it comes to their currency....they can do whatever they want with it including keeping us from buying it and POSSIBLY keeping us from exchanging it....the only reason we are able to buy dinar now is because they are letting us but they dont have to.....im not saying they are going to do this or will but just wanted to inform everyone out there that we are not protected by law when investing or buying thier currency....
This was information that was not an opinon article just to let you know........one I copied straight from the files off of the white house's documents page and the other was straight off the main coalition provisional authority web page....wasent going to just take an opinion and write about this stuff....i wanted concrete evidence and the true written meanings behind these policies put in place.......
Just wanted to Inform everyone...thats all....especially since we now saw that they are now restricting the sale of dinar to foreign banks now which could be the reasons for all these places having dinar on backorder....just goes to show that Iraq can do anything they want with this...the ONLY reason we have been able to buy dinar is because they were letting us.....thats all....they dont have to do any of that.....so lets just keep our fingers crossed!!!
Yes there were these executive orders and policies set in place but when you read the specifics on these, we as speculators and simple currency holders arent really protected at all.....we should be aware that it is technically possible for Iraq to do something similar to what Russia did but make it so that only Iraqis can exchange the dinar....technically speaking if they wanted to stick it to us hard they COULD put out the smaller denoms, only availible in country, let everyone swap out the old dinar for the new (including these investors and buisnesses protected under the policies) and then moving to the world exchange market but only after making the older dinar invalid leaving us screwed .....Iraqis and the buisnesses and contracts that actually fall under these two policies set forth for protecting foreign investors, buisnesses and contracts would be safe....i really dont think they will do that but i just wanted to put out all angles of possibilities.....there are loop holes in these poilicies and orders that we think were put in place to protect us.....the Executive order that president bush signed is almost strickly regarding US oil companies in Iraq and US interests in Iraqi oil...... The primary effect of EO 13303 is the legal protection of US oil companies. EO 13303 is part of a broader endeavor by the Bush administration to exert control over Iraqi oil revenues. The plan centers on the Development Fund for Iraq, created by the United Nations and nominally controlled by the United States, with advice from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The second part of the plan is EO 13303, providing absolute legal protection for US interests in Iraqi oil As far as the coalition provisional government order 39.....we are allowed to invest in things just like an iraqi citizen but it like most things in life has its exceptions to the rule as well...... Section 6 Areas of Foreign Investment 1) Foreign investment may take place with respect to all economic sectors in Iraq, except that foreign direct and indirect ownership of the natural resources sector involving primary extraction and initial processing remains prohibited. In addition, this Order does not apply to banks and insurance companies. Now no one knows whats going to happen when this goes down....im not saying any of this is definately going to happen either...it would def piss off almost everyone of us!! I just thought that I would bring this info to life so that we all know what is possible to happen.....i dont want this crap to go down, i was just reading all through this stuff after it showed up on some previous posts and i found it quite interesting noticing the loop holes in place....just goes to show that ANYTHING can still happen.....I pray to god they dont think about all that stuff..... lol.....just thought i would share this with everyone because i dont think alot of people have actually sat down and read the details on the executive order signed by bush and the coalition provisional authorities policy regarding foreign investment.....so in short this is kinda what i pulled out of all that mumbo jumbo....would love to hear everyones opinions about this so please leave a comment and let me know what all of you think on these!! dont take this as being negative cause im not doing that....its just the reality im pulling out of this investment that we should all be aware of....if iraq pulls any of this stuff over on us im personally flying over there and taking a huge dump on the CBI's lobby floor for them to enjoy hahahaha anyone wanna come with???
Why is that info considered being negative?? How come whenever anyone says something that everyone doesnt wanna hear its being negative?? This guy is probly well informed on economic situations and is using sound judgement on what HE THINKS is going to happen. He isent bashing us saying the dinar is crap and it was a dumb idea....he is just taking a different approach to making an opinion on when he thinks it will happen....ive never heard of this guy...i thought dr. dinar was the Jack DeAngelis guy that we have been seeing on youtube and other posts....oh well....but besides that yea seeing oil at $150 a barrel is pretty dang high....i would think that if there is more oil being produced it would bring down the price of oil per barrel....unless we are talking YEARS down the road when it starts to get scarce but i dont see it getting that high for a long time!! As far as the numbers of barrels being produced I can see that....but i would think by the time Iraq is producing 5 million barrels per day we would be years down the road and looking at a rate around 3.00....I think it will RV sometime this year...not as soon as many people are thinking but give the govt a little time to get situated and we might see a little action.....this guy could just simply be looking at economical factors that would support a RV and nothing else....but hey everyone has an opinion right??
Did you try Wells Fargo?? Im in phoenix and have been getting mine from Ali but I was told WF sells both dinar and dong but havent called to any specific branches here....
Oil Volcano Pressure Too Strong For Containment
keepmwlknfny replied to Traconesu02's topic in Off Topic posts
I'm going to have to second that notion!! Geeze there is almost as much normal BS as there is dinar related BS hahaha -
RV soon ( what do you guys think)
keepmwlknfny replied to sparklingblue's topic in RV & Dinar Questions
I would say AT LEAST another couple of months....July is too early....we have to pray that they can just get the PM seated within the thirtydays and even that is a stretch!!! I wish it would happen end of July for my bday but I feel it will be closer to winter before anything happens!! -
Mark these words.....will still be another month AT LEAST before they even get a PM selected...they take forever to do anything so what makes you believe just cause they have a parliment meeting that everything will be figured out and they will RV?? I think we still have a little ways to go....I honestly at this point feel like we will be lucky as hell to see this infamous RV by the end of the year....they just drag their feet with EVERYTHING possible....getting a govt together is the most important of all and look how long it's taken them!! I pray I'm wrong, but I would be willing to bet for sure that we will see June and July go by without any RV.....someone needs to sit them down and hold them hostage or something to speed this process up hahaha
All of this is false.....i hate obama as much as the next person but he did none of what was stated in that article about him burning flags and not saluting the american flag because he didnt believe in it.....you can all check it out on snopes.com and you will see this is all false...believe me i wish it was true....but as you all know we are all tired of seeing BS on dinar and rumors so how is this any different?
Alot of our troops apparently dont think its going to happen....or at least not like we think it is....i have also talked to a couple of troops that returned home, their OPINION is that it will RV, nothing close to a dollar but that we do still have some time yet before they do it....now i do somewhat agree that we might be waiting a little longer then expected because the way things are going its gonna take them awhile just to get a PM selected and put into office but i do think that we should at least see it jump over 50 cents....could be wrong hahaha hope im wrong....but i do think we will be in the midst of fall at the earliest before it RV's......they take too long....period....and the CBI wont change the exchange rate without a govt in place....why would you throw a revalue in the mix without a govt in place to control the masses? too much goin on right now.....
It was probly locked because all of it is completely false.....look it up on snopes.com its all not true and was made up by someone who misinterpreted or something......as much as i wish it was true though cause i would like another couple of reasons to hate obama hahaha
It was a "perdiction"......based on info he might of heard......no one thought that the elections would take so long....creating the govt has to be done first.....so we continue to wait....thats just how things go......as far as his "perdiction" i believe it was a PREDICTION.....nothing is guaranteed in Iraq....just be patient, a govt isent formed in one day and Im sure thats probly part of what he was counting on to be done by now but as we see they cant make up their mind on anything and we just have to deal with that.....they arent worried about an RV right now, just getting a stable govt together to curb the violence....
No need to worry....we will be able to cash in our dinar for us dollars when it revalues....you want your proof? give Ali a call.....need more proof? start calling banks around you and see who deals with dinar and find out from them that you will be able to exchange.....you dont need a iraqi bank account....you are safe with holding the cash in your hands....the different senerios you are talking about with the other countries are just that...different senerios....thats not how it will be happening in this case with Iraq. If your banks are offering to sell and buy back your dinar do you think all of a sudden they wont take it just cause the value goes up?? They will in fact be making more money off of you when that happens.....oh yea i did forget the currency exchange booths at international airports....they dont deal now but when its recognized they will be jumping on board too....
Iraq does not pay us anything when they RV....no one comes out of pocket to pay us....its a simple exchange of one currency for another....thats all it is....no one is paying out of pocket to all of us.....and it is possible for a lot of us to make millions....just depends on how smart we are when this all goes down.....
Dinar Trade will always have dinar even after it RV's.....you cant look at them to determine whats goin on because Ali is a currency dealer....you need to watch the banks.....they could be on back order because of high demand but im thinkin more along the lines of because there is a shortage due to liquidity being reduced......
No Iraqi Government Yet
keepmwlknfny replied to financeminister's topic in Iraq & Dinar Related News